def adate_extractor(article, year_info_only=False):
    """Extract PubDate information from an Article in the Medline dataset.

    journal: Element
        The 'Journal' field in the Medline dataset
    year_info_only: bool
        if True, this tool will only attempt to extract year information from PubDate.
        if False, an attempt will be made to harvest all available PubDate information.
        If only year and month information is available, this will yield a date of
        the form 'YYYY-MM'. If year, month and day information is available,
        a date of the form 'YYYY-MM-DD' will be returned.

    PubDate: str
        PubDate extracted from an article.
        Note: If year_info_only is False and a month could not be
        extracted this falls back to year automatically.
    day = None
    month = None

    issue_date = article.find("ArticleDate")

    if not issue_date:
        return None

    if issue_date.find("Year") is not None:
        year = issue_date.find("Year").text
        if not year_info_only:
            if issue_date.find("Month") is not None:
                month = month_or_day_formater(issue_date.find("Month").text)
                if issue_date.find("Day") is not None:
                    day = month_or_day_formater(issue_date.find("Day").text)
    elif issue_date.find("MedlineDate") is not None:
        year_text = issue_date.find("MedlineDate").text
        year = re.findall(r"\d{4}", year_text)
        if len(year) >= 1:
            year = year[0]
            year = ""
        year = ""

    if year_info_only or month is None:
        return year
        return "-".join(str(x) for x in filter(None, [year, month, day]))
def date_extractor(journal, year_info_only):
    """Extract PubDate information from an Article in the Medline dataset.

    journal: Element
        The 'Journal' field in the Medline dataset
    year_info_only: bool
        if True, this tool will only attempt to extract year information from PubDate.
        if False, an attempt will be made to harvest all available PubDate information.
        If only year and month information is available, this will yield a date of
        the form 'YYYY-MM'. If year, month and day information is available,
        a date of the form 'YYYY-MM-DD' will be returned.

    PubDate: str
        PubDate extracted from an article.
        Note: If year_info_only is False and a month could not be
        extracted this falls back to year automatically.
    day = None
    month = None
    issue = journal.xpath('JournalIssue')[0]
    issue_date = issue.find('PubDate')

    if issue_date.find('Year') is not None:
        year = issue_date.find('Year').text
        if not year_info_only:
            if issue_date.find('Month') is not None:
                month = month_or_day_formater(issue_date.find('Month').text)
                if issue_date.find('Day') is not None:
                    day = month_or_day_formater(issue_date.find('Day').text)
    elif issue_date.find('MedlineDate') is not None:
        year_text = issue_date.find('MedlineDate').text
        year = year_text.split(' ')[0]
        year = ""

    if year_info_only or month is None:
        return year
        return "-".join(str(x) for x in filter(None, [year, month, day]))
def date_extractor(journal, year_info_only):
    """Extract PubDate information from an Article in the Medline dataset.

    journal: Element
        The 'Journal' field in the Medline dataset
    year_info_only: bool
        if True, this tool will only attempt to extract year information from PubDate.
        if False, an attempt will be made to harvest all available PubDate information.
        If only year and month information is available, this will yield a date of
        the form 'YYYY-MM'. If year, month and day information is available,
        a date of the form 'YYYY-MM-DD' will be returned.

    PubDate: str
        PubDate extracted from an article.
        Note: If year_info_only is False and a month could not be
        extracted this falls back to year automatically.
    day = None
    month = None
    issue = journal.xpath('JournalIssue')[0]
    issue_date = issue.find('PubDate')

    if issue_date.find('Year') is not None:
        year = issue_date.find('Year').text
        if not year_info_only:
            if issue_date.find('Month') is not None:
                month = month_or_day_formater(issue_date.find('Month').text)
                if issue_date.find('Day') is not None:
                    day = month_or_day_formater(issue_date.find('Day').text)
    elif issue_date.find('MedlineDate') is not None:
        year_text = issue_date.find('MedlineDate').text
        year = year_text.split(' ')[0]
        year = ""

    if year_info_only or month is None:
        return year
        return "-".join(str(x) for x in filter(None, [year, month, day]))
def parse_daterevised(medline):
    """Parse chemical list from article

    medline: Element
        The lxml node pointing to a medline document

    DateRevised: str
        PubDate extracted from an article.
    year = ""
    month = ""
    day = ""
    DateRevised = medline.find("DateRevised")
    if DateRevised is not None:
        year = DateRevised.findtext("Year")
        month = month_or_day_formater(DateRevised.find("Month").text)
        day = month_or_day_formater(DateRevised.find("Day").text)
        return "-".join(str(x) for x in filter(None, [year, month, day]))
        return ""