def buildCsvFileName(infos):
        @summary: Builds and returns the file name to use for the csv file.
        @param infos: _CvsInfos instance containing the required 
                      information to build up the file name.
        @return: Return the built up file name.              

    global _

    paths = StatsPaths()

    machinesStr = str(infos.machinesForLabels).replace('[', '').replace(
        ']', '').replace(',', '').replace("'",
                                                      '').replace(' ', '')

    currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(
    currentWeek = time.strftime(
        "%W", time.gmtime(StatsDateLib.getSecondsSinceEpoch(infos.start)))

    fileName = paths.STATSCSVFILES

    if infos.span == "daily":
        fileName = fileName + "/" + _(
            "daily/") + infos.fileType + "/%s/%s/%s/%s.csv" % (
                machinesStr, currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay)

    elif infos.span == "weekly":
        fileName = fileName + "/" + _(
            "weekly/") + infos.fileType + "/%s/%s/%s.csv" % (
                machinesStr, currentYear, currentWeek)

    elif infos.span == "monthly":
        fileName = fileName + "/" + _(
            "monthly/") + infos.fileType + "/%s/%s/%s.csv" % (
                machinesStr, currentYear, currentMonth)

    elif infos.span == "yearly":
        fileName = fileName + "/" + _(
            "yearly/") + infos.fileType + "/%s/%s.csv" % (machinesStr,


    return fileName
def buildCsvFileName( infos ):
        @summary: Builds and returns the file name to use for the csv file.
        @param infos: _CvsInfos instance containing the required 
                      information to build up the file name.
        @return: Return the built up file name.              
    global _ 
    paths = StatsPaths()
    paths.setPaths( infos.outputLanguage )
    machinesStr = str(infos.machinesForLabels).replace('[','').replace( ']','' ).replace(',', '').replace("'","").replace( '"','').replace( ' ','' )
    currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( StatsDateLib.getSecondsSinceEpoch (infos.start) )     
    currentWeek = time.strftime( "%W", time.gmtime( StatsDateLib.getSecondsSinceEpoch (infos.start) ) )
    fileName = paths.STATSCSVFILES
    if infos.span == "daily":
        fileName = fileName + "/" + _("daily/") + infos.fileType + "/%s/%s/%s/%s.csv" %( machinesStr, currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay )   
    elif infos.span == "weekly":
        fileName = fileName + "/" +  _("weekly/") + infos.fileType  + "/%s/%s/%s.csv" %( machinesStr, currentYear, currentWeek ) 
    elif infos.span == "monthly":
        fileName = fileName + "/" + _("monthly/") + infos.fileType + "/%s/%s/%s.csv" %( machinesStr, currentYear, currentMonth )
    elif infos.span == "yearly":
        fileName = fileName + "/" + _("yearly/") + infos.fileType  + "/%s/%s.csv" %( machinesStr, currentYear )
    StatsDateLib.setLanguage( LanguageTools.getMainApplicationLanguage() )    
    return fileName 
    def printWebPage(self, rxNames, txNames):
            @summary : Generates a web page based on all the 
                       rxnames and tx names that have run during
                       the past x years. 
            @param rxNames: List of sources for which to write 
                            links to their yearly graphics.         
            @param txNames: List of clients for which to write 
                            links to their yearly graphics.  
            @precondition: global _ translator must be set prior to calling this function.
            @notes :   Only links to available graphics will be 
            @return : None                        

        global _

        rxNamesArray = rxNames.keys()
        txNamesArray = txNames.keys()


        # Redirect output towards html page to generate.
        if not os.path.isdir(self.pathsTowardsOutputFiles.STATSWEBPAGESHTML):
        fileHandle = open(
            "%syearlyGraphs_%s.html" % (self.pathsTowardsOutputFiles.STATSWEBPAGESHTML, self.displayedLanguage), "w"

        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="../scripts/js_%s/windowfiles/dhtmlwindow.css" type="text/css" />
            <script type="text/javascript" src="../scripts/js_%s/windowfiles/dhtmlwindow.js">
                This is left here to give credit to the original 
                creators of the dhtml script used for the group pop ups: 
                * DHTML Window Widget-  Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com)
                * This notice must stay intact for legal use.
                * Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code

            % (self.displayedLanguage, self.displayedLanguage)
            + """
            <script type="text/javascript">
                var descriptionWindow=dhtmlwindow.open("description", "inline", "description", "Description", "width=900px,height=120px,left=150px,top=10px,resize=1,scrolling=0", "recal")
                <title> PX Graphics </title>
                    counter =0;             
                    function wopen(url, name, w, h){
                    // This function was taken on www.boutell.com
                        w += 32;
                        h += 96;
                        counter +=1; 
                        var win = window.open(url,
                        'width=' + w + ', height=' + h + ', ' +
                        'location=no, menubar=no, ' +
                        'status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no');
                        win.resizeTo(w, h);
                    function showSourceHelpPage(){
                       var sourceHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("sourceHelpPage", "iframe", "helpPages/source_%s.html" """
            % self.displayedLanguage
            + """, " """
            + _("Definition of 'source'")
            + """", "width=875px,height=100px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                       sourceHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle"); 
                    function showBytecountHelpPage(){
                       var byteCountHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("byteCount", "iframe", "helpPages/byteCount_%s.html" """
            % self.displayedLanguage
            + """, " """
            + _("Definition of 'byteCount'")
            + """", "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        byteCountHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle");
                    function showClientHelpPage(){
                       var clientHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("client", "iframe", "helpPages/client_%s.html" """
            % self.displayedLanguage
            + """, " """
            + _("Definition of 'client'")
            + """", "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        .moveTo("middle", "middle");
                    function showErrorsHelpPage(){
                       var errorsHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("errors", "iframe", "helpPages/errors_%s.html" """
            % self.displayedLanguage
            + """, " """
            + _("Definition of 'errors'")
            + """", "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        errorsHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle");
                    function showFilecountHelpPage(){
                       var fileCountHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("fileCount", "iframe", "helpPages/fileCount_%s.html" """
            % self.displayedLanguage
            + """, " """
            + _("Definition of 'filecount'")
            + """", "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        fileCountHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle");
                    function showFilesOverMaxLatencyHelpPage(){
                       var filesOverMaxLatencyHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("filesOverMaxLatency", "iframe", "helpPages/filesOverMaxLatency_%s.html" """
            % self.displayedLanguage
            + """, " """
            + _("Definition of 'filesOverMaxLatency'")
            + """", "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        filesOverMaxLatencyHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle");
                    function showLatencyHelpPage(){
                       var latencyHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("latency", "iframe", "helpPages/latency_%s.html" """
            % self.displayedLanguage
            + """, " """
            + _("Definition of 'latency'")
            + """" , "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        latencyHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle");
                <style type="text/css">
                    div.left { float: left; }
                    div.right {float: right; }
               <style type="text/css">
                        color: #000000;
                    div.tableContainer {
                        width: 95%;        /* table width will be 99% of this*/
                        height: 275px;     /* must be greater than tbody*/
                        overflow: auto;
                        margin: 0 auto;
                    table.cssTable {
                        width: 99%;        /*100% of container produces horiz. scroll in Mozilla*/
                        border: none;
                        background-color: #f7f7f7;
                        table-layout: fixed;
                    table.cssTable>tbody    {  /* child selector syntax which IE6 and older do not support*/
                        overflow: auto; 
                        height: 225px;
                        overflow-x: hidden;
                    thead tr    {
                    thead td, thead th {
                        text-align: center;
                        font-size: 14px; 
                        color: steelblue;
                        font-weight: bold;
                        border-top: solid 1px #d8d8d8;
                    td.cssTable  {
                        color: #000;
                        padding-right: 2px;
                        font-size: 12px;
                        text-align: left;
                        border-bottom: solid 1px #d8d8d8;
                        border-left: solid 1px #d8d8d8;
                    tfoot td    {
                        text-align: center;
                        font-size: 11px;
                        font-weight: bold;
                        background-color: papayawhip;
                        color: steelblue;
                        border-top: solid 2px slategray;
                    td:last-child {padding-right: 20px;} /*prevent Mozilla scrollbar from hiding cell content*/
            <body text="#000000" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="000000" bgcolor="#FFF4E5" > 
                <table width = "100%">
                    <tr width = "100%">
                        <div class="left"><b><font size="5">"""
            + _("Yearly graphics for RX sources from MetPx.")
            + """ </font><font size = "2">"""
            + _("*updated monthly")
            + """</font></b></div> 

        oneFileFound = False

        for year in self.years:
            parameters = StatsConfigParameters()
            machinesStr = (
                .replace("[", "")
                .replace("]", "")
                .replace(",", "")
                .replace("'", "")
                .replace('"', "")
                .replace(" ", "")
            currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(year)

