def findLottery(vote, classHeights, solverSettings):
    Returns a Lottery satisfying all constraints specified by the classHeights parameter

    @type vote: vote.society.Vote
    @type classHeights: dict(vote.society.ChoiceClass, float)
    @type solverSettings: vote.solver.settings.SolverSettings
    @rtype: vote.society.Lottery
    @raise ValueError: If the constraints are not satisfiable
    classNames = getUniqueNames(classHeights.keys(), prefix="Class ")
    choiceNames = getUniqueNames(vote.getChoices(), prefix="Choice ")

    problem = LpProblem("Lambda", LpMaximize)
    choiceVariables = LpVariable.dicts("p", choiceNames.values(), lowBound=0)

    problem += lpSum(choiceVariables) <= 1, "Distribution"
    for choiceClass, height in classHeights.items():
        problem += createLpSum(choiceClass, choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
            height, classNames[choiceClass] + " height"


    choiceValues = dict()
    for choice, choiceName in choiceNames.items():
        choiceValues[choice.getObject()] = choiceVariables[choiceName].value()
    return Lottery(choiceValues, solverSettings)
    def update_with_soft_affinity_constraints_and_objective(self,variables,prob, num_hosts, num_instances):
    #Adding column sum variables whose value is 1 if there is any instance on that host
        column_sum_var = []
        for i in range(num_hosts):
            column_sum_var.append(pulp.LpVariable("Normalised_Column_Sum_Host_"+str(i), 0, 1, constants.LpInteger))

        #Adding normalisation constraint
        for i in range(num_hosts):
            prob += pulp.lpSum([variables[i][j]] for j in range(num_instances)) <= num_instances*column_sum_var[i]
            prob += column_sum_var[i] <= pulp.lpSum([variables[i][j]] for j in range(num_instances))

        z_variables =[]
        #Adding 'z' variables
        for i in range(num_hosts):
            for j in range(num_hosts):
                if i != j:
                    z_variables.append(pulp.LpVariable("Z_variable_Col_"+str(i)+"Col_"+str(j), 0, 1, constants.LpInteger))

        temp = 0
        for i in range(num_hosts):
            for j in range(num_hosts):
                if i != j:
                    prob += column_sum_var[i] + column_sum_var[j] <= z_variables[temp] + 1
                    prob += 2 * z_variables[temp]<=column_sum_var[i] + column_sum_var[j]
                    #print str(temp)  + " " + str(z_variables[temp])
                    temp = temp + 1

        #Adding the objective
        prob+=z_variables[0] * 0 + z_variables[1] * 3 + z_variables[2] * 1 + z_variables[4] * 3 + z_variables[5] * 5 + z_variables[8] * 4 
        return prob
def findLottery(vote, classHeights, solverSettings):
    Returns a Lottery satisfying all constraints specified by the classHeights parameter

    @type vote: vote.society.Vote
    @type classHeights: dict(vote.society.ChoiceClass, float)
    @type solverSettings: vote.solver.settings.SolverSettings
    @rtype: vote.society.Lottery
    @raise ValueError: If the constraints are not satisfiable
    classNames = getUniqueNames(classHeights.keys(), prefix="Class ")
    choiceNames = getUniqueNames(vote.getChoices(), prefix="Choice ")

    problem = LpProblem("Lambda", LpMaximize)
    choiceVariables = LpVariable.dicts("p", choiceNames.values(), lowBound=0)

    problem += lpSum(choiceVariables) <= 1, "Distribution"
    for choiceClass, height in classHeights.items():
        problem += createLpSum(choiceClass, choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
            height, classNames[choiceClass] + " height"


    choiceValues = dict()
    for choice, choiceName in choiceNames.items():
        choiceValues[choice.getObject()] = choiceVariables[choiceName].value()
    return Lottery(choiceValues, solverSettings)
def _objective(xs, betas, route, msg_load, hosting_cost):
    # We want to minimize communication and hosting costs
    # Objective is the communication + hosting costs
    comm = LpAffineExpression()
    for c1, a1, c2, a2 in betas:
        comm += route(a1, a2) * msg_load(c1, c2) * betas[(c1, a1, c2, a2)]

    costs = lpSum([hosting_cost(a, c) * xs[(c, a)] for c, a in xs])

    return lpSum([RATIO_HOST_COMM * comm ,  (1-RATIO_HOST_COMM) * costs])
    def update_with_strict_affinity_constraints_and_objective(self,variables,prob, num_hosts, num_instances):
    #Adding column sum variables whose value is 1 if there is any instance on that host
        column_sum_var = []
        for i in range(num_hosts):
            column_sum_var.append(pulp.LpVariable("Normalised_Column_Sum_Host_"+str(i), 0, 1, constants.LpInteger))

        #Adding normalisation constraint
        for i in range(num_hosts):
            prob += pulp.lpSum([variables[i][j]] for j in range(num_instances)) <= num_instances*column_sum_var[i]
            prob += column_sum_var[i] <= pulp.lpSum([variables[i][j]] for j in range(num_instances))

        prob += pulp.lpSum([column_sum_var[i]] for i in range(num_hosts)) == 1

        return prob
文件: 项目: vdemare76/Watt
 def calcola_orario(self, model, dati, str_aux):
     skd = str_aux.get_schedulazione()
      # Funzione obiettivo
     model += lpSum(skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] for c in dati.get_corsi() for m in dati.get_moduli() for a in dati.get_aule()
                                   for g in dati.get_giorni() for s in dati.get_slot()) 
     return pl.LpStatus[model.status]
 def createConstraints(problem, variable):
     problem += lpSum(choiceVariables) <= 1, "Distribution"
     for choiceClass, height in state.getCurrentClassHeights().items():
         problem += createLpSum(choiceClass, choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
             height, classNames[choiceClass] + " height"
     for agent in state.getActiveAgents():
         problem += createLpSum(state.getCurrentAgentChoiceClass(agent),
                                choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
             state.getAgentHeight(agent) + variable * state.getAgentSpeed(agent), \
             agentNames[agent] + " push"
 def createConstraints(problem, variable):
     problem += lpSum(choiceVariables) <= 1, "Distribution"
     for choiceClass, height in state.getCurrentClassHeights().items():
         problem += createLpSum(choiceClass, choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
             height, classNames[choiceClass] + " height"
     for agent in state.getActiveAgents():
         problem += createLpSum(state.getCurrentAgentChoiceClass(agent),
                                choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
             state.getAgentHeight(agent) + variable * state.getAgentSpeed(agent), \
             agentNames[agent] + " push"
    def update_with_strict_affinity_constraints_and_objective(
            self, variables, prob, num_hosts, num_instances):
        #Adding column sum variables whose value is 1 if there is any instance on that host
        column_sum_var = []
        for i in range(num_hosts):
                pulp.LpVariable("Normalised_Column_Sum_Host_" + str(i), 0, 1,

        #Adding normalisation constraint
        for i in range(num_hosts):
            prob += pulp.lpSum([variables[i][j]] for j in range(
                num_instances)) <= num_instances * column_sum_var[i]
            prob += column_sum_var[i] <= pulp.lpSum(
                [variables[i][j]] for j in range(num_instances))

        prob += pulp.lpSum([column_sum_var[i]] for i in range(num_hosts)) == 1

        return prob
    def update_with_soft_affinity_constraints_and_objective(
            self, variables, prob, num_hosts, num_instances):
        #Adding column sum variables whose value is 1 if there is any instance on that host
        column_sum_var = []
        for i in range(num_hosts):
                pulp.LpVariable("Normalised_Column_Sum_Host_" + str(i), 0, 1,

