def Dijkstra_p(G,start,end=None):
	D = {}	# dictionary of final distances
	P = {}	# dictionary of predecessors
	Q = priorityDictionary()   # est.dist. of non-final vert.
	Q[start] = 0

	comm = PSim(len(Q)+1)

	if comm.rank==0:
		i = 1
		for v in Q:
			D[v] = Q[v]

			if v == end: break

			comm.send(i, v)
			i = i + 1
		v = comm.recv(0)
		for w in G[v]:
			vwLength = D[v] + G[v][w]
			if w in D:
				if vwLength < D[w]:
					raise ValueError, "Dijkstra: found better path to already-final vertex"
			elif w not in Q or vwLength < Q[w]:
				Q[w] = vwLength
				P[w] = v
	return (D,P)
def test():
    if comm.rank==0: print 'start test'
    if a!=10 or a!=b:
        print 'from process', comm.rank
        raise Exception
    if comm.rank==0: print 'test passed'
def scalar_product_test2(n, p):
    comm = PSim(p)
    a = b = None
    if comm.rank == 0:
        a = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
        b = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
    a = comm.one2all_scatter(0, a)
    b = comm.one2all_scatter(0, b)

    scalar = sum(a[i] * b[i] for i in range(len(a)))

    scalar = comm.all2one_reduce(0, scalar)
    if comm.rank == 0:
def scalar_product_test2(n,p):
    import random
    from psim import PSim
    comm = PSim(p)
    a = b = None
    if comm.rank==0:
        a = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
        b = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
    a = comm.one2all_scatter(0,a)
    b = comm.one2all_scatter(0,b)

    scalar = sum(a[i]*b[i] for i in range(len(a)))

    scalar = comm.all2one_reduce(0,scalar)
    if comm.rank == 0:
        print scalar
def Parallel(V, E, w, s):
	l = V.keys()

	Create a new process for each start vector.
	Note that there is an "extra" because the root process
	does NOT handle any work - it just scatters and gathers
	comm = PSim(len(l) + 1)

	# Scatter
	if comm.rank==0:
		# Loop through all of the processes 
		for i in range(1, len(l)+1):
			comm.send(i, l[i-1])
		curr = comm.recv(0)
		res = Dijkstra(V, curr)
		comm.send(0, res)

	# Gather
	if comm.rank==0:
		# Loop through all of the processes
		for i in range(1, len(l)+1):
			res = comm.recv(i)
			print ""
			print "Start: " + str(l[i-1])
			print "Path: " + str(res)
def mergesort_test(n, p):
    comm = PSim(p)
    if comm.rank == 0:
        data = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
        comm.send(1, data[n/2:])
        mergesort(data, 0, n/2)
        data[n/2:] = comm.recv(1)
        merge(data, 0, n/2, n)
        data = comm.recv(0)
        comm.send(0, data)
def test():
    comm = PSim(5, SWITCH)
    if comm.rank == 0: print 'start test'
    a = sum(comm.all2all_broadcast(comm.rank))
    b = comm.all2all_reduce(comm.rank)
    if a != 10 or a != b:
        print 'from process', comm.rank
        raise Exception
    if comm.rank == 0: print 'test passed'
def mergesort_test(n,p):
    import random
    from psim import PSim
    comm = PSim(p)
    if comm.rank==0:
        data = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
        comm.send(1, data[n/2:])
        data[n/2:] = comm.recv(1)
        print data
        data = comm.recv(0)
def scalar_product_test1(n, p):
    comm = PSim(p)
    h = n / p
    if comm.rank == 0:
        a = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
        b = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
        for k in range(1, p):
            comm.send(k, a[k * h:k * h + h])
            comm.send(k, b[k * h:k * h + h])
        a = comm.recv(0)
        b = comm.recv(0)
    scalar = sum(a[i] * b[i] for i in range(h))
    if comm.rank == 0:
        for k in range(1, p):
            scalar += comm.recv(k)
        comm.send(0, scalar)
def Dijkstra_pf(graph, start):
    vertices, links = graph
    P = [PrimVertex(i, links) for i in vertices]
    Q = [P[i] for i in vertices if not i == start]
    vertex = P[start]
    vertex.closest_dist = 0