            _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)

            file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSCSVFILES + _("yearly/rx/%s/%s.csv") % (machinesStr, currentYear)
            webLink = _("csvFiles/yearly/rx/%s/%s.csv") % (machinesStr, currentYear)

            _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage)

            if os.path.isfile(file):
                if oneFileFound == False:
                        "<div class='right'><font size='2' color='black'" + _("CSV files") + "&nbsp;:&nbsp; "
                    oneFileFound = True

                fileHandle.write("""<a  href="%s" class="blackLinks">%.4s.csv&nbsp;</a>""" % (webLink, currentYear))

        if oneFileFound == True:

                <div class="tableContainer">            
                <table class="cssTable"> 
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable">
                                    <font color = "white">                            
            + _("Sources")
            + """     
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showSourceHelpPage(); return false;">
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """
            + _("Display the total of bytes received every day of the week for each sources.")
            + """ ">
                                    <font color = "white">
            + _("Bytecount")
            + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showBytecountHelpPage(); return false;">                                
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """
            + _("Display the total of files received every day of the week for each sources.")
            + """ ">
                                    <font color = "white">
            + _("Filecount")
            + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showFilecountHelpPage(); return false;">                            
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title = " """
            + _(
                "Display the total of errors that occured during the receptions for every day of the week for each sources."
            + """ ">
                                    <font color = "white">
            + _("Errors")
            + """
                                            <a target ="popup"  href="#" onClick="showErrorsHelpPage(); return false;">

        for rxName in rxNamesArray:
            if rxNames[rxName] == "":
                fileHandle.write("""<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99" class="cssTable"> %s </td> """ % (rxName))
                fileHandle.write("""<td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""")
                machineName = self.getMachineNameFromDescription(rxNames[rxName])
                    """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99" class="cssTable"><div class="left"> %s </div><div class="right"><a href="#" onClick="descriptionWindow.load('inline', '%s', 'Description');descriptionWindow.show(); return false"><font color="black">?</font></a></div><br>(%s)</td> """
                    % (rxName, rxNames[rxName].replace("'", "").replace('"', ""), machineName)
                fileHandle.write("""<td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""")

            for year in self.years:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(year)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)

                file = (
                    + _("yearly/rx/%s/") % (rxName)
                    + _("bytecount/%s.png") % str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/rx/%s/") % (rxName) + _("bytecount/%s.png") % str(currentYear)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage)

                if os.path.isfile(file):
                        """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""
                        % (rxName, webLink, time.strftime("%Y", time.gmtime(year)))


            fileHandle.write(""" <td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""")

            for year in self.years:

                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(year)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)

                file = (
                    + _("yearly/rx/%s/") % (rxName)
                    + _("filecount/%s.png") % str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/rx/%s/") % (rxName) + _("filecount/%s.png") % str(currentYear)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage)

                if os.path.isfile(file):
                        """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""
                        % (rxName, webLink, time.strftime("%Y", time.gmtime(year)))


            fileHandle.write(""" <td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""")

            for year in self.years:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(year)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)

                file = (
                    + _("yearly/rx/%s/") % (rxName)
                    + _("errors/%s.png") % str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/rx/%s/") % (rxName) + _("errors/%s.png") % str(currentYear)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage)

                if os.path.isfile(file):
                        """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""
                        % (rxName, file, time.strftime("%Y", time.gmtime(year)))


            <table width = "100%">            
                <tr width = "100%">
                    <div class="left"><b><font size="5">"""
            + _("Yearly graphics for TX clients from MetPx.")
            + """ </font><font size = "2">"""
            + _("*updated monthly")
            + """</font></b></div> 

        oneFileFound = False

        for year in self.years:
            parameters = StatsConfigParameters()
            machinesStr = (
                .replace("[", "")
                .replace("]", "")
                .replace(",", "")
                .replace("'", "")
                .replace('"', "")
                .replace(" ", "")
            currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(year)

            _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)

            file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSCSVFILES + _("yearly/tx/%s/%s.csv") % (machinesStr, currentYear)
            webLink = _("csvFiles/yearly/tx/%s/%s.csv") % (machinesStr, currentYear)

            _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage)

            print file
            if os.path.isfile(file):
                if oneFileFound == False:
                        "<div class='right'><font size='2' color='black'>" + _("CSV files") + "&nbsp;:&nbsp; "
                    oneFileFound = True

                fileHandle.write("""<a  href="%s" class="blackLinks">%.4s.csv&nbsp;</a>""" % (webLink, currentYear))

        if oneFileFound == True:

            <div class="tableContainer">         
                <table class="cssTable" > 
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable">
                                    <font color = "white">
            + _("Clients")
            + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showClientHelpPage(); return false;">
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """
            + _("Display the taverage latency of file transfers for every day of the week for each clients.")
            + """>
                                    <font color = "white">
            + _("Latency")
            + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showLatencyHelpPage(); return false;">
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """
            + _(
                "Display the total number of files for wich the latency was over 15 seconds for every day of the week for each clients."
            + """>
                                    <font color = "white">
            + _("Files Over Max. Lat.")
            + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showFilesOverMaxLatencyHelpPage(); return false;">
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """
            + _("Display the total of bytes transfered every day of the week for each clients.")
            + """>
                                    <font color = "white">    
            + _("Bytecount")
            + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showBytecountHelpPage(); return false;">
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """
            + _("Display the total of files transferred every day of the week for each clients.")
            + """>
                                    <font color = "white">
            + _("Filecount")
            + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showFilecountHelpPage(); return false;">
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """
            + _(
                "Display the total of errors that occured during file transfers every day of the week for each clients."
            + """>
                                    <font color = "white">
            + _("Errors")
            + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showErrorsHelpPage(); return false;">

        for txName in txNamesArray:
            if txNames[txName] == "":
                fileHandle.write(""" <tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99" class="cssTable">%s</td> """ % (txName))
                fileHandle.write("""<td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""")
                machineName = self.getMachineNameFromDescription(txNames[txName])
                    """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99" class="cssTable"><div class="left"> %s </div><div class="right"><a href="#" onClick="descriptionWindow.load('inline', '%s', 'Description');descriptionWindow.show(); return false"><font color="black">?</font></a></div><br>(%s)</td> """
                    % (txName, txNames[txName].replace("'", "").replace('"', ""), machineName)
                fileHandle.write("""<td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""")

            for year in self.years:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(year)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)

                file = (
                    + _("yearly/tx/%s/") % (txName)
                    + _("latency/%s.png") % str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/tx/%s/") % (txName) + _("latency/%s.png") % str(currentYear)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage)

                if os.path.isfile(file):
                        """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""
                        % (txName, webLink, time.strftime("%y", time.gmtime(year)))


            fileHandle.write(""" <td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable" >""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""")

            for year in self.years:

                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(year)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)

                file = (
                    + _("yearly/tx/%s/") % (txName)
                    + _("filesOverMaxLatency/%s.png") % str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/tx/%s/") % (txName) + _("filesOverMaxLatency/%s.png") % str(currentYear)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage)

                if os.path.isfile(file):
                        """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""
                        % (txName, webLink, time.strftime("%y", time.gmtime(year)))


            fileHandle.write(""" <td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable" >""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""")

            for year in self.years:

                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(year)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)

                file = (
                    + _("yearly/tx/%s/") % (txName)
                    + _("bytecount/%s.png") % str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/tx/%s/") % (txName) + _("bytecount/%s.png") % str(currentYear)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage)

                if os.path.isfile(file):
                        """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""
                        % (txName, webLink, time.strftime("%y", time.gmtime(year)))


            fileHandle.write(""" <td bgcolor="#66CCFF">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""")

            for year in self.years:

                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(year)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)

                file = (
                    + _("yearly/tx/%s/") % (txName)
                    + _("filecount/%s.png") % str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/tx/%s/") % (txName) + _("filecount/%s.png") % str(currentYear)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage)

                if os.path.isfile(file):
                        """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""
                        % (txName, webLink, time.strftime("%y", time.gmtime(year)))


            fileHandle.write(""" <td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable" >Years&nbsp;:&nbsp;""")

            for year in self.years:

                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(year)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)

                file = (
                    + _("yearly/tx/%s/") % (txName)
                    + _("errors/%s.png") % str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/tx/%s/") % (txName) + _("errors/%s.png") % str(currentYear)

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage)

                if os.path.isfile(file):
                        """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""
                        % (txName, webLink, time.strftime("%y", time.gmtime(year)))



    def printWebPage(self, rxNames, txNames):
            @summary : Prints out a daily web page
                       with the content based on 
                       the specified parameters.
            @param rxNames: List of rx for which to display the graphics
            @param txNames: List of rx for which to display the graphics
            @precondition: global _ translator must be set prior to calling this function.
            @note :   Only links to available graphics will be 

        global _


        rxNamesArray = rxNames.keys()
        txNamesArray = txNames.keys()


        #Redirect output towards html page to generate.
        if not os.path.isdir(self.pathsTowardsOutputFiles.STATSWEBPAGESHTML):

        fileHandle = open(
            self.pathsTowardsOutputFiles.STATSWEBPAGESHTML +
            "dailyGraphs_%s.html" % self.displayedLanguage, 'w')

        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="../scripts/js_%s/windowfiles/dhtmlwindow.css" type="text/css" />
            <script type="text/javascript" src="../scripts/js_%s/windowfiles/dhtmlwindow.js">
                This is left here to give credit to the original 
                creators of the dhtml script used for the group pop ups: 
                * DHTML Window Widget-  Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com)
                * This notice must stay intact for legal use.
                * Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code
        """ % (self.displayedLanguage, self.displayedLanguage) + """
            <script type="text/javascript">
                var descriptionWindow=dhtmlwindow.open("description", "inline", "description", "Description", "width=900px,height=120px,left=150px,top=10px,resize=1,scrolling=0", "recal")
                <title> PX Graphics </title>
                counter =0;             
                function wopen(url, name, w, h){
                // This function was taken on www.boutell.com
                    w += 32;
                    h += 96;
                    counter +=1; 
                    var win = window.open(url,
                    'width=' + w + ', height=' + h + ', ' +
                    'location=no, menubar=no, ' +
                    'status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no');
                    win.resizeTo(w, h);
                    function showSourceHelpPage(){
                       var sourceHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("sourceHelpPage", "iframe", "helpPages/source_%s.html", "Definition of 'source'", "width=875px,height=100px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                       sourceHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle"); 
                    }""" % (self.displayedLanguage) + """
                    function showClientHelpPage(){
                       var clientHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("client", "iframe", "helpPages/client_%s.html", "Definition of 'client'", "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        .moveTo("middle", "middle");
                    }""" % (self.displayedLanguage) + """
            <style type="text/css">
                div.left { float: left; }
                div.right {float: right; }
            <style type="text/css">
                div.tableContainer {
                    width: 95%;        /* table width will be 99% of this*/
                    height: 275px;     /* must be greater than tbody*/
                    overflow: auto;
                    margin: 0 auto;
                table {
                    width: 99%;        /*100% of container produces horiz. scroll in Mozilla*/
                    border: none;
                    background-color: #f7f7f7;
                    table-layout: fixed;
                table>tbody    {  /* child selector syntax which IE6 and older do not support*/
                    overflow: auto; 
                    height: 225px;
                    overflow-x: hidden;
                thead tr    {
                thead td, thead th {
                    text-align: center;
                    font-size: 14px; 
                    color: steelblue;
                    font-weight: bold;
                    border-top: solid 1px #d8d8d8;
                td    {
                    color: #000;
                    padding-right: 2px;
                    font-size: 12px;
                    text-align: left;
                    border-bottom: solid 1px #d8d8d8;
                    border-left: solid 1px #d8d8d8;
                tfoot td    {
                    text-align: center;
                    font-size: 11px;
                    font-weight: bold;
                    background-color: papayawhip;
                    color: steelblue;
                    border-top: solid 2px slategray;
                td:last-child {padding-right: 20px;} /*prevent Mozilla scrollbar from hiding cell content*/
            <body text="#000000" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="000000" bgcolor="#FFF4E5" >
                <h2>""" + _("Daily graphics for RX sources from MetPx.") +
                         """ <font size = "2">""" + _("*updated hourly") +
                <div class="tableContainer">         
                                <td bgcolor="#006699">
                                    <div class = "rxTableEntry">
                                        <font color = "white">
                                                    <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showSourceHelpPage(); return false;">
                                <td bgcolor="#006699">
                                    <font color = "white">""" +
                         _("List of available daily graphics.") +

        for rxName in rxNamesArray:

            if rxNames[rxName] == "":
                fileHandle.write("""<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99"> %s</td> """ %
                fileHandle.write("""<td bgcolor="#66CCFF"> """ + _("Days") +
                                 """ :   """)
                machineName = self.getMachineNameFromDescription(
                    """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99"><div class="left"> %s</div><div class="right"><a href="#" onClick="descriptionWindow.load('inline', '%s', 'Description');descriptionWindow.show(); return false"><font color="black">?</font></a></div><br>(%s)</td> """
                    % (rxName, rxNames[rxName].replace("'", "").replace(
                        '"', '').replace(",", ", "), machineName))
                fileHandle.write("""<td bgcolor="#66CCFF"> """ + _("Days") +
                                 """ :   """)

            for day in self.days:

                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH,

                file = file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _(
                    "daily/rx/%s/") % (rxName) + str(currentYear) + "/" + str(
                        currentMonth) + "/" + str(currentDay) + ".png"
                webLink = _("archives/daily/rx/%s/") % (rxName) + str(
                    currentYear) + "/" + str(currentMonth) + "/" + str(
                        currentDay) + ".png"

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH,

                if os.path.isfile(file):
                    fileHandle.write("""<a target ="%s" href="%s">""" %
                                     (rxName, webLink) +
                                     "%s" % StatsDateLib.getDayOfTheWeek(day) +
                                     """   </a>""")


