from psmdlsyncer.Tree import Tree
from psmdlsyncer.utils import NS
from psmdlsyncer.settings import define_command_line_arguments
args = define_command_line_arguments(format='{lastfirst}{SPACE}({num})')
tree = Tree()
# TODO: Need to output an example for ease of use

def notlegal(psID):
    if not psID.isdigit():
        return True
    if not len(psID) == 5:
        return True
    if int(psID) < 30000:
        return True
    return False

output = []
for teacher_key in tree.get_teacher_keys():
    teacher = tree.get_teacher(teacher_key)
    ns = NS(teacher)
    if teacher.status == 1 and notlegal(teacher.num):
import re

def name_to_email(long_name):

        where = long_name.index(')')
    except ValueError:
        where = -1
    where += 1
    long_name = long_name[where:].strip().lower()
    return re.sub('[^a-z]', '', long_name)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    students = Tree()
    db = MoodleDBConnection()
    sf = NS()

    results = db.get_all_users_activity_enrollments()
    sf.domain = ''
    sf.AT = '@'

    from collections import defaultdict
    postfix = defaultdict(list)
    activities = defaultdict(list)
    homerooms = defaultdict( lambda : defaultdict(list) )

    for result in results:
    def __init__(self):
        self.raw = self.sql("select distinct usr.firstname, usr.lastname, dr.timecreated, dc.content, dc.fieldid, dc.recordid from ssismdl_data_content dc " +
                            "join ssismdl_data_records dr on dc.recordid = " +
                            "join ssismdl_user usr on dr.userid = " +
                       "join ssismdl_data_fields df on dc.fieldid = " + "join ssismdl_data d on df.dataid = 4 order by dc.recordid")()
        record_ids = []
        path_to_probe = config_get_section_attribute("DIRECTORIES", 'path_to_output')
        path_to_probe += '/probe/'
        for line in self.raw:
            r_id = line[k_record_id]
            if not r_id in record_ids:
                record_ids.append( r_id )
        # teachers holds the data organized by teachers
        teachers = defaultdict(list)
        # powerschool variable holds the data that will actually be written to file
        powerschool = ['Student_Number\tTest_Date\tGrade_Level\tReading_Age_1\tScore_2\tCategory_3\tIndications_3\tDifferential_1']
        # reads in student info from powerschool autosend
        student_info = Tree()        

        # loop through the records in the database module, match them up with the student info
        # and export the data accordingly
        for record_id in record_ids:
            this_entry = [ i for i in self.raw if i[k_record_id] == record_id ]
            if this_entry:
                entry = NS()
                entry.teacher = this_entry[0][0] + " " + this_entry[0][1]
       = timestamp_to_python_date(this_entry[0][2])
                entry.date_entered ='%m/%d/%Y')
                entry.test_date = {2012:make_date(2012, 10, 15), 2013:make_date(2013, 5, 15)}.get(
                entry.test_date_output = entry.test_date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
                for row in this_entry:
                    field_id = row[k_field_id]
                    if field_id == k_student_name:
                        entry.student = row[k_content]
                        entry.powerschoolid = entry.student
                        match = '\((.*) (.*)\)', entry.student)
                        if match:
                            entry.homeroom, entry.powerschoolid = match.groups()
                            entry.grade = re.sub('[A-Z]', '', entry.homeroom)
                            entry.homeroom = ''
                            entry.grade = -1
                    elif field_id == k_percentage:
                        entry.percent = row[k_content]
                    elif field_id == k_analysis:
                        entry.analysis = ', '.join(row[k_content].split('##')) if row[k_content] else ""
                    elif field_id == k_type:
                        entry.type = row[k_content]
                    elif field_id == k_set:
                        entry.set = row[k_content]
                        if not entry.set:
                        entry.reading_age = reading_age_from_set.get(entry.set)

                # gets the student class that has autosend data
                student = student_info.get_student(str(entry.powerschoolid))
                if not student:
                    # student no longer at ssis
                if not entry.reading_age:
                    # no longer in the system (left) just skip it
                    # what about that dude's data!?
                    print("Something wrong with the data of this student")
                date_to_age = lambda x: float(x.days) / 365.25
                entry.age = date_to_age(entry.test_date - student.birthday)
                entry.differential = round(entry.reading_age - entry.age, 2)
                teachers[entry.teacher].append( entry )
                powerschool.append( entry('{powerschoolid}{TAB}{test_date_output}{TAB}{grade}{TAB}{reading_age}{TAB}{percent}{TAB}{type}{TAB}{analysis}{TAB}{differential}') )
        with open(path_to_probe + 'powerschool.txt', 'w') as f:
            f.write( "\n".join(powerschool) )
        for teacher in teachers:
            with open(path_to_probe + '{}.txt'.format(teacher), 'w') as f:
                entries = teachers[teacher]
                entries.sort(key=lambda x: x.student)
                for entry in entries:
                    f.write(entry.student+ '\n')
                    f.write("\tSet:      {}\n".format(entry.set))
                    f.write("\tPercent:  {}\n".format(entry.percent))
                    f.write("\tAnalysis: {}\n".format(entry.analysis))
                    f.write("\tType:     {}\n".format(entry.type))
from psmdlsyncer.Tree import Tree
from psmdlsyncer.utils import NS
from psmdlsyncer.settings import define_command_line_arguments
args = define_command_line_arguments(format='{lastfirst}{SPACE}({num})')
tree = Tree()
# TODO: Need to output an example for ease of use

output = []
for student in tree.students():
    if student.is_secondary:
        ns = NS(student)
        print(ns('{ID}{COMMA}{username}{lastfirst}{COMMA}OLP{ID}{COMMA}"Invisible / Online Portfolios"{COMMA}backup-moodle2-course-1489-olptemplate-20131101-1225.mbz'))