class Client(): def __init__(self): self.current_protocol = "SEP" # changed to FMP later self.expected_incoming_msg_type = "RES_INIT" self.ver = 1 self.NET_PATH = "./network" self.FOLDER_PATH = "./client" if (self.NET_PATH[-1] != '/') and (self.NET_PATH[-1] != '\\'): self.NET_PATH += '/' if (self.FOLDER_PATH[-1] != '/') and (self.FOLDER_PATH[-1] != '\\'): self.FOLDER_PATH += '/' self.DST_ADDR = None self.OWN_ADDR = input('Type your own address: ') # Ex. A, B, or C self.netif = network_interface(self.NET_PATH, self.OWN_ADDR) self.protocols = Protocols() self.timeout = 30 self.sleep_time = 0.1 self.session_key = None self.client_prikey = None self.client_pubkey = None self.server_pubkey = None #fmp seq num self.seq_last_received = 0 self.seq_last_sent = 0 self.DATA_LOC = "my_data" def clean_keys(self): self.client_prikey = None self.client_pubkey = None self.server_pubkey = None def load_client_prikey(self): try: key = open( self.FOLDER_PATH + "private_keys/" + self.OWN_ADDR + ".pem", "rb").read() self.client_prikey = RSA.import_key(key) except: print("Error: could not load client private key") def load_client_pubkey(self): try: key = open( self.FOLDER_PATH + "public_keys/" + self.OWN_ADDR + ".pem", "rb").read() self.client_pubkey = RSA.import_key(key) except: print("Error: could not load client public key") def load_server_pubkey(self): try: key = open( self.FOLDER_PATH + "public_keys/" + self.DST_ADDR + ".pem", "rb").read() self.server_pubkey = RSA.import_key(key) except: print("Error: could not load server public key") def fix_length(self, input_byte, desired_length): if (len(input_byte) > desired_length): print("Error fixing the length of byte") return None res = b"" for i in range(desired_length - len(input_byte)): res += b"\x00" res += input_byte return res def handle_options(self): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopts='hp:a', longopts=['help', 'path=', 'addr=']) except getopt.GetoptError: print('wrong options') sys.exit(1) def generate_nonce(self): return secrets.token_bytes(32) def SEP_ENC(self, ptext, key): cipher_rsa = ctext = cipher_rsa.encrypt(ptext) return ctext def SEP_DEC(self, ctext, key): cipher_rsa = ptext = cipher_rsa.decrypt(ctext) return ptext def SEP_SIGN(self, message, key): h = signature = return signature def SEP_GEN(self, ver, type_sep, type_msg, sender_id, recipient_id, encrypted_content, sig_key): msg = b"" msg += ver msg += type_sep msg += type_msg msg += len(encrypted_content).to_bytes(length=5, byteorder='big') #msg_len msg += sender_id msg += recipient_id msg += encrypted_content sig = self.SEP_SIGN(msg, sig_key) #print("Generated sig: ") #print(sig) msg += sig return msg def SEP_REQ_INIT(self): # generate SEP REQ_INIT #header ver = self.ver.to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') type_sep = self.protocols.protocol2num("SEP").to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') type_msg = self.protocols.sep_type2num("REQ_INIT").to_bytes( length=1, byteorder='big') sender_id = self.fix_length(self.OWN_ADDR.encode('utf-8'), 4) recipient_id = self.fix_length(self.DST_ADDR.encode('utf-8'), 4) #content nonce = self.generate_nonce() #pubkey_a = self.client_pubkey pubkey_a = self.client_pubkey.export_key() #with open("public_keys/"+self.OWN_ADDR+".pem", "rb") as f: pubkey_a = ctext = b"" ctext += len(pubkey_a).to_bytes(length=4, byteorder='big') ctext += pubkey_a nonce_encrypted = self.SEP_ENC(nonce, self.server_pubkey) ctext += nonce_encrypted #send msg msg = self.SEP_GEN(ver, type_sep, type_msg, sender_id, recipient_id, ctext, self.client_prikey) self.netif.send_msg(self.DST_ADDR, msg) #print("Generated nonce: ") #print(nonce) #print("encrypted nonce: ") #print(nonce_encrypted) return nonce def SEP_REQ_LOGIN(self): password = getpass('Type your login password: '******'big') type_sep = self.protocols.protocol2num("SEP").to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') type_msg = self.protocols.sep_type2num("REQ_LOGIN").to_bytes( length=1, byteorder='big') sender_id = self.fix_length(self.OWN_ADDR.encode('utf-8'), 4) recipient_id = self.fix_length(self.DST_ADDR.encode('utf-8'), 4) #keys to be used #server_public_key = RSA.import_key(open("public_keys/"+self.DST_ADDR+".pem").read()) #client_private_key = RSA.import_key(open("private_keys/"+self.OWN_ADDR+".pem").read()) #content