class MainWindow(QW.QMainWindow, interface_Main.Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self): super(QW.QMainWindow, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) # set up dynamic figures self.widget_2.scale = 2.0 for key in self.widget_5.figs.keys( ): # set the title of foot end force figures to LFX, LFY, LFZ, ... if key[-1] == 'D': self.widget_5.figs[key].setTitle(key[:2] + 'Y') if key[-1] == 'K': self.widget_5.figs[key].setTitle(key[:2] + 'Z') # set up attributes self.client = Client() self.connected = False self.dialpose = DialogPose() self.dialpose.accepted.connect(self.on_dialpose_accepted) self.prot = Protocol() self.sens = self.prot.sens self.stat = self.prot.stat self.comd = self.prot.comd self.para = self.prot.para self.datashow = SensorPackage(buflen_max=25) # set up timers self.timer0 = QC.QTimer() # Check connection state self.timer1 = QC.QTimer() # Communication (receive data) self.timer0.timeout.connect(self.checkConnection) self.timer1.timeout.connect(self.hear) self.timer0.start( 1000 ) # check connection state every 1 second, start as soon as the UI is launched self.timer1.setInterval(40) ########## set up slots ########## ##### connection ##### @pyqtSlot() def on_pushButton_5_clicked(self): """ connect """ self.client.serverIP = self.lineEdit_7.text() self.checkConnection() @pyqtSlot() def on_pushButton_6_clicked(self): """ disconnect """ self.client.close() self.checkConnection() ###################### ##### parameter setting ##### @pyqtSlot() def on_pushButton_3_clicked(self): """ pop out the dialog for parameter setting """ self.dialpose.para.decode('copy', self.dialpose.set_text() @pyqtSlot( ) # no reponse using @pyqtSlot, do not know why..., so this function is explicitly connected to self.dialpose def on_dialpose_accepted(self): """ save and send out the parameters if the 'save' button is clicked """ self.para.decode('copy', self.client.send(self.prot.collect(typ=0x04, ack=0x04)) ############################# ##### command buttons ##### @pyqtSlot() def on_pushButton_11_clicked(self): """ send walk gait command """ self.comd.switch, self.comd.gait, self.comd.rc = 0x00, 0x01, 0x00 self.client.send(self.prot.collect(typ=0x03, ack=0x02)) ########################### ##### figure tab ##### @pyqtSlot(int) def on_tabWidget_currentChanged(self): self.update_figure_1() @pyqtSlot(int) def on_tabWidget_2_currentChanged(self): self.update_figure_2() ###################### ########## other methods ########## def checkConnection(self): connected = self.client.get_connection_state() connection_changed = self.connected != connected self.connected = connected if connection_changed and connected: self.sens = self.prot.sens = SensorPackage( ) # if reconnected, new log files are created and old buffers are dumped self.timer1.start() print("Start hearing ...") self.label_9.setText('Connected') elif connection_changed and not connected: self.timer1.stop() print("Hearing over. Total %i frames heard." % self.prot.cnt) self.label_9.setText('Disconnected') def hear(self): last_cnt = self.prot.cnt # self.client.interact(self.prot.process) # this do not dump any frame self.prot.distrib(self.client.recv( )) # this returns the newest frame and dump the others if self.prot.cnt > last_cnt: if self.prot.cnt % 5 == 0: self.update_figdata( ) # set different update frequencies and phases to stagger these time-consuming operations if self.prot.cnt % 5 == 1: self.update_figure_2( ) # meter figures should update more frequently to look smooth if self.prot.cnt % 15 == 3: self.update_figure_1() def update_figdata(self): """ update figure data (only data, not figure) """ if not self.sens.checkBufferEmpty(): self.datashow.decode('copy', datacopy=self.sens.filter()) if self.datashow.checkBufferFull(): self.datashow.bufferShift() self.datashow.bufferIn() def update_figure_1(self): """ refresh curve figures """ if not self.datashow.checkBufferEmpty(): buf = self.datashow.bufferGet() idx = self.tabWidget.currentIndex() if idx == 0: self.widget.update(buf['forc_time'], buf['forc']) elif idx == 1: self.widget_4.update(buf['disp_time'], buf['disp']) elif idx == 2: self.widget_5.update(buf['foot_time'], buf['foot']) def update_figure_2(self): """ refresh meter figures """ if not self.datashow.checkBufferEmpty(): frame = self.datashow.last() idx = self.tabWidget_2.currentIndex() if idx == 0: self.widget_3.update(*frame['imu'][0]) self.widget_2.update(*frame['imu'][1]) elif idx == 1: pass