def part_3a():
    """Complete the remaining parts of this section as instructed in the
    instructions document."""

    feature1 = ps6.HaarFeature((2, 1), (25, 30), (50, 100))
    feature1.preview((200, 200), filename="ps6-3-a-1.png")
    # TODO: Generate and save all required images
    feature2 = ps6.HaarFeature((1, 2), (10, 25), (50, 150))
    feature2.preview((200, 200), filename="ps6-3-a-2.png")
    feature3 = ps6.HaarFeature((3, 1), (50, 50), (100, 50))
    feature3.preview((200, 200), filename="ps6-3-a-3.png")
    feature4 = ps6.HaarFeature((1, 3), (50, 125), (100, 50))
    feature4.preview((200, 200), filename="ps6-3-a-4.png")
    feature5 = ps6.HaarFeature((2, 2), (50, 25), (100, 150))
    feature5.preview((200, 200), filename="ps6-3-a-5.png")
    def test_preview(self):
        feat_types = 2 * [(1, 2)] + 2 * [(2, 1)] + 2 * [(1, 3)] \
                     + 2 * [(3, 1)] + 2 * [(2, 2)]
        positions = 5 * [(6, 9), (8, 5)]
        sizes = 5 * [(14, 18), (11, 15)]
        samples = 5 * [0, 1]

        for j in range(10):
            feat_type = feat_types[j]
            pos = positions[j]
            size = sizes[j]
            s = samples[j]
            file_name = "haar_preview_ft{}_pos{}_sz{}_{}.npy".format(
                feat_type, pos, size, s)

            ref_img = np.load(os.path.join(self.input_dir, file_name))

            #Uncomment if you want to see the reference image
            #cv2.imshow("ref_img", ref_img.astype("uint8"))

            hf = ps6.HaarFeature(feat_type, pos, size)
            hf_img = hf.preview((50, 50))

            correct = np.allclose(hf_img, ref_img)
            message = "Output image does not match the reference solution."
            self.assertTrue(correct, message)
def part_3a():
    """Complete the remaining parts of this section as instructed in the
    instructions document."""

    # feature1 = ps6.HaarFeature((2, 1), (25, 30), (50, 100))
    # feature1.preview((200, 200), filename="ps6-3-a-1.png")
    feat1 = ps6.HaarFeature((2, 1), (25, 30), (50, 100))
    feat1.preview((200, 200), filename='ps6-3-a-1')
    feat2 = ps6.HaarFeature((1, 2), (10, 25), (50, 150))
    feat2.preview((200, 200), filename='ps6-3-a-2')
    feat3 = ps6.HaarFeature((3, 1), (50, 50), (100, 50))
    feat3.preview((200, 200), filename='ps6-3-a-3')
    feat4 = ps6.HaarFeature((1, 3), (50, 125), (100, 50))
    feat4.preview((200, 200), filename='ps6-3-a-4')
    feat4 = ps6.HaarFeature((2, 2), (50, 25), (50, 150))
    feat4.preview((200, 200), filename='ps6-3-a-5')
def part_3a():
    """Complete the remaining parts of this section as instructed in the
    instructions document."""
    feature1 = ps6.HaarFeature((2, 1), (25, 30), (50, 100))
    feature1.preview((200, 200), filename="ps6-3-a-1")

    feature2 = ps6.HaarFeature((1, 2), (10, 25), (50, 150))
    feature2.preview((200, 200), filename="ps6-3-a-2")

    feature3 = ps6.HaarFeature((3, 1), (50, 50), (100, 50))
    feature3.preview((200, 200), filename="ps6-3-a-3")

    feature4 = ps6.HaarFeature((1, 3), (50, 125), (100, 50))
    feature4.preview((200, 200), filename="ps6-3-a-4")

    feature5 = ps6.HaarFeature((2, 2), (50, 25), (100, 150))
    feature5.preview((200, 200), filename="ps6-3-a-5")
def part_3a():
    """Complete the remaining parts of this section as instructed in the
    instructions document."""

    posn = {1 : [(2, 1), (25, 30), (50, 100)],
                 2 : [(1, 2), (10, 25), (50, 150)],
                 3 : [(3, 1), (50, 50), (100, 50)],
                 4 : [(1, 3), (50, 125), (100, 50)],
                 5 : [(2, 2), (50, 25), (100, 150)]}
    for k, p in posn.items():
        feature = ps6.HaarFeature(*p)
        feature.preview((200, 200), filename="ps6-3-a-%s"%(k))
    def test_HaarFeature_evaluate(self):
        ti_path = os.path.join(self.input_dir, "test_image_ii.npy")
        ii_path = os.path.join(self.input_dir, "integral_image_ii.npy")

        test_image = np.load(ti_path)
        integral_image = np.load(ii_path)

        feat_type = (1, 2)  # Change feature type
        pos = (5, 5)
        size = (30, 30)

        if feat_type == (2, 1):
            A = np.sum(test_image[pos[0]:pos[0] + size[0] / 2,
                                  pos[1]:pos[1] + size[1]])
            B = np.sum(test_image[pos[0] + size[0] / 2:pos[0] + size[0],
                                  pos[1]:pos[1] + size[1]])
            ref = A - B

        if feat_type == (1, 2):
            A = np.sum(test_image[pos[0]:pos[0] + size[0],
                                  pos[1]:pos[1] + size[1] / 2])
            B = np.sum(test_image[pos[0]:pos[0] + size[0],
                                  pos[1] + size[1] / 2:pos[1] + size[1]])
            ref = A - B

        if feat_type == (3, 1):
            A = np.sum(test_image[pos[0]:pos[0] + size[0] / 3,
                                  pos[1]:pos[1] + size[1]])
            B = np.sum(test_image[pos[0] + size[0] / 3:pos[0] +
                                  2 * size[0] / 3, pos[1]:pos[1] + size[1]])
            C = np.sum(test_image[pos[0] + 2 * size[0] / 3:pos[0] + size[0],
                                  pos[1]:pos[1] + size[1]])
            ref = A - B + C

        if feat_type == (1, 3):
            A = np.sum(test_image[pos[0]:pos[0] + size[0],
                                  pos[1]:pos[1] + size[1] / 3])
            B = np.sum(test_image[pos[0]:pos[0] + size[0], pos[1] +
                                  size[1] / 3:pos[1] + 2 * size[1] / 3])
            C = np.sum(test_image[pos[0]:pos[0] + size[0],
                                  pos[1] + 2 * size[1] / 3:pos[1] + size[1]])
            ref = A - B + C

        if feat_type == (2, 2):
            A = np.sum(test_image[pos[0]:pos[0] + size[0] / 2,
                                  pos[1]:pos[1] + size[1] / 2])
            B = np.sum(test_image[pos[0]:pos[0] + size[0] / 2,
                                  pos[1] + size[1] / 2:pos[1] + size[1]])
            C = np.sum(test_image[pos[0] + size[0] / 2:pos[0] + size[0],
                                  pos[1]:pos[1] + size[1] / 2])
            D = np.sum(test_image[pos[0] + size[0] / 2:pos[0] + size[0],
                                  pos[1] + size[1] / 2:pos[1] + size[1]])
            ref = -A + B + C - D

        hf = ps6.HaarFeature(feat_type, pos, size)
        score = hf.evaluate(integral_image)


        correct = np.allclose(score, ref)

        message = "Wrong score returned."
        self.assertTrue(correct, message)