def __init__(self, win, start=(-.5, -.5), end=(.5, .5), **kwargs): """ Line accepts all input parameters, that :class:`~psychopy.visual.ShapeStim` accepts, except for vertices, closeShape and fillColor. The methods `contains` and `overlaps` are inherited from `~psychopy.visual.ShapeStim`, but always return False (because a line is not a proper (2D) polygon). :Parameters: start : tuple, list or 2x1 array Specifies the position of the start of the line end : tuple, list or 2x1 array Specifies the position of the end of the line """ #what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by __repr__ self._initParams = dir() self._initParams.remove('self') #kwargs isn't a parameter, but a list of params self._initParams.remove('kwargs') self._initParams.extend(kwargs) self.start = start self.end = end self.vertices = [start, end] kwargs['closeShape'] = False # Make sure nobody messes around here kwargs['vertices'] = self.vertices kwargs['fillColor'] = None ShapeStim.__init__(self, win, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, win, edges=3, radius=.5, **kwargs): """ Polygon accepts all input parameters that :class:`~psychopy.visual.ShapeStim` accepts, except for vertices and closeShape. :Parameters: edges : int Number of edges of the polygon radius : float, int, tuple, list or 2x1 array Radius of the Polygon (distance from the center to the corners). May be a -2tuple or list to stretch the polygon asymmetrically """ #what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by __repr__ self._initParams = dir() self._initParams.remove('self') #kwargs isn't a parameter, but a list of params self._initParams.remove('kwargs') self._initParams.extend(kwargs) self.autoLog = False #but will be changed if needed at end of init self.edges = edges self.radius = numpy.asarray(radius) self._calcVertices() kwargs['closeShape'] = True # Make sure nobody messes around here kwargs['vertices'] = self.vertices ShapeStim.__init__(self, win, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, win, width=.5, height=.5, **kwargs): """ Rect accepts all input parameters, that `~psychopy.visual.ShapeStim` accept, except for vertices and closeShape. :Parameters: width : int or float Width of the Rectangle (in its respective units, if specified) height : int or float Height of the Rectangle (in its respective units, if specified) """ #what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by __repr__ self._initParams = dir() self._initParams.remove('self') #kwargs isn't a parameter, but a list of params self._initParams.remove('kwargs') self._initParams.extend(kwargs) self.width = width self.height = height self._calcVertices() kwargs['closeShape'] = True # Make sure nobody messes around here kwargs['vertices'] = self.vertices ShapeStim.__init__(self, win, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, win, size=1, pos=(0, 0), ori=0, nVert=120, shape='circle', units=None, name='', autoLog=True): #what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by __repr__ self._initParams = dir() self._initParams.remove('self') super(Aperture, self).__init__(name=name, autoLog=False) #set self params self.autoLog = False #set this False first and change after attribs are set = win self.size = size self.pos = pos = name self.ori = ori #unit conversions if units != None and len(units): self.units = units else: self.units = win.units # set vertices using shape, or default to a circle with nVerts edges if hasattr(shape, 'lower'): shape = shape.lower() if shape is None or shape == 'circle': vertices = [(0.5 * sin(theta * pi / 180), 0.5 * cos(theta * pi / 180)) for theta in numpy.linspace(0, 360, nVert, False)] elif shape == 'square': vertices = [[0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]] elif shape == 'triangle': vertices = [[0.5, -0.5], [0, 0.5], [-0.5, -0.5]] elif type(shape) in [tuple, list, numpy.ndarray] and len(shape) > 2: vertices = shape else: logging.error( "Unrecognized shape for aperture. Expected 'circle', 'square', 'triangle', vertices, or None; got %s" % (repr(shape))) self._shape = ShapeStim(, vertices=vertices, fillColor=1, lineColor=None, interpolate=False, pos=pos, size=size, autoLog=False) self.vertices = self._shape.vertices self._needVertexUpdate = True self._reset() #implicitly runs an self.enable() self.autoLog = autoLog if autoLog: logging.exp("Created %s = %s" % (, str(self)))
