def RunTrial(sequence): # check for going over session time if globalClock.getTime()-tStartSession > tSessionMax: CoolDown() #exit experiment gracefully # get deadline for response respDur = tRespPerItem*(len(sequence)) respDur = int(tRespRoundOff * np.ceil(float(respDur)/tRespRoundOff)) # round up to next tRespRoundOff multiple # print("length = %d, respDur = %1.1f"%(len(sequence), respDur)) logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg='Start Sequence %d'%len(sequence)) # play sequence for iStim in sequence: DisplayButtons([iStim],stimDur) beeps[iStim].play() core.wait(stimDur,stimDur) # wait so sound plays properly DisplayButtons([],pauseDur) # core.wait(pauseDur,pauseDur) logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg='End Sequence %d'%len(sequence)) #draw fixation dot and wait for response event.clearEvents() # ignore any keypresses before now # win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='Display Fixation') # fixation.draw() DisplayButtons([],0,True) # tResp = trialClock.getTime() # IMPORTANT REFERENCE POINT tResp = tNextFlip[0] # IMPORTANT REFERENCE POINT iSeq = 0 # Response loop while globalClock.getTime() < (tResp + respDur) and iSeq < len(sequence): iStim = sequence[iSeq] thisKey = event.getKeys(timeStamped=globalClock) if len(thisKey)>0 and thisKey[0][0] == respKeys[iStim]: #tResp = trialClock.getTime(); # reset the shot clock # fixation.draw() DisplayButtons([iStim],0,True) # DON'T INCREMENT CLOCK beepsShort[iStim].play() core.wait(shortDur,shortDur) # USE CORE.WAIT HERE SO CLOCK DOESN'T INCREMENT # fixation.draw() DisplayButtons([],0,True) iSeq += 1 elif len(thisKey)>0 and thisKey[0][0] in ['q','escape']: core.quit() elif len(thisKey)>0: print('this: %s'%str(thisKey[0][0])) print('correct: %s'%str(respKeys[iStim])) core.wait(buzzDur,buzzDur) # USE CORE.WAIT HERE SO CLOCK DOESN'T INCREMENT return (WRONG) #get response if iSeq == len(sequence): # finished sequence DisplayButtons([],respDur,False) # increment next-frame clock return(RIGHT) else: # ran out of time core.wait(buzzDur,buzzDur) # USE CORE.WAIT HERE SO CLOCK DOESN'T INCREMENT DisplayButtons([],respDur,False) # increment next-frame clock return (TOOSLOW)
def __set__(self, obj, value): newValue = self.func(obj, value) if (obj.autoLog is True) and (self.func.__name__ is not 'autoLog'): message = "%s: %s = %s" % (obj.__class__.__name__, self.func.__name__, value) try:, level=logging.EXP, obj=obj) except AttributeError: # this is probably a Window, having no "win" attribute logging.log(message, level=logging.EXP, obj=obj) return newValue
def logThis( msg ): ''' Write to log file and to LSL outlet. ''' global lsl_outlet_log global USE_LSL logging.log(msg, level = myLogLevel) if USE_LSL: lsl_outlet_log.push_sample([msg])
def logAttrib(obj, log, attrib, value=None): """Logs a change of a visual attribute on the next window.flip. If value=None, it will take the value of self.attrib. """ # Default to autoLog if log isn't set explicitly if log or log is None and obj.autoLog: if value is None: value = getattr(obj, attrib) # Log on next flip message = "%s: %s = %s" % (, attrib, value.__repr__()) try:, level=logging.EXP, obj=obj) except AttributeError: # this is probably a Window, having no "win" attribute logging.log(message, level=logging.EXP, obj=obj)
def throw_ball(fromP, toP): global trialCnt, holder, rndCnt key = "%ito%i" % (fromP,toP) logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg="round %i - trial %i - throw: %s - %s" % (round, trialCnt, key, condition)) for s in throw[key]: players.setImage('images/%s/%s' % (key,s)) players.draw() win.flip() core.wait(0.15) trialCnt+=1 rndCnt+=1 holder=toP logging.flush() select_throw()
def play_round(): global rndCnt rndCnt=0 logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg="Displaying Round %i label" % round) round_fix.setText("Round %i" % round) round_fix.draw() win.flip() core.wait(2) logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg="Starting Round %i" % round) trialClock.reset() players.draw() player_names(True) win.flip() core.wait(0.2) select_throw() player_names(False) fixation.draw() win.flip() core.wait(5)
def select_throw(): global condition if holder==2: logging.log(level=logging.DATA,msg="PLAYER HAS BALL") got_ball_time = trialClock.getTime() choice=[] while len(choice)==0 or choice [0] not in ('2','3'): core.wait(0.01) if trialCnt > maxTrials or trialClock.getTime() > maxTime: return choice = event.getKeys(keyList=['2','3']) if choice[0]=='2': throwTo=1 elif choice[0]=='3': throwTo=3 logging.log(level=logging.DATA,msg="PLAYER THROWS TO %i - RT %0.4f" % (throwTo, trialClock.getTime()-got_ball_time)) else: core.wait(random.randint(500,3500)/1000) if round==2 and rndCnt>8: condition="UBALL" ft=0.5 else: ft=0.0 throwChoice = random.random() - ft if throwChoice < 0.5: if holder==1: throwTo=3 else: throwTo=1 else: throwTo=2 if trialCnt > maxTrials or trialClock.getTime() > maxTime: return else: throw_ball(holder,throwTo)
def RunQuestions_Move(question_list,options_list, win, name='Question', questionDur=float('inf'), isEndedByKeypress=True, upKey='up', downKey='down', selectKey='enter'): # import visual package from psychopy import visual # set up nQuestions = len(question_list) allKeys = ['']*nQuestions trialClock = core.Clock() iQ = 0 iA = 0 respKeys=[upKey,downKey,selectKey] # make visuals questionText = visual.TextStim(win, pos=[0,+.5], wrapWidth=1.5, color='#000000', alignHoriz='center', name='questionText', text="aaa",units='norm') optionsText = [] for iResp in range(0,len(options_list[0])): optionsText.append(visual.TextStim(win, pos=[0,-.1*iResp], wrapWidth=1.5, color='#000000', alignHoriz='center', name='option%d'%(iResp+1), text="aaa",units='norm',autoLog=False)) while iQ < nQuestions: print('iQ = %d/%d'%(iQ+1,nQuestions)) # default response is middle response (and round down) iA = int((len(options_list[iQ])-1)*0.5) # set and draw text questionText.setText(question_list[iQ]) questionText.draw() optionsText[iA].bold = True # make currently selected answer bold for iResp in range(0,len(options_list[iQ])): optionsText[iResp].setText('%d) %s'%((iResp+1),options_list[iQ][iResp])) optionsText[iResp].draw() # Flush the key buffer and mouse movements event.clearEvents() # Put the image on the screen win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='Display %s%d'%(name,iQ)); win.flip() # Reset our clock to zero - I think this call should take less time than window.flip, so resetting after the flip should be slightly more accurate. trialClock.reset() # Wait for keypress endQuestion = False; while (trialClock.getTime()<questionDur and not endQuestion): newKeys = event.getKeys(keyList=(respKeys + ['q','escape','backspace','period']),timeStamped=trialClock) for newKey in newKeys: # check for quit keys if newKey[0] in ['q', 'escape']: endQuestion = True; # end the loop elif newKey[0] == 'backspace': print('backspace') iQ = max(0,iQ-1) # go back one endQuestion = True; elif newKey[0] == 'period': iQ +=1 # skip fwd without recording response endQuestion = True; elif newKey[0] == upKey: # move response up # remove old bold optionsText[iA].bold = False # update answer iA -= 1 if iA<0: iA=0 # make newly selected answer bold optionsText[iA].bold = True # redraw everything questionText.draw() for iResp in range(0,len(options_list[iQ])): optionsText[iResp].draw() win.flip() elif newKey[0] == downKey: # move response down # remove old bold optionsText[iA].bold = False # update answer iA += 1 if iA>=len(options_list[iQ]): iA = len(options_list[iQ])-1 # make newly selected answer bold optionsText[iA].bold = True # redraw everything questionText.draw() for iResp in range(0,len(options_list[iQ])): optionsText[iResp].draw() win.flip() elif newKey[0] == selectKey: # log response allKeys[iQ] = (iA+1, newKey[1]) # make new tuple with answer index and response time logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg= 'Responded %d'%(iA+1)) # remove old bold optionsText[iA].bold = False # advance question index iQ +=1 if isEndedByKeypress: endQuestion = True; else: print('pressed %s'%newKey[0]) if len(newKeys)>0 and newKey[0] in ['q', 'escape']: break # end the loop # return result return allKeys
# make squares squares = [] for i in range(0, 4): xpos = i * 2 - 3 squares.append(visual.Rect(win, pos=[xpos, 0], width=1, height=1, lineColor="black", fillColor="gray")) # make arrows line = visual.Line(win, start=(-2, 0), end=(2, 0), lineColor="black") leftArrow = visual.Polygon(win, edges=3, radius=0.5, pos=(-2, 0), ori=30, lineColor="black", fillColor="black") rightArrow = visual.Polygon(win, edges=3, radius=0.5, pos=(2, 0), ori=-30, lineColor="black", fillColor="black") # ========================== # # ===== SET UP LOGGING ===== # # ========================== # logging.LogFile((fileName + ".log"), level=logging.INFO) # , mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="Subject %s, Session %s" % (expInfo["subject"], expInfo["session"])) for i in range(0, len(sequences)): logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="sequence %d: %s" % (i, sequences[i])) # ============================ # # ======= SUBFUNCTIONS ======= # # ============================ # def PlaySequence(sequence): # get block start time tBlock = globalClock.getTime() * 1000 # draw fixation dot fixation.draw() win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg="Fixation")
if dlg.OK: toFile("lastSartParams.pickle", expInfo) # save params to file for next time else: core.quit() # the user hit cancel so exit # get volume from dialogue targetDigit = expInfo["target digit"] # make a log file to save parameter/event data fileName = "Sart-%s-%d-%s" % ( expInfo["subject"], expInfo["session"], dateStr, ) #'Sart-' + expInfo['subject'] + '-' + expInfo['session'] + '-' + dateStr logging.LogFile((fileName + ".log"), level=logging.INFO) # , mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="---START PARAMETERS---") logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="subject: %s" % expInfo["subject"]) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="session: %s" % expInfo["session"]) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="date: %s" % dateStr) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="isPractice: %i" % isPractice) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="nBlocks: %d" % nBlocks) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="nTrialsPerBlock: %d" % nTrialsPerBlock) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="fixDur_min: %f" % fixDur_min) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="fixDur_range: %f" % fixDur_range) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="digitDur: %f" % digitDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="respDur: %d" % respDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="ITI: %f" % ITI) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="IBI: %f" % IBI) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="targetDigit: %s" % targetDigit) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="targetFrac: %f" % targetFrac) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="targetProb: %f" % targetProb)
message=visual.TextStim(win, text='') subdata['trialdata']={} clock.reset() event.clearEvents() for trial in range(ntrials): if check_for_quit(subdata,win): exptutils.shut_down_cleanly(subdata,win) sys.exit() trialdata={} print 'trial %d'%trial trialdata['onset']=onsets[trial] print 'condition %d'%trialcond[trial] logging.log(logging.DATA,"Condition: %d"%trialcond[trial]) print 'showing image: %s'%stim_images[trialcond[trial]] visual_stim.setImage(stim_images[trialcond[trial]]) visual_stim.draw() logging.log(logging.DATA, "image=%s"%stim_images[trialcond[trial]]) while clock.getTime()<trialdata['onset']:#wait until the specified onset time to display image_file if check_for_quit(subdata,win): exptutils.shut_down_cleanly(subdata,win) sys.exit() win.flip() while clock.getTime()<(trialdata['onset']+cue_time):#show the image pass if hasPump: print 'injecting via pump at address %d'%pump[trial]
continueRoutine = False # will revert to True if at least one component still running for thisComponent in trialComponents: if hasattr(thisComponent, "status") and thisComponent.status != FINISHED: continueRoutine = True break # at least one component has not yet finished # check for quit (the [Esc] key) if event.getKeys(["escape"]): core.quit() # refresh the screen if continueRoutine: # don't flip if this routine is over or we'll get a blank screen win.flip() if fixCrossTrial.status == STARTED and fixCrossTrial.frameNStart == frameN: writeTrigger(8) logging.log(level=logging.DEBUG, msg='showFixCrossTrial') if grating1.status == STARTED and grating1.frameNStart == frameN: writeTrigger(gratingTriggers[str(thisMainTrial.contrast)]) logging.log(level=logging.DEBUG, msg='showGrating1') core.wait(0.05) writeTrigger(0) #-------Ending Routine "trial"------- for thisComponent in trialComponents: if hasattr(thisComponent, "setAutoDraw"): thisComponent.setAutoDraw(False) #------Prepare to start Routine"interTrialInterval"------- t = 0 interTrialIntervalClock.reset() # clock