    comm = PSim(len(vertices) + 1)

    while Q:
        i = 1
        for neighbor_id, length in vertex.neighbors:
            if comm.rank == 0:
                # comm.send(i, (P[neighbor_id], length))
                comm.send(i, (neighbor_id, length))
                # neighbor, length = comm.recv(0)
                nid, lth = comm.recv(0)
                neighbor = P[nid]
                dist = lth + vertex.closest_dist
                if neighbor in Q and dist < neighbor.closest_dist:
                    neighbor.closest = vertex
                    neighbor.closest_dist = dist
                comm.send(0, (nid, neighbor))

            i = i + 1

        if comm.rank == 0:
            l = []
            # Gather the message from each iteration
            for i in range(1, i):
                nid, r = comm.recv(i)
                neighbor = P[nid]
                if r.closest_dist < neighbor.closest_dist:
                    neighbor.closest = vertex
                    neighbor.closest_dist = r.closest_dist
        vertex = heappop(Q)

        # for v in P: print v.closest
    return [(,, v.closest_dist) for v in P if not == start]
    """if comm.rank==0:
def scalar_product_test1(n,p):
    import random
    from psim import PSim
    comm = PSim(p)
    h = n/p
    if comm.rank==0:
        a = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
        b = [random.random() for i in range(n)]
        for k in range(1,p):
            comm.send(k, a[k*h:k*h+h])
            comm.send(k, b[k*h:k*h+h])
        a = comm.recv(0)
        b = comm.recv(0)
    scalar = sum(a[i]*b[i] for i in range(h))
    if comm.rank == 0:
        for k in range(1,p):
            scalar += comm.recv(k)
        print scalar
def bb(adjacency, p=1):
    n = len(adjacency)
    comm = PSim(p)
    Q = []
    path = [0]
    bound = float("inf')
    optimal = None
    local_vertices = comm.one2all_scatter(0, range(n))
    while True:
        if comm.rank == 0:
            vertex = Q.pop() if Q else None
            vertex = None
        vertex = comm.one2all_broadcast(0, vertex)
        if vertex is None:
        P = []
        for k in local_vertices:
            if not k in vertex.path:
                new_path = vertex.path+[k]
                new_path_length = weight(new_path, adjacency)
                if new_path_length<bound:
                    if len(new_path) == n:
                        new_path_length = weight(new_path, adjacency)
                        if new_path_length<bound:
                            bound = new_path_length  # bcast
                            optimal = new_path       # bcast
                        new_vertex = Vertex(new_path)
                        P.append(new_vertex)  # fix this
                print(new_path, new_path_length)
        x = (bound, optimal)
        x = comm.all2all_reduce(x, lambda a, b: min(a, b))
        (bound, optimal) = x

        P = comm.all2one_collect(0, P)
        if comm.rank == 0:
            for item in P:
    return optimal, bound
# Begin program execution by supplying n verticies, indexSize (5 would
# mean vertex names would consist of 5 random characters, such as ABCDE;
# the higher the number, the more unique vertex names that are available),
# maxEdges indicates the maximum number of edges from any vertex, and min/max
# cost sets the range of costs for the randomly generated cost data.
n = 4096
indexSize = 4
maxEdges = 4 #must be less than n
minCost = 1
maxCost = 100

