def weather_data_calculator(weatherDataFrame):
    deltaTheating = weatherDataFrame["Values"]["Design Heating T"]-weatherDataFrame["Values"]["Winter T"]
    deltaTcooling = weatherDataFrame["Values"]["Summer T"]-weatherDataFrame["Values"]["Design Cooling T"]
    DRcooling = weatherDataFrame["Values"]["DR"]
    latitude = weatherDataFrame["Values"]["Latitude"]
    DBT_Kelvin_outdoor = weatherDataFrame["Values"]["Summer T"]+273.15         #T in kelvin
    WBT_Kelvin_outdoor = weatherDataFrame["Values"]["Summer WBT"]+273.15
    DBT_Kelvin_indoor = weatherDataFrame["Values"]["Design Cooling T"]+273.15
    RH_indoor = weatherDataFrame["Values"]["Design Cooling RH"]
    S_outdoor = SI.state("DBT",DBT_Kelvin_outdoor,"WBT",WBT_Kelvin_outdoor,101325) # use stete func in spysi to calculate w
    W_out = S_outdoor[4]
    S_indoor = SI.state("DBT",DBT_Kelvin_indoor,"RH",RH_indoor,101325)
    W_in = S_indoor[4]
    inputsList = pd.Series([deltaTheating,deltaTcooling,DRcooling,latitude,W_out,W_in],index=["deltaTheating","deltaTcooling","DRcooling","latitude","W out","W in"])
    return inputsList
#         W     - kilogram per kilogram (pounds mass per pound mass)
#         WBT   - Kelvins (degrees Rankine)

# p2 - A string that is a valid state property but must not be the same as p1

# p2val - A numeric that is in base units of which ever property that is given.

# P - A numeric that is the atmospheric pressure in Pascals of SI units or
#     pounds per square inch for IP units.

# The state function returns a list of all state property values in the
# following order:
#                 Dry bulb temperature (DBT)
#                 Specific enthalpy (H)
#                 Relative humidity (RH)
#                 Specific volume (V)
#                 Humidity ratio (W)
#                 Wet bulb temperature (WBT)

# Example - For a dry bulb temperature of 300 Kelvin and a relative humidity
#           of 0.32 (i.e. 32%) at standard atompspheric pressure, the other
#           state properties can be calculated by the following.
S = SI.state("DBT", 300, "RH", 0.32, 101325)
print("The dry bulb temperature is ", S[0])
print("The specific enthalpy is ", S[1])
print("The relative humidity is ", S[2])
print("The specific volume is ", S[3])
print("The humidity ratio is ", S[4])
print("The wet bulb temperature is ", S[5])
# All calculated values are in base SI units as listed above.
#         W     - kilogram per kilogram (pounds mass per pound mass)
#         WBT   - Kelvins (degrees Rankine)

# p2 - A string that is a valid state property but must not be the same as p1

# p2val - A numeric that is in base units of which ever property that is given.

# P - A numeric that is the atmospheric pressure in Pascals of SI units or
#     pounds per square inch for IP units.

# The state function returns a list of all state property values in the
# following order:
#                 Dry bulb temperature (DBT)
#                 Specific enthalpy (H)
#                 Relative humidity (RH)
#                 Specific volume (V)
#                 Humidity ratio (W)
#                 Wet bulb temperature (WBT)

# Example - For a dry bulb temperature of 300 Kelvin and a relative humidity
#           of 0.32 (i.e. 32%) at standard atompspheric pressure, the other
#           state properties can be calculated by the following.
print("The dry bulb temperature is ", S[0])
print("The specific enthalpy is ", S[1])
print("The relative humidity is ", S[2])
print("The specific volume is ", S[3])
print("The humidity ratio is ", S[4])
print("The wet bulb temperature is ", S[5])
# All calculated values are in base SI units as listed above.
     d = d + 1
 e = 1
 while rh2 > int(hum2[e]):
     e = e + 1
 if comb[d][e] == 0:
     vco = vco + 1
 if comb[d][e] == 1:
     co = co + 1
 if comb[d][e] == 2:
     aw = aw + 1
 if comb[d][e] == 3:
     unc = unc + 1
 warcom = max(float(comf[b][c]), float(awarm[d][e]))
 if (comf[b][c] <= 0) & (awarm[d][e] >= 0):
     warcom = 3
 s = SI.state("DBT", (273 + temp), "RH", (rh / 100), 101325)
     tw = s[5] - 273
 except TypeError:
     tw = s[5]
     TSI = (0.308 * tw) + (0.745 * temp) - (2.06 * (math.sqrt(
         (0.9 * warcom) + 0.841)))
     TSI = None
 tiime = t[1].split(':')
 if t[-1] == 'PM':
     tiime[0] = str(int(tiime[0]) + 12)
 #   if (int(tiime[0])>7 & int(tiime[0])<23):
 #     Met = 1.7