def test_get_call_args_issue_22(self): data = readbytes('dummy.hex') # any dump would do packet = Sequence(Integer(Version.V2C), OctetString('public'), BulkGetRequest(0, 0, 2, ObjectIdentifier(1, 2, 3))) with patch('puresnmp.api.raw.Transport') as mck: mck().send.return_value = data mck().get_request_id.return_value = 0 with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, 'OIDS.*list'): # we need to wrap this in a list to consume the generator. list(bulkwalk('::1', 'public', '1.2.3', bulk_size=2))
def test_get_call_args(self): data = readbytes('dummy.hex') # any dump would do packet = Sequence(Integer(Version.V2C), OctetString('public'), BulkGetRequest(0, 0, 2, ObjectIdentifier(1, 2, 3))) with patch('puresnmp.api.raw.send') as mck, \ patch('puresnmp.api.raw.get_request_id') as mck2: mck2.return_value = 0 mck.return_value = data # we need to wrap this in a list to consume the generator. list(bulkwalk('::1', 'public', ['1.2.3'], bulk_size=2)) mck.assert_called_with('::1', 161, to_bytes(packet), timeout=2)
def test_get_call_args(self): data = readbytes('dummy.hex') # any dump would do packet = Sequence( Integer(Version.V2C), OctetString('public'), BulkGetRequest(0, 1, 2, ObjectIdentifier(1, 2, 3), ObjectIdentifier(1, 2, 4))) with patch('puresnmp.api.raw.send') as mck, \ patch('puresnmp.api.raw.get_request_id') as mck2: mck2.return_value = 0 mck.return_value = data bulkget('::1', 'public', ['1.2.3'], ['1.2.4'], max_list_size=2) mck.assert_called_with('::1', 161, to_bytes(packet), timeout=2)
async def test_get_call_args_issue_22(self): data = readbytes('dummy.hex') # any dump would do packet = Sequence(Integer(Version.V2C), OctetString('public'), BulkGetRequest(0, 0, 2, ObjectIdentifier(1, 2, 3))) with patch('puresnmp.aio.api.raw.send', new_callable=AsyncMock) as mck, \ patch('puresnmp.aio.api.raw.get_request_id') as mck2: mck2.return_value = 0 mck.return_value = data with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'OIDS.*list'): # we need to wrap this in a list to consume the generator. async for x in bulkwalk('::1', 'public', '1.2.3', bulk_size=2): pass
async def test_get_call_args(self): data = readbytes('dummy.hex') # any dump would do packet = Sequence(Integer(Version.V2C), OctetString('public'), BulkGetRequest(0, 0, 2, ObjectIdentifier(1, 2, 3))) with patch('puresnmp.aio.api.raw.Transport') as mck: mck().send = AsyncMock() mck().get_request_id.return_value = 0 mck().send.return_value = data # we need to wrap this in a list to consume the generator. async for x in bulkwalk('::1', 'public', ['1.2.3'], bulk_size=2): pass mck.assert_called_with(timeout=6) mck().send.assert_called_with('::1', 161, to_bytes(packet))