def meshPlay(folder, every=100, wait=0.05): files = glob.glob(folder + '/*') files.sort() files = files[-1000:] view = MeshViewer() for i in range(0, len(files), every): mesh = Mesh(filename=files[i]) view.dynamic_meshes = [mesh] time.sleep(wait)
def optimize_pose_shape(th_scan_meshes, smpl, iterations, steps_per_iter, th_pose_3d=None, display=None): """ Optimize SMPL. :param display: if not None, pass index of the scan in th_scan_meshes to visualize. """ # Optimizer optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([smpl.trans, smpl.betas, smpl.pose], 0.02, betas=(0.9, 0.999)) # Get loss_weights weight_dict = get_loss_weights() # Display if display is not None: assert int(display) < len(th_scan_meshes) mv = MeshViewer() for it in range(iterations): loop = tqdm(range(steps_per_iter)) loop.set_description('Optimizing SMPL') for i in loop: optimizer.zero_grad() # Get losses for a forward pass loss_dict = forward_step(th_scan_meshes, smpl, th_pose_3d) # Get total loss for backward pass tot_loss = backward_step(loss_dict, weight_dict, it) tot_loss.backward() optimizer.step() l_str = 'Iter: {}'.format(i) for k in loss_dict: l_str += ', {}: {:0.4f}'.format( k, weight_dict[k](loss_dict[k], it).mean().item()) loop.set_description(l_str) if display is not None: verts, _, _, _ = smpl() smpl_mesh = Mesh(v=verts[display].cpu().detach().numpy(), f=smpl.faces.cpu().numpy()) scan_mesh = Mesh( v=th_scan_meshes[display].vertices.cpu().detach().numpy(), f=th_scan_meshes[display].faces.cpu().numpy(), vc=np.array([0, 1, 0])) mv.set_static_meshes([scan_mesh, smpl_mesh]) print('** Optimised smpl pose and shape **')
def evaluate(coma, test_loader, dataset, template_mesh, device, visualize, output_dir): coma.eval() total_loss = 0 for i, data in enumerate(test_loader): data = with torch.no_grad(): out, mu, logvar = coma(data) loss = loss_function(out, data.y, mu, logvar) total_loss += data.num_graphs * loss.item() if visualize and i % 100 == 0: meshviewer = MeshViewer(shape=(1, 2)) save_out = out.detach().cpu().numpy() save_out = save_out * dataset.std.numpy() + dataset.mean.numpy() expected_out = (data.y.detach().cpu().numpy() ) * dataset.std.numpy() + dataset.mean.numpy() result_mesh = Mesh(v=save_out, f=template_mesh.f) expected_mesh = Mesh(v=expected_out, f=template_mesh.f) meshviewer[0][0].set_dynamic_meshes([result_mesh]) meshviewer[0][1].set_dynamic_meshes([expected_mesh]) meshviewer[0][0].save_snapshot(os.path.join( output_dir, 'file' + str(i) + '.png'), blocking=True) result_mesh.write_ply('{}/result_{}.ply'.format(output_dir, i)) expected_mesh.write_ply('{}/expected_{}.ply'.format(output_dir, i)) print('result mesh and expected mesh are saved as .ply') return total_loss / len(dataset)
def render_video(mesh_dir, video_fn, overwrite=False): from psbody.mesh import Mesh, MeshViewer from os.path import join, exists, splitext from glob import glob import tempfile from subprocess import call from pickle import load import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm if exists(video_fn): if overwrite: print("File {0} exists, removing it and remaking it".format( video_fn)) call(['rm', '-rf', video_fn]) else: print("File {0} exists, not re-rendering".format(video_fn)) return files_seq = sorted(glob(join(mesh_dir, '*.obj'))) if len(files_seq) == 0: print('No files to render in {}'.format(mesh_dir)) return # Load the meshes print("Loading meshes from {}..".format(mesh_dir)) meshes = [] for fn in files_seq: meshes.append(Mesh(filename=fn)) from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import mkdtemp tmp_folder = str(mkdtemp()) if exists(tmp_folder): rmtree(tmp_folder) from os import mkdir mkdir(tmp_folder) mv = MeshViewer(window_width=1000, window_height=800) print('Rendering extracted meshes (tmp file, auto-removed later)..') for k, mesh in enumerate(tqdm(meshes)): mv.set_dynamic_meshes([mesh]) mv.save_snapshot(join(tmp_folder, '{:0>6d}.png'.format(k)), blocking=True) cmd = [ 'ffmpeg', '-i', '{0}/%06d.png'.format(tmp_folder), '-vcodec', 'h264', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-r', '15', '-an', '-b:v', '5000k', video_fn ] call(cmd) rmtree(tmp_folder)
