文件: slave.py 项目: sdobz/loadfrock
class Slave(Actionable):
    This class manages connections to the master and handles client-server logistics.
    Actions on it are run by master.
    id = None
    last_bw_out = None
    bw_out = 0
    total_bw_out = 0
    last_bw_in = None
    bw_in = 0
    total_bw_in = 0
    running_tests = []
    test_runner = None
    sink_obj = None
    sink = None
    client_tests = {}
    message_lock = BoundedSemaphore(1)

    def __init__(self, context):
        self.context = context
        # This socket sends messages to master
        self.socket_out = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        # Syntax allowing self.master.<action>(data)
        self.master = Sender(self.send_to_master)

        # This socket receives broadcasts from master
        self.socket_in = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
        self.socket_in.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "")

        self.sink_host = '{}:{}'.format(self.hostname(), SLAVE_SINK_PORT)
        self.uuid = uuid4().hex

    def send_to_master(self, data):
        Sends a bson serialized message to master, inserting slave specific information such as id
        :param data: Message data to send
            action: (required) RPC to call on serverside slave instance
        if self.id:
            data['slave_id'] = self.id
        if data['action'] != 'heartbeat':
        if data['action'] != 'heartbeat':
            log.debug('MASTER->{} end'.format(data['action']))

    def send_to_sink(self, data):
        Send bson encoded data to the sink for collation
        :param data: Message data to send
        if self.id:
            data['slave_id'] = self.id
        if self.sink_obj:
            log.warn('{}->SINK failed, no sink'.format(data['action']))

    def listen_to_master(self):
        Wait for messages from the server and delegate them
        log.info("Listening to master")
        while True:

    def handle_master_message(self, msg):
        Decode a message from the server, if it matches our id or has no id decode and run it.
        :param msg: BSON encoded message from the server
            action: Local function to run
            slave_id: If present and not our id ignore message
        data = bson.loads(msg)
        if 'action' in data:
            if 'slave_id' not in data or data['slave_id'] == self.id:
                log.debug('{}<-MASTER end'.format(data['action']))
            log.warn('Server sent message with no action')

    def heartbeat(self):
        Generate a status report and send it to master
        # physical_memory = psutil.phymem_usage()
        virtual_memory = psutil.virtual_memory()
        swap_memory = psutil.swap_memory()
        load = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1)
        network = psutil.net_io_counters()
        hostname = self.hostname()

        if not self.last_bw_out:
            self.last_bw_out = network.bytes_sent
        self.bw_out = (network.bytes_sent - self.last_bw_out)/HEARTBEAT_PERIOD
        self.total_bw_out += self.bw_out * HEARTBEAT_PERIOD
        self.last_bw_out = network.bytes_sent

        if not self.last_bw_in:
            self.last_bw_in = network.bytes_recv
        self.bw_in = (network.bytes_recv - self.last_bw_in)/HEARTBEAT_PERIOD
        self.total_bw_in += self.bw_in * HEARTBEAT_PERIOD
        self.last_bw_in = network.bytes_recv

            'hostname': hostname,
            'memory': {
                # 'physical': (physical_memory.used, physical_memory.total),
                'physical': (0, 0),
                'virtual': (virtual_memory.used, virtual_memory.total),
                'swap': (swap_memory.used, swap_memory.total)
            'load': load,
            'bandwidth': {
                'in': (self.bw_in, self.total_bw_in),
                'out': (self.bw_out, self.total_bw_out)
            'generated': int(time()),
            'sink_id': self.sink_obj.id if self.sink_obj else None,
            'slave_uuid': self.uuid

    def heartbeat_forever(self):
        log.info('Beating heart forever')
        while True:

    def set_id(self, data):
        Set id if it matches our uuid
        :param data: Message specific data:
            slave_uuid: UUID to check against ours
            new_slave_id: Id to set if match
        if 'slave_uuid' not in data or 'new_slave_id' not in data:
            log.warn('receiving id without slave_uuid/new_slave_id')
        if data['slave_uuid'] == self.uuid:
            self.id = data['new_slave_id']
            log.info('Received id: {}'.format(self.id))

    def set_sink(self, data):
        Set sink
        :param data: Message specific data:
            sink_id: Sink id to connect to
            sink_host: Host to connect to
        if 'sink_id' in data and 'sink_host' in data and data['sink_host'] == self.sink_host:
            self.connect_to_sink(data['sink_id'], data['sink_host'])
            log.warn('Incomplete sink call')

    def hostname():
        return socket.gethostname()

    def connect_to_sink(self, sink_id, host):
        Attempt to connect to the given sink, and create a local sink instance
        :param sink_id: ID to assign to the sink
        :param host: host to connect to
        log.info('Attempting to connect to sink({}) - {}'.format(sink_id, host))

        if self.sink_obj:
            log.info('Closing previous sink')

