def test_parser_createinvokecall_error():
    '''Test that if an argument to an invoke call is not what is expected
    then the appropriate exception is raised.

    statement = Call_Stmt("call invoke(0.0)")
    tmp = Parser()
    with pytest.raises(ParseError) as excinfo:
        _ = tmp.create_invoke_call(statement)
    assert ("Expecting argument to be of the form 'name=xxx' or a Kernel call "
            "but found '0.0' in file 'None'.") in str(excinfo.value)
def test_parser_createinvokecall():
    '''Test that valid invoke calls are created without an
    exception. Limit this to builtins as kernel calls fail as there is
    no associated use statement declared. Test with names, real
    scalars, integer scalars and structure references, including ones
    to self, as the parser represents these in different ways so the
    create_invoke_call needs to deal with the different

    statement = Call_Stmt(
        "call invoke(name=\"dummy\", setval_c(a,1.0), setval_c(a,1), "
        "setval_c(a,b), setval_c(a%c, b), setval_c(self%a, 1.0), "
        "setval_c(self%a, b))")
    parse = Parser()
    _ = parse.create_invoke_call(statement)