def __init__(self): self._icon = QIcon() self._name = '' self._version = 1.0 self._description = '' self._customData = DataSet() self._xmlElement = None
def fromXml( xprofile ): """ Restores the profile information from XML. :param xprofile | <xml.etree.ElementTree.Element> :return <XViewProfile> """ # determine the proper version if xprofile.tag != 'profile': return XViewProfile() version = int(xprofile.get('version', '1')) # load the legacy information - just layout data if version == 1: prof = XViewProfile() prof.setXmlElement(xprofile) return prof # load latest information prof = XViewProfile() prof.setName(xprofile.get('name', '')) prof.setVersion(float(xprofile.get('profile_version', '1.0'))) ico = xprofile.get('icon') if ico is not None: prof.setIcon(os.path.expandvars(ico)) else: ico = xprofile.find('icon') if ico is not None: prof.setIcon(projexui.generatePixmap(ico.text)) # restore data xdata = xprofile.find('data') if ( xdata is not None ): prof._customData = DataSet.fromXml(xdata) # load description xdesc = xprofile.find('desc') if ( xdesc is not None ): prof.setDescription(xdesc.text) # load layout xlayout = xprofile.find('layout') if ( xlayout is not None ): prof.setXmlElement(xlayout) return prof
def fromXml(xprofile): """ Restores the profile information from XML. :param xprofile | <xml.etree.ElementTree.Element> :return <XViewProfile> """ # determine the proper version if xprofile.tag != 'profile': return XViewProfile() version = int(xprofile.get('version', '1')) # load the legacy information - just layout data if version == 1: prof = XViewProfile() prof.setXmlElement(xprofile) return prof # load latest information prof = XViewProfile() prof.setName(xprofile.get('name', '')) prof.setVersion(float(xprofile.get('profile_version', '1.0'))) ico = xprofile.get('icon') if ico is not None: prof.setIcon(os.path.expandvars(ico)) else: ico = xprofile.find('icon') if ico is not None: prof.setIcon(projexui.generatePixmap(ico.text)) # restore data xdata = xprofile.find('data') if (xdata is not None): prof._customData = DataSet.fromXml(xdata) # load description xdesc = xprofile.find('desc') if (xdesc is not None): prof.setDescription(xdesc.text) # load layout xlayout = xprofile.find('layout') if (xlayout is not None): prof.setXmlElement(xlayout) return prof
def fromXml( xprofile ): """ Restores the profile information from XML. :param xprofile | <xml.etree.ElementTree.Element> :return <XViewProfile> """ # determine the proper version if ( xprofile.tag != 'profile' ): return XViewProfile() version = int(xprofile.get('version', '1')) # load the legacy information - just layout data if ( version == 1 ): prof = XViewProfile() prof.setXmlElement(xprofile) return prof # load latest information prof = XViewProfile() prof.setName(xprofile.get('name', '')) prof.setIcon(xprofile.get('icon', '')) # restore data xdata = xprofile.find('data') if ( xdata is not None ): prof._customData = DataSet.fromXml(xdata) # load description xdesc = xprofile.find('desc') if ( xdesc is not None ): prof.setDescription(xdesc.text) # load layout xlayout = xprofile.find('layout') if ( xlayout is not None ): prof.setXmlElement(xlayout) return prof
class XViewProfile(object): def __init__( self ): self._icon = '' self._name = '' self._description = '' self._customData = DataSet() self._xmlElement = None def customData( self, key, default = None ): """ Returns the custom information linked with this profile for the given tag. :param key | <str> default | <variant> || None :return <variant> """ return self._customData.value(key, default) def description( self ): """ Returns the description of this profile. :return <str> """ return self._description def duplicate( self ): """ Create a duplicate of this profile and returns it. :return <XViewProfile> """ out = XViewProfile() out._icon = self._icon out._name = self._name out._description = self._description out._customData = copy.deepcopy(self._customData) out._xmlElement = copy.deepcopy(self._xmlElement) return out def icon( self ): """ Returns the icon path for this profile. :return <str> """ return self._icon def isEmpty( self ): """ Returns whether or not this profile is empty or not. This is determined if it actually defines any view data or not. :return <bool> """ return self._xmlElement is None def name( self ): """ Returns the name of this profile. :return <str> """ return self._name def restore(self, viewWidget): """ Applies the profile to the inputed view widget. :param viewWidget | <XViewWidget> """ if self._xmlElement is None: viewWidget.reset(force = True) return False # disable all the information viewWidget.blockSignals(True) viewWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(False) viewWidget.setCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) # reset the view widget if not viewWidget.canClose(): viewWidget.blockSignals(False) viewWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(True) return False # close all the views (handles additional closing logic for threads and # cleanup) for view in viewWidget.findChildren(XView): view.close() view.deleteLater() # clear the reset data oldwidget = viewWidget.takeWidget() if oldwidget: oldwidget.close() oldwidget.deleteLater() # restore the widget data widget = self.restoreWidget(viewWidget, viewWidget, self._xmlElement[0]) viewWidget.setWidget(widget) viewWidget.setLocked(self._xmlElement.get('locked') == 'True') # enable the infromation viewWidget.unsetCursor() viewWidget.blockSignals(False) viewWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(True) return True def restoreWidget( self, viewWidget, parent, xwidget ): """ Creates the widget with the inputed parent based on the given xml type. :param viewWidget | <XViewWidget> parent | <QWidget> xwidget | <xml.etree.Element> :return <QWidget> """ # create a new splitter if ( xwidget.tag == 'split' ): widget = XSplitter(parent) if ( xwidget.get('orient') == 'horizontal' ): widget.setOrientation( Qt.Horizontal ) else: widget.setOrientation( Qt.Vertical ) # restore the children for xchild in xwidget: widget.addWidget( self.restoreWidget( viewWidget, widget, xchild ) ) widget.restoreState(QByteArray.fromBase64(xwidget.get('state'))) return widget # create a new panel elif ( xwidget.tag == 'panel' ): widget = XViewPanel(parent) widget.blockSignals(True) # restore the children for xchild in xwidget: child = self.restoreWidget( viewWidget, widget, xchild ) if ( not child ): err = 'Missing View Type: %s' % xchild.get('type') logger.warning(err) continue widget.addTab(child, child.windowTitle()) widget.setCurrentIndex(int(xwidget.get('current', 0))) widget.blockSignals(False) widget.markCurrentChanged() view = widget.currentWidget() if isinstance(view, XView): view.initialize(force=True) return widget # create a new view else: viewType = viewWidget.findViewType( xwidget.get('type') ) if ( not viewType ): return None widget = viewType.createInstance(parent) widget.setObjectName(xwidget.get('name')) widget.restoreXml(xwidget) widget.setViewingGroup(int(xwidget.get('group', 0))) title = xwidget.get('title') if ( title ): widget.setWindowTitle(title) return widget def save( self, filename ): """ Saves the xml data to the inputed filename. :param filename | <str> """ projex.text.xmlindent(self.xmlElement()) try: f = open(filename, 'w') except IOError: logger.exception('Could not save file: %s' % filename) return False f.write(self.toString()) f.close() return True def setCustomData( self, key, value ): """ Sets the value for the profile to the inputed value at the given key. :param key | <str> value | <variant> """ self._customData.setValue(key, value) def setDescription( self, description ): """ Sets the description of this profile to the inputed description. :param description | <str> """ if description is not None: self._description = description def setIcon( self, icon ): """ Sets the path to the icon for this profile to the given icon. :param icon | <str> """ self._icon = icon def setName( self, name ): """ Sets the name for this profile. :param name | <str> """ self._name = name def setXmlElement( self, element ): """ Sets the xml data that defines this profile to the inputed value. :param element | <xml.etree.Element> """ self._xmlElement = copy.deepcopy(element) def toXml( self, xparent = None ): """ Converts the data for this profile into an XML blob. :return <xml.etree.ElementTree.Element> """ if ( xparent is not None ): xprofile = ElementTree.SubElement(xparent, 'profile') else: xprofile = ElementTree.Element('profile') xprofile.set('version', '2') xprofile.set('name', xprofile.set('icon', self.icon()) xdata = ElementTree.SubElement(xprofile, 'data') self._customData.toXml(xdata) xdesc = ElementTree.SubElement(xprofile, 