def __init__(self, win, vert): ''' Initialize FillingBar object''' ShapeStim.__init__(self, win=win, fillColor='skyblue', lineWidth=0, opacity=1, units='cm', vertices=vert)
def __init__(self, win, size=1, pos=(0,0), ori=0, nVert=120, shape='circle', units=None, name=None, autoLog=None): #what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by __repr__ self._initParams = dir() self._initParams.remove('self') super(Aperture, self).__init__(name=name, autoLog=False) #set self params self.autoLog=False #set this False first and change after attribs are set if not win.allowStencil: logging.error('Aperture has no effect in a window created without allowStencil=True') core.quit() self.__dict__['size'] = size self.__dict__['pos'] = pos self.__dict__['ori'] = ori #unit conversions if units!=None and len(units): self.units = units else: self.units = win.units # set vertices using shape, or default to a circle with nVerts edges if hasattr(shape, 'lower'): shape = shape.lower() if shape is None or shape == 'circle': # NB: pentagon etc point upwards by setting x,y to be y,x (sin,cos): vertices = [(0.5*sin(radians(theta)), 0.5*cos(radians(theta))) for theta in numpy.linspace(0, 360, nVert, False)] elif shape == 'square': vertices = [[0.5,-0.5],[-0.5,-0.5],[-0.5,0.5],[0.5,0.5]] elif shape == 'triangle': vertices = [[0.5,-0.5],[0,0.5],[-0.5,-0.5]] elif type(shape) in [tuple, list, numpy.ndarray] and len(shape) > 2: vertices = shape else: logging.error("Unrecognized shape for aperture. Expected 'circle', 'square', 'triangle', vertices, or None; got %s" %(repr(shape))) self._shape = ShapeStim(, vertices=vertices, fillColor=1, lineColor=None, interpolate=False, pos=pos, size=size, autoLog=False) self.vertices = self._shape.vertices self._needVertexUpdate = True self._needReset = True # Default when setting attributes self._reset() #implicitly runs a self.enabled = True. Also sets self._needReset = True on every call # set autoLog now that params have been initialised self.__dict__['autoLog'] = autoLog or autoLog is None and if self.autoLog: logging.exp("Created %s = %s" %(, str(self)))
def __init__(self, win, edges=3, radius=.5, **kwargs): """ Polygon accepts all input parameters that :class:`~psychopy.visual.ShapeStim` accepts, except for vertices and closeShape. :Parameters: edges : int Number of edges of the polygon radius : float, int, tuple, list or 2x1 array Radius of the Polygon (distance from the center to the corners). May be a -2tuple or list to stretch the polygon asymmetrically """ self.edges = edges self.radius = numpy.asarray(radius) self._calcVertices() kwargs['closeShape'] = True # Make sure nobody messes around here kwargs['vertices'] = self.vertices ShapeStim.__init__(self, win, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, win, width=.5, height=.5, **kwargs): """ Rect accepts all input parameters, that `~psychopy.visual.ShapeStim` accept, except for vertices and closeShape. :Parameters: width : int or float Width of the Rectangle (in its respective units, if specified) height : int or float Height of the Rectangle (in its respective units, if specified) """ self.width = width self.height = height self._calcVertices() kwargs['closeShape'] = True # Make sure nobody messes around here kwargs['vertices'] = self.vertices ShapeStim.__init__(self, win, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, win, size=1, pos=(0,0), ori=0, nVert=120, shape='circle', units=None, name='', autoLog=True): #what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by __repr__ self._initParams = dir() self._initParams.remove('self') super(Aperture, self).__init__(name=name, autoLog=False) #set self params self.autoLog=False #set this False first and change after attribs are set self.size = size self.pos = pos = name self.ori = ori #unit conversions if units!