def main(): rospy.init_node('SVEA_sim_purepursuit') # initialize simulated model and control interface simple_bicycle_model = SimpleBicycleState(*init_state, dt=dt) ctrl_interface = ControlInterface(vehicle_name).start() rospy.sleep(0.5) # start background simulation thread simulator = SimSVEA(vehicle_name, simple_bicycle_model, dt) simulator.start() rospy.sleep(0.5) # log data x = [] y = [] yaw = [] v = [] t = [] # pure pursuit variables lastIndex = len(cx) - 1 target_ind = pure_pursuit.calc_target_index(simple_bicycle_model, cx, cy) # simualtion + animation loop time = 0.0 while lastIndex > target_ind and not rospy.is_shutdown(): # compute control input via pure pursuit steering, target_ind = \ pure_pursuit.pure_pursuit_control(simple_bicycle_model, cx, cy, target_ind) ctrl_interface.send_control(steering, target_speed) # log data x.append(simple_bicycle_model.x) y.append(simple_bicycle_model.y) yaw.append(simple_bicycle_model.yaw) v.append(simple_bicycle_model.v) t.append(time) # update for animation if show_animation: to_plot = (simple_bicycle_model, x, y, steering, target_ind) animate_pure_pursuit(*to_plot) else: rospy.loginfo_throttle(1.5, simple_bicycle_model) time += dt if show_animation: plt.close() to_plot = (simple_bicycle_model, x, y, steering, target_ind) animate_pure_pursuit(*to_plot) else: # just show resulting plot if not animating to_plot = (simple_bicycle_model, x, y) plot_trajectory(*to_plot)
def track_path(self): x = self.x y = self.y yaw = self.yaw v = self.v sp = self.spline #s = a series of steps of 1 from 0 to the end of the spline #Each step is 1 cm s = np.arange(0, sp.s[-1], 1) #Creates x, y, yaw, and curvature arrays from spline cx, cy, cyaw, ck = [], [], [], [] for i_s in s: ix, iy = sp.calc_position(i_s) cx.append(ix) cy.append(iy) cyaw.append(sp.calc_yaw(i_s)) ck.append(sp.calc_curvature(i_s)) #Determines initial state of tracker state = tracker.State(x, y, yaw, v) #Finds end of the spline lastIndex = len(cx) - 1 #Calculates the first target index of the spline target_ind = tracker.calc_target_index(state, cx, cy) while lastIndex > target_ind: #self.target_velocity=self.determine_velocity() #Determines new speed of the simulation based on previous speed and target speed ai = tracker.PIDControl(self.target_velocity, state.v) #Delta and target index di, target_ind = tracker.pure_pursuit_control( state, cx, cy, target_ind) state, yaw_change = tracker.update(state, ai, di) self.drive_path(yaw_change) #Will eventually be change bc these will be determined by actual position insted of simulated ones self.x = cx[lastIndex] self.y = cy[lastIndex] self.yaw = state.yaw self.v = state.v if (not self.object_count >= 3): self.check_beam() if (time.time() - self.start_time > 150): self.end_time = True
def run(self): """ Main loop. Pure pursuit on the most recently received path. """ rospy.loginfo("Local planner waiting for odometry") while self.odom is None and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(.1) rospy.loginfo("odometry received") rate = rospy.Rate(20) # This is the main loop. while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.path_lock.acquire() twist = Twist() if self.path is None: # Bail if there is no path self.vel_pub.publish(twist) self.path_lock.release() rate.sleep() continue state = self.get_pursuit_state() ai = pure_pursuit.PIDControl(self.target_speed, state.v) di, self.path_index = pure_pursuit_control(state, self.path_xs, self.path_ys, self.path_index) behind = False target = util.pose_transform(self.tf_buffer, self.path.poses[self.path_index], 'base_link') if target.pose.position.x < 0: # behind the robot! behind = True goal = self.path.poses[-1] dist = np.sqrt((state.x - goal.pose.position.x)**2 + (state.y - goal.pose.position.y)**2) if dist < self.goal_threshold: twist.linear.x = 0 # Rotate to the angle of the final pose... goal_in_base = util.pose_transform(self.tf_buffer, goal, 'base_link') angle_error = util.yaw_from_pose(goal_in_base.pose) twist.angular.z = np.clip(angle_error * 3, -1, 1) elif behind or self.blocked: twist.linear.x = 0 twist.angular.z = np.sign(di) * .5 else: twist.linear.x = ai wheel_base = self.wheel_base omega = di * state.v / wheel_base twist.angular.z = omega # very approximate marker = make_sphere_marker(self.path_xs[self.path_index], self.path_ys[self.path_index], 0.0, self.path.header) self.target_marker_pub.publish(marker) self.vel_pub.publish(twist) self.path_lock.release() rate.sleep()