        #Adding normalisation constraint
        for i in range(num_hosts):
            prob += pulp.lpSum([variables[i][j]] for j in range(
                num_instances)) <= num_instances * column_sum_var[i]
            prob += column_sum_var[i] <= pulp.lpSum(
                [variables[i][j]] for j in range(num_instances))

        z_variables = []
        #Adding 'z' variables
        for i in range(num_hosts):
            for j in range(num_hosts):
                if i != j:
                            "Z_variable_Col_" + str(i) + "Col_" + str(j), 0, 1,

        temp = 0
        for i in range(num_hosts):
            for j in range(num_hosts):
                if i != j:
                    prob += column_sum_var[i] + column_sum_var[
                        j] <= z_variables[temp] + 1
                    prob += 2 * z_variables[temp] <= column_sum_var[
                        i] + column_sum_var[j]
                    #print str(temp)  + " " + str(z_variables[temp])
                    temp = temp + 1

        #Adding the objective
        prob += z_variables[0] * 0 + z_variables[1] * 3 + z_variables[
            2] * 1 + z_variables[4] * 3 + z_variables[5] * 5 + z_variables[
                8] * 4
        return prob
文件: 项目: vdemare76/Watt
    def imposta_vincoli_obbligatori(self, model, dati, str_aux):
        # Vincolo che evita il sovrapporsi di moduli insegnati dagli stessi docenti
        for d in str_aux.get_docenti():
            for s in dati.get_slot():
                for g in dati.get_giorni():
                    model += lpSum(skd[(c,m,a,g,s)]*str_aux.get_titolari_moduli()[(m,d)] for m in dati.get_moduli() for a in dati.get_aule() for c in dati.get_corsi()) <= 1
        # Vincolo che fissa il numero di slot da assegnare per un modulo di un'attività didattica in una settimana
        for m in dati.get_moduli():
            model += lpSum(skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] for a in dati.get_aule() for g in dati.get_giorni() for s in dati.get_slot() for c in dati.get_corsi()) == (m.get_num_sessioni()*m.get_dur_sessioni())
        # Vincolo che impedisce che ad un aula venga assegnato più di un corso in uno slot di un dato giorno     
        for a in dati.get_aule():
            for g in dati.get_giorni():
                for s in dati.get_slot():
                    model += lpSum(skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] for m in dati.get_moduli() for c in dati.get_corsi()) <= 1

        # Un corso per un dato giorno in un dato slot può essere assegnato ad una sola aula
        for c in dati.get_corsi():
            for m in dati.get_moduli():
                for g in dati.get_giorni():
                    for s in dati.get_slot():
                        model += lpSum(skd[(c, m, a, g, s)] for a in dati.get_aule()) <= 1

        # Vincoli che permettono di assegnare ad un corso solo aule compatibili con la numerosità del corso stesso
        for c in dati.get_corsi():
            for m in dati.get_moduli():
                for g in dati.get_giorni():
                    for s in dati.get_slot():
                        for a in dati.get_aule():
                            if str_aux.get_compatibilita_aule()[(m,a)] == 0:
                                model += skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] == 0

        # Vincolo che non consente la sovrapposizione di moduli inerenti ad attività didattiche previste allo stesso anno di corso
        for c in dati.get_corsi():
            for g in dati.get_giorni():
                for s in dati.get_slot():
                    model += lpSum(skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] for m in dati.get_moduli() if m.get_anno_corso() == 1 for a in dati.get_aule()) <= 1
                    model += lpSum(skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] for m in dati.get_moduli() if m.get_anno_corso() == 2 for a in dati.get_aule()) <= 1
                    model += lpSum(skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] for m in dati.get_moduli() if m.get_anno_corso() == 3 for a in dati.get_aule()) <= 1
        # Rende impossibili gli abbinamenti di assegnazioni di moduli di codici corso diversi dal codice del corso in esame
        for c in dati.get_corsi():
            for g in dati.get_giorni():
                for s in dati.get_slot():
                    for m in dati.get_moduli():
                        for a in dati.get_aule():
                            if c.get_codice() != m.get_cod_corso():
                                model += skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] == 0
文件: 项目: HEP-KBFI/ccc
def get_optimal_rackspace(cpu_usage, mem_usage, optimal=True, debug=False):
    Calculates the price of optimal resources allocation over a certain time span (with monthly granularity). 
    Formulates the problem of satisfying user demand (in CPU and RAM) as an LP problem with a monetary objective function. 
    assert(len(cpu_usage) == len(mem_usage))
    prob = LpProblem("Rackspace cost optimization", LpMinimize)
    # variables
    ## 1h instances
    per_h_ondems = []
    for p in range(len(cpu_usage)):
        per_h_ondems += ["p %s ondem %s" %(p, i) for i in vms.keys()]
    category = LpInteger if optimal else LpContinuous
    vars = LpVariable.dicts("rackspace", per_h_ondems, 0, None, cat=category)
    # objective function
    prob += lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][0] for vm in per_h_ondems]), "Total cost of running the infra (wrt to CPU/RAM)" 
    # constraints    
    ## demand constraints
    for p in range(len(cpu_usage)):
        prob += lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][2] for vm in per_h_ondems if int(vm.split(" ")[1]) == p]) >= cpu_usage[p], "CU demand period %s" %p
        prob += lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][3] for vm in per_h_ondems if int(vm.split(" ")[1]) == p]) >= mem_usage[p], "RAM demand period %s" %p

    if debug:        
        for v in prob.variables():
            if v.varValue != 0.0:
                print, "=", v.varValue

        print "Total Cost of the solution = ", value(prob.objective)
    return value(prob.objective)
文件: 项目: vdemare76/Watt
    def imposta_vincoli_addizionali(self, model, dati, str_aux, vincoli, cod_cds):
        if vincoli["chkPreferenzeDocenti"] == 1:
            for l in dati.get_logistica():
                s = l[2]
                for m in dati.get_moduli():
                    if (m.get_offerta_id() == l[0] and m.get_id() == l[1]):
                for c in dati.get_corsi():
                    if c.get_id() == m.get_corso_id():
                g = dati.get_giorni()
                model += lpSum(skd[(c,m,a,g[l[3]-1],dati.get_slot()[s-1])] for a in dati.get_aule()) == 1

        if vincoli["posizioniFisse"] == None:
            skd = str_aux.get_schedulazione()
            global posizioniFisse

            if (cod_cds == -1):
                posizioniFisse = vincoli["posizioniFisse"]
                posizioniFisse = [pf for pf in vincoli["posizioniFisse"] if pf['corso_id']==int(cod_cds)]
            for p in posizioniFisse:
                if (p["corso_id"] != -1 and p["modulo_id"] != -1 and
                    p["aula_id"] != -1 and p["giorno_id"] != -1 and
                    p["slot_id"] != -1):
                    for c in dati.get_corsi():
                        if c.get_id() == p["corso_id"]:
                    for m in dati.get_moduli():
                        if m.get_id() == p["modulo_id"]:
                    for a in dati.get_aule():
                        if a.get_id() == p["aula_id"]:
                    for g in dati.get_giorni():
                        if g.get_id() == p["giorno_id"]:
                    for s in dati.get_slot():
                        if s.get_id() == p["slot_id"]:
                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] == 1
    def solve(self, hosts, filter_properties):
        """This method returns a list of tuples - (host, instance_uuid)
        that are returned by the solver. Here the assumption is that
        all instance_uuids have the same requirement as specified in
        host_instance_combinations = []

        num_instances = filter_properties['num_instances']
        num_hosts = len(hosts)

        instance_uuids = filter_properties.get('instance_uuids') or [
                '(unknown_uuid)' + str(i) for i in xrange(num_instances)]

        filter_properties.setdefault('solver_cache', {})
                {'cost_matrix': [],
                'constraint_matrix': []})

        cost_matrix = self._get_cost_matrix(hosts, filter_properties)
        cost_matrix = self._adjust_cost_matrix(cost_matrix)
        constraint_matrix = self._get_constraint_matrix(hosts,