        <h2>""" + _("Daily graphics for TX clients from MetPx.") +
                         """ <font size = "2">""" + _("*updated hourly") +
        <div class="tableContainer">         
                         <td bgcolor="#006699">
                            <div class = "txTableEntry">
                                <font color = "white">
                                        <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showClientHelpPage(); return false;">                                        
                        <td bgcolor="#006699">
                            <div class = "txTableEntry">
                                <font color = "white">""" +
                         _("List of available daily graphics.") + """</font>

        for txName in txNamesArray:

            if txNames[txName] == "":
                fileHandle.write("""<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99"> %s</td> """ %
                    """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF"><div class = "txTableEntry">   """
                    + _("Days") + """ :   """)
                machineName = self.getMachineNameFromDescription(
                    """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99"><div class="left"> %s </div><div class="right"><a href="#" onClick="descriptionWindow.load('inline', '%s', 'Description');descriptionWindow.show(); return false"><font color="black">?</font></a></div><br>(%s)</td> """
                    % (txName, txNames[txName].replace("'", "").replace(
                        '"', '').replace(",", ", "), machineName))
                fileHandle.write("""<td bgcolor="#66CCFF">  """ + _("Days") +
                                 """ :   """)

            for day in self.days:

                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime(

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH,

                file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _(
                    "/daily/tx/%s/") % (txName) + str(currentYear) + "/" + str(
                        currentMonth) + "/" + str(currentDay) + ".png"
                webLink = _("archives/daily/tx/%s/") % (txName) + str(
                    currentYear) + "/" + str(currentMonth) + "/" + str(
                        currentDay) + ".png"

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH,

                if os.path.isfile(file):
                    fileHandle.write("""<a target ="%s" href="%s">""" %
                                     (rxName, webLink) +
                                     "%s" % StatsDateLib.getDayOfTheWeek(day) +
                                     """  </a>""")


    def printWebPage( self, rxNames, txNames ):
            @summary : Generates a web page based on all the 
                       rxnames and tx names that have run during
                       the past x years. 
            @param rxNames: List of sources for which to write 
                            links to their yearly graphics.         
            @param txNames: List of clients for which to write 
                            links to their yearly graphics.  
            @precondition: global _ translator must be set prior to calling this function.
            @notes :   Only links to available graphics will be 
            @return : None                        
        global _
        rxNamesArray = rxNames.keys()
        txNamesArray = txNames.keys()
        #Redirect output towards html page to generate.    
        if not os.path.isdir( self.pathsTowardsOutputFiles.STATSWEBPAGESHTML ):
            os.makedirs( self.pathsTowardsOutputFiles.STATSWEBPAGESHTML )     
        fileHandle = open( "%syearlyGraphs_%s.html" %(self.pathsTowardsOutputFiles.STATSWEBPAGESHTML, self.displayedLanguage) , 'w' )
        fileHandle.write(  """
        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="../scripts/js_%s/windowfiles/dhtmlwindow.css" type="text/css" />
            <script type="text/javascript" src="../scripts/js_%s/windowfiles/dhtmlwindow.js">
                This is left here to give credit to the original 
                creators of the dhtml script used for the group pop ups: 
                * DHTML Window Widget-  Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com)
                * This notice must stay intact for legal use.
                * Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code

