def __init__(self, n_electrodes, radius, x_center, y_center): """Electrodes arranged in a circle Electrodes will be named 'A0', 'A1', ... Parameters ---------- n_electrodes : int how many electrodes to arrange in a circle radius : float the radius of the circle (microns) x_center, y_center : float the x,y coordinates of the center of the circle (microns), where (0,0) is the center of the fovea """ # The job of the constructor is to create the electrodes. We start # with an empty collection: self.electrodes = coll.OrderedDict() # We then generate a number `n_electrodes` of electrodes, arranged on # the circumference of a circle: for n in range(n_electrodes): # Angular position of the electrode: ang = 2.0 * np.pi / n_electrodes * n # Create the disk electrode: electrode = DiskElectrode(x_center + np.cos(ang) * radius, y_center + np.sin(ang) * radius, 0, 100) # Add the electrode to the collection: self.add_electrode('A' + str(n), electrode)
def test_Nanduri2012Temporal(): model = Nanduri2012Temporal() # User can set their own params: model.dt = 0.1 npt.assert_equal(model.dt, 0.1) npt.assert_equal(model.dt, 1e-4) # User cannot add more model parameters: with pytest.raises(FreezeError): model.rho = 100 # Nothing in, None out: npt.assert_equal(model.predict_percept(ArgusI().stim), None) # Zero in = zero out: implant = ArgusI(stim=np.zeros((16, 100))) percept = model.predict_percept(implant.stim, t_percept=[0, 1, 2]) npt.assert_equal(isinstance(percept, Percept), True) npt.assert_equal(percept.shape, (16, 1, 3)) npt.assert_almost_equal(, 0) # Can't request the same time more than once (this would break the Cython # loop, because `idx_frame` is incremented after a write; also doesn't # make much sense): with pytest.raises(ValueError): implant.stim = np.ones((16, 100)) model.predict_percept(implant.stim, t_percept=[0.2, 0.2]) # Brightness scales differently with amplitude vs frequency: model = Nanduri2012Temporal(dt=5e-3) sdur = 1000.0 # stimulus duration (ms) pdur = 0.45 # (ms) t_percept = np.arange(0, sdur, 5) implant = ProsthesisSystem(ElectrodeArray(DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, 260))) bright_amp = [] for amp in np.linspace(0, 50, 5): # implant.stim = PulseTrain(model.dt, freq=20, amp=amp, dur=sdur, # pulse_dur=pdur, interphase_dur=pdur) implant.stim = BiphasicPulseTrain(20, amp, pdur, interphase_dur=pdur, stim_dur=sdur) percept = model.predict_percept(implant.stim, t_percept=t_percept) bright_amp.append( bright_amp_ref = [0.0, 0.00890, 0.0657, 0.1500, 0.1691] npt.assert_almost_equal(bright_amp, bright_amp_ref, decimal=3) bright_freq = [] for freq in np.linspace(0, 100, 5): # implant.stim = PulseTrain(model.dt, freq=freq, amp=20, dur=sdur, # pulse_dur=pdur, interphase_dur=pdur) implant.stim = BiphasicPulseTrain(freq, 20, pdur, interphase_dur=pdur, stim_dur=sdur) percept = model.predict_percept(implant.stim, t_percept=t_percept) bright_freq.append( bright_freq_ref = [0.0, 0.0394, 0.0741, 0.1073, 0.1385] npt.assert_almost_equal(bright_freq, bright_freq_ref, decimal=3)
def test_Nanduri2012Spatial(): # Nanduri2012Spatial automatically sets `atten_a`: model = Nanduri2012Spatial(engine='serial', xystep=5) # User can set `atten_a`: model.atten_a = 12345 npt.assert_equal(model.atten_a, 12345) npt.assert_equal(model.atten_a, 987) # Nothing in, None out: npt.assert_equal(model.predict_percept(ArgusI()), None) # Zero in = zero out: implant = ArgusI(stim=np.zeros(16)) percept = model.predict_percept(implant) npt.assert_equal(isinstance(percept, Percept), True) npt.assert_equal(percept.shape, list(model.grid.x.shape) + [1]) npt.assert_almost_equal(, 0) # Only works for DiskElectrode arrays: with pytest.raises(TypeError): implant = ProsthesisSystem(ElectrodeArray(PointSource(0, 0, 0))) implant.stim = 1 model.predict_percept(implant) with pytest.raises(TypeError): implant = ProsthesisSystem( ElectrodeArray( [DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, 100), PointSource(100, 100, 0)])) implant.stim = [1, 1] model.predict_percept(implant) # Multiple frames are processed independently: model = Nanduri2012Spatial(engine='serial', atten_a=14000, xystep=5, xrange=(-20, 20), yrange=(-15, 15)) percept = model.predict_percept(ArgusI(stim={'A1': [1, 2]})) npt.assert_equal(percept.shape, list(model.grid.x.shape) + [2]) pmax =, 1)) npt.assert_almost_equal([2, 3, :], pmax) npt.assert_almost_equal(pmax[1] / pmax[0], 2.0) # Nanduri model uses a linear dva2ret conversion factor: for factor in [0.0, 1.0, 2.0]: npt.assert_almost_equal(model.retinotopy.dva2ret(factor, factor), (280.0 * factor, 280.0 * factor)) for factor in [0.0, 1.0, 2.0]: npt.assert_almost_equal( model.retinotopy.ret2dva(280.0 * factor, 280.0 * factor), (factor, factor))
def test_plot_implant_on_axon_map(): ax = plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII()) npt.assert_equal(isinstance(ax, Subplot), True) # Check axis limits: for xlim, ylim in zip([None, (-2000, 1500)], [(-3000, 1300), None]): ax = plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII(), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) if xlim is None: xlim = (-4000, 4500) if ylim is None: ylim = (-2500, 3000) npt.assert_almost_equal(ax.get_xlim(), xlim) npt.assert_almost_equal(ax.get_ylim(), ylim) # Check optic disc center in both eyes: model = AxonMapSpatial() for eye in ['RE', 'LE']: for loc_od in [(15.5, 1.5), (17.9, -0.01)]: od = (-loc_od[0], loc_od[1]) if eye == 'LE' else loc_od ax = plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII(eye=eye), loc_od=od) npt.assert_equal(len(ax.patches), 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(ax.patches[0].center, model.dva2ret(od)) close(ax.figure) # Electrodes and quadrants can be annotated: for ann_el, n_el in [(True, 60), (False, 0)]: for ann_q, n_q in [(True, 4), (False, 0)]: ax = plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII(), annotate_implant=ann_el, annotate_quadrants=ann_q) npt.assert_equal(len(ax.texts), n_el + n_q) npt.assert_equal(len(ax.collections[0]._paths), 60) close(ax.figure) # Stimulating electrodes are marked: ax = plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII(stim=np.ones(60))) # Setting upside_down flips y axis: ax = plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII(), upside_down=True) npt.assert_almost_equal(ax.get_xlim(), (-4000, 4500)) npt.assert_almost_equal(ax.get_ylim(), (3000, -2500)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): plot_implant_on_axon_map(DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, 100)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII(), n_bundles=0)
def test_ElectrodeArray_add_electrode(): earray = ElectrodeArray([]) npt.assert_equal(earray.n_electrodes, 0) with pytest.raises(TypeError): earray.add_electrode('A01', ElectrodeArray([])) # Add an electrode: key0 = 'A04' earray.add_electrode(key0, PointSource(0, 1, 2)) npt.assert_equal(earray.n_electrodes, 1) # Both numeric and string index should work: for key in [key0, 0]: npt.assert_equal(isinstance(earray[key], PointSource), True) npt.assert_almost_equal(earray[key].x, 0) npt.assert_almost_equal(earray[key].y, 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(earray[key].z, 2) with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Can't add the same electrode twice: earray.add_electrode(key0, PointSource(0, 1, 2)) # Add another electrode: key1 = 'A01' earray.add_electrode(key1, DiskElectrode(4, 5, 6, 7)) npt.assert_equal(earray.n_electrodes, 2) # Both numeric and string index should work: for key in [key1, 1]: npt.assert_equal(isinstance(earray[key], DiskElectrode), True) npt.assert_almost_equal(earray[key].x, 4) npt.assert_almost_equal(earray[key].y, 5) npt.assert_almost_equal(earray[key].z, 6) npt.assert_almost_equal(earray[key].r, 7) # We can also get a list of electrodes: for keys in [[key0, key1], [0, key1], [key0, 1], [0, 1]]: selected = earray[keys] npt.assert_equal(isinstance(selected, list), True) npt.assert_equal(isinstance(selected[0], PointSource), True) npt.assert_equal(isinstance(selected[1], DiskElectrode), True)
def test_plot_implant_on_axon_map(): fig, ax = plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII()) npt.assert_equal(isinstance(fig, Figure), True) npt.assert_equal(isinstance(ax, Subplot), True) # Check axis limits: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = dva2ret([-20, 20, -15, 15]) npt.assert_equal(ax.get_xlim(), (xmin, xmax)) npt.assert_equal(ax.get_ylim(), (ymin, ymax)) # Check optic disc center in both eyes: for eye in ['RE', 'LE']: for loc_od in [(15.5, 1.5), (17.9, -0.01)]: od = (-loc_od[0], loc_od[1]) if eye == 'LE' else loc_od _, ax = plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII(eye=eye), loc_od=od) npt.assert_equal(len(ax.patches), 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(ax.patches[0].center, dva2ret(od)) # Electrodes and quadrants can be annotated: for ann_el, n_el in [(True, 60), (False, 0)]: for ann_q, n_q in [(True, 4), (False, 0)]: _, ax = plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII(), annotate_implant=ann_el, annotate_quadrants=ann_q) npt.assert_equal(len(ax.texts), n_el + n_q) # Stimulating electrodes are marked: fig, ax = plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII(stim=np.ones(60))) # Setting upside_down flips y axis: _, ax = plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII(), upside_down=True) npt.assert_equal(ax.get_xlim(), (xmin, xmax)) npt.assert_equal(ax.get_ylim(), (ymax, ymin)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): plot_implant_on_axon_map(DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, 100)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): plot_implant_on_axon_map(ArgusII(), n_bundles=0)
stim.plot(time=(0, 60)) ############################################################################### # Creating an implant # ------------------- # # Before we can run the Nanduri model, we need to create a retinal implant to # which we can assign the above pulse train. # # For the purpose of this exercise, we will create an # :py:class:`~pulse2percept.implants.ElectrodeArray` consisting of a single # :py:class:`~pulse2percept.implants.DiskElectrode` with radius=260um centered # at (x,y) = (0,0); i.e., centered over the fovea: from pulse2percept.implants import DiskElectrode, ElectrodeArray earray = ElectrodeArray(DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, 260)) ############################################################################### # Usually we would use a predefined retinal implant such as # :py:class:`~pulse2percept.implants.ArgusII` or # :py:class:`~pulse2percept.implants.AlphaIMS`. Alternatively, we can wrap the # electrode array created above with a # :py:class:`~pulse2percept.implants.ProsthesisSystem` to create our own # retinal implant. We will also assign the above created stimulus to it: from pulse2percept.implants import ProsthesisSystem implant = ProsthesisSystem(earray, stim=stim) ############################################################################### # Running the model # -----------------
def test_Nanduri2012Model_predict_percept(): # Nothing in = nothing out: model = Nanduri2012Model(xrange=(0, 0), yrange=(0, 0), engine='serial') implant = ArgusI(stim=None) npt.assert_equal(model.predict_percept(implant), None) implant.stim = np.zeros(16) npt.assert_almost_equal(model.predict_percept(implant).data, 0) # Single-pixel model same as TemporalModel: implant = ProsthesisSystem(DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, 100)) # implant.stim = PulseTrain(5e-6) implant.stim = BiphasicPulseTrain(20, 20, 0.45, interphase_dur=0.45) t_percept = [0, 0.01, 1.0] percept = model.predict_percept(implant, t_percept=t_percept) temp = Nanduri2012Temporal().build() temp = temp.predict_percept(implant.stim, t_percept=t_percept) npt.assert_almost_equal(,, decimal=4) # Only works for DiskElectrode arrays: with pytest.raises(TypeError): implant = ProsthesisSystem(ElectrodeArray(PointSource(0, 0, 0))) implant.stim = 1 model.predict_percept(implant) with pytest.raises(TypeError): implant = ProsthesisSystem( ElectrodeArray( [DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, 100), PointSource(100, 100, 0)])) implant.stim = [1, 1] model.predict_percept(implant) # Requested times must be multiples of model.dt: implant = ProsthesisSystem(ElectrodeArray(DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, 260))) # implant.stim = PulseTrain(tsample) implant.stim = BiphasicPulseTrain(20, 20, 0.45) model.temporal.dt = 0.1 with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.predict_percept(implant, t_percept=[0.01]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.predict_percept(implant, t_percept=[0.01, 