def aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az):
    Calculates the dot product of the solar vector and the surface normal.

    Input all angles in degrees.


    surf_tilt : float or Series.
        Panel tilt from horizontal.
    surf_az : float or Series.
        Panel azimuth from north.
    sun_zen : float or Series.
        Solar zenith angle.
    sun_az : float or Series.
        Solar azimuth angle.

    float or Series. Dot product of panel normal and solar angle.

    projection = (
        tools.cosd(surf_tilt) * tools.cosd(sun_zen) + tools.sind(surf_tilt) *
        tools.sind(sun_zen) * tools.cosd(sun_az - surf_az))

        projection.name = 'aoi_projection'
    except AttributeError:

    return projection
def singleaxis(apparent_zenith, apparent_azimuth,
               axis_tilt=0, axis_azimuth=0, max_angle=90,
               backtrack=True, gcr=2.0/7.0):
    Determine the rotation angle of a single axis tracker using the
    equations in [1] when given a particular sun zenith and azimuth
    angle. backtracking may be specified, and if so, a ground coverage
    ratio is required.

    Rotation angle is determined in a panel-oriented coordinate system.
    The tracker azimuth axis_azimuth defines the positive y-axis; the
    positive x-axis is 90 degress clockwise from the y-axis and parallel
    to the earth surface, and the positive z-axis is normal and oriented
    towards the sun. Rotation angle tracker_theta indicates tracker
    position relative to horizontal: tracker_theta = 0 is horizontal,
    and positive tracker_theta is a clockwise rotation around the y axis
    in the x, y, z coordinate system. For example, if tracker azimuth
    axis_azimuth is 180 (oriented south), tracker_theta = 30 is a
    rotation of 30 degrees towards the west, and tracker_theta = -90 is
    a rotation to the vertical plane facing east.

    apparent_zenith : float, 1d array, or Series
        Solar apparent zenith angles in decimal degrees.

    apparent_azimuth : float, 1d array, or Series
        Solar apparent azimuth angles in decimal degrees.

    axis_tilt : float, default 0
        The tilt of the axis of rotation (i.e, the y-axis defined by
        axis_azimuth) with respect to horizontal, in decimal degrees.

    axis_azimuth : float, default 0
        A value denoting the compass direction along which the axis of
        rotation lies. Measured in decimal degrees East of North.

    max_angle : float, default 90
        A value denoting the maximum rotation angle, in decimal degrees,
        of the one-axis tracker from its horizontal position (horizontal
        if axis_tilt = 0). A max_angle of 90 degrees allows the tracker
        to rotate to a vertical position to point the panel towards a
        horizon. max_angle of 180 degrees allows for full rotation.

    backtrack : bool, default True
        Controls whether the tracker has the capability to "backtrack"
        to avoid row-to-row shading. False denotes no backtrack
        capability. True denotes backtrack capability.

    gcr : float, default 2.0/7.0
        A value denoting the ground coverage ratio of a tracker system
        which utilizes backtracking; i.e. the ratio between the PV array
        surface area to total ground area. A tracker system with modules
        2 meters wide, centered on the tracking axis, with 6 meters
        between the tracking axes has a gcr of 2/6=0.333. If gcr is not
        provided, a gcr of 2/7 is default. gcr must be <=1.

    dict or DataFrame with the following columns:

    * tracker_theta: The rotation angle of the tracker.
        tracker_theta = 0 is horizontal, and positive rotation angles are
    * aoi: The angle-of-incidence of direct irradiance onto the
        rotated panel surface.
    * surface_tilt: The angle between the panel surface and the earth
        surface, accounting for panel rotation.
    * surface_azimuth: The azimuth of the rotated panel, determined by
        projecting the vector normal to the panel's surface to the earth's

    [1] Lorenzo, E et al., 2011, "Tracking and back-tracking", Prog. in
    Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, v. 19, pp. 747-753.

    # MATLAB to Python conversion by
    # Will Holmgren (@wholmgren), U. Arizona. March, 2015.

    if isinstance(apparent_zenith, pd.Series):
        index = apparent_zenith.index
        index = None

    # convert scalars to arrays
    apparent_azimuth = np.atleast_1d(apparent_azimuth)
    apparent_zenith = np.atleast_1d(apparent_zenith)

    if apparent_azimuth.ndim > 1 or apparent_zenith.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError('Input dimensions must not exceed 1')

    # Calculate sun position x, y, z using coordinate system as in [1], Eq 2.

    # Positive y axis is oriented parallel to earth surface along tracking axis
    # (for the purpose of illustration, assume y is oriented to the south);
    # positive x axis is orthogonal, 90 deg clockwise from y-axis, and parallel
    # to the earth's surface (if y axis is south, x axis is west);
    # positive z axis is normal to x, y axes, pointed upward.

    # Equations in [1] assume solar azimuth is relative to reference vector
    # pointed south, with clockwise positive.
    # Here, the input solar azimuth is degrees East of North,
    # i.e., relative to a reference vector pointed
    # north with clockwise positive.
    # Rotate sun azimuth to coordinate system as in [1]
    # to calculate sun position.

    az = apparent_azimuth - 180
    apparent_elevation = 90 - apparent_zenith
    x = cosd(apparent_elevation) * sind(az)
    y = cosd(apparent_elevation) * cosd(az)
    z = sind(apparent_elevation)

    # translate array azimuth from compass bearing to [1] coord system
    # wholmgren: strange to see axis_azimuth calculated differently from az,
    # (not that it matters, or at least it shouldn't...).
    axis_azimuth_south = axis_azimuth - 180

    # translate input array tilt angle axis_tilt to [1] coordinate system.

    # In [1] coordinates, axis_tilt is a rotation about the x-axis.
    # For a system with array azimuth (y-axis) oriented south,
    # the x-axis is oriented west, and a positive axis_tilt is a
    # counterclockwise rotation, i.e, lifting the north edge of the panel.
    # Thus, in [1] coordinate system, in the northern hemisphere a positive
    # axis_tilt indicates a rotation toward the equator,
    # whereas in the southern hemisphere rotation toward the equator is
    # indicated by axis_tilt<0.  Here, the input axis_tilt is
    # always positive and is a rotation toward the equator.

    # Calculate sun position (xp, yp, zp) in panel-oriented coordinate system:
    # positive y-axis is oriented along tracking axis at panel tilt;
    # positive x-axis is orthogonal, clockwise, parallel to earth surface;
    # positive z-axis is normal to x-y axes, pointed upward.
    # Calculate sun position (xp,yp,zp) in panel coordinates using [1] Eq 11
    # note that equation for yp (y' in Eq. 11 of Lorenzo et al 2011) is
    # corrected, after conversation with paper's authors.

    xp = x*cosd(axis_azimuth_south) - y*sind(axis_azimuth_south)
    yp = (x*cosd(axis_tilt)*sind(axis_azimuth_south) +
          y*cosd(axis_tilt)*cosd(axis_azimuth_south) -
    zp = (x*sind(axis_tilt)*sind(axis_azimuth_south) +
          y*sind(axis_tilt)*cosd(axis_azimuth_south) +

    # The ideal tracking angle wid is the rotation to place the sun position
    # vector (xp, yp, zp) in the (y, z) plane; i.e., normal to the panel and
    # containing the axis of rotation.  wid = 0 indicates that the panel is
    # horizontal.  Here, our convention is that a clockwise rotation is
    # positive, to view rotation angles in the same frame of reference as
    # azimuth.  For example, for a system with tracking axis oriented south,
    # a rotation toward the east is negative, and a rotation to the west is
    # positive.

    # Use arctan2 and avoid the tmp corrections.

    # angle from x-y plane to projection of sun vector onto x-z plane
#     tmp = np.degrees(np.arctan(zp/xp))

    # Obtain wid by translating tmp to convention for rotation angles.
    # Have to account for which quadrant of the x-z plane in which the sun
    # vector lies.  Complete solution here but probably not necessary to
    # consider QIII and QIV.
#     wid = pd.Series(index=times)
#     wid[(xp>=0) & (zp>=0)] =  90 - tmp[(xp>=0) & (zp>=0)]  # QI
#     wid[(xp<0)  & (zp>=0)] = -90 - tmp[(xp<0)  & (zp>=0)]  # QII
#     wid[(xp<0)  & (zp<0)]  = -90 - tmp[(xp<0)  & (zp<0)]   # QIII
#     wid[(xp>=0) & (zp<0)]  =  90 - tmp[(xp>=0) & (zp<0)]   # QIV

    # Calculate angle from x-y plane to projection of sun vector onto x-z plane
    # and then obtain wid by translating tmp to convention for rotation angles.
    wid = 90 - np.degrees(np.arctan2(zp, xp))

    # filter for sun above panel horizon
    zen_gt_90 = apparent_zenith > 90
    wid[zen_gt_90] = np.nan

    # Account for backtracking; modified from [1] to account for rotation
    # angle convention being used here.
    if backtrack:
        axes_distance = 1/gcr
        temp = np.minimum(axes_distance*cosd(wid), 1)

        # backtrack angle
        # (always positive b/c acosd returns values between 0 and 180)
        wc = np.degrees(np.arccos(temp))

        # Eq 4 applied when wid in QIV (wid < 0 evalulates True), QI
        tracker_theta = np.where(wid < 0, wid + wc, wid - wc)
        tracker_theta = wid

    tracker_theta[tracker_theta > max_angle] = max_angle
    tracker_theta[tracker_theta < -max_angle] = -max_angle

    # calculate panel normal vector in panel-oriented x, y, z coordinates.
    # y-axis is axis of tracker rotation.  tracker_theta is a compass angle
    # (clockwise is positive) rather than a trigonometric angle.
    # the *0 is a trick to preserve NaN values.
    panel_norm = np.array([sind(tracker_theta),

    # sun position in vector format in panel-oriented x, y, z coordinates
    sun_vec = np.array([xp, yp, zp])

    # calculate angle-of-incidence on panel
    aoi = np.degrees(np.arccos(np.abs(np.sum(sun_vec*panel_norm, axis=0))))

    # calculate panel tilt and azimuth
    # in a coordinate system where the panel tilt is the
    # angle from horizontal, and the panel azimuth is
    # the compass angle (clockwise from north) to the projection
    # of the panel's normal to the earth's surface.
    # These outputs are provided for convenience and comparison
    # with other PV software which use these angle conventions.

    # project normal vector to earth surface.
    # First rotate about x-axis by angle -axis_tilt so that y-axis is
    # also parallel to earth surface, then project.