        # Create dictionaries mapping temporary host/instance keys to
        # hosts/instance_uuids. These temorary keys are to be used in the
        # solving process since we need a convention of lp variable names.
        host_keys = ['Host' + str(i) for i in xrange(num_hosts)]
        host_key_map = dict(zip(host_keys, hosts))
        instance_num_keys = ['InstanceNum' + str(i) for
                            i in xrange(num_instances + 1)]
        instance_num_key_map = dict(zip(instance_num_keys,
                                        xrange(num_instances + 1)))

        # create the pulp variables
        variable_matrix = [
                [pulp.LpVariable('HI_' + host_key + '_' + instance_num_key,
                0, 1, constants.LpInteger)
                for instance_num_key in instance_num_keys]
                for host_key in host_keys]

        # create the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data.
        prob = pulp.LpProblem("Host Instance Scheduler Problem",

        # add cost function to pulp solver
        cost_variables = [variable_matrix[i][j] for i in xrange(num_hosts)
                                        for j in xrange(num_instances + 1)]
        cost_coefficients = [cost_matrix[i][j] for i in xrange(num_hosts)
                                        for j in xrange(num_instances + 1)]
        prob += (pulp.lpSum([cost_coefficients[i] * cost_variables[i]
                for i in xrange(len(cost_variables))]), "Sum_Costs")

        # add constraints to pulp solver
        for i in xrange(num_hosts):
            for j in xrange(num_instances + 1):
                if constraint_matrix[i][j] is False:
                    prob += (variable_matrix[i][j] == 0,
                            "Cons_Host_%s" % i + "_NumInst_%s" % j)

        # add additional constraints to ensure the problem is valid
        # (1) non-trivial solution: number of all instances == that requested
        prob += (pulp.lpSum([variable_matrix[i][j] * j for i in
                xrange(num_hosts) for j in xrange(num_instances + 1)]) ==
                num_instances, "NonTrivialCons")
        # (2) valid solution: each host is assigned 1 num-instances value
        for i in xrange(num_hosts):
            prob += (pulp.lpSum([variable_matrix[i][j] for j in
                    xrange(num_instances + 1)]) == 1, "ValidCons_Host_%s" % i)

        # The problem is solved using PULP's choice of Solver.

        # Create host-instance tuples from the solutions.
        if pulp.LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Optimal':
            num_insts_on_host = {}
            for v in prob.variables():
                    (host_key, instance_num_key) ='HI').lstrip(
                    if v.varValue == 1:
                        num_insts_on_host[host_key] = (
            instances_iter = iter(instance_uuids)
            for host_key in host_keys:
                num_insts_on_this_host = num_insts_on_host.get(host_key, 0)
                for i in xrange(num_insts_on_this_host):
            LOG.warn(_LW("Pulp solver didnot find optimal solution! "
                    "reason: %s"), pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])
            host_instance_combinations = []

        return host_instance_combinations
            #prob+= t_i_p*i + t_i_o + t_i_l + 1 <= t_j_p*j + t_j_o + bigM*helpBinary, "(%s<%s),k_i=%d,k_j=%d" % (t_i_name,t_j_name,i,j)
            #prob+= t_j_p*j + t_j_o + t_j_l + 1 <= t_i_p*j + t_i_o + bigM*(1-helpBinary), "(%s<%s),k_i=%d,k_j=%d" % (t_j_name,t_i_name,i,j)
            prob+= t_i_p*i + t_i_o + t_i_l  <= t_j_p*j + t_j_o + bigM*(1-helpBinaryForCollisionFree)
            prob+= t_j_p*j + t_j_o + t_j_l  <= t_i_p*j + t_i_o + bigM*(helpBinaryForCollisionFree)

    print "##################"
    absoluteValueHelpU=LpVariable("U(%s,%s)" % (t_i_name,t_j_name),0,bigM,LpInteger)
    prob+=t_i_o-t_j_o+bigM*helpBinaryForSporadicOptimization >= absoluteValueHelpU
    prob+=t_j_o-t_i_o+bigM*(1-helpBinaryForSporadicOptimization) >= absoluteValueHelpU
    prob+=t_i_o-t_j_o <= absoluteValueHelpU
    prob+=t_j_o-t_i_o <= absoluteValueHelpU

# get all U help variables 
uObjectives=[ v for k,v in prob.variablesDict().items() if 'U' in k]

print prob.writeLP("mori.lp")

print("Status:", LpStatus[prob.status])
for v in prob.variables():
    print(, "=", v.varValue)
print "**********************************************************************************************"


for v in prob.variables():
    print(, "=", v.varValue)
print("Status:", LpStatus[prob.status])
    def host_solve(self, hosts, instance_uuids, request_spec,

        """This method returns a list of tuples - (host, instance_uuid)
        that are returned by the solver. Here the assumption is that
        all instance_uuids have the same requirement as specified in
        host_instance_tuples_list = []
        print filter_properties['instance_type']['memory_mb']
        if instance_uuids:
            num_instances = len(instance_uuids)
            num_instances = request_spec.get('num_instances', 1)
            #Setting a unset uuid string for each instance.
            instance_uuids = ['unset_uuid' + str(i)
                                for i in xrange(num_instances)]

        num_hosts = len(hosts)

        LOG.debug(_("All Hosts: %s") % [ for h in hosts])
        for host in hosts:
            LOG.debug(_("Host state: %s") % host)

        # Create dictionaries mapping host/instance IDs to hosts/instances.
        host_ids = ['Host' + str(i) for i in range(num_hosts)]
        host_id_dict = dict(zip(host_ids, hosts))
        instance_ids = ['Instance' + str(i) for i in range(num_instances)]
        instance_id_dict = dict(zip(instance_ids, instance_uuids))

        # Create the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data.
        prob = pulp.LpProblem("Host Instance Scheduler Problem",
        # Create the 'variables' matrix to contain the referenced variables.
        variables = [[pulp.LpVariable("IA" + "_Host" + str(i) + "_Instance" +
                    str(j), 0, 1, constants.LpInteger) for j in
                    range(num_instances)] for i in range(num_hosts)]
        # Get costs and constraints and formulate the linear problem.
        self.cost_objects = [cost() for cost in self.cost_classes]
        self.constraint_objects = [constraint(variables, hosts,
                            instance_uuids, request_spec, filter_properties)
                            for constraint in self.constraint_classes]

        costs = [[0 for j in range(num_instances)] for i in range(num_hosts)]
        for cost_object in self.cost_objects:
            cost = cost_object.get_cost_matrix(hosts, instance_uuids,
                                            request_spec, filter_properties)
            cost = cost_object.normalize_cost_matrix(cost, 0.0, 1.0)
            weight = float(self.cost_weights[cost_object.__class__.__name__])
            costs = [[costs[i][j] + weight * cost[i][j]
                    for j in range(num_instances)] for i in range(num_hosts)]
        prob += (pulp.lpSum([costs[i][j] * variables[i][j]
                    for i in range(num_hosts) for j in range(num_instances)]),

        for constraint_object in self.constraint_objects:
            coefficient_vectors = constraint_object.get_coefficient_vectors(
                                            variables, hosts, instance_uuids,
                                            request_spec, filter_properties)
            variable_vectors = constraint_object.get_variable_vectors(
                                            variables, hosts, instance_uuids,
                                            request_spec, filter_properties)
            operations = constraint_object.get_operations(
                                            variables, hosts, instance_uuids,
                                            request_spec, filter_properties)
            for i in range(len(operations)):
                operation = operations[i]
                len_vector = len(variable_vectors[i])
                prob += (operation(pulp.lpSum([coefficient_vectors[i][j]
                    * variable_vectors[i][j] for j in range(len_vector)])),
                    "Costraint_Name_%s" % constraint_object.__class__.__name__
                    + "_No._%s" % i)

        if filter_properties['instance_type']['constraint'] == "soft_affinity":  
            prob = self.update_with_soft_affinity_constraints_and_objective(variables,prob,num_hosts,num_instances)
        elif filter_properties['instance_type']['constraint'] == "strict_affinity":  
            prob = self.update_with_strict_affinity_constraints_and_objective(variables,prob,num_hosts,num_instances)
        elif filter_properties['instance_type']['constraint'] == "strict_antiaffinity":
            prob = self.update_with_strict_anti_affinity_constraints_and_objective(variables,prob,num_hosts,num_instances)
        elif filter_properties['instance_type']['constraint'] == "soft_antiaffinity":
            prob = self.update_with_soft_anti_affinity_constraints_and_objective(variables,prob,num_hosts,num_instances)
            temp = filter_properties['instance_type']['constraint']
            temp = temp.split("_")
            prob = self.update_with_host_count_constraints_and_objective(variables,prob,num_hosts,num_instances,temp[3])
        print prob 
        # The problem is solved using PULP's choice of Solver.

        # Create host-instance tuples from the solutions.
        if pulp.LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Optimal':
            for v in prob.variables():
                    (host_id, instance_id) ='IA').lstrip(
                    if v.varValue == 1.0:

        return host_instance_tuples_list
    def distribute(self, fairness=True, output=None):
        This method is responsible for actually solving the linear programming problem.
        It uses the data in the instance variables.
        The optional parameter **fairness** indicates if the solution should minimize individual effort. By default the solution will enforce this condition.
        An error will be raised in case the data has inconsistencies.
        # Validate the problem variables

        # State problem
        problem = pulp.LpProblem("Fair Distribution Problem", pulp.LpMinimize)

        # Prepare variables
        targets_objects = {}
        for (t, target) in enumerate(self._targets):
            for (o, object) in enumerate(self._objects):
                variable = pulp.LpVariable(
                    'x' + str(t) + str(o), lowBound=0, cat='Binary')
                position = {'target': t, 'object': o}
                targets_objects['x' + str(t) + str(o)] = (variable, position)

        # Generate linear expression for self._weights (Summation #1)
        weights = [(variable, self._weights[weight_position['target']][weight_position['object']])
                   for (variable, weight_position) in targets_objects.values()]
        weight_expression = pulp.LpAffineExpression(weights)

        # Generate linear expression for effort distribution (Summation #2)
        weight_diff_vars = []
        if fairness:
            total_targets = len(self._targets)
            for (t, target) in enumerate(self._targets):
                weight_diff_aux_variable = pulp.LpVariable(
                    'weight_diff_'+str(t), lowBound=0)

                negative_effort_diff_weights = []
                positive_effort_diff_weights = []
                negative_factor = -1 * total_targets
                positive_factor = 1 * total_targets
                for (o, object) in enumerate(self._objects):
                    id = 'x' + str(t) + str(o)
                        (targets_objects[id][0], negative_factor * self._weights[t][o]))
                        (targets_objects[id][0], positive_factor * self._weights[t][o]))

                negative_effort_diff = pulp.LpAffineExpression(
                    negative_effort_diff_weights) + weight_expression
                positive_effort_diff = pulp.LpAffineExpression(
                    positive_effort_diff_weights) - weight_expression

                problem += negative_effort_diff <= weight_diff_aux_variable, 'abs negative effort diff ' + \
                problem += positive_effort_diff <= weight_diff_aux_variable, 'abs positive effort diff ' + \

        # Constraints - Each task must be done
        for (o, object) in enumerate(self._objects):
            constraints = []
            for (t, target) in enumerate(self._targets):
                constraints.append(targets_objects['x' + str(t) + str(o)][0])
            problem += pulp.lpSum(constraints) == 1, 'Task ' + \
                str(o) + ' must be done'

        # Set objective function
        problem += weight_expression + \
            pulp.lpSum(weight_diff_vars), "obj"

        if output:


        # Build output
        data = {}
        for v in filter(lambda x: x.varValue > 0, problem.variables()):
            if not in targets_objects:
            position = targets_objects[][1]
            target = self._targets[position['target']]
            object = self._objects[position['object']]

            if target not in data:
                data[target] = []


        return data
    def solve(self, hosts, filter_properties):
        """This method returns a list of tuples - (host, instance_uuid)
        that are returned by the solver. Here the assumption is that
        all instance_uuids have the same requirement as specified in
        host_instance_combinations = []

        num_instances = filter_properties['num_instances']
        num_hosts = len(hosts)

        instance_uuids = filter_properties.get('instance_uuids') or [
                '(unknown_uuid)' + str(i) for i in xrange(num_instances)]

        LOG.debug(_("All Hosts: %s") % [ for h in hosts])
        for host in hosts:
            LOG.debug(_("Host state: %s") % host)

        # Create dictionaries mapping temporary host/instance keys to
        # hosts/instance_uuids. These temorary keys are to be used in the
        # solving process since we need a convention of lp variable names.
        host_keys = ['Host' + str(i) for i in xrange(num_hosts)]
        host_key_map = dict(zip(host_keys, hosts))
        instance_keys = ['InstanceNum' + str(i) for i in xrange(num_instances)]
        instance_key_map = dict(
                zip(instance_keys, xrange(1, num_instances + 1)))

        # this is currently hard-coded and should match variable names
        host_instance_matrix_idx_map = {}
        for i in xrange(len(host_keys)):
            for j in xrange(len(instance_keys)):
                var_name = 'HI_' + host_keys[i] + '_' + instance_keys[j]
                host_instance_matrix_idx_map[var_name] = (i, j)

        # Create the 'variables' to contain the referenced variables.
        self.variables.populate_variables(host_keys, instance_keys)

        # Create the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data.
        prob = pulp.LpProblem("Host Instance Scheduler Problem",

        # Get costs and constraints and formulate the linear problem.

        # Add costs.
        cost_objects = [cost() for cost in self.cost_classes]
        cost_coeff_matrix = [[0 for j in xrange(num_instances)]
                            for i in xrange(num_hosts)]
        for cost_object in cost_objects:
            var_list, coeff_list = cost_object.get_components(
                                    self.variables, hosts, filter_properties)
            for i in xrange(len(var_list)):
                var = var_list[i]
                coeff = coeff_list[i]
                hidx, iidx = host_instance_matrix_idx_map[]
                cost_coeff_matrix[hidx][iidx] += (
                                        coeff * cost_object.cost_multiplier())
        cost_coeff_matrix = self._calculate_host_instance_cost_matrix(
        cost_coeff_array = []
        for var in var_list:
            hidx, iidx = host_instance_matrix_idx_map[]
        cost_variables = var_list
        cost_coefficients = cost_coeff_array
        if cost_variables:
            prob += (pulp.lpSum([cost_coefficients[i] * cost_variables[i]
                    for i in xrange(len(cost_variables))]), "Sum_Costs")

