def process_pubchem_command(matchobj):
    """Function to process match of ``pubchem`` in molecule block."""
    string = matchobj.group(2)
    if re.match(r'^\s*[0-9]+\s*$', string):
        # This is just a number - must be a CID
        pcobj = pubchem.PubChemObj(int(string), '', '')
            return pcobj.getMoleculeString()
        except Exception as e:
            return e.message
        # Search pubchem for the provided string
            results = pubchem.getPubChemResults(string)
        except Exception as e:
            return e.message

        # N.B. Anything starting with PubchemError will be handled correctly by the molecule parser
        # in libmints, which will just print the rest of the string and exit gracefully.
        if not results:
            # Nothing!
            return "PubchemError\n\tNo results were found when searching PubChem for %s.\n" % (
        elif len(results) == 1:
            # There's only 1 result - use it
            return results[0].getMoleculeString()
            # There are multiple results. Print and exit
            msg = "\tPubchemError\n"
            msg += "\tMultiple pubchem results were found. Replace\n\n\t\tpubchem:%s\n\n" % (
            msg += "\twith the Chemical ID number or exact name from one of the following and re-run.\n\n"
            msg += "\t Chemical ID     IUPAC Name\n\n"
            for result in results:
                msg += "%s" % (result)
                if result.name().lower() == string.lower():
                    #We've found an exact match!
                    return result.getMoleculeString()
            return msg
def process_pubchem_command(matchobj):
    """Function to process match of ``pubchem`` in molecule block."""
    string = matchobj.group(2)
    if re.match(r'^\s*[0-9]+\s*$', string):
        # This is just a number - must be a CID
        pcobj = pubchem.PubChemObj(int(string), '', '')
            return pcobj.getMoleculeString()
        except Exception as e:
            return e.message
        # Search pubchem for the provided string
            results = pubchem.getPubChemResults(string)
        except Exception as e:
            return e.message

        # N.B. Anything starting with PubchemError will be handled correctly by the molecule parser
        # in libmints, which will just print the rest of the string and exit gracefully.
        if not results:
            # Nothing!
            return "PubchemError\n\tNo results were found when searching PubChem for %s.\n" % (string)
        elif len(results) == 1:
            # There's only 1 result - use it
            return results[0].getMoleculeString()
            # There are multiple results. Print and exit
            msg = "\tPubchemError\n"
            msg += "\tMultiple pubchem results were found. Replace\n\n\t\tpubchem:%s\n\n" % (string)
            msg += "\twith the Chemical ID number or exact name from one of the following and re-run.\n\n"
            msg += "\t Chemical ID     IUPAC Name\n\n"
            for result in results:
                msg += "%s" % (result)
                if result.name().lower() == string.lower():
                    #We've found an exact match!
                    return result.getMoleculeString()
            return msg