def _preprocessImageRow30(self, img, imgRow): from .convert_deprecated import setupCTF, copyOrLinkFileName if self._imgPath is not None: copyOrLinkFileName(imgRow, self._imgPath, self.protocol._getExtraPath()) setupCTF(imgRow, self.protocol.samplingRate.get()) if self._micIdOrName: micId = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographId', None) micName = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographName', None) # Check which is the key to identify micrographs (id or name) if micId is not None: micKey = micId else: micKey = micName mic = self.micDict.get(micKey, None) # First time I found this micrograph (either by id or name) if mic is None: mic = Micrograph() mic.setObjId(micId) if micName is None: micName = self.protocol._getExtraPath( 'fake_micrograph%6d' % micId) mic.setFileName(micName) mic.setMicName(os.path.basename(micName)) self.micSet.append(mic) # Update dict with new Micrograph self.micDict[micKey] = mic # Update the row to set a MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID imgRow['rlnMicrographId'] = int(mic.getObjId())
def getMicList(start=1, end=3): """ Mocks a mic dict""" newMicDict = {} for index in range(start, end + 1): mic = Micrograph() mic.setMicName("mic%s" % index) newMicDict[index] = mic return newMicDict
def getCTFList(start=1, end=3): """ Mocks a CTF dict""" newCtfDict = {} for index in range(start, end + 1): ctf = CTFModel() mic = Micrograph() mic.setMicName("mic%s" % index) ctf.setMicrograph(mic) newCtfDict[mic.getMicName()] = ctf return newCtfDict
def appendMicsFromTomogram(self, output, tomo):"Creating micrographs for %s" % tomo.getFileName()) # Load the tomogram ih = ImageHandler() img = data = img.getData() # For each slice for index in range(0, len(data), self.slicesGap.get()): self.debug("Creating micrograph for slice %s" % index) micName = tomoSliceToMicName(tomo, index) outputMicName = self._getExtraPath(micName) outputMicName = replaceExt(outputMicName, "mrc") slice = data[index] micImg = ImageHandler() micImg._img.setData(slice) micImg.write(micImg._img, outputMicName) # Create the micrograph metadata object newMic = Micrograph() newMic.setFileName(outputMicName) newMic.setMicName(micName) newMic.setSamplingRate(tomo.getSamplingRate()) # Append it output.append(newMic)
def testCtfConsensus1(self): # create one micrograph set fnMicSet = self.proj.getTmpPath("mics.sqlite") fnMic = self.proj.getTmpPath("mic.mrc") mic = Micrograph() mic.setFileName(fnMic) micSet = SetOfMicrographs(filename=fnMicSet) # create two CTFsets fnCTF1 = self.proj.getTmpPath("ctf1.sqlite") ctfSet1 = SetOfCTF(filename=fnCTF1) # create one fake micrographs image projSize = 32 img = emlib.Image() img.setDataType(emlib.DT_FLOAT) img.resize(projSize, projSize) img.write(fnMic) # fill the sets for i in range(1, 4): mic = Micrograph() mic.setFileName(fnMic) micSet.append(mic) defocusU = 4000 + 10 * i defocusV = 4000 + i defocusAngle = i * 10 resolution = 2 psdFile = "psd_1%04d" % i ctf = self._getCTFModel(defocusU, defocusV, defocusAngle, resolution, psdFile) ctf.setMicrograph(mic) ctfSet1.append(ctf) ctfSet1.write() micSet.write() # import micrograph set args = { 'importFrom': ProtImportMicrographs.IMPORT_FROM_SCIPION, 'sqliteFile': fnMicSet, 'amplitudConstrast': 0.1, 'sphericalAberration': 2., 'voltage': 100, 'samplingRate': 2.1 } protMicImport = self.newProtocol(ProtImportMicrographs, **args) protMicImport.setObjLabel('import micrographs from sqlite ') self.launchProtocol(protMicImport) # import ctfsets protCTF1 = \ self.newProtocol(ProtImportCTF, importFrom=ProtImportCTF.IMPORT_FROM_SCIPION, filesPath=fnCTF1) protCTF1.inputMicrographs.set(protMicImport.outputMicrographs) protCTF1.setObjLabel('import ctfs from scipion_1 ') self.launchProtocol(protCTF1) # launch CTF consensus protocol protCtfConsensus = self.newProtocol(XmippProtCTFConsensus) protCtfConsensus.inputCTF.set(protCTF1.outputCTF) protCtfConsensus.setObjLabel('ctf consensus') self.launchProtocol(protCtfConsensus) self.checkOutputSize(protCtfConsensus) ctf0 = protCtfConsensus.outputCTF.getFirstItem() resolution = int(ctf0.getResolution()) defocusU = int(ctf0.getDefocusU()) self.assertEqual(resolution, 2) self.assertEqual(defocusU, 4010)