        # Add constraints.
        constraint_objects = [constraint()
                                for constraint in self.constraint_classes]
        for constraint_object in constraint_objects:
            vars_list, coeffs_list, consts_list, ops_list = (
                    constraint_object.get_components(self.variables, hosts,
            LOG.debug(_("coeffs of %(name)s is: %(value)s") %
                    {"name": constraint_object.__class__.__name__,
                    "value": coeffs_list})
            for i in xrange(len(ops_list)):
                operation = self._get_operation(ops_list[i])
                prob += (
                        operation(pulp.lpSum([coeffs_list[i][j] *
                        vars_list[i][j] for j in xrange(len(vars_list[i]))]),
                        consts_list[i]), "Costraint_Name_%s" %
                        constraint_object.__class__.__name__ + "_No._%s" % i)

        # The problem is solved using PULP's choice of Solver.

        # Create host-instance tuples from the solutions.
        if pulp.LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Optimal':
            num_insts_on_host = {}
            for v in prob.variables():
                    (host_key, instance_key) ='HI').lstrip(
                    if v.varValue == 1:
                        num_insts_on_host[host_key] = (
            instances_iter = iter(instance_uuids)
            for host_key in host_keys:
                num_insts_on_this_host = num_insts_on_host.get(host_key, 0)
                for i in xrange(num_insts_on_this_host):
        elif pulp.LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Infeasible':
            LOG.warn(_("Pulp solver didnot find optimal solution! reason: %s")
                    % pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])
            host_instance_combinations = []
            LOG.warn(_("Pulp solver didnot find optimal solution! reason: %s")
                    % pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])
            raise exception.SolverFailed(reason=pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])

        return host_instance_combinations
 def createConstraints(problem, variable):
     problem += lpSum(choiceVariables) <= 1, "Distribution"
     for tower, towerName in towerNames.items():
         problem += createLpSum(tower.getChoiceClass(), choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
             tower.getHeight() + variable * \
             tower.getSpeed(), towerName
    def solve(self, hosts, filter_properties):
        """This method returns a list of tuples - (host, instance_uuid)
        that are returned by the solver. Here the assumption is that
        all instance_uuids have the same requirement as specified in
        host_instance_combinations = []

        num_instances = filter_properties['num_instances']
        num_hosts = len(hosts)

        instance_uuids = filter_properties.get('instance_uuids') or [
            '(unknown_uuid)' + str(i) for i in xrange(num_instances)

        filter_properties.setdefault('solver_cache', {})
            'cost_matrix': [],
            'constraint_matrix': []

        cost_matrix = self._get_cost_matrix(hosts, filter_properties)
        cost_matrix = self._adjust_cost_matrix(cost_matrix)
        constraint_matrix = self._get_constraint_matrix(
            hosts, filter_properties)

        # Create dictionaries mapping temporary host/instance keys to
        # hosts/instance_uuids. These temorary keys are to be used in the
        # solving process since we need a convention of lp variable names.
        host_keys = ['Host' + str(i) for i in xrange(num_hosts)]
        host_key_map = dict(zip(host_keys, hosts))
        instance_num_keys = [
            'InstanceNum' + str(i) for i in xrange(num_instances + 1)
        instance_num_key_map = dict(
            zip(instance_num_keys, xrange(num_instances + 1)))

        # create the pulp variables
        variable_matrix = [[
            pulp.LpVariable('HI_' + host_key + '_' + instance_num_key, 0, 1,
            for instance_num_key in instance_num_keys
        ] for host_key in host_keys]

        # create the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data.
        prob = pulp.LpProblem("Host Instance Scheduler Problem",

        # add cost function to pulp solver
        cost_variables = [
            variable_matrix[i][j] for i in xrange(num_hosts)
            for j in xrange(num_instances + 1)
        cost_coefficients = [
            cost_matrix[i][j] for i in xrange(num_hosts)
            for j in xrange(num_instances + 1)
        prob += (pulp.lpSum([
            cost_coefficients[i] * cost_variables[i]
            for i in xrange(len(cost_variables))
        ]), "Sum_Costs")

        # add constraints to pulp solver
        for i in xrange(num_hosts):
            for j in xrange(num_instances + 1):
                if constraint_matrix[i][j] is False:
                    prob += (variable_matrix[i][j] == 0,
                             "Cons_Host_%s" % i + "_NumInst_%s" % j)

        # add additional constraints to ensure the problem is valid
        # (1) non-trivial solution: number of all instances == that requested
        prob += (pulp.lpSum([
            variable_matrix[i][j] * j for i in xrange(num_hosts)
            for j in xrange(num_instances + 1)
        ]) == num_instances, "NonTrivialCons")
        # (2) valid solution: each host is assigned 1 num-instances value
        for i in xrange(num_hosts):
            prob += (pulp.lpSum([
                variable_matrix[i][j] for j in xrange(num_instances + 1)
            ]) == 1, "ValidCons_Host_%s" % i)

        # The problem is solved using PULP's choice of Solver.

        # Create host-instance tuples from the solutions.
        if pulp.LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Optimal':
            num_insts_on_host = {}
            for v in prob.variables():
                    (host_key, instance_num_key
                     ) ='HI').lstrip('_').split('_')
                    if v.varValue == 1:
                        num_insts_on_host[host_key] = (
            instances_iter = iter(instance_uuids)
            for host_key in host_keys:
                num_insts_on_this_host = num_insts_on_host.get(host_key, 0)
                for i in xrange(num_insts_on_this_host):
                _LW("Pulp solver didnot find optimal solution! "
                    "reason: %s"), pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])
            host_instance_combinations = []

        return host_instance_combinations
文件: 项目: vdemare76/Watt
    def imposta_vincoli_facoltativi(self, model, dati, str_aux, vincoli):

        if vincoli["chkSessioneUnica"] == 1:
            # Per ogni giorno, ogni corso ed ogni aula il numero di slot massimo consentito è pari alla durata delle sessioni
            # ciò evita che ci possano essere due sessioni nello stesso giorno    
            for c in dati.get_corsi():   
                for m in dati.get_moduli():
                    for g in dati.get_giorni():
                        model += lpSum(skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] for s in dati.get_slot() for a in dati.get_aule()) <= m.get_dur_sessioni()

        if vincoli["chkSessioniConsecutive"] == 1:
            # Vincoli di consecutività delle sessioni
            for c in dati.get_corsi():
                for m in dati.get_moduli():
                    dur_sessione = m.get_dur_sessioni()
                    if dur_sessione == 2:
                        for a in dati.get_aule():
                            for g in dati.get_giorni():
                                for s in (0,4):
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+1])] <= 0
                                for s in (1,2,5,6):
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+1])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-1])] <= 0
                                for s in (3,7):
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-1])] <= 0
                    elif dur_sessione == 3:
                        for a in dati.get_aule():
                            for g in dati.get_giorni():                   
                                for s in (0,4):
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+1])] <= 0
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+2])] <= 0
                                for s in (1,5):
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+1])] <= 0
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-1])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+2])] <= 0
                                for s in (2,6):
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-1])] <= 0
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+1])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-2])] <= 0
                                for s in (3,7):
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-1])] <= 0
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-2])] <= 0
                    elif dur_sessione == 4:
                        for a in dati.get_aule():
                            for g in dati.get_giorni():                   
                                for s in (0,4):
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+1])] <= 0
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+2])] <= 0
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+3])] <= 0
                                for s in (1,5):
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+1])] <= 0
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+2])] <= 0
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-1])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+2])] <= 0
                                for s in (2,6):
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s+1])] <= 0
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-1])] <= 0
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-2])] <= 0
                                for s in (3,7):
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-1])] <= 0
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-2])] <= 0
                                    model += skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s])]-skd[(c,m,a,g,dati.get_slot()[s-3])] <= 0