def main(): """ Initializes parameters for doing donuts. Starts instance of ConstraintsInterface and BrakeControl. Creates publishers for visualization. Starts instance of Geofence. Then waits for a pose estimate for the car and geofence/donut center point to be given from rviz. Smooth circular or donut path is created. Car will start to follow path after start signal is given through /initialpose topic from rviz. As soon as the car completes a lap, a new circular path with a shift in starting point is created. Pure pursuit control is used for path tracking, PID is used for velocity control. Geofence, circular track path and car's tracking path are visualized in rviz. """ rospy.init_node('donuts_node') speed_limit, path_radius, geofence_radius, gear, target_laps = init() # vehicle name # initialize constraints interface cont_intf = ConstraintsInterface(vehicle_name, speed_limit).start() cont_intf.k_d = 100 # starts instance of brake control interface. brake_controller = BrakeControl(vehicle_name) rospy.sleep(2) # start publishers car_poly_pub = rospy.Publisher("/3D_car", PolygonStamped, queue_size=1) pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/robot_pose", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) path_plan_pub = rospy.Publisher("/path_plan", Path, queue_size=1) past_path_pub = rospy.Publisher("/past_path", Path, queue_size=1) target_pub = rospy.Publisher("/target", PointStamped, queue_size=1) rospy.sleep(0.2) # start geofence geofence = Geofence().start() # starting car position subscriber car_position = StateSubscriber().start() rospy.loginfo('Waiting for initial pose') rospy.wait_for_message('/initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped) rospy.loginfo('Received initial pose') rospy.sleep(1) # define the geofence geofence.set_center_radius(geofence_radius) # create circular path cx, cy, cyaw = smooth_donut_path(, path_radius) publish_path(path_plan_pub, cx, cy) # publish the geofence to rviz geofence.define_marker() geofence.publish_marker() # wait for the initial position of the car rospy.loginfo('Waiting for start signal') rospy.wait_for_message('/clicked_point', PointStamped) rospy.loginfo('Received start signal') while not car_position.x: print('waiting for initial car position') # initialize pure pursuit variables lastIndex = len(cx) - 1 # target_ind = pure_pursuit.calc_target_index(car_position, cx, cy) target_ind = pure_pursuit.calc_target_index(car_position, cx, cy) x = [] y = [] yaw = [] # donut loop steering = 0.0 rate = rospy.Rate(30) laps = 0 while laps < target_laps and not rospy.is_shutdown(): cx, cy, cyaw = smooth_donut_path(, path_radius, laps * math.pi / 3) lastIndex = len(cx) - 1 target_ind = 0 while lastIndex > target_ind and not rospy.is_shutdown(): # compute control input via pure pursuit steering, target_ind = \ pure_pursuit.pure_pursuit_control(car_position, cx, cy, target_ind) if geofence.is_outside_geofence(car_position): brake_controller.brake_car(steering) cont_intf.integral = 0 # reset integrator in PID else: cont_intf.send_constrained_control(steering, 0, gear, 1, 1) # publish stuff for rviz. x.append(car_position.x) y.append(car_position.y) yaw.append(car_position.yaw) publish_3Dcar(car_poly_pub, pose_pub, car_position.x, car_position.y, car_position.yaw) publish_path(path_plan_pub, cx, cy) publish_path(past_path_pub, x, y, yaw) publish_target(target_pub, cx[target_ind], cy[target_ind]) rate.sleep() laps = laps + 1 rospy.loginfo('finished lap') if not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.loginfo("Trajectory finished.")
def train(train_epi, v, rc, it, blender): global max_reward history = {'episode': [], 'Episode_reward': []} # target course cx, cy, cv, cyaw = target_course(v, rc, it) T = 3500 / v # max simulation time 50 total_episode = 20 sim_episode = [] sim_average_reward = [] sim_a_RL_percentage = [] sim_d_RL_percentage = [] for i in range(total_episode): # initial state state = State(x=-0.0, y=0.0, yaw=0.0, v=0.0) lastIndex = len(cx) - 1 time = 0.0 sim_t = [] sim_x = [] sim_y = [] sim_yaw = [] sim_v = [] sim_a_PID = [] sim_d_PID = [] sim_d_pure_pursuit = [] sim_a_final = [] sim_d_final = [] sim_a_RL = [] sim_d_RL = [] sim_a_RL_correction = [] sim_d_RL_correction = [] sim_a_RL_or_not = [] sim_d_RL_or_not = [] sim_reward = [] sim_target_dis = [] sim_target_angle = [] d_PID = 0 a_final = 0 d_final = 0 target_speed = cv[0] # observation = np.array([target_dis, target_angle, target_speed, state.v, a_final, d_final]) target_ind = calc_target_index(state, cx, cy, 1) target_dis, target_angle = target_dis_dir(state.x, state.y, state.yaw, cx[target_ind], cy[target_ind]) # observation = np.array([target_dis, target_angle, target_speed, state.v, a_final, d_final]) # observation = np.array([target_angle]) observation = np.array([target_angle, target_speed]) # print(observation) states, actions, rewards = [], [], [] episode_reward = 0 j = 0 while T >= time and lastIndex > target_ind: # print('observation',observation) target_speed = cv[target_ind] # a_PID = a_PIDControl(target_speed, state.vx) a_PID = a_PIDControl(target_speed, state.v) # print(target_speed, state.v) # if abs(a_PID) > 5: # a_PID = np.sign(a_PID)*5 # a_PID = PIDControl(target_speed, state.v) d_pure_pursuit, target_ind = pure_pursuit_control( state, cx, cy, target_ind, 0) # print(d_pure_pursuit) d_PID = d_PIDControl(target_angle, d_PID) # print(target_angle) action_RL = model.choose_action(observation) # print(observation, action_RL) a_RL = 0 # acceleration d_RL = action_RL[0] # delta_steer if math.isnan(d_RL): # print('observation',observation) # print('d_RL is none') d_RL = 0 j = 999999999 break # continue # print('d_RL',d_RL) # Control command mechanism selection # switch # a_final, d_final, a_RL_or_not, d_RL_or_not = control_switch(a_PID, d_pure_pursuit, a_RL, d_RL) # adjust # a_final, d_final = control_blender(a_PID, d_pure_pursuit, a_RL, d_RL) # pure ppo # a_final, d_final = a_RL, d_RL # pure conventional # a_final, d_final = a_PID, d_pure_pursuit # a_final, d_final, a_RL_correction, d_RL_correction = control_blender(a_PID, d_PID, a_RL, d_RL) a_final, d_final, a_RL_correction, d_RL_correction = control_blender( a_PID, d_pure_pursuit, a_RL, d_RL, blender) # state = update(state, a_final, d_final) # state = update_cv(state, target_speed, d_final) state = dynamic_update_cv(state, target_speed, d_final) # state = update(state, a_RL, d_RL) # state = kinematic_update(state, a_final, d_final) # state = dynamic_update(state, a_PID, d_pure_pursuit) # state = dynamic_update(state, a_final, d_final) target_dis, target_angle = target_dis_dir(state.x, state.y, state.yaw, cx[target_ind], cy[target_ind]) # print('target_dis, target_angle',target_dis, target_angle) # next_observation = np.array([target_dis/50, target_angle, target_speed/50, state.v/50, a_final/10, d_final/20]) next_observation = np.array([target_angle, target_speed]) reward = reward_function(state, cx, cy, a_PID, d_pure_pursuit, a_RL, d_RL, target_dis, target_angle, target_speed, state.v) episode_reward += reward states.append(observation) actions.append(action_RL) rewards.append(reward) observation = next_observation # print(observation) sim_t.append(time) sim_x.append(state.x) sim_y.append(state.y) sim_yaw.append(state.yaw) sim_v.append(state.v) sim_a_PID.append(a_PID) sim_d_PID.append(d_PID) sim_d_pure_pursuit.append(d_pure_pursuit) sim_a_RL.append(a_RL) sim_d_RL.append(d_RL) sim_a_RL_correction.append(a_RL_correction) sim_d_RL_correction.append(d_RL_correction) sim_a_final.append(a_final) sim_d_final.append(d_final) sim_target_dis.append(target_dis) sim_target_angle.append(target_angle) # sim_a_RL_or_not.append(a_RL_or_not) # sim_d_RL_or_not.append(d_RL_or_not) sim_reward.append(reward) # show_step_animation(cx, cy, sim_x, sim_y, sim_yaw, state.x, state.y, state.yaw, state.v, target_ind) # w = model.get_weights(i) if (j + 1) % model.batch == 0: states = np.array(states) actions = np.array(actions) rewards = np.array(rewards) d_reward = model.discount_reward(states, rewards, next_observation) # d_reward = [reward] # print('states',states,'actions',actions,'rewards',rewards) # print(d_reward) model.update(states, actions, d_reward, j) # w = model.get_weights(i) states, actions, rewards = [], [], [] j += 1 time = time + dt # print(len(sim_d_RL_or_not)) average_reward = episode_reward / j sim_episode.append(i) sim_average_reward.append(average_reward) # sim_a_RL_percentage.append(np.sum(sim_a_RL_or_not)/len(sim_a_RL_or_not)*100) # sim_d_RL_percentage.append(np.sum(sim_d_RL_or_not)/len(sim_d_RL_or_not)*100) # history['episode'].append(i) # history['Episode_reward'].append(episode_reward) # print('Episode: {} | Episode reward: {:.2f}'.format(i, average_reward)) # model.save_history(history, 'ppo2.csv') # w = model.get_weights(i) # print(w) if train_epi == 0: if i == 0: max_reward = average_reward print('max_reward:', round(max_reward, 2)) save_io = 0 # save_plot(i,average_reward) save_sim(i,average_reward,cx, cy, cv, sim_t, sim_x, sim_y, sim_yaw, sim_v, \ sim_a_PID, sim_d_PID, sim_d_pure_pursuit, sim_a_RL, sim_d_RL, sim_a_final, sim_d_final, \ sim_reward, sim_episode, sim_average_reward, \ sim_a_RL_correction, sim_d_RL_correction, sim_target_dis, sim_target_angle) show_episode_plot(cx, cy, cv, sim_t, sim_x, sim_y, sim_yaw, sim_v, \ sim_a_PID, sim_d_PID, sim_d_pure_pursuit, sim_a_RL, sim_d_RL, sim_a_final, sim_d_final, \ sim_reward, sim_episode, sim_average_reward, sim_a_RL_or_not, sim_d_RL_or_not, sim_a_RL_percentage, sim_d_RL_percentage, \ sim_a_RL_correction, sim_d_RL_correction, sim_target_dis, sim_target_angle) plot_action(model, save_io, i, average_reward, target_speed) strategy_3d_map(model) if average_reward > max_reward: save_io = 1 max_reward = average_reward print('Better! Save Model! max_reward:', round(max_reward, 2)) model.save_learning() show_episode_plot(cx, cy, cv, sim_t, sim_x, sim_y, sim_yaw, sim_v, \ sim_a_PID, sim_d_PID, sim_d_pure_pursuit, sim_a_RL, sim_d_RL, sim_a_final, sim_d_final, \ sim_reward, sim_episode, sim_average_reward, sim_a_RL_or_not, sim_d_RL_or_not, sim_a_RL_percentage, sim_d_RL_percentage, \ sim_a_RL_correction, sim_d_RL_correction, sim_target_dis, sim_target_angle) plot_action(model, save_io, i, average_reward, target_speed) strategy_3d_map(model) else: if average_reward > max_reward: save_io = 1 max_reward = average_reward print('Better! Save Model! max_reward:', round(max_reward, 2)) # print('Better! Save Model!') model.save_learning() # save_plot(i,average_reward) save_sim(i,average_reward,cx, cy, cv, sim_t, sim_x, sim_y, sim_yaw, sim_v, \ sim_a_PID, sim_d_PID, sim_d_pure_pursuit, sim_a_RL, sim_d_RL, sim_a_final, sim_d_final, \ sim_reward, sim_episode, sim_average_reward, \ sim_a_RL_correction, sim_d_RL_correction, sim_target_dis, sim_target_angle) show_episode_plot(cx, cy, cv, sim_t, sim_x, sim_y, sim_yaw, sim_v, \ sim_a_PID, sim_d_PID, sim_d_pure_pursuit, sim_a_RL, sim_d_RL, sim_a_final, sim_d_final, \ sim_reward, sim_episode, sim_average_reward, sim_a_RL_or_not, sim_d_RL_or_not, sim_a_RL_percentage, sim_d_RL_percentage, \ sim_a_RL_correction, sim_d_RL_correction, sim_target_dis, sim_target_angle) plot_action(model, save_io, i, average_reward, target_speed) strategy_3d_map(model) else: save_io = 0
def main(): """ Initializes parameters for pure pursuit. Starts instance of ConstraintsInterface and BrakeControl. Starts instance of StateSubscriber. Creates publishers for visualization. Then waits for a pose estimate for the car to be given. Car will start to follow path after start signal is given, which is done by publishing to the /clicked_point topic. """ global short_look_ahead, long_look_ahead rospy.init_node('floor2_pure_pursuit') vehicle_name = "SVEA3" target_speed, cx, cy, gear, long_look_ahead, short_look_ahead = init() final_point = (-8.45582103729, -5.04866838455) cx.append(final_point[0]) cy.append(final_point[1]) cont_intf = ConstraintsInterface(vehicle_name, target_speed).start() cont_intf.k_d = 100 while not cont_intf.is_ready and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.1) # start emergency brake node brake_controller = BrakeControl(vehicle_name) # start car position and velocity subscriber car_state = StateSubscriber().start() car_poly_pub = rospy.Publisher("/3D_car", PolygonStamped, queue_size=1) pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/robot_pose", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) path_plan_pub = rospy.Publisher("/path_plan", Path, queue_size=1) past_path_pub = rospy.Publisher("/past_path", Path, queue_size=1) target_pub = rospy.Publisher("/target", PointStamped, queue_size=1) rospy.sleep(3) print('Waiting for initial pose') rospy.wait_for_message('/initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped) print('Received initial pose') publish_path(path_plan_pub, cx, cy) print('Waiting for start signal') rospy.wait_for_message('/clicked_point', PointStamped) print('Received start signal') while not car_state.x: print('waiting for initial car position') # PURE PURSUIT PARAMS ######################################################## pure_pursuit.k = 0.1 # look forward gain pure_pursuit.Lfc = long_look_ahead # look-ahead distance pure_pursuit.L = 0.324 # [m] wheel base of vehicle ############################################################################### lastIndex = len(cx) - 2 target_ind = pure_pursuit.calc_target_index(car_state, cx, cy) x = [] y = [] yaw = [] # pure pursuit loop # follow path until second to last index. steering = 0.0 rate = rospy.Rate(30) cont_intf.send_control(steering, 0, 0, gear) # send low gear while lastIndex > target_ind and not rospy.is_shutdown(): pure_pursuit.Lfc = calc_look_ahead(car_state) # compute control input via pure pursuit steering, target_ind = \ pure_pursuit.pure_pursuit_control(car_state, cx, cy, target_ind) if not brake_controller.is_emergency: cont_intf.send_constrained_control( steering, 0, # zero brake force gear) # send low gear else: brake_controller.brake_car(steering) # publish car, path and target index for rviz x.append(car_state.x) y.append(car_state.y) yaw.append(car_state.yaw) publish_3Dcar(car_poly_pub, pose_pub, car_state.x, car_state.y, car_state.yaw) publish_path(path_plan_pub, cx, cy) publish_path(past_path_pub, x, y, yaw) publish_target(target_pub, cx[target_ind], cy[target_ind]) rate.sleep() # create a straight path for points inbetween the last two points # points to project goal onto p1 = (-2.33859300613, 3.73132610321) p2 = (-2.86509466171, 3.14682602882) line = (p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1]) proj_p2 =, line) cx = cx[:-1] cy = cy[:-1] new_x = np.linspace(cx[-1], final_point[0], 50) new_y = np.linspace(cy[-1], final_point[1], 50) cx.extend(new_x) cy.extend(new_y) # continue following final point until goal is reached. while not rospy.is_shutdown(): steering, target_ind = \ pure_pursuit.pure_pursuit_control(car_state, cx, cy, target_ind) # calculate car projection on line proj_car =, car_state.y), line) if brake_controller.is_emergency: brake_controller.brake_car(steering) elif proj_car < proj_p2: cont_intf.send_constrained_control(steering, 0, gear) else: # brake if goal is reached. brake_controller.brake_car(steering) rospy.sleep(0.1) break # update visualizations x.append(car_state.x) y.append(car_state.y) yaw.append(car_state.yaw) publish_3Dcar(car_poly_pub, pose_pub, car_state.x, car_state.y, car_state.yaw) publish_path(path_plan_pub, cx, cy) publish_path(past_path_pub, x, y, yaw) publish_target(target_pub, cx[target_ind], cy[target_ind]) rate.sleep() if not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.loginfo("Trajectory finished.") while brake_controller.is_emergency: brake_controller.brake_car(steering) rospy.spin()
def waypoints_callback(self, msg): """ Waypoints callback does way too much right now. All of the path stuff should be handled in a helper method """ google_points = [] #Reads each point in the waypoint topic into google_points for gps_point in msg.waypoints: point = gps_util.get_point(gps_point) google_points.append(point) print len(google_points) #Adds more points between the google points google_points_plus = gps_util.add_intermediate_points( google_points, 15.0) print len(google_points_plus) ax = [] ay = [] extra_points = Path() extra_points.header = Header() extra_points.header.frame_id = '/map' #Puts the x's and y's for p in google_points_plus: extra_points.poses.append(self.create_poseStamped(p)) ax.append(p.x) ay.append(p.y) self.points_pub.publish(extra_points) #calculate the spline cx, cy, cyaw, ck, s = cubic_spline_planner.calc_spline_course(ax, ay, ds=0.1) path = Path() path.header = Header() path.header.frame_id = '/map' for i in range(0, len(cx)): curve_point = Point() curve_point.x = cx[i] curve_point.y = cy[i] path.poses.append(self.create_poseStamped(curve_point)) self.path_pub.publish(path) #================================================ pure persuit copy/pase =============================================== k = 0.1 # look forward gain Lfc = 3.5 # look-ahead distance Kp = 1.0 # speed propotional gain dt = 