# Set the dimensions and processors for this program execution.
d = 4
p = 2**d
comm = PSim(p)

#Generate the random values including source/destination verticies
if comm.rank==0:
    start = time.time()
    index,revIndex,graph,distances = genData(n,indexSize,maxEdges,minCost,maxCost)
    source = revIndex[random.randint(0,len(revIndex)-1)]
    destination = source
    while(destination == source):
        destination = revIndex[random.randint(0,len(revIndex)-1)]
    index,revIndex,graph,distances = None,None,None,None
    source = None
    destination = None
#Distribute a portion of the data to all nodes
print 'Number of Vertices in the Graph: ', n
print 'Number of Edges in the Graph: ', e
print 'Use heuristic methods (only applies to Parallel Kruskal MST)?: ', h
print 'Run serial Kruskal MST?: ', s

#run the serial Kruskal Algorithm if chosen
if s == 1:
	serial_graph = make_graph_tuple(n,e)
	#start the timer
	st = time.time()
	MST = kruskal_serial(n, serial_graph)
	print MST
	#stop timer
	#print 'Total Time: ',(time.time() - st)
	comm = PSim(p) #create nodes, node 0 is the master	
	#master node	
	if comm.rank == 0:
		#the master node creates the initial graph
		the_graph = make_graph_tuple(n,e)
		#start the timer
		st = time.time()
		#break up edges and send to other worker nodes to
		#sort the edges by weight
		num_edges = e / p
		#node 0's edges to sort
		local_edges_to_sort = the_graph[0:num_edges] 
		for i in range (1,p):
			comm.send(i, the_graph[num_edges*i:(num_edges*i)+num_edges])
		#sort own local piece
# Begin program execution by supplying n verticies, indexSize (5 would
# mean vertex names would consist of 5 random characters, such as ABCDE;
# the higher the number, the more unique vertex names that are available),
# maxEdges indicates the maximum number of edges from any vertex, and min/max
# cost sets the range of costs for the randomly generated cost data.
n = 4096
indexSize = 4
maxEdges = 4  #must be less than n
minCost = 1
maxCost = 100

# Set the dimensions and processors for this program execution.
d = 4
p = 2**d
comm = PSim(p)

#Generate the random values including source/destination verticies
if comm.rank == 0:
    start = time.time()
    index, revIndex, graph, distances = genData(n, indexSize, maxEdges,
                                                minCost, maxCost)
    source = revIndex[random.randint(0, len(revIndex) - 1)]
    destination = source
    while (destination == source):
        destination = revIndex[random.randint(0, len(revIndex) - 1)]
    index, revIndex, graph, distances = None, None, None, None
    source = None
    destination = None
def dijkstra_p(g, source, p):
    PYsim parallel implementation of dijkstra's algorithm
    Result: One source shourtest paths to all nodes
    Implementation parallelizes finding minimums and 
    updating the results (inner loop is parallelized)
    Uses the method of collecting of intermediate minimums and 
    broadcasting of newly found path to all processes
    # Initialize communicator
    comm = PSim(p)
    myRank = comm.rank
    chunkSize = len(g) / p

    # Scatter the graph by partitioning it one dimensionally,
    # along with known distances to source, and remaining node information
    myGraphChunk = comm.one2all_scatter(0, g)
    localResultView = comm.one2all_scatter(0, g[source])
    localRemainView = comm.one2all_scatter(0, g[source])

    # Each process will iterate q times, where q is number of nodes in graph
    for q in range(len(g)):
        # Get shortest path to locally un-visited nodes
        lowestLocalDist = min(localRemainView)
        lowestLocalDistIdx = localRemainView.index(lowestLocalDist)

        # Collect the lowest distances and node indexes from all processes
        gatheredCandidatesDist = comm.all2one_collect(0, lowestLocalDist)
        gatheredCandidatesIdxs = comm.all2one_collect(0, lowestLocalDistIdx + myRank * chunkSize)

        processWithLowestDist = -1
        addedNodeIdx = -1
        lowestOverallDistance = -1

        # One 'main' process finds the global minimum
        if myRank == 0:
            lowestOverallDistance = min(gatheredCandidatesDist)
            processWithLowestDist = gatheredCandidatesDist.index(lowestOverallDistance)
            addedNodeIdx = gatheredCandidatesIdxs[processWithLowestDist]