        """%( self.displayedLanguage, self.displayedLanguage ) + """
            <script type="text/javascript">
                var descriptionWindow=dhtmlwindow.open("description", "inline", "description", "Description", "width=900px,height=120px,left=150px,top=10px,resize=1,scrolling=0", "recal")
                <title> PX Graphics </title>
                    counter =0;             
                    function wopen(url, name, w, h){
                    // This function was taken on www.boutell.com
                        w += 32;
                        h += 96;
                        counter +=1; 
                        var win = window.open(url,
                        'width=' + w + ', height=' + h + ', ' +
                        'location=no, menubar=no, ' +
                        'status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no');
                        win.resizeTo(w, h);
                    function showSourceHelpPage(){
                       var sourceHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("sourceHelpPage", "iframe", "helpPages/source_%s.html" """ %self.displayedLanguage + """, " """ + _("Definition of 'source'") + """", "width=875px,height=100px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                       sourceHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle"); 
                    function showBytecountHelpPage(){
                       var byteCountHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("byteCount", "iframe", "helpPages/byteCount_%s.html" """ %self.displayedLanguage + """, " """ +_( "Definition of 'byteCount'") + """", "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        byteCountHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle");
                    function showClientHelpPage(){
                       var clientHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("client", "iframe", "helpPages/client_%s.html" """ %self.displayedLanguage + """, " """ +_( "Definition of 'client'") + """", "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        .moveTo("middle", "middle");
                    function showErrorsHelpPage(){
                       var errorsHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("errors", "iframe", "helpPages/errors_%s.html" """ %self.displayedLanguage + """, " """ +_( "Definition of 'errors'") +"""", "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        errorsHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle");
                    function showFilecountHelpPage(){
                       var fileCountHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("fileCount", "iframe", "helpPages/fileCount_%s.html" """ %self.displayedLanguage + """, " """ +_("Definition of 'filecount'") + """", "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        fileCountHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle");
                    function showFilesOverMaxLatencyHelpPage(){
                       var filesOverMaxLatencyHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("filesOverMaxLatency", "iframe", "helpPages/filesOverMaxLatency_%s.html" """ %self.displayedLanguage + """, " """ +_("Definition of 'filesOverMaxLatency'") + """", "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        filesOverMaxLatencyHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle");
                    function showLatencyHelpPage(){
                       var latencyHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("latency", "iframe", "helpPages/latency_%s.html" """ %self.displayedLanguage + """, " """ + _("Definition of 'latency'") + """" , "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        latencyHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle");
                <style type="text/css">
                    div.left { float: left; }
                    div.right {float: right; }
               <style type="text/css">
                        color: #000000;
                    div.tableContainer {
                        width: 95%;        /* table width will be 99% of this*/
                        height: 275px;     /* must be greater than tbody*/
                        overflow: auto;
                        margin: 0 auto;
                    table.cssTable {
                        width: 99%;        /*100% of container produces horiz. scroll in Mozilla*/
                        border: none;
                        background-color: #f7f7f7;
                        table-layout: fixed;
                    table.cssTable>tbody    {  /* child selector syntax which IE6 and older do not support*/
                        overflow: auto; 
                        height: 225px;
                        overflow-x: hidden;
                    thead tr    {
                    thead td, thead th {
                        text-align: center;
                        font-size: 14px; 
                        color: steelblue;
                        font-weight: bold;
                        border-top: solid 1px #d8d8d8;
                    td.cssTable  {
                        color: #000;
                        padding-right: 2px;
                        font-size: 12px;
                        text-align: left;
                        border-bottom: solid 1px #d8d8d8;
                        border-left: solid 1px #d8d8d8;
                    tfoot td    {
                        text-align: center;
                        font-size: 11px;
                        font-weight: bold;
                        background-color: papayawhip;
                        color: steelblue;
                        border-top: solid 2px slategray;
                    td:last-child {padding-right: 20px;} /*prevent Mozilla scrollbar from hiding cell content*/
            <body text="#000000" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="000000" bgcolor="#FFF4E5" > 
                <table width = "100%">
                    <tr width = "100%">
                        <div class="left"><b><font size="5">""" + _("Yearly graphics for RX sources from MetPx.") + """ </font><font size = "2">""" +_("*updated monthly") + """</font></b></div> 
        oneFileFound = False
        for year in self.years:  
            parameters = StatsConfigParameters( )
            machinesStr = str( parameters.sourceMachinesTags ).replace( '[','' ).replace( ']','' ).replace(',','').replace("'","").replace('"','').replace(" ","")
            currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( year )
            _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage )
            file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSCSVFILES + _("yearly/rx/%s/%s.csv") %( machinesStr, currentYear )
            webLink = _("csvFiles/yearly/rx/%s/%s.csv") %( machinesStr, currentYear )
            _ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )
            if os.path.isfile( file ):
                if oneFileFound == False:
                    fileHandle.write(  "<div class='right'><font size='2' color='black'" + _("CSV files") + "&nbsp;:&nbsp; " )
                    oneFileFound = True 
                fileHandle.write(  """<a  href="%s" class="blackLinks">%.4s.csv&nbsp;</a>"""%(  webLink,currentYear ) ) 
        if oneFileFound == True :    
            fileHandle.write(  """
            """ )
                <div class="tableContainer">            
                <table class="cssTable"> 
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable">
                                    <font color = "white">                            
                                            """ +_("Sources") + """     
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showSourceHelpPage(); return false;">
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """ + _( "Display the total of bytes received every day of the week for each sources.") + """ ">
                                    <font color = "white">
                                            """ +_("Bytecount") + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showBytecountHelpPage(); return false;">                                
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """ + _( "Display the total of files received every day of the week for each sources.") + """ ">
                                    <font color = "white">
                                            """ +_("Filecount") +"""
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showFilecountHelpPage(); return false;">                            
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title = " """ + _( "Display the total of errors that occured during the receptions for every day of the week for each sources.") + """ ">
                                    <font color = "white">
                                            """ +_("Errors") + """
                                            <a target ="popup"  href="#" onClick="showErrorsHelpPage(); return false;">
        """ )   
        for rxName in rxNamesArray :
            if rxNames[rxName] == "" :
                fileHandle.write( """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99" class="cssTable"> %s </td> """ %(rxName))
                fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""" )
                machineName = self.getMachineNameFromDescription( rxNames[rxName] )
                fileHandle.write( """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99" class="cssTable"><div class="left"> %s </div><div class="right"><a href="#" onClick="descriptionWindow.load('inline', '%s', 'Description');descriptionWindow.show(); return false"><font color="black">?</font></a></div><br>(%s)</td> """ %(rxName, rxNames[rxName].replace("'","").replace('"',''), machineName))
                fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""" )
            for year in self.years:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( year )   
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage )
                file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _("yearly/rx/%s/")%( rxName ) + _("bytecount/%s.png") %str(currentYear)         
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/rx/%s/")%( rxName ) + _("bytecount/%s.png") %str(currentYear)
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )
                if os.path.isfile( file ):
                    fileHandle.write(  """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""%( rxName, webLink , time.strftime("%Y",time.gmtime(year) ) ) ) 
            fileHandle.write( "</td>" )      
            fileHandle.write(  """ <td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""" )
            for year in self.years:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( year )
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage )            
                file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _("yearly/rx/%s/")%( rxName ) + _("filecount/%s.png") %str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/rx/%s/")%( rxName ) + _("filecount/%s.png") %str(currentYear)
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )
                if os.path.isfile( file ):
                    fileHandle.write(  """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""%( rxName, webLink , time.strftime("%Y",time.gmtime(year) ) ) ) 
            fileHandle.write( "</td>" )    
            fileHandle.write(  """ <td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""" )
            for year in self.years:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( year )
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage )
                file    = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _("yearly/rx/%s/")%( rxName ) + _("errors/%s.png") %str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/rx/%s/")%( rxName ) + _("errors/%s.png") %str(currentYear)
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )
                if os.path.isfile( file ):
                    fileHandle.write(  """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""%( rxName, file , time.strftime("%Y",time.gmtime(year) ) ) ) 
            fileHandle.write( "</td></tr>" )    
        fileHandle.write(  """    
            <table width = "100%">            
                <tr width = "100%">
                    <div class="left"><b><font size="5">""" +_("Yearly graphics for TX clients from MetPx.") + """ </font><font size = "2">""" + _("*updated monthly") + """</font></b></div> 
        oneFileFound = False
        for year in self.years:    
            parameters = StatsConfigParameters( )
            machinesStr = str( parameters.sourceMachinesTags ).replace( '[','' ).replace( ']','' ).replace(',','').replace("'","").replace('"','').replace(" ","")
            currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( year )
            _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage )
            file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSCSVFILES + _("yearly/tx/%s/%s.csv") %( machinesStr, currentYear ) 
            webLink = _("csvFiles/yearly/tx/%s/%s.csv") %( machinesStr, currentYear ) 
            _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )
            print file
            if os.path.isfile( file ):
                if oneFileFound == False:
                    fileHandle.write(  "<div class='right'><font size='2' color='black'>" + _("CSV files") + "&nbsp;:&nbsp; " )
                    oneFileFound = True 
                fileHandle.write(  """<a  href="%s" class="blackLinks">%.4s.csv&nbsp;</a>"""%(  webLink,currentYear ) ) 
        if oneFileFound == True :    
            fileHandle.write(  """
            """ )
        fileHandle.write( """ 
            <div class="tableContainer">         
                <table class="cssTable" > 
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable">
                                    <font color = "white">
                                            """ +  _("Clients") + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showClientHelpPage(); return false;">
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """ +_("Display the taverage latency of file transfers for every day of the week for each clients.") + """>
                                    <font color = "white">
                                            """ + _("Latency") + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showLatencyHelpPage(); return false;">
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """+_("Display the total number of files for wich the latency was over 15 seconds for every day of the week for each clients.") + """>
                                    <font color = "white">
                                            """ + _("Files Over Max. Lat.") + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showFilesOverMaxLatencyHelpPage(); return false;">
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """+_("Display the total of bytes transfered every day of the week for each clients.") + """>
                                    <font color = "white">    
                                            """ + _("Bytecount") + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showBytecountHelpPage(); return false;">
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """+_("Display the total of files transferred every day of the week for each clients.") + """>
                                    <font color = "white">
                                            """ + _("Filecount") + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showFilecountHelpPage(); return false;">
                            <td bgcolor="#006699" class="cssTable" title =" """+_("Display the total of errors that occured during file transfers every day of the week for each clients.") + """>
                                    <font color = "white">
                                            """ + _("Errors") + """
                                            <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showErrorsHelpPage(); return false;">
        """ )          
        for txName in txNamesArray : 
            if txNames[txName] == "" :
                fileHandle.write( """ <tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99" class="cssTable">%s</td> """ %(txName))
                fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""" )
                machineName = self.getMachineNameFromDescription( txNames[txName] )
                fileHandle.write( """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99" class="cssTable"><div class="left"> %s </div><div class="right"><a href="#" onClick="descriptionWindow.load('inline', '%s', 'Description');descriptionWindow.show(); return false"><font color="black">?</font></a></div><br>(%s)</td> """ %(txName, txNames[txName].replace("'","").replace('"',''), machineName ))
                fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""" )
            for year in self.years:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( year )      
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage )
                file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _("yearly/tx/%s/")%( txName ) + _("latency/%s.png") %str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/tx/%s/")%( txName ) + _("latency/%s.png")%str(currentYear)
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )
                if os.path.isfile( file ):
                    fileHandle.write(  """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""%( txName, webLink , time.strftime("%y",time.gmtime(year) ) ) )
            fileHandle.write( "</td>" )
            fileHandle.write(  """ <td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable" >""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""" )
            for year in self.years:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( year )            
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage )
                file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _("yearly/tx/%s/")%( txName ) + _("filesOverMaxLatency/%s.png")%str(currentYear)
                webLink =  _("archives/yearly/tx/%s/")%( txName ) + _("filesOverMaxLatency/%s.png") %str(currentYear)
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )
                if os.path.isfile( file ):
                    fileHandle.write(  """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""%( txName, webLink , time.strftime("%y",time.gmtime(year) ) ) )
            fileHandle.write( "</td>" )
            fileHandle.write(  """ <td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable" >""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""" )
            for year in self.years:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( year )            
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage )
                file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _("yearly/tx/%s/")%( txName ) + _("bytecount/%s.png") %str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/tx/%s/")%( txName ) + _("bytecount/%s.png") %str(currentYear)
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )
                if os.path.isfile( file ):
                    fileHandle.write(  """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""%( txName, webLink , time.strftime("%y",time.gmtime(year) ) ) )
            fileHandle.write( "</td>" )
            fileHandle.write(  """ <td bgcolor="#66CCFF">""" + _("Years") + """&nbsp;:&nbsp;""" )
            for year in self.years:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( year )    

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage )        
                file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _("yearly/tx/%s/")%( txName ) + _("filecount/%s.png") %str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/tx/%s/")%( txName ) + _("filecount/%s.png") %str(currentYear)
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )
                if os.path.isfile( file ):
                    fileHandle.write(  """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""%( txName, webLink , time.strftime("%y",time.gmtime(year) ) ) )
            fileHandle.write( "</td>" )
            fileHandle.write(  """ <td bgcolor="#66CCFF" class="cssTable" >Years&nbsp;:&nbsp;""" )
            for year in self.years:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( year )            
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage )
                file    = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _("yearly/tx/%s/")%( txName ) + _("errors/%s.png") %str(currentYear)
                webLink = _("archives/yearly/tx/%s/")%( txName ) + _("errors/%s.png") %str(currentYear) 
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule(CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )
                if os.path.isfile( file ):
                    fileHandle.write(  """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">%s&nbsp;</a>"""%( txName, webLink , time.strftime("%y",time.gmtime(year) ) ) )
            fileHandle.write( "</td></tr>" )
        fileHandle.write(  """       
        """ )     
 def createCopy( self, copyToArchive = True , copyToColumbo = True ):
         @summary : Creates a copy of the created image file so that it
                    easily be used in px's columbo or other daily image program. 
         @summary : If copies are to be needed for graphcis other than daily graphs, 
                    please modify this method accordingly!
     statsPaths = StatsPaths()
     _ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.outputLanguage )
     src = self.imageName
     if self.groupName != "":            
         clientName = self.groupName 
         clientName = ""
         if len( self.clientNames ) == 0:
             clientName = self.clientNames[0]
             for name in self.clientNames :
                 clientName = clientName + name  
                 if name != self.clientNames[ len(self.clientNames) -1 ] :
                     clientName = clientName + "-" 
     StatsDateLib.setLanguage( self.outputLanguage ) # Makes sure month is in the right language.
     year, month, day = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( StatsDateLib.getSecondsSinceEpoch( self.currentTime ) - 60 ) # -60 means that a graphic ending at midnight
     StatsDateLib.setLanguage( self.workingLanguage )# Sets language back to working language.                               # would be named after the rpevious day.
     if copyToArchive == True : 
         destination = statsPaths.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _("daily/%s/%s/") %( self.fileType, clientName ) + str(year) + "/" + str(month) + "/" + str(day) + ".png"
         if not os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname( destination ) ):
             os.makedirs(  os.path.dirname( destination ), 0777 )   
             dirname = os.path.dirname( destination )                                                  
             while( dirname != statsPaths.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES[:-1] ):#[:-1] removes the last / character 
                     os.chmod( dirname, 0777 )
                 dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname)
         shutil.copy( src, destination ) 
             os.chmod( destination, 0777 )
         #print "cp %s %s  "  %( src, destination )
     if copyToColumbo == True : 
         destination = statsPaths.STATSGRAPHS + _("webGraphics/columbo/%s_%s.png") %(clientName,self.outputLanguage)
         if not os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname( destination ) ):
             os.makedirs(  os.path.dirname( destination ), 0777 )                                                      
             os.chmod( os.path.dirname( destination ), 0777 )
         shutil.copy( src, destination ) 
             os.chmod( destination, 0777 )
    def printWebPage( self, rxNames, txNames ):
            @summary : Prints out a daily web page
                       with the content based on 
                       the specified parameters.
            @param rxNames: List of rx for which to display the graphics
            @param txNames: List of rx for which to display the graphics
            @precondition: global _ translator must be set prior to calling this function.
            @note :   Only links to available graphics will be 
        global _ 
        rxNamesArray = rxNames.keys()
        txNamesArray = txNames.keys()
        #Redirect output towards html page to generate.    
        if not os.path.isdir( self.pathsTowardsOutputFiles.STATSWEBPAGESHTML ):
            os.makedirs( self.pathsTowardsOutputFiles.STATSWEBPAGESHTML )
        fileHandle = open( self.pathsTowardsOutputFiles.STATSWEBPAGESHTML  +"dailyGraphs_%s.html" %self.displayedLanguage , 'w' )
        fileHandle.write( """
        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="../scripts/js_%s/windowfiles/dhtmlwindow.css" type="text/css" />
            <script type="text/javascript" src="../scripts/js_%s/windowfiles/dhtmlwindow.js">
                This is left here to give credit to the original 
                creators of the dhtml script used for the group pop ups: 
                * DHTML Window Widget-  Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com)
                * This notice must stay intact for legal use.
                * Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code
        """%(self.displayedLanguage, self.displayedLanguage) + """
            <script type="text/javascript">
                var descriptionWindow=dhtmlwindow.open("description", "inline", "description", "Description", "width=900px,height=120px,left=150px,top=10px,resize=1,scrolling=0", "recal")
                <title> PX Graphics </title>
                counter =0;             
                function wopen(url, name, w, h){
                // This function was taken on www.boutell.com
                    w += 32;
                    h += 96;
                    counter +=1; 
                    var win = window.open(url,
                    'width=' + w + ', height=' + h + ', ' +
                    'location=no, menubar=no, ' +
                    'status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no');
                    win.resizeTo(w, h);
                    function showSourceHelpPage(){
                       var sourceHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("sourceHelpPage", "iframe", "helpPages/source_%s.html", "Definition of 'source'", "width=875px,height=100px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                       sourceHelpPage.moveTo("middle", "middle"); 
                    }""" %(self.displayedLanguage) + """
                    function showClientHelpPage(){
                       var clientHelpPage = dhtmlwindow.open("client", "iframe", "helpPages/client_%s.html", "Definition of 'client'", "width=875px,height=150px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
                        .moveTo("middle", "middle");
                    }""" %(self.displayedLanguage) + """
            <style type="text/css">
                div.left { float: left; }
                div.right {float: right; }
            <style type="text/css">
                div.tableContainer {
                    width: 95%;        /* table width will be 99% of this*/
                    height: 275px;     /* must be greater than tbody*/
                    overflow: auto;
                    margin: 0 auto;
                table {
                    width: 99%;        /*100% of container produces horiz. scroll in Mozilla*/
                    border: none;
                    background-color: #f7f7f7;
                    table-layout: fixed;
                table>tbody    {  /* child selector syntax which IE6 and older do not support*/
                    overflow: auto; 
                    height: 225px;
                    overflow-x: hidden;
                thead tr    {
                thead td, thead th {
                    text-align: center;
                    font-size: 14px; 
                    color: steelblue;
                    font-weight: bold;
                    border-top: solid 1px #d8d8d8;
                td    {
                    color: #000;
                    padding-right: 2px;
                    font-size: 12px;
                    text-align: left;
                    border-bottom: solid 1px #d8d8d8;
                    border-left: solid 1px #d8d8d8;
                tfoot td    {
                    text-align: center;
                    font-size: 11px;
                    font-weight: bold;
                    background-color: papayawhip;
                    color: steelblue;
                    border-top: solid 2px slategray;
                td:last-child {padding-right: 20px;} /*prevent Mozilla scrollbar from hiding cell content*/
            <body text="#000000" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="000000" bgcolor="#FFF4E5" >
                <h2>""" + _( "Daily graphics for RX sources from MetPx.") + """ <font size = "2">""" + _("*updated hourly") + """</font></h2>
                <div class="tableContainer">         
                                <td bgcolor="#006699">
                                    <div class = "rxTableEntry">
                                        <font color = "white">
                                                    <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showSourceHelpPage(); return false;">
                                <td bgcolor="#006699">
                                    <font color = "white">""" + _("List of available daily graphics.") + """</font>                                
        for rxName in rxNamesArray :
            if rxNames[rxName] == "" :
                fileHandle.write( """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99"> %s</td> """ %(rxName))
                fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF"> """ + _("Days") + """ :   """ )
                machineName = self.getMachineNameFromDescription( rxNames[rxName] ) 
                fileHandle.write( """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99"><div class="left"> %s</div><div class="right"><a href="#" onClick="descriptionWindow.load('inline', '%s', 'Description');descriptionWindow.show(); return false"><font color="black">?</font></a></div><br>(%s)</td> """ %(rxName, rxNames[rxName].replace("'","").replace('"','').replace( ",", ", "), machineName ) )
                fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF"> """ + _("Days") + """ :   """ )
            for day in self.days:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( day )
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage)
                file = file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _("daily/rx/%s/")%( rxName ) + str(currentYear) + "/" + str(currentMonth) + "/" + str(currentDay) + ".png"
                webLink = _("archives/daily/rx/%s/")%( rxName ) + str(currentYear) + "/" + str(currentMonth) + "/" + str(currentDay) + ".png"
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )
                if os.path.isfile( file ):
                    fileHandle.write(  """<a target ="%s" href="%s">"""%( rxName, webLink) + "%s" %StatsDateLib.getDayOfTheWeek(day)  + """   </a>""" )
                else :
            fileHandle.write( """</td></tr>""" )
        fileHandle.write( """
        <h2>""" + _("Daily graphics for TX clients from MetPx.") + """ <font size = "2">""" +_("*updated hourly") + """</font></h2>
        <div class="tableContainer">         
                         <td bgcolor="#006699">
                            <div class = "txTableEntry">
                                <font color = "white">
                                        <a target ="popup" href="#" onClick="showClientHelpPage(); return false;">                                        
                        <td bgcolor="#006699">
                            <div class = "txTableEntry">
                                <font color = "white">""" + _("List of available daily graphics.") + """</font>
        """   )       
        for txName in txNamesArray :           
            if txNames[txName] == "" :
                fileHandle.write( """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99"> %s</td> """ %(txName))
                fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF"><div class = "txTableEntry">   """ + _("Days") + """ :   """ )
                machineName = self.getMachineNameFromDescription( txNames[txName] ) 
                fileHandle.write( """<tr> <td bgcolor="#99FF99"><div class="left"> %s </div><div class="right"><a href="#" onClick="descriptionWindow.load('inline', '%s', 'Description');descriptionWindow.show(); return false"><font color="black">?</font></a></div><br>(%s)</td> """ %(txName, txNames[txName].replace("'","").replace('"','').replace(",", ", "), machineName ))
                fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF">  """ + _("Days") + """ :   """ )
            for day in self.days:
                currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( day )
                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.filesLanguage )
                file = self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES + _("/daily/tx/%s/")%( txName ) + str(currentYear) + "/" + str(currentMonth) + "/" + str(currentDay) + ".png"
                webLink =  _("archives/daily/tx/%s/")%( txName ) + str(currentYear) + "/" + str(currentMonth) + "/" + str(currentDay) + ".png"

