def _solve_conn_curs(conn_or_curs):
    """Return the connection and a DBAPI cursor from a connection or cursor."""
    if conn_or_curs is None:
        raise psycopg2.ProgrammingError("no connection or cursor provided")

    if hasattr(conn_or_curs, 'execute'):
        conn = conn_or_curs.connection
        curs = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=_cursor)
        conn = conn_or_curs
        curs = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=_cursor)

    return conn, curs
    def _from_db(self, name, conn_or_curs):
        """Return a `CompositeCaster` instance for the type *name*.

        Raise `ProgrammingError` if the type is not found.
        conn, curs = _solve_conn_curs(conn_or_curs)

        # Store the transaction status of the connection to revert it after use
        conn_status = conn.status

        # Use the correct schema
        if '.' in name:
            schema, tname = name.split('.', 1)
            tname = name
            schema = 'public'

        # column typarray not available before PG 8.3
        typarray = conn.server_version >= 80300 and "typarray" or "NULL"

        # get the type oid and attributes
SELECT t.oid, %s, attname, atttypid
FROM pg_type t
JOIN pg_namespace ns ON typnamespace = ns.oid
JOIN pg_attribute a ON attrelid = typrelid
WHERE typname = %%s AND nspname = %%s
    AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped
ORDER BY attnum;
""" % typarray, (tname, schema))

        recs = curs.fetchall()

        # revert the status of the connection as before the command
        if (conn_status != _ext.STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION and not conn.autocommit):

        if not recs:
            raise psycopg2.ProgrammingError("PostgreSQL type '%s' not found" %

        type_oid = recs[0][0]
        array_oid = recs[0][1]
        type_attrs = [(r[2], r[3]) for r in recs]

        return self(tname,
def register_hstore(conn_or_curs,
    """Register adapter and typecaster for `!dict`\-\ |hstore| conversions.

    :param conn_or_curs: a connection or cursor: the typecaster will be
        registered only on this object unless *globally* is set to `!True`
    :param globally: register the adapter globally, not only on *conn_or_curs*
    :param unicode: if `!True`, keys and values returned from the database
        will be `!unicode` instead of `!str`. The option is not available on
        Python 3
    :param oid: the OID of the |hstore| type if known. If not, it will be
        queried on *conn_or_curs*.
    :param array_oid: the OID of the |hstore| array type if known. If not, it
        will be queried on *conn_or_curs*.

    The connection or cursor passed to the function will be used to query the
    database and look for the OID of the |hstore| type (which may be different
    across databases). If querying is not desirable (e.g. with
    :ref:`asynchronous connections <async-support>`) you may specify it in the
    *oid* parameter, which can be found using a query such as :sql:`SELECT
    'hstore'::regtype::oid`. Analogously you can obtain a value for *array_oid*
    using a query such as :sql:`SELECT 'hstore[]'::regtype::oid`.

    Note that, when passing a dictionary from Python to the database, both
    strings and unicode keys and values are supported. Dictionaries returned
    from the database have keys/values according to the *unicode* parameter.

    The |hstore| contrib module must be already installed in the database
    (executing the ``hstore.sql`` script in your ``contrib`` directory).
    Raise `~psycopg2.ProgrammingError` if the type is not found.
    if oid is None:
        oid = HstoreAdapter.get_oids(conn_or_curs)
        if oid is None or not oid[0]:
            raise psycopg2.ProgrammingError(
                "hstore type not found in the database. "
                "please install it from your 'contrib/hstore.sql' file")
            array_oid = oid[1]
            oid = oid[0]

    if isinstance(oid, int):
        oid = (oid, )

    if array_oid is not None:
        if isinstance(array_oid, int):
            array_oid = (array_oid, )
            array_oid = tuple([x for x in array_oid if x])

    # create and register the typecaster
    if _sys.version_info[0] < 3 and unicode:
        cast = HstoreAdapter.parse_unicode
        cast = HstoreAdapter.parse

    HSTORE = _ext.new_type(oid, "HSTORE", cast)
    _ext.register_type(HSTORE, not globally and conn_or_curs or None)
    _ext.register_adapter(dict, HstoreAdapter)

    if array_oid:
        HSTOREARRAY = _ext.new_array_type(array_oid, "HSTOREARRAY", HSTORE)
        _ext.register_type(HSTOREARRAY, not globally and conn_or_curs or None)