ctext = self.SEP_ENC(password.encode('utf-8'), self.server_pubkey) #send msg msg = self.SEP_GEN(ver, type_sep, type_msg, sender_id, recipient_id, ctext, self.client_prikey) self.netif.send_msg(self.DST_ADDR, msg) return True def read_SEP(self, msg): type_msg = msg[2] if type_msg == self.protocols.sep_type2num( self.expected_incoming_msg_type): print("(OK): message type matches") else: print("Error: unexpected message type") return None msg_len = int.from_bytes(msg[3:8], 'big') #int if len(msg) == 16 + msg_len + 256: print("(OK): message length matches") else: print("Error: message length does not match") return None sender_id = msg[8:12].decode('utf-8').strip(chr(0)) #string recipient_id = msg[12:16].decode('utf-8').strip(chr(0)) #string if recipient_id == self.OWN_ADDR: print("(OK): correct recipient address") else: print("Error: wrong recipient address") return None # verify signature sig = msg[-256:] h =[:-256]) try:, sig) print("(OK): signature valid") except: print("Error: signature invalid") return None if type_msg == self.protocols.sep_type2num('RES_INIT'): #client_private_key = RSA.import_key(open("private_keys/"+self.OWN_ADDR+".pem").read()) #server_public_key = RSA.import_key(open("public_keys/"+self.DST_ADDR+".pem").read()) encrypted_nonce = msg[16:-256] # decrypt nonce cipher_rsa = decrypted_nonce = cipher_rsa.decrypt(encrypted_nonce) return decrypted_nonce elif type_msg == self.protocols.sep_type2num('RES_LOGIN'): encrypted_msg_content = msg[16:-256] # decrypt cipher_rsa = decrypted_msg_content = cipher_rsa.decrypt(encrypted_msg_content) login_status = decrypted_msg_content[0] if login_status == 0: print("Error: login failed due to incorrect password") return None elif login_status == 1: # login sucess session_key = decrypted_msg_content[1:] print("(OK): password correct") return session_key else: print("Error: uknown response type") else: print("Error: unknown message type") return None def read_msg(self, msg): ver = msg[0] type_protocol = msg[1] if type_protocol != self.protocols.protocol2num(self.current_protocol): print( "Error: unexpected protocol type - received message protocol=" + type_protocol) return None, None, None if type_protocol == self.protocols.protocol2num("SEP"): return ver, type_protocol, self.read_SEP(msg) elif type_protocol == self.protocols.protocol2num("FMP"): return ver, type_protocol, self.read_FMP(msg) def connect(self): self.DST_ADDR = input('Type the server address: ') self.load_client_prikey() self.load_client_pubkey() self.load_server_pubkey() # send SEP REQ_INIT nonce = None while True: nonce = self.SEP_REQ_INIT() if nonce is not None: print("SEP REQ INIT sent") break # wait for SEP RES_INIT self.expected_incoming_msg_type = "RES_INIT" stime = time.time() while True: status, msg = self.netif.receive_msg(blocking=False) if status: print("SEP RES_INIT received") ver, type_protocol, nonce_returned = self.read_msg(msg) if nonce == nonce_returned: print("(OK): server verified") print("SEP RES_INIT accpeted") break else: print("Error: server verification failed") return None #check request timeout etime = time.time() if (etime - stime > self.timeout): # 20 sec timeout print("Connection request timed out:", self.timeout, "sec") return None time.sleep(self.sleep_time) while True: # send SEP REQ_LOGIN while True: res = self.SEP_REQ_LOGIN() if res: break # wait for SEP RES_LOGIN self.expected_incoming_msg_type = "RES_LOGIN" stime = time.time() while True: status, msg = self.netif.receive_msg(blocking=False) if status: print("SEP RES_LOGIN received") ver, type_protocol, session_key = self.read_msg(msg) if session_key is not None: return session_key else: break etime = time.time() if (etime - stime > self.timeout): print("Connection request timed out:", self.timeout, "sec") return None time.sleep(self.sleep_time) def gen_iv(self): return secrets.token_bytes(16) def FMP_ENC(self, ptext): iv = self.gen_iv() len(self.session_key) cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv) ctext = cipher.encrypt(pad(ptext, AES.block_size)) return iv, ctext def FMP_MAC(self, msg): h =, digestmod=SHA256) h.update(msg) return h.digest() def FMP_DEC(self, iv, ctext): cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv) ptext = unpad(cipher.decrypt(ctext), AES.block_size) return ptext