'desc') xdesc.text = self.description() if ( self._xmlElement is not None ): xlayout = copy.deepcopy(self._xmlElement) xlayout.tag = 'layout' xprofile.append(xlayout) return xprofile def toString( self ): """ Converts the data about this view widget into a string value. :return <str> """ xprofile = self.toXml() projex.text.xmlindent(xprofile) return ElementTree.tostring(xprofile) def xmlElement( self ): """ Returns the xml element that defines this profile. :return <xml.etree.Element> || None """ return self._xmlElement @staticmethod def recordWidget(xparent, widget): """ Records the inputed widget to the parent profile. :param xparent | <xml.etree.Element> widget | <QWidget> """ # record a splitter if isinstance(widget, XSplitter): xwidget = ElementTree.SubElement(xparent, 'split') if ( widget.orientation() == Qt.Horizontal ): xwidget.set('orient', 'horizontal') else: xwidget.set('orient', 'vertical') xwidget.set('state', str(widget.saveState().toBase64())) # record sub-widgets for i in range(widget.count()): XViewProfile.recordWidget(xwidget, widget.widget(i)) # record a view panel elif isinstance(widget, XViewPanel): xwidget = ElementTree.SubElement(xparent, 'panel') xwidget.set('current', str(widget.currentIndex())) for i in range(widget.count()): XViewProfile.recordWidget(xwidget, widget.widget(i)) # record a view elif widget is not None: xwidget = ElementTree.SubElement(xparent, 'view') xwidget.set('name', str(widget.objectName())) xwidget.set('title', str(widget.windowTitle())) xwidget.set('type', str(widget.viewTypeName())) xwidget.set('group', str(widget.viewingGroup())) widget.saveXml(xwidget) @staticmethod def record( viewWidget ): """ Records the state for the inputed view widget into data. :param viewWidget | <XViewWidget> """ profile = XViewProfile() xprofile = ElementTree.Element('profile') xprofile.set('locked', str(viewWidget.isLocked())) XViewProfile.recordWidget(xprofile, viewWidget.widget()) profile.setXmlElement(xprofile) return profile @staticmethod def fromXml( xprofile ): """ Restores the profile information from XML. :param xprofile | <xml.etree.ElementTree.Element> :return <XViewProfile> """ # determine the proper version if ( xprofile.tag != 'profile' ): return XViewProfile() version = int(xprofile.get('version', '1')) # load the legacy information - just layout data if ( version == 1 ): prof = XViewProfile() prof.setXmlElement(xprofile) return prof # load latest information prof = XViewProfile() prof.setName(xprofile.get('name', '')) prof.setIcon(xprofile.get('icon', '')) # restore data xdata = xprofile.find('data') if ( xdata is not None ): prof._customData = DataSet.fromXml(xdata) # load description xdesc = xprofile.find('desc') if ( xdesc is not None ): prof.setDescription(xdesc.text) # load layout xlayout = xprofile.find('layout') if ( xlayout is not None ): prof.setXmlElement(xlayout) return prof @staticmethod def fromString( strdata ): """ Generates profile data from the inputed string data. :param strdata | <str> :return <XViewProfile> """ if ( strdata ): try: xprofile = ElementTree.fromstring(str(strdata)) except ExpatError: return XViewProfile() return XViewProfile.fromXml(xprofile) return XViewProfile() @staticmethod def load( filename ): """ Loads the profile from the inputed filename. :param filename | <str> """ try: f = open(filename, 'r') except IOError: logger.exception('Could not load the file: %s' % filename) return False strdata = f.close() return XViewProfile.fromString(strdata)
class XViewProfile(object): def __init__(self): self._icon = QIcon() self._name = '' self._version = 1.0 self._description = '' self._customData = DataSet() self._xmlElement = None def customData(self, key, default=None): """ Returns the custom information linked with this profile for the given tag. :param key | <str> default | <variant> || None :return <variant> """ return self._customData.value(key, default) def description(self): """ Returns the description of this profile. :return <str> """ return self._description def duplicate(self): """ Create a duplicate of this profile and returns it. :return <XViewProfile> """ out = XViewProfile() out._icon = self._icon out._name = self._name out._version = self._version out._description = self._description out._customData = copy.deepcopy(self._customData) out._xmlElement = copy.deepcopy(self._xmlElement) return