        # Create our sink
        self.sink_obj = Sink(id=sink_id,

        # Initialize it, and tell master if successful
        if self.sink_obj.setup():
            # RPC for sink
            self.sink = Sender(self.send_to_sink)
                'sink_id': self.sink_obj.id

    def quit(self, data):
        If this RPC is run master told this slave to quit
        log.info('Master told us to quit, quitting.')

    def run_test(self, data):
        Receive a test, instantiate it and run
        :param data: Message specific data:
            client_id: Client that started the test
            test: Test data to hand off to the test
        log.info('slave({}).run_test client({})'.format(self.id, data['client_id']))

        if not self.sink_obj:
            log.warn('Error, no sink')

        if 'test' in data:
            client_id = data['client_id']
            test = Test(self.sink, data)

            # Only allow one test at a time
            if client_id in self.client_tests:
                log.info('Stopping previous test')

            self.client_tests[data['client_id']] = test
            log.warn('No test given')

    def stop_test(self, data):
        Stop any tests from that client
        :param data: Message specific data:
            client_id: Client to stop tests for
        client_id = data['client_id']
        if client_id in self.client_tests:
            log.info('slave({}).stop_test client({})'.format(self.id, client_id))

            del self.client_tests[client_id]
文件: master.py 项目: sdobz/loadfrock
class Client(Actionable):
    This class is the local representation of a remote client (browser)
    When a websocket message is received it is routed into the proper local instance
    When the master sends a message to a client it goes through this class

    def __init__(self, master, websocket, id):
        self.master = master
        self.websocket = websocket
        self.id = id
        # This is syntax for sending message through a websocket.
        # client.send.<action>(data)
        self.send = Sender(self.send_data)

    def send_data(self, data):

    def handle_websocket_message(self, msg):
        This handles any message that comes in by looking at the action key and seeing if it is a local method,
        then calling it
        :param msg: JSON encoded data from the websocket
        if msg:
            data = json.loads(msg)
            if "action" in data:

    def get_id(self, data):
        self.send.set_id({"client_id": self.id})

    def quit(self, data):
        Websocket telling a slave to quit
        :param data: Message specific data:
            slave_id: slave to tell to quit
        if "slave_id" in data:
            self.send.error({"error": "Id not specified in data"})

    def request_slaves(self, data):
        Websocket requesting slave data
        data = {"slaves": dict((slave.id, slave.last_beat) for slave in self.master.slave_registry.values())}

        # Send a message with action=receive_slaves to the browser

    def set_sink(self, data):
        Set the sink on a particular slave, which sets the sink for all slaves on that host
        :param data: message specific data:
            slave_id: Slave to set the sink for (unused)
            sink_id: Slave to set the sink to
        if "sink_id" not in data or "slave_id" not in data:
            raise Exception("Missing sink_id or slave_id")

        # Let the master handle actually doing this
        self.master.set_sink(data["slave_id"], data["sink_id"], self)

    def request_available_tests(self, data):
        Client asking to load tests
        :param data:
        tests_glob = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), TEST_DIR, "*.json")
        files = glob.glob(tests_glob)
        files_stripped = [os.path.basename(filename)[:-5] for filename in files]
        # Send list of files to the client
        self.send.receive_available_tests({"tests": files_stripped})

    def request_test(self, data):
        Client asking to load a test
        :param data: Message specific data:
            name: filename to load
        filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), TEST_DIR, data["name"] + ".json")
        # TODO: Prevent path traversal
        if os.path.exists(filename):
            with open(filename) as file:
                return self.send.receive_test({"test": json.loads(file.read())})
        return self.send.error({"error": "Test not found"})

    def save_test(self, data):
        Save a test to a file
        :param data: Message specific data:
            name: Filename to save to
            test: data representing a test
        if "test" in data:
            test = data["test"]
            if "name" in test:
                # TODO: Prevent path traversal
                filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), TEST_DIR, test["name"] + ".json")
                with open(filename, "w") as file:

    def delete_test(self, data):
        Delete a test
        :param data: Message specific data:
            test_name: Name of test to delete
        if "test_name" in data:
            # TODO: Prevent path traversal
            filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), TEST_DIR, data["test_name"] + ".json")
            if os.path.exists(filename):
                return self.send.error({"error": "Test not found"})
            return self.send.error({"error": "Cannot delete test, not found"})

    def run_test(self, data):
        Send a test to all slaves to run
        :param data: Message specific data:
            test: Test data to run
        if "test" in data:
            data["client_id"] = self.id
            if "runs" in data["test"]:
                    # Each slave gets a portion of the total runs
                    data["runs"] = int(data["test"]["runs"]) / len(self.master.slave_registry)
                except ValueError:
                    data["runs"] = 1
                data["runs"] = 1

    def stop_test(self, data):
        Halt all tests run by this client
        :param data:
        data["client_id"] = self.id
        if len(self.master.slave_registry) != 0: