            psspy.machine_data_2(102, r"""1""", [_i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i], [
                P_Gen, Q_Gen, Q_Gen, Q_Gen, S, 0, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f,
                _f, _f, _f, _f
            psspy.machine_data_2(103, r"""1""", [_i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i], [
                P_Gen, Q_Gen, Q_Gen, Q_Gen, S, 0, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f,
                _f, _f, _f, _f
            psspy.machine_data_2(104, r"""1""", [_i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i], [
                P_Gen, Q_Gen, Q_Gen, Q_Gen, S, 0, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f,
                _f, _f, _f, _f
            psspy.plant_data(600, _i, [terminalv, _f])
            psspy.fdns([1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 99, 0])
            ierr, pval = psspy.brnmsc(
                400, 46660, '1', 'P')  # chang: make sure there is such branch.
            ierr, qval = psspy.brnmsc(400, 46660, '1', 'Q')
            ierr, vval = psspy.busdat(101, 'PU')

            valid_pq = 0
            loop = 0
            while (1):
                if ((math.sqrt(P_Gen**2 + Q_Gen**2) <
                     ((S * min(derate, vval)) + 0.02)) and vval <= 1.1):
                    valid_pq = 1

                if loop >= 50:
                    valid_pq = 0
                    overloop = overloop + 1  # chang: add this line.
            psspy.machine_chng_2(100, r"""1""", [_i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i], [
                P_Gen_1, Q_Gen_1, Q_Gen_1, Q_Gen_1, S_1, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f,
                _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f
            psspy.machine_chng_2(200, r"""1""", [_i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i], [
                P_BESS, Q_Gen_BESS, Q_Gen_BESS, Q_Gen_BESS, S_BESS, _f, _f, _f,
                _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f
            # psspy.machine_chng_2(200, r"""1""", [_i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i],  [P_BESS, _f,   _f,    _f,    S_BESS, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f])

            psspy.plant_data_3(SMIB_bus_no, 0, _i, [terminalv, _f])
            # fixed slope decoupled Newton-Raphson power flow calculation, 1_tap, 2_area_interchange, 3_phase_shift, 4_dc_tap, 5_switched shunt,6_flat_start, 7_Var_limit,8__non-divergent solution
            ierr = psspy.fdns([1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 99, 0])

            #brnmsc: return real branch flow values
            ierr, pval = psspy.brnmsc(POC_bus_gen, POC_bus_grid, '1',
                                      'P')  # POC_P_value

            ierr, qval = psspy.brnmsc(POC_bus_gen, POC_bus_grid, '1',
                                      'Q')  # POC_Q_value

            ierr, vval = psspy.busdat(inverter_bus_1,
                                      'PU')  # inverter_terminal_voltage

            valid_pq = 0
            loop = 0
            while (1):
                if ((math.sqrt(P_Gen_1**2 + Q_Gen_1**2) <
                     ((S_1 * min(derate, vval)) + 0.02)) and vval <= 1.15):
                    valid_pq = 1
    # Branch Flow Data - Real
    for j in range(0, len(Power_Flow_Monitor_Start)):
        ibus = Power_Flow_Monitor_Start[j]
        jbus = Power_Flow_Monitor_End[j]
        kbus = Third_Bus_Record[j]
        # for special three winding tf.
        circuit_id = Equipment_ID[j]
        # for special three winding tf.

        rval1M = 0
        rval2M = 0
        rval3M = 0
        rval4M = 0
        rval5M = 0
        ierr, rval1M = psspy.brnmsc(ibus, jbus, '1', 'PCTMVA')
        ierr, rval2M = psspy.brnmsc(ibus, jbus, '2', 'PCTMVA')
        ierr, rval3M = psspy.brnmsc(ibus, jbus, '3', 'PCTMVA')
        ierr, rval4M = psspy.brnmsc(ibus, jbus, '4', 'PCTMVA')
        ierr, rval5M = psspy.wnddat(ibus, jbus, kbus, circuit_id, 'PCTMVA')
        if rval1M == None: rval1M = 0
        if rval2M == None: rval2M = 0
        if rval3M == None: rval3M = 0
        if rval4M == None: rval4M = 0
        if rval5M == None: rval5M = 0
        S_Flow_Record[j].append(max([rval1M, rval2M, rval3M, rval4M, rval5M]))

        rval1 = 0
        rval2 = 0
        rval3 = 0
        rval4 = 0
                      'Database=' + db_server + ';'
                      'UID=' + usr_server + ';'
                      'PWD=' + pwd_server)

cursor = conn.cursor()