def do_run(run, trials): resp = [] fileName = log_file.format(subj_id, run) #wait for trigger ready_screen.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=('equal')) globalClock.reset() studyStart = globalClock.getTime() #Initial Fixation screen fixation.draw() win.flip() core.wait(initial_fixation_dur) for trial in trials: condition_label = stim_map[trial['Partner']] image_label = image_map[trial['Partner']] imagepath = os.path.join(expdir, 'Images') image = os.path.join(imagepath, "%s.png") % image_label nameStim.setText(condition_label) pictureStim.setImage(image) #decision phase timer.reset() event.clearEvents() resp = [] resp_val = None resp_onset = None decision_onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('decision_onset', decision_onset) while timer.getTime() < decision_dur: cardStim.draw() question.draw() pictureStim.draw() nameStim.draw() win.flip() resp = event.getKeys(keyList=responseKeys) if len(resp) > 0: if resp[0] == 'z': #trials.saveAsText(fileName=log_file.format(subj_id),delim=',',dataOut='all_raw') os.chdir(subjdir) trials.saveAsWideText(fileName) os.chdir(expdir) win.close() core.quit() resp_val = int(resp[0]) if resp_val == 2: resp_onset = globalClock.getTime() question.setColor('darkorange') rt = resp_onset - decision_onset #core.wait(decision_dur - rt) if resp_val == 3: resp_onset = globalClock.getTime() question.setColor('darkorange') rt = resp_onset - decision_onset #core.wait(decision_dur -rt) cardStim.draw() question.draw() pictureStim.draw() nameStim.draw() win.flip() core.wait(decision_dur - rt) break else: resp_val = 0 resp_onset = 999 rt = 999 trials.addData('resp', int(resp_val)) trials.addData('resp_onset', resp_onset) trials.addData('rt', rt) ###reset question mark color question.setColor('white') #outcome phase timer.reset() #win.flip() outcome_onset = globalClock.getTime() while timer.getTime() < outcome_dur: outcome_cardStim.draw() pictureStim.draw() nameStim.draw() #win.flip() if trial['Feedback'] == '3' and resp_val == 2: outcome_txt = int(random.randint(1, 4)) outcome_moneyTxt = 'h' outcome_color = 'lime' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_txt)) elif trial['Feedback'] == '3' and resp_val == 3: outcome_txt = int(random.randint(6, 9)) outcome_moneyTxt = 'h' outcome_color = 'lime' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_txt)) elif trial['Feedback'] == '2' and resp_val == 2: outcome_txt = int(5) outcome_moneyTxt = 'n' outcome_color = 'white' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_txt)) elif trial['Feedback'] == '2' and resp_val == 3: outcome_txt = int(5) outcome_moneyTxt = 'n' outcome_color = 'white' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_txt)) elif trial['Feedback'] == '1' and resp_val == 2: outcome_txt = int(random.randint(6, 9)) outcome_moneyTxt = 'i' outcome_color = 'darkred' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_txt)) elif trial['Feedback'] == '1' and resp_val == 3: outcome_txt = int(random.randint(1, 4)) outcome_moneyTxt = 'i' outcome_color = 'darkred' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_txt)) elif resp_val == 0: outcome_txt = '#' outcome_moneyTxt = '' outcome_color = 'white' outcome_value = '999' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_value)) #print outcome_txt outcome_text.setText(outcome_txt) outcome_money.setText(outcome_moneyTxt) outcome_money.setColor(outcome_color) outcome_text.draw() outcome_money.draw() win.flip() core.wait(outcome_dur) #trials.addData('outcome_val', outcome_txt) trials.addData('outcome_onset', outcome_onset) outcome_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('outcome_offset', outcome_offset) duration = outcome_offset - decision_onset trials.addData('trialDuration', duration) event.clearEvents() print("got to check 3") #ITI logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='ITI') #send fixation log event timer.reset() ITI_onset = globalClock.getTime() iti_for_trial = float(trial['ITI']) while timer.getTime() < iti_for_trial: fixation.draw() win.flip() ITI_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('ITIonset', ITI_onset) trials.addData('ITIoffset', ITI_offset) # Final Fixation screen after trials completed fixation.draw() win.flip() #core.wait(final_fixation_dur) os.chdir(subjdir) trials.saveAsWideText(fileName) os.chdir(expdir) endTime = 0.01 # not sure if this will take a 0, so giving it 0.01 and making sure it is defined
#answers_all = [answers_all[i] for i in newOrder] params['questionOrder'] = newOrder # print params to Output print 'params = {' for key in sorted(params.keys()): print " '%s': %s"%(key,params[key]) # print each value as-is (no quotes) print '}' # save experimental info toFile('lastDistractionPracticeInfo_behavior.pickle', expInfo)#save params to file for next time #make a log file to save parameter/event data filename = 'DistractionPractice-%s-%d-%s'%(expInfo['subject'], expInfo['session'], dateStr) #'Sart-' + expInfo['subject'] + '-' + expInfo['session'] + '-' + dateStr logging.LogFile((filename+'.log'), level=logging.INFO)#, mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---START PARAMETERS---') logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='filename: %s'%filename) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='subject: %s'%expInfo['subject']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='session: %s'%expInfo['session']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='date: %s'%dateStr) for key in sorted(params.keys()): # in alphabetical order logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='%s: %s'%(key,params[key])) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---END PARAMETERS---') # ========================== # # ===== GET SCREEN RES ===== # # ========================== # # kluge for secondary monitor
def do_run(run_number, trials): # 1. add ready screen and wait for trigger ready_screen.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList='space') # reset globalClock globalClock.reset() # send START log event logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='******* START (trigger from scanner) *******') ################ # SHOW INSTRUCTIONS ################ #for frame in range(instruct_dur): instruction_image.draw() instruction_text.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList='space') # 2. fixation disdaqs #for frame in range(disdaq_dur): # fixation.draw() # win.flip() ####################### # MAIN LOOP for trials # loop over stimuli for tidx, trial in enumerate(trials): value = trial['value'] prime_label = trial['message'] situation = trial['target'] target = trial['target'] valueStim.setText(prime_label) thinkStim.setText(prime_label) # 1. show prime primeStim.setText(prime_label) if tidx%2==0: primeStim.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=('space')) else: for frame in range(prime_dur): primeStim.draw() win.flip() # 2. show situation situationStim.setText(situation) if tidx%2==0: situationStim.draw() thinkStim.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=('space')) else: for frame in range(situation_dur): situationStim.draw() thinkStim.draw() win.flip() event.clearEvents() # 3. show rating and get response timer = core.Clock() timer.reset() space_pressed = False while (tidx % 2 != 0 and timer.getTime()<rating_dur/frame_rate) or (tidx % 2 == 0 and space_pressed==False): #for frame in range(rating_dur): situationStim.draw() valueStim.draw() anchor1.draw() anchor4.draw() for resp in ratingStim: resp.draw() win.flip() # get key response resp = event.getKeys(keyList = buttons) if len(resp) > 0 : if resp[0]=='space': space_pressed=True continue resp_value = button_labels[resp[0]] ratingStim[resp_value].setColor('red') # reset rating number color for rate in ratingStim: rate.setColor('white') # 4. fixation for frame in range(fixation_dur): fixation.draw() win.flip() ready_screen.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=['space']) # write logs # send END log event logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='******* END Run %i *******' % run_number) # save the trial infomation from trial handler log_filename2 = "%s_%i.csv" % (log_filename[:-4], run_number ) trials.saveAsText(log_filename2, delim=',', dataOut=('n', 'all_raw'))
core.wait(1.0 / 60.0) #init stim stim = visual.TextStim(win, text=TRIAL_LIST[index]['Stim'], pos=[0.0, 0.0], color="black", height=50, alignHoriz='center', alignVert='center', font="Arial", wrapWidth=1000, autoLog=True) stim.draw() win.flip() onset = globalClock.getTime() logging.log("Datalog.log", level=logging.EXP) win.logOnFlip("Datalog.log", level=logging.EXP) onset_tr = onset - t0 core.wait(1.0 - (globalClock.getTime() - onset)) null_txt.draw() win.flip() onset = globalClock.getTime() core.wait(1.5 - (globalClock.getTime() - onset)) # store data into the numpy array data = np.vstack( (data, np.hstack(( TRIAL_LIST[index]['StimType'], onset_tr, )))) #clear screen null_txt.draw()
def do_run(run_number, trials): # 1. add ready screen and wait for trigger ready_screen.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList='space') # reset globalClock globalClock.reset() # send START log event logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='******* START (trigger from scanner) - Run %i *******' % run_number) ################ # SHOW INSTRUCTIONS ################ #for frame in range(instruct_dur): instruction_image.draw() instruction_text.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=('space')) ####################### # MAIN LOOP for trials # loop over stimuli for tidx, trial in enumerate(trials): value = trial['value'] prime_label = 'Daily Activity' if value == 'control' else value.title() situation = trial['message'] valueStim.setText(prime_label) # test for REST trial if trial['value'] == 'REST': for frame in range(rest_dur): fixation.draw() win.flip() # fixation for frame in range(fixation_dur): fixation.draw() win.flip() continue # 1. show prime primeStim.setText(prime_label) if tidx % 2 == 0: primeStim.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=('space')) else: for frame in range(prime_dur): primeStim.draw() win.flip() # 2. show situation situationStim.setText(situation) if tidx % 2 == 0: situationStim.draw() thinkStim.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=('space')) else: for frame in range(situation_dur): situationStim.draw() thinkStim.draw() win.flip() event.clearEvents() # 3. show rating and get response timer = core.Clock() timer.reset() space_pressed = False while (tidx % 2 != 0 and timer.getTime() < rating_dur / frame_rate ) or (tidx % 2 == 0 and space_pressed == False): #for frame in range(rating_dur): situationStim.draw() valueStim.draw() anchor1.draw() anchor4.draw() # draw rating for resp in ratingStim: resp.draw() win.flip() # get key response resp = event.getKeys(keyList=buttons) if len(resp) > 0: if resp[0] == 'space': space_pressed = True continue resp_value = button_labels[resp[0]] ratingStim[resp_value].setColor('red') trials.addData('resp', resp_value + 1) # reset rating number color for rate in ratingStim: rate.setColor('white') # 4. fixation for frame in range(fixation_dur): fixation.draw() win.flip() ready_screen.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=['space']) # write logs # send END log event logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='******* END run %i *******' % run_number) # save the trial infomation from trial handler log_filename2 = "%s_%i.csv" % (log_filename[:-4], run_number) trials.saveAsText(log_filename2, delim=',', dataOut=('n', 'all_raw'))
def run_block(fix): # Await scan trigger while True: scan_trigger_text.draw() win.flip() if 'o' in event.waitKeys(): logging.log(logging.DATA, "start key press") break event.clearEvents() clock=core.Clock() t = clock.getTime() #start the loop for trial in range(ntrials): #check for quit if check_for_quit(subdata,win): exptutils.shut_down_cleanly(subdata,win) sys.exit() #empty trial data trialdata={} trialdata['onset']=onsets[trial] #shuffle the positions shuffle(pos_ind) visual_stim1=visual.ImageStim(win, image=N.zeros((300,300)),pos=positions[pos_ind[0]], size=(0.25,0.25),units='height') visual_stim2=visual.ImageStim(win, image=N.zeros((300,300)),pos=positions[pos_ind[1]], size=(0.25,0.25),units='height') #set which image is which x=int(N.random.choice(stim_index, 1, p=[0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125])) print("here is the list") print(stim_list) print(x) stim_img_trial=stim_list[x] print(stim_img_trial) #set which image appears on what side visual_stim1.setImage(stim_img_trial[img_index[0]]) visual_stim2.setImage(stim_img_trial[img_index[1]]) shuffle(img_index) #creating a dictory which will store the image set and which image is at what postion mydict={} mydict[positions_eng[pos_ind[1]]] = [stim_img_trial[img_index[1]]] mydict[positions_eng[pos_ind[0]]] = [stim_img_trial[img_index[0]]] print(mydict) #which is sweet? message=visual.TextStim(win, text='Which is Correct?',pos=(0,5)) print trial t = clock.getTime() #get the time of the image and log, this log is appending it to the csv file visual_stim1.draw()#making image of the logo appear visual_stim2.draw() message.draw() RT = core.Clock() logging.log(logging.DATA, "%s at position=%s and %s at position=%s"%(stim_img_trial[img_index[0]],positions_eng[pos_ind[0]],stim_img_trial[img_index[1]],positions_eng[pos_ind[1]])) while clock.getTime()<trialdata['onset']: pass win.flip() RT.reset() # reaction time starts immediately after flip while clock.getTime()<(trialdata['onset']+cue_time):#show the image, while clock is less than onset and cue, show cue pass keys = event.getKeys(timeStamped=RT) message=visual.TextStim(win, text='') message.draw() win.flip() # get the key press logged, and time stamped if len(keys)>0: logging.log(logging.DATA, "keypress=%s at time= %f"%(keys[0][0],keys[0][1])) print("here are the keys:") print(keys) t = clock.getTime() #back up of the key press tempArray = [t, keys[0]] key_responses.append(tempArray) ratings_and_onsets.append(["keypress=%s"%keys[0][0],t]) else: taste=0 t = clock.getTime() logging.log(logging.DATA,"Key Press Missed!") keys=keys.append(['MISS',t]) message=visual.TextStim(win, text='Please answer quicker', pos=(0, 0), height=2)#this lasts throught the taste message.draw() win.flip() while clock.getTime()<(trialdata['onset']+cue_time+delivery_time): pass message=visual.TextStim(win, text='+', pos=(0, 0), height=2)#this lasts throught the wait message.draw() win.flip() t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append(["wait", t]) #trialdata['dis']=[ser.write('0DIS\r'),ser.write('1DIS\r')] #print(trialdata['dis']) while clock.getTime()<(trialdata['onset']+cue_time+delivery_time+wait_time): pass while clock.getTime()<(trialdata['onset']+cue_time+delivery_time+wait_time): pass message=visual.TextStim(win, text='+', pos=(0, 0), height=2)#lasts through the jitter message.draw() win.flip() t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append(["jitter", t]) while clock.getTime()<(trialdata['onset']+cue_time+delivery_time+wait_time): pass t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append(['end time', t]) logging.log(logging.DATA,"finished") subdata['trialdata'][trial]=trialdata print(key_responses) win.close()