        # 'Main' process broadcasts the finding to all processes
        receivedBroadcast = comm.one2all_broadcast(0, (processWithLowestDist, addedNodeIdx, lowestOverallDistance))

        # If this process is responsible for the newly found shortest path,
        # then mark this node as visited.
        if myRank == receivedBroadcast[0]:
            indexToUpdate = receivedBroadcast[1] - myRank * chunkSize
            localRemainView[indexToUpdate] = ""

        # Each process loop over all connections to this last visited node
        # that they have the visibility to.
        for iter in range(len(localResultView)):
            potentialNewDistance = myGraphChunk[iter][receivedBroadcast[1]] + receivedBroadcast[2]
            # If the distances through this node are less than what we know
            if potentialNewDistance < localResultView[iter]:
                # Update the local portion of the result list and
                # remaining nodes list
                localResultView[iter] = potentialNewDistance
                localRemainView[iter] = potentialNewDistance

    # Reduce the final result to a single list and return it
    reassembled = comm.all2one_reduce(0, localResultView)
    if myRank == 0:
        return reassembled
        return []
def dijkstra_p(g, source, p):
    PYsim parallel implementation of dijkstra's algorithm
    Result: One source shourtest paths to all nodes
    Implementation parallelizes finding minimums and 
    updating the results (inner loop is parallelized)
    Uses the method of collecting of intermediate minimums and 
    broadcasting of newly found path to all processes
    # Initialize communicator
    comm = PSim(p)
    myRank = comm.rank
    chunkSize = len(g) / p

    # Scatter the graph by partitioning it one dimensionally,
    # along with known distances to source, and remaining node information
    myGraphChunk = comm.one2all_scatter(0, g)
    localResultView = comm.one2all_scatter(0, g[source])
    localRemainView = comm.one2all_scatter(0, g[source])

    # Each process will iterate q times, where q is number of nodes in graph
    for q in range(len(g)):
        # Get shortest path to locally un-visited nodes
        lowestLocalDist = min(localRemainView)
        lowestLocalDistIdx = localRemainView.index(lowestLocalDist)

        # Collect the lowest distances and node indexes from all processes
        gatheredCandidatesDist = comm.all2one_collect(0, lowestLocalDist)
        gatheredCandidatesIdxs = comm.all2one_collect(
            0, lowestLocalDistIdx + myRank * chunkSize)

        processWithLowestDist = -1
        addedNodeIdx = -1
        lowestOverallDistance = -1

        # One 'main' process finds the global minimum
        if myRank == 0:
            lowestOverallDistance = min(gatheredCandidatesDist)
            processWithLowestDist = gatheredCandidatesDist.index(
            addedNodeIdx = gatheredCandidatesIdxs[processWithLowestDist]

        # 'Main' process broadcasts the finding to all processes
        receivedBroadcast = \

        # If this process is responsible for the newly found shortest path,
        # then mark this node as visited.
        if myRank == receivedBroadcast[0]:
            indexToUpdate = receivedBroadcast[1] - myRank * chunkSize
            localRemainView[indexToUpdate] = ''

        # Each process loop over all connections to this last visited node
        # that they have the visibility to.
        for iter in range(len(localResultView)):
            potentialNewDistance = \
            # If the distances through this node are less than what we know
            if potentialNewDistance < localResultView[iter]:
                # Update the local portion of the result list and
                # remaining nodes list
                localResultView[iter] = potentialNewDistance
                localRemainView[iter] = potentialNewDistance

    # Reduce the final result to a single list and return it
    reassembled = comm.all2one_reduce(0, localResultView)
    if myRank == 0:
        return reassembled
        return []
print('Number of Vertices in the Graph: ', n)
print('Number of Edges in the Graph: ', e)
print('Use heuristic methods (only applies to Parallel Kruskal MST)?: ', h)
print('Run serial Kruskal MST?: ', s)