def FMP_GEN(self, type_msg, content): ver = self.ver.to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') type_fmp = self.protocols.protocol2num("FMP").to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') type_msg = self.protocols.fmp_type2num(type_msg).to_bytes( length=1, byteorder='big') sender_id = self.fix_length(self.OWN_ADDR.encode('utf-8'), 4) recipient_id = self.fix_length(self.DST_ADDR.encode('utf-8'), 4) iv, encrypted_content = self.FMP_ENC(content) msg = b"" msg += ver msg += type_fmp msg += type_msg msg += (len(iv) + len(encrypted_content)).to_bytes(length=5, byteorder=('big')) msg += sender_id msg += recipient_id msg += iv msg += encrypted_content mac = self.FMP_MAC(msg) msg += mac return msg def FMP_LISTEN(self, command): # wait for FMP RES self.expected_incoming_msg_type = command stime = time.time() while True: status, msg = self.netif.receive_msg(blocking=False) if status: print("FMP_" + command, "response received") ver, type_protocol, content = self.read_msg(msg) if content is not None: return content else: print("Error: response message invalid") continue etime = time.time() if (etime - stime > self.timeout): print("Error: no response received") return None time.sleep(self.sleep_time) return None def FMP_SEND(self, msg): self.netif.send_msg(self.DST_ADDR, msg) self.seq_last_sent += 1 def FMP_MKD(self): dir_name = input("Type directory name: ") # content # 2 bytes for seq num content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += dir_name.encode('utf-8') msg = self.FMP_GEN("MKD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_MKD request sent") res = self.FMP_LISTEN("MKD") res = int.from_bytes(res, 'big') if res == 0: print("Error: MKD failed") elif res == 1: print("MKD: directory created") def FMP_RMD(self): dir_name = input("Type directory name: ") confirm = input("All sub contents will be deleted: (y/n) ") if confirm != "y": print("RMD cancelled") return content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += dir_name.encode('utf-8') msg = self.FMP_GEN("RMD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_RMD request sent") res = self.FMP_LISTEN("RMD") res = int.from_bytes(res, 'big') if res == 0: print("Error: RMD failed") elif res == 1: print("RMD: directory deleted") def FMP_GWD(self): content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("GWD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_GWD request sent") res = self.FMP_LISTEN("GWD") if res is not None: res = res.decode('utf-8') print(res) def FMP_CWD(self): dir_name = input("Type destination: ") # content # 2 bytes for seq num content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += dir_name.encode('utf-8') msg = self.FMP_GEN("CWD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_CWD request sent") res = self.FMP_LISTEN("CWD") res = int.from_bytes(res, 'big') if res == 0: print("Error: CWD failed") elif res == 1: print("CWD: current directory changed") def FMP_LST(self): content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("LST", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_LST request sent") res = self.FMP_LISTEN("LST") if res is not None: res = res.decode('utf-8') res = list(res.split(",")) for i in res: print(i) def FMP_UPL(self): file_name = input("Type file name:") try: f_cont = open( os.path.join(self.FOLDER_PATH, self.DATA_LOC, file_name), "rb").read() except: print("Error: failed to read the file") return # content # 2 bytes for seq num content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += len(file_name).to_bytes(2, ('big')) content += file_name.encode('utf-8') content += f_cont msg = self.FMP_GEN("UPL", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_UPL request sent") res = self.FMP_LISTEN("UPL") res = int.from_bytes(res, 'big') if res == 0: print("Error: UPL failed") elif res == 1: print("UPL: file uploaded") def FMP_DNL(self): file_name = input("Type file name: ") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += file_name.encode('utf-8') msg = self.FMP_GEN("DNL", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_DNL request sent") res = self.FMP_LISTEN("DNL") fcont = res[1:].decode('utf-8') res = res[0] if res == 0: print("Error: DNL failed") elif res == 1: open(os.path.join(self.FOLDER_PATH, self.DATA_LOC, file_name), "w").write(fcont) print("DNL: file downloaded") def FMP_RMF(self): file_name = input("Type file name: ") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += file_name.encode('utf-8') msg = self.FMP_GEN("RMF", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_RMF request sent") res = self.FMP_LISTEN("RMF") res = int.from_bytes(res, 'big') if res == 0: print("Error: RMF failed") elif res == 1: print("RMF: file removed") def FMP_END(self): confirm = input("Disconnect and terminate session: (y/n)") if confirm != 'y': print("END cancelled") return content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("END", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_END request sent") res = self.FMP_LISTEN("END") res = int.from_bytes(res, 'big') if res == 0: print("Error: END failed") elif res == 1: os.sys.exit(0) print("END: session terminated") def read_FMP(self, msg): type_command = msg[2] msg_len = int.from_bytes(msg[3:8], 'big') #int if len(msg) == 16 + msg_len + 32: print("(OK): message length matches") else: print("Error: message length does not match") return None sender_id = msg[8:12].decode('utf-8').strip(chr(0)) #string if sender_id == self.DST_ADDR: print("(OK): correct sender address") else: print("Error: wrong sender address") recipient_id = msg[12:16].decode('utf-8').strip(chr(0)) #string if recipient_id == self.OWN_ADDR: print("(OK): correct recipient address") else: print("Error: wrong recipient address") return None iv = msg[16:32] ctext = msg[32:-32] mac = msg[-32:] # verify mac h =, digestmod=SHA256) h.update(msg[:-32]) try: h.verify(mac) print("(OK): MAC ok") except ValueError: print("Error: MAC verification failed") return None # decrypt ptext = self.FMP_DEC(iv, ctext) seq_num = int.from_bytes(ptext[0:2], byteorder='big') content = ptext[2:] # check seq_num if seq_num <= self.seq_last_received: print("Error: invalid sequence number") return None else: self.seq_last_received = seq_num print("(OK): sequence number ok") return content def fmp_process(self): command = input("Type command: ") if command == "MKD": self.FMP_MKD() elif command == "RMD": self.FMP_RMD() elif command == "GWD": self.FMP_GWD() elif command == "CWD": self.FMP_CWD() elif command == "LST": self.FMP_LST() elif command == "UPL": self.FMP_UPL() elif command == "DNL": self.FMP_DNL() elif command == "RMF": self.FMP_RMF() elif command == "END": self.FMP_END() else: print("Error: unknown command") def start(self): session_key = None while True: session_key = self.connect() if session_key is not None: break print("Connection established with", self.DST_ADDR) #print(session_key) self.current_protocol = "FMP" self.session_key = session_key self.seq_last_sent = 0 while True: self.fmp_process()
class Server(): def __init__(self): self.ver = 1 self.current_protocol = 'SEP' # changed to FMP later self.expected_incoming_msg_type = "REQ_INIT" self.OWN_ADDR = "Z" #input("Type your own address: ") print("Starting server as Z...") self.DST_ADDR = None self.NET_PATH = "./network" self.FOLDER_PATH = "./server" if (self.NET_PATH[-1] != '/') and (self.NET_PATH[-1] != '\\'): self.NET_PATH += '/' if (self.FOLDER_PATH[-1] != '/') and (self.FOLDER_PATH[-1] != '\\'): self.FOLDER_PATH += '/' self.netif = network_interface(self.NET_PATH, self.OWN_ADDR) self.protocols = Protocols() self.timeout = 30 self.sleep_time = 0.1 self.session_key = None self.client_pubkey = None self.client_pubkey_len = None self.server_prikey = None # to decrypted saved password and prikey self.passphrase = "sepfmp" self.iv = b'\x8c\xbcW\xcf\x0b\xa6\x00\xec\xa7\x94\xd2\x9a\x01Z\xd7\xfc' #fmp seq num self.seq_last_received = 0 self.seq_last_sent = 0 #fmp file manipulation self.client_root_path = None self.cur_dir = None def load_server_prikey(self): try: key = open( self.FOLDER_PATH + "private_keys/" + self.OWN_ADDR + ".pem", "rb").read() self.server_prikey = RSA.import_key(key, passphrase=self.passphrase) except: print("Error: could not load server private key") def fix_length(self, input_byte, desired_length): if (len(input_byte) > desired_length): print("Error fixing the length of byte") return res = b"" for i in range(desired_length - len(input_byte)): res += b"\x00" res += input_byte return res def generate_session_key(self): return secrets.token_bytes(32) def mkpad(self, s, size): s = s.encode("utf-8") # UTF-8文字列をバイト列に変換する pad = b' ' * (size - len(s) % size) # 特定の長さの倍数にするための空白を生成 return s + pad def verify_password(self, password): key = self.mkpad(self.passphrase, 16) cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, self.iv) ctext = open(self.FOLDER_PATH + "password/" + self.DST_ADDR, "rb").read() correct_pwd = cipher.decrypt(ctext) correct_pwd = correct_pwd.strip(b" ") if correct_pwd == password: return True return False def gen_iv(self): return secrets.token_bytes(16) def SEP_ENC(self, ptext, key): cipher_rsa = ctext = cipher_rsa.encrypt(ptext) return ctext def SEP_DEC(self, ctext, key): cipher_rsa = ptext = cipher_rsa.decrypt(ctext) return ptext def SEP_SIGN(self, message, key): h = signature = return signature def SEP_GEN(self, ver, type_sep, type_msg, sender_id, recipient_id, encrypted_content, sig_key): msg = b"" msg += ver msg += type_sep msg += type_msg msg += len(encrypted_content).to_bytes(length=5, byteorder='big') #msg_len msg += sender_id msg += recipient_id msg += encrypted_content sig = self.SEP_SIGN(msg, sig_key) #print("Generated sig: ") #print(sig) msg += sig return msg def SEP_RES_INIT(self, nonce): #header ver = self.ver.to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') type_sep = self.protocols.protocol2num("SEP").to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') type_msg = self.protocols.sep_type2num("RES_INIT").to_bytes( length=1, byteorder='big') sender_id = self.fix_length(self.OWN_ADDR.encode('utf-8'), 4) recipient_id = self.fix_length(self.DST_ADDR.encode('utf-8'), 4) #content - encrypted nonce ctext = self.SEP_ENC(nonce, self.client_pubkey) #send msg msg = self.SEP_GEN(ver, type_sep, type_msg, sender_id, recipient_id, ctext, self.server_prikey) self.netif.send_msg(self.DST_ADDR, msg) def SEP_RES_LOGIN(self, status, session_key=None): #header ver = self.ver.to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') type_sep = self.protocols.protocol2num("SEP").to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') type_msg = self.protocols.sep_type2num("RES_LOGIN").to_bytes( length=1, byteorder='big') sender_id = self.fix_length(self.OWN_ADDR.encode('utf-8'), 4) recipient_id = self.fix_length(self.DST_ADDR.encode('utf-8'), 4) login_status = None ctext = None if status: s = 1 login_status = s.to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') ptext = login_status + session_key ctext = self.SEP_ENC(ptext, self.client_pubkey) else: s = 0 login_status = s.to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') ctext = self.SEP_ENC(login_status, self.client_pubkey) msg = self.SEP_GEN(ver, type_sep, type_msg, sender_id, recipient_id, ctext, self.server_prikey) self.netif.send_msg(self.DST_ADDR, msg) def read_SEP(self, msg): type_msg = msg[2] if type_msg == self.protocols.sep_type2num( self.expected_incoming_msg_type): print("(OK): protocol type matches") else: print("Error: unexpected message type") return None msg_len = int.from_bytes(msg[3:8], 'big') #int if len(msg) == 16 + msg_len + 256: print("(OK): message length matches") else: print("Error: message length does not match") return None sender_id = msg[8:12].decode('utf-8').strip(chr(0)) #string if sender_id == self.DST_ADDR: print("(OK): correct sender address") else: print("Error: wrong sender address") recipient_id = msg[12:16].decode('utf-8').strip(chr(0)) #string if recipient_id == self.OWN_ADDR: print("(OK): correct recipient address") else: print("Error: wrong recipient address") return None if self.client_pubkey is None and type_msg == self.protocols.sep_type2num( 'REQ_INIT'): self.client_pubkey_len = int.from_bytes(msg[16:20], 'big') self.client_pubkey = RSA.import_key(msg[20:20 + self.client_pubkey_len]) #verify signature sig = msg[-256:] h =[:-256]) try:, sig) print("(OK): sginature valid") except: print("Error: signature invalid") return if type_msg == self.protocols.sep_type2num('REQ_INIT'): encrypted_nonce = msg[20 + self.client_pubkey_len:-256] #decrypt nonce cipher_rsa = decrypted_nonce = cipher_rsa.decrypt(encrypted_nonce) #update internal parameters self.DST_ADDR = sender_id return decrypted_nonce elif type_msg == self.protocols.sep_type2num('REQ_LOGIN'): encrypted_password = msg[16:-256] #decrypt password cipher_rsa = decrypted_password = cipher_rsa.decrypt(encrypted_password) return decrypted_password else: print("Error: unknown message type") return None def FMP_ENC(self, ptext): iv = self.gen_iv() len(self.session_key) cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv) ctext = cipher.encrypt(pad(ptext, AES.block_size)) return iv, ctext def FMP_DEC(self, iv, ctext): cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv) ptext = unpad(cipher.decrypt(ctext), AES.block_size) return ptext def FMP_MAC(self, msg): h =, digestmod=SHA256) h.update(msg) return h.digest() def FMP_GEN(self, type_msg, content): ver = self.ver.to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') type_fmp = self.protocols.protocol2num("FMP").to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') type_msg = self.protocols.fmp_type2num(type_msg).to_bytes( length=1, byteorder='big') sender_id = self.fix_length(self.OWN_ADDR.encode('utf-8'), 4) recipient_id = self.fix_length(self.DST_ADDR.encode('utf-8'), 4) iv, encrypted_content = self.FMP_ENC(content) msg = b"" msg += ver msg += type_fmp msg += type_msg msg += (len(iv) + len(encrypted_content)).to_bytes(length=5, byteorder=('big')) msg += sender_id msg += recipient_id msg += iv msg += encrypted_content mac = self.FMP_MAC(msg) msg += mac return msg def FMP_SEND(self, msg): self.netif.send_msg(self.DST_ADDR, msg) self.seq_last_sent += 1 def FMP_MKD(self, content): dirname = content.decode('utf-8') dirnamealnum = dirname.replace("_", "") dirnamealnum = dirnamealnum.replace("-", "") if not dirnamealnum.isalnum(): print("Error: invalid directory name") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (0).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("MKD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_MKD response sent") return try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.client_root_path, self.cur_dir, dirname), exist_ok=True) except: print("Error: could not make a new directory") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (0).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("MKD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_MKD response sent") return content = None content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (1).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("MKD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("MKD: directory created") print("FMP_MKD response sent") return def FMP_RMD(self, content): dirname = content.decode('utf-8') dirnamealnum = dirname.replace("_", "") dirnamealnum = dirnamealnum.replace("-", "") if not dirnamealnum.isalnum(): print("Error: invalid directory name") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (0).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("RMD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_RMD response sent") return try: shutil.rmtree( os.path.join(self.client_root_path, self.cur_dir, dirname)) except: print("Error: could not delete directory") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (0).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("RMD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_RMD response sent") return content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (1).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("RMD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("RMD: directory deleted") print("FMP_RMD response sent") return def FMP_GWD(self, content): content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') if len(self.cur_dir) > 0 and self.cur_dir[0] == ".": self.cur_dir = self.cur_dir[2:] cwd = self.DST_ADDR + ":\\" + self.cur_dir content += cwd.encode('utf-8') msg = self.FMP_GEN("GWD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_GWD response sent") def FMP_CWD(self, content): dirname = content.decode('utf-8') dirnamealnum = dirname.replace("_", "") dirnamealnum = dirnamealnum.replace("-", "") if dirname == ".." and os.path.normpath( self.cur_dir) != os.path.normpath(""): pass elif not dirnamealnum.isalnum(): print("Error: invalid destinatino directory") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (0).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("CWD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_CWD response sent") return elif not os.access( os.path.join(self.client_root_path, self.cur_dir, dirname), os.F_OK): print("Error: the destination path does not exist") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (0).