    # Calculate standard rotation matrix
    rot_x = np.array([[1, 0, 0],
                      [0, cosd(-axis_tilt), -sind(-axis_tilt)],
                      [0, sind(-axis_tilt), cosd(-axis_tilt)]])

    # panel_norm_earth contains the normal vector
    # expressed in earth-surface coordinates
    # (z normal to surface, y aligned with tracker axis parallel to earth)
    panel_norm_earth = np.dot(rot_x, panel_norm).T

    # projection to plane tangent to earth surface,
    # in earth surface coordinates
    projected_normal = np.array([panel_norm_earth[:, 0],
                                 panel_norm_earth[:, 1],
                                 panel_norm_earth[:, 2]*0]).T

    # calculate vector magnitudes
    projected_normal_mag = np.sqrt(np.nansum(projected_normal**2, axis=1))

    # renormalize the projected vector
    # avoid creating nan values.
    non_zeros = projected_normal_mag != 0
    projected_normal[non_zeros] = (projected_normal[non_zeros].T /

    # calculation of surface_azimuth
    # 1. Find the angle.
#     surface_azimuth = pd.Series(
#         np.degrees(np.arctan(projected_normal[:,1]/projected_normal[:,0])),
#                                 index=times)
    surface_azimuth = \
        np.degrees(np.arctan2(projected_normal[:, 1], projected_normal[:, 0]))

    # 2. Clean up atan when x-coord or y-coord is zero
#     surface_azimuth[(projected_normal[:,0]==0) & (projected_normal[:,1]>0)] =  90
#     surface_azimuth[(projected_normal[:,0]==0) & (projected_normal[:,1]<0)] =  -90
#     surface_azimuth[(projected_normal[:,1]==0) & (projected_normal[:,0]>0)] =  0
#     surface_azimuth[(projected_normal[:,1]==0) & (projected_normal[:,0]<0)] = 180

    # 3. Correct atan for QII and QIII
#     surface_azimuth[(projected_normal[:,0]<0) & (projected_normal[:,1]>0)] += 180 # QII
#     surface_azimuth[(projected_normal[:,0]<0) & (projected_normal[:,1]<0)] += 180 # QIII

    # 4. Skip to below

    # at this point surface_azimuth contains angles between -90 and +270,
    # where 0 is along the positive x-axis,
    # the y-axis is in the direction of the tracker azimuth,
    # and positive angles are rotations from the positive x axis towards
    # the positive y-axis.
    # Adjust to compass angles
    # (clockwise rotation from 0 along the positive y-axis)
#    surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth<=90] = 90 - surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth<=90]
#    surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth>90] = 450 - surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth>90]

    # finally rotate to align y-axis with true north
    # PVLIB_MATLAB has this latitude correction,
    # but I don't think it's latitude dependent if you always
    # specify axis_azimuth with respect to North.
#     if latitude > 0 or True:
#         surface_azimuth = surface_azimuth - axis_azimuth
#     else:
#         surface_azimuth = surface_azimuth - axis_azimuth - 180
#     surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth<0] = 360 + surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth<0]

    # the commented code above is mostly part of PVLIB_MATLAB.
    # My (wholmgren) take is that it can be done more simply.
    # Say that we're pointing along the postive x axis (likely west).
    # We just need to rotate 90 degrees to get from the x axis
    # to the y axis (likely south),
    # and then add the axis_azimuth to get back to North.
    # Anything left over is the azimuth that we want,
    # and we can map it into the [0,360) domain.

    # 4. Rotate 0 reference from panel's x axis to it's y axis and
    #    then back to North.
    surface_azimuth = 90 - surface_azimuth + axis_azimuth

    # 5. Map azimuth into [0,360) domain.
    surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth < 0] += 360
    surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth >= 360] -= 360

    # Calculate surface_tilt
    dotproduct = (panel_norm_earth * projected_normal).sum(axis=1)
    surface_tilt = 90 - np.degrees(np.arccos(dotproduct))

    # Bundle DataFrame for return values and filter for sun below horizon.
    out = {'tracker_theta': tracker_theta, 'aoi': aoi,
           'surface_azimuth': surface_azimuth, 'surface_tilt': surface_tilt}
    if index is not None:
        out = pd.DataFrame(out, index=index)
        out = out[['tracker_theta', 'aoi', 'surface_azimuth', 'surface_tilt']]
        out[zen_gt_90] = np.nan
        out = {k: np.where(zen_gt_90, np.nan, v) for k, v in out.items()}

    return out
def singleaxis(apparent_zenith,
               gcr=2.0 / 7.0,
    Determine the rotation angle of a single-axis tracker when given particular
    solar zenith and azimuth angles.

    See [1]_ for details about the equations. Backtracking may be specified,
    and if so, a ground coverage ratio is required.

    Rotation angle is determined in a right-handed coordinate system. The
    tracker `axis_azimuth` defines the positive y-axis, the positive x-axis is
    90 degrees clockwise from the y-axis and parallel to the Earth's surface,
    and the positive z-axis is normal to both x & y-axes and oriented skyward.
    Rotation angle `tracker_theta` is a right-handed rotation around the y-axis
    in the x, y, z coordinate system and indicates tracker position relative to
    horizontal. For example, if tracker `axis_azimuth` is 180 (oriented south)
    and `axis_tilt` is zero, then a `tracker_theta` of zero is horizontal, a
    `tracker_theta` of 30 degrees is a rotation of 30 degrees towards the west,
    and a `tracker_theta` of -90 degrees is a rotation to the vertical plane
    facing east.

    apparent_zenith : float, 1d array, or Series
        Solar apparent zenith angles in decimal degrees.

    apparent_azimuth : float, 1d array, or Series
        Solar apparent azimuth angles in decimal degrees.

    axis_tilt : float, default 0
        The tilt of the axis of rotation (i.e, the y-axis defined by
        axis_azimuth) with respect to horizontal, in decimal degrees.

    axis_azimuth : float, default 0
        A value denoting the compass direction along which the axis of
        rotation lies. Measured in decimal degrees east of north.

    max_angle : float, default 90
        A value denoting the maximum rotation angle, in decimal degrees,
        of the one-axis tracker from its horizontal position (horizontal
        if axis_tilt = 0). A max_angle of 90 degrees allows the tracker
        to rotate to a vertical position to point the panel towards a
        horizon. max_angle of 180 degrees allows for full rotation.

    backtrack : bool, default True
        Controls whether the tracker has the capability to "backtrack"
        to avoid row-to-row shading. False denotes no backtrack
        capability. True denotes backtrack capability.

    gcr : float, default 2.0/7.0
        A value denoting the ground coverage ratio of a tracker system
        which utilizes backtracking; i.e. the ratio between the PV array
        surface area to total ground area. A tracker system with modules
        2 meters wide, centered on the tracking axis, with 6 meters
        between the tracking axes has a gcr of 2/6=0.333. If gcr is not
        provided, a gcr of 2/7 is default. gcr must be <=1.

    cross_axis_tilt : float, default 0.0
        The angle, relative to horizontal, of the line formed by the
        intersection between the slope containing the tracker axes and a plane
        perpendicular to the tracker axes. Cross-axis tilt should be specified
        using a right-handed convention. For example, trackers with axis
        azimuth of 180 degrees (heading south) will have a negative cross-axis
        tilt if the tracker axes plane slopes down to the east and positive
        cross-axis tilt if the tracker axes plane slopes up to the east. Use
        :func:`~pvlib.tracking.calc_cross_axis_tilt` to calculate
        `cross_axis_tilt`. [degrees]

    dict or DataFrame with the following columns:
        * `tracker_theta`: The rotation angle of the tracker.
          tracker_theta = 0 is horizontal, and positive rotation angles are
          clockwise. [degrees]
        * `aoi`: The angle-of-incidence of direct irradiance onto the
          rotated panel surface. [degrees]
        * `surface_tilt`: The angle between the panel surface and the earth
          surface, accounting for panel rotation. [degrees]
        * `surface_azimuth`: The azimuth of the rotated panel, determined by
          projecting the vector normal to the panel's surface to the earth's
          surface. [degrees]

    See also

    .. [1] Kevin Anderson and Mark Mikofski, "Slope-Aware Backtracking for
       Single-Axis Trackers", Technical Report NREL/TP-5K00-76626, July 2020.

    # MATLAB to Python conversion by
    # Will Holmgren (@wholmgren), U. Arizona. March, 2015.

    if isinstance(apparent_zenith, pd.Series):
        index = apparent_zenith.index
        index = None

    # convert scalars to arrays
    apparent_azimuth = np.atleast_1d(apparent_azimuth)
    apparent_zenith = np.atleast_1d(apparent_zenith)

    if apparent_azimuth.ndim > 1 or apparent_zenith.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError('Input dimensions must not exceed 1')

    # Calculate sun position x, y, z using coordinate system as in [1], Eq 1.

    # NOTE: solar elevation = 90 - solar zenith, then use trig identities:
    # sin(90-x) = cos(x) & cos(90-x) = sin(x)
    sin_zenith = sind(apparent_zenith)
    x = sin_zenith * sind(apparent_azimuth)
    y = sin_zenith * cosd(apparent_azimuth)
    z = cosd(apparent_zenith)

    # Assume the tracker reference frame is right-handed. Positive y-axis is
    # oriented along tracking axis; from north, the y-axis is rotated clockwise
    # by the axis azimuth and tilted from horizontal by the axis tilt. The
    # positive x-axis is 90 deg clockwise from the y-axis and parallel to
    # horizontal (e.g., if the y-axis is south, the x-axis is west); the
    # positive z-axis is normal to the x and y axes, pointed upward.

    # Calculate sun position (xp, yp, zp) in tracker coordinate system using
    # [1] Eq 4.

    cos_axis_azimuth = cosd(axis_azimuth)
    sin_axis_azimuth = sind(axis_azimuth)
    cos_axis_tilt = cosd(axis_tilt)
    sin_axis_tilt = sind(axis_tilt)
    xp = x * cos_axis_azimuth - y * sin_axis_azimuth
    yp = (x * cos_axis_tilt * sin_axis_azimuth +
          y * cos_axis_tilt * cos_axis_azimuth - z * sin_axis_tilt)
    zp = (x * sin_axis_tilt * sin_axis_azimuth +
          y * sin_axis_tilt * cos_axis_azimuth + z * cos_axis_tilt)

    # The ideal tracking angle wid is the rotation to place the sun position
    # vector (xp, yp, zp) in the (y, z) plane, which is normal to the panel and
    # contains the axis of rotation.  wid = 0 indicates that the panel is
    # horizontal. Here, our convention is that a clockwise rotation is
    # positive, to view rotation angles in the same frame of reference as
    # azimuth. For example, for a system with tracking axis oriented south, a
    # rotation toward the east is negative, and a rotation to the west is
    # positive. This is a right-handed rotation around the tracker y-axis.

    # Calculate angle from x-y plane to projection of sun vector onto x-z plane
    # using [1] Eq. 5.

    wid = np.degrees(np.arctan2(xp, zp))

    # filter for sun above panel horizon
    zen_gt_90 = apparent_zenith > 90
    wid[zen_gt_90] = np.nan

    # Account for backtracking
    if backtrack:
        # distance between rows in terms of rack lengths relative to cross-axis
        # tilt
        axes_distance = 1 / (gcr * cosd(cross_axis_tilt))

        # NOTE: account for rare angles below array, see GH 824
        temp = np.abs(axes_distance * cosd(wid - cross_axis_tilt))

        # backtrack angle using [1], Eq. 14
        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
            wc = np.degrees(-np.sign(wid) * np.arccos(temp))

        # NOTE: in the middle of the day, arccos(temp) is out of range because
        # there's no row-to-row shade to avoid, & backtracking is unnecessary
        # [1], Eqs. 15-16
        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
            tracker_theta = wid + np.where(temp < 1, wc, 0)
        tracker_theta = wid

    # NOTE: max_angle defined relative to zero-point rotation, not the
    # system-plane normal
    tracker_theta = np.clip(tracker_theta, -max_angle, max_angle)

    # Calculate panel normal vector in panel-oriented x, y, z coordinates.
    # y-axis is axis of tracker rotation. tracker_theta is a compass angle
    # (clockwise is positive) rather than a trigonometric angle.
    # NOTE: the *0 is a trick to preserve NaN values.
    panel_norm = np.array(
        [sind(tracker_theta), tracker_theta * 0,

    # sun position in vector format in panel-oriented x, y, z coordinates
    sun_vec = np.array([xp, yp, zp])

    # calculate angle-of-incidence on panel
    # TODO: use irradiance.aoi
    projection = np.clip(np.sum(sun_vec * panel_norm, axis=0), -1, 1)
    aoi = np.degrees(np.arccos(projection))

    # Calculate panel tilt and azimuth in a coordinate system where the panel
    # tilt is the angle from horizontal, and the panel azimuth is the compass
    # angle (clockwise from north) to the projection of the panel's normal to
    # the earth's surface. These outputs are provided for convenience and
    # comparison with other PV software which use these angle conventions.

    # Project normal vector to earth surface. First rotate about x-axis by
    # angle -axis_tilt so that y-axis is also parallel to earth surface, then
    # project.

