def start_instance(boxname, env_vars, DB): if boxname not in DB['stopped_instances']: print('the box is not available check again:') sys.exit() print('Waiting for confirmation from AWS') region = env_vars['aws_region'] home_folder = env_vars['HOME'] access_key = env_vars['access_key'] secret_key = env_vars['secret_key'] awsf = AWSec2Funcs(region, access_key, secret_key) my_ssh_key_path = env_vars['key_pair_path'] ssh_key_name = env_vars['key_pair_name'] id = DB['stopped_instances'][boxname]['id'] DB['running_instances'][boxname] = awsf.start_ec2_instance(id) DB['running_instances'][boxname]['sdrive'] = DB['stopped_instances'][ boxname]['sdrive'] del (DB['stopped_instances'][boxname]) # DB['available_names'].append(boxname) save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path']) write_into_text( boxname, ''' Host {0} HostName {1} User ubuntu IdentityFile {2} ForwardAgent yes StrictHostKeyChecking no '''.format(boxname, DB['running_instances'][boxname]['public_ip'], my_ssh_key_path), os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config')) print('ec2 instance {0} started successfully'.format(boxname))
def create_instance(boxname, boxtype, shut_down_time, env_vars, DB): update_status(env_vars, DB) region = env_vars['aws_region'] home_folder = env_vars['HOME'] access_key = env_vars['access_key'] secret_key = env_vars['secret_key'] awsf = AWSec2Funcs(region, access_key, secret_key) my_ssh_key_path = env_vars['key_pair_path'] ssh_key_name = env_vars['key_pair_name'] if not boxname: boxname = get_box_name(DB, env_vars['db_path']) else: if boxname[:3] == 'box' or \ boxname in DB['running_instances'] or \ boxname in DB['stopped_instances']: print("enter a better name. either exists or starts with box") sys.exit() params = {} params['ssh_key_name'] = ssh_key_name params['aws_ami'] = env_vars['aws_ami'] params['aws_iam_role'] = env_vars['role_name'] params['vpc'] = DB[env_vars['vpc_name']] params['box_type'] = boxtype params['name'] = env_vars['your_name'] + boxname print('wainting for confirmation from AWS') DB['running_instances'][boxname] = awsf.create_ec2_instance(params) write_into_text( boxname, ''' Host {0} HostName {1} User ubuntu IdentityFile {2} ForwardAgent yes StrictHostKeyChecking no '''.format(boxname, DB['running_instances'][boxname]['public_ip'], my_ssh_key_path), os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config')) save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path']) tmp_dir = os.path.join(env_vars['env_dir'], 'tmp') tmp_tclock = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '') tmp_cron = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'cron') if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir): os.mkdir(tmp_dir) dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) tmp_tclock = os.path.join(dir_path, 'scripts', '') with open(tmp_cron, 'wb') as f: towrite = '*/{0} * * * * python /home/ubuntu/.provisionpad/\n'.format( shut_down_time) f.write(towrite.encode('UTF-8')) print('Setting up ec2 instance') time.sleep(30) out = run_command(['ssh', boxname, 'pip', 'install', 'psutil']) if out != 0: raise Exception('Failed to install psutil on server') out = run_command(['ssh', boxname, 'mkdir', '-p', '.provisionpad/data']) if out != 0: raise Exception('Failed to create .provisionpad/data') out = run_command( ['ssh', boxname, 'touch', '.provisionpad/data/total_idle.out']) if out != 0: raise Exception('Failed to create .provisionpad/data/total_idle.out') out = run_command( ['scp', tmp_cron, '{0}:~/.provisionpad/'.format(boxname)]) if out != 0: raise Exception('Failed to copy the crontab file') out = run_command( ['scp', tmp_tclock, '{0}:~/.provisionpad/'.format(boxname)]) if out != 0: raise Exception('Failed to copy the tmp_tclock') out = run_command( ['ssh', boxname, 'crontab', '/home/ubuntu/.provisionpad/cron']) if out != 0: raise Exception('schedule a cron job') os.remove(tmp_cron) print('ec2 instance {} created successfully'.format(boxname)) show_status(env_vars, DB)
