def setUpClass(cls): """ Make sure correct database is being used and if so, that is clean """ super(BaseTestCase, cls).setUpClass() = create_app("config.TestConfig")"Using \"{}\" database".format('MONGODB_DB')))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from project import create_app, create_celery app = create_app(config='../local.cfg') celery = create_celery(app) celery.start()
def create_app(self): test_app = create_app('test') return test_app
def create_app(self): app = create_app() app.config.from_object('project.config.TestingConfig') return app
#! /usr/bin/env python import os from flask_script import Manager from project import create_app, db, bcrypt from project.models.user import User app = create_app(os.getenv('PROJECT_CONFIG', 'default')) manager = Manager(app) def make_shell_context(): return dict(app=app, db=db) @manager.command def create_db(): '''Creates the db tables.''' db.create_all() db.session.add(User('root', bcrypt.generate_password_hash('root'), None)) db.session.commit() @manager.command def drop_db(): """Drops the db tables.""" db.drop_all() if __name__ == '__main__':
import os from flask import Flask from flask.ext.script import Manager from flask.ext.migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommand from project import create_app, db basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) app = create_app('default') manager = Manager(app) migrate = Migrate(app, db) manager.add_command('db', MigrateCommand) if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os, shutil from datetime import datetime from project import create_app from flask.ext.script import Manager, Shell, prompt_bool from flask.ext.migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommand from project.apps.account.models import User app = create_app(os.getenv('FLASK_CONFIG') or 'default') db = app.config['db'] manager = Manager(app) migrate = Migrate(app, db) def _make_shell_context(): return dict(app=app, db=db, User=User) manager.add_command("shell", Shell(make_context=_make_shell_context)) manager.add_command('db', MigrateCommand) # 打印url映射表 print(app.url_map) if __name__ == '__main__':
from project import create_app from project.config import DeploymentConfig application = create_app(DeploymentConfig)
import unittest from flask.cli import FlaskGroup from project import create_app, db from project.api.models import User app = create_app() cli = FlaskGroup(create_app=create_app) @cli.command() def recreate_db(): db.drop_all() db.create_all() db.session.commit() @cli.command() def test(): """ Runs the tests without code coverage""" tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('project/tests', pattern='test*.py') result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests) if result.wasSuccessful(): return 0 return 1 @cli.command() def seed_db(): """Seeds the database.""" db.session.add(User(username='******', email='*****@*****.**'))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ------------------------------------ # Imports # ------------------------------------ import logging import project logging.debug("Iniciando servidor Flask") app = project.create_app() # ------------------------------------ # 'Main' # ------------------------------------ if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=5000)
def test_app(): app = create_app() app.config.from_object("project.config.TestingConfig") with app.app_context(): yield app # testing happens here
def create_app(self): app = create_app(testing=True) return app
import click import random from project import create_app, db from flask.cli import with_appcontext app = create_app('flask.cfg') @app.cli.command('init-db') @with_appcontext def init_db_command(): tags_series = 400 graphics = 1000 max_tags_per_graphic = 1000 def fill_db(prod_db): random.seed(42) tag_names = [ '{0}_{1}'.format(name, i) for i in range(tags_series) for name in ('tesla', 'mask', 'ev') ] db_tags = [] for element in tag_names: tag = Tag(element) db_tags.append(tag) prod_db.session.add(tag) for i in range(graphics): graph = Graph('G1{:05d}'.format(i)) graph.tags.extend(
def setUp(self): self.test_app = create_app() self.test_app.config.from_object("project.config.TestingConfig")
import os from flask_script import Manager # class for handling a set of commands from flask_migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommand from project import db, create_app from project.models import Booking import psycopg2 ENVIRONMENT = os.environ.get('ENVIRONMENT') app = create_app(ENVIRONMENT) migrate = Migrate(app, db) manager = Manager(app) manager.add_command('db', MigrateCommand) if __name__ == '__main__':
def app(): app = create_app() return app
"""Basic app file.""" from project import create_app if __name__ == "__main__": app = create_app('config.Test')
from flask.cli import FlaskGroup from project import create_app, db # new from project.api.models import User # new # coverge here to help COV = coverage.coverage( branch=True, include="project/*", omit=["project/tests/*", "project/"] ) COV.start() # to read under folder project so it can include variable app and db app = create_app() # new cli = FlaskGroup(create_app=create_app) # new # new # This registers a new command, recreate_db, to the CLI # so that we can run it from the command line, which we'll use shortly to apply the model to the database @cli.command("recreate_db") def recreate_db(): db.drop_all() db.create_all() db.session.commit() @cli.command() def test():
def create_app(self): app = create_app('config.Test') return app
#!venv/bin/python import os import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) try: from project import config_mysql os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] = 'mysql://%s:%s@localhost/%s' % ( config_mysql.username, config_mysql.password, config_mysql.db) except ImportError: os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] = 'sqlite:///' \ + os.path.join(basedir, 'project/app.db') from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer from project import create_app, db from flask_script import Manager, Shell from flask_migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommand app = create_app('production') manager = Manager(app) migrate = Migrate(app, db) if __name__ == '__main__': WSGIServer(app).run()
#!/usr/bin/env python # find . -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -rf {} \; # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from project import create_app from project.config import DevelopmentConfig application = create_app(DevelopmentConfig) if __name__ == '__main__':
# !/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask_script import Manager from flask import render_template from project import create_app # in case we run the test command choose the "TestConfig" import sys arg_dict = dict((i, v) for i, v in enumerate(sys.argv)) config = "config.TestConfig" if arg_dict.get(1, None) == "test" else None app = create_app(config) manager = Manager(app) @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_template('404.html'), 404 if __name__ == '__main__': import project.commands as cmd manager.add_command("worker", cmd.WorkerCommand()) manager.add_command("test", cmd.TestCommand()) manager.add_command("routes", cmd.ListRoutesCommand()) manager.add_command("create-user", cmd.CreateUserCommand()) manager.add_command("delete-user", cmd.DeleteUserCommand()) manager.add_command("create-db", cmd.CreateDBCommand()) __version__ = '0.2.0'
from project import create_app app = create_app() if __name__ == "__main__": with app.app_context():
def create_app(self): test_app = create_app('test') test_app.config['TESTING'] = True return test_app
from project import create_app from flask_script import Manager config_name = 'development' app = create_app(config_name) manager = Manager(app) if __name__ == '__main__':
def test_app(): app = create_app() app.config.from_object('project.config.TestingConfig') with app.app_context(): yield app # this is where the testing happens