def add_rehearsal_song(rehearsal_id, song_id, pos): try: rehearsal = get_rehearsal(rehearsal_id) song = get_song(song_id) if rehearsal.setlist.contains(song): raise Exception("This song is already on the setlist!") aSong = AllocatedSong(setlist=rehearsal.setlist, song=song, position=pos) # advances each song in the setlist after my new position by 1 position if (rehearsal.setlist.count > 0): for aSong in AllocatedSong.objects.filter(setlist=rehearsal.setlist, position__gte=pos).exclude(song=song): aSong.position += 1 return rehearsal except Exception as exc: raise Exception("Error adding song to rehearsal's setlist: %s" % exc.message)
def add_gig_song(gig_id, song_id, pos): try: gig = get_gig(gig_id) song = get_song(song_id) if gig.setlist.contains(song): raise Exception("This song is already on the setlist!") newSong = AllocatedSong(setlist=gig.setlist, song=song, position = pos) # advances each song in the setlist after my new position by 1 position if (gig.setlist.count > 0): for aSong in AllocatedSong.objects.filter(setlist=gig.setlist, position__gte=pos).exclude(song=song): aSong.position += 1 return gig except Exception as exc: raise Exception("Error adding song to gig's setlist: %s" % exc.message)
def add_setlist_song(band_id, artist, title): try: band = get_band(band_id) song = Song.objects.filter(band = band, artist = artist, title = title) if len(song) == 0: song = Song.objects.create(band = band, artist = artist, title = title) else: song = song[0] if band.setlist.contains(song): raise SongAlreadyOnSetlistError(song, "This song is already on the setlist!") aSong = AllocatedSong(setlist=band.setlist, song=song) return band except SongAlreadyOnSetlistError: raise except Exception as exc: raise Exception("Error adding song: %s" % exc.message)