=None and len(units): self.units = units else: self.units = win.units # set vertices using shape, or default to a circle with nVerts edges if hasattr(shape, 'lower'): shape = shape.lower() if shape is None or shape == 'circle': vertices = [(0.5*sin(theta*pi/180), 0.5*cos(theta*pi/180)) for theta in numpy.linspace(0, 360, nVert, False)] elif shape == 'square': vertices = [[0.5,-0.5],[-0.5,-0.5],[-0.5,0.5],[0.5,0.5]] elif shape == 'triangle': vertices = [[0.5,-0.5],[0,0.5],[-0.5,-0.5]] elif type(shape) in [tuple, list, numpy.ndarray] and len(shape) > 2: vertices = shape else: logging.error("Unrecognized shape for aperture. Expected 'circle', 'square', 'triangle', vertices, or None; got %s" %(repr(shape))) self._shape = ShapeStim(, vertices=vertices, fillColor=1, lineColor=None, interpolate=False, pos=pos, size=size, autoLog=False) self.vertices = self._shape.vertices self._needVertexUpdate = True self._reset()#implicitly runs an self.enable() self.autoLog= autoLog if autoLog: logging.exp("Created %s = %s" %(, str(self)))
class Aperture(MinimalStim, ContainerMixin): """Restrict a stimulus visibility area to a basic shape or list of vertices. When enabled, any drawing commands will only operate on pixels within the Aperture. Once disabled, subsequent draw operations affect the whole screen as usual. If shape is 'square' or 'triangle' then that is what will be used (obviously) If shape is 'circle' or `None` then a polygon with nVerts will be used (120 for a rough circle) If shape is a list or numpy array (Nx2) then it will be used directly as the vertices to a :class:`~psychopy.visual.ShapeStim` See demos/stimuli/ for example usage :Author: 2011, Yuri Spitsyn 2011, Jon Peirce added units options, Jeremy Gray added shape & orientation 2014, Jeremy Gray added .contains() option """ def __init__(self, win, size=1, pos=(0, 0), ori=0, nVert=120, shape='circle', units=None, name='', autoLog=True): #what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by __repr__ self._initParams = dir() self._initParams.remove('self') super(Aperture, self).__init__(name=name, autoLog=False) #set self params self.autoLog = False #set this False first and change after attribs are set = win if not win.allowStencil: logging.error( 'Aperture has no effect in a window created without allowStencil=True' ) core.quit() self.size = size self.pos = pos = name self.ori = ori #unit conversions if units != None and len(units): self.units = units else: self.units = win.units # set vertices using shape, or default to a circle with nVerts edges if hasattr(shape, 'lower'): shape = shape.lower() if shape is None or shape == 'circle': # NB: pentagon etc point upwards by setting x,y to be y,x (sin,cos): vertices = [(0.5 * sin(radians(theta)), 0.5 * cos(radians(theta))) for theta in numpy.linspace(0, 360, nVert, False)] elif shape == 'square': vertices = [[0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]] elif shape == 'triangle': vertices = [[0.5, -0.5], [0, 0.5], [-0.5, -0.5]] elif type(shape) in [tuple, list, numpy.ndarray] and len(shape) > 2: vertices = shape else: logging.error( "Unrecognized shape for aperture. Expected 'circle', 'square', 'triangle', vertices, or None; got %s" % (repr(shape))) self._shape = ShapeStim(, vertices=vertices, fillColor=1, lineColor=None, interpolate=False, pos=pos, size=size, autoLog=False) self.vertices = self._shape.vertices self._needVertexUpdate = True self._reset() #implicitly runs an self.enable() self.autoLog = autoLog if autoLog: logging.exp("Created %s = %s" % (, str(self))) def _reset(self): self.enable() GL.glClearStencil(0) GL.glClear(GL.GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) GL.glPushMatrix()'pix') GL.glDisable(GL.GL_LIGHTING) GL.glDisable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST) GL.glDepthMask(GL.GL_FALSE) GL.glStencilFunc(GL.GL_NEVER, 0, 0) GL.glStencilOp(GL.GL_INCR, GL.GL_INCR, GL.GL_INCR) self._shape.draw(keepMatrix=True) #draw without push/pop matrix GL.glStencilFunc(GL.GL_EQUAL, 1, 1) GL.glStencilOp(GL.GL_KEEP, GL.GL_KEEP, GL.GL_KEEP) GL.glPopMatrix() def setSize(self, size, needReset=True, log=True): """Set the size (diameter) of the Aperture """ self.size = size self._shape.size = size if needReset: self._reset() logAttrib(self, log, 'size') def setOri(self, ori, needReset=True, log=True): """Set the orientation of the Aperture """ self.ori = ori self._shape.ori = ori if needReset: self._reset() logAttrib(self, log, 'ori') def setPos(self, pos, needReset=True, log=True): """Set the pos (centre) of the Aperture """ self.pos = numpy.array(pos) self._shape.pos = self.pos if needReset: self._reset() logAttrib(self, log, 'pos') @property def posPix(self): """The position of the aperture in pixels """ return self._shape.posPix @property def sizePix(self): """The size of the aperture in pixels """ return self._shape.sizePix def enable(self): """Enable the aperture so that it is used in future drawing operations NB. The Aperture is enabled by default, when created. """ if self._shape._needVertexUpdate: self._shape._updateVertices() GL.glEnable(GL.GL_STENCIL_TEST) self.enabled = True #by default self.status = STARTED def disable(self): """Disable the Aperture. Any subsequent drawing operations will not be affected by the aperture until re-enabled. """ GL.glDisable(GL.GL_STENCIL_TEST) self.enabled = False self.status = STOPPED def __del__(self): self.disable()
def test_elements(self): s = Slider(, size=(1, 0.1)) assert type(s.line) == type(Rect( assert type(s.tickLines) == type(ElementArrayStim( assert type(s.marker) == type(ShapeStim( assert type(s.validArea) == type(Rect(
def _initialize_elements(self, win, stimulus_a, stimulus_b): stimulus_a.pos = (0, -stimulus_a.size[0] / 2 - 90) stimulus_b.pos = (0, +stimulus_b.size[0] / 2 + 90) self.stimulus_a = stimulus_a self.stimulus_b = stimulus_b self._elements.append(stimulus_a) self._elements.append(stimulus_b) # create arrows for confidence rating # create vertices for the arrow arrow_shape_vertices = [ (0, 0), (230, 0), (220, 8), (230, 0), (220, -8), ] self.arrow_a_shape = ShapeStim( win, vertices=arrow_shape_vertices, size=1, lineColor="black", lineWidth=3, closeShape=False, pos=(-112, 25), ) self.arrow_b_shape = ShapeStim( win, vertices=arrow_shape_vertices, size=1, lineColor="black", lineWidth=3, closeShape=False, pos=(-112, -25), ) self._elements.append(self.arrow_a_shape) # hide the rectangles until they are needed (opacity=0) self.choice_text_rectangle = Rect(win, 40, 40, lineWidth=5, lineColor="black", opacity=0.0) self.choice_stimulus_rectangle = Rect( win, stimulus_a.size[1], stimulus_a.size[0], lineWidth=5, lineColor="black", opacity=0.0, ) self.correct_rectangle = Rect( win, stimulus_a.size[1] + 7.5, stimulus_a.size[0] + 7.5, lineWidth=5, lineColor="green", opacity=0.0, ) self._elements.append(self.choice_text_rectangle) self._elements.append(self.choice_stimulus_rectangle) self._elements.append(self.correct_rectangle) self.arrow_a_text = TextStim( win, text="More confident", color="black", height=25, anchorHoriz="center", alignText="center", pos=(0, +0), ) self.arrow_b_text = self.arrow_a_text self._elements.append(self.arrow_a_text) self.arrow_levels_text: List[TextStim] = [] arrow_levels_values = [1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3] arrow_levels_texts = [ str(x) if x > 0 else str(-x) for x in arrow_levels_values ] arrow_levels_positions = [(-100, 60), (0, 60), (+100, 60), (-100, -60), (0, -60), (+100, -60)] for (position_x, position_y), text, value in zip(arrow_levels_positions, arrow_levels_texts, arrow_levels_values): item = TextStim(win, text=text, color="black", height=25, pos=(position_x, position_y)) rect = Rect(win, width=25, height=25, lineWidth=0.0, pos=(position_x, position_y)) item.value = value item.clickable_area = rect self.arrow_levels_text.append(item) self._elements.append(item) self._elements.append(rect)
class Aperture(MinimalStim, ContainerMixin): """Restrict a stimulus visibility area to a basic shape or list of vertices. When enabled, any drawing commands will only operate on pixels within the Aperture. Once disabled, subsequent draw operations affect the whole screen as usual. If shape is 'square' or 'triangle' then that is what will be used (obviously) If shape is 'circle' or `None` then a polygon with nVerts will be used (120 for a rough circle) If shape is a list or numpy array (Nx2) then it will be used directly as the vertices to a :class:`~psychopy.visual.ShapeStim` See demos/stimuli/ for example usage :Author: 2011, Yuri Spitsyn 2011, Jon Peirce added units options, Jeremy Gray added shape & orientation 2014, Jeremy Gray added .contains() option """ def __init__(self, win, size=1, pos=(0,0), ori=0, nVert=120, shape='circle', units=None, name='', autoLog=True): #what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by __repr__ self._initParams = dir() self._initParams.remove('self') super(Aperture, self).__init__(name=name, autoLog=False) #set self params self.autoLog=False #set this False first and change after attribs are set if not win.allowStencil: logging.error('Aperture has no effect in a window created without allowStencil=True') core.quit() self.size = size self.pos = pos = name self.ori = ori #unit conversions if units!=None and len(units): self.units = units else: self.units = win.units # set vertices using shape, or default to a circle with nVerts edges if hasattr(shape, 'lower'): shape = shape.lower() if shape is None or shape == 'circle': # NB: pentagon etc point upwards by setting x,y to be y,x (sin,cos): vertices = [(0.5*sin(radians(theta)), 0.5*cos(radians(theta))) for theta in numpy.linspace(0, 360, nVert, False)] elif shape == 'square': vertices = [[0.5,-0.5],[-0.5,-0.5],[-0.5,0.5],[0.5,0.5]] elif shape == 'triangle': vertices = [[0.5,-0.5],[0,0.5],[-0.5,-0.5]] elif type(shape) in [tuple, list, numpy.ndarray] and len(shape) > 2: vertices = shape else: logging.error("Unrecognized shape for aperture. Expected 'circle', 'square', 'triangle', vertices, or None; got %s" %(repr(shape))) self._shape = ShapeStim(, vertices=vertices, fillColor=1, lineColor=None, interpolate=False, pos=pos, size=size, autoLog=False) self.vertices = self._shape.vertices self._needVertexUpdate = True self._reset()#implicitly runs an self.enable() self.autoLog= autoLog if autoLog: logging.exp("Created %s = %s" %(, str(self))) def _reset(self): self.enable() GL.glClearStencil(0) GL.glClear(GL.GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) GL.glPushMatrix()'pix') GL.glDisable(GL.GL_LIGHTING) GL.glDisable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST) GL.glDepthMask(GL.GL_FALSE) GL.glStencilFunc(GL.GL_NEVER, 0, 0) GL.glStencilOp(GL.GL_INCR, GL.GL_INCR, GL.GL_INCR) self._shape.draw(keepMatrix=True) #draw without push/pop matrix GL.glStencilFunc(GL.GL_EQUAL, 1, 1) GL.glStencilOp(GL.GL_KEEP, GL.GL_KEEP, GL.GL_KEEP) GL.glPopMatrix() def setSize(self, size, needReset=True, log=True): """Set the size (diameter) of the Aperture """ self.size = size self._shape.size = size if needReset: self._reset() logAttrib(self, log, 'size') def setOri(self, ori, needReset=True, log=True): """Set the orientation of the Aperture """ self.ori = ori self._shape.ori = ori if needReset: self._reset() logAttrib(self, log, 'ori') def setPos(self, pos, needReset=True, log=True): """Set the pos (centre) of the Aperture """ self.pos = numpy.array(pos) self._shape.pos = self.pos if needReset: self._reset() logAttrib(self, log, 'pos') @property def posPix(self): """The position of the aperture in pixels """ return self._shape.posPix @property def sizePix(self): """The size of the aperture in pixels """ return self._shape.sizePix def enable(self): """Enable the aperture so that it is used in future drawing operations NB. The Aperture is enabled by default, when created. """ if self._shape._needVertexUpdate: self._shape._updateVertices() GL.glEnable(GL.GL_STENCIL_TEST) self.enabled=True#by default self.status=STARTED def disable(self): """Disable the Aperture. Any subsequent drawing operations will not be affected by the aperture until re-enabled. """ GL.glDisable(GL.GL_STENCIL_TEST) self.enabled=False self.status=STOPPED def __del__(self): self.disable()
class Aperture(MinimalStim, ContainerMixin): """Restrict a stimulus visibility area to a basic shape or list of vertices. When enabled, any drawing commands will only operate on pixels within the Aperture. Once disabled, subsequent draw operations affect the whole screen as usual. If shape is 'square' or 'triangle' then that is what will be used (obviously) If shape is 'circle' or `None` then a polygon with nVerts will be used (120 for a rough circle) If shape is a list or numpy array (Nx2) then it will be used directly as the vertices to a :class:`~psychopy.visual.ShapeStim` See demos/stimuli/ for example usage :Author: 2011, Yuri Spitsyn 2011, Jon Peirce added units options, Jeremy Gray added shape & orientation 2014, Jeremy Gray added .contains() option """ def __init__(self, win, size=1, pos=(0, 0), ori=0, nVert=120, shape='circle', units=None, name=None, autoLog=None): #what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by __repr__ self._initParams = dir() self._initParams.remove('self') super(Aperture, self).__init__(name=name, autoLog=False) #set self params self.autoLog = False #set this False first and change after attribs are set = win if not win.allowStencil: logging.error( 'Aperture has no effect in a window created without allowStencil=True' ) core.quit() self.__dict__['size'] = size self.__dict__['pos'] = pos self.__dict__['ori'] = ori #unit conversions if units != None and len(units): self.units = units else: self.units = win.units # set vertices using shape, or default to a circle with nVerts edges if hasattr(shape, 'lower'): shape = shape.lower() if shape is None or shape == 'circle': # NB: pentagon etc point upwards by setting x,y to be y,x (sin,cos): vertices = [(0.5 * sin(radians(theta)), 0.5 * cos(radians(theta))) for theta in numpy.linspace(0, 360, nVert, False)] elif shape == 'square': vertices = [[0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]] elif shape == 'triangle': vertices = [[0.5, -0.5], [0, 0.5], [-0.5, -0.5]] elif type(shape) in [tuple, list, numpy.ndarray] and len(shape) > 2: vertices = shape else: logging.error( "Unrecognized shape for aperture. Expected 'circle', 'square', 'triangle', vertices, or None; got %s" % (repr(shape))) self._shape = ShapeStim(, vertices=vertices, fillColor=1, lineColor=None, interpolate=False, pos=pos, size=size, autoLog=False) self.vertices = self._shape.vertices self._needVertexUpdate = True self._needReset = True # Default when setting attributes self._reset( ) #implicitly runs a self.enabled = True. Also sets self._needReset = True on every call # set autoLog now that params have been initialised self.__dict__[ 'autoLog'] = autoLog or autoLog is None and if self.autoLog: logging.exp("Created %s = %s" % (, str(self))) def _reset(self): """Internal method to rebuild the shape - shouldn't be called by the user. You have to explicitly turn resetting off by setting self._needReset = False""" if not self._needReset: self._needReset = True else: self.enabled = True # attributeSetter, turns on. GL.glClearStencil(0) GL.glClear(GL.GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) GL.glPushMatrix()'pix') GL.glDisable(GL.GL_LIGHTING) GL.glDisable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST) GL.glDepthMask(GL.GL_FALSE) GL.glStencilFunc(GL.GL_NEVER, 0, 0) GL.glStencilOp(GL.GL_INCR, GL.GL_INCR, GL.GL_INCR) self._shape.draw(keepMatrix=True) #draw without push/pop matrix GL.glStencilFunc(GL.GL_EQUAL, 1, 1) GL.glStencilOp(GL.GL_KEEP, GL.GL_KEEP, GL.GL_KEEP) GL.glPopMatrix() @attributeSetter def size(self, size): """Set the size (diameter) of the Aperture. This essentially controls a :class:`.ShapeStim` so see documentation for ShapeStim.size. :ref:`Operations <attrib-operations>` supported here as well as ShapeStim. Use setSize() if you want to control 0logging and resetting.""" self.__dict__['size'] = size self._shape.size = size # a ShapeStim self._reset() def setSize(self, size, needReset=True, log=None): """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message """ self._needReset = needReset setAttribute(self, 'size', size, log) @attributeSetter def ori(self, ori): """Set the orientation of the Aperture. This essentially controls a :class:`.ShapeStim` so see documentation for ShapeStim.ori. :ref:`Operations <attrib-operations>` supported here as well as ShapeStim. Use setOri() if you want to control logging and resetting.""" self.__dict__['ori'] = ori self._shape.ori = ori # a ShapeStim self._reset() def setOri(self, ori, needReset=True, log=None): """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message. """ self._needReset = needReset setAttribute(self, 'ori', ori, log) @attributeSetter def pos(self, pos): """Set the pos (centre) of the Aperture. :ref:`Operations <attrib-operations>` supported. This essentially controls a :class:`.ShapeStim` so see documentation for ShapeStim.pos. :ref:`Operations <attrib-operations>` supported here as well as ShapeStim. Use setPos() if you want to control logging and resetting. """ self.