    # Calculate standard rotation matrix
    rot_x = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cosd(-axis_tilt), -sind(-axis_tilt)],
                      [0, sind(-axis_tilt),

    # panel_norm_earth contains the normal vector expressed in earth-surface
    # coordinates (z normal to surface, y aligned with tracker axis parallel to
    # earth)
    panel_norm_earth = np.dot(rot_x, panel_norm).T

    # projection to plane tangent to earth surface, in earth surface
    # coordinates
    projected_normal = np.array([
        panel_norm_earth[:, 0], panel_norm_earth[:, 1],
        panel_norm_earth[:, 2] * 0

    # calculate vector magnitudes
    projected_normal_mag = np.sqrt(np.nansum(projected_normal**2, axis=1))

    # renormalize the projected vector, avoid creating nan values.
    non_zeros = projected_normal_mag != 0
    projected_normal[non_zeros] = (projected_normal[non_zeros].T /

    # calculation of surface_azimuth
    surface_azimuth = \
        np.degrees(np.arctan2(projected_normal[:, 1], projected_normal[:, 0]))

    # Rotate 0 reference from panel's x-axis to its y-axis and then back to
    # north.
    surface_azimuth = 90 - surface_azimuth + axis_azimuth

    # Map azimuth into [0,360) domain.
    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        surface_azimuth = surface_azimuth % 360

    # Calculate surface_tilt
    dotproduct = (panel_norm_earth * projected_normal).sum(axis=1)
    surface_tilt = 90 - np.degrees(np.arccos(dotproduct))

    # Bundle DataFrame for return values and filter for sun below horizon.
    out = {
        'tracker_theta': tracker_theta,
        'aoi': aoi,
        'surface_tilt': surface_tilt,
        'surface_azimuth': surface_azimuth
    if index is not None:
        out = pd.DataFrame(out, index=index)
        out = out[['tracker_theta', 'aoi', 'surface_azimuth', 'surface_tilt']]
        out[zen_gt_90] = np.nan
        out = {k: np.where(zen_gt_90, np.nan, v) for k, v in out.items()}

    return out
    def from_raw_inputs(cls, xy_center, width, rotation_vec, cut,
                        shaded_length, n_vector=None, param_names=None):
        """Create timeseries side using raw PV row inputs.
        Note: shading will always be zero when PV rows are flat.

        xy_center : tuple of float
            x and y coordinates of the PV row center point (invariant)
        width : float
            width of the PV rows [m]
        rotation_vec : np.ndarray
            Timeseries rotation values of the PV row [deg]
        cut : int
            Discretization scheme of the PV side.
            Will create segments of equal length.
        shaded_length : np.ndarray
            Timeseries values of side shaded length from lowest point [m]
        n_vector : np.ndarray, optional
            Timeseries normal vectors of the side
        param_names : list of str, optional
            List of names of surface parameters to use when creating geometries
            (Default = None)

        New timeseries side object

        mask_tilted_to_left = rotation_vec >= 0

        # Create Ts segments
        x_center, y_center = xy_center
        radius = width / 2.
        segment_length = width / cut
        is_not_flat = rotation_vec != 0.

        # Calculate coords of shading point
        r_shade = radius - shaded_length
        x_sh = np.where(
            r_shade * cosd(rotation_vec + 180.) + x_center,
            r_shade * cosd(rotation_vec) + x_center)
        y_sh = np.where(
            r_shade * sind(rotation_vec + 180.) + y_center,
            r_shade * sind(rotation_vec) + y_center)

        # Calculate coords
        list_segments = []
        for i in range(cut):
            # Calculate segment coords
            r1 = radius - i * segment_length
            r2 = radius - (i + 1) * segment_length
            x1 = r1 * cosd(rotation_vec + 180.) + x_center
            y1 = r1 * sind(rotation_vec + 180.) + y_center
            x2 = r2 * cosd(rotation_vec + 180) + x_center
            y2 = r2 * sind(rotation_vec + 180) + y_center
            segment_coords = TsLineCoords.from_array(
                np.array([[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]))
            # Determine lowest and highest points of segment
            x_highest = np.where(mask_tilted_to_left, x2, x1)
            y_highest = np.where(mask_tilted_to_left, y2, y1)
            x_lowest = np.where(mask_tilted_to_left, x1, x2)
            y_lowest = np.where(mask_tilted_to_left, y1, y2)
            # Calculate illum and shaded coords
            x2_illum, y2_illum = x_highest, y_highest
            x1_shaded, y1_shaded, x2_shaded, y2_shaded = \
                x_lowest, y_lowest, x_lowest, y_lowest
            mask_all_shaded = (y_sh > y_highest) & (is_not_flat)
            mask_partial_shaded = (y_sh > y_lowest) & (~ mask_all_shaded) \
                & (is_not_flat)
            # Calculate second boundary point of shade
            x2_shaded = np.where(mask_all_shaded, x_highest, x2_shaded)
            x2_shaded = np.where(mask_partial_shaded, x_sh, x2_shaded)
            y2_shaded = np.where(mask_all_shaded, y_highest, y2_shaded)
            y2_shaded = np.where(mask_partial_shaded, y_sh, y2_shaded)
            x1_illum = x2_shaded
            y1_illum = y2_shaded
            illum_coords = TsLineCoords.from_array(
                np.array([[x1_illum, y1_illum], [x2_illum, y2_illum]]))
            shaded_coords = TsLineCoords.from_array(
                np.array([[x1_shaded, y1_shaded], [x2_shaded, y2_shaded]]))
            # Create illuminated and shaded surfaces
            illum = TsSurface(illum_coords, n_vector=n_vector,
            shaded = TsSurface(shaded_coords, n_vector=n_vector,
            # Create dual segment
            segment = TsDualSegment(segment_coords, illum, shaded,

        return cls(list_segments, n_vector=n_vector)
def physical(aoi, n=1.526, K=4., L=0.002):
    Determine the incidence angle modifier using refractive index ``n``,
    extinction coefficient ``K``, and glazing thickness ``L``.

    ``iam.physical`` calculates the incidence angle modifier as described in
    [1]_, Section 3. The calculation is based on a physical model of absorbtion
    and transmission through a transparent cover.

    aoi : numeric
        The angle of incidence between the module normal vector and the
        sun-beam vector in degrees. Angles of 0 are replaced with 1e-06
        to ensure non-nan results. Angles of nan will result in nan.

    n : numeric, default 1.526
        The effective index of refraction (unitless). Reference [1]_
        indicates that a value of 1.526 is acceptable for glass.

    K : numeric, default 4.0
        The glazing extinction coefficient in units of 1/meters.
        Reference [1] indicates that a value of 4 is reasonable for
        "water white" glass.

    L : numeric, default 0.002
        The glazing thickness in units of meters. Reference [1]_
        indicates that 0.002 meters (2 mm) is reasonable for most
        glass-covered PV panels.

    iam : numeric
        The incident angle modifier

    The pvlib python authors believe that Eqn. 14 in [1]_ is
    incorrect, which presents :math:`\theta_{r} = \arcsin(n \sin(AOI))`.
    Here, :math:`\theta_{r} = \arcsin(1/n \times \sin(AOI))`

    .. [1] W. De Soto et al., "Improvement and validation of a model for
       photovoltaic array performance", Solar Energy, vol 80, pp. 78-88,

    .. [2] Duffie, John A. & Beckman, William A.. (2006). Solar Engineering
       of Thermal Processes, third edition. [Books24x7 version] Available
       from http://common.books24x7.com/toc.aspx?bookid=17160.

    See Also
    zeroang = 1e-06

    # hold a new reference to the input aoi object since we're going to
    # overwrite the aoi reference below, but we'll need it for the
    # series check at the end of the function
    aoi_input = aoi

    aoi = np.where(aoi == 0, zeroang, aoi)

    # angle of reflection
    thetar_deg = asind(1.0 / n * (sind(aoi)))

    # reflectance and transmittance for normal incidence light
    rho_zero = ((1 - n) / (1 + n))**2
    tau_zero = np.exp(-K * L)

    # reflectance for parallel and perpendicular polarized light
    rho_para = (tand(thetar_deg - aoi) / tand(thetar_deg + aoi))**2
    rho_perp = (sind(thetar_deg - aoi) / sind(thetar_deg + aoi))**2

    # transmittance for non-normal light
    tau = np.exp(-K * L / cosd(thetar_deg))

    # iam is ratio of non-normal to normal incidence transmitted light
    # after deducting the reflected portion of each
    iam = ((1 - (rho_para + rho_perp) / 2) / (1 - rho_zero) * tau / tau_zero)

    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        # angles near zero produce nan, but iam is defined as one
        small_angle = 1e-06
        iam = np.where(np.abs(aoi) < small_angle, 1.0, iam)

        # angles at 90 degrees can produce tiny negative values,
        # which should be zero. this is a result of calculation precision
        # rather than the physical model
        iam = np.where(iam < 0, 0, iam)

        # for light coming from behind the plane, none can enter the module
        iam = np.where(aoi > 90, 0, iam)

    if isinstance(aoi_input, pd.Series):
        iam = pd.Series(iam, index=aoi_input.index)

    return iam
def perez(surf_tilt, surf_az, DHI, DNI, DNI_ET, sun_zen, sun_az, AM,
    Determine diffuse irradiance from the sky on a tilted surface using one of
    the Perez models.

    Perez models determine the diffuse irradiance from the sky (ground
    reflected irradiance is not included in this algorithm) on a tilted
    surface using the surface tilt angle, surface azimuth angle, diffuse
    horizontal irradiance, direct normal irradiance, extraterrestrial
    irradiance, sun zenith angle, sun azimuth angle, and relative (not
    pressure-corrected) airmass. Optionally a selector may be used to use
    any of Perez's model coefficient sets.


    surf_tilt : float or Series
          Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees.
          surf_tilt must be >=0 and <=180. The tilt angle is defined as
          degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing
          horizon = 90)

    surf_az : float or Series
          Surface azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
          surf_az must be >=0 and <=360. The Azimuth convention is defined
          as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, South=180 East = 90,
          West = 270).

    DHI : float or Series
          diffuse horizontal irradiance in W/m^2.
          DHI must be >=0.

    DNI : float or Series
          direct normal irradiance in W/m^2.
          DNI must be >=0.

    DNI_ET : float or Series
          extraterrestrial normal irradiance in W/m^2.
           DNI_ET must be >=0.

    sun_zen : float or Series
          apparent (refraction-corrected) zenith
          angles in decimal degrees.
          sun_zen must be >=0 and <=180.

    sun_az : float or Series
          Sun azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
          sun_az must be >=0 and <=360. The Azimuth convention is defined
          as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, East = 90, West = 270).

    AM : float or Series
          relative (not pressure-corrected) airmass
          values. If AM is a DataFrame it must be of the same size as all other
          DataFrame inputs. AM must be >=0 (careful using the 1/sec(z) model of
          AM generation)

    Other Parameters

    model : string (optional, default='allsitescomposite1990')

          a character string which selects the desired set of Perez
          coefficients. If model is not provided as an input, the default,
          '1990' will be used.
          All possible model selections are:

          * '1990'
          * 'allsitescomposite1990' (same as '1990')
          * 'allsitescomposite1988'
          * 'sandiacomposite1988'
          * 'usacomposite1988'
          * 'france1988'
          * 'phoenix1988'
          * 'elmonte1988'
          * 'osage1988'
          * 'albuquerque1988'
          * 'capecanaveral1988'
          * 'albany1988'


    float or Series

          the diffuse component of the solar radiation  on an
          arbitrarily tilted surface defined by the Perez model as given in
          reference [3].
          SkyDiffuse is the diffuse component ONLY and does not include the
          ground reflected irradiance or the irradiance due to the beam.


    [1] Loutzenhiser P.G. et. al. "Empirical validation of models to compute
    solar irradiance on inclined surfaces for building energy simulation"
    2007, Solar Energy vol. 81. pp. 254-267

    [2] Perez, R., Seals, R., Ineichen, P., Stewart, R., Menicucci, D., 1987.
    A new simplified version of the Perez diffuse irradiance model for tilted
    surfaces. Solar Energy 39(3), 221-232.

    [3] Perez, R., Ineichen, P., Seals, R., Michalsky, J., Stewart, R., 1990.
    Modeling daylight availability and irradiance components from direct
    and global irradiance. Solar Energy 44 (5), 271-289.

    [4] Perez, R. et. al 1988. "The Development and Verification of the
    Perez Diffuse Radiation Model". SAND88-7030


    kappa = 1.041  # for sun_zen in radians
    z = np.radians(sun_zen)  # convert to radians

    # epsilon is the sky's "clearness"
    eps = ((DHI + DNI) / DHI + kappa * (z ** 3)) / (1 + kappa * (z ** 3))

    # Perez et al define clearness bins according to the following rules.
    # 1 = overcast ... 8 = clear
    # (these names really only make sense for small zenith angles, but...)
    # these values will eventually be used as indicies for coeffecient look ups
    ebin = eps.copy()
    ebin[(eps < 1.065)] = 1
    ebin[(eps >= 1.065) & (eps < 1.23)] = 2
    ebin[(eps >= 1.23) & (eps < 1.5)] = 3
    ebin[(eps >= 1.5) & (eps < 1.95)] = 4
    ebin[(eps >= 1.95) & (eps < 2.8)] = 5
    ebin[(eps >= 2.8) & (eps < 4.5)] = 6
    ebin[(eps >= 4.5) & (eps < 6.2)] = 7
    ebin[eps >= 6.2] = 8

    ebin = ebin - 1  # correct for 0 indexing in coeffecient lookup

    # remove night time values
    ebin = ebin.dropna().astype(int)

    # This is added because in cases where the sun is below the horizon
    # (var.sun_zen > 90) but there is still diffuse horizontal light
    # (var.DHI>0), it is possible that the airmass (var.AM) could be NaN, which
    # messes up later calculations. Instead, if the sun is down, and there is
    # still var.DHI, we set the airmass to the airmass value on the horizon
    # (approximately 37-38).
    # var.AM(var.sun_zen >=90 & var.DHI >0) = 37;

    # var.DNI_ET[var.DNI_ET==0] = .00000001 #very hacky, fix this

    # delta is the sky's "brightness"
    delta = DHI * AM / DNI_ET

    # keep only valid times
    delta = delta[ebin.index]
    z = z[ebin.index]

    # The various possible sets of Perez coefficients are contained
    # in a subfunction to clean up the code.
    F1c, F2c = _get_perez_coefficients(modelt)

    F1 = F1c[ebin, 0] + F1c[ebin, 1] * delta + F1c[ebin, 2] * z
    F1[F1 < 0] = 0
    F1 = F1.astype(float)

    F2 = F2c[ebin, 0] + F2c[ebin, 1] * delta + F2c[ebin, 2] * z
    F2[F2 < 0] = 0
    F2 = F2.astype(float)

    A = aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az)
    A[A < 0] = 0

    B = tools.cosd(sun_zen)
    B[B < tools.cosd(85)] = tools.cosd(85)

    # Calculate Diffuse POA from sky dome

    term1 = 0.5 * (1 - F1) * (1 + tools.cosd(surf_tilt))
    term2 = F1 * A[ebin.index] / B[ebin.index]
    term3 = F2 * tools.sind(surf_tilt)

    sky_diffuse = DHI[ebin.index] * (term1 + term2 + term3)
    sky_diffuse[sky_diffuse < 0] = 0

    return sky_diffuse
def reindl(surf_tilt, surf_az, DHI, DNI, GHI, DNI_ET, sun_zen, sun_az):
    Determine diffuse irradiance from the sky on a
    tilted surface using Reindl's 1990 model

    .. math::

       I_{d} = DHI (A R_b + (1 - A) (\frac{1 + \cos\beta}{2})
       (1 + \sqrt{\frac{I_{hb}}{I_h}} \sin^3(\beta/2)) )

    Reindl's 1990 model determines the diffuse irradiance from the sky
    (ground reflected irradiance is not included in this algorithm) on a
    tilted surface using the surface tilt angle, surface azimuth angle,
    diffuse horizontal irradiance, direct normal irradiance, global
    horizontal irradiance, extraterrestrial irradiance, sun zenith angle,
    and sun azimuth angle.


    surf_tilt : float or Series.
        Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees.
        The tilt angle is defined as
        degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing
        horizon = 90)

    surf_az : float or Series.
        Surface azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
        The Azimuth convention is defined
        as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, South=180 East = 90,
        West = 270).

    DHI : float or Series.
        diffuse horizontal irradiance in W/m^2.

    DNI : float or Series.
        direct normal irradiance in W/m^2.

    GHI: float or Series.
        Global irradiance in W/m^2.

    DNI_ET : float or Series.
        extraterrestrial normal irradiance in W/m^2.

    sun_zen : float or Series.
        apparent (refraction-corrected) zenith
        angles in decimal degrees.

    sun_az : float or Series.
        Sun azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
        The Azimuth convention is defined
        as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, East = 90, West = 270).


    SkyDiffuse : float or Series.

        The diffuse component of the solar radiation  on an
        arbitrarily tilted surface defined by the Reindl model as given in
        Loutzenhiser et. al (2007) equation 8.
        SkyDiffuse is the diffuse component ONLY and does not include the
        ground reflected irradiance or the irradiance due to the beam.
        SkyDiffuse is a column vector vector with a number of elements equal to
        the input vector(s).


    The POAskydiffuse calculation is generated from the Loutzenhiser et al.
    (2007) paper, equation 8. Note that I have removed the beam and ground
    reflectance portion of the equation and this generates ONLY the diffuse
    radiation from the sky and circumsolar, so the form of the equation
    varies slightly from equation 8.


    [1] Loutzenhiser P.G. et. al. "Empirical validation of models to compute
    solar irradiance on inclined surfaces for building energy simulation"
    2007, Solar Energy vol. 81. pp. 254-267

    [2] Reindl, D.T., Beckmann, W.A., Duffie, J.A., 1990a. Diffuse fraction
    correlations. Solar Energy 45(1), 1-7.

    [3] Reindl, D.T., Beckmann, W.A., Duffie, J.A., 1990b. Evaluation of hourly
    tilted surface radiation models. Solar Energy 45(1), 9-17.


    cos_tt = aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az)

    cos_sun_zen = tools.cosd(sun_zen)

    # ratio of titled and horizontal beam irradiance
    Rb = cos_tt / cos_sun_zen

    # Anisotropy Index
    AI = DNI / DNI_ET

    # DNI projected onto horizontal
    HB = DNI * cos_sun_zen
    HB[HB < 0] = 0

    # these are actually the () and [] sub-terms of the second term of eqn 8
    term1 = 1 - AI
    term2 = 0.5 * (1 + tools.cosd(surf_tilt))
    term3 = 1 + np.sqrt(HB / GHI) * (tools.sind(0.5 * surf_tilt) ** 3)

    sky_diffuse = DHI * (AI * Rb + term1 * term2 * term3)
    sky_diffuse[sky_diffuse < 0] = 0

    return sky_diffuse
def physicaliam(K, L, n, aoi):
    Determine the incidence angle modifier using refractive 
    index, glazing thickness, and extinction coefficient

    physicaliam calculates the incidence angle modifier as described in
    De Soto et al. "Improvement and validation of a model for photovoltaic
    array performance", section 3. The calculation is based upon a physical
    model of absorbtion and transmission through a cover. Required
    information includes, incident angle, cover extinction coefficient,
    cover thickness

    Note: The authors of this function believe that eqn. 14 in [1] is
    incorrect. This function uses the following equation in its place:
    theta_r = arcsin(1/n * sin(theta))

    K : float
        The glazing extinction coefficient in units of 1/meters. Reference
        [1] indicates that a value of  4 is reasonable for "water white"
        glass. K must be a numeric scalar or vector with all values >=0. If K
        is a vector, it must be the same size as all other input vectors.

    L : float
        The glazing thickness in units of meters. Reference [1] indicates
        that 0.002 meters (2 mm) is reasonable for most glass-covered
        PV panels. L must be a numeric scalar or vector with all values >=0. 
        If L is a vector, it must be the same size as all other input vectors.

    n : float
        The effective index of refraction (unitless). Reference [1]
        indicates that a value of 1.526 is acceptable for glass. n must be a 
        numeric scalar or vector with all values >=0. If n is a vector, it 
        must be the same size as all other input vectors.

    aoi : Series
        The angle of incidence between the module normal vector and the
        sun-beam vector in degrees. 

    IAM : float or Series
        The incident angle modifier as specified in eqns. 14-16 of [1].
        IAM is a column vector with the same number of elements as the
        largest input vector.
        Theta must be a numeric scalar or vector.
        For any values of theta where abs(aoi)>90, IAM is set to 0. For any
        values of aoi where -90 < aoi < 0, theta is set to abs(aoi) and

    [1] W. De Soto et al., "Improvement and validation of a model for
    photovoltaic array performance", Solar Energy, vol 80, pp. 78-88,

    [2] Duffie, John A. & Beckman, William A.. (2006). Solar Engineering 
    of Thermal Processes, third edition. [Books24x7 version] Available 
    from http://common.books24x7.com/toc.aspx?bookid=17160. 

    See Also 
    thetar_deg = tools.asind(1.0 / n*(tools.sind(aoi)))

    tau = ( np.exp(- 1.0 * (K*L / tools.cosd(thetar_deg))) *
            ((1 - 0.5*((((tools.sind(thetar_deg - aoi)) ** 2) /
            ((tools.sind(thetar_deg + aoi)) ** 2) +
            ((tools.tand(thetar_deg - aoi)) ** 2) /
            ((tools.tand(thetar_deg + aoi)) ** 2))))) )
    zeroang = 1e-06
    thetar_deg0 = tools.asind(1.0 / n*(tools.sind(zeroang)))
    tau0 = ( np.exp(- 1.0 * (K*L / tools.cosd(thetar_deg0))) *
             ((1 - 0.5*((((tools.sind(thetar_deg0 - zeroang)) ** 2) /
             ((tools.sind(thetar_deg0 + zeroang)) ** 2) +
             ((tools.tand(thetar_deg0 - zeroang)) ** 2) /
             ((tools.tand(thetar_deg0 + zeroang)) ** 2))))) )
    IAM = tau / tau0
    IAM[abs(aoi) >= 90] = np.nan
    IAM[IAM < 0] = np.nan
    return IAM
def perez(surf_tilt,
    Determine diffuse irradiance from the sky on a tilted surface using one of
    the Perez models.

    Perez models determine the diffuse irradiance from the sky (ground
    reflected irradiance is not included in this algorithm) on a tilted
    surface using the surface tilt angle, surface azimuth angle, diffuse
    horizontal irradiance, direct normal irradiance, extraterrestrial
    irradiance, sun zenith angle, sun azimuth angle, and relative (not
    pressure-corrected) airmass. Optionally a selector may be used to use
    any of Perez's model coefficient sets.


    surf_tilt : float or Series
          Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees.
          surf_tilt must be >=0 and <=180. The tilt angle is defined as
          degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing
          horizon = 90)

    surf_az : float or Series
          Surface azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
          surf_az must be >=0 and <=360. The Azimuth convention is defined
          as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, South=180 East = 90,
          West = 270).

    DHI : float or Series
          diffuse horizontal irradiance in W/m^2.
          DHI must be >=0.

    DNI : float or Series
          direct normal irradiance in W/m^2.
          DNI must be >=0.

    DNI_ET : float or Series
          extraterrestrial normal irradiance in W/m^2.
           DNI_ET must be >=0.

    sun_zen : float or Series
          apparent (refraction-corrected) zenith
          angles in decimal degrees.
          sun_zen must be >=0 and <=180.

    sun_az : float or Series
          Sun azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
          sun_az must be >=0 and <=360. The Azimuth convention is defined
          as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, East = 90, West = 270).

    AM : float or Series
          relative (not pressure-corrected) airmass
          values. If AM is a DataFrame it must be of the same size as all other
          DataFrame inputs. AM must be >=0 (careful using the 1/sec(z) model of
          AM generation)

    Other Parameters

    model : string (optional, default='allsitescomposite1990')

          a character string which selects the desired set of Perez
          coefficients. If model is not provided as an input, the default,
          '1990' will be used.
          All possible model selections are:

          * '1990'
          * 'allsitescomposite1990' (same as '1990')
          * 'allsitescomposite1988'
          * 'sandiacomposite1988'
          * 'usacomposite1988'
          * 'france1988'
          * 'phoenix1988'
          * 'elmonte1988'
          * 'osage1988'
          * 'albuquerque1988'
          * 'capecanaveral1988'
          * 'albany1988'


    float or Series

          the diffuse component of the solar radiation  on an
          arbitrarily tilted surface defined by the Perez model as given in
          reference [3].
          SkyDiffuse is the diffuse component ONLY and does not include the
          ground reflected irradiance or the irradiance due to the beam.


    [1] Loutzenhiser P.G. et. al. "Empirical validation of models to compute
    solar irradiance on inclined surfaces for building energy simulation"
    2007, Solar Energy vol. 81. pp. 254-267

    [2] Perez, R., Seals, R., Ineichen, P., Stewart, R., Menicucci, D., 1987.
    A new simplified version of the Perez diffuse irradiance model for tilted
    surfaces. Solar Energy 39(3), 221-232.

    [3] Perez, R., Ineichen, P., Seals, R., Michalsky, J., Stewart, R., 1990.
    Modeling daylight availability and irradiance components from direct
    and global irradiance. Solar Energy 44 (5), 271-289.

    [4] Perez, R. et. al 1988. "The Development and Verification of the
    Perez Diffuse Radiation Model". SAND88-7030


    kappa = 1.041  # for sun_zen in radians
    z = np.radians(sun_zen)  # convert to radians

    # epsilon is the sky's "clearness"
    eps = ((DHI + DNI) / DHI + kappa * (z**3)) / (1 + kappa * (z**3))

    # Perez et al define clearness bins according to the following rules.
    # 1 = overcast ... 8 = clear
    # (these names really only make sense for small zenith angles, but...)
    # these values will eventually be used as indicies for coeffecient look ups
    ebin = eps.copy()
    ebin[(eps < 1.065)] = 1
    ebin[(eps >= 1.065) & (eps < 1.23)] = 2
    ebin[(eps >= 1.23) & (eps < 1.5)] = 3
    ebin[(eps >= 1.5) & (eps < 1.95)] = 4
    ebin[(eps >= 1.95) & (eps < 2.8)] = 5
    ebin[(eps >= 2.8) & (eps < 4.5)] = 6
    ebin[(eps >= 4.5) & (eps < 6.2)] = 7
    ebin[eps >= 6.2] = 8

    ebin = ebin - 1  # correct for 0 indexing in coeffecient lookup

    # remove night time values
    ebin = ebin.dropna().astype(int)

    # This is added because in cases where the sun is below the horizon
    # (var.sun_zen > 90) but there is still diffuse horizontal light
    # (var.DHI>0), it is possible that the airmass (var.AM) could be NaN, which
    # messes up later calculations. Instead, if the sun is down, and there is
    # still var.DHI, we set the airmass to the airmass value on the horizon
    # (approximately 37-38).
    # var.AM(var.sun_zen >=90 & var.DHI >0) = 37;

    # var.DNI_ET[var.DNI_ET==0] = .00000001 #very hacky, fix this

    # delta is the sky's "brightness"
    delta = DHI * AM / DNI_ET

    # keep only valid times
    delta = delta[ebin.index]
    z = z[ebin.index]

    # The various possible sets of Perez coefficients are contained
    # in a subfunction to clean up the code.
    F1c, F2c = _get_perez_coefficients(modelt)

    F1 = F1c[ebin, 0] + F1c[ebin, 1] * delta + F1c[ebin, 2] * z
    F1[F1 < 0] = 0
    F1 = F1.astype(float)

    F2 = F2c[ebin, 0] + F2c[ebin, 1] * delta + F2c[ebin, 2] * z
    F2[F2 < 0] = 0
    F2 = F2.astype(float)

    A = aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az)
    A[A < 0] = 0

    B = tools.cosd(sun_zen)
    B[B < tools.cosd(85)] = tools.cosd(85)

    # Calculate Diffuse POA from sky dome

    term1 = 0.5 * (1 - F1) * (1 + tools.cosd(surf_tilt))
    term2 = F1 * A[ebin.index] / B[ebin.index]
    term3 = F2 * tools.sind(surf_tilt)

    sky_diffuse = DHI[ebin.index] * (term1 + term2 + term3)
    sky_diffuse[sky_diffuse < 0] = 0

    return sky_diffuse
def klucher(surf_tilt, surf_az, DHI, GHI, sun_zen, sun_az):
    Determine diffuse irradiance from the sky on a tilted surface
    using Klucher's 1979 model

    .. math::

       I_{d} = DHI \frac{1 + \cos\beta}{2} (1 + F' \sin^3(\beta/2))
       (1 + F' \cos^2\theta\sin^3\theta_z)


    .. math::

       F' = 1 - (I_{d0} / GHI)

    Klucher's 1979 model determines the diffuse irradiance from the sky
    (ground reflected irradiance is not included in this algorithm) on a
    tilted surface using the surface tilt angle, surface azimuth angle,
    diffuse horizontal irradiance, direct normal irradiance, global
    horizontal irradiance, extraterrestrial irradiance, sun zenith angle,
    and sun azimuth angle.


    surf_tilt : float or Series
        Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees.
        surf_tilt must be >=0 and <=180. The tilt angle is defined as
        degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing
        horizon = 90)

    surf_az : float or Series
        Surface azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
        surf_az must be >=0 and <=360. The Azimuth convention is defined
        as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, South=180 East = 90,
        West = 270).

    DHI : float or Series
        diffuse horizontal irradiance in W/m^2.
        DHI must be >=0.

    GHI : float or Series
        Global  irradiance in W/m^2.
        DNI must be >=0.

    sun_zen : float or Series
        apparent (refraction-corrected) zenith
        angles in decimal degrees.
        sun_zen must be >=0 and <=180.

    sun_az : float or Series
        Sun azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
        sun_az must be >=0 and <=360. The Azimuth convention is defined
        as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, East = 90, West = 270).

    float or Series.

    The diffuse component of the solar radiation on an
    arbitrarily tilted surface defined by the Klucher model as given in
    Loutzenhiser et. al (2007) equation 4.
    SkyDiffuse is the diffuse component ONLY and does not include the ground
    reflected irradiance or the irradiance due to the beam.
    SkyDiffuse is a column vector vector with a number of elements equal to
    the input vector(s).

    [1] Loutzenhiser P.G. et. al. "Empirical validation of models to compute
    solar irradiance on inclined surfaces for building energy simulation"
    2007, Solar Energy vol. 81. pp. 254-267

    [2] Klucher, T.M., 1979. Evaluation of models to predict insolation on
    tilted surfaces. Solar Energy 23 (2), 111-114.


    # zenith angle with respect to panel normal.
    cos_tt = aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az)

    F = 1 - ((DHI / GHI)**2)
        # fails with single point input
        F.fillna(0, inplace=True)
    except AttributeError:
        F = 0

    term1 = 0.5 * (1 + tools.cosd(surf_tilt))
    term2 = 1 + F * (tools.sind(0.5 * surf_tilt)**3)
    term3 = 1 + F * (cos_tt**2) * (tools.sind(sun_zen)**3)

    sky_diffuse = DHI * term1 * term2 * term3

    return sky_diffuse
def reindl(surf_tilt, surf_az, DHI, DNI, GHI, DNI_ET, sun_zen, sun_az):
    Determine diffuse irradiance from the sky on a
    tilted surface using Reindl's 1990 model

    .. math::

       I_{d} = DHI (A R_b + (1 - A) (\frac{1 + \cos\beta}{2})
       (1 + \sqrt{\frac{I_{hb}}{I_h}} \sin^3(\beta/2)) )

    Reindl's 1990 model determines the diffuse irradiance from the sky
    (ground reflected irradiance is not included in this algorithm) on a
    tilted surface using the surface tilt angle, surface azimuth angle,
    diffuse horizontal irradiance, direct normal irradiance, global
    horizontal irradiance, extraterrestrial irradiance, sun zenith angle,
    and sun azimuth angle.


    surf_tilt : float or Series.
        Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees.
        The tilt angle is defined as
        degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing
        horizon = 90)

    surf_az : float or Series.
        Surface azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
        The Azimuth convention is defined
        as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, South=180 East = 90,
        West = 270).

    DHI : float or Series.
        diffuse horizontal irradiance in W/m^2.

    DNI : float or Series.
        direct normal irradiance in W/m^2.

    GHI: float or Series.
        Global irradiance in W/m^2.

    DNI_ET : float or Series.
        extraterrestrial normal irradiance in W/m^2.

    sun_zen : float or Series.
        apparent (refraction-corrected) zenith
        angles in decimal degrees.

    sun_az : float or Series.
        Sun azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
        The Azimuth convention is defined
        as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, East = 90, West = 270).


    SkyDiffuse : float or Series.

        The diffuse component of the solar radiation  on an
        arbitrarily tilted surface defined by the Reindl model as given in
        Loutzenhiser et. al (2007) equation 8.
        SkyDiffuse is the diffuse component ONLY and does not include the
        ground reflected irradiance or the irradiance due to the beam.
        SkyDiffuse is a column vector vector with a number of elements equal to
        the input vector(s).


    The POAskydiffuse calculation is generated from the Loutzenhiser et al.
    (2007) paper, equation 8. Note that I have removed the beam and ground
    reflectance portion of the equation and this generates ONLY the diffuse
    radiation from the sky and circumsolar, so the form of the equation
    varies slightly from equation 8.


    [1] Loutzenhiser P.G. et. al. "Empirical validation of models to compute
    solar irradiance on inclined surfaces for building energy simulation"
    2007, Solar Energy vol. 81. pp. 254-267

    [2] Reindl, D.T., Beckmann, W.A., Duffie, J.A., 1990a. Diffuse fraction
    correlations. Solar Energy 45(1), 1-7.

    [3] Reindl, D.T., Beckmann, W.A., Duffie, J.A., 1990b. Evaluation of hourly
    tilted surface radiation models. Solar Energy 45(1), 9-17.


    cos_tt = aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az)

    cos_sun_zen = tools.cosd(sun_zen)

    # ratio of titled and horizontal beam irradiance
    Rb = cos_tt / cos_sun_zen

    # Anisotropy Index
    AI = DNI / DNI_ET

    # DNI projected onto horizontal
    HB = DNI * cos_sun_zen
    HB[HB < 0] = 0

    # these are actually the () and [] sub-terms of the second term of eqn 8
    term1 = 1 - AI
    term2 = 0.5 * (1 + tools.cosd(surf_tilt))
    term3 = 1 + np.sqrt(HB / GHI) * (tools.sind(0.5 * surf_tilt)**3)

    sky_diffuse = DHI * (AI * Rb + term1 * term2 * term3)
    sky_diffuse[sky_diffuse < 0] = 0

    return sky_diffuse
def coverage_nrel(snowfall, poa_irradiance, temp_air, surface_tilt,
                  initial_coverage=0, threshold_snowfall=1.,
                  can_slide_coefficient=-80., slide_amount_coefficient=0.197):
    Calculates the fraction of the slant height of a row of modules covered by
    snow at every time step.

    Implements the model described in [1]_ with minor improvements in [2]_,
    with the change that the output is in fraction of the row's slant height
    rather than in tenths of the row slant height. As described in [1]_, model
    validation focused on fixed tilt systems.

    snowfall : Series
        Accumulated snowfall within each time period. [cm]
    poa_irradiance : Series
        Total in-plane irradiance [W/m^2]
    temp_air : Series
        Ambient air temperature [C]
    surface_tilt : numeric
        Tilt of module's from horizontal, e.g. surface facing up = 0,
        surface facing horizon = 90. [degrees]
    initial_coverage : float, default 0
        Fraction of row's slant height that is covered with snow at the
        beginning of the simulation. [unitless]
    threshold_snowfall : float, default 1.0
        Hourly snowfall above which snow coverage is set to the row's slant
        height. [cm/hr]
    can_slide_coefficient : float, default -80.
        Coefficient to determine if snow can slide given irradiance and air
        temperature. [W/(m^2 C)]
    slide_amount_coefficient : float, default 0.197
        Coefficient to determine fraction of snow that slides off in one hour.

    snow_coverage : Series
        The fraction of the slant height of a row of modules that is covered
        by snow at each time step.

    In [1]_, `can_slide_coefficient` is termed `m`, and the value of
    `slide_amount_coefficient` is given in tenths of a module's slant height.

    .. [1] Marion, B.; Schaefer, R.; Caine, H.; Sanchez, G. (2013).
       "Measured and modeled photovoltaic system energy losses from snow for
       Colorado and Wisconsin locations." Solar Energy 97; pp.112-121.
    .. [2] Ryberg, D; Freeman, J. (2017). "Integration, Validation, and
       Application of a PV Snow Coverage Model in SAM" NREL Technical Report

    # find times with new snowfall
    new_snowfall = fully_covered_nrel(snowfall, threshold_snowfall)

    # set up output Series
    snow_coverage = pd.Series(np.nan, index=poa_irradiance.index)

    # determine amount that snow can slide in each timestep
    can_slide = temp_air > poa_irradiance / can_slide_coefficient
    slide_amt = slide_amount_coefficient * sind(surface_tilt) * \
    slide_amt[~can_slide] = 0.
    # don't slide during snow events
    slide_amt[new_snowfall] = 0.
    # don't slide in the interval preceding the snowfall data
    slide_amt.iloc[0] = 0

    # build time series of cumulative slide amounts
    sliding_period_ID = new_snowfall.cumsum()
    cumulative_sliding = slide_amt.groupby(sliding_period_ID).cumsum()

    # set up time series of snow coverage without any sliding applied
    snow_coverage[new_snowfall] = 1.0
    if np.isnan(snow_coverage.iloc[0]):
        snow_coverage.iloc[0] = initial_coverage
    snow_coverage -= cumulative_sliding

    # clean up periods where row is completely uncovered
    return snow_coverage.clip(lower=0)
def perez_diffuse_luminance(timestamps, array_tilt, array_azimuth,
                            solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, dni, dhi):
    Function used to calculate the luminance and the view factor terms from the
    Perez diffuse light transposition model, as implemented in the
    ``pvlib-python`` library.
    This function was custom made to allow the calculation of the circumsolar
    component on the back surface as well. Otherwise, the ``pvlib``
    implementation would ignore it.

    :param array-like timestamps: simulation timestamps
    :param array-like array_tilt: pv module tilt angles
    :param array-like array_azimuth: pv array azimuth angles
    :param array-like solar_zenith: solar zenith angles
    :param array-like solar_azimuth: solar azimuth angles
    :param array-like dni: values for direct normal irradiance
    :param array-like dhi: values for diffuse horizontal irradiance
    :return: ``df_inputs``, dataframe with the following columns:
        ['solar_zenith', 'solar_azimuth', 'array_tilt', 'array_azimuth', 'dhi',
        'dni', 'vf_horizon', 'vf_circumsolar', 'vf_isotropic',
        'luminance_horizon', 'luminance_circumsolar', 'luminance_isotropic',
        'poa_isotropic', 'poa_circumsolar', 'poa_horizon', 'poa_total_diffuse']
    :rtype: class:`pandas.DataFrame`
    # Create a dataframe to help filtering on all arrays
    df_inputs = pd.DataFrame(
            'array_tilt': array_tilt,
            'array_azimuth': array_azimuth,
            'solar_zenith': solar_zenith,
            'solar_azimuth': solar_azimuth,
            'dni': dni,
            'dhi': dhi

    dni_et = irradiance.extraradiation(df_inputs.index.dayofyear)
    am = atmosphere.relativeairmass(df_inputs.solar_zenith)

    # Need to treat the case when the sun is hitting the back surface of pvrow
    aoi_proj = aoi_projection(df_inputs.array_tilt, df_inputs.array_azimuth,
                              df_inputs.solar_zenith, df_inputs.solar_azimuth)
    sun_hitting_back_surface = ((aoi_proj < 0) &
                                (df_inputs.solar_zenith <= 90))
    df_inputs_back_surface = df_inputs.loc[sun_hitting_back_surface]
    # Reverse the surface normal to switch to back-surface circumsolar calc
    df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'array_azimuth'] -= 180.
    df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'array_azimuth'] = np.mod(
        df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'array_azimuth'], 360.)
    df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'array_tilt'] = (
        180. - df_inputs_back_surface.array_tilt)

    if df_inputs_back_surface.shape[0] > 0:
        # Use recursion to calculate circumsolar luminance for back surface
        df_inputs_back_surface = perez_diffuse_luminance(

    # Calculate Perez diffuse components
    diffuse_poa, components = irradiance.perez(df_inputs.array_tilt,

    # Calculate Perez view factors:
    a = aoi_projection(df_inputs.array_tilt, df_inputs.array_azimuth,
                       df_inputs.solar_zenith, df_inputs.solar_azimuth)
    a = np.maximum(a, 0)
    b = cosd(df_inputs.solar_zenith)
    b = np.maximum(b, cosd(85))

    vf_perez = pd.DataFrame(
            sind(df_inputs.array_tilt), a / b,
            (1. + cosd(df_inputs.array_tilt)) / 2.
        columns=['vf_horizon', 'vf_circumsolar', 'vf_isotropic'])

    # Calculate diffuse luminance
    luminance = pd.DataFrame(np.array([
        components['horizon'] / vf_perez['vf_horizon'],
        components['circumsolar'] / vf_perez['vf_circumsolar'],
        components['isotropic'] / vf_perez['vf_isotropic']
                                 'luminance_horizon', 'luminance_circumsolar',
    luminance.loc[diffuse_poa == 0, :] = 0.

    # Format components column names
    components = components.rename(
            'isotropic': 'poa_isotropic',
            'circumsolar': 'poa_circumsolar',
            'horizon': 'poa_horizon'

    df_inputs = pd.concat(
        [df_inputs, components, vf_perez, luminance, diffuse_poa],
    df_inputs = df_inputs.rename(columns={0: 'poa_total_diffuse'})

    # Adjust the circumsolar luminance when it hits the back surface
    if df_inputs_back_surface.shape[0] > 0:
        df_inputs.loc[sun_hitting_back_surface, 'luminance_circumsolar'] = (
            df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'luminance_circumsolar'])
    return df_inputs
def perez_diffuse_luminance(timestamps, surface_tilt, surface_azimuth,
                            solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, dni, dhi):
    """Function used to calculate the luminance and the view factor terms from the
    Perez diffuse light transposition model, as implemented in the
    ``pvlib-python`` library.
    This function was custom made to allow the calculation of the circumsolar
    component on the back surface as well. Otherwise, the ``pvlib``
    implementation would ignore it.

    timestamps : array-like
        simulation timestamps
    surface_tilt : array-like
        Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees.
        surface_tilt must be >=0 and <=180.
        The tilt angle is defined as degrees from horizontal
        (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing horizon = 90)
    surface_azimuth : array-like
        The azimuth of the rotated panel,
        determined by projecting the vector normal to the panel's surface to
        the earth's surface [degrees].
    solar_zenith : array-like
        solar zenith angles
    solar_azimuth : array-like
        solar azimuth angles
    dni : array-like
        values for direct normal irradiance
    dhi : array-like
        values for diffuse horizontal irradiance

    df_inputs : `pandas.DataFrame`
        Dataframe with the following columns:
        ['solar_zenith', 'solar_azimuth', 'surface_tilt', 'surface_azimuth',
        'dhi', 'dni', 'vf_horizon', 'vf_circumsolar', 'vf_isotropic',
        'luminance_horizon', 'luminance_circuqmsolar', 'luminance_isotropic',
        'poa_isotropic', 'poa_circumsolar', 'poa_horizon', 'poa_total_diffuse']

    # Create a dataframe to help filtering on all arrays
    df_inputs = pd.DataFrame(
            'surface_tilt': surface_tilt,
            'surface_azimuth': surface_azimuth,
            'solar_zenith': solar_zenith,
            'solar_azimuth': solar_azimuth,
            'dni': dni,
            'dhi': dhi

    dni_et = irradiance.get_extra_radiation(df_inputs.index.dayofyear)
    am = atmosphere.get_relative_airmass(df_inputs.solar_zenith)

    # Need to treat the case when the sun is hitting the back surface of pvrow
    aoi_proj = irradiance.aoi_projection(df_inputs.surface_tilt,
    sun_hitting_back_surface = ((aoi_proj < 0) &
                                (df_inputs.solar_zenith <= 90))
    df_inputs_back_surface = df_inputs.loc[sun_hitting_back_surface].copy()
    # Reverse the surface normal to switch to back-surface circumsolar calc
    df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'surface_azimuth'] = (
        df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'surface_azimuth'] - 180.)
    df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'surface_azimuth'] = np.mod(
        df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'surface_azimuth'], 360.)
    df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'surface_tilt'] = (
        180. - df_inputs_back_surface.surface_tilt)

    if df_inputs_back_surface.shape[0] > 0:
        # Use recursion to calculate circumsolar luminance for back surface
        df_inputs_back_surface = perez_diffuse_luminance(

    # Calculate Perez diffuse components
    components = irradiance.perez(df_inputs.surface_tilt,

    # Calculate Perez view factors:
    a = irradiance.aoi_projection(df_inputs.surface_tilt,
    a = np.maximum(a, 0)
    b = cosd(df_inputs.solar_zenith)
    b = np.maximum(b, cosd(85))

    vf_perez = pd.DataFrame(
            'vf_horizon': sind(df_inputs.surface_tilt),
            'vf_circumsolar': a / b,
            'vf_isotropic': (1. + cosd(df_inputs.surface_tilt)) / 2.

    # Calculate diffuse luminance
    luminance = pd.DataFrame(np.array([
        components['horizon'] / vf_perez['vf_horizon'],
        components['circumsolar'] / vf_perez['vf_circumsolar'],
        components['isotropic'] / vf_perez['vf_isotropic']
                                 'luminance_horizon', 'luminance_circumsolar',
    luminance.loc[components['sky_diffuse'] == 0, :] = 0.

    # Format components column names
    components = components.rename(
            'isotropic': 'poa_isotropic',
            'circumsolar': 'poa_circumsolar',
            'horizon': 'poa_horizon'

    df_inputs = pd.concat([df_inputs, components, vf_perez, luminance],
    df_inputs = df_inputs.rename(columns={'sky_diffuse': 'poa_total_diffuse'})

    # Adjust the circumsolar luminance when it hits the back surface
    if df_inputs_back_surface.shape[0] > 0:
        df_inputs.loc[sun_hitting_back_surface, 'luminance_circumsolar'] = (
            df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'luminance_circumsolar'])

    return df_inputs
def singleaxis(apparent_zenith,
               gcr=2.0 / 7.0):
    Determine the rotation angle of a single axis tracker using the
    equations in [1] when given a particular sun zenith and azimuth
    angle. backtracking may be specified, and if so, a ground coverage
    ratio is required.