def _preprocessImageRow30(self, img, imgRow): self.preprocess_success = False #Create a link or copy the particle binary files (*.mrcs). If the file already exists, does nothing self.copyOrLinkBinary(imgRow, 'rlnImageName', self._imgPath, self.protocol._getExtraPath(), copyFiles=self.protocol.copyBinaries.get()) setupCTF(imgRow, self.acquisitionDict['samplingRate']) movieId = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographId', None) movieName = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographName', None) #Import the associated movie (*.mrcs) if self.movieSet is not None and imgRow.get('rlnMicrographName', None) is not None: # Check which is the key to identify micrographs (id or name) if movieId is not None: movieKey = movieId else: movieKey = movieName # First time I found this micrograph (either by id or name) if movieKey not in self._importedMovies: self.copyOrLinkBinary( imgRow, 'rlnMicrographName', self._imgPath, self.protocol._getExtraPath(), copyFiles=self.protocol.copyBinaries.get()) movieName = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographName', None) movie = Movie() movie.setObjId(movieId) movie.setFileName(movieName) movie.setMicName(movieName) if self._importAlignments: alignment = self.getMicrographAlignment(movie) if alignment: movie.setAlignment(alignment) self.movieSet.append(movie) # Update dict with new movie self._movieDict[movieKey] = movie self._importedMovies.add(movieKey) else: self.preprocess_success = False else: self.movieSet.append(movie) # Update dict with new movie self._movieDict[movieKey] = movie self._importedMovies.add(movieKey) if self.micSet is not None: imgRow['rlnMicrographName'] = self.fixMicName( imgRow['rlnMicrographName']) micName = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographName', None) micId = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographId', None) # Check which is the key to identify micrographs (id or name) if micId is not None: micKey = micId else: micKey = micName # First time I found this micrograph (either by id or name) if micKey not in self._importedMicrographs: self.copyOrLinkBinary( imgRow, 'rlnMicrographName', self._imgPath, self.protocol._getExtraPath(), copyFiles=self.protocol.copyBinaries.get()) micName = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographName', None) mic = Micrograph() mic.setObjId(micId) if micName is None: micName = self.protocol._getExtraPath( 'fake_micrograph%6d' % micId) mic.setFileName(micName) mic.setMicName(movieName) ctf = rowToCtfModel(imgRow) ctf.setMicrograph(mic) self.ctfSet.append(ctf) mic.setCTF(rowToCtfModel(imgRow)) self.micSet.append(mic) self._micDict[os.path.basename(movieName)] = mic self._importedMicrographs.add(micKey) else: mic = self._micDict.get(os.path.basename(movieName)) movieName = mic.getMicName() # Update the row to set a MDL_MICROGRAPH_ID imgRow['rlnMicrographId'] = int(mic.getObjId()) imgRow['rlnMicrographName'] = movieName img.setCTF(rowToCtfModel(imgRow)) self.preprocess_success = True
def createOutputStep(self): oddSet = self._createSetOfMovies(suffix='odd') evenSet = self._createSetOfMovies(suffix='even') for movie in self.inputMovies.get(): fnMovie = movie.getFileName() fnMovieOddMrc = self._getExtraPath( pwutils.removeExt(basename(fnMovie)) + "_odd.mrc") fnMovieEvenMrc = self._getExtraPath( pwutils.removeExt(basename(fnMovie)) + "_even.mrc") imgOutOdd = Movie() imgOutEven = Movie() imgOutOdd.setFileName(fnMovieOddMrc) imgOutEven.setFileName(fnMovieEvenMrc) imgOutOdd.setSamplingRate(movie.getSamplingRate()) imgOutEven.setSamplingRate(movie.getSamplingRate()) oddSet.append(imgOutOdd) evenSet.append(imgOutEven) oddSet.setSamplingRate(self.inputMovies.get().getSamplingRate()) evenSet.setSamplingRate(self.inputMovies.get().getSamplingRate()) self._defineOutputs(oddMovie=oddSet) self._defineOutputs(evenMovie=evenSet) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputMovies, oddSet) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputMovies, evenSet) if (self.sumFrames.get() is True): oddSetAligned = self._createSetOfMicrographs(suffix='oddMic') evenSetAligned = self._createSetOfMicrographs(suffix='evenMic') for movie in self.inputMovies.get(): fnMovie = movie.getFileName() fnMicOdd = self._getExtraPath( pwutils.removeExt(basename(fnMovie)) + "_odd_aligned.mrc") fnMicEven = self._getExtraPath( pwutils.removeExt(basename(fnMovie)) + "_even_aligned.mrc") imgOutOdd = Micrograph() imgOutEven = Micrograph() imgOutOdd.setFileName(fnMicOdd) imgOutEven.setFileName(fnMicEven) imgOutOdd.setSamplingRate(movie.getSamplingRate()) imgOutEven.setSamplingRate(movie.getSamplingRate()) oddSetAligned.append(imgOutOdd) evenSetAligned.append(imgOutEven) oddSetAligned.copyInfo(self.inputMovies.get()) evenSetAligned.copyInfo(self.inputMovies.get()) oddSetAligned.setSamplingRate( self.inputMovies.get().getSamplingRate()) evenSetAligned.setSamplingRate( self.inputMovies.get().getSamplingRate()) self._defineOutputs(oddMicrographs=oddSetAligned) self._defineOutputs(evenMicrographs=evenSetAligned) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputMovies, oddSetAligned) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputMovies, evenSetAligned)