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("CWD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_CWD response sent") return try: if dirname == "..": self.cur_dir = str(Path(self.cur_dir).parent) else: self.cur_dir = os.path.join(self.cur_dir, dirname) except: print("Error: could not change directory") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (0).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("CWD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_CWD response sent") return content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (1).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("CWD", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("CWD: current directory changed") print("FMP_CWD response sent") return def FMP_LST(self, content): content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') dirlist = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.client_root_path, self.cur_dir)) dirlist_text = "" for item in dirlist: dirlist_text += item + "," content += dirlist_text.encode('utf-8') msg = self.FMP_GEN("LST", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_LST response sent") def FMP_UPL(self, content): fname_len = int.from_bytes(content[:2], 'big') decoded_content = content[2:].decode('utf-8') fname = decoded_content[:fname_len] fcont = decoded_content[fname_len:] fnamealnum = fname.replace("_", "") fnamealnum = fnamealnum.replace("-", "") fnamealnum = fnamealnum.replace(".", "") if not fnamealnum.isalnum(): print("Error: invalid file name") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (0).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("UPL", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_UPL response sent") return try: fname = os.path.join(self.client_root_path, self.cur_dir, fname) with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write(fcont) except: print("Error: could not make a file") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (0).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("UPL", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_UPL response sent") return content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (1).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("UPL", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("UPL: file uploaded") print("FMP_UPL response sent") return def FMP_DNL(self, content): fname = content.decode('utf-8') try: f_cont = open( os.path.join(self.client_root_path, self.cur_dir, fname), "rb").read() except: print("Error: could not read the file") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (0).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("UPL", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_DNL response sent") return content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (1).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') content += f_cont msg = self.FMP_GEN("DNL", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("DNL: directory created") print("FMP_DNL response sent") return def FMP_RMF(self, content): fname = content.decode('utf-8') dirnamealnum = fname.replace("_", "") dirnamealnum = dirnamealnum.replace("-", "") dirnamealnum = dirnamealnum.replace(".", "") if not dirnamealnum.isalnum(): print("Error: invalid directory name") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (0).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("RMF", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_RMD response sent") return try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.client_root_path, self.cur_dir, fname)) except: print("Error: could not remove the file") content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (0).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("RMF", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_RMF response sent") return content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (1).