                _ = self.getTranslatorForModule( CURRENT_MODULE_ABS_PATH, self.displayedLanguage )

                if os.path.isfile( file ):
                    fileHandle.write(  """<a target ="%s" href="%s">"""%( rxName, webLink) + "%s" %StatsDateLib.getDayOfTheWeek(day) +"""  </a>""" )    
                else :
            fileHandle.write( "</td></tr>" )
        fileHandle.write(  """
        """ )       
 def printWebPage( self, machineTags, machineParameters ):
         Generates a web page based on all the 
         rxnames and tx names that have run during
         the pas x days. 
         Only links to available graphics will be 
     global _
     rxTypes      = [ _("bytecount"), _("filecount"), _("errors")]
     txTypes      = [ _("latency"), _("filesOverMaxLatency"), _("bytecount"), _("filecount"), _("errors") ]
     timeTypes    = [ _("daily"),_("weekly"),_("monthly"),_("yearly")]
     updateFrequency= { _("daily"): _("(upd. hourly)"),_("weekly"):_("(upd. hourly)"), _("monthly"):_("(upd. weekly)"),_("yearly"):_("(upd. monthly)")}  
     for machineTag in machineTags:
         machineNames     = machineParameters.getPairedMachinesAssociatedWithListOfTags( [ machineTag ] )
         for machineName in machineNames:
             if not os.path.isdir(self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSWEBPAGESHTML):
                 os.makedirs( self.pathsTowardsOutputFiles.STATSWEBPAGESHTML )
             machineName = TotalsGraphicsWebPageGenerator.getCombinedMachineName( machineName )
             file = "%s%s_%s.html" %( self.pathsTowardsOutputFiles.STATSWEBPAGESHTML, machineTag, self.displayedLanguage )
             fileHandle = open( file , 'w' )
             fileHandle.write( """ <html>         
                     <title> PX Graphics </title>
                     counter =0;             
                     function wopen(url, name, w, h){
                     // This function was taken on www.boutell.com
                         w += 32;
                         h += 96;
                         counter +=1; 
                         var win = window.open(url,
                         'width=' + w + ', height=' + h + ', ' +
                         'location=no, menubar=no, ' +
                         'status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no');
                         win.resizeTo(w, h);
                 <style type="text/css">
                     div.left { float: left; }
                     div.right {float: right; }
                     td {
                         white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */
                     // -->
                 <body text="#000000" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="000000" bgcolor="#FFF4E5" >
                     <h2>""" +  _("RX totals for") + ' %s'%string.upper( machineTag ) + """</h2>               
                 <table style="table-layout: fixed; width: 100%; border-left: 0px gray solid; border-bottom: 0px gray solid; padding:0px; margin: 0px" cellspacing=10 cellpadding=6 >
                     <td bgcolor="#006699" ><font color = "white"><div class="left">Type</font></td>   
                     <td bgcolor="#006699"  title =" """  + _( "Display the total of bytes received by all sources.") + """ "><font color = "white"><div class="left">""" + _("ByteCount") + """</div><a target ="popup" href="help" onClick="wopen('helpPages/byteCount_%s.html'  """%(self.displayedLanguage)+ """ , 'popup', 875, 100); return false;"><div class="right">?</div></a></font></td>
                     <td bgcolor="#006699"  title =" """ +_( "Display the total of files received by all sources.") + """ "><font color = "white"><div class="left">""" + _("FileCount") + """</div><a target ="popup" href="help" onClick="wopen('helpPages/fileCount_%s.html' """%(self.displayedLanguage)+ """, 'popup', 875, 100); return false;"><div class="right">?</div></a></font></td>
                     <td bgcolor="#006699"  title =" """ +_( "Display the total of errors that occured during all the receptions.") + """ "><font color = "white"><div class="left">""" + _("Errors") + """</div><a target ="popup"  href="help" onClick="wopen('helpPages/errors_%s.html'  """%(self.displayedLanguage)+ """, 'popup', 875, 100); return false;"><div class="right">?</div></a></font></td>
                 """   ) 
             for timeType in timeTypes:    
                 fileHandle.write( """ 
                     <td bgcolor="#99FF99" > %s %s</td>                  
                 """ %(( timeType[0].upper() + timeType[1:] ), updateFrequency[timeType] ) )
                 if timeType == timeTypes[0] :
                     timeContainer = self.days     
                 elif timeType == timeTypes[1] :
                     timeContainer = self.weeks
                 elif timeType == timeTypes[2] :
                     timeContainer = self.months
                 elif timeType == timeTypes[3] :
                     timeContainer = self.years
                 for type in rxTypes:
                     fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF">  """ )
                     for x in timeContainer:
                         year, month, day = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( x )
                         week = time.strftime( "%W", time.gmtime(x))
                         if timeType ==  timeTypes[0] :
                             file = _("%sdaily/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s/%s/%s.png") %( self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES, machineName, year, month, type, day )     
                             webLink =  _("archives/daily/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s/%s/%s.png") %( machineName, year, month, type, day )     
                         elif timeType ==  timeTypes[1]:
                             file    = _("%sweekly/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s/%s.png") %(  self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES, machineName, year, type, week )
                             webLink = _("archives/weekly/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s/%s.png") %( machineName, year, type, week )
                         elif timeType ==  timeTypes[2]:
                             file    = _("%smonthly/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s/%s.png") %( self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES, machineName, year, type, month )
                             webLink = _("archives/monthly/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s/%s.png") %( machineName, year, type, month )
                         elif timeType ==  timeTypes[3]:
                             file    = _("%syearly/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s.png") %( self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES, machineName,  type, year ) 
                             webLink = _("archives/yearly/totals/%s/rx/%s/%s.png") %(  machineName,  type, year ) 
                         if os.path.isfile(file):  
                             if timeType == timeTypes[0] :
                                 label =  time.strftime( "%a", time.gmtime(x))   
                             elif timeType == timeTypes[1]:
                                 label = week
                             elif timeType == timeTypes[2]:
                                 label = month
                             elif timeType == timeTypes[3]:
                                 label = year   
                             fileHandle.write(  """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">"""%( label, webLink ) +  "%s" %label  + """&nbsp;</a>"""  )
                     fileHandle.write( """</td>""" )
                 fileHandle.write( """</tr>""" )       
             fileHandle.write( """</table>""" )      
                     <h2>""" + _("TX totals for") + " %s " %( string.upper( machineTag ) + """</h2>
                 <table style="table-layout: fixed; width: 100%; border-left: 0px gray solid; border-bottom: 0px gray solid; padding:0px; margin: 0px" cellspacing=10 cellpadding=6 >
                         <td bgcolor="#006699"   title = ><font color = "white">Type</font></td> 
                         <td bgcolor="#006699"  """ + _("Display the average latency of file transfers for all clients.") + """ "><font color = "white"><font color = "white"><div class="left">""" + _("Latency")+"""</div><a target ="popup" href="help" onClick="wopen('helpPages/latency_%s.html'"""%self.displayedLanguage + """, 'popup', 875, 100); return false;"><div class="right">?</div></a></font></td>
                         <td bgcolor="#006699"  title =" """ + _( "Display the number of files for wich the latency was over 15 seconds for all clients.") +""" "><font color = "white"><div class="left">""" + _("Files Over Max. Lat.") + """</div><a target ="popup" href="help" onClick="wopen('helpPages/filesOverMaxLatency_%s.html'"""%self.displayedLanguage + """, 'popup', 875, 100); return false;"><div class="right">?</div></a></font></td> 
                         <td bgcolor="#006699"  title =" """ + _( "Display number of bytes transfered to all clients.") + """ "><font color = "white"><div class="left">""" +_("ByteCount") + """</div><a target ="popup" href="help" onClick="wopen('helpPages/byteCount_%s.html'"""%self.displayedLanguage + """, 'popup', 875, 100); return false;"><div class="right">?</div></a></font></td>
                         <td bgcolor="#006699" title  =" """ + _( "Display the number of files transferred every day to all clients.") + """ "><font color = "white"><div class="left">""" + _("FileCount") + """</div><a target ="popup" href="help" onClick="wopen('helpPages/fileCount_%s.html'""" %self.displayedLanguage + """, 'popup', 875, 100); return false;"><div class="right">?</div></a></font></td>
                         <td bgcolor="#006699"  title =" """ + _( "Display the total of errors that occured during the file transfers to allclients.") + """ "><font color = "white"><div class="left">""" + _("Errors") + """</div><a target ="popup" href="help" onClick="wopen('helpPages/errors_%s.html'"""%self.displayedLanguage + """, 'popup', 875, 100); return false;"><div class="right">?</div></a></font></td>
                 """ ) )
             for timeType in timeTypes:    
                 fileHandle.write( """ 
                     <td bgcolor="#99FF99" ><div style="width:10pt";>%s %s</div> </td>                  
                 """ %(( timeType[0].upper() + timeType[1:] ), updateFrequency[timeType] ) ) 
                 if timeType == timeTypes[0] :
                     timeContainer = self.days     
                 elif timeType == timeTypes[1]:
                     timeContainer = self.weeks
                 elif timeType == timeTypes[2]:
                     timeContainer = self.months
                 elif timeType == timeTypes[3]:
                     timeContainer = self.years
                 for type in txTypes:
                     fileHandle.write( """<td bgcolor="#66CCFF"> """) 
                     for x in timeContainer:
                         year, month, day = StatsDateLib.getYearMonthDayInStrfTime( x )
                         week = time.strftime( "%W", time.gmtime(x))
                         if timeType == timeTypes[0] :
                             file    = _("%sdaily/totals/%s/tx/%s/%s/%s/%s.png") %( self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES, machineName, year, month, type, day )
                             webLink = _("archives/daily/totals/%s/tx/%s/%s/%s/%s.png") %(  machineName, year, month, type, day )     
                         elif timeType == timeTypes[1]:
                             file    = _("%sweekly/totals/%s/tx/%s/%s/%s.png") %( self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES, machineName, year, type, week )
                             webLink = _("archives/weekly/totals/%s/tx/%s/%s/%s.png") %(  machineName, year, type, week )
                         elif timeType == timeTypes[2]:
                             file    = _("%smonthly/totals/%s/tx/%s/%s/%s.png") %( self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES, machineName, year, type, month )
                             webLink = _("archives/monthly/totals/%s/tx/%s/%s/%s.png") %( machineName, year, type, month )
                         elif timeType == timeTypes[3]:
                             file    = _("%syearly/totals/%s/tx/%s/%s.png") %( self.pathsTowardsGraphics.STATSGRAPHSARCHIVES, machineName,  type, year )  
                             webLink = _("archives/yearly/totals/%s/tx/%s/%s.png") %( machineName,  type, year )
                         print file
                         if os.path.isfile(file):  
                             if timeType == timeTypes[0] :
                                 label =  time.strftime( "%a", time.gmtime(x))   
                             elif timeType == timeTypes[1]:
                                 label = week
                             elif timeType == timeTypes[2]:
                                 label = month
                             elif timeType == timeTypes[3]:
                                 label = year     
                             fileHandle.write(  """<a target ="popup" href="%s" onClick="wopen('%s', 'popup', 875, 240); return false;">"""%( label, webLink ) + "%s" %str(label) + """ </a>"""  )
                     fileHandle.write( """</td>""" )
                 fileHandle.write( """</tr>""" )       
             fileHandle.write( """</table>""")             
             fileHandle.write( """</body></html>""")
             #End of tx part.             