def _postprocessImageRow(self, img, imgRow): # shortcut notation prot = self.protocol imgPath = self._imgPath if self.ignoreIds: img.setObjId(None) # Force to generate a new id in Set if imgPath is not None: if self._stackTrans is None: self._stackTrans = FileTransform( imgPath, prot._getExtraPath('Particles'), prot.copyFiles) img.setFileName(self._stackTrans.transform(img.getFileName())) if self._micIdOrName: micId = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographId', None) micName = imgRow.get('rlnMicrographName', None) # Check which is the key to identify micrographs (id or name) if micId is not None: micKey = micId else: micKey = micName mic = self.micDict.get(micKey, None) # First time I found this micrograph (either by id or name) if mic is None: mic = Micrograph() mic.setObjId(micId) if micName is None: micName = prot._getExtraPath('fake_micrograph%6d' % micId) else: if not len(self.micDict): # first time if os.path.exists(os.path.join(imgPath, micName)): micRoot = imgPath else: micRoot = pwutils.findRootFrom( self._starFile, micName) if micRoot is not None: self._micTrans = FileTransform( micRoot, prot._getExtraPath('Micrographs'), prot.copyFiles) if self._micTrans is not None: micName = self._micTrans.transform(micName) mic.setFileName(micName) mic.setMicName(os.path.basename(micName)) mic.setAcquisition(img.getAcquisition()) self.micSet.append(mic) # Update dict with new Micrograph self.micDict[micKey] = mic img.setMicId(mic.getObjId()) if img.hasCoordinate(): coord = img.getCoordinate() coord.setMicId(mic.getObjId()) coord.setMicName(os.path.basename(micName))
def micsFactory(index): newMic = Micrograph(location=self.mic1) return newMic
def _checkNewOutput(self): if getattr(self, 'finished', False): return # Load previously done items (from text file) doneList = self._readDoneList() # Check for newly done items newDone = [ m.clone() for m in self.SetOfMicrographs if int(m.getObjId()) not in doneList and self._isMicDone(m) ] # We have finished when there is not more input micrographs (stream closed) # and the number of processed micrographs is equal to the number of inputs self.finished = self.streamClosed and ( len(doneList) + len(newDone)) == len(self.SetOfMicrographs) streamMode = Set.STREAM_CLOSED if self.finished else Set.STREAM_OPEN if newDone: self._writeDoneList(newDone) elif not self.finished: # If we are not finished and no new output have been produced # it does not make sense to proceed and updated the outputs # so we exit from the function here return outSet = self._loadOutputSet(SetOfMicrographs, 'micrographs.sqlite') def tryToAppend(outSet, micOut, tries=1): """ When micrograph is very big, sometimes it's not ready to be read Then we will wait for it up to a minute in 6 time-growing tries. """ try: outSet.append(micOut) except Exception as ex: micFn = micOut.getFileName() # Runs/..../extra/filename.mrc errorStr = ('Image Extension: File %s has wrong size.' % micFn) print( "Output micrographs not ready, yet. Try: %d/6 (next in %fs)" % (tries, tries * 3)) if errorStr in str(ex) and tries < 7: from time import sleep sleep(tries * 3) tryToAppend(outSet, micOut, tries + 1) else: raise ex for mic in newDone: micOut = Micrograph() if self.doDownsample: micOut.setSamplingRate( self.inputMicrographs.get().getSamplingRate() * self.downFactor.get()) micOut.setObjId(mic.getObjId()) micOut.setFileName(self._getOutputMicrograph(mic)) micOut.setMicName(mic.getMicName()) tryToAppend(outSet, micOut) self._updateOutputSet('outputMicrographs', outSet, streamMode) if len(doneList) == 0: #firstTime self._defineTransformRelation(self.inputMicrographs, outSet) if self.finished: # Unlock createOutputStep if finished all jobs outputStep = self._getFirstJoinStep() if outputStep and outputStep.isWaiting(): outputStep.setStatus(cons.STATUS_NEW)