# load params file params = fromFile(expInfo['paramsFile']) # print params to Output print 'params = {' for key in sorted(params.keys()): print " '%s': %s"%(key,params[key]) # print each value as-is (no quotes) print '}' # save experimental info toFile('lastSingingInfo.pickle', expInfo)#save params to file for next time #make a log file to save parameter/event data filename = 'Singing-%s-%d-%s'%(expInfo['subject'], expInfo['session'], dateStr) #'Sart-' + expInfo['subject'] + '-' + expInfo['session'] + '-' + dateStr logging.LogFile((filename+'.log'), level=logging.INFO)#, mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---START PARAMETERS---') logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='filename: %s'%filename) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='subject: %s'%expInfo['subject']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='session: %s'%expInfo['session']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='date: %s'%dateStr) for key in sorted(params.keys()): # in alphabetical order logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='%s: %s'%(key,params[key])) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---END PARAMETERS---') # ========================== # # ===== SET UP STIMULI ===== # # ========================== # from psychopy import visual # kluge for secondary monitor
def RunQuestions_Move(question_list, options_list, win, name='Question', questionDur=float('inf'), isEndedByKeypress=True, upKey='up', downKey='down', selectKey='enter'): # set up nQuestions = len(question_list) allKeys = [''] * nQuestions trialClock = core.Clock() iQ = 0 iA = 0 respKeys = [upKey, downKey, selectKey] # make visuals from psychopy import visual questionText = visual.TextStim(win, pos=[0, +.5], wrapWidth=1.5, color='#000000', alignHoriz='center', name='questionText', text="aaa", units='norm') optionsText = [] for iResp in range(0, len(options_list[0])): optionsText.append( visual.TextStim(win, pos=[0, -.1 * iResp], wrapWidth=1.5, color='#000000', alignHoriz='center', name='option%d' % (iResp + 1), text="aaa", units='norm', autoLog=False)) while iQ < nQuestions: print('iQ = %d/%d' % (iQ + 1, nQuestions)) # default response is middle response (and round down) iA = int((len(options_list[iQ]) - 1) * 0.5) # set and draw text questionText.setText(question_list[iQ]) questionText.draw() optionsText[iA].bold = True # make currently selected answer bold for iResp in range(0, len(options_list[iQ])): optionsText[iResp].setText('%d) %s' % ((iResp + 1), options_list[iQ][iResp])) optionsText[iResp].draw() # Flush the key buffer and mouse movements event.clearEvents() # Put the image on the screen win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='Display %s%d' % (name, iQ)) win.flip() # Reset our clock to zero - I think this call should take less time than window.flip, so resetting after the flip should be slightly more accurate. trialClock.reset() # Wait for keypress endQuestion = False while (trialClock.getTime() < questionDur and not endQuestion): newKeys = event.getKeys( keyList=(respKeys + ['q', 'escape', 'backspace', 'period']), timeStamped=trialClock) for newKey in newKeys: # check for quit keys if newKey[0] in ['q', 'escape']: endQuestion = True # end the loop elif newKey[0] == 'backspace': print('backspace') iQ = max(0, iQ - 1) # go back one endQuestion = True elif newKey[0] == 'period': iQ += 1 # skip fwd without recording response endQuestion = True elif newKey[0] == upKey: # move response up # remove old bold optionsText[iA].bold = False # update answer iA -= 1 if iA < 0: iA = 0 # make newly selected answer bold optionsText[iA].bold = True # redraw everything questionText.draw() for iResp in range(0, len(options_list[iQ])): optionsText[iResp].draw() win.flip() elif newKey[0] == downKey: # move response down # remove old bold optionsText[iA].bold = False # update answer iA += 1 if iA >= len(options_list[iQ]): iA = len(options_list[iQ]) - 1 # make newly selected answer bold optionsText[iA].bold = True # redraw everything questionText.draw() for iResp in range(0, len(options_list[iQ])): optionsText[iResp].draw() win.flip() elif newKey[0] == selectKey: # log response allKeys[iQ] = ( iA + 1, newKey[1] ) # make new tuple with answer index and response time logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg='Responded %d' % (iA + 1)) # remove old bold optionsText[iA].bold = False # advance question index iQ += 1 if isEndedByKeypress: endQuestion = True else: print('pressed %s' % newKey[0]) if len(newKeys) > 0 and newKey[0] in ['q', 'escape']: break # end the loop # return result return allKeys
def do_run(run, trials): resp = [] fileName = log_file.format(subj_id, run) #wait for trigger ready_screen.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=('2')) globalClock.reset() studyStart = globalClock.getTime() #Initial Fixation screen fixation.draw() win.flip() core.wait(initial_fixation_dur) for trial in trials: #condition_label = stim_map[trial['Partner']] imagepath = os.path.join(expdir, 'Images') #image = os.path.join(imagepath, "human.png") # % condition_label #pictureStim.setImage(image) #decision phase timer.reset() event.clearEvents() # 1 = UG Proposer, 2 = DG Proposer, 3 = UG responder if trial['Block'] == '3': #UG Responder while timer.getTime() < 1: cue = os.path.join(imagepath, "UGResponder_circle.png") cueStim.setImage(cue) cue_Onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('cue_Onset', cue_Onset) cueStim.draw() cueStimCirText.draw() win.flip() core.wait(1) while timer.getTime() >= 1 and timer.getTime() <= 2: endowment_onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('endowment_onset', endowment_onset) endowment = trial['Endowment'] endowmentText = 'Partner was given $%s' % (endowment) endowment_text.setText(endowmentText) cueStim.draw() cueStimCirText.draw() endowment_text.draw() #pictureStim.draw() win.flip() core.wait(1) endowment_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('endowment_offset', endowment_offset) endowment_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('endowment_offset', endowment_offset) timer.reset() #ISI ISI_onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('ISI_onset', ISI_onset) isi_for_trial = float(trial['ISI']) fixation.draw() win.flip() core.wait((isi_for_trial)) ISI_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('ISI_offset', ISI_offset) timer.reset() event.clearEvents() resp_val = None resp_onset = None #Decision decision_onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('decision_onset', decision_onset) while timer.getTime() < decision_dur: cueStim.draw() cueStimCirText.draw() if trial['L_Option'] == '0': partner_offer = trial['R_Option'] else: partner_offer = trial['L_Option'] partnerOffer = 'Partner offers you: $%s' % (partner_offer) resp_left = trial['L_Option'] resp_right = trial['R_Option'] if resp_left == '0': resp_text_left.setText('Reject offer') resp_text_right.setText('Accept offer') else: resp_text_left.setText('Accept offer') resp_text_right.setText('Reject offer') resp_text_left.draw() resp_text_right.draw() #resp_text_accept.draw() #resp_text_reject.draw() #pictureStim.draw() endowment_text.draw() offer_text.setText(partnerOffer) offer_text.draw() win.flip() resp = event.getKeys(keyList=responseKeys) if len(resp) > 0: if resp[0] == 'z': #trials.saveAsText(fileName=log_file.format(subj_id),delim=',',dataOut='all_raw') os.chdir(subjdir) trials.saveAsWideText(fileName) os.chdir(expdir) win.close() core.quit() resp_val = int(resp[0]) resp_onset = globalClock.getTime() rt = resp_onset - decision_onset if resp_val == 2: resp_text_left.setColor('darkorange') if resp_val == 3: resp_text_right.setColor('darkorange') cueStim.draw() cueStimCirText.draw() resp_text_left.draw() resp_text_right.draw() endowment_text.draw() #pictureStim.draw() offer_text.setText(partnerOffer) offer_text.draw() win.flip() core.wait((decision_dur - rt + .5)) decision_offset = globalClock.getTime() break else: resp_val = 999 rt = 999 resp_onset = 999 outcome_txt = outcome_map[resp_val] decision_offset = globalClock.getTime() elif trial['Block'] == '1': #UGProposer while timer.getTime() < 1: cue = os.path.join(imagepath, "UGProposer_sq.png") cueStim.setImage(cue) cue_Onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('cue_Onset', cue_Onset) cueStim.draw() cueStimSqText.draw() win.flip() core.wait(1) while timer.getTime() >= 1 and timer.getTime() <= 2: endowment_onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('endowment_onset', endowment_onset) endowment = trial['Endowment'] endowmentOffer = 'You are given $%s' % endowment endowment_text.setText(endowmentOffer) cueStim.draw() cueStimSqText.draw() endowment_text.draw() #pictureStim.draw() win.flip() core.wait(1) resp_val = None resp_onset = None timer.reset() event.clearEvents() endowment_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('endowment_offset', endowment_offset) #ISI ISI_onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('ISI_onset', ISI_onset) isi_for_trial = float(trial['ISI']) fixation.draw() win.flip() core.wait((isi_for_trial)) ISI_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('ISI_offset', ISI_offset) timer.reset() decision_onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('decision_onset', decision_onset) while timer.getTime() < decision_dur: resp_left = trial['L_Option'] resp_right = trial['R_Option'] respcLeft = 'Offer $%s' % resp_left resp_text_left.setText(respcLeft) respcRight = 'Offer $%s' % resp_right resp_text_right.setText(respcRight) cueStim.draw() cueStimSqText.draw() resp_text_left.draw() resp_text_right.draw() #pictureStim.draw() endowment_text.setText(endowmentOffer) endowment_text.draw() win.flip() resp = event.getKeys(keyList=responseKeys) if len(resp) > 0: if resp[0] == 'z': os.chdir(subjdir) trials.saveAsWideText(fileName) os.chdir(expdir) win.close() core.quit() resp_val = int(resp[0]) resp_onset = globalClock.getTime() rt = resp_onset - decision_onset if resp_val == 2: resp_text_left.setColor('darkorange') if resp_val == 3: resp_text_right.setColor('darkorange') cueStim.draw() cueStimSqText.draw() resp_text_left.draw() resp_text_right.draw() #pictureStim.draw() endowment_text.setText(endowmentOffer) endowment_text.draw() win.flip() core.wait((decision_dur - rt + .5)) decision_offset = globalClock.getTime() break else: resp_val = 999 rt = 999 resp_onset = 999 outcome_txt = outcome_map[resp_val] decision_offset = globalClock.getTime() else: trial['Block'] == '2' while timer.getTime() < 1: cue = os.path.join(imagepath, "DGProposer_triangle.png") cueStim.setImage(cue) cue_Onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('cue_Onset', cue_Onset) cueStim.draw() cueStimTriText.draw() win.flip() core.wait(1) while timer.getTime() >= 1 and timer.getTime() <= 2: endowment_onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('endowment_onset', endowment_onset) endowment = trial['Endowment'] endowmentOffer = 'You are given $%s' % endowment endowment_text.setText(endowmentOffer) cueStim.draw() cueStimTriText.draw() endowment_text.draw() #pictureStim.draw() win.flip() core.wait(1) resp_val = None resp_onset = None endowment_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('endowment_offset', endowment_offset) timer.reset() event.clearEvents() #ISI ISI_onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('ISI_onset', ISI_onset) isi_for_trial = float(trial['ISI']) fixation.draw() win.flip() core.wait((isi_for_trial)) ISI_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('ISI_offset', ISI_offset) timer.reset() decision_onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('decision_onset', decision_onset) while timer.getTime() < decision_dur: resp_left = trial['L_Option'] resp_right = trial['R_Option'] respcLeft = 'Give $%s' % resp_left resp_text_left.setText(respcLeft) respcRight = 'Give $%s' % resp_right resp_text_right.setText(respcRight) resp_text_left.draw() resp_text_right.draw() cueStim.draw() cueStimTriText.draw() #pictureStim.draw() endowment_text.setText(endowmentOffer) endowment_text.draw() win.flip() resp = event.getKeys(keyList=responseKeys) if len(resp) > 0: if resp[0] == 'z': os.chdir(subjdir) trials.saveAsWideText(fileName) os.chdir(expdir) win.close() core.quit() resp_val = int(resp[0]) resp_onset = globalClock.getTime() rt = resp_onset - decision_onset if resp_val == 2: resp_text_left.setColor('darkorange') if resp_val == 3: resp_text_right.setColor('darkorange') resp_text_left.draw() resp_text_right.draw() cueStim.draw() cueStimTriText.draw() #pictureStim.draw() endowment_text.setText(endowmentOffer) endowment_text.draw() win.flip() core.wait((decision_dur - rt + .5)) decision_offset = globalClock.getTime() break else: resp_val = 999 rt = 999 resp_onset = 999 outcome_txt = outcome_map[resp_val] decision_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('resp', resp_val) trials.addData('rt', rt) trials.addData('resp_onset', resp_onset) trials.addData('decision_offset', decision_offset) #win.flip() timer.reset() if resp_val == 999: outcome_stim.setText(outcome_txt) outcome_stim.draw() win.flip() missFB_onset = globalClock.getTime() core.wait(.5) missFB_offset = globalClock.getTime() #reset rating number color resp_text_left.setColor('#FFFFFF') resp_text_right.setColor('#FFFFFF') #resp_text_accept.setColor('#FFFFFF') #resp_text_reject.setColor('#FFFFFF') trial_offset = globalClock.getTime() duration = trial_offset - decision_onset trials.addData('trialDuration', duration) event.clearEvents() print("got to check 3") #ITI logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='ITI') #send fixation log event timer.reset() ITI_onset = globalClock.getTime() iti_for_trial = float(trial['ITI']) fixation.draw() win.flip() core.wait(iti_for_trial) ITI_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('ITIonset', ITI_onset) trials.addData('ITIoffset', ITI_offset) # Final Fixation screen after trials completed fixation.draw() win.flip() #core.wait(final_fixation_dur) os.chdir(subjdir) trials.saveAsWideText(fileName) os.chdir(expdir) endTime = 0.01 # not sure if this will take a 0, so giving it 0.01 and making sure it is defined
dateStr = time.strftime("%b_%d_%H%M", time.localtime())#add the current time #present a dialogue to change params dlg = gui.DlgFromDict(expInfo, title='Numerical SART task', fixed=['date'], order=['subject','session','target letter']) if dlg.OK: toFile('lastAudSartParams.pickle', expInfo)#save params to file for next time else: core.quit()#the user hit cancel so exit # get volume from dialogue targetLetter = expInfo['target letter'] #make a log file to save parameter/event data fileName = 'AudSart-%s-%d-%s'%(expInfo['subject'], expInfo['session'], dateStr) #'Sart-' + expInfo['subject'] + '-' + expInfo['session'] + '-' + dateStr logging.LogFile((fileName+'.log'), level=logging.INFO)#, mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---START PARAMETERS---') logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='subject: %s'%expInfo['subject']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='session: %s'%expInfo['session']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='date: %s'%dateStr) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='isPractice: %i'%isPractice) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='blockLengths: %s'%blockLengths) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='randomizeBlocks: %d'%randomizeBlocks) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='ITI_min: %f'%ITI_min) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='ITI_range: %f'%ITI_range) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='respDur: %d'%respDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='blankDur: %f'%blankDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='IBI: %f'%IBI) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='targetLetter: %s'%targetLetter) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='nontargets: %s'%nontargets) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='targetFrac: %f'%targetFrac) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='targetProb: %f'%targetProb)
def msTime(): deltadt = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - gStartDt deltatt = time.time() - gStartTt deltatc = time.clock() return deltadt.total_seconds(), deltatt, deltatc #delta#int(delta.total_seconds() * 1000) #setup log myLogLevel = logging.CRITICAL + 1 logging.addLevel( myLogLevel, '' ) myLog = logging.LogFile( '.\\timings.log', filemode='w', level = myLogLevel, encoding='utf8') #= myLogLevel ) coreClock = core.Clock() logging.setDefaultClock( coreClock ) logging.log('Run: ' + str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) , myLogLevel) logging.log('PP timestamp, datetime, timetime, timeclock', myLogLevel) #setup window win = visual.Window([400,400]) msg = visual.TextStim(win, text='<esc> to quit') msg.draw() win.flip() while run: for i in range( gFrameInterval ): #accurate timing trick msg.setText('<esc> to quit\n' + str(i)) msg.draw(win) win.flip() times = msTime()
now = # grab system time current_time = now.strftime( "%H:%M:%S:%f") # convert system time to string format logging.log( level=logging.DATA, msg="FIXATED TIME: %s" % (current_time)) # logging fixate button press and time occured win.flip() # ================================ # setup logging # # ================================ log_file = logging.LogFile("logs/%s.log" % (subj_id), level=logging.DATA, filemode="w") logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg="START") #starting the INTRO SURVEY logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg="Intro Survey") survey_intro() if exp_cond == 0 or exp_cond == 1: show_instructions_cyberball() else: show_instructions_iaps() ready_screen.setText('''Press Space to start''') ready_screen.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=['space']) #################
for key in sorted(params.keys()): print " '%s': %s" % (key, params[key] ) # print each value as-is (no quotes) print '}' # save experimental info toFile('%s-lastExpInfo.pickle' % scriptName, expInfo) #save params to file for next time #make a log file to save parameter/event data dateStr = ts.strftime("%b_%d_%H%M", ts.localtime()) # add the current time filename = '%s-%s-%d-%s' % (scriptName, expInfo['subject'], expInfo['session'], dateStr) # log filename logging.LogFile((filename + '.log'), level=logging.INFO) #, mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---START PARAMETERS---') logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='filename: %s' % filename) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='subject: %s' % expInfo['subject']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='session: %s' % expInfo['session']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='date: %s' % dateStr) # log everything in the params struct for key in sorted(params.keys()): # in alphabetical order logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='%s: %s' % (key, params[key])) # log each parameter logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---END PARAMETERS---') # ========================== # # ===== GET SCREEN RES ===== # # ========================== #
def run_block(): # Await scan trigger while True: scan_trigger_text.draw() win.flip() if 'o' in event.waitKeys(): logging.log(logging.DATA, "start key press") break event.clearEvents() clock = core.Clock() t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append(['fixation', t]) show_stim(fixation_text, 8) # 8 sec blank screen with fixation cross t = clock.getTime() clock.reset() ratings_and_onsets.append(['start', t]) #logging.log(logging.DATA, "start") for trial in range(ntrials): if check_for_quit(subdata, win): exptutils.shut_down_cleanly(subdata, win) sys.exit() trialdata = {} trialdata['onset'] = onsets[trial] visual_stim.setImage(stim_images[trialcond[trial]]) print trial print 'condition %d' % trialcond[trial] print 'showing image: %s' % stim_images[trialcond[trial]] t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append( ["image=%s" % stim_images[trialcond[trial]], t]) visual_stim.draw() logging.log(logging.DATA, "image=%s" % stim_images[trialcond[trial]]) while clock.getTime() < trialdata['onset']: pass win.flip() while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time): #show the image pass print 'injecting via pump at address %d' % pump[trial] logging.log(logging.DATA, "injecting via pump at address %d" % pump[trial]) t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append( ["injecting via pump at address %d" % pump[trial], t]) ser.write('%drun\r' % pump[trial]) while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time): pass message = visual.TextStim(win, text='') #ratings_and_onsets.append(["wait", t]) message.draw() win.flip() trialdata['dis'] = [ser.write('0DIS\r'), ser.write('1DIS\r')] print(trialdata['dis']) while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time + wait_time): pass print 'injecting rinse via pump at address %d' % 0 t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append( ['injecting rinse via pump at address %d' % 0, t]) ser.write('%dRUN\r' % 0) while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time + wait_time + rinse_time): pass message = visual.TextStim(win, text='swallow') #ratings_and_onsets.append(["swallow", t]) message.draw() win.flip() while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time + wait_time + rinse_time + jitter[trial]): pass message = visual.TextStim(win, text='') message.draw() win.flip() while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time + wait_time + rinse_time + jitter[trial]): pass t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append(['end time', t]) logging.log(logging.DATA, "finished") subdata['trialdata'][trial] = trialdata win.close()
title='Numerical SART task', fixed=['date'], order=['subject', 'session']) if dlg.OK: toFile('lastSimonParams.pickle', expInfo) #save params to file for next time else: core.quit() #the user hit cancel so exit #make a log file to save parameter/event data fileName = 'Simon-%s-%d-%s' % ( expInfo['subject'], expInfo['session'], dateStr ) #'Sart-' + expInfo['subject'] + '-' + expInfo['session'] + '-' + dateStr logging.LogFile((fileName + '.log'), level=logging.INFO) #, mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---START PARAMETERS---') logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='fileName: %s' % fileName) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='subject: %s' % expInfo['subject']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='session: %s' % expInfo['session']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='date: %s' % dateStr) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='isPractice: %i' % isPractice) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='skipInstructions: %i' % skipInstructions) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='tSessionMax: %d' % tSessionMax) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='nBlocks: %d' % nBlocks) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='nTrialsPerBlock: %d' % nTrialsPerBlock) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='ITI_min: %1.3f' % ITI_min) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='ITI_range: %1.3f' % ITI_range) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='stimDur: %1.3f' % stimDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='pauseDur: %1.3f' % pauseDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='tRespPerItem: %1.3f' % tRespPerItem) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='tRespRoundOff: %1.3f' % tRespRoundOff)
expInfo['date'] = dateStr expInfo['expName'] = expName fixedExpInfo.update(expInfo) print(fixedExpInfo['group']) fileName = fixedExpInfo['group'] +' SubID-' + fixedExpInfo['Subject ID'] + '-' + dateStr globalClock = core.Clock() logging.setDefaultClock(globalClock) # --------------- LOGGING FILE --------------- # logFileName = 'MyFlanker-%s-%s' % (expInfo['date'], dateStr) logging.LogFile((logFileName + '.log'), level=logging.INFO) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---START PARAMS---') logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='date: %s' % expInfo['date']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='group: %s' % fixedExpInfo['group']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='date: %s' % dateStr) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='respKeys: %s' % respKeys) endExpNow = False #flag for 'escape' from exp # Handles exp data as a whole. thisExp = data.ExperimentHandler( name=expName, extraInfo=fixedExpInfo, savePickle=True, saveWideText=True,
# currentLoop.addData('probePhaseShift', phaseShift) # if direction == 1: directionCueText = u"\u2192" elif direction == -1: directionCueText = u"\u2190" cue.setText(directionCueText) stimulus.setOpacity(initialContrast) # each routine increment = contrast/float(tDurationFadeOut) incrementLog = "Fade out/in increment: %f" % increment logging.log(level=logging.DEBUG, msg=incrementLog) # probe.setOpacity(0) fixCross.setColor(fixCrossColorRGB, colorSpace='rgb') keyResponse = event.BuilderKeyResponse() # create an object of type KeyResponse keyResponse.status = NOT_STARTED # keep track of which components have finished trialComponents = [] trialComponents.append(cue) trialComponents.append(circleTrajectory) trialComponents.append(stimulus)
def RunTrial(sequence): # check for going over session time if globalClock.getTime() - tStartSession > tSessionMax: CoolDown() #exit experiment gracefully # get deadline for response respDur = tRespPerItem * (len(sequence)) respDur = int( tRespRoundOff * np.ceil(float(respDur) / tRespRoundOff)) # round up to next tRespRoundOff multiple # print("length = %d, respDur = %1.1f"%(len(sequence), respDur)) logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg='Start Sequence %d' % len(sequence)) # play sequence for iStim in sequence: DisplayButtons([iStim], stimDur) beeps[iStim].play() core.wait(stimDur, stimDur) # wait so sound plays properly DisplayButtons([], pauseDur) # core.wait(pauseDur,pauseDur) logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg='End Sequence %d' % len(sequence)) #draw fixation dot and wait for response event.clearEvents() # ignore any keypresses before now # win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='Display Fixation') # fixation.draw() DisplayButtons([], 0, True) # tResp = trialClock.getTime() # IMPORTANT REFERENCE POINT tResp = tNextFlip[0] # IMPORTANT REFERENCE POINT iSeq = 0 # Response loop while globalClock.getTime() < (tResp + respDur) and iSeq < len(sequence): iStim = sequence[iSeq] thisKey = event.getKeys(timeStamped=globalClock) if len(thisKey) > 0 and thisKey[0][0] == respKeys[iStim]: #tResp = trialClock.getTime(); # reset the shot clock # fixation.draw() DisplayButtons([iStim], 0, True) # DON'T INCREMENT CLOCK beepsShort[iStim].play() core.wait( shortDur, shortDur) # USE CORE.WAIT HERE SO CLOCK DOESN'T INCREMENT # fixation.draw() DisplayButtons([], 0, True) iSeq += 1 elif len(thisKey) > 0 and thisKey[0][0] in ['q', 'escape']: core.quit() elif len(thisKey) > 0: print('this: %s' % str(thisKey[0][0])) print('correct: %s' % str(respKeys[iStim])) core.wait(buzzDur, buzzDur) # USE CORE.WAIT HERE SO CLOCK DOESN'T INCREMENT return (WRONG) #get response if iSeq == len(sequence): # finished sequence DisplayButtons([], respDur, False) # increment next-frame clock return (RIGHT) else: # ran out of time core.wait(buzzDur, buzzDur) # USE CORE.WAIT HERE SO CLOCK DOESN'T INCREMENT DisplayButtons([], respDur, False) # increment next-frame clock return (TOOSLOW)
def RunTrial(iTrial): # Flush the key buffer and mouse movements event.clearEvents() # Decide Trial Params if alphaVsRemem: isRememberTrial = pseudorandTrialOrder[iTrial - 1] isCatchTrial = random.random() < params['catchProb'] else: isRememberTrial = random.random() < params['rememberProb'] isCatchTrial = pseudorandTrialOrder[iTrial - 1] if isLoc: isCatchTrial = random.random() < params['catchProb'] isRememberTrial = random.random() < params['rememberProb'] delayDur = random.uniform(params['minDelayDur'], params['maxDelayDur']) ISI = random.uniform(params['minISI'], params['maxISI']) startLetters = random.sample( params['letters'], params['nLetters']) # get list of letters to present to subject startString = ''.join(startLetters) # turn them into a string testLoc = random.randint(0, params['nLetters'] - 1) # the letter to test the subject on if isCatchTrial: testLetter = '*' # indicates no response is required. else: if isRememberTrial: testLetter = startLetters[testLoc] else: # alphabetize! sortedLetters = sorted(startLetters) testLetter = sortedLetters[testLoc] testString = '%s?' % (testLetter) # display info to experimenter print( 'trial: iTrial = %d, isRemember = %d, delayDur = %.1f, ISI = %.1f, startString = %s, testLetter = %s, testLoc = %d, isCatchTrial = %d' % (iTrial, isRememberTrial, delayDur, ISI, startString, testLetter, testLoc + 1, isCatchTrial)) logging.log( level=logging.EXP, msg= 'trial: iTrial = %d, isRemember = %d, delayDur = %.1f, ISI = %.1f, startString = %s, testLetter = %s, testLoc = %d, isCatchTrial = %d' % (iTrial, isRememberTrial, delayDur, ISI, startString, testLetter, testLoc + 1, isCatchTrial)) # Draw letters mainText.setText(startString) mainText.draw() win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='Display string (%s)' % startString) # Wait until it's time to display while (globalClock.getTime() < tNextFlip[0]): LogAnyKeys() # log & flip window to display image win.flip() tStringStart = globalClock.getTime() # record time when window flipped # set up next win flip time after this one AddToFlipTime(params['stringDur']) # add to tNextFlip[0] # Draw fixation (PAUSE) fixation.draw() win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='Display fixation (pause)') # Wait until it's time to display while (globalClock.getTime() < tNextFlip[0]): LogAnyKeys() # log & flip window to display image win.flip() # set up next win flip time after this one AddToFlipTime(params['pauseDur']) # add to tNextFlip[0] # Draw cue if isRememberTrial: mainText.setText(params['cues'][0]) win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='Display cue (%s)' % params['cues'][0]) else: mainText.setText(params['cues'][1]) win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='Display cue (%s)' % params['cues'][1]) mainText.draw() # Wait until it's time to display while (globalClock.getTime() < tNextFlip[0]): LogAnyKeys() # log & flip window to display image win.flip() tStimStart = globalClock.getTime() # record time when window flipped # set up next win flip time after this one AddToFlipTime(params['cueDur']) # add to tNextFlip[0] # Draw fixation (DELAY) fixation.draw() win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='Display fixation (delay)') # Wait until it's time to display while (globalClock.getTime() < tNextFlip[0]): LogAnyKeys() # log & flip window to display image win.flip() # set up next win flip time after this one AddToFlipTime(delayDur) # add to tNextFlip[0] # Draw letters (test mainText.setText(testString) mainText.draw() win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='Display test stim (%s)' % testString) # Wait until it's time to display while (globalClock.getTime() < tNextFlip[0]): LogAnyKeys() # log & flip window to display image win.flip() # set up next win flip time after this one AddToFlipTime(params['testDur']) # add to tNextFlip[0] # Draw fixation for next frame (but don't display yet) fixation.draw() # draw it win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='Display fixation (ISI)') # Wait for 'testDur' seconds while recording relevant key presses respKey = None while (globalClock.getTime() < tNextFlip[0]): # until it's time for the next frame # get new keypress respKey = LogAnyKeys(respKey) # Display fixation cross (ISI) win.flip() AddToFlipTime(ISI) # -1 to give the next trial time to load up # Keep waiting while recording relevant key presses while (globalClock.getTime() < tNextFlip[0] - 1): # Include -1 to give time for next trial to load # get new keypress respKey = LogAnyKeys(respKey) return
def do_run(run, trials): resp=[] fileName=log_file.format(subj_id,run) #wait for trigger ready_screen.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=('equal')) globalClock.reset() studyStart = globalClock.getTime() #Initial Fixation screen fixation.draw() win.flip() core.wait(initial_fixation_dur) for trial in trials: condition_label = stim_map[trial['Partner']] imagepath = os.path.join(expdir,'Images') image = os.path.join(imagepath, "%s.png") % condition_label pictureStim.setImage(image) #decision phase timer.reset() event.clearEvents() decision_onset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('decision_onset', decision_onset) #while timer.getTime() < decision_dur: while timer.getTime() < 1: partner_offer = trial['Offer'] partnerOffer = 'Proposal: $%s.00 out of $20.00' % partner_offer offer_text.setText(partnerOffer) offer_text.draw() offer_text.draw() pictureStim.draw() win.flip() resp_val=None resp_onset=None while timer.getTime() < (decision_dur): resp_text_accept.draw() resp_text_reject.draw() pictureStim.draw() offer_text.setText(partnerOffer) offer_text.draw() win.flip() resp = event.getKeys(keyList = responseKeys) if len(resp)>0: if resp[0] == 'z': #trials.saveAsText(fileName=log_file.format(subj_id),delim=',',dataOut='all_raw') os.chdir(subjdir) trials.saveAsWideText(fileName) os.chdir(expdir) win.close() core.quit() resp_val = int(resp[0]) resp_onset = globalClock.getTime() rt = resp_onset - decision_onset if resp_val == 2: resp_text_reject.setColor('darkorange') if resp_val == 3: resp_text_accept.setColor('darkorange') resp_text_accept.draw() resp_text_reject.draw() pictureStim.draw() offer_text.setText(partnerOffer) offer_text.draw() win.flip() core.wait((decision_dur - rt)+.5) decision_offset = globalClock.getTime() break else: resp_val = 999 rt = 999 resp_onset = 999 outcome_txt = outcome_map[resp_val] decision_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('resp', resp_val) trials.addData('rt',rt) trials.addData('resp_onset',resp_onset) trials.addData('decision_offset',decision_offset) #win.flip() timer.reset() if resp_val == 999: outcome_stim.setText(outcome_txt) outcome_stim.draw() win.flip() missFB_onset = globalClock.getTime() core.wait(.5) missFB_offset = globalClock.getTime() #reset rating number color resp_text_accept.setColor('#FFFFFF') resp_text_reject.setColor('#FFFFFF') trial_offset = globalClock.getTime() duration = trial_offset - decision_onset trials.addData('trialDuration', duration) event.clearEvents() print "got to check 3" #ITI logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='ITI') #send fixation log event timer.reset() ITI_onset = globalClock.getTime() iti_for_trial = float(trial['ITI']) fixation.draw() win.flip() core.wait(iti_for_trial) ITI_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('ITIonset', ITI_onset) trials.addData('ITIoffset', ITI_offset) # Final Fixation screen after trials completed fixation.draw() win.flip() #core.wait(final_fixation_dur) os.chdir(subjdir) trials.saveAsWideText(fileName) os.chdir(expdir) endTime = 0.01 # not sure if this will take a 0, so giving it 0.01 and making sure it is defined expected_dur = 398 buffer_dur = 10 total_dur = expected_dur + buffer_dur if globalClock.getTime() < total_dur: endTime = (total_dur - globalClock.getTime()) else: endTime = buffer_dur core.wait(endTime) print globalClock.getTime()
def presentSound(self, wavfile, responseTime=0, keyList=['1', '2']): """ Play a sound with additional time to wait for a key response. Response and reaction time relative to the end of the wave file are recorded. Parameters ---------- wavfile : str wave file to play (either absolute path or relative to the folder of the python file) responseTime: double time in seconds to wait for a response after the end of the wave file (default: 0s) keyList : list of str list of keys to record as response. Only the first key is recorded and the response does not end the trial (default: 1 and 2) """ trialClock = core.Clock() wav = sound.Sound(wavfile, secs=-1, stereo=True, hamming=True, name="sound stimulus") wav.setVolume(1) trialDuration = wav.getDuration() + responseTime keyb = keyboard.Keyboard() trialComponents = [wav] self.resetTrialComponents(trialComponents) response = '' rt = -1 resetDone = False # reset timers t = 0 startTime = trialClock.getTime() startTimeGlobal = self.globalClock.getTime() _timeToFirstFrame ="now") trialClock.reset( -_timeToFirstFrame) # t0 is time of first possible flip frameN = -1 continueRoutine = True while continueRoutine: # get current time t = trialClock.getTime() tThisFlip = tThisFlipGlobal = frameN = frameN + 1 # number of completed frames (so 0 is the first frame) # update/draw components on each frame if wav.status == NOT_STARTED and t >= 0.0 - self.frameTolerance: # keep track of start time/frame for later wav.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index wav.tStart = t # local t and not account for scr refresh wav.tStartRefresh = tThisFlipGlobal # on global time # start the sound (it finishes automatically) logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg='Playback started\t' + str(self.globalClock.getTime()) + '\t' + wavfile) # Check for a response. This doesn't need to be sychronized with the next # frame flip if wav.status == FINISHED and rt == -1: if resetDone: theseKeys = keyb.getKeys(keyList=keyList, waitRelease=False) if len(theseKeys): response = theseKeys[0].name rt = theseKeys[0].rt else: keyb.clock.reset() resetDone = True # check for fMRI trigger and responses to log trigger, button1, button2 = checkForFMRITriggerOrResponse(self) if trigger: gt = self.globalClock.getTime() logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg='fMRI trigger\t' + str(gt)) if button1 == BUTTON_PRESSED: logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg='Button 1 pressed') if button2 == BUTTON_PRESSED: logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg='Button 2 pressed') # check for quit (typically the Esc key) if self.endExpNow or self.defaultKeyboard.getKeys( keyList=["escape"]): core.quit() if wav.status == FINISHED and tThisFlipGlobal > wav.tStartRefresh + trialDuration - self.frameTolerance: continueRoutine = False # refresh the screen if continueRoutine: # don't flip if this routine is over or we'll get a blank screen # -------Ending Routine ------- wav.stop() # ensure sound has stopped at end of routine endTime = trialClock.getTime() logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg='Trial ended\t' + str(self.globalClock.getTime())) self.thisExp.addData('wavfile', wavfile) self.thisExp.addData('response', response) self.thisExp.addData('rt', rt) self.thisExp.addData('wav.started', wav.tStart) self.thisExp.addData('startTime', startTime) self.thisExp.addData('startTimeGlobal', startTimeGlobal) self.thisExp.addData('endTime', endTime) self.thisExp.addData('responseTime', responseTime) self.thisExp.nextEntry() self.routineTimer.reset()
def log(msg): """Prints messages in the promt and adds msg to PsychoPy log file. """ logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg=msg)
'Session':'001', \ 'Configuration': ['Task', 'Practice'], \ 'Starting Block': ['Control', 'Interference']} dlg = gui.DlgFromDict(dictionary=expInfo, title=expName, fixed=[]) # if user pressed cancel, quit if dlg.OK == False: core.quit() # set a few more configuration parameters expInfo['date'] = data.getDateStr() # add a simple timestamp expInfo['expName'] = expName if expInfo['Configuration'] == 'Practice': logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg="Configuration: Practice") print "Configuration: Practice" elif expInfo['Configuration'] == 'Task': logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg="Configuration: Task") print "Configuration: Task" # if practice, reconfigure some aspects if expInfo['Configuration'] == 'Practice': FIXATION_BUFFER_SECONDS = 3.0 # if interference first, swap stim if expInfo['Starting Block'] == 'Interference': all_first_text=all_int_stim all_second_stim=all_control_stim else:
def run_block(fix): # Await scan trigger while True: scan_trigger_text.draw() win.flip() if 'o' in event.waitKeys(): logging.log(logging.DATA, "start key press") break event.clearEvents() clock = core.Clock() t = clock.getTime() #set up the fixation ratings_and_onsets.append(['fixation', t]) logging.log(logging.DATA, "fixation %f" % t) show_stim(fixation_text, fix) # 8 sec blank screen with fixation cross #log fixation logging.log(logging.DATA, "fixation end %f" % t) t = clock.getTime() #reset the clock so the onsets are correct (if onsets have the 8 sec in them then you dont need this) clock.reset() ratings_and_onsets.append(['start', t]) logging.log(logging.DATA, "START") #start the taste loop for trial in range(ntrials): #check for quit if check_for_quit(subdata, win): exptutils.shut_down_cleanly(subdata, win) sys.exit() #empty trial data trialdata = {} trialdata['onset'] = onsets[trial] #shuffle the position of the images shuffle(pos_ind) visual_stim1 = visual.ImageStim(win, image=N.zeros((300, 300)), pos=positions[pos_ind[0]], size=(0.25, 0.25), units='height') visual_stim2 = visual.ImageStim(win, image=N.zeros((300, 300)), pos=positions[pos_ind[1]], size=(0.25, 0.25), units='height') #set which image pair to show x = trialcond[trial] print(x) stim_images = stim_list[x] trial_prob = prob_list[x] trial_inv_prob = inv_prob_list[x] visual_stim1.setImage( stim_images[indices[0]]) #set which image appears print("GRACE THIS IS VISUAL STIM 1 %s" % (stim_images[indices[0]])) visual_stim2.setImage( stim_images[indices[1]]) #set which image appears print("GRACE THIS IS VISUAL STIM 2 %s" % (stim_images[indices[1]])) master_prob_list = [trial_prob, trial_inv_prob] shuffle(indices) #creating a dictory which will store the postion with the image and pump, the image and pump need to match mydict = {} mydict[positions_scan[pos_ind[1]]] = [ stim_images[indices[1]], master_prob_list[indices[1]] ] mydict[positions_scan[pos_ind[0]]] = [ stim_images[indices[0]], master_prob_list[indices[0]] ] print("<3 <3 <3 LOOK HERE <3 <3 <3") print(mydict) #Question Prompt message = visual.TextStim(win, text='Which is Correct?', pos=(0, 5)) print trial t = clock.getTime() #get the time of the image and log, this log is appending it to the csv file visual_stim1.draw() #making image of the logo appear visual_stim2.draw() #making image of the logo appear message.draw() RT = core.Clock() #this is logging when the message is shown logging.log( logging.DATA, "%s at position=%s and %s at position=%s" % (stim_images[indices[0]], positions_eng[pos_ind[0]], stim_images[indices[1]], positions_eng[pos_ind[1]])) logging.flush() while clock.getTime() < trialdata['onset']: pass win.flip() RT.reset() # reaction time starts immediately after flip while clock.getTime() < ( trialdata['onset'] + cue_time ): #show the image, while clock is less than onset and cue, show cue pass keys = event.getKeys(keyList=['1', '2'], timeStamped=RT) print(keys) win.flip() # get the key press logged, and time stamped if len(keys) > 0: logging.log(logging.DATA, "keypress=%s at time= %f" % (keys[0][0], keys[0][1])) print("here are the keys:") print(keys) t = clock.getTime() logging.flush() #back up of the key press tempArray = [t, keys[0]] key_responses.append(tempArray) ratings_and_onsets.append(["keypress=%s" % keys[0][0], t]) if keys[0][0] == '1': #show the image on the left visual_stim_feedback = visual.ImageStim(win, image=N.zeros( (300, 300)), pos=(0, 0), size=(0.25, 0.25), units='height') cats = (mydict['1'][0]) visual_stim_feedback.setImage( cats) #set which image appears as feedback for response visual_stim_feedback.draw() logging.log(logging.DATA, "SHOWING IMAGE %s" % (cats)) #from the dictionary find the image code associated with the key press #taste=int(mydict['left'][1]) trial_prob = (mydict['1'][1]) #choose the feedback taste = int( N.random.choice(reinforcer_responses, 1, p=trial_prob)) print(taste) if taste == 1: message = visual.TextStim(win, text='Correct', pos=(0, 5), height=2) message.draw() print 'Reinforcement is correct' else: message = visual.TextStim(win, text='Incorrect', pos=(0, 5), height=2) message.draw() print 'Reinforcement is incorrect' #log the pump used, time, and key press print 'Reinforcement is %s' % taste logging.log( logging.DATA, "Reinforcement of %s and a keypress of %s for image of %s" % (taste, keys[0][0], cats)) t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append( ["Reinforcement is %s" % taste, t, keys[0][0]]) #trigger pump with the numeral from the dictonary above #ser.write('%dRUN\r'%taste) logging.flush() elif keys[0][0] == '2': # show the image on the right cats = (mydict['2'][0]) visual_stim_feedback = visual.ImageStim(win, image=N.zeros( (300, 300)), pos=(0, 0), size=(0.25, 0.25), units='height') visual_stim_feedback.setImage( cats) #set which image appears as feedback for response visual_stim_feedback.draw() #from the dictonary get the image associated with the right key press trial_prob = (mydict['2'][1]) taste = int( N.random.choice(reinforcer_responses, 1, p=trial_prob)) print(taste) if taste == 1: message = visual.TextStim(win, text='Correct', pos=(0, 5), height=2) message.draw() print 'Reinforcement is correct' else: message = visual.TextStim(win, text='Incorrect', pos=(0, 5), height=2) message.draw() print 'Reinforcement is incorrect' #log the time, keypress, and pump print 'Reinforcement is %s' % taste logging.log( logging.DATA, "Reinforcement of %s and a keypress of %s for image of %s" % (taste, keys[0][0], cats)) t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append( ["Reinforcement is %s" % taste, t, keys[0][0]]) #trigger the pump with the numeral from the dictionary #ser.write('%dRUN\r'%taste) logging.flush() else: taste = 0 t = clock.getTime() logging.log(logging.DATA, "Key Press Missed!") keys = keys.append(['MISS', t]) logging.flush() message = visual.TextStim(win, text='Please answer quicker', pos=(0, 0), height=2) #this lasts throught the taste message.draw() win.flip() while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time): pass message = visual.TextStim(win, text='', pos=(0, 0), height=2) #this lasts throught the wait message.draw() win.flip() t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append(["wait", t]) while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time + wait_time): pass message = visual.TextStim(win, text='', pos=(0, 0), height=2) #this lasts throught the rinse message.draw() win.flip() #print 'injecting rinse via pump at address %d'%0 #t = clock.getTime() #ratings_and_onsets.append(['injecting rinse via pump at address %d'%0, t]) #ser.write('%dRUN\r'%0) #logging.log(logging.DATA, "RINSE") #logging.flush() while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time + wait_time + rinse_time): pass message = visual.TextStim(win, text='+', pos=(0, 0), height=2) #lasts through the jitter message.draw() win.flip() t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append(["jitter", t]) while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time + wait_time + rinse_time + jitter[trial]): pass t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append(['end time', t]) logging.log(logging.DATA, "finished") logging.flush() subdata['trialdata'][trial] = trialdata print(key_responses) #shuffle indices for the next trial #shuffle(indices) win.close()
