    def test_CacheContextLifetime(self):
        # Check that python object lifetimes are preserved as expected, to ensure
        # that the C++ objects they refer to do not expire prematurely.
        import weakref

        # Create a cache and a weak reference to it.
        cache = Usd.StageCache()
        weakCache = weakref.ref(cache)

        # Create a nonpopulating wrapper around the cache, and a weakref to it.
        nonPop = Usd.UseButDoNotPopulateCache(cache)
        weakNonPop = weakref.ref(nonPop)

        # del our local name 'cache'.  The rw object should keep it alive.
        del cache
        assert weakCache()

        # Create a CacheContext.
        ctx = Usd.StageCacheContext(nonPop)

        # del our local name 'rw'.  The ctx object should keep it alive (and
        # transitively, the cache object).
        del nonPop
        assert weakNonPop()
        assert weakCache()

        # Try populating into the cache, for fun.
        with ctx:
            stage = Usd.Stage.Open(Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous())

        assert weakNonPop()
        assert weakCache()
        assert not weakCache().Contains(stage)  # nonpopulating cache usage.

        # Killing our ctx reference should let the objects expire.
        del ctx
        assert weakNonPop() is None
        assert weakCache() is None

        # Now try again with a context on the cache directly.
        cache = Usd.StageCache()
        weakCache = weakref.ref(cache)
        ctx = Usd.StageCacheContext(cache)
        del cache
        assert weakCache()
        with ctx:
            stage = Usd.Stage.Open(Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous())
        assert weakCache()
        assert weakCache().Contains(stage)  # this ctx will populate.
        # Killing ctx should let the cache expire.
        del ctx
        assert weakCache() is None
    def test_CacheContext(self):
        layer1 = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        layer2 = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()

        cache1 = Usd.StageCache()

        # Populate cache1 with a stage, by binding a context and using the
        # Stage.Open API.
        with Usd.StageCacheContext(cache1):
            stage = Usd.Stage.Open(layer1)

        assert cache1.Size() == 1
        assert cache1.Contains(stage)
        assert cache1.FindOneMatching(layer1) == stage

        # Read the stage from the read-only cache, assert a different opened stage
        # doesn't populate the cache.
        with Usd.StageCacheContext(Usd.UseButDoNotPopulateCache(cache1)):
            stageAgain = Usd.Stage.Open(layer1)
            newStage = Usd.Stage.Open(layer2)

        assert stageAgain is stage
        assert newStage
        assert not cache1.Contains(newStage)

        # Create a new cache, make a context for both, and check that a newly
        # created stage publishes to both caches.
        cache2 = Usd.StageCache()
        with Usd.StageCacheContext(cache1):
            with Usd.StageCacheContext(cache2):
                newStage = Usd.Stage.Open(layer2)

        assert cache1.Contains(newStage)
        assert cache2.Contains(newStage)

        # Publish a stage with a specific session layer to a cache, then check that
        # a call to Stage.Open() that doesn't specify a session layer finds that
        # layer in the cache, but that a call to Stage.Open() that demands no
        # session layer finds no layer in the cache.
        with Usd.StageCacheContext(cache1):
            newStage = Usd.Stage.Open(layer1, layer2)
            newStage2 = Usd.Stage.Open(layer1)
            assert newStage is newStage2
            newStage3 = Usd.Stage.Open(layer1, sessionLayer=None)
            assert newStage3 != newStage

        # Verify that blocking caches works as expected.
        with Usd.StageCacheContext(cache1):
            # Populate a stage into the cache.
            newStage = Usd.Stage.Open(layer1)
            assert cache1.Contains(newStage)
            with Usd.StageCacheContext(Usd.BlockStageCaches):
                # Open() should create a new stage, since cache is blocked.
                newStage2 = Usd.Stage.Open(layer1)
                assert newStage2 != newStage
                assert cache1.Size() == 1
                # Opening a different stage should not populate the cache.
                newStage3 = Usd.Stage.Open(layer2)
                assert not cache1.Contains(newStage3)
                assert cache1.Size() == 1

        # Try blocking cache writes only.
        with Usd.StageCacheContext(cache1):
            # Populate a stage into the cache.
            newStage = Usd.Stage.Open(layer1)
            assert cache1.Contains(newStage)
            with Usd.StageCacheContext(Usd.BlockStageCachePopulation):
                # Open() should read the stage from the cache.
                newStage2 = Usd.Stage.Open(layer1)
                assert newStage2 == newStage
                # Opening a different stage should not populate the cache.
                newStage3 = Usd.Stage.Open(layer2)
                assert not cache1.Contains(newStage3)
                assert cache1.Size() == 1