        # Vincolo che fissa  il numero massimo di slot per giorno per un anno di corso
        if vincoli["chkMaxOre"]  ==  1:
            limsup = vincoli["selMaxOre"]
            for c in dati.get_corsi():
                for g in dati.get_giorni():
                    model += lpSum(skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] for m in dati.get_moduli() if m.get_anno_corso() == 1 for s in dati.get_slot() for a in dati.get_aule())<=limsup
                    model += lpSum(skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] for m in dati.get_moduli() if m.get_anno_corso() == 2 for s in dati.get_slot() for a in dati.get_aule())<=limsup
                    model += lpSum(skd[(c,m,a,g,s)] for m in dati.get_moduli() if m.get_anno_corso() == 3 for s in dati.get_slot() for a in dati.get_aule())<=limsup
 def createConstraints(problem, variable):
     problem += lpSum(choiceVariables) <= 1, "Distribution"
     for tower, towerName in towerNames.items():
         problem += createLpSum(tower.getChoiceClass(), choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
             tower.getHeight() + variable * \
             tower.getSpeed(), towerName
def distribute_factors(
    agents: Dict[str, AgentDef],
    cg: ComputationGraph,
    footprints: Dict[str, float],
    mapping: Dict[str, List[str]],
    msg_load: Callable[[str, str], float],
) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
    Optimal distribution of factors on agents.

    cg: computations graph

    agents: dict
        a dict {agent_name : AgentDef} containing all available agents

    a dict { agent_name: list of factor names}
    pb = LpProblem("ilp_factors", LpMinimize)

    # build the inverse mapping var -> agt
    inverse_mapping = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
    for a in mapping:
        inverse_mapping[mapping[a][0]] = a

    # One binary variable xij for each (variable, agent) couple
    factor_names = [ for n in cg.nodes if isinstance(n, FactorComputationNode)]
    xs = LpVariable.dict("x", (factor_names, agents), cat=LpBinary)
    logger.debug("Binary variables for factor distribution : %s", xs)

    # Hard constraints: respect agent's capacity
    for a in agents:
        # Footprint of the variable this agent is already hosting:
        v_footprint = footprints[mapping[a][0]]
        pb += (
            lpSum([footprints[fn] * xs[fn, a] for fn in factor_names])
            <= (agents[a].capacity - v_footprint),
            "Agent {} capacity".format(a),

    # Hard constraints: all computations must be hosted.
    for c in factor_names:
        pb += lpSum([xs[c, a] for a in agents]) == 1, "Factor {} hosted".format(c)

    # 1st objective : minimize communication costs:
    comm = LpAffineExpression()
    for (fn, an_f) in xs:
        for vn in cg.neighbors(fn):
            an_v = inverse_mapping[vn]  # agt hosting neighbor var vn
            comm += agents[an_f].route(an_v) * msg_load(vn, fn) * xs[(fn, an_f)]

    # 2st objective : minimize hosting costs
    hosting = lpSum([agents[a].hosting_cost(c) * xs[(c, a)] for c, a in xs])

    # agregate the two objectives using RATIO_HOST_COMM
    pb += lpSum([RATIO_HOST_COMM * comm, (1 - RATIO_HOST_COMM) * hosting])

    # solve using GLPK and convert to mapping { agt_name : [factors names]}
    status = pb.solve(solver=GLPK_CMD(keepFiles=1, msg=False, options=["--pcost"]))
    if status != LpStatusOptimal:
        raise ImpossibleDistributionException(
            "No possible optimal distribution for factors"
    logger.debug("GLPK cost : %s", value(pb.objective))
    mapping = {}  # type: Dict[str, List[str]]
    for k in agents:
        agt_computations = [i for i, ka in xs if ka == k and value(xs[(i, ka)]) == 1]
        # print(k, ' -> ', agt_computations)
        mapping[k] = agt_computations
    logger.debug("Factors distribution : %s ", mapping)
    return mapping
    def host_solve(self, hosts, instance_uuids, request_spec,
        """This method returns a list of tuples - (host, instance_uuid)
        that are returned by the solver. Here the assumption is that
        all instance_uuids have the same requirement as specified in
        host_instance_tuples_list = []

        if instance_uuids:
            num_instances = len(instance_uuids)
            num_instances = request_spec.get('num_instances', 1)
            #Setting a unset uuid string for each instance.
            instance_uuids = [
                'unset_uuid' + str(i) for i in xrange(num_instances)

        num_hosts = len(hosts)

        LOG.debug(_("All Hosts: %s") % [ for h in hosts])
        for host in hosts:
            LOG.debug(_("Host state: %s") % host)

        # Create dictionaries mapping host/instance IDs to hosts/instances.
        host_ids = ['Host' + str(i) for i in range(num_hosts)]
        host_id_dict = dict(zip(host_ids, hosts))
        instance_ids = ['Instance' + str(i) for i in range(num_instances)]
        instance_id_dict = dict(zip(instance_ids, instance_uuids))

        # Create the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data.
        prob = pulp.LpProblem("Host Instance Scheduler Problem",

        # Create the 'variables' matrix to contain the referenced variables.
        variables = [[
            pulp.LpVariable("IA" + "_Host" + str(i) + "_Instance" + str(j), 0,
                            1, constants.LpInteger)
            for j in range(num_instances)
        ] for i in range(num_hosts)]

        # Get costs and constraints and formulate the linear problem.
        self.cost_objects = [cost() for cost in self.cost_classes]
        self.constraint_objects = [
            constraint(variables, hosts, instance_uuids, request_spec,
            for constraint in self.constraint_classes

        costs = [[0 for j in range(num_instances)] for i in range(num_hosts)]
        for cost_object in self.cost_objects:
            cost = cost_object.get_cost_matrix(hosts, instance_uuids,
                                               request_spec, filter_properties)
            cost = cost_object.normalize_cost_matrix(cost, 0.0, 1.0)
            weight = float(self.cost_weights[cost_object.__class__.__name__])
            costs = [[
                costs[i][j] + weight * cost[i][j] for j in range(num_instances)
            ] for i in range(num_hosts)]
        prob += (pulp.lpSum([
            costs[i][j] * variables[i][j] for i in range(num_hosts)
            for j in range(num_instances)
        ]), "Sum_of_Host_Instance_Scheduling_Costs")

        for constraint_object in self.constraint_objects:
            coefficient_vectors = constraint_object.get_coefficient_vectors(
                variables, hosts, instance_uuids, request_spec,
            variable_vectors = constraint_object.get_variable_vectors(
                variables, hosts, instance_uuids, request_spec,
            operations = constraint_object.get_operations(
                variables, hosts, instance_uuids, request_spec,
            for i in range(len(operations)):
                operation = operations[i]
                len_vector = len(variable_vectors[i])
                prob += (operation(
                        coefficient_vectors[i][j] * variable_vectors[i][j]
                        for j in range(len_vector)
                    ])), "Costraint_Name_%s" %
                         constraint_object.__class__.__name__ + "_No._%s" % i)

        # The problem is solved using PULP's choice of Solver.

        # Create host-instance tuples from the solutions.
        if pulp.LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Optimal':
            for v in prob.variables():
                     instance_id) ='IA').lstrip('_').split('_')
                    if v.varValue == 1.0:

        return host_instance_tuples_list
def lp_model(cg: ComputationGraph,
             agentsdef: Iterable[AgentDef],
             footprint: Callable[[str], float],
             capacity: Callable[[str], float],
             route: Callable[[str, str], float],
             msg_load: Callable[[str, str], float],
             hosting_cost: Callable[[str, str], float]):

    comp_names = [ for n in cg.nodes]
    agt_names = [ for a in agentsdef]
    pb = LpProblem('ilp_compref', LpMinimize)

    # One binary variable xij for each (variable, agent) couple
    xs = LpVariable.dict('x', (comp_names, agt_names), cat=LpBinary)

    # One binary variable for computations c1 and c2, and agent a1 and a2
    betas = {}
    count = 0
    for a1, a2 in combinations(agt_names, 2):
        # Only create variables for couple c1, c2 if there is an edge in the
        # graph between these two computations.
        for l in cg.links:
            # As we support hypergraph, we may have more than 2 ends to a link
            for c1, c2 in combinations(l.nodes, 2):
                count += 2
                b = LpVariable('b_{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(c1, a1, c2, a2),
                betas[(c1, a1, c2, a2)] = b
                pb += b <= xs[(c1, a1)]
                pb += b <= xs[(c2, a2)]
                pb += b >= xs[(c2, a2)] + xs[(c1, a1)] - 1

                b = LpVariable('b_{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(c1, a2, c2, a1),
                betas[(c1, a2, c2, a1)] = b
                pb += b <= xs[(c2, a1)]
                pb += b <= xs[(c1, a2)]
                pb += b >= xs[(c1, a2)] + xs[(c2, a1)] - 1

    # Set objective: communication + hosting_cost
    pb += _objective(xs, betas, route, msg_load, hosting_cost), \
        'Communication costs and prefs'

    # Adding constraints:
    # Constraints: Memory capacity for all agents.
    for a in agt_names:
        pb += lpSum([footprint(i) * xs[i, a] for i in comp_names])\
              <= capacity(a), \
              'Agent {} capacity'.format(a)

    # Constraints: all computations must be hosted.
    for c in comp_names:
        pb += lpSum([xs[c, a] for a in agt_names]) == 1, \
            'Computation {} hosted'.format(c)

    # solve using GLPK
    status = pb.solve(solver=GLPK_CMD(keepFiles=1, msg=False,

    if status != LpStatusOptimal:
        raise ImpossibleDistributionException("No possible optimal"
                                              " distribution ")
    logger.debug('GLPK cost : %s', value(pb.objective))

    # print('BETAS:')
    # for c1, a1, c2, a2 in betas:
    #     print('  ', c1, a1, c2, a2, value(betas[(c1, a1, c2, a2)]))
    # print('XS:')
    # for c, a in xs:
    #     print('  ', c, a, value(xs[(c, a)]))

    mapping = {}
    for k in agt_names:
        agt_computations = [i for i, ka in xs
                            if ka == k and value(xs[(i, ka)]) == 1]
        # print(k, ' -> ', agt_computations)
        mapping[k] = agt_computations
    return mapping
def createLpSum(choiceClass, choiceNames, choiceVariables):
    return lpSum(choiceVariables[choiceNames[choice]] for choice in choiceClass)
def createLpSum(choiceClass, choiceNames, choiceVariables):
    return lpSum(choiceVariables[choiceNames[choice]]
                 for choice in choiceClass)
    def host_solve(self, hosts, instance_uuids, request_spec,
        """This method returns a list of tuples - (host, instance_uuid)
           that are returned by the solver. Here the assumption is that
           all instance_uuids have the same requirement as specified in
        host_instance_tuples_list = []
        if instance_uuids:
            num_instances = len(instance_uuids)
            num_instances = request_spec.get('num_instances', 1)
            instance_uuids = [
                'unset_uuid%s' % i for i in xrange(num_instances)

        num_hosts = len(hosts)

        host_ids = ['Host%s' % i for i in range(num_hosts)]
        LOG.debug(_("All Hosts: %s") % [ for h in hosts])

        for host in hosts:
            LOG.debug(_("Host state: %s") % host)

        host_id_dict = dict(zip(host_ids, hosts))

        instances = ['Instance%s' % i for i in range(num_instances)]

        instance_id_dict = dict(zip(instances, instance_uuids))

        # supply is a dictionary for the number of units of
        # resource for each Host.
        # Currently using only the disk_mb and memory_mb
        # as the two resources to satisfy. Need to eventually be able to
        # plug-in different resources. An example supply dictionary:
        #        supply = {"Host1": [1000, 1000],
        #                  "Host2": [4000, 1000]}

        supply = dict((host_ids[i], [
        ]) for i in range(len(host_ids)))

        number_of_resource_types_per_host = 2

        required_disk_mb = self._get_required_disk_mb(filter_properties)
        required_memory_mb = self._get_required_memory_mb(filter_properties)

        # demand is a dictionary for the number of
        # units of resource required for each Instance.
        # An example demand dictionary:
        #         demand = {"Instance0":[200, 300],
        #                   "Instance1":[900, 100],
        #                   "Instance2":[1800, 200],
        #                   "Instance3":[200, 300],
        #                   "Instance4":[700, 800], }
        # However for the current scenario, all instances to be scheduled
        # per request have the same requirements. Need to eventually
        # to support requests to specify different instance requirements

        demand = dict((instances[i], [
        ]) for i in range(num_instances))

        # Creates a list of costs of each Host-Instance assignment
        # Currently just like the nova.scheduler.weights.ram.RAMWeigher,
        # using host_state.free_ram_mb * ram_weight_multiplier
        # as the cost. A negative ram_weight_multiplier means to stack,
        # vs spread.
        # An example costs list:
        # costs = [  # Instances
        #          # 1 2 3 4 5
        #          [2, 4, 5, 2, 1],  # A   Hosts
        #          [3, 1, 3, 2, 3]  # B
        #          ]
        # Multiplying -1 as we want to use the same behavior of
        # ram_weight_multiplier as used by ram weigher.
        costs = [[
            -1 * host.free_ram_mb * CONF.ram_weight_multiplier
            for i in range(num_instances)
        ] for host in hosts]

        costs = pulp.makeDict([host_ids, instances], costs, 0)

        # The PULP LP problem variable used to add all the problem data
        prob = pulp.LpProblem("Host Instance Scheduler Problem",

        all_host_instance_tuples = [(w, b) for w in host_ids
                                    for b in instances]

        vars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("IA", (host_ids, instances), 0, 1,

        # The objective function is added to 'prob' first
        prob += (pulp.lpSum([
            vars[w][b] * costs[w][b] for (w, b) in all_host_instance_tuples
        ]), "Sum_of_Host_Instance_Scheduling_Costs")

        # The supply maximum constraints are added to
        # prob for each supply node (Host)
        for w in host_ids:
            for i in range(number_of_resource_types_per_host):
                prob += (pulp.lpSum(
                    [vars[w][b] * demand[b][i]
                     for b in instances]) <= supply[w][i],
                         "Sum_of_Resource_%s" % i + "_provided_by_Host_%s" % w)

        # The number of Hosts required per Instance, in this case it is only 1
        for b in instances:
            prob += (pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] for w in host_ids]) == 1,
                     "Sum_of_Instance_Assignment%s" % b)

        # The demand minimum constraints are added to prob for
        # each demand node (Instance)
        for b in instances:
            for j in range(number_of_resource_types_per_host):
                prob += (
                    pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] * demand[b][j]
                                for w in host_ids]) >= demand[b][j],
                    "Sum_of_Resource_%s" % j + "_required_by_Instance_%s" % b)