if hasattr(thisComponent, "status") and thisComponent.status != FINISHED: continueRoutine = True break # at least one component has not yet finished # check for quit (the [Esc] key) if event.getKeys(["escape"]): core.quit() # refresh the screen if continueRoutine: # don't flip if this routine is over or we'll get a blank screen win.flip() for triggeredComponent in trialComponents: if triggeredComponent.status == STARTED and triggeredComponent.frameNStart == frameN: print str(triggeredComponent) #writeTrigger(triggers['fixCross']) logging.log(level=logging.DEBUG, msg='TRIGGER: fixCrossTrial') TRIGGER_STATUS = True if TRIGGER_STATUS == True: core.wait(0.005) logging.log(level=logging.DEBUG, msg='TRIGGER: OFF') TRIGGER_STATUS = False #writeTrigger(0) #-------Ending Routine "trial"------- for thisComponent in trialComponents: if hasattr(thisComponent, "setAutoDraw"): thisComponent.setAutoDraw(False) # check responses if len(keyResponse.keys) == 0: # No response was made
expInfo['session'] +=1 # increment session number except:#if not there then use a default set expInfo = {'subject':'1', 'session':'1'} dateStr = time.strftime("%b_%d_%H%M", time.localtime())#add the current time #present a dialogue to change params dlg = gui.DlgFromDict(expInfo, title='Rhythmic tapping task', fixed=['date'], order=['subject','session']) if dlg.OK: toFile('lastTappingParams.pickle', expInfo)#save params to file for next time else: core.quit()#the user hit cancel so exit # Start log file fileName = 'Tapping-' + expInfo['subject'] + '-' + expInfo['session'] + '-' + dateStr logging.LogFile((fileName+'.log'), level=logging.INFO)#, mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---START PARAMETERS---') logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='subject: %s'%expInfo['subject']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='session: %s'%expInfo['session']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='date: %s'%dateStr) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='nBlocks: %d'%nBlocks) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='fixDur: %f'%fixDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='toneInterval: %f'%toneInterval) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='nTones: %d'%nTones) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='blockDurMin: %f'%blockDurMin) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='blockDurRange: %f'%blockDurRange) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='IBI: %f'%IBI) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='respKey: %s'%respKey) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='wanderKey: %s'%wanderKey) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='triggerKey: %s'%triggerKey) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='fullScreen: %s'%fullScreen) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='screenToShow: %s'%screenToShow)
def SendMessage(message): # send message preceded by SMI code ET_REM (generic remark) and surround multi-word remarks by quotes(?) myTracker.log(message) logging.log(level=logging.INFO,msg=message) # pass """
def run_block(fix): # Await scan trigger while True: scan_trigger_text.draw() win.flip() if 'o' in event.waitKeys(): logging.log(logging.DATA, "start key press") break event.clearEvents() clock = core.Clock() t = clock.getTime() #set up the fixation ratings_and_onsets.append(['fixation', t]) logging.log(logging.DATA, "fixation %f" % t) show_stim(fixation_text, fix) # 8 sec blank screen with fixation cross #log fixation logging.log(logging.DATA, "fixation end %f" % t) t = clock.getTime() #reset the clock so the onsets are correct (if onsets have the 8 sec in them then you dont need this) clock.reset() ratings_and_onsets.append(['start', t]) logging.log(logging.DATA, "START") #start the taste loop for trial in range(ntrials): #check for quit if check_for_quit(subdata, win): exptutils.shut_down_cleanly(subdata, win) sys.exit() #empty trial data trialdata = {} trialdata['onset'] = onsets[trial] #shuffle the positions visual_stim1 = visual.ImageStim(win, image=N.zeros((300, 300)), pos=positions[pos_ind[0]], size=(0.25, 0.25), units='height') visual_stim2 = visual.ImageStim(win, image=N.zeros((300, 300)), pos=positions[pos_ind[1]], size=(0.25, 0.25), units='height') #set which image is which x = int(N.random.choice(prob_index, 1, p=[0.34, 0.33, 0.33])) print(x) stim_images = stim_list[x] trial_prob = prob_list[x] trial_inv_prob = inv_prob_list[x] visual_stim1.setImage( stim_images[indices[0]]) #set which image appears visual_stim2.setImage( stim_images[indices[1]]) #set which image appears master_prob_list = [trial_prob, trial_inv_prob] #creating a dictory which will store the postion with the image and pump, the image and pump need to match mydict = {} # mydict[positions_eng[pos_ind[1]]] = [stim_images[indices[1]], master_prob_list[indices[1]]] # mydict[positions_eng[pos_ind[0]]] = [stim_images[indices[0]], master_prob_list[indices[0]]] mydict[positions_scan[pos_ind[1]]] = [ stim_images[indices[1]], master_prob_list[indices[1]] ] mydict[positions_scan[pos_ind[0]]] = [ stim_images[indices[0]], master_prob_list[indices[0]] ] print(mydict) #which is sweet? message = visual.TextStim(win, text='Which is Correct?', pos=(0, 5)) print trial t = clock.getTime() #get the time of the image and log, this log is appending it to the csv file visual_stim1.draw() #making image of the logo appear visual_stim2.draw() #making image of the logo appear message.draw() RT = core.Clock() #this is logging when the message is shown logging.log( logging.DATA, "%s at position=%s and %s at position=%s" % (stim_images[indices[0]], positions_eng[pos_ind[0]], stim_images[indices[1]], positions_eng[pos_ind[1]])) logging.flush() while clock.getTime() < trialdata['onset']: pass win.flip() RT.reset() # reaction time starts immediately after flip while clock.getTime() < ( trialdata['onset'] + cue_time ): #show the image, while clock is less than onset and cue, show cue pass keys = event.getKeys(keyList=['1', '2'], timeStamped=RT) message = visual.TextStim( win, text='') #blank screen while the taste is delivered message.draw() win.flip() # get the key press logged, and time stamped if len(keys) > 0: logging.log(logging.DATA, "keypress=%s at time= %f" % (keys[0][0], keys[0][1])) print("here are the keys:") print(keys) t = clock.getTime() logging.flush() #back up of the key press tempArray = [t, keys[0]] key_responses.append(tempArray) ratings_and_onsets.append(["keypress=%s" % keys[0][0], t]) if keys[0][0] == '1': #draw images & what the participant chose rectangle_l = visual.Rect(win, pos=(-0.25, 0), size=(0.75, 0.75), units='height', fillColor=[0, 0, 0], lineColor=[1, -1, -1]) rectangle_l.draw() visual_stim1.draw() visual_stim2.draw() #from the dictionary find the image code associated with the key press #taste=int(mydict['left'][1]) image = (mydict['1'][0]) trial_prob = (mydict['1'][1]) taste = int(N.random.choice(pump_responses, 1, p=trial_prob)) #if image=='sweet.jpg': #taste=int(N.random.choice(pump_responses, 1, p=[0.5, 0.5])) #elif image=='unsweet.jpg': #taste=int(N.random.choice(pump_responses, 1, p=[0.5, 0.5])) print(image) print(taste) #log the pump used, time, and key press print 'injecting via pump at address %s' % taste logging.log( logging.DATA, "injecting via pump at address %d and a keypress of %s and image of %s" % (taste, keys[0][0], image)) t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append([ "injecting via pump at address %d" % taste, t, keys[0][0] ]) #trigger pump with the numeral from the dictonary above ser.write('%dRUN\r' % taste) logging.flush() elif keys[0][0] == '2': rectangle_r = visual.Rect(win, pos=(0.25, 0), size=(0.75, 0.75), units='height', fillColor=[0, 0, 0], lineColor=[1, -1, -1]) rectangle_r.draw() visual_stim1.draw() visual_stim2.draw() #from the dictonary get the image associated with the right key press image = (mydict['2'][0]) trial_prob = (mydict['2'][1]) taste = int(N.random.choice(pump_responses, 1, p=trial_prob)) print(image) print(taste) #log the time, keypress, and pump print 'injecting via pump at address %s' % taste logging.log( logging.DATA, "injecting via pump at address %d and a keypress of %s and image of %s" % (taste, keys[0][0], image)) t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append( ["injecting via pump at address %d" % taste, t]) #trigger the pump with the numeral from the dictionary ser.write('%dRUN\r' % taste) logging.flush() else: taste = 0 t = clock.getTime() logging.log(logging.DATA, "Key Press Missed!") keys = keys.append(['MISS', t]) logging.flush() message = visual.TextStim(win, text='Please answer quicker', pos=(0, 0), height=2) #this lasts throught the taste message.draw() win.flip() while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time): pass message = visual.TextStim(win, text='+', pos=(0, 0), height=2) #this lasts throught the wait message.draw() win.flip() t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append(["wait", t]) trialdata['dis'] = [ser.write('0DIS\r'), ser.write('1DIS\r')] print(trialdata['dis']) while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time + wait_time): pass message = visual.TextStim(win, text='', pos=(0, 0), height=2) #this lasts throught the rinse message.draw() win.flip() print 'injecting rinse via pump at address %d' % 0 t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append( ['injecting rinse via pump at address %d' % 0, t]) ser.write('%dRUN\r' % 0) logging.log(logging.DATA, "RINSE") logging.flush() while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time + wait_time + rinse_time): pass message = visual.TextStim(win, text='+', pos=(0, 0), height=2) #lasts through the jitter message.draw() win.flip() t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append(["jitter", t]) while clock.getTime() < (trialdata['onset'] + cue_time + delivery_time + wait_time + rinse_time + jitter[trial]): pass t = clock.getTime() ratings_and_onsets.append(['end time', t]) logging.log(logging.DATA, "finished") logging.flush() subdata['trialdata'][trial] = trialdata print(key_responses) shuffle(indices) shuffle(pos_ind) win.close()
def logThis( msg ): logging.log( msg, level=myLogLevel )
def do_run(run, trials): fileName = log_file.format(subj_id, run) #Ready Screen ready_screen.draw() win.flip() core.wait(ready_screen_dur) globalClock.reset() studyStart = globalClock.getTime() # Initial Fixation screen fixation.draw() win.flip() core.wait(initial_fixation_dur) for trial in trials: image = "money.png" pictureStim.setImage(image) #decision phase timer.reset() event.clearEvents() resp_val = None resp_onset = None #ifresp = 0 while timer.getTime() < decision_dur: pictureStim.draw() cardStim_left.draw() cardStim_right.draw() immed_left = trial['immed'] delay_right = trial['delay'] timeD_right = trial['time'] immediate = '$%s today' % immed_left delayed = '$%s in %s days' % (delay_right, timeD_right) immed_text.setText(immediate) delay_text.setText(delayed) immed_text.draw() delay_text.draw() win.flip() resp = event.getKeys(keyList=responseKeys) if len(resp) > 0: resp_val = int(resp[0]) resp_onset = globalClock.getTime() if resp_val == 1: immed_text.setColor('red') if resp_val == 2: delay_text.setColor('red') print "got here3" #checkpoint pictureStim.draw() cardStim_left.draw() cardStim_right.draw() immed_text.draw() delay_text.draw() win.flip() core.wait(1) break print "got here4" #checkpoint trials.addData('resp', resp_val) trials.addData('rt', resp_onset) print "got here5" #checkpoint #reset rating number color immed_text.setColor('#FFFFFF') delay_text.setColor('#FFFFFF') print "got here7" #checkpoint #ITI logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='ITI') #send fixation log event timer.reset() iti_for_trial = float(trial['ITI']) while timer.getTime() < iti_for_trial: waiting.draw() win.flip() print "got here7" #checkpoint #trials.saveAsText(fileName=log_file.format(subj_id, run_num)) #, dataOut='all_raw', encoding='utf-8' os.chdir(subjdir) trials.saveAsWideText(fileName) os.chdir(expdir)
expInfo['session'] +=1 # increment session number except:#if not there then use a default set expInfo = {'subject':'1', 'session':1} dateStr = time.strftime("%b_%d_%H%M", time.localtime())#add the current time #present a dialogue to change params dlg = gui.DlgFromDict(expInfo, title='BopIt Task', fixed=['date'], order=['subject','session']) if dlg.OK: toFile('lastBopItParams.pickle', expInfo)#save params to file for next time else: core.quit()#the user hit cancel so exit # Start log file fileName = 'BopIt-%s-%d-%s'%(expInfo['subject'],expInfo['session'],dateStr) #'BopIt-' + expInfo['subject'] + '-' + expInfo['session'] + '-' + dateStr logging.LogFile((fileName+'.log'), level=logging.INFO)#, mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---START PARAMETERS---') logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='subject: %s'%expInfo['subject']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='session: %s'%expInfo['session']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='date: %s'%dateStr) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='isPractice: %i'%isPractice) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='respKeys: %s'%respKeys) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='triggerKey: %s'%triggerKey) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='wanderKey: %s'%wanderKey) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='nBlocks: %d'%nBlocks) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='nTrialsPerBlock: %d'%nTrialsPerBlock) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='fixDur_min: %f'%fixDur_min) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='fixDur_range: %f'%fixDur_range) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='toneDur: %f'%toneDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='respDur: %f'%respDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='preBlockDur: %f'%preBlockDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='IBI: %f'%IBI)