__dict__['pos'] = numpy.array(pos) self._shape.pos = self.pos # a ShapeStim self._reset() def setPos(self, pos, needReset=True, log=None): """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message """ self._needReset = needReset setAttribute(self, 'pos', pos, log) @property def posPix(self): """The position of the aperture in pixels """ return self._shape.posPix @property def sizePix(self): """The size of the aperture in pixels """ return self._shape.sizePix @attributeSetter def enabled(self, value): """True / False. Enable or disable the aperture. Determines whether it is used in future drawing operations. NB. The Aperture is enabled by default, when created. """ if value: if self._shape._needVertexUpdate: self._shape._updateVertices() GL.glEnable(GL.GL_STENCIL_TEST) self.status = STARTED else: GL.glDisable(GL.GL_STENCIL_TEST) self.status = STOPPED self.__dict__['enabled'] = value def enable(self): """Use Aperture.enabled = True instead.""" self.enabled = True def disable(self): """Use Aperture.enabled = False instead.""" self.enabled = False def __del__(self): self.enabled = False
class Aperture(MinimalStim, ContainerMixin): """Restrict a stimulus visibility area to a basic shape or list of vertices. When enabled, any drawing commands will only operate on pixels within the Aperture. Once disabled, subsequent draw operations affect the whole screen as usual. If shape is 'square' or 'triangle' then that is what will be used (obviously) If shape is 'circle' or `None` then a polygon with nVerts will be used (120 for a rough circle) If shape is a list or numpy array (Nx2) then it will be used directly as the vertices to a :class:`~psychopy.visual.ShapeStim` If shape is a filename then it will be used to load and image as a :class:`~psychopy.visual.ImageStim`. Note that transparent parts in the image (e.g. in a PNG file) will not be included in the mask shape. The color of the image will be ignored. See demos/stimuli/ for example usage :Author: 2011, Yuri Spitsyn 2011, Jon Peirce added units options, Jeremy Gray added shape & orientation 2014, Jeremy Gray added .contains() option 2015, Thomas Emmerling added ImageStim option """ def __init__(self, win, size=1, pos=(0,0), ori=0, nVert=120, shape='circle', inverted=False, units=None, name=None, autoLog=None): #what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by __repr__ self._initParams = dir() self._initParams.remove('self') super(Aperture, self).__init__(name=name, autoLog=False) #set self params self.autoLog=False #set this False first and change after attribs are set if not win.allowStencil: logging.error('Aperture has no effect in a window created without allowStencil=True') core.quit() self.__dict__['size'] = size self.__dict__['pos'] = pos self.__dict__['ori'] = ori self.__dict__['inverted'] = inverted self.__dict__['filename'] = False #unit conversions if units!=None and len(units): self.units = units else: self.units = win.units # set vertices using shape, or default to a circle with nVerts edges if hasattr(shape, 'lower'): shape = shape.lower() if shape is None or shape == 'circle': # NB: pentagon etc point upwards by setting x,y to be y,x (sin,cos): vertices = [(0.5*sin(radians(theta)), 0.5*cos(radians(theta))) for theta in numpy.linspace(0, 360, nVert, False)] elif shape == 'square': vertices = [[0.5,-0.5],[-0.5,-0.5],[-0.5,0.5],[0.5,0.5]] elif shape == 'triangle': vertices = [[0.5,-0.5],[0,0.5],[-0.5,-0.5]] elif type(shape) in [tuple, list, numpy.ndarray] and len(shape) > 2: vertices = shape elif type(shape) in [str, unicode]: #is a string - see if it points to a file if os.path.isfile(shape): self.__dict__['filename'] = shape else: logging.error("Unrecognized shape for aperture. Expected 'circle', 'square', 'triangle', vertices, filename, or None; got %s" %(repr(shape))) if self.__dict__['filename']: self._shape = ImageStim(, image=self.__dict__['filename'], pos=pos, size=size, autoLog=False) else: self._shape = ShapeStim(, vertices=vertices, fillColor=1, lineColor=None, interpolate=False, pos=pos, size=size, autoLog=False) self.vertices = self._shape.vertices self._needVertexUpdate = True self._needReset = True # Default when setting attributes self._reset() #implicitly runs a self.enabled = True. Also sets self._needReset = True on every call # set autoLog now that params have been initialised self.