    def __init__(self,
        ## The package which contains the collection node.
        self.parentPackage = parent

        # The preferences manager of the node.
        if pref_manager is None:
            self.pref_manager = PreferencesManager()
            self.pref_manager = pref_manager

        ## The node's enabled state.
        # Mark the collection node as enabled or disabled.
        self.enabled = enabled

        ## The collection node's output.
        # The output dictionary can be used to pass parameters to the next
        # node in the collection.
        self.output = {}

        # The variables required by the node.
        self.requires = requires

        # The variables provided by the node.
        self.provides = provides

        ## The current pSysmon project.
        self.project = project

        ## The parent collection holding the node instance.
        self.parentCollection = None

        # If the node is executed in a collection thread a thread ID is
        # assigned.
        self.procName = None
    def __init__(self,
        ''' The constructor

        # The name of the stack node.
        self.name = name

        # The mode of the stack node (editable, uneditable).
        self.mode = mode

        # The category of the stack node.
        self.category = category

        # The tags assigned to the stack node.
        self.tags = tags

        # The result of the processing node.
        self.results = {}

        # The preferences of the stack node.
        self.pref_manager = PreferencesManager()

        # The entry point of the documentation of the node.
        self.docEntryPoint = docEntryPoint

        # The parent stack holding the stack node.
        self.parentStack = parentStack

        # The enabled state of the node.
        self.enabled = enabled
    def setUp(self):
        self.app = PSysmonApp()
        self.app.Init()                 # The widget inspection tool can be called using CTRL+ALT+i

        self.pref = PreferencesManager()

        # Add the logging page.
        self.pref.add_page('List editor')

        # Add a single_choice field.
        item = SingleChoicePrefItem(name = 'single_choice',
                              group = 'test group 1',
                              limit = ('CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG'),
                              value = 'ERROR',
                              tool_tip = 'tooltip of the single choice control element'
        self.pref.add_item(pagename = 'Logging', item = item)

        # Add a multi_choice field.
        item = MultiChoicePrefItem(name = 'multi_choice',
                              group = 'test group 1',
                              limit = ('value 1', 'value 2', 'value 3', 'value 4', 'value 5'),
                              value = ['value 2', 'value 4'],
                              tool_tip = 'tooltip of the multi choice control element'
        self.pref.add_item(pagename = 'Logging', item = item)

        # Add a textedit field.
        item = TextEditPrefItem(name = 'textedit',
                              group = 'test group 1',
                              value = 'this is a textedit field',
                              tool_tip = 'tooltip of the textedit control element'
        self.pref.add_item(pagename = 'Logging', item = item)

        # Add a integer_control field.
        item = IntegerControlPrefItem(name = 'integer_control',
                              group = 'test group 1',
                              value = 10,
                              tool_tip = 'tooltip of the integer control element'
        self.pref.add_item(pagename = 'Logging', item = item)

        # Add an integer_range field.
        item = IntegerSpinPrefItem(name = 'integer_range',
                              group = 'test group 1',
                              value = 10,
                              limit = (0, 100),
                              tool_tip = 'tooltip of the integer spin control element'
        self.pref.add_item(pagename = 'Logging', item = item)

        # Add an float_spin field.
        item = FloatSpinPrefItem(name = 'float_spin',
                              group = 'test group 1',
                              value = 10.3,
                              limit = (0, 100),
                              tool_tip = 'tooltip of the float spin control element'
        self.pref.add_item(pagename = 'Logging', item = item)

        # Add a datetime_edit field.
        item = DateTimeEditPrefItem(name = 'datetime',
                                    group = 'test group 1',
                                    value = udt.UTCDateTime('2014-01-01T01:02:03.123456'),
                                    tool_tip = 'tooltip of the datetime edit control element'
        self.pref.add_item(pagename = 'Logging', item = item)

        # Add an filebrowse field.
        item = FileBrowsePrefItem(name = 'filebrowse',
                              group = 'test group 2',
                              value = '',
                              filemask = 'comma separated version (*.csv)|*.csv|' \
                                        'all files (*)|*',
                              tool_tip = 'tooltip of the file browse control element'
        self.pref.add_item(pagename = 'Logging', item = item)

        # Add an dirbrowse field.
        item = DirBrowsePrefItem(name = 'dirbrowse',
                              group = 'test group 2',
                              value = '',
                              tool_tip = 'tooltip of the dir browse control element'
        self.pref.add_item(pagename = 'Logging', item = item)

        # Add a list grid edit field.
        item = ListCtrlEditPrefItem(name = 'list ctrl',
                                    group = 'list editor',
                                    value = [[21, 22, 23, 24]],
                                    limit = [[11, 12, 13, 14],[21, 22, 23, 24], [31, 32, 33, 34]],
                                    column_labels = ['eins', 'zwei', 'drei', 'vier'],
                                    tool_tip = 'tooltip of the list ctrl edit control element'
        self.pref.add_item(pagename = 'List editor', item = item)

        # Add a list grid edit field.
        item = ListGridEditPrefItem(name = 'list grid',
                                    group = 'list editor',
                                    value = [],
                                    column_labels = ['eins', 'zwei', 'drei', 'vier'],
                                    tool_tip = 'tooltip of the list grid edit control element'
        self.pref.add_item(pagename = 'List editor', item = item)
 def setUp(self):
     self.pref = PreferencesManager()
    def __init__(self,
        '''The constructor.