def update_status(env_vars, DB): region = env_vars['aws_region'] home_folder = env_vars['HOME'] access_key = env_vars['access_key'] secret_key = env_vars['secret_key'] awsec2f = AWSec2Funcs(region, access_key, secret_key) aws_inst_info = awsec2f.instance_state(env_vars['your_name']) aws_inst_info_d = deepcopy(aws_inst_info) clean_propad_from_file(os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config')) for ins in aws_inst_info: if aws_inst_info[ins][0] == 'terminated': aws_inst_info_d.pop(ins) if not (aws_inst_info[ins][0] == 'stopped' or aws_inst_info[ins][0] == 'running' or aws_inst_info[ins][0] == 'terminated'): print('Waiting to complete the transition. Try again a bit later.') sys.exit() aws_inst_info = aws_inst_info_d DBD = deepcopy(DB) for ins, ins_info in DBD['running_instances'].items(): if ins_info['id'] not in aws_inst_info: print('seems like the instance you have created ') print('has been removed from the aws manually most likely') print('removing it from the database') del (DB['running_instances'][ins]) if ins[0:3] == 'box': DB['available_names'].append(ins) save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path']) delete_text_from_file(ins, os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config')) elif ins_info['id'] in aws_inst_info and aws_inst_info[ ins_info['id']][0] == 'stopped': print('seems like the instance has been stopped') print('removing it from the running instances') DB['stopped_instances'][ins] = DB['running_instances'][ins] del (DB['running_instances'][ins]) save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path']) delete_text_from_file(ins, os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config')) else: write_into_text( ins, ''' Host {0} HostName {1} User ubuntu IdentityFile {2} ForwardAgent yes StrictHostKeyChecking no '''.format(ins, DB['running_instances'][ins]['public_ip'], env_vars['key_pair_path']), os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config')) print('{0} is fine as expected'.format(ins)) DBD = deepcopy(DB) for ins, ins_info in DBD['stopped_instances'].items(): if ins_info['id'] not in aws_inst_info: print('seems like the instance you have created ') print('has been removed from the aws manually most likely') print('removing it from the database') del (DB['stopped_instances'][ins]) if ins[0:3] == 'box': DB['available_names'].append(ins) save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path']) delete_text_from_file(ins, os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config')) elif ins_info['id'] in aws_inst_info and aws_inst_info[ ins_info['id']][0] == 'running': print('seems like the instance has started manually') print('moving from stopped to running') DB['running_instances'][ins] = DB['stopped_instances'][ins] DB['running_instances'][ins]['public_ip'] = aws_inst_info[ ins_info['id']][1] del (DB['stopped_instances'][ins]) save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path']) write_into_text( ins, ''' Host {0} HostName {1} User ubuntu IdentityFile {2} ForwardAgent yes StrictHostKeyChecking no '''.format(ins, DB['running_instances'][ins]['public_ip'], env_vars['key_pair_path']), os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config')) else: print('{0} is fine as expected'.format(ins)) ids_db = set([]) for x in DB['running_instances']: ids_db.add(DB['running_instances'][x]['id']) for x in DB['stopped_instances']: ids_db.add(DB['stopped_instances'][x]['id']) to_create = set(aws_inst_info) - ids_db for x in to_create: ins = get_box_name(DB, env_vars['db_path']) thekeyname = 'stopped_instances' if aws_inst_info[x][0] == 'running': thekeyname = 'running_instances' boxname = get_box_name(DB, env_vars['db_path']) DB[thekeyname][boxname] = awsec2f.get_instance_info(x) write_into_text( ins, ''' Host {0} HostName {1} User ubuntu IdentityFile {2} ForwardAgent yes StrictHostKeyChecking no '''.format(ins, DB[thekeyname][boxname]['public_ip'], env_vars['key_pair_path']), os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config')) if len(ids_db - set(aws_inst_info)) > 0: raise Exception('this should not happen in status') save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path'])