######################## # SHOW READY SCREEN # ######################## ready_screen.draw() win.flip() # wait for trigger from scanner (5 key press) event.waitKeys(keyList=('space')) # set clock globalClock = core.Clock() logging.setDefaultClock(globalClock) logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg="** START RUN %i **" % current_run) trials.extraInfo = {'START': globalClock.getTime()} timer = core.Clock() while current_block < blocks_per_run: current_block += 1 trial = #for trial in trials: #print trial['cond'].encode('utf-8') cur_cond = trial['cond'] prep_screen.setText(condition_text % prompt_map[cur_cond[:-4]]) logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg=condition_text % cur_cond)
message=visual.TextStim(win, text='') subdata['trialdata']={} clock.reset() event.clearEvents() for trial in range(ntrials): if check_for_quit(subdata,win): exptutils.shut_down_cleanly(subdata,win) sys.exit() trialdata={} print 'trial %d'%trial trialdata['onset']=onsets[trial] print 'condition %d'%trialcond[trial] logging.log(logging.DATA,'Condition: %d'%trialcond[trial]) print 'showing image: %s'%stim_images[trialcond[trial]] visual_stim.setImage(stim_images[trialcond[trial]]) visual_stim.draw() while clock.getTime()<trialdata['onset']:#wait until the specified onset time to display image_file if check_for_quit(subdata,win): exptutils.shut_down_cleanly(subdata,win) sys.exit() win.flip() while clock.getTime()<(trialdata['onset']+cue_time):#show the image pass if hasPump: print 'injecting via pump at address %d'%pump[trial] logging.log(logging.DATA,'injecting via pump at address %d'%pump[trial])
def on_error(client, error): if type(error) is KeyboardInterrupt: WsFeedbackReceiver.shouldExit = True else: logging.log(logging.WARNING, "on_error: WsFeedbackReceiver: {} {}". format(type(error), str(error)))
def do_run(run_number, trials): timer = core.Clock() ############################## # 1. display ready screen and wait for 'T' to be sent to indicate scanner trigger ready_screen.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList='t') # reset globalClock globalClock.reset() # send START log event logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='******* START (trigger from scanner) - run %i *******' % run_number) if run_number == 1: do_sound_test() ################ # SHOW INSTRUCTIONS ################ timer.reset() while timer.getTime() < instruct_dur: #for frame in range(instruct_dur): instruction_image.draw() instruction_text.draw() win.flip() while timer.getTime() < fixation_dur: #for frame in range(fixation_dur): fixation.draw() win.flip() ################ # MAIN LOOP # present trials for tidx, trial in enumerate(trials): trial_type = trial['type'] theme = trial['theme'] cond = trial['cond'] image = "images/%s/%s_%s.png" % (cond, theme, trial_type) audio = "audio/%s_%s_%s.wav" % (theme, trial_type, cond) message = trial['message'] pictureStim.setImage(image) messageStim.setText(message) message_audio = sound.Sound(audio) # send MESSAGE log event logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg="MESSAGE: %s - %s - %s" % (cond, theme, trial_type)) trials.addData('stim_onset', globalClock.getTime()) # play sound file for message # show mesage timer.reset() while timer.getTime() < message_dur: #for frame in range(message_dur): pictureStim.draw() messageStim.draw() win.flip() # send SHOW RATING log event logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg="SHOW RATING") trials.addData('resp_onset', globalClock.getTime()) # clear event buffer event.clearEvents() resp_onset = globalClock.getTime() # show rating and collect response timer.reset() while timer.getTime() < rating_dur: #for frame in range(rating_dur): pictureStim.draw() messageStim.draw() for rate_stim in ratingStim: rate_stim.draw() anchor1.draw() anchor4.draw() win.flip() # get key response resp = event.getKeys(keyList = buttons) if len(resp) > 0 : resp_value = resp[0] ratingStim[button_labels[resp_value]].setColor('red') # add response value to the trial handler logging trials.addData('resp',resp_value) trials.addData('rt', globalClock.getTime() - resp_onset) # reset rating number color for rate in ratingStim: rate.setColor('#FFFFFF') # ------------ FIXATION ------------ # send FIXATION log event logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='FIXATION') # show fixation timer.reset() fixation_for_trial = fixations[run_number-1][tidx] while timer.getTime() < fixation_for_trial: #for frame in range(fixation_dur): fixation.draw() win.flip() # write logs # send END log event logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='******* END run %i *******' % run_number) # log_file.logger.flush() # save the trial infomation from trial handler log_filename2 = "%s_%i.csv" % (log_filename[:-4], run_number ) trials.saveAsText(log_filename2, delim=',', dataOut=('n', 'all_raw')) event.waitKeys(keyList=('space'))
def send_error_response(client, response, errStr): logging.log(logging.WARNING, errStr) response.update({'status': 400, 'error': errStr}) send_response(client, response)
params['skipPrompts'] = expInfo['skipPrompts'] # print params to Output print 'params = {' for key in sorted(params.keys()): print " '%s': %s"%(key,params[key]) # print each value as-is (no quotes) print '}' # save experimental info toFile('%s-lastExpInfo.pickle'%scriptName, expInfo)#save params to file for next time #make a log file to save parameter/event data dateStr = ts.strftime("%b_%d_%H%M", ts.localtime()) # add the current time filename = '%s-%s-%d-%s'%(scriptName,expInfo['subject'], expInfo['session'], dateStr) # log filename logging.LogFile((filename+'.log'), level=logging.INFO)#, mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---START PARAMETERS---') logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='filename: %s'%filename) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='subject: %s'%expInfo['subject']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='session: %s'%expInfo['session']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='date: %s'%dateStr) # log everything in the params struct for key in sorted(params.keys()): # in alphabetical order logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='%s: %s'%(key,params[key])) # log each parameter logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---END PARAMETERS---') # ========================== # # ===== GET SCREEN RES ===== # # ========================== #
# TODO - update here with a specific stimuli for experiment sets videos = [vn for vn in os.listdir(STIM_DIR) if vn.endswith('.mov')] videos.sort() for vid in videos: do_fixation(5.0) play_video(os.path.join(STIM_DIR, vid)) get_rating() do_fixation(10.0) logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='*********** TASK ENDED *************\tsys:{}'.format( time.time())) # clean up logging.flush() win.close() core.quit() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # development note 2/2/17 - some videos throwing error discussed in # # added patch to moviepy/audio/io/ #
# present a dialogue to change params dlg = gui.DlgFromDict(expInfo, title="Flanker task", fixed=["date"], order=["subject", "session"]) if dlg.OK: toFile("lastFlankerParams.pickle", expInfo) # save params to file for next time else: core.quit() # the user hit cancel so exit # make a log file to save parameter/event data fileName = "Flanker-%s-%d-%s" % ( expInfo["subject"], expInfo["session"], dateStr, ) #'Sart-' + expInfo['subject'] + '-' + expInfo['session'] + '-' + dateStr logging.LogFile((fileName + ".log"), level=logging.INFO) # , mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="---START PARAMETERS---") logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="subject: %s" % expInfo["subject"]) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="session: %s" % expInfo["session"]) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="date: %s" % dateStr) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="isPractice: %i" % isPractice) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="blockLengths: %s" % blockLengths) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="randomizeBlocks: %d" % randomizeBlocks) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="ITI_min: %f" % ITI_min) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="ITI_range: %f" % ITI_range) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="flankerDur: %f" % flankerDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="targetDur: %f" % targetDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="respDur: %d" % respDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="blankDur: %f" % blankDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="IBI: %f" % IBI) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="respKeys: %s" % respKeys) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg="wanderKey: %s" % wanderKey)
# get current time t = trialClock.getTime() frameN = frameN + 1 # number of completed frames (so 0 is the first frame) # update/draw components on each frame # *image* updates if t >= 0 and image.status == NOT_STARTED: # keep track of start time/frame for later image.tStart = t # underestimates by a little under one frame image.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index image.setAutoDraw(True) #kamil #pport.Out32(pport_addrr, 255) # sets all pins to low #pport.Out32(pport_addrr+2, 1) # strobe on arduino.send_pulse_up() logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='Arduino pulse up') elif image.status == STARTED and t >= (0 + (2-win.monitorFramePeriod*0.75)): #most of one frame period left image.setAutoDraw(False) # *odpoved* updates if t >= 0 and odpoved.status == NOT_STARTED: # keep track of start time/frame for later odpoved.tStart = t # underestimates by a little under one frame odpoved.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index odpoved.status = STARTED # keyboard checking is just starting odpoved.clock.reset() # now t=0 event.clearEvents(eventType='keyboard') if odpoved.status == STARTED: theseKeys = event.getKeys(keyList=['left', 'right'])
expInfo['session'] +=1 # automatically increment session number except:#if not there then use a default set expInfo = {'subject':'1', 'session':1} dateStr = time.strftime("%b_%d_%H%M", time.localtime())#add the current time #present a dialogue to change params dlg = gui.DlgFromDict(expInfo, title='Numerical SART task', fixed=['date'], order=['subject','session']) if dlg.OK: toFile('lastSimonParams.pickle', expInfo)#save params to file for next time else: core.quit()#the user hit cancel so exit #make a log file to save parameter/event data fileName = 'Simon-%s-%d-%s'%(expInfo['subject'], expInfo['session'], dateStr) #'Sart-' + expInfo['subject'] + '-' + expInfo['session'] + '-' + dateStr logging.LogFile((fileName+'.log'), level=logging.INFO)#, mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='---START PARAMETERS---') logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='fileName: %s'%fileName) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='subject: %s'%expInfo['subject']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='session: %s'%expInfo['session']) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='date: %s'%dateStr) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='isPractice: %i'%isPractice) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='skipInstructions: %i'%skipInstructions) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='tSessionMax: %d'%tSessionMax) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='nBlocks: %d'%nBlocks) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='nTrialsPerBlock: %d'%nTrialsPerBlock) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='ITI_min: %1.3f'%ITI_min) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='ITI_range: %1.3f'%ITI_range) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='stimDur: %1.3f'%stimDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='pauseDur: %1.3f'%pauseDur) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='tRespPerItem: %1.3f'%tRespPerItem) logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='tRespRoundOff: %1.3f'%tRespRoundOff)
