def __init__( self, parent, uifile = '' ): super(XConfigWidget, self).__init__(parent) # load the ui if specified if ( uifile ): curr_dir = QDir.currentPath() QDir.setCurrent(os.path.dirname(uifile)) uic.loadUi(uifile, self) QDir.setCurrent(curr_dir) self._plugin = None
def loadFile(self, filename): # creates the new XdkItem filename = nativestring(filename) basename = os.path.basename(filename) name = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] temp_dir = nativestring(QDir.tempPath()) temp_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'xdk/%s' % name) # remove existing files from the location if os.path.exists(temp_path): try: shutil.rmtree(temp_path, True) except: pass # make sure we have the temp location available if not os.path.exists(temp_path): try: os.makedirs(temp_path) except: pass # extract the zip files to the temp location zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r') zfile.extractall(temp_path) zfile.close() # load the table of contents self.loadingFinished.emit(filename)
def loadFilename(self, filename=''): """ Loads a new XDK file into the system. :param filename | <str> :return <bool> | success """ if (not (filename and isinstance(filename, basestring))): filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open XDK File', QDir.currentPath(), 'XDK Files (*.xdk)') if type(filename) == tuple: filename = nativestring(filename[0]) if not filename: return False if not (filename and os.path.exists(filename)): return False elif filename in self.loadedFilenames(): return False self.loadFileRequested.emit(filename) self.setCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) return True
def __init__(self, xdk_filename): # create the new XdkItem super(XdkItem, self).__init__(None, xdk_filename) # creates the new XdkItem basename = os.path.basename(nativestring(xdk_filename)) name = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] temppath = nativestring(QDir.tempPath()) temp_path = os.path.join(temppath, 'xdk/%s' % name) # define custom properties self._tempFilepath = temp_path self._searchurls = {} # set the options self.setChildIndicatorPolicy(self.ShowIndicator) self.setIcon(0, QIcon(projexui.resources.find('img/sdk.png'))) toc_file = os.path.join(temp_path, 'toc.xml') toc_xml = None if toc_file: try: toc_xml = ElementTree.parse(toc_file).getroot()[0] except: pass if toc_xml is not None: self._url = 'file:///%s/index.html' % temp_path.strip('/') self.setText(0, toc_xml.get('title', self.text(0))) self.loadFromXml(toc_xml, temp_path) else: # load the url information for this entry for name in sorted(os.listdir(temp_path)): # ignore 'hidden' folders if name.startswith('_') and not name.startswith('__'): continue # ignore special cases (only want modules for this) if '-' in name or name == 'toc.xml': continue # use the index or __init__ information if name == '__init__.html': self._url = 'file:///%s/%s' % (temp_path, name) continue elif name == 'index.html': self._url = 'file:///%s/%s' % (temp_path, name) # otherwise, load a childitem filepath = os.path.join(temp_path, name) folder = os.path.isdir(filepath) XdkEntryItem(self, filepath, folder=folder)
def pickFilepath( self ): """ Picks the image file to use for this icon path. """ filepath = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, 'Select Image File', QDir.currentPath(), self.fileTypes()) if type(filepath) == tuple: filepath = nativestring(filepath[0]) if ( filepath ): self.setFilepath(filepath)
def saveAs( self, filename = '' ): """ Saves the current document to the inputed filename. If no filename \ is supplied, then the user will be prompted to supply a filename. :param filename | <str> :return <bool> | success """ if ( not (filename and isinstance(filename, basestring)) ): langTypes = XLanguage.pluginFileTypes() filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( None, 'Save File As...', QDir.currentPath(), langTypes) if type(filename) == tuple: filename = nativestring(filename[0]) if ( not filename ): return False docfile = QFile(filename) if ( not ): logger.warning('Could not open %s for writing.' % filename) return False success = self.write(docfile) docfile.close() if success: filename = nativestring(filename) self._filename = filename self.setModified(False) # set the language lang = XLanguage.byFileType(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) if ( lang != self.language() ): self.setLanguage(lang) return success
def pickFilepath( self ): """ Prompts the user to select a filepath from the system based on the \ current filepath mode. """ mode = self.filepathMode() filepath = '' filepaths = [] curr_dir = nativestring(self._filepathEdit.text()) if ( not curr_dir ): curr_dir = QDir.currentPath() if mode == XFilepathEdit.Mode.SaveFile: filepath = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, self.windowTitle(), curr_dir, self.filepathTypes() ) elif mode == XFilepathEdit.Mode.OpenFile: filepath = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, self.windowTitle(), curr_dir, self.filepathTypes() ) elif mode == XFilepathEdit.Mode.OpenFiles: filepaths = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames( self, self.windowTitle(), curr_dir, self.filepathTypes() ) else: filepath = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, self.windowTitle(), curr_dir ) if filepath: if type(filepath) == tuple: filepath = filepath[0] self.setFilepath(nativestring(filepath)) elif filepaths: self.setFilepaths(map(str, filepaths))
def dropEvent( self, event ): """ Handles a drop event. """ url = event.mimeData().urls()[0] url_path = nativestring(url.toString()) # download an icon from the web if ( not url_path.startswith('file:') ): filename = os.path.basename(url_path) temp_path = os.path.join(nativestring(QDir.tempPath()), filename) try: urllib.urlretrieve(url_path, temp_path) except IOError: return self.setFilepath(temp_path) else: self.setFilepath(url_path.replace('file://', ''))
def saveAs(self, filename=''): """ Saves the current document to the inputed filename. If no filename \ is supplied, then the user will be prompted to supply a filename. :param filename | <str> :return <bool> | success """ if (not (filename and isinstance(filename, basestring))): langTypes = XLanguage.pluginFileTypes() filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, 'Save File As...', QDir.currentPath(), langTypes) if type(filename) == tuple: filename = nativestring(filename[0]) if (not filename): return False docfile = QFile(filename) if (not logger.warning('Could not open %s for writing.' % filename) return False success = self.write(docfile) docfile.close() if success: filename = nativestring(filename) self._filename = filename self.setModified(False) # set the language lang = XLanguage.byFileType(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) if (lang != self.language()): self.setLanguage(lang) return success