def create_instance(boxname, boxtype, shut_down_time, env_vars, DB): update_status(env_vars, DB) region = env_vars['aws_region'] home_folder = env_vars['HOME'] access_key = env_vars['access_key'] secret_key = env_vars['secret_key'] awsf = AWSec2Funcs(region, access_key, secret_key) my_ssh_key_path = env_vars['key_pair_path'] ssh_key_name = env_vars['key_pair_name'] if not boxname: boxname = get_box_name(DB, env_vars['db_path']) else: if boxname[:3] == 'box' or \ boxname in DB['running_instances'] or \ boxname in DB['stopped_instances']: print("enter a better name. either exists or starts with box") sys.exit() params = {} params['ssh_key_name'] = ssh_key_name params['aws_ami'] = env_vars['aws_ami'] params['aws_iam_role'] = env_vars['role_name'] params['vpc'] = DB[env_vars['vpc_name']] params['box_type'] = boxtype params['name'] = env_vars['your_name'] + boxname print('Waiting for confirmation from AWS') DB['running_instances'][boxname] = awsf.create_ec2_instance(params) write_into_text( boxname, ''' Host {0} HostName {1} User ubuntu IdentityFile {2} ForwardAgent yes StrictHostKeyChecking no '''.format(boxname, DB['running_instances'][boxname]['public_ip'], my_ssh_key_path), os.path.join(home_folder, '.ssh/config')) drivel = 'fgh' DB['running_instances'][boxname]['sdrive_names'] = [ (params['name'] + 'VOL{0}'.format(i), '/dev/xvd{0}'.format(drivel[i])) for i in range(len(drivel)) ] DB['running_instances'][boxname]['sdrive'] = {} save_database(DB, env_vars['db_path']) tmp_dir = os.path.join(env_vars['env_dir'], 'tmp') tmp_tclock = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '') tmp_cron = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'cron') if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir): os.mkdir(tmp_dir) dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) tmp_tclock = os.path.join(dir_path, 'scripts', '') # The following line is OS dependent if it changes from ubuntu to something else then # It will cause trouble for auto shutdown -- Amir with open(tmp_cron, 'wb') as f: towrite = '*/{0} * * * * python /home/ubuntu/.provisionpad/\n'.format( shut_down_time) f.write(towrite.encode('UTF-8')) print('Setting up EC2 instance') awssgf = AWSsgFuncs(region, access_key, secret_key) awssgf.check_public_ip(env_vars, DB) vpcparams = DB[env_vars['vpc_name']] awssgf.revoke_sg_permissions_all(vpcparams['vpc_id']) awssgf.set_sg_sshonly_local_ip(vpcparams['sg_id'], DB['public_ip']) awssgf.set_sg_http_egress(vpcparams['sg_id']) # some times it has problem ssh ing into instance # I have added this 30 seconds sleep to be safe # Is there a better way? -- Amir time.sleep(30) out = run_command(['ssh', boxname, 'pip', 'install', 'psutil']) if out != 0: raise Exception('Failed to install psutil on server') out = run_command(['ssh', boxname, 'mkdir', '-p', '.provisionpad/data']) if out != 0: raise Exception('Failed to create .provisionpad/data') out = run_command( ['ssh', boxname, 'touch', '.provisionpad/data/total_idle.out']) if out != 0: raise Exception('Failed to create .provisionpad/data/total_idle.out') out = run_command( ['scp', tmp_cron, '{0}:~/.provisionpad/'.format(boxname)]) if out != 0: raise Exception('Failed to copy the crontab file') out = run_command( ['scp', tmp_tclock, '{0}:~/.provisionpad/'.format(boxname)]) if out != 0: raise Exception('Failed to copy the tmp_tclock') out = run_command( ['ssh', boxname, 'crontab', '/home/ubuntu/.provisionpad/cron']) if out != 0: raise Exception('schedule a cron job') os.remove(tmp_cron) awssgf.revoke_sg_permissions_all(vpcparams['vpc_id']) awssgf.set_sg_sshonly_local_ip(vpcparams['sg_id'], DB['public_ip']) print('ec2 instance {} created successfully'.format(boxname)) show_status(env_vars, DB)