def do_run(trial_data, run_num): resp = [] fileName = log_file.format(subj_id) #wait for trigger ready_screen.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList=('equal')) globalClock.reset() for trial in trials: condition_label = stim_map[trial['Partner']] image_label = image_map[trial['Partner']] imagepath = os.path.join(expdir, 'Images') image = os.path.join(imagepath, "%s.png") % image_label nameStim.setText(condition_label) pictureStim.setImage(image) #ITI logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='ITI') #send fixation log event timer.reset() ITI_onset = globalClock.getTime() iti_for_trial = float(trial['ITI']) while timer.getTime() < iti_for_trial: fixation.draw() win.flip() #decision phase timer.reset() event.clearEvents() resp = [] resp_val = None resp_onset = None trial_onset = globalClock.getTime() while timer.getTime() < decision_dur: cardStim.draw() question.draw() pictureStim.draw() nameStim.draw() win.flip() resp = event.getKeys(keyList=responseKeys) if len(resp) > 0: if resp[0] == 'z': #trials.saveAsText(fileName=log_file.format(subj_id),delim=',',dataOut='all_raw') os.chdir(subjdir) trials.saveAsWideText(fileName) os.chdir(expdir) win.close() core.quit() resp_val = int(resp[0]) resp_onset = globalClock.getTime() rt = resp_onset - trial_onset else: resp_val = 0 resp_onset = 'NA' #rt = 'NA' trials.addData('resp', int(resp_val)) trials.addData('resp_onset', resp_onset) trials.addData('onset', trial_onset) trials.addData('ITIonset', ITI_onset) trials.addData('rt', rt) #outcome phase timer.reset() #win.flip() outcome_onset = globalClock.getTime() while timer.getTime() < outcome_dur: outcome_cardStim.draw() pictureStim.draw() nameStim.draw() #win.flip() if trial['Feedback'] == '3' and resp_val == 2: outcome_txt = int(random.randint(1, 4)) outcome_moneyTxt = 'h' outcome_color = 'green' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_txt)) elif trial['Feedback'] == '3' and resp_val == 3: outcome_txt = int(random.randint(6, 9)) outcome_moneyTxt = 'h' outcome_color = 'green' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_txt)) elif trial['Feedback'] == '2' and resp_val == 2: outcome_txt = int(5) outcome_moneyTxt = 'n' outcome_color = 'white' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_txt)) elif trial['Feedback'] == '2' and resp_val == 3: outcome_txt = int(5) outcome_moneyTxt = 'n' outcome_color = 'white' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_txt)) elif trial['Feedback'] == '1' and resp_val == 2: outcome_txt = int(random.randint(6, 9)) outcome_moneyTxt = 'i' outcome_color = 'red' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_txt)) elif trial['Feedback'] == '1' and resp_val == 3: outcome_txt = int(random.randint(1, 4)) outcome_moneyTxt = 'i' outcome_color = 'red' trials.addData('outcome_val', int(outcome_txt)) elif resp_val == 0: outcome_txt = '#' outcome_moneyTxt = '' outcome_color = 'white' #print outcome_txt outcome_text.setText(outcome_txt) outcome_money.setText(outcome_moneyTxt) outcome_money.setColor(outcome_color) outcome_text.draw() outcome_money.draw() win.flip() core.wait(outcome_dur) #trials.addData('outcome_val', outcome_txt) trials.addData('outcome_onset', outcome_onset) outcome_offset = globalClock.getTime() trials.addData('outcome_offset', outcome_offset) duration = outcome_offset - trial_onset trials.addData('trialDuration', duration) event.clearEvents() print "got to check 3" os.chdir(subjdir) trials.saveAsWideText(fileName) os.chdir(expdir) if globalClock.getTime() < 850: endTime = (850 - globalClock.getTime()) else: endTime = 10 core.wait(endTime) print globalClock.getTime()
def flip(self, clearBuffer=True): """Flip the front and back buffers after drawing everything for your frame. (This replaces the win.update() method, better reflecting what is happening underneath). win.flip(clearBuffer=True)#results in a clear screen after flipping win.flip(clearBuffer=False)#the screen is not cleared (so represent the previous screen) """ for thisStim in self._toDraw: thisStim.draw() if haveFB: #need blit the frambuffer object to the actual back buffer FB.glBindFramebufferEXT(FB.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0)#unbind the framebuffer as the render target #before flipping need to copy the renderBuffer to the frameBuffer ''' GL.glActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D) GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.frameTexture) GL.glBegin( GL.GL_QUADS ) GL.glTexCoord2f( 0.0, 0.0 ) ; GL.glVertex2f( -1.0,-1.0 ) GL.glTexCoord2f( 0.0, 1.0 ) ; GL.glVertex2f( -1.0,1.0 ) GL.glTexCoord2f( 1.0, 1.0 ) ; GL.glVertex2f( 1.0,1.0 ) GL.glTexCoord2f( 1.0, 0.0 ) ; GL.glVertex2f( 1.0,-1.0 ) GL.glEnd() ''' GL.glActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D) GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.frameTexture) GL.glBegin( GL.GL_QUADS ) GL.glTexCoord2f( 0.0, 0.0 ) ; GL.glVertex3f( -1.0,-1.0, 0.0 ) GL.glTexCoord2f( 0.0, 1.0 ) ; GL.glVertex3f( -1.0,1.0, 0.0 ) GL.glTexCoord2f( 1.0, 1.0 ) ; GL.glVertex3f( 1.0,1.0, 0.0 ) GL.glTexCoord2f( 1.0, 0.0 ) ; GL.glVertex3f( 1.0,-1.0, 0.0 ) GL.glEnd() if self.winType =="pyglet": #make sure this is current context self.winHandle.switch_to() GL.glTranslatef(0.0,0.0,-5.0) for dispatcher in self._eventDispatchers: dispatcher._dispatch_events() self.winHandle.dispatch_events()#this might need to be done even more often than once per frame? sounds to be processed self.winHandle.flip() #self.winHandle.clear() GL.glLoadIdentity() #rescale/reposition view of the window if self.viewScale != None: GL.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_PROJECTION) GL.glLoadIdentity() GL.glOrtho(-1,1,-1,1,-1,1) GL.glScalef(self.viewScale[0], self.viewScale[1], 1) if self.viewPos != None: GL.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_MODELVIEW) # GL.glLoadIdentity() if self.viewScale==None: scale=[1,1] else: scale=self.viewScale norm_rf_pos_x = self.viewPos[0]/scale[0] norm_rf_pos_y = self.viewPos[1]/scale[1] GL.glTranslatef( norm_rf_pos_x, norm_rf_pos_y, 0.0) if self.viewOri != None: GL.glRotatef( self.viewOri, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if haveFB: #set rendering back to the framebuffer object FB.glBindFramebufferEXT(FB.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, self.frameBuffer) #reset returned buffer for next frame if clearBuffer: GL.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) else: GL.glClear(GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)#always clear the depth bit self._defDepth=0.0#gets gradually updated through frame #waitBlanking if self.waitBlanking: GL.glBegin(GL.GL_POINTS) GL.glColor4f(0,0,0,0) if sys.platform=='win32' and self.glVendor.startswith('ati'): pass else: GL.glVertex2i(10,10)#this corrupts text rendering on win with some ATI cards :-( GL.glEnd() GL.glFlush() #get timestamp now = logging.defaultClock.getTime() if self.recordFrameIntervals: self.frames +=1 deltaT = now - self.lastFrameT self.lastFrameT=now if self.recordFrameIntervalsJustTurnedOn: #don't do anything self.recordFrameIntervalsJustTurnedOn = False else: #past the first frame since turned on self.frameIntervals.append(deltaT) if deltaT > self._refreshThreshold: self.nDroppedFrames+=1 if self.nDroppedFrames<reportNDroppedFrames: logging.warning('t of last frame was %.2fms (=1/%i)' %(deltaT*1000, 1/deltaT), t=now) elif self.nDroppedFrames==reportNDroppedFrames: logging.warning("Multiple dropped frames have occurred - I'll stop bothering you about them!") #log events for logEntry in self._toLog: #{'msg':msg,'level':level,'obj':copy.copy(obj)} logging.log(msg=logEntry['msg'], level=logEntry['level'], t=now, obj=logEntry['obj']) self._toLog = [] # If self.waitBlanking is True, then return the time that # GL.glFinish() returned, set as the 'now' variable. Otherwise # return None as before # if self.waitBlanking is True: return now
# create a default keyboard (e.g. to check for escape) defaultKeyboard = keyboard.Keyboard() # Initialize components for Routine "Instr" InstrClock = core.Clock() Ready = visual.TextStim(win=win, name='Ready', text='We have discovered that people\nwere stealing from the vending\nmachines! We have upgraded the\nmachine to make them harder to\nsteal from. However, when the\nmachine is overstocked a free snack \nwill fall out. \n\nThe lights on the front panel\nindicate whether the machine is\noverstocked. Watch the lights and\nlearn which snacks fall out. A\nmultiple choice question will test\nwhat you have learnt. Use the\nkeyboard [a b c d] to indicate the\ncorrect answer.\n\n\n\n\n press space to begin', font='Helvetica Bold', pos=[0, 0], height=0.075, wrapWidth=None, ori=0, color='LightGray', colorSpace='rgb', opacity=1, languageStyle='LTR', depth=0.0); Begin_resp = keyboard.Keyboard() yellowSize = 0 blueSize = 0 logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg = "version " + expInfo['version']) # Initialize components for Routine "ITI" ITIClock = core.Clock() vend = visual.PatchStim( win=win, name='vend', tex='images/vend.png', mask=None, ori=0, pos=[0, 0], size=[1.5, 2], sf=None, phase=0.0, color=[1,1,1], colorSpace='rgb', opacity=1, texRes=512 , interpolate=True, depth=-1.0) # Initialize components for Routine "trial" trialClock = core.Clock() vend_CS = visual.PatchStim( win=win, name='vend_CS',
def do_run(run_number, trials): timer = core.Clock() # 1. add ready screen and wait for trigger ready_screen.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys(keyList='t') # reset globalClock globalClock.reset() # send START log event logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='******* START (trigger from scanner) - run %i *******' % run_number) ################ # SHOW INSTRUCTIONS ################ timer.reset() logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='Show Instructions') while timer.getTime() < instruct_dur: #for frame in range(instruct_dur): instruction_image.draw() instruction_text.draw() win.flip() # 2. fixation disdaqs #for frame in range(disdaq_dur): # fixation.draw() # win.flip() ####################### # MAIN LOOP for trials # loop over stimuli for tidx,trial in enumerate(trials): logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='trial %i' % tidx) # test for REST trial if trial['value']=='REST': logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='REST BLOCK') timer.reset() while timer.getTime() < rest_dur: #for frame in range(rest_dur): fixation.draw() win.flip() continue value = trial['value'] prime_label = trial['message'] situation = trial['target'] target = trial['target'] valueStim.setText(prime_label) thinkStim.setText(prime_label) # 1. show prime logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='SHOW PRIME - %s' % prime_label) trials.addData('prime_onset', globalClock.getTime()) primeStim.setText(prime_label) timer.reset() while timer.getTime() < prime_dur: #for frame in range(prime_dur): primeStim.draw() win.flip() # 2. show situation logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='Situation: %s' % situation) situationStim.setText(situation) timer.reset() trials.addData('stim_onset', globalClock.getTime()) while timer.getTime() < situation_dur: #for frame in range(situation_dur): situationStim.draw() thinkStim.draw() win.flip() event.clearEvents() # 3. show rating and get response logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='Show response') trials.addData('resp_onset', globalClock.getTime()) timer.reset() while timer.getTime() < rating_dur: #for frame in range(rating_dur): situationStim.draw() valueStim.draw() anchor1.draw() anchor4.draw() for resp in ratingStim: resp.draw() win.flip() # get key response resp = event.getKeys(keyList = buttons) if len(resp) > 0 : resp_value = button_labels[resp[0]] ratingStim[resp_value].setColor('red') trials.addData('rating', resp_value+1) trials.addData('rt', timer.getTime()) # reset rating number color for rate in ratingStim: rate.setColor('white') # 4. fixation trials.addData('fixation_onset', globalClock.getTime()) logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='Fixation') timer.reset() while timer.getTime() < fixation_dur: #for frame in range(fixation_dur): fixation.draw() win.flip() # write logs # send END log event logging.log(level=logging.DATA, msg='******* END Run %i *******' % run_number) # log_file.logger.flush() # save the trial infomation from trial handler log_filename2 = "%s_%i.csv" % (log_filename[:-4], run_number ) trials.saveAsText(log_filename2, delim=',', dataOut=('n', 'all_raw')) event.waitKeys(keyList=('space'))
def presentSound(self, wavfile): """ Play a sound Parameters ---------- wavfile : str wave file to play (either absolute path or relative to the folder of the python file) """ trialClock = core.Clock() wav = sound.Sound(wavfile, secs=-1, stereo=True, hamming=True, name="sound stimulus") wav.setVolume(1) trialDuration = wav.getDuration() keyb = keyboard.Keyboard() trialComponents = [wav] self.resetTrialComponents(trialComponents) # reset timers t = 0 _timeToFirstFrame ="now") trialClock.reset(-_timeToFirstFrame) # t0 is time of first possible flip frameN = -1 continueRoutine = True while continueRoutine: # get current time t = trialClock.getTime() tThisFlip = tThisFlipGlobal = frameN = frameN + 1 # number of completed frames (so 0 is the first frame) # update/draw components on each frame if wav.status == NOT_STARTED and t >= 0.0-self.frameTolerance: # keep track of start time/frame for later wav.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index wav.tStart = t # local t and not account for scr refresh wav.tStartRefresh = tThisFlipGlobal # on global time # start the sound (it finishes automatically) # check for fMRI trigger to log if checkForFMRITrigger(self): logging.log(level = logging.EXP, msg = 'fMRI trigger') # check for quit (typically the Esc key) if self.endExpNow or self.defaultKeyboard.getKeys(keyList=["escape"]): core.quit() if wav.status == FINISHED and tThisFlipGlobal > wav.tStartRefresh + trialDuration-self.frameTolerance: continueRoutine = False # refresh the screen if continueRoutine: # don't flip if this routine is over or we'll get a blank screen # -------Ending Routine ------- wav.stop() # ensure sound has stopped at end of routine self.thisExp.addData('wavfile', wavfile) self.thisExp.addData('wav.started', wav.tStart) self.thisExp.nextEntry() self.routineTimer.reset()
fixation = visual.GratingStim(win, color='black', tex=None, mask='circle',size=0.2) message1 = visual.TextStim(win, pos=[0,+3],text="Memorize each sequence of 4 letters. Then an arrow will indicate whether the ordering is right-to-left or left-to-right. Next you'll see a letter - indicate its number in the given sequence and order.") message2 = visual.TextStim(win, pos=[0,-3], text="When you're ready to begin, press any key.") # make sequence text centerText = visual.TextStim(win,pos=[0,0],text = sequences[0]) # make arrows line = visual.Line(win,start=(-2,0),end=(2,0),lineColor='black') leftArrow = visual.Polygon(win,edges=3,radius=0.5,pos=(-2,0),ori=30,lineColor='black',fillColor='black') rightArrow = visual.Polygon(win,edges=3,radius=0.5,pos=(2,0),ori=-30,lineColor='black',fillColor='black') # ========================== # # ===== SET UP LOGGING ===== # # ========================== # logging.LogFile((fileName+'.log'), level=logging.INFO)#, mode='w') # w=overwrite logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='Subject %s, Session %s'%(expInfo['subject'],expInfo['session'])) for i in range(0,len(sequences)): logging.log(level=logging.INFO, msg='sequence %d: %s'%(i,sequences[i])) # ============================ # # ======= SUBFUNCTIONS ======= # # ============================ # def PlaySequence(sequence): # get block start time tBlock = globalClock.getTime()*1000 #draw fixation dot fixation.draw() win.logOnFlip(level=logging.EXP, msg='Fixation') win.flip()
colorSpace='rgb255', autoLog=False) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# ### Wait for scanner. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# ## Before advancing to task, wait for scanner to ## send TTL pulse. To abort task, hit 'escape' key. KeyPress, = event.waitKeys(keyList=['equal', 'escape']) if KeyPress == 'escape': QuitTask() #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# ### Task. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# ## Run the task. To abort task, hit 'escape' key. ## Initialize logging. globalClock = core.Clock() logging.setDefaultClock(globalClock) logging.LogFile('%s-BREATHHOLD-CONTROL.log' % f, level=logging.EXP, filemode='w') ## Run task. for block, sec in zip(blocks, timing): block(sec) ## Quit. logging.log(level=logging.EXP, msg='Done') QuitTask()