#for lineas in df_lineas132_viesgo.itertuples():
for idx, lineas in df_lineas132_viesgo.iterrows():
    #    print(lineas)
    #No entiendo porque con itertuples lineas[0] es un índice.
    #    print(int(lineas['Linea ID']))
    #    print(type(lineas[0]))
    #    ierr_AMPS, rval_AMPS = psspy.brnmsc(int(lineas[1]),int(lineas[4]), str(lineas[7]), 'AMPS')
    ierr_AMPS, rval_AMPS = psspy.brnmsc(int(lineas['From Bus Number']),
                                        int(lineas['To Bus Number']),
                                        str(lineas['Linea ID']), 'AMPS')
    ierr_P, rval_P = psspy.brnmsc(int(lineas['From Bus Number']),
                                  int(lineas['To Bus Number']),
                                  str(lineas['Linea ID']), 'P')
    ierr_Q, rval_Q = psspy.brnmsc(int(lineas['From Bus Number']),
                                  int(lineas['To Bus Number']),
                                  str(lineas['Linea ID']), 'Q')
    #ierr_MVA, rval_MVA = psspy.brnmsc(int(lineas['From Bus Number']),int(lineas['To Bus Number']), str(lineas['Linea ID']), 'PCTCPA')
    rate_MVA_Perc = 0
    if int(lineas['Rate1 (MVA)']) is not 0:
        rate_MVA_Perc = ((math.sqrt(3) * 132000 * rval_AMPS) / 1000000) / int(
            lineas['Rate1 (MVA)']) * 100
#    print(ierr_AMPS,rval_AMPS)
#    print(ierr_P, rval_P )
#    print(ierr_Q, rval_Q )
        QgenNOW = QgenINImax[caseIndex]
        while abs(dQpoc) > PQMisMatch_Tol:
            QgenNOW = QgenNOW - dQpoc / Q_factor
            psspy.machine_data_2(bus_gen, '1', realar1=PgenNOW, realar2=QgenNOW, realar3=QgenNOW, realar4=QgenNOW)
            psspy.fdns([1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 99, 0])
            ierr, Vinf = psspy.busdat(bus_inf, 'PU')
            ierr, Vpoc = psspy.busdat(bus_poc, 'PU')
            dV_POC = POC_VCtrl_Tgt - Vpoc
            while abs(dV_POC) > Vinf_MisMatch_Tol:
                Vsch = Vinf + dV_POC / V_factor
                psspy.plant_data(bus_inf, realar1=Vsch)  # set the infinite bus scheduled voltage to the estimated voltage for this condition
                psspy.fdns([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 99, 0])
                ierr, Vinf = psspy.busdat(bus_inf, 'PU')
                ierr, Vpoc = psspy.busdat(bus_poc, 'PU')
                dV_POC = POC_VCtrl_Tgt - Vpoc
            ierr, QpocNOW = psspy.brnmsc(bus_poc, bus_dummy, "1", 'Q')
            dQpoc = QpocNOW-qpoc
        ierr, PpocNOW = psspy.brnmsc(bus_poc, bus_dummy, "1", 'P')
        dPpoc = PpocNOW - ppoc
    psspy.machine_data_2(bus_gen, '1', realar1=PgenNOW, realar2=QgenNOW, realar3=QgenNOW, realar4=QgenNOW)
    ierr, PpocNOW = psspy.brnmsc(bus_poc, bus_dummy, "1", 'P')
    ierr, QpocNOW = psspy.brnmsc(bus_poc, bus_dummy, "1", 'Q')

    print "Line Flow_at_PoC (P) is %s" % PpocNOW
    print "Line Flow_at_PoC (Q) is %s" % QpocNOW
    psspy.fdns([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 99, 0])
    if caseIndex == 0:  # Qexport at POC is 0
        psspy.save(CasePath + 'Case' + ("%03d" % (caseNum+1)) + str(case_id) + '_' + 'Qzero' + '.sav')
    elif caseIndex == 1:
        psspy.save(CasePath + 'Case' + ("%03d" % (caseNum+1)) + str(case_id) + '_' + 'Qlag' + '.sav')
psspy.report_output(islct=2, options=[0])
with open('output.txt', 'a') as fout:

flowarr = [['KLYN-MTHNPG L1', 7.6], ['KLYN-MTHNPG L2', 7.6],
           ['DHN-MTHNPG L1', 45], ['DHN-MTHNPG L2', 45], ['CTPS-DHN L1', 45.6],
           ['CTPS-DHN L2', 45.6], ['CTPS-KLYN L1', 141.8],
           ['CTPS-KLYN L2', 141.8], ['MTPS-BRNPR L1', 58.23],
           ['KLYN-BRNPR L1', 22], ['KLYN-MTPS L1', 55], ['KLYN-MTPS L2', 79.2],
           ['KLYN-MTPS L3', 79.2], ['PARU-DGPPG L1', 1], ['PARU-DGPPG L2', 1],
           ['DGPDVC-PARU L1', 16.5], ['DGPDVC-PARU L2', 16.5],
           ['DTPS-PARU L1', 22], ['DTPS-PARU L2', 22],
           ['MTPS-DGPDVC L1', 31.45], ['MTPS-DGPDVC L2', 31.45],
           ['MTPS-DTPS L1', 42], ['MTPS-DTPS L2', 42]]

ierr, rval = psspy.brnmsc(44204, 45205, '1', 'MVA')
ierr, cmpval1 = psspy.brnflo(44204, 45205, '1')
print 'Kalyaneswari - MaithonPG line1 loading in MW & MVar = ', cmpval1
print 'Kalyaneswari - MaithonPG line1 loading in % = ', cmpval1.real * 100.0 / 186.0
flowarr[0].append(cmpval1.real * 100.0 / 186.0)
ierr, cmpval2 = psspy.brnflo(44204, 45205, '2')
print 'Kalyaneswari - MaithonPG line2 loading in MW & MVar = ', cmpval2
print 'Kalyaneswari - MaithonPG line2 loading in % = ', cmpval2.real * 100.0 / 186.0
flowarr[1].append(cmpval2.real * 100.0 / 186.0)
ierr, cmpval3 = psspy.brnflo(44206, 45205, '1')
print 'Dhanbad - MaithonPG line1 loading in MW & MVar = ', cmpval3
print 'Dhanbad - MaithonPG line1 loading in % = ', cmpval3.real * 100.0 / 186.0
flowarr[2].append(cmpval3.real * 100.0 / 186.0)
ierr, cmpval4 = psspy.brnflo(44206, 45205, '2')
print 'Dhanbad - MaithonPG line2 loading in MW & MVar = ', cmpval4
print 'Dhanbad - MaithonPG line2 loading in % = ', cmpval4.real * 100.0 / 186.0
psspy.report_output(islct=2, options=[0])
with open('output.txt','a') as fout:

flowarr=[['KLYN-MTHNPG L1',7.6],['KLYN-MTHNPG L2',7.6],['DHN-MTHNPG L1',45],['DHN-MTHNPG L2',45],
         ['CTPS-DHN L1',45.6],['CTPS-DHN L2',45.6],['CTPS-KLYN L1',141.8],['CTPS-KLYN L2',141.8],
         ['MTPS-BRNPR L1',58.23],['KLYN-BRNPR L1',22],['KLYN-MTPS L1',55],['KLYN-MTPS L2',79.2],
         ['KLYN-MTPS L3',79.2],['PARU-DGPPG L1',1],['PARU-DGPPG L2',1],['DGPDVC-PARU L1',16.5],
         ['DGPDVC-PARU L2',16.5],['DTPS-PARU L1',22],['DTPS-PARU L2',22],['MTPS-DGPDVC L1',31.45],
         ['MTPS-DGPDVC L2',31.45],['MTPS-DTPS L1',42],['MTPS-DTPS L2',42]]

ierr, rval = psspy.brnmsc(44204, 45205, '1', 'MVA')
ierr, cmpval1 = psspy.brnflo(44204, 45205, '1')
print 'Kalyaneswari - MaithonPG line1 loading in MW & MVar = ', cmpval1
print 'Kalyaneswari - MaithonPG line1 loading in % = ', cmpval1.real*100.0/186.0
ierr, cmpval2 = psspy.brnflo(44204, 45205, '2')
print 'Kalyaneswari - MaithonPG line2 loading in MW & MVar = ', cmpval2
print 'Kalyaneswari - MaithonPG line2 loading in % = ', cmpval2.real*100.0/186.0
ierr, cmpval3 = psspy.brnflo(44206, 45205, '1')
print 'Dhanbad - MaithonPG line1 loading in MW & MVar = ', cmpval3
print 'Dhanbad - MaithonPG line1 loading in % = ', cmpval3.real*100.0/186.0
ierr, cmpval4 = psspy.brnflo(44206, 45205, '2')
print 'Dhanbad - MaithonPG line2 loading in MW & MVar = ', cmpval4
print 'Dhanbad - MaithonPG line2 loading in % = ', cmpval4.real*100.0/186.0
    ierr, S = psspy.macdat(POI_bus ,'1','MVA')

    # ierr, P = psspy.brnmsc(110,109,'1','P')
    # P_POI.append(abs(P))
    # ierr, Q = psspy.brnmsc(110,109,'1','Q')
    # Q_POI.append(Q)
    # ierr, S = psspy.brnmsc(110,109,'1','MVA')

    fbus = [POI_bus, 10202, 101202, 101102, 101002, 10902, 10802, 10702, 90102, 10302, 10602]
    tbus = [10102,  101202, 101102, 101002, 10902, 10802, 10702, 90102, 10302, 10602, 10502]

    br = 0
    # Used to check 'AMPS' instead of '%'
    ierr, I1 = psspy.brnmsc(fbus[br],tbus[br],'1','PCTRTA')
    ierr, I2 = psspy.brnmsc(tbus[br],fbus[br],'1','PCTRTA')

    br = 1
    ierr, I1 = psspy.brnmsc(fbus[br],tbus[br],'1','PCTRTA')
    ierr, I2 = psspy.brnmsc(tbus[br],fbus[br],'1','PCTRTA')

    br = 2
    ierr, I1 = psspy.brnmsc(fbus[br],tbus[br],'1','PCTRTA')
    ierr, I2 = psspy.brnmsc(tbus[br],fbus[br],'1','PCTRTA')
    br = 3
    ierr, I1 = psspy.brnmsc(fbus[br],tbus[br],'1','PCTRTA')