1.0]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.predict_percept(implant, t_percept=np.arange(0, 0.5, 0.101)) model.predict_percept(implant, t_percept=np.arange(0, 0.5, 1.0000001)) # Can't request the same time more than once (this would break the Cython # loop, because `idx_frame` is incremented after a write; also doesn't # make much sense): with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.predict_percept(implant, t_percept=[0.2, 0.2]) # It's ok to extrapolate beyond `stim` if the `extrapolate` flag is set: model.temporal.dt = 1e-2 npt.assert_almost_equal( model.predict_percept(implant, t_percept=10000).data, 0) # Output shape must be determined by t_percept: npt.assert_equal( model.predict_percept(implant, t_percept=0).shape, (1, 1, 1)) npt.assert_equal( model.predict_percept(implant, t_percept=[0, 1]).shape, (1, 1, 2)) # Brightness vs. size (use values from Nanduri paper): model = Nanduri2012Model(xystep=0.5, xrange=(-4, 4), yrange=(-4, 4)) implant = ProsthesisSystem(ElectrodeArray(DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, 260))) amp_th = 30 bright_th = 0.107 stim_dur = 1000.0 pdur = 0.45 t_percept = np.arange(0, stim_dur, 5) amp_factors = [1, 6] frames_amp = [] for amp_f in amp_factors: implant.stim = BiphasicPulseTrain(20, amp_f * amp_th, pdur, interphase_dur=pdur, stim_dur=stim_dur) percept = model.predict_percept(implant, t_percept=t_percept) idx_frame = np.argmax(np.max(, axis=(0, 1))) brightest_frame =[..., idx_frame] frames_amp.append(brightest_frame) npt.assert_equal([np.sum(f > bright_th) for f in frames_amp], [0, 161]) freqs = [20, 120] frames_freq = [] for freq in freqs: implant.stim = BiphasicPulseTrain(freq, 1.25 * amp_th, pdur, interphase_dur=pdur, stim_dur=stim_dur) percept = model.predict_percept(implant, t_percept=t_percept) idx_frame = np.argmax(np.max(, axis=(0, 1))) brightest_frame =[..., idx_frame] frames_freq.append(brightest_frame) npt.assert_equal([np.sum(f > bright_th) for f in frames_freq], [21, 49])
def test_DiskElectrode(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, [1, 2]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): DiskElectrode(0, np.array([0, 1]), 0, 1) # Invalid radius: with pytest.raises(ValueError): DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, -5) # Check params: electrode = DiskElectrode(0, 1, 2, 100) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.x, 0) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.y, 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.z, 2) # On the electrode surface (z=2, x^2+y^2<=100^2) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(0, 1, 2, 1), 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(30, -30, 2, 1), 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(0, 101, 2, 1), 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(0, -99, 2, 1), 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(100, 1, 2, 1), 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(-100, 1, 2, 1), 1) # Right off the surface (z=2, x^2+y^2>100^2) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(0, 102, 2, 1), 0.910, decimal=3) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(0, -100, 2, 1), 0.910, decimal=3) # Some distance away from the electrode (z>2): npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(0, 1, 38, 1), 0.780, decimal=3) # Slots: npt.assert_equal(hasattr(electrode, '__slots__'), True) npt.assert_equal(hasattr(electrode, '__dict__'), False) # Plots: ax = electrode.plot() npt.assert_equal(len(ax.texts), 0) npt.assert_equal(len(ax.patches), 1) npt.assert_equal(isinstance(ax.patches[0], Circle), True)
