    def getquoted(self):
        # this is the important line: note how every object in the
        # list is adapted and then how getquoted() is called on it

	qobjs = [str(psycoadapt(o).getquoted()) for o in self._seq]

	return '(' + ', '.join(qobjs) + ')'

    def getquoted(self):
        # this is the important line: note how every object in the
        # list is adapted and then how getquoted() is called on it

	qobjs = [str(psycoadapt(o).getquoted()) for o in self._seq]

	return '(' + ', '.join(qobjs) + ')'
    __str__ = getquoted

# add our new adapter class to psycopg list of adapters
register_adapter(tuple, SQL_IN)
register_adapter(float, AsIs)
register_adapter(int, AsIs)

# usually we would call:
#     conn = psycopg.connect("...")
#     curs = conn.cursor()
#     curs.execute("SELECT ...", (("this", "is", "the", "tuple"),))
# but we have no connection to a database right now, so we just check
# the SQL_IN class by calling psycopg's adapt() directly:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "Note how the string will be SQL-quoted, but the number will not:"
    print psycoadapt(("this is an 'sql quoted' str\\ing", 1, 2.0))