        # The problem is solved using PuLP's choice of Solver

        if pulp.LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Optimal':
            for v in prob.variables():
                     instance_id) ='IA').lstrip('_').split('_')
                    if v.varValue == 1.0:

        return host_instance_tuples_list
    def host_solve(self, hosts, instance_uuids, request_spec,
        """This method returns a list of tuples - (host, instance_uuid)
           that are returned by the solver. Here the assumption is that
           all instance_uuids have the same requirement as specified in
        host_instance_tuples_list = []
        if instance_uuids:
            num_instances = len(instance_uuids)
            num_instances = request_spec.get('num_instances', 1)
            instance_uuids = ['unset_uuid%s' % i
                              for i in xrange(num_instances)]

        num_hosts = len(hosts)

        host_ids = ['Host%s' % i for i in range(num_hosts)]
        LOG.debug(_("All Hosts: %s") % [ for h in hosts])

        for host in hosts:
            LOG.debug(_("Host state: %s") % host)

        host_id_dict = dict(zip(host_ids, hosts))

        instances = ['Instance%s' % i for i in range(num_instances)]

        instance_id_dict = dict(zip(instances, instance_uuids))

        # supply is a dictionary for the number of units of
        # resource for each Host.
        # Currently using only the disk_mb and memory_mb
        # as the two resources to satisfy. Need to eventually be able to
        # plug-in different resources. An example supply dictionary:
        #        supply = {"Host1": [1000, 1000],
        #                  "Host2": [4000, 1000]}

        supply = dict((host_ids[i],
                        self._get_usable_memory_mb(hosts[i]), ])
                      for i in range(len(host_ids)))

        number_of_resource_types_per_host = 2

        required_disk_mb = self._get_required_disk_mb(filter_properties)
        required_memory_mb = self._get_required_memory_mb(filter_properties)

        # demand is a dictionary for the number of
        # units of resource required for each Instance.
        # An example demand dictionary:
        #         demand = {"Instance0":[200, 300],
        #                   "Instance1":[900, 100],
        #                   "Instance2":[1800, 200],
        #                   "Instance3":[200, 300],
        #                   "Instance4":[700, 800], }
        # However for the current scenario, all instances to be scheduled
        # per request have the same requirements. Need to eventually
        # to support requests to specify different instance requirements

        demand = dict((instances[i],
                       [required_disk_mb, required_memory_mb, ])
                      for i in range(num_instances))

        # Creates a list of costs of each Host-Instance assignment
        # Currently just like the nova.scheduler.weights.ram.RAMWeigher,
        # using host_state.free_ram_mb * ram_weight_multiplier
        # as the cost. A negative ram_weight_multiplier means to stack,
        # vs spread.
        # An example costs list:
        # costs = [  # Instances
        #          # 1 2 3 4 5
        #          [2, 4, 5, 2, 1],  # A   Hosts
        #          [3, 1, 3, 2, 3]  # B
        #          ]
        # Multiplying -1 as we want to use the same behavior of
        # ram_weight_multiplier as used by ram weigher.
        costs = [[-1 * host.free_ram_mb *
                  for i in range(num_instances)]
                 for host in hosts]

        costs = pulp.makeDict([host_ids, instances], costs, 0)

        # The PULP LP problem variable used to add all the problem data
        prob = pulp.LpProblem("Host Instance Scheduler Problem",

        all_host_instance_tuples = [(w, b)
                                    for w in host_ids
                                    for b in instances]

        vars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("IA", (host_ids, instances),
                                     0, 1, constants.LpInteger)

        # The objective function is added to 'prob' first
        prob += (pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] * costs[w][b]
                             for (w, b) in all_host_instance_tuples]),

        # The supply maximum constraints are added to
        # prob for each supply node (Host)
        for w in host_ids:
            for i in range(number_of_resource_types_per_host):
                prob += (pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] * demand[b][i]
                         for b in instances])
                        <= supply[w][i],
                        "Sum_of_Resource_%s" % i + "_provided_by_Host_%s" % w)

        # The number of Hosts required per Instance, in this case it is only 1
        for b in instances:
            prob += (pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] for w in host_ids])
                     == 1, "Sum_of_Instance_Assignment%s" % b)

        # The demand minimum constraints are added to prob for
        # each demand node (Instance)
        for b in instances:
            for j in range(number_of_resource_types_per_host):
                prob += (pulp.lpSum([vars[w][b] * demand[b][j]
                                     for w in host_ids])
                         >= demand[b][j],
                    "Sum_of_Resource_%s" % j + "_required_by_Instance_%s" % b)

        # The problem is solved using PuLP's choice of Solver
        print prob
        if pulp.LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Optimal':
            for v in prob.variables():
                    (host_id, instance_id) ='IA').lstrip(
                    if v.varValue == 1.0:

        return host_instance_tuples_list
文件: 项目: HEP-KBFI/ccc
def get_optimal_ec2(cpu_usage, mem_usage, optimal=True, debug=False):
    Calculates the optimal allocation of resources over a certain time span (with monthly granularity). 
    Formulates the problem of satisfying user demand (in CPU and RAM) as an LP problem with a monetary objective function. 
    Returns allocation of reserved instances and a total price for running the allocation on AWS.    
    assert(len(cpu_usage) == len(mem_usage))
    prob = LpProblem("The Simplified EC2 cost optimization", LpMinimize)
    # variables
    ## 1h instances (both on-demand and reserved)
    per_h_ondems = []
    per_h_reserved = []
    for p in range(len(cpu_usage)):
        # ondemand
        per_h_ondems += ["p %s ondem %s" %(p, i) for i in vms.keys()]
        # reserved
        per_h_reserved += ["p %s reserved %s" %(p, i) for i in vms.keys()]
    ## nr of 1-year reserved instances
    nr_of_1year_reserved = [ "res_1year %s" % i for i in vms.keys()]
    nr_of_3year_reserved = [ "res_3year %s" % i for i in vms.keys()]
    category = LpInteger if optimal else LpContinuous
    vars = LpVariable.dicts("aws", per_h_ondems + per_h_reserved + nr_of_1year_reserved + nr_of_3year_reserved, \
                            lowBound = 0, upBound = None, cat = category)

    # objective function    
    prob += lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][0] for vm in per_h_ondems]) \
            + lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][3] for vm in per_h_reserved]) \
            + lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[1]][1] for vm in nr_of_1year_reserved]) \
            + lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[1]][2] for vm in nr_of_3year_reserved]) \
            , "Total cost of running the infrastructure consuming (CPU/RAM)/h" 

    # constraints
    ## demand constraints
    for p in range(len(cpu_usage)):
        prob += lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][4] for vm in (per_h_ondems + per_h_reserved) if int(vm.split(" ")[1]) == p]) >= cpu_usage[p], "CPU demand, period %s" %p
        prob += lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][5] for vm in (per_h_ondems + per_h_reserved) if int(vm.split(" ")[1]) == p]) >= mem_usage[p], "RAM demand. period %s" %p
    ## constraints on the reserved instances - cannot use more than we paid for
    for i in per_h_reserved:
        t = i.split(" ")[3]
        prob += vars["res_1year %s" % t] + vars["res_3year %s" % t] >= vars[i], "Nr. of used reserved machines of type %s" %i    
    if debug:
        print "Status:", LpStatus[prob.status]
        print "Total Cost of the solution = ", value(prob.objective)
    res_instance = {}
    for v in prob.variables():
        if"aws_res_") and v.varValue != 0.0:
            res_instance[] = v.varValue
        if debug and v.varValue != 0.0:
            print, "=", v.varValue
    return (res_instance, value(prob.objective))