def final_fit( opt, part_mesh, v, v_offset, dist_o, dist_i, smpl_h_ref, rn_m, debug_rn, dif_mask, v_ids_template, faces_template, v_ids_side, faces_side, max_y, proj_cam, ref_joint_list_coup, ): if opt.disp_mesh_side: mv = MeshViewer() else: mv = None if opt.disp_mesh_whl: mv2 = MeshViewer() else: mv2 = None import scipy.sparse as sp sparse_solver = lambda A, x:, x, maxiter=500)[0] tgt_pose = get_pose_prior(init_pose_path=opt.init_pose_path, gar_type=opt.gar_type) E = { 'mask': gaussian_pyramid(rn_m * dist_o * opt.ref_wt_dist_o + (1 - rn_m) * dist_i, n_levels=4, normalization='size') * opt.ref_wt_mask } x0 = [v_offset] if opt.ref_wt_coup: # x0 = [smpl_h_ref.trans, smpl_h_ref.betas, v_offset] E['coupling'] = (v + v_offset - smpl_h_ref[v_ids_template]) * opt.ref_wt_coup if opt.ref_wt_shp: E['beta_prior'] = ch.linalg.norm(smpl_h_ref.betas) * opt.ref_wt_shp if opt.ref_wt_pose: E['pose'] = (smpl_h_ref.pose - tgt_pose) * opt.ref_wt_pose if ref_joint_list_coup != None: range_joint = [] for item in ref_joint_list_coup: range_joint.append(3 * int(item)) range_joint.append(3 * int(item) + 1) range_joint.append(3 * int(item) + 2) x0 = x0 + [smpl_h_ref.pose[range_joint]] if opt.ref_use_betas: x0 = x0 + [smpl_h_ref.betas] if opt.ref_wt_proj: error_bd = get_rings_error(proj_cam, max_y) E['proj_bd'] = error_bd * opt.ref_wt_proj if opt.ref_wt_bd: gar_rings = compute_boundaries(v + v_offset, faces_template) error = smooth_rings(gar_rings, v + v_offset) E['boundary'] = error * opt.ref_wt_bd if opt.ref_wt_lap: lap_op = np.asarray(laplacian(part_mesh).todense()) lap_err =, v + v_offset) E['laplacian'] = lap_err * opt.ref_wt_lap ch.minimize(E, x0, method='dogleg', options={ 'e_3': .000001, 'sparse_solver': sparse_solver }, callback=get_callback_ref(rend=debug_rn, mask=dif_mask, vertices=v + v_offset, display=opt.display, v_ids_sides=v_ids_side, faces_template=faces_template, faces_side=faces_side, disp_mesh_side=opt.disp_mesh_side, disp_mesh_whl=opt.disp_mesh_whl, save_dir=opt.save_opt_images, mv=mv, mv2=mv2, final_mask = rn_m.r mask = dif_mask.copy() mask[dif_mask == 0.5] = 1 final_iou = compute_iou(mask, final_mask) return v + v_offset, final_iou
def init_fit(opt, dist_o, dist_i, dif_mask, rn_m, smpl_h, v_ids_template, faces_template, debug_rn, v_ids_side, faces_side, joints_list): range_joint = [] for item in joints_list: range_joint.append(3 * int(item)) range_joint.append(3 * int(item) + 1) range_joint.append(3 * int(item) + 2) tgt_pose = get_pose_prior(init_pose_path=opt.init_pose_path, gar_type=opt.gar_type) # ============================================ # FIRST STAGE # ============================================ from psbody.mesh import MeshViewer if opt.disp_mesh_side: mv = MeshViewer() else: mv = None if opt.disp_mesh_whl: mv2 = MeshViewer() else: mv2 = None if opt.init_first_stage == "Trans": x0 = [smpl_h.trans] elif opt.init_first_stage == 'Pose': x0 = [smpl_h.trans, smpl_h.pose[range_joint]] # x0 = [smpl_h.trans] elif opt.init_first_stage == 'Shape': x0 = [smpl_h.trans, smpl_h.betas] elif opt.init_first_stage == 'Both': x0 = [smpl_h.trans, smpl_h.betas, smpl_h.pose[range_joint]] E = { 'mask': gaussian_pyramid(rn_m * dist_o * opt.init_fst_wt_dist_o + (1 - rn_m) * dist_i, n_levels=4, normalization='size') * opt.init_fst_wt_mask } if opt.init_fst_wt_betas: E['beta_prior'] = ch.linalg.norm(smpl_h.betas) * opt.init_fst_wt_betas if opt.init_fst_wt_pose: E['pose'] = (smpl_h.pose - tgt_pose) * opt.init_fst_wt_pose ch.minimize(E, x0, method='dogleg', options={ 'e_3': .0001, 'disp': True }, callback=get_callback(rend=debug_rn, mask=dif_mask, smpl=smpl_h, v_ids_template=v_ids_template, v_ids_sides=v_ids_side, faces_template=faces_template, faces_side=faces_side, display=opt.display, disp_mesh_side=opt.disp_mesh_side, disp_mesh_whl=opt.disp_mesh_whl, mv=mv, mv2=mv2, save_dir=opt.save_opt_images, # =============================================== # SECOND STAGE # =============================================== if opt.init_second_stage != "None": if opt.init_second_stage == 'Pose': x0 = [smpl_h.trans, smpl_h.pose[range_joint]] elif opt.init_second_stage == 'Shape': x0 = [smpl_h.trans, smpl_h.betas] elif opt.init_second_stage == 'Both': x0 = [smpl_h.trans, smpl_h.betas, smpl_h.pose[range_joint]] E = { 'mask': gaussian_pyramid(rn_m * dist_o * opt.init_sec_wt_dist_o + (1 - rn_m) * dist_i, n_levels=4, normalization='size') * opt.init_sec_wt_mask } if opt.init_sec_wt_betas: E['beta_prior'] = ch.linalg.norm( smpl_h.betas) * opt.init_sec_wt_betas if opt.init_sec_wt_pose: E['pose'] = (smpl_h.pose - tgt_pose) * opt.init_sec_wt_pose ch.minimize(E, x0, method='dogleg', options={'e_3': .0001}, callback=get_callback(rend=debug_rn, mask=dif_mask, smpl=smpl_h, v_ids_template=v_ids_template, v_ids_sides=v_ids_side, faces_template=faces_template, faces_side=faces_side, display=opt.display, disp_mesh_side=opt.disp_mesh_side, disp_mesh_whl=opt.disp_mesh_whl, mv=mv, mv2=mv2, save_dir=opt.save_opt_images, temp_params = { 'pose': smpl_h.pose.r, 'betas': smpl_h.betas.r, 'trans': smpl_h.trans.r, 'v_personal': smpl_h.v_personal.r } part_mesh = Mesh(smpl_h.r[v_ids_template], faces_template) return part_mesh, temp_params
def optimize_pose_only(th_scan_meshes, smplx, iterations, steps_per_iter, scan_part_labels, smplx_part_labels, search_tree=None, pen_distance=None, tri_filtering_module=None, display=None): """ Initially we want to only optimize the global rotation of SMPLX. Next we optimize full pose. We optimize pose based on the 3D keypoints in th_pose_3d. :param th_pose_3d: array containing the 3D keypoints. """ batch_sz = 1 # smplx.pose.shape[0] split_smplx = th_batch_SMPLX_split_params( batch_sz,[:, :2],[:, 2:],,,,,,,,, faces=smplx.faces, gender=smplx.gender).to(DEVICE) # split_smplx.expression.requires_grad = False # split_smplx.jaw_pose.requires_grad = False optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( [split_smplx.trans, split_smplx.top_betas, split_smplx.global_pose], 0.02, betas=(0.9, 0.999)) # Get loss_weights weight_dict = get_loss_weights() if display is not None: assert int(display) < len(th_scan_meshes) # mvs = MeshViewers((1,1)) mv = MeshViewer(keepalive=True) iter_for_global = 1 for it in range(iter_for_global + iterations): loop = tqdm(range(steps_per_iter)) if it < iter_for_global: # Optimize global orientation print('Optimizing SMPLX global orientation') loop.set_description('Optimizing SMPLX global orientation') elif it == iter_for_global: # Now optimize full SMPLX pose print('Optimizing SMPLX pose only') loop.set_description('Optimizing SMPLX pose only') optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([ split_smplx.trans, split_smplx.top_betas, split_smplx.global_pose, split_smplx.body_pose, split_smplx.left_hand_pose, split_smplx.right_hand_pose ], 0.02, betas=(0.9, 0.999)) else: loop.set_description('Optimizing SMPLX pose only') for i in loop: optimizer.zero_grad() # Get losses for a forward pass loss_dict = forward_step(th_scan_meshes, split_smplx, scan_part_labels, smplx_part_labels, search_tree, pen_distance, tri_filtering_module) # Get total loss for backward pass tot_loss = backward_step(loss_dict, weight_dict, it) tot_loss.backward() optimizer.step() l_str = 'Iter: {}'.format(i) for k in loss_dict: l_str += ', {}: {:0.4f}'.format( k, weight_dict[k](loss_dict[k], it).mean().item()) loop.set_description(l_str) if display is not None: # verts, _, _, _ = split_smplx() verts = split_smplx() smplx_mesh = Mesh(v=verts[display].cpu().detach().numpy(), f=smplx.faces.cpu().numpy()) scan_mesh = Mesh( v=th_scan_meshes[display].vertices.cpu().detach().numpy(), f=th_scan_meshes[display].faces.cpu().numpy(), vc=np.array([0, 1, 0])) scan_mesh.set_vertex_colors_from_weights( scan_part_labels[display].cpu().detach().numpy()) mv.set_dynamic_meshes([smplx_mesh, scan_mesh]) # Put back pose, shape and trans into original smplx = = = = # = = = = = print('** Optimised smplx pose **')
def optimize_pose_shape(th_scan_meshes, smplx, iterations, steps_per_iter, scan_part_labels, smplx_part_labels, search_tree=None, pen_distance=None, tri_filtering_module=None, display=None): """ Optimize SMPLX. :param display: if not None, pass index of the scan in th_scan_meshes to visualize. """ # smplx.expression.requires_grad = False # smplx.jaw_pose.requires_grad = False # Optimizer optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([ smplx.trans, smplx.betas, smplx.global_pose, smplx.body_pose, smplx.left_hand_pose, smplx.right_hand_pose ], 0.02, betas=(0.9, 0.999)) # Get loss_weights weight_dict = get_loss_weights() # Display if display is not None: assert int(display) < len(th_scan_meshes) mv = MeshViewer() for it in range(iterations): loop = tqdm(range(steps_per_iter)) loop.set_description('Optimizing SMPLX') for i in loop: optimizer.zero_grad() # Get losses for a forward pass loss_dict = forward_step(th_scan_meshes, smplx, scan_part_labels, smplx_part_labels, search_tree, pen_distance, tri_filtering_module) # Get total loss for backward pass tot_loss = backward_step(loss_dict, weight_dict, it) tot_loss.backward() optimizer.step() l_str = 'Iter: {}'.format(i) for k in loss_dict: l_str += ', {}: {:0.4f}'.format( k, weight_dict[k](loss_dict[k], it).mean().item()) loop.set_description(l_str) if display is not None: # verts, _, _, _ = smplx() verts = smplx() smplx_mesh = Mesh(v=verts[display].cpu().detach().numpy(), f=smplx.faces.cpu().numpy()) scan_mesh = Mesh( v=th_scan_meshes[display].vertices.cpu().detach().numpy(), f=th_scan_meshes[display].faces.cpu().numpy(), vc=np.array([0, 1, 0])) scan_mesh.set_vertex_colors_from_weights( scan_part_labels[display].cpu().detach().numpy()) mv.set_static_meshes([scan_mesh, smplx_mesh]) print('** Optimised smplx pose and shape **')
def optimize_pose_only(th_scan_meshes, smpl, iterations, steps_per_iter, th_pose_3d, prior_weight, display=None): """ Initially we want to only optimize the global rotation of SMPL. Next we optimize full pose. We optimize pose based on the 3D keypoints in th_pose_3d. :param th_pose_3d: array containing the 3D keypoints. :param prior_weight: weights corresponding to joints depending on visibility of the joint in the 3D scan. eg: hand could be inside pocket. """ batch_sz = smpl.pose.shape[0] split_smpl = th_batch_SMPL_split_params(batch_sz,[:, :2],[:, 2:],[:, :3],[:, 3:], faces=smpl.faces, gender=smpl.gender).cuda() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( [split_smpl.trans, split_smpl.top_betas, split_smpl.global_pose], 