0.1 # [s] L = 2.9 # [m] wheel base of vehicle target_speed = 10.0 / 3.6 # [m/s] T = 100.0 # max simulation time # initial state pose = self.odom.pose.pose twist = self.odom.twist.twist quat = (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w) angles = tf.euler_from_quaternion(quat) initial_v = math.sqrt(twist.linear.x**2 + twist.linear.y**2) state = State(x=pose.position.x, y=pose.position.y, yaw=angles[2], v=initial_v) #TODO this has to be where we start lastIndex = len(cx) - 1 time = 0.0 x = [state.x] y = [state.y] yaw = [state.yaw] v = [state.v] t = [0.0] target_ind = pure_pursuit.calc_target_index(state, cx, cy) while lastIndex > target_ind: ai = pure_pursuit.PIDControl(target_speed, state.v) di, target_ind = pure_pursuit.pure_pursuit_control( state, cx, cy, target_ind) #publish where we want to be mkr = self.create_marker(cx[target_ind], cy[target_ind], '/map') self.target_pub.publish(mkr) #publish an arrow with our twist arrow = self.create_marker(0, 0, '/base_link') arrow.type = 0 #arrow arrow.scale.x = 2.0 arrow.scale.y = 1.0 arrow.scale.z = 1.0 arrow.color.r = 1.0 arrow.color.g = 0.0 arrow.color.b = 0.0 #TODO di might be in radians so that might be causing the error quater = tf.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, di) arrow.pose.orientation.x = quater[0] arrow.pose.orientation.y = quater[1] arrow.pose.orientation.z = quater[2] arrow.pose.orientation.w = quater[3] self.target_twist_pub.publish(arrow) #go back to pure persuit state = self.update(state, ai, di) #time = time + dt x.append(state.x) y.append(state.y) yaw.append(state.yaw) v.append(state.v) t.append(time) # Test assert lastIndex >= target_ind, "Cannot goal" rospy.logerr("Done navigating") msg = VelAngle() msg.vel = 0 msg.angle = 0 msg.vel_curr = 0 self.motion_pub.publish(msg)
if (previous_state not in [3,5,6,7]): previous_state = state AUTO_enter_timer.reset() if rp.use_AUTO: if not AUTO_enter_timer.check(): print "waiting before entering AUTO mode..." steer_cmd_pub.publish(std_msgs.msg.Int32(49)) motor_cmd_pub.publish(std_msgs.msg.Int32(49)) time.sleep(0.1) continue else: state = State(gps2x(GPS2_long), gps2y(GPS2_lat), gps2yaw(GPS2_angle), gps2v(GPS2_speed)) AUTO_motor = pid_control(target_speed, gps2v(GPS2_speed)) AUTO_steer = pure_pursuit_control(state, cx, cy, target_ind) di, target_ind = pure_pursuit_control(state, cx, cy, target_ind) if AUTO_motor > rp.motor_freeze_threshold \ and np.array(encoder_list[0:3]).mean() > 1 \ and np.array(encoder_list[-3:]).mean()<0.2 \ and state_transition_time_s > 1: freeze = True if lastIndex >= target_ind: print(Goal!) freeze = True # avoid experiment too long if finish_test_timer.check(): freeze = True
def main(): """ Initializes the parameters from the launch file. Creates circular path. Starts the instances of SimpleBicycleState, ControlInterface and SimSVEA. Creates publishers for visualization. Pure pursuit is used for path tracking. PID is used for limiting velocity. """ rospy.init_node('floor2_example') start_pt, use_rviz, use_matplotlib, cx, cy = init() # initialize simulated model and control interface simple_bicycle_model = SimpleBicycleState(*start_pt, dt=dt) ctrl_interface = ControlInterface(vehicle_name).start() rospy.sleep(0.2) # start background simulation thread simulator = SimSVEA(vehicle_name, simple_bicycle_model, dt) simulator.start() car_poly_pub = rospy.Publisher("/3D_car", PolygonStamped, queue_size=1) pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/robot_pose", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) path_plan_pub = rospy.Publisher("/path_plan", Path, queue_size=1) past_path_pub = rospy.Publisher("/past_path", Path, queue_size=1) target_pub = rospy.Publisher("/target", PointStamped, queue_size=1) rospy.sleep(0.2) # log data x = [] y = [] yaw = [] v = [] t = [] # initialize pure pursuit variables lastIndex = len(cx) - 1 target_ind = pure_pursuit.calc_target_index(simple_bicycle_model, cx, cy) print(target_ind) # simualtion + animation loop time = 0.0 steering = 0.0 while lastIndex > target_ind and not rospy.is_shutdown(): # compute control input via pure pursuit steering, target_ind = \ pure_pursuit.pure_pursuit_control(simple_bicycle_model, cx, cy, target_ind) ctrl_interface.send_control(steering, target_speed) # log data; mostly used for visualization x.append(simple_bicycle_model.x) y.append(simple_bicycle_model.y) yaw.append(simple_bicycle_model.yaw) v.append(simple_bicycle_model.v) t.append(time) # update visualizations if use_rviz: publish_3Dcar(car_poly_pub, pose_pub, simple_bicycle_model.x, simple_bicycle_model.y, simple_bicycle_model.yaw) publish_path(path_plan_pub, cx, cy) publish_path(past_path_pub, x, y, yaw) publish_target(target_pub, cx[target_ind], cy[target_ind]) if use_matplotlib: to_plot = (simple_bicycle_model, x, y, steering, target_ind) animate_pure_pursuit(*to_plot) if not (use_rviz or use_matplotlib): rospy.loginfo_throttle(1.5, simple_bicycle_model) time += dt if not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.loginfo("Trajectory finished.") if use_matplotlib: plt.close() to_plot = (simple_bicycle_model, x, y, steering, target_ind) animate_pure_pursuit(*to_plot)
