 def bind(self, bindings, options):
     Bind to the specified repository ID.
     Delegated to content handlers.
     :param bindings: A list of bindings to add/update.
       Each binding is: {type_id:<str>, repo_id:<str>, details:<dict>}
         The 'details' are at the discretion of the distributor.
     :type bindings: list
     :param options: Bind options.
     :type options: dict
     :return: A dispatch report.
     :rtype: DispatchReport
     conduit = Conduit()
     dispatcher = Dispatcher()
     report = dispatcher.bind(conduit, bindings, options)
     return report.dict()
 def bind(self, bindings, options):
     Bind to the specified repository ID.
     Delegated to content handlers.
     :param bindings: A list of bindings to add/update.
       Each binding is: {type_id:<str>, repo_id:<str>, details:<dict>}
         The 'details' are at the discretion of the distributor.
     :type bindings: list
     :param options: Bind options.
     :type options: dict
     :return: A dispatch report.
     :rtype: DispatchReport
     conduit = Conduit()
     dispatcher = Dispatcher()
     report = dispatcher.bind(conduit, bindings, options)
     return report.dict()