        Create an instance of the Project class.

        psybase : :class:`~psysmon.core.base.Base`
            The related pSysmon base instance.

        name : String
            The name of the project.

        base_dir : String
            The base directory of the project.

        user : :class:`~User` instance
            The admin user of the project.

        dbDialect : String, optional
            The database dialect to be used by sqlalchemy (default: mysql).

        dbDriver : String, optional
            The database driver to be used by sqlalchemy (default: None).

        dbHost : String, optional
            The database host (default: localhost).

        dbName : String, optional
            The name of the database associated with the project (default: "").

        createTime : :class:`~psysmon.core.UTCDateTime`, optional
            The time when the project has been created (default: UTCDateTime())

        dbTables : Dictionary of Strings, optional
            The database tablenames used by the project. The name of the table 
            (without prefix) is the key of the dictionary (default: {}).
        pkg_version : Dictionary of Strings
            The package version strings of the packages which were present 
            when the project was created. The name of the package is the 
            key of the dictionary.

        db_version : Dictionary of Strings
            The package version strings of the packages for which a database 
            table was created. The name of the package is the key of the 

        # The logger.
        loggerName = __name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(loggerName)

        # The parent psysmon base.
        if psybase is not None:
            self._psybase = weakref.ref(psybase)
            self._psybase = None

        # The project name.
        self.name = name

        # The slug of the project name.
        self.slug = self.name.lower().replace(' ', '_')

        # The time when the project has been created.
        if createTime is None:
            self.createTime = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime()
            self.createTime = createTime

        # The project's base directory.
        self.base_dir = base_dir

        # The database engine to be used.
        self.dbDialect = dbDialect

        # The database driver to be used.
        self.dbDriver = dbDriver

        # The host on which the mySQL database server is running.
        self.dbHost = dbHost

        # The mySQL database name.
        if not dbName:
            self.dbName = "psysmon_" + user.name
            self.dbName = dbName

        # A dictionary of the project databaser table names.
        self.dbTables = dbTables

        # The sqlAlchemy database base instance.
        self.dbBase = None

        # The sqlAlchemy database session.
        self.dbSessionClass = None

        # The project file.
        self.projectFile = self.slug + ".ppr"

        # The version dictionary of the package versions.
        self.pkg_version = {}
        if pkg_version is None:
            for cur_pkg in self.psybase.packageMgr.packages.itervalues():
                self.pkg_version[cur_pkg.name] = cur_pkg.version
            self.pkg_version = pkg_version

        # The version dictionary of the packages which created at least
        # one database table.
        self.db_version = db_version

        # Is the project saved?
        self.saved = False

        # The thread lock object.
        self.threadMutex = None

        # A list of users associated with this project.
        self.user = []

        # The currently active user.
        self.activeUser = None

        # Add the user(s) to the project user list.
        if isinstance(user, list):


        # The project's waveclients.
        self.waveclient = {}

        # The default waveclient.
        self.defaultWaveclient = None

        # The association of the SCNLs to the data sources (the waveclients).
        self.scnlDataSources = {}

        # The project preferences.
        self.pref_manager = PreferencesManager()

        # The geometry inventory.
        self.geometry_inventory = None
    def __init__(self,
        ''' The constructor.

        Create an instance of the PluginNode.

        name : String
            The name of the plugin-node.
        mode : String
            The mode of the plugin-node (option, command, interactive, view).
        category : String
            The category of the plugin-node.
        tags : list of String
            A list of strings containing the tags of the collection node.
            These values are not limited but they should contain one of 
            the three development state tags:
             - stable
             - experimental
             - damaged
        group : String
            The group of the plugin-node. A group contains the categories (default = 'general').
        icons : List of Strings
            The icons used in the ribbonbar.
        nodeClass : String
            The name of the class for which the plugin-node has been written.
        parent : :class:`~psysmon.core.packageNodes.CollectionNode`
            The parent collectionNode which has loaded the plugin.
        docEntryPoint : String
            The path to where the documentation's index.html file can be found.
        position_pref : Integer
            The preferred position of the tool in the category section of the ribbon bar.
        # The name of the plugin.
        self.name = name

        # The mode of the plugin.
        self.mode = mode

        # The group of the plugin.
        self.group = group

        # The category of the plugin.
        self.category = category

        # The tags of the plugin.
        self.tags = tags

        # The parent collection node which contains the plugin.
        self.parent = parent

        # The preferences of the plugin.
        self.pref_manager = PreferencesManager()

        # The path to the html index file containing the documentation of the
        # plugin.
        self.docEntryPoint = docEntryPoint

        # The icons of the plugin.
        # The dictionary has to be filled in the constructor of the
        # plugin node. The icons icons['active'] and icons['inactive']
        # should be set.
        self.icons = {}

        # The activation state of the tool. This is used by view- and
        # interactive tools. For other tool modes, the active state is
        # always False.
        self.active = False

        # The preferred position within a category.
        self.position_pref = position_pref