def track_path(self): x = self.x y = self.y yaw = self.yaw v = self.v sp = self.spline #s = a series of steps of 1 from 0 to the end of the spline #Each step is 1 cm s = np.arange(0, sp.s[-1], 1) #Creates x, y, yaw, and curvature arrays from spline cx, cy, cyaw, ck = [], [], [], [] for i_s in s: ix, iy = sp.calc_position(i_s) cx.append(ix) cy.append(iy) cyaw.append(sp.calc_yaw(i_s) * 180 / (math.pi)) ck.append(sp.calc_curvature(i_s)) #Determines initial state of tracker state = tracker.State(x, y, yaw, v) #Finds end of the spline lastIndex = len(cx) - 1 #Calculates the first target index of the spline target_ind = tracker.calc_target_index(state, cx, cy, 0) while lastIndex > target_ind: #self.target_velocity=self.determine_velocity() #Determines new speed of the simulation based on previous speed and target speed #ai = tracker.PIDControl(self.target_velocity, state.v) #Delta and target index #di, target_ind = tracker.pure_pursuit_control(state, cx, cy, target_ind) target_ind = tracker.pure_pursuit_control(state, cx, cy, target_ind) #state, yaw_change = tracker.update(state, ai, di) yaw_change = cyaw[target_ind] - pose[2] print("Yaw Index: " + str(target_ind)) print("Next: " + str(cyaw[target_ind]) + " Current: " + str(pose[2])) print("So change is " + str(yaw_change)) print( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) state.x = pose[0] state.y = pose[1] state.yaw = pose[2] state.v = self.v #print(str(yaw_change)) self.drive_path(yaw_change) time.sleep(0.15) #no greater than 0.15 v = self.calculate_velocity(self.x, pose[0], self.y, pose[1]) if (v == 0): v = self.v self.v = v self.x = pose[0] self.y = pose[1] self.yaw = pose[2] #print("V: "+str(self.v)) #with open("data.txt","a") as file: # file.write("X: " + str(self.x) + ", Y: " + str(self.y) + ", Yaw: " + str(self.yaw) + ", V: " + str(self.v) + "\n") if (not self.object_count >= 3): self.check_beam() if (time.time() - self.start_time > 20): self.end_time = True
def create_path(self): # Increase the "resolution" of the path with 15 intermediate points local_points_plus = self.local_points # geometry_util.add_intermediate_points(self.local_points, 15.0) ax = [] ay = [] # Create a Path object for displaying the raw path (no spline) in RViz display_points = Path() display_points.header = Header() display_points.header.frame_id = '/map' # Set the beginning of the navigation the first point last_index = 0 target_ind = 0 # Creates a list of the x's and y's to be used when calculating the spline for p in local_points_plus: display_points.poses.append(create_pose_stamped(p)) ax.append(p.x) ay.append(p.y) self.points_pub.publish(display_points) # If the path doesn't have any successive points to navigate through, don't try if len(ax) > 2: # Create a cubic spline from the raw path cx, cy, cyaw, ck, cs = cubic_spline_planner.calc_spline_course( ax, ay, ds=0.1) # Create Path object which displays the cubic spline in RViz path = Path() path.header = Header() path.header.frame_id = '/map' # Add cubic spline points to path for i in range(0, len(cx)): curve_point = Point() curve_point.x = cx[i] curve_point.y = cy[i] path.poses.append(create_pose_stamped(curve_point)) self.path_pub.publish(path) # Set the current state of the cart to navigating self.current_state = VehicleState() self.current_state.is_navigating = True self.vehicle_state_pub.publish(self.current_state) target_speed = self.global_speed # initial state pose = self.global_pose twist = self.global_twist quat = (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w) angles = tf.euler_from_quaternion(quat) initial_v = twist.linear.x #TODO state has to be where we start state = State(x=pose.position.x, y=pose.position.y, yaw=angles[2], v=initial_v) # last_index represents the last point in the cubic spline, the destination last_index = len(cx) - 1 time = 0.0 x = [state.x] y = [state.y] yaw = [state.yaw] v = [state.v] t = [0.0] target_ind = pure_pursuit.calc_target_index(state, cx, cy, 0) # Publish the ETA to the destination before we get started self.calc_eta(None) # Continue to loop while we have not hit the target destination, and the path is still valid while last_index > target_ind and self.path_valid and not rospy.is_shutdown( ): target_speed = self.global_speed ai = target_speed #pure_pursuit.PIDControl(target_speed, state.v) di, target_ind = pure_pursuit.pure_pursuit_control( state, cx, cy, target_ind) #publish our desired position mkr = create_marker(cx[target_ind], cy[target_ind], '/map') self.target_pub.publish(mkr) # Arrow that represents steering angle arrow = create_marker(0, 0, '/base_link') arrow.type = 0 #arrow arrow.scale.x = 2.0 arrow.scale.y = 1.0 arrow.scale.z = 1.0 arrow.color.r = 1.0 arrow.color.g = 0.0 arrow.color.b = 0.0 quater = tf.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, di) arrow.pose.orientation.x = quater[0] arrow.pose.orientation.y = quater[1] arrow.pose.orientation.z = quater[2] arrow.pose.orientation.w = quater[3] self.target_twist_pub.publish(arrow) state = self.update(state, ai, di) x.append(state.x) y.append(state.y) yaw.append(state.yaw) v.append(state.v) t.append(time) else: self.path_valid = False rospy.logwarn("It appears the cart is already at the destination") #Check if we've reached the destination, if so we should change the cart state to finished rospy.loginfo("Done navigating") self.current_state = VehicleState() self.current_state.is_navigating = False self.current_state.reached_destination = True notify_server = String() # Let operator know why current path has stopped if self.path_valid: rospy.loginfo( "Reached Destination succesfully without interruption") self.arrived_pub.publish(notify_server) else: rospy.loginfo( "Already at destination, or there may be no path to get to the destination or navigation was interrupted." ) # Update the internal state of the vehicle self.vehicle_state_pub.publish(self.current_state) msg = VelAngle() msg.vel = 0 msg.angle = 0 msg.vel_curr = 0 self.motion_pub.publish(msg)
def main(): rospy.init_node('SVEA_sim_multi') # initialize simulated model and control interface simple_bicycle_model0 = SimpleBicycleState(*init_state0, dt=dt) ctrl_interface0 = ControlInterface(vehicle_name0).start() simple_bicycle_model1 = SimpleBicycleState(*init_state1, dt=dt) ctrl_interface1 = ControlInterface(vehicle_name1).start() rospy.sleep(0.5) # start background simulation thread sim_car0 = SimSVEA(vehicle_name0, simple_bicycle_model0, dt) sim_car1 = SimSVEA(vehicle_name1, simple_bicycle_model1, dt) sim_car0.start() sim_car1.start() rospy.sleep(0.5) # log data log0 = {"x": [], "y": [], "yaw": [], "v": [], "t": []} log1 = {"x": [], "y": [], "yaw": [], "v": [], "t": []} # pure pursuit variables lastIndex = len(cx) - 1 target_ind0 = pure_pursuit.calc_target_index(simple_bicycle_model0, cx, cy) target_ind1 = pure_pursuit.calc_target_index(simple_bicycle_model1, cx, cy) # simualtion + animation loop time = 0.0 while lastIndex > target_ind0 and not rospy.is_shutdown(): # compute control input via pure pursuit steering0, target_ind0 = \ pure_pursuit.pure_pursuit_control(simple_bicycle_model0, cx, cy, target_ind0) ctrl_interface0.send_control(steering0, target_speed) steering1, target_ind1 = \ pure_pursuit.pure_pursuit_control(simple_bicycle_model1, cx, cy, target_ind1) ctrl_interface1.send_control(steering1, target_speed) # log data log0 = log_data(log0, simple_bicycle_model0, time) log1 = log_data(log1, simple_bicycle_model1, time) # update for animation if show_animation: to_plot0 = (simple_bicycle_model0, log0["x"], log0["y"], steering0, vehicle_color0, target_ind0) to_plot1 = (simple_bicycle_model1, log1["x"], log1["y"], steering1, vehicle_color1, target_ind1) animate_multi([to_plot0, to_plot1]) else: rospy.loginfo_throttle(1.5, simple_bicycle_model0) rospy.loginfo_throttle(1.5, simple_bicycle_model1) time += dt if show_animation: plt.close() to_plot0 = (simple_bicycle_model0, log0["x"], log0["y"], steering0, vehicle_color0, target_ind0) to_plot1 = (simple_bicycle_model1, log1["x"], log1["y"], steering1, vehicle_color1, target_ind1) animate_multi([to_plot0, to_plot1]) else: # just show resulting plot if not animating to_plot0 = (simple_bicycle_model0, log0["x"], log0["y"], vehicle_color0) to_plot1 = (simple_bicycle_model1, log1["x"], log1["y"], vehicle_color1) plot_trajectory(*to_plot0) plot_trajectory(*to_plot1)