0.02, betas=(0.9, 0.999)) # Get loss_weights weight_dict = get_loss_weights() if display is not None: assert int(display) < len(th_scan_meshes) # mvs = MeshViewers((1,1)) mv = MeshViewer(keepalive=True) iter_for_global = 1 for it in range(iter_for_global + iterations): loop = tqdm(range(steps_per_iter)) if it < iter_for_global: # Optimize global orientation print('Optimizing SMPL global orientation') loop.set_description('Optimizing SMPL global orientation') elif it == iter_for_global: # Now optimize full SMPL pose print('Optimizing SMPL pose only') loop.set_description('Optimizing SMPL pose only') optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([ split_smpl.trans, split_smpl.top_betas, split_smpl.global_pose, split_smpl.other_pose ], 0.02, betas=(0.9, 0.999)) else: loop.set_description('Optimizing SMPL pose only') for i in loop: optimizer.zero_grad() # Get losses for a forward pass loss_dict = forward_step_pose_only(split_smpl, th_pose_3d, prior_weight) # Get total loss for backward pass tot_loss = backward_step(loss_dict, weight_dict, it) tot_loss.backward() optimizer.step() l_str = 'Iter: {}'.format(i) for k in loss_dict: l_str += ', {}: {:0.4f}'.format( k, weight_dict[k](loss_dict[k], it).mean().item()) loop.set_description(l_str) if display is not None: verts, _, _, _ = split_smpl() smpl_mesh = Mesh(v=verts[display].cpu().detach().numpy(), f=smpl.faces.cpu().numpy()) scan_mesh = Mesh( v=th_scan_meshes[display].vertices.cpu().detach().numpy(), f=th_scan_meshes[display].faces.cpu().numpy(), vc=np.array([0, 1, 0])) mv.set_dynamic_meshes([smpl_mesh, scan_mesh]) # from matplotlib import cm # col = cm.tab20c(np.arange(len(th_pose_3d[display]['pose_keypoints_3d'])) % 20)[:, :3] # # jts, _, _ = split_smpl.get_landmarks() # Js = plot_points(jts[display].detach().cpu().numpy(), cols=col) # Js_observed = plot_points(th_pose_3d[display]['pose_keypoints_3d'][:, :3].numpy(), cols=col) # mvs[0][0].set_static_meshes([smpl_mesh, scan_mesh]) # mvs[0][1].set_static_meshes(Js) # mvs[0][2].set_static_meshes(Js_observed) # Put back pose, shape and trans into original smpl = = = print('** Optimised smpl pose **')
if mesh.v.max() > 1e3: mesh.v /= 1e3 n_vertices = len(mesh.v) prediction_vertex_values = np.arange(n_vertices) minima = min(prediction_vertex_values) maxima = max(prediction_vertex_values) norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=minima, vmax=maxima, clip=True) mapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cm.viridis) mapper_list = [mapper.to_rgba(x)[0] for x in prediction_vertex_values] = mapper_list mv = MeshViewer() mv.dynamic_meshes = [mesh] time.sleep(100) mv.save_snapshot( '/home/eman/Documents/PhD/pytorch_geometric-master/examples/reference-mesh.png' ) #################################################################### if == 'MPI': data_path = '/home/eman/Documents/PhD/body-modeling-master_initial/smpl-viewer/Data-survey-smpl/AllData/' dirs = os.listdir(data_path) dirs.sort() print(dirs)
print len(objFiles) for i in range(len(objFiles)): #Displaying original faces #i = 24 originalMeshFile = Mesh(filename=path + objFiles[i]) originalMeshFile.texture_filepath = path + bmpFiles[i] leftVerts = originalMeshFile rightVerts = originalMeshFile #print vars(leftVerts) name = (objFiles[i])[:-4] mv = MeshViewer() mv.dynamic_meshes = [originalMeshFile] time.sleep(0.3) mv.save_snapshot(saving_path + name + '_frontal.png') #time.sleep(0.1) #mv. #Left view newleftVerts = (, theta_l), (leftVerts.v).transpose())) leftVerts.v = newleftVerts.transpose() #mv_l = MeshViewer() mv.dynamic_meshes = [leftVerts] time.sleep(0.3) mv.save_snapshot(saving_path + name + '_left.png')