__dict__['autoLog'] = autoLog or autoLog is None and if self.autoLog: logging.exp("Created %s = %s" %(, str(self))) def _reset(self): """Internal method to rebuild the shape - shouldn't be called by the user. You have to explicitly turn resetting off by setting self._needReset = False""" if not self._needReset: self._needReset = True else: self.enabled = True # attributeSetter, turns on. GL.glClearStencil(0) GL.glClear(GL.GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) GL.glPushMatrix() if self.__dict__['filename']==False:'pix') GL.glDisable(GL.GL_LIGHTING) GL.glDisable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST) GL.glDepthMask(GL.GL_FALSE) GL.glStencilFunc(GL.GL_NEVER, 0, 0) GL.glStencilOp(GL.GL_INCR, GL.GL_INCR, GL.GL_INCR) if self.__dict__['filename']: GL.glEnable(GL.GL_ALPHA_TEST) GL.glAlphaFunc(GL.GL_GREATER,0) self._shape.draw() GL.glDisable(GL.GL_ALPHA_TEST) else: self._shape.draw(keepMatrix=True) #draw without push/pop matrix if self.inverted: GL.glStencilFunc(GL.GL_EQUAL, 0, 1) else: GL.glStencilFunc(GL.GL_EQUAL, 1, 1) GL.glStencilOp(GL.GL_KEEP, GL.GL_KEEP, GL.GL_KEEP) GL.glPopMatrix() @attributeSetter def size(self, size): """Set the size (diameter) of the Aperture. This essentially controls a :class:`.ShapeStim` so see documentation for ShapeStim.size. :ref:`Operations <attrib-operations>` supported here as well as ShapeStim. Use setSize() if you want to control 0logging and resetting.""" self.__dict__['size'] = size self._shape.size = size # a ShapeStim self._reset() def setSize(self, size, needReset=True, log=None): """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message """ self._needReset = needReset setAttribute(self, 'size', size, log) @attributeSetter def ori(self, ori): """Set the orientation of the Aperture. This essentially controls a :class:`.ShapeStim` so see documentation for ShapeStim.ori. :ref:`Operations <attrib-operations>` supported here as well as ShapeStim. Use setOri() if you want to control logging and resetting.""" self.__dict__['ori'] = ori self._shape.ori = ori # a ShapeStim self._reset() def setOri(self, ori, needReset=True, log=None): """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message. """ self._needReset = needReset setAttribute(self, 'ori', ori, log) @attributeSetter def pos(self, pos): """Set the pos (centre) of the Aperture. :ref:`Operations <attrib-operations>` supported. This essentially controls a :class:`.ShapeStim` so see documentation for ShapeStim.pos. :ref:`Operations <attrib-operations>` supported here as well as ShapeStim. Use setPos() if you want to control logging and resetting. """ self.__dict__['pos'] = numpy.array(pos) self._shape.pos = self.pos # a ShapeStim self._reset() def setPos(self, pos, needReset=True, log=None): """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message """ self._needReset = needReset setAttribute(self, 'pos', pos, log) @attributeSetter def inverted(self, value): """True / False. Set to true to invert the aperture. A non-inverted aperture masks everything BUT the selected shape. An inverted aperture masks the selected shape. NB. The Aperture is not inverted by default, when created. """ self.__dict__['inverted'] = value self._reset() def invert(self): """Use Aperture.inverted = True instead.""" self.inverted = True @property def posPix(self): """The position of the aperture in pixels """ return self._shape.posPix @property def sizePix(self): """The size of the aperture in pixels """ return self._shape.sizePix @attributeSetter def enabled(self, value): """True / False. Enable or disable the aperture. Determines whether it is used in future drawing operations. NB. The Aperture is enabled by default, when created. """ if value: if self._shape._needVertexUpdate: self._shape._updateVertices() GL.glEnable(GL.GL_STENCIL_TEST) self.status = STARTED else: GL.glDisable(GL.GL_STENCIL_TEST) self.status = STOPPED self.__dict__['enabled'] = value def enable(self): """Use Aperture.enabled = True instead.""" self.enabled = True def disable(self): """Use Aperture.enabled = False instead.""" self.enabled = False def __del__(self): self.enabled = False