#run the serial Kruskal Algorithm if chosen
if s == 1:
    serial_graph = make_graph_tuple(n, e)
    #start the timer
    st = time.time()
    MST = kruskal_serial(n, serial_graph)
    #stop timer
    #print 'Total Time: ',(time.time() - st)
    comm = PSim(p)  #create nodes, node 0 is the master
    #master node
    if comm.rank == 0:
        #the master node creates the initial graph
        the_graph = make_graph_tuple(n, e)
        #start the timer
        st = time.time()

        #break up edges and send to other worker nodes to
        #sort the edges by weight
        num_edges = e / p
        #node 0's edges to sort
        local_edges_to_sort = the_graph[0:num_edges]
        for i in range(1, p):
            comm.send(i, the_graph[num_edges * i:(num_edges * i) + num_edges])
        #sort own local piece
import heapq
from psim import PSim
comm = PSim(5)

#each process should get a dictionary item
adj = {}  #the adjacency dictionary-list
adj['a'] = [('b', 10), ('c', 3)]
adj['b'] = [('c', 1), ('d', 2)]
adj['c'] = [('b', 4), ('d', 8), ('e', 2)]
adj['d'] = [('e', 7)]
adj['e'] = [('d', 9)]

d = {}  #tells us the weight at any node
Q = []  #used by the heapq
S = []  #big s
V = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']  #all the vertices

for v in V:  #assign all nodes with value infinity which is represented as 1000
    d[v] = 1000
    heapq.heappush(Q, (1000, v))

d['a'] = 0  #start is 0
heapq.heapreplace(Q, (0, 'a'))  #start is 0 on the heapq

while len(Q) != 0:
    u = heapq.heappop(Q)[1]  #this will just give us the vertex name in the tuple (0, 'a')
                             #after a heappop we need to let all the other processes know
    #print u
    S.append(u)  #put u in big S
    for v in adj[u]:  #for all the neighbors of the minimum node u  #v looks like ('b', 10)
        #print d[v[0]]  #we do v[0] because we just want the vertex name of the tuple
newPosa = []
newPosc = []
newPost = []
newPosg = []

#build initial index seed
for i in range(numStrings):

#Now we parallelize the calculating of the Z values
#We create 5 seperate processes, 1 master process to direct and control
#and 4 other processes to each calculated the Z values
comm = PSim(5)  #4 bases

while True:

    #rank 0 is the director of the process and controls the loop and what to send
    if comm.rank == 0:
        newRow = GetLetter(newPosa, newPosc, newPost, newPosg)

        newPosa = GetNextIndexes(newRow, Ba)
        newPosc = GetNextIndexes(newRow, Bc)
        newPost = GetNextIndexes(newRow, Bt)
        newPosg = GetNextIndexes(newRow, Bg)

        #Exit the loop when there are no other values to calculate Z with
        if len(newPosa) < numStrings and \
           len(newPosc) < numStrings and \
newPosa = []
newPosc = []
newPost = []
newPosg = []

#build initial index seed
for i in range(numStrings):

#Now we parallelize the calculating of the Z values
#We create 5 seperate processes, 1 master process to direct and control
#and 4 other processes to each calculated the Z values
comm = PSim(5)  #4 bases

while True:

    #rank 0 is the director of the process and controls the loop and what to send
    if comm.rank == 0:
        newRow = GetLetter(newPosa, newPosc, newPost, newPosg)

        newPosa = GetNextIndexes(newRow, Ba)
        newPosc = GetNextIndexes(newRow, Bc)
        newPost = GetNextIndexes(newRow, Bt)
        newPosg = GetNextIndexes(newRow, Bg)
        #Exit the loop when there are no other values to calculate Z with
        if len(newPosa) < numStrings and \
           len(newPosc) < numStrings and \