out def icon(self): """ Returns the icon path for this profile. :return <QIcon> """ return self._icon def isEmpty(self): """ Returns whether or not this profile is empty or not. This is determined if it actually defines any view data or not. :return <bool> """ return self._xmlElement is None def name(self): """ Returns the name of this profile. :return <str> """ return self._name def restore(self, viewWidget): """ Applies the profile to the inputed view widget. :param viewWidget | <XViewWidget> """ if self._xmlElement is None: return False # disable all the information viewWidget.blockSignals(True) viewWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(False) viewWidget.setCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) viewWidget.reset(force=True) # make sure all the cleanup happens (short of GUI updates) QApplication.sendPostedEvents() # restore the widget data try: xml_elem = self._xmlElement[0] except IndexError: viewWidget.unsetCursor() viewWidget.blockSignals(False) viewWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(True) return False widget = self.restoreWidget(viewWidget, viewWidget, xml_elem) viewWidget.setWidget(widget) viewWidget.setLocked(self._xmlElement.get('locked') == 'True') # enable the infromation viewWidget.unsetCursor() viewWidget.blockSignals(False) viewWidget.setUpdatesEnabled(True) return True def restoreWidget(self, viewWidget, parent, xwidget): """ Creates the widget with the inputed parent based on the given xml type. :param viewWidget | <XViewWidget> parent | <QWidget> xwidget | <xml.etree.Element> :return <QWidget> """ # create a new splitter if xwidget.tag == 'split': widget = XSplitter(parent) if ( xwidget.get('orient') == 'horizontal' ): widget.setOrientation( Qt.Horizontal ) else: widget.setOrientation( Qt.Vertical ) # restore the children for xchild in xwidget: widget.addWidget( self.restoreWidget( viewWidget, widget, xchild ) ) widget.restoreState(QByteArray.fromBase64(xwidget.get('state'))) return widget # create a new panel elif xwidget.tag == 'panel': widget = XViewPanel(parent, viewWidget.isLocked()) hide = xwidget.get('hideTabs', 'True') == 'True' widget.setHideTabsWhenLocked(hide) widget.blockSignals(True) # restore the children for xchild in xwidget: child = self.restoreWidget( viewWidget, widget, xchild ) if ( not child ): err = 'Missing View Type: %s' % xchild.get('type') logger.warning(err) continue widget.addTab(child, child.windowTitle()) widget.setCurrentIndex(int(xwidget.get('current', 0))) widget.blockSignals(False) widget.markCurrentChanged() view = widget.currentWidget() if isinstance(view, XView): view.initialize(force=True) return widget # create a new view else: viewType = viewWidget.findViewType(xwidget.get('type')) if not viewType: return None widget = viewType.createInstance(parent, viewWidget) widget.setObjectName(xwidget.get('name')) widget.restoreXml(xwidget) widget.setViewingGroup(int(xwidget.get('group', 0))) title = xwidget.get('title') if title: widget.setWindowTitle(title) # set the current view for this instance if xwidget.get('current', 'False') == 'True': widget.setCurrent() return widget def save(self, filename): """ Saves the xml data to the inputed filename. :param filename | <str> """ projex.text.xmlindent(self.xmlElement()) try: f = open(filename, 'w') except IOError: logger.exception('Could not save file: %s' % filename) return False f.write(self.toString()) f.close() return True def setCustomData(self, key, value): """ Sets the value for the profile to the inputed value at the given key. :param key | <str> value | <variant> """ self._customData.setValue(key, value) def setDescription(self, description): """ Sets the description of this profile to the inputed description. :param description | <str> """ if description is not None: self._description = description def setIcon(self, icon): """ Sets the path to the icon for this profile to the given icon. :param icon | <str> || <QIcon> """ self._icon = QIcon(icon) def setName(self, name): """ Sets the name for this profile. :param name | <str> """ self._name = name def setVersion(self, version): self._version = version def setXmlElement(self, element): """ Sets the xml data that defines this profile to the inputed value. :param element | <xml.etree.Element> """ self._xmlElement = copy.deepcopy(element) def toXml(self, xparent=None): """ Converts the data for this profile into an XML blob. :return <xml.etree.ElementTree.Element> """ if xparent is not None: xprofile = ElementTree.SubElement(xparent, 'profile') else: xprofile = ElementTree.Element('profile') xprofile.set('version', '2') xprofile.set('name', xprofile.set('profile_version', '{0:0.1f}'.format(self.version())) icon = self.icon() if not icon.isNull(): data = projexui.storePixmap(self.icon().pixmap(48, 48)) xico = ElementTree.SubElement(xprofile, 'icon') xico.text = data xdata = ElementTree.SubElement(xprofile, 'data') self._customData.toXml(xdata) xdesc = ElementTree.SubElement(xprofile, 'desc') xdesc.text = self.description() if self._xmlElement is not None: xlayout = copy.deepcopy(self._xmlElement) xlayout.tag = 'layout' xprofile.append(xlayout) return xprofile def toString(self): """ Converts the data about this view widget into a string value. :return <str> """ xprofile = self.toXml() projex.text.xmlindent(xprofile) return ElementTree.tostring(xprofile) def version(self): return self._version def xmlElement(self): """ Returns the xml element that defines this profile. :return <xml.etree.Element> || None """ return self._xmlElement @staticmethod def recordWidget(xparent, widget): """ Records the inputed widget to the parent profile. :param xparent | <xml.etree.Element> widget | <QWidget> """ # record a splitter if isinstance(widget, XSplitter): xwidget = ElementTree.SubElement(xparent, 'split') if ( widget.orientation() == Qt.Horizontal ): xwidget.set('orient', 'horizontal') else: xwidget.set('orient', 'vertical') xwidget.set('state', nativestring(widget.saveState().toBase64())) # record sub-widgets for i in range(widget.count()): XViewProfile.recordWidget(xwidget, widget.widget(i)) # record a view panel elif isinstance(widget, XViewPanel): xwidget = ElementTree.SubElement(xparent, 'panel') xwidget.set('current', nativestring(widget.currentIndex())) xwidget.set('hideTabs', nativestring(widget.hideTabsWhenLocked())) for i in range(widget.count()): XViewProfile.recordWidget(xwidget, widget.widget(i)) # record a view elif widget is not None: xwidget = ElementTree.SubElement(xparent, 'view') xwidget.set('name', nativestring(widget.objectName())) xwidget.set('title', nativestring(widget.windowTitle())) xwidget.set('type', nativestring(widget.viewTypeName())) xwidget.set('group', nativestring(widget.viewingGroup())) # store that this was the current widget if widget.isCurrent(): xwidget.set('current', 'True') widget.saveXml(xwidget) @staticmethod def record(viewWidget): """ Records the state for the inputed view widget into data. :param viewWidget | <XViewWidget> """ profile = XViewProfile() xprofile = ElementTree.Element('profile') xprofile.set('locked', nativestring(viewWidget.isLocked())) XViewProfile.recordWidget(xprofile, viewWidget.widget()) profile.setXmlElement(xprofile) return profile @staticmethod def fromXml( xprofile ): """ Restores the profile information from XML. :param xprofile | <xml.etree.ElementTree.Element> :return <XViewProfile> """ # determine the proper version if xprofile.tag != 'profile': return XViewProfile() version = int(xprofile.get('version', '1')) # load the legacy information - just layout data if version == 1: prof = XViewProfile() prof.setXmlElement(xprofile) return prof # load latest information prof = XViewProfile() prof.setName(xprofile.get('name', '')) prof.setVersion(float(xprofile.get('profile_version', '1.0'))) ico = xprofile.get('icon') if ico is not None: prof.setIcon(os.path.expandvars(ico)) else: ico = xprofile.find('icon') if ico is not None: prof.setIcon(projexui.generatePixmap(ico.text)) # restore data xdata = xprofile.find('data') if ( xdata is not None ): prof._customData = DataSet.fromXml(xdata) # load description xdesc = xprofile.find('desc') if ( xdesc is not None ): prof.setDescription(xdesc.text) # load layout xlayout = xprofile.find('layout') if ( xlayout is not None ): prof.setXmlElement(xlayout) return prof @staticmethod def fromString(strdata): """ Generates profile data from the inputed string data. :param strdata | <str> :return <XViewProfile> """ if strdata: try: xprofile = ElementTree.fromstring(nativestring(strdata)) except ExpatError, err: logger.exception(str(err)) return XViewProfile() return XViewProfile.fromXml(xprofile) logger.warning('Blank profile data provided.') return XViewProfile()