def x_applycal_gp(): cfg = tasks.ApplycalConfig() cfg.vis = gpvis cfg.calwt = True cfg.parang = True cfg.gaintable = mk_cal3_gaintables() cfg.gainfield = mk_cal3_gainfields(gnphfield) cfg.interp = mk_cal3_interpolns('nearest') tasks.applycal(cfg)
def applycal_targ(): cfg = tasks.ApplycalConfig() cfg.vis = targvis cfg.calwt = True cfg.parang = True cfg.gaintable = mk_cal3_gaintables() cfg.gainfield = mk_cal3_gainfields(gnphfield) cfg.interp = mk_cal3_interpolns('linear') tasks.applycal(cfg)
def x_wtf_bp(): cfg = tasks.ApplycalConfig() cfg.vis = bpvis cfg.calwt = True cfg.parang = True cfg.gaintable = [dl, bp, g0] cfg.gainfield = ['', '', bpfdfield] cfg.interp = ['nearest', 'nearest', 'nearest'] tasks.applycal(cfg)
def applycal_gp(): cfg = tasks.ApplycalConfig() cfg.vis = gpvis cfg.calwt = True cfg.parang = True cfg.gaintable = cal2_gaintables cfg.gainfield = cal2_gainfields cfg.interp = cal2_interpolns tasks.applycal(cfg)
def applysc1(): cfg = tasks.ApplycalConfig() cfg.vis = tavgvis cfg.calwt = False cfg.parang = False cfg.gaintable = [''] cfg.gainfield = [''] cfg.interp = ['nearest'] # XXX ['linear'] cfg.spwmap = [[0, 0, 0]] tasks.applycal(cfg)
def finishpeel(idx): idx = int(idx) assert idx >= 0 and idx < len(peels) peelwork = peelworkfmt.format(idx=idx) gpeel1 = gpeel1fmt.format(idx=idx) gpeel2 = gpeel2fmt.format(idx=idx) smbppeel = peelsmbpfmt.format(idx=idx) cfg = tasks.ApplycalConfig() cfg.vis = peelwork cfg.parang = True cfg.gaintable = [gpeel1, gpeel2, smbppeel] cfg.gainfield = ['', '', ''] cfg.interp = ['linear', 'linear', 'nearest'] tasks.applycal(cfg)
def applyapriori(): """Apply the a-priori calibrations before gluing. Besides being convenient, opacity and swpow are per-spw in terms of the raw data spws, not our glued spws, so we need to apply those tables before gluing. (Or, at least, life is easier if we do.) """ cfg = tasks.ApplycalConfig() cfg.vis = ungluedvis cfg.calwt = True cfg.gaintable = [gc, sp, op] cfg.gainfield = ['', '', ''] cfg.interp = ['linear', 'nearest', 'nearest'] if have_antpos: cfg.gaintable += [antpos] cfg.gainfield += [''] cfg.interp += ['nearest'] tasks.applycal(cfg)