def test_DiskElectrode(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, [1, 2]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): DiskElectrode(0, np.array([0, 1]), 0, 1) # Invalid radius: with pytest.raises(ValueError): DiskElectrode(0, 0, 0, -5) # Check params: electrode = DiskElectrode(0, 1, 2, 100) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.x, 0) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.y, 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.z, 2) # On the electrode surface (z=2, x^2+y^2<=100^2) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(0, 1, 2, 1), 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(30, -30, 2, 1), 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(0, 101, 2, 1), 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(0, -99, 2, 1), 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(100, 1, 2, 1), 1) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(-100, 1, 2, 1), 1) # Right off the surface (z=2, x^2+y^2>100^2) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(0, 102, 2, 1), 0.910, decimal=3) npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(0, -100, 2, 1), 0.910, decimal=3) # Some distance away from the electrode (z>2): npt.assert_almost_equal(electrode.electric_potential(0, 1, 38, 1), 0.780, decimal=3)
def _set_grid(self): """Private method to build the electrode grid""" n_elecs = rows, cols = self.shape # The user did not specify a unique naming scheme: if len(self.names) == 2: # Create electrode names, using either A-Z or 1-n: if self.name_rows.isalpha(): rws = [ chr(i) for i in range(ord(self.name_rows), ord(self.name_rows) + rows + 1) ] elif self.name_rows.isdigit(): rws = [ str(i) for i in range(int(self.name_rows), rows + int(self.name_rows)) ] else: raise ValueError("rows must be alphabetic or numeric") if self.name_cols.isalpha(): clms = [ chr(i) for i in range(ord(self.name_cols), ord(self.name_cols) + cols) ] elif self.name_cols.isdigit(): clms = [ str(i) for i in range(int(self.name_cols), cols + int(self.name_cols)) ] else: raise ValueError("Columns must be alphabetic or numeric.") # facilitating Argus I naming scheme if self.name_cols.isalpha() and not self.name_rows.isalpha(): names = [ clms[j] + rws[i] for i in range(len(rws)) for j in range(len(clms)) ] else: names = [ rws[i] + clms[j] for i in range(len(rws)) for j in range(len(clms)) ] else: if len(self.names) != n_elecs: raise ValueError("If `names` specifies more than row/column " "names, it must have %d entries, not " "%d)." % (n_elecs, len(self.names))) names = self.names if isinstance(self.z, (list, np.ndarray)): # Specify different height for every electrode in a list: z_arr = np.asarray(self.z).flatten() if z_arr.size != n_elecs: raise ValueError("If `h` is a list, it must have %d entries, " "not %d." % (n_elecs, len(self.z))) else: # If `z` is a scalar, choose same height for all electrodes: z_arr = np.ones(n_elecs, dtype=float) * self.z # Make a 2D meshgrid from x, y coordinates: # For example, cols=3 with spacing=100 should give: [-100, 0, 100] x_arr_lshift = (np.arange(cols) * self.spacing - (cols / 2.0 - 0.5) * self.spacing - self.spacing * 0.25) x_arr_rshift = (np.arange(cols) * self.spacing - (cols / 2.0 - 0.5) * self.spacing + self.spacing * 0.25) y_arr = (np.arange(rows) * math.sqrt(3) * self.spacing / 2.0 - (rows / 2.0 - 0.5) * self.spacing) x_arr_lshift, y_arr_lshift = np.meshgrid(x_arr_lshift, y_arr, sparse=False) x_arr_rshift, y_arr_rshift = np.meshgrid(x_arr_rshift, y_arr, sparse=False) # added code to interleave arrays x_arr = [] for row in range(0, rows): if row % 2 == 0: x_arr.append(x_arr_lshift[row]) else: x_arr.append(x_arr_rshift[row]) x_arr = np.array(x_arr) y_arr = y_arr_rshift # Rotate the grid: rotmat = np.array([ np.cos(self.rot), -np.sin(self.rot), np.sin(self.rot), np.cos(self.rot) ]).reshape((2, 2)) xy = np.matmul(rotmat, np.vstack((x_arr.flatten(), y_arr.flatten()))) x_arr = xy[0, :] y_arr = xy[1, :] # Apply offset to make the grid centered at (self.x, self.y): x_arr += self.x y_arr += self.y if issubclass(self.etype, DiskElectrode): if isinstance(self.r, (list, np.ndarray)): # Specify different radius for every electrode in a list: if len(self.r) != n_elecs: err_s = ("If `r` is a list, it must have %d entries, not " "%d)." % (n_elecs, len(self.r))) raise ValueError(err_s) r_arr = self.r else: # If `r` is a scalar, choose same radius for all electrodes: r_arr = np.ones(n_elecs, dtype=float) * self.r # Create a grid of DiskElectrode objects: for x, y, z, r, name in zip(x_arr, y_arr, z_arr, r_arr, names): self.add_electrode(name, DiskElectrode(x, y, z, r)) elif issubclass(self.etype, PointSource): # Create a grid of PointSource objects: for x, y, z, name in zip(x_arr, y_arr, z_arr, names): self.add_electrode(name, PointSource(x, y, z)) else: raise NotImplementedError