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("RMF", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("RMF: directory created") print("FMP_RMF response sent") return def FMP_END(self, content): content = (self.seq_last_sent + 1).to_bytes(2, 'big') content += (1).to_bytes(length=1, byteorder='big') msg = self.FMP_GEN("END", content) self.FMP_SEND(msg) print("FMP_END response sent") print("END: session terminated") os.sys.exit(0) return def read_FMP(self, msg): type_command = msg[2] msg_len = int.from_bytes(msg[3:8], 'big') #int if len(msg) == 16 + msg_len + 32: print("(OK): message length matches") else: print("Error: message length does not match") return None sender_id = msg[8:12].decode('utf-8').strip(chr(0)) #string if sender_id == self.DST_ADDR: print("(OK): correct sender address") else: print("Error: wrong sender address") recipient_id = msg[12:16].decode('utf-8').strip(chr(0)) #string if recipient_id == self.OWN_ADDR: print("(OK): correct recipient address") else: print("Error: wrong recipient address") return None iv = msg[16:32] ctext = msg[32:-32] mac = msg[-32:] # verify mac h =, digestmod=SHA256) h.update(msg[:-32]) try: h.verify(mac) print("(OK): MAC ok") except ValueError: print("Error: MAC verification failed") return None # decrypt ptext = self.FMP_DEC(iv, ctext) seq_num = int.from_bytes(ptext[0:2], byteorder='big') content = ptext[2:] # check seq_num if seq_num <= self.seq_last_received: print("Error: invalid sequence number") return None else: self.seq_last_received = seq_num print("(OK): sequence number ok") if type_command == self.protocols.fmp_type2num("MKD"): self.FMP_MKD(content) elif type_command == self.protocols.fmp_type2num("RMD"): self.FMP_RMD(content) elif type_command == self.protocols.fmp_type2num("GWD"): self.FMP_GWD(content) elif type_command == self.protocols.fmp_type2num("CWD"): self.FMP_CWD(content) elif type_command == self.protocols.fmp_type2num("LST"): self.FMP_LST(content) elif type_command == self.protocols.fmp_type2num("UPL"): self.FMP_UPL(content) elif type_command == self.protocols.fmp_type2num("DNL"): self.FMP_DNL(content) elif type_command == self.protocols.fmp_type2num("RMF"): self.FMP_RMF(content) elif type_command == self.protocols.fmp_type2num("END"): self.FMP_END(content) else: print("Error: unknown type_command") def read_msg(self, msg): ver = msg[0] type_protocol = msg[1] if type_protocol != self.protocols.protocol2num(self.current_protocol): print( "Error: unexpected protocol type - received message protocol=" + type_protocol) return None, None, None if type_protocol == self.protocols.protocol2num("SEP"): return ver, type_protocol, self.read_SEP(msg) elif type_protocol == self.protocols.protocol2num("FMP"): return ver, type_protocol, self.read_FMP(msg) #Todo: create self.read_FMP else: print("Error: unexpected protocol") def connect(self): self.current_protocol = "SEP" self.expected_incoming_msg_type = "REQ_INIT" status = None msg = None # wait for SEP REQ_INIT self.expected_incoming_msg_type = "REQ_INIT" while True: status, msg = self.netif.receive_msg(blocking=True) print("SEP REQ_INIT received") ver, type_protocol, decrypted_nonce = self.read_msg(msg) if decrypted_nonce is not None: print("SEP REQ_INIT accepted") self.SEP_RES_INIT(decrypted_nonce) print("SEP RES_INIT sent") break else: print("Error: SEP REQ_INIT rejected") return None # wait for SEP REQ_LOGIN self.expected_incoming_msg_type = "REQ_LOGIN" stime = time.time() while True: status, msg = self.netif.receive_msg(blocking=False) if status: print("SEP REQ_LOGIN received") ver, type_protocol, password = self.read_msg(msg) if password is not None: print("SEP REQ_LOGIN accepted") # TODO SEP RES LOGIN if self.verify_password(password): print("(OK): password ok") session_key = self.generate_session_key() self.SEP_RES_LOGIN(True, session_key=session_key) print("SEP RES_LOGIN sent") return session_key else: print("(!!): password incorrect") self.SEP_RES_LOGIN(False) print("SEP RES_LOGIN sent") continue # keep waiting for correct password #cehck request timeout etime = time.time() if (etime - stime > self.timeout): print("Connection request timed out:", self.timeout, "sec") return None time.sleep(self.sleep_time) def start(self): self.load_server_prikey() session_key = None while True: session_key = self.connect() if session_key is not None: break print("Connection established with", self.DST_ADDR) #print(session_key) self.current_protocol = "FMP" self.client_root_path = os.path.join(self.FOLDER_PATH, "client_data", self.DST_ADDR) self.cur_dir = "" self.session_key = session_key while True: status, msg = self.netif.receive_msg(blocking=True) print("FMP REQ received") self.read_msg(msg)