    Rotation angle is determined in a panel-oriented coordinate system.
    The tracker azimuth axis_azimuth defines the positive y-axis; the
    positive x-axis is 90 degress clockwise from the y-axis and parallel
    to the earth surface, and the positive z-axis is normal and oriented
    towards the sun. Rotation angle tracker_theta indicates tracker
    position relative to horizontal: tracker_theta = 0 is horizontal,
    and positive tracker_theta is a clockwise rotation around the y axis
    in the x, y, z coordinate system. For example, if tracker azimuth
    axis_azimuth is 180 (oriented south), tracker_theta = 30 is a
    rotation of 30 degrees towards the west, and tracker_theta = -90 is
    a rotation to the vertical plane facing east.

    apparent_zenith : float, 1d array, or Series
        Solar apparent zenith angles in decimal degrees.

    apparent_azimuth : float, 1d array, or Series
        Solar apparent azimuth angles in decimal degrees.

    axis_tilt : float, default 0
        The tilt of the axis of rotation (i.e, the y-axis defined by
        axis_azimuth) with respect to horizontal, in decimal degrees.

    axis_azimuth : float, default 0
        A value denoting the compass direction along which the axis of
        rotation lies. Measured in decimal degrees East of North.

    max_angle : float, default 90
        A value denoting the maximum rotation angle, in decimal degrees,
        of the one-axis tracker from its horizontal position (horizontal
        if axis_tilt = 0). A max_angle of 90 degrees allows the tracker
        to rotate to a vertical position to point the panel towards a
        horizon. max_angle of 180 degrees allows for full rotation.

    backtrack : bool, default True
        Controls whether the tracker has the capability to "backtrack"
        to avoid row-to-row shading. False denotes no backtrack
        capability. True denotes backtrack capability.

    gcr : float, default 2.0/7.0
        A value denoting the ground coverage ratio of a tracker system
        which utilizes backtracking; i.e. the ratio between the PV array
        surface area to total ground area. A tracker system with modules
        2 meters wide, centered on the tracking axis, with 6 meters
        between the tracking axes has a gcr of 2/6=0.333. If gcr is not
        provided, a gcr of 2/7 is default. gcr must be <=1.

    dict or DataFrame with the following columns:

    * tracker_theta: The rotation angle of the tracker.
        tracker_theta = 0 is horizontal, and positive rotation angles are
    * aoi: The angle-of-incidence of direct irradiance onto the
        rotated panel surface.
    * surface_tilt: The angle between the panel surface and the earth
        surface, accounting for panel rotation.
    * surface_azimuth: The azimuth of the rotated panel, determined by
        projecting the vector normal to the panel's surface to the earth's

    [1] Lorenzo, E et al., 2011, "Tracking and back-tracking", Prog. in
    Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, v. 19, pp. 747-753.

    # MATLAB to Python conversion by
    # Will Holmgren (@wholmgren), U. Arizona. March, 2015.

    if isinstance(apparent_zenith, pd.Series):
        index = apparent_zenith.index
        index = None

    # convert scalars to arrays
    apparent_azimuth = np.atleast_1d(apparent_azimuth)
    apparent_zenith = np.atleast_1d(apparent_zenith)

    if apparent_azimuth.ndim > 1 or apparent_zenith.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError('Input dimensions must not exceed 1')

    # Calculate sun position x, y, z using coordinate system as in [1], Eq 2.

    # Positive y axis is oriented parallel to earth surface along tracking axis
    # (for the purpose of illustration, assume y is oriented to the south);
    # positive x axis is orthogonal, 90 deg clockwise from y-axis, and parallel
    # to the earth's surface (if y axis is south, x axis is west);
    # positive z axis is normal to x, y axes, pointed upward.

    # Equations in [1] assume solar azimuth is relative to reference vector
    # pointed south, with clockwise positive.
    # Here, the input solar azimuth is degrees East of North,
    # i.e., relative to a reference vector pointed
    # north with clockwise positive.
    # Rotate sun azimuth to coordinate system as in [1]
    # to calculate sun position.

    az = apparent_azimuth - 180
    apparent_elevation = 90 - apparent_zenith
    x = cosd(apparent_elevation) * sind(az)
    y = cosd(apparent_elevation) * cosd(az)
    z = sind(apparent_elevation)

    # translate array azimuth from compass bearing to [1] coord system
    # wholmgren: strange to see axis_azimuth calculated differently from az,
    # (not that it matters, or at least it shouldn't...).
    axis_azimuth_south = axis_azimuth - 180

    # translate input array tilt angle axis_tilt to [1] coordinate system.

    # In [1] coordinates, axis_tilt is a rotation about the x-axis.
    # For a system with array azimuth (y-axis) oriented south,
    # the x-axis is oriented west, and a positive axis_tilt is a
    # counterclockwise rotation, i.e, lifting the north edge of the panel.
    # Thus, in [1] coordinate system, in the northern hemisphere a positive
    # axis_tilt indicates a rotation toward the equator,
    # whereas in the southern hemisphere rotation toward the equator is
    # indicated by axis_tilt<0.  Here, the input axis_tilt is
    # always positive and is a rotation toward the equator.

    # Calculate sun position (xp, yp, zp) in panel-oriented coordinate system:
    # positive y-axis is oriented along tracking axis at panel tilt;
    # positive x-axis is orthogonal, clockwise, parallel to earth surface;
    # positive z-axis is normal to x-y axes, pointed upward.
    # Calculate sun position (xp,yp,zp) in panel coordinates using [1] Eq 11
    # note that equation for yp (y' in Eq. 11 of Lorenzo et al 2011) is
    # corrected, after conversation with paper's authors.

    xp = x * cosd(axis_azimuth_south) - y * sind(axis_azimuth_south)
    yp = (x * cosd(axis_tilt) * sind(axis_azimuth_south) +
          y * cosd(axis_tilt) * cosd(axis_azimuth_south) - z * sind(axis_tilt))
    zp = (x * sind(axis_tilt) * sind(axis_azimuth_south) +
          y * sind(axis_tilt) * cosd(axis_azimuth_south) + z * cosd(axis_tilt))

    # The ideal tracking angle wid is the rotation to place the sun position
    # vector (xp, yp, zp) in the (y, z) plane; i.e., normal to the panel and
    # containing the axis of rotation.  wid = 0 indicates that the panel is
    # horizontal.  Here, our convention is that a clockwise rotation is
    # positive, to view rotation angles in the same frame of reference as
    # azimuth.  For example, for a system with tracking axis oriented south,
    # a rotation toward the east is negative, and a rotation to the west is
    # positive.

    # Use arctan2 and avoid the tmp corrections.

    # angle from x-y plane to projection of sun vector onto x-z plane
    #     tmp = np.degrees(np.arctan(zp/xp))

    # Obtain wid by translating tmp to convention for rotation angles.
    # Have to account for which quadrant of the x-z plane in which the sun
    # vector lies.  Complete solution here but probably not necessary to
    # consider QIII and QIV.
    #     wid = pd.Series(index=times)
    #     wid[(xp>=0) & (zp>=0)] =  90 - tmp[(xp>=0) & (zp>=0)]  # QI
    #     wid[(xp<0)  & (zp>=0)] = -90 - tmp[(xp<0)  & (zp>=0)]  # QII
    #     wid[(xp<0)  & (zp<0)]  = -90 - tmp[(xp<0)  & (zp<0)]   # QIII
    #     wid[(xp>=0) & (zp<0)]  =  90 - tmp[(xp>=0) & (zp<0)]   # QIV

    # Calculate angle from x-y plane to projection of sun vector onto x-z plane
    # and then obtain wid by translating tmp to convention for rotation angles.
    wid = 90 - np.degrees(np.arctan2(zp, xp))

    # filter for sun above panel horizon
    zen_gt_90 = apparent_zenith > 90
    wid[zen_gt_90] = np.nan

    # Account for backtracking; modified from [1] to account for rotation
    # angle convention being used here.
    if backtrack:
        axes_distance = 1 / gcr
        # clip needed for low angles. GH 656
        temp = np.clip(axes_distance * cosd(wid), -1, 1)

        # backtrack angle
        # (always positive b/c acosd returns values between 0 and 180)
        wc = np.degrees(np.arccos(temp))

        # Eq 4 applied when wid in QIV (wid < 0 evalulates True), QI
        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
            # errstate for GH 622
            tracker_theta = np.where(wid < 0, wid + wc, wid - wc)
        tracker_theta = wid

    tracker_theta = np.minimum(tracker_theta, max_angle)
    tracker_theta = np.maximum(tracker_theta, -max_angle)

    # calculate panel normal vector in panel-oriented x, y, z coordinates.
    # y-axis is axis of tracker rotation.  tracker_theta is a compass angle
    # (clockwise is positive) rather than a trigonometric angle.
    # the *0 is a trick to preserve NaN values.
    panel_norm = np.array(
        [sind(tracker_theta), tracker_theta * 0,

    # sun position in vector format in panel-oriented x, y, z coordinates
    sun_vec = np.array([xp, yp, zp])

    # calculate angle-of-incidence on panel
    aoi = np.degrees(np.arccos(np.abs(np.sum(sun_vec * panel_norm, axis=0))))

    # calculate panel tilt and azimuth
    # in a coordinate system where the panel tilt is the
    # angle from horizontal, and the panel azimuth is
    # the compass angle (clockwise from north) to the projection
    # of the panel's normal to the earth's surface.
    # These outputs are provided for convenience and comparison
    # with other PV software which use these angle conventions.

    # project normal vector to earth surface.
    # First rotate about x-axis by angle -axis_tilt so that y-axis is
    # also parallel to earth surface, then project.

    # Calculate standard rotation matrix
    rot_x = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cosd(-axis_tilt), -sind(-axis_tilt)],
                      [0, sind(-axis_tilt),

    # panel_norm_earth contains the normal vector
    # expressed in earth-surface coordinates
    # (z normal to surface, y aligned with tracker axis parallel to earth)
    panel_norm_earth = np.dot(rot_x, panel_norm).T

    # projection to plane tangent to earth surface,
    # in earth surface coordinates
    projected_normal = np.array([
        panel_norm_earth[:, 0], panel_norm_earth[:, 1],
        panel_norm_earth[:, 2] * 0

    # calculate vector magnitudes
    projected_normal_mag = np.sqrt(np.nansum(projected_normal**2, axis=1))

    # renormalize the projected vector
    # avoid creating nan values.
    non_zeros = projected_normal_mag != 0
    projected_normal[non_zeros] = (projected_normal[non_zeros].T /

    # calculation of surface_azimuth
    # 1. Find the angle.
    #     surface_azimuth = pd.Series(
    #         np.degrees(np.arctan(projected_normal[:,1]/projected_normal[:,0])),
    #                                 index=times)
    surface_azimuth = \
        np.degrees(np.arctan2(projected_normal[:, 1], projected_normal[:, 0]))

    # 2. Clean up atan when x-coord or y-coord is zero
    #     surface_azimuth[(projected_normal[:,0]==0) & (projected_normal[:,1]>0)] =  90
    #     surface_azimuth[(projected_normal[:,0]==0) & (projected_normal[:,1]<0)] =  -90
    #     surface_azimuth[(projected_normal[:,1]==0) & (projected_normal[:,0]>0)] =  0
    #     surface_azimuth[(projected_normal[:,1]==0) & (projected_normal[:,0]<0)] = 180

    # 3. Correct atan for QII and QIII
    #     surface_azimuth[(projected_normal[:,0]<0) & (projected_normal[:,1]>0)] += 180 # QII
    #     surface_azimuth[(projected_normal[:,0]<0) & (projected_normal[:,1]<0)] += 180 # QIII

    # 4. Skip to below

    # at this point surface_azimuth contains angles between -90 and +270,
    # where 0 is along the positive x-axis,
    # the y-axis is in the direction of the tracker azimuth,
    # and positive angles are rotations from the positive x axis towards
    # the positive y-axis.
    # Adjust to compass angles
    # (clockwise rotation from 0 along the positive y-axis)
    #    surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth<=90] = 90 - surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth<=90]
    #    surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth>90] = 450 - surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth>90]

    # finally rotate to align y-axis with true north
    # PVLIB_MATLAB has this latitude correction,
    # but I don't think it's latitude dependent if you always
    # specify axis_azimuth with respect to North.
    #     if latitude > 0 or True:
    #         surface_azimuth = surface_azimuth - axis_azimuth
    #     else:
    #         surface_azimuth = surface_azimuth - axis_azimuth - 180
    #     surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth<0] = 360 + surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth<0]

    # the commented code above is mostly part of PVLIB_MATLAB.
    # My (wholmgren) take is that it can be done more simply.
    # Say that we're pointing along the postive x axis (likely west).
    # We just need to rotate 90 degrees to get from the x axis
    # to the y axis (likely south),
    # and then add the axis_azimuth to get back to North.
    # Anything left over is the azimuth that we want,
    # and we can map it into the [0,360) domain.

    # 4. Rotate 0 reference from panel's x axis to it's y axis and
    #    then back to North.
    surface_azimuth = 90 - surface_azimuth + axis_azimuth

    # 5. Map azimuth into [0,360) domain.
    # surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth < 0] += 360
    # surface_azimuth[surface_azimuth >= 360] -= 360
    surface_azimuth = surface_azimuth % 360

    # Calculate surface_tilt
    dotproduct = (panel_norm_earth * projected_normal).sum(axis=1)
    surface_tilt = 90 - np.degrees(np.arccos(dotproduct))

    # Bundle DataFrame for return values and filter for sun below horizon.
    out = {
        'tracker_theta': tracker_theta,
        'aoi': aoi,
        'surface_azimuth': surface_azimuth,
        'surface_tilt': surface_tilt
    if index is not None:
        out = pd.DataFrame(out, index=index)
        out = out[['tracker_theta', 'aoi', 'surface_azimuth', 'surface_tilt']]
        out[zen_gt_90] = np.nan
        out = {k: np.where(zen_gt_90, np.nan, v) for k, v in out.items()}

    return out
def klucher(surf_tilt, surf_az, DHI, GHI, sun_zen, sun_az):
    Determine diffuse irradiance from the sky on a tilted surface
    using Klucher's 1979 model

    .. math::

       I_{d} = DHI \frac{1 + \cos\beta}{2} (1 + F' \sin^3(\beta/2))
       (1 + F' \cos^2\theta\sin^3\theta_z)


    .. math::

       F' = 1 - (I_{d0} / GHI)

    Klucher's 1979 model determines the diffuse irradiance from the sky
    (ground reflected irradiance is not included in this algorithm) on a
    tilted surface using the surface tilt angle, surface azimuth angle,
    diffuse horizontal irradiance, direct normal irradiance, global
    horizontal irradiance, extraterrestrial irradiance, sun zenith angle,
    and sun azimuth angle.


    surf_tilt : float or Series
        Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees.
        surf_tilt must be >=0 and <=180. The tilt angle is defined as
        degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing
        horizon = 90)

    surf_az : float or Series
        Surface azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
        surf_az must be >=0 and <=360. The Azimuth convention is defined
        as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, South=180 East = 90,
        West = 270).

    DHI : float or Series
        diffuse horizontal irradiance in W/m^2.
        DHI must be >=0.

    GHI : float or Series
        Global  irradiance in W/m^2.
        DNI must be >=0.

    sun_zen : float or Series
        apparent (refraction-corrected) zenith
        angles in decimal degrees.
        sun_zen must be >=0 and <=180.

    sun_az : float or Series
        Sun azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
        sun_az must be >=0 and <=360. The Azimuth convention is defined
        as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, East = 90, West = 270).

    float or Series.

    The diffuse component of the solar radiation on an
    arbitrarily tilted surface defined by the Klucher model as given in
    Loutzenhiser et. al (2007) equation 4.
    SkyDiffuse is the diffuse component ONLY and does not include the ground
    reflected irradiance or the irradiance due to the beam.
    SkyDiffuse is a column vector vector with a number of elements equal to
    the input vector(s).

    [1] Loutzenhiser P.G. et. al. "Empirical validation of models to compute
    solar irradiance on inclined surfaces for building energy simulation"
    2007, Solar Energy vol. 81. pp. 254-267

    [2] Klucher, T.M., 1979. Evaluation of models to predict insolation on
    tilted surfaces. Solar Energy 23 (2), 111-114.


    # zenith angle with respect to panel normal.
    cos_tt = aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az)

    F = 1 - ((DHI / GHI) ** 2)
        # fails with single point input
        F.fillna(0, inplace=True)
    except AttributeError:
        F = 0

    term1 = 0.5 * (1 + tools.cosd(surf_tilt))
    term2 = 1 + F * (tools.sind(0.5 * surf_tilt) ** 3)
    term3 = 1 + F * (cos_tt ** 2) * (tools.sind(sun_zen) ** 3)

    sky_diffuse = DHI * term1 * term2 * term3

    return sky_diffuse
def physicaliam(K, L, n, aoi):
    Determine the incidence angle modifier using refractive 
    index, glazing thickness, and extinction coefficient

    physicaliam calculates the incidence angle modifier as described in
    De Soto et al. "Improvement and validation of a model for photovoltaic
    array performance", section 3. The calculation is based upon a physical
    model of absorbtion and transmission through a cover. Required
    information includes, incident angle, cover extinction coefficient,
    cover thickness

    Note: The authors of this function believe that eqn. 14 in [1] is
    incorrect. This function uses the following equation in its place:
    theta_r = arcsin(1/n * sin(theta))

    K : float
        The glazing extinction coefficient in units of 1/meters. Reference
        [1] indicates that a value of  4 is reasonable for "water white"
        glass. K must be a numeric scalar or vector with all values >=0. If K
        is a vector, it must be the same size as all other input vectors.

    L : float
        The glazing thickness in units of meters. Reference [1] indicates
        that 0.002 meters (2 mm) is reasonable for most glass-covered
        PV panels. L must be a numeric scalar or vector with all values >=0. 
        If L is a vector, it must be the same size as all other input vectors.

    n : float
        The effective index of refraction (unitless). Reference [1]
        indicates that a value of 1.526 is acceptable for glass. n must be a 
        numeric scalar or vector with all values >=0. If n is a vector, it 
        must be the same size as all other input vectors.

    aoi : Series
        The angle of incidence between the module normal vector and the
        sun-beam vector in degrees. 

    IAM : float or Series
        The incident angle modifier as specified in eqns. 14-16 of [1].
        IAM is a column vector with the same number of elements as the
        largest input vector.
        Theta must be a numeric scalar or vector.
        For any values of theta where abs(aoi)>90, IAM is set to 0. For any
        values of aoi where -90 < aoi < 0, theta is set to abs(aoi) and

    [1] W. De Soto et al., "Improvement and validation of a model for
    photovoltaic array performance", Solar Energy, vol 80, pp. 78-88,

    [2] Duffie, John A. & Beckman, William A.. (2006). Solar Engineering 
    of Thermal Processes, third edition. [Books24x7 version] Available 
    from http://common.books24x7.com/toc.aspx?bookid=17160. 

    See Also 
    thetar_deg = tools.asind(1.0 / n*(tools.sind(aoi)))

    tau = ( np.exp(- 1.0 * (K*L / tools.cosd(thetar_deg))) *
            ((1 - 0.5*((((tools.sind(thetar_deg - aoi)) ** 2) /
            ((tools.sind(thetar_deg + aoi)) ** 2) +
            ((tools.tand(thetar_deg - aoi)) ** 2) /
            ((tools.tand(thetar_deg + aoi)) ** 2))))) )
    zeroang = 1e-06
    thetar_deg0 = tools.asind(1.0 / n*(tools.sind(zeroang)))
    tau0 = ( np.exp(- 1.0 * (K*L / tools.cosd(thetar_deg0))) *
             ((1 - 0.5*((((tools.sind(thetar_deg0 - zeroang)) ** 2) /
             ((tools.sind(thetar_deg0 + zeroang)) ** 2) +
             ((tools.tand(thetar_deg0 - zeroang)) ** 2) /
             ((tools.tand(thetar_deg0 + zeroang)) ** 2))))) )
    IAM = tau / tau0
    IAM[abs(aoi) >= 90] = np.nan
    IAM[IAM < 0] = np.nan
    return IAM
def perez_diffuse_luminance(df_inputs):
    Function used to calculate the luminance and the view factor terms from the
    Perez diffuse light transposition model, as implemented in the
    ``pvlib-python`` library.

    :param df_inputs: class:`pandas.DataFrame` with following columns:
        ['solar_zenith', 'solar_azimuth', 'array_tilt', 'array_azimuth', 'dhi',
        'dni']. Units are: ['deg', 'deg', 'deg', 'deg', 'W/m2', 'W/m2']
    :return: class:`pandas.DataFrame` with the following columns:
        ['solar_zenith', 'solar_azimuth', 'array_tilt', 'array_azimuth', 'dhi',
        'dni', 'vf_horizon', 'vf_circumsolar', 'vf_isotropic',
        'luminance_horizon', 'luminance_circumsolar', 'luminance_isotropic',
        'poa_isotropic', 'poa_circumsolar', 'poa_horizon', 'poa_total_diffuse']

    dni_et = irradiance.extraradiation(df_inputs.index.dayofyear)
    am = atmosphere.relativeairmass(df_inputs.solar_zenith)

    # Need to treat the case when the sun is hitting the back surface of pvrow
    aoi_proj = aoi_projection(df_inputs.array_tilt, df_inputs.array_azimuth,
                              df_inputs.solar_zenith, df_inputs.solar_azimuth)
    sun_hitting_back_surface = ((aoi_proj < 0) &
                                (df_inputs.solar_zenith <= 90))
    df_inputs_back_surface = df_inputs.loc[sun_hitting_back_surface]
    # Reverse the surface normal to switch to back-surface circumsolar calc
    df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'array_azimuth'] -= 180.
    df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'array_azimuth'] = np.mod(
        df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'array_azimuth'], 360.
    df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'array_tilt'] = (
        180. - df_inputs_back_surface.array_tilt)

    if df_inputs_back_surface.shape[0] > 0:
        # Use recursion to calculate circumsolar luminance for back surface
        df_inputs_back_surface = perez_diffuse_luminance(

    # Calculate Perez diffuse components
    diffuse_poa, components = irradiance.perez(df_inputs.array_tilt,
                                               df_inputs.dhi, df_inputs.dni,

    # Calculate Perez view factors:
    a = aoi_projection(df_inputs.array_tilt, df_inputs.array_azimuth,
                       df_inputs.solar_zenith, df_inputs.solar_azimuth)
    a = np.maximum(a, 0)
    b = cosd(df_inputs.solar_zenith)
    b = np.maximum(b, cosd(85))

    vf_perez = pd.DataFrame(
            a / b,
            (1. + cosd(df_inputs.array_tilt)) / 2.
        columns=['vf_horizon', 'vf_circumsolar', 'vf_isotropic']

    # Calculate diffuse luminance
    luminance = pd.DataFrame(
            components['horizon'] / vf_perez['vf_horizon'],
            components['circumsolar'] / vf_perez['vf_circumsolar'],
            components['isotropic'] / vf_perez['vf_isotropic']
        columns=['luminance_horizon', 'luminance_circumsolar',
    luminance.loc[diffuse_poa == 0, :] = 0.

    # Format components column names
    components = components.rename(columns={'isotropic': 'poa_isotropic',
                                            'circumsolar': 'poa_circumsolar',
                                            'horizon': 'poa_horizon'})

    df_inputs = pd.concat([df_inputs, components, vf_perez, luminance,
                          axis=1, join='outer')
    df_inputs = df_inputs.rename(columns={0: 'poa_total_diffuse'})

    # Adjust the circumsolar luminance when it hits the back surface
    if df_inputs_back_surface.shape[0] > 0:
        df_inputs.loc[sun_hitting_back_surface, 'luminance_circumsolar'] = (
            df_inputs_back_surface.loc[:, 'luminance_circumsolar']
    return df_inputs