class Repository(object):
    """ Storage container for :class:`.Model` instances.

    The constructor for this class has an identical signature to that
    for the :class:`.Graph` class. For example::

        >>> from py2neo.ogm import Repository
        >>> from py2neo.ogm.models.movies import Movie
        >>> repo = Repository("bolt://neo4j@localhost:7687", password="******")
        >>> repo.match(Movie, "The Matrix").first()
        <Movie title='The Matrix'>

    *New in version 2020.0. In earlier versions, a :class:`.Graph` was
    required to co-ordinate all reads and writes to the remote
    database. This class completely replaces that, removing the need
    to import from any other packages when using OGM.*
    def wrap(cls, graph):
        """ Wrap an existing :class:`.Graph` object as a
        obj = object.__new__(Repository)
        obj.graph = graph
        return obj

    def __init__(self, profile=None, name=None, **settings):
        self.graph = Graph(profile, name=name, **settings)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Repository profile=%r>" % (self.graph.service.profile, )

    def reload(self, obj):
        """ Reload data from the remote graph into the local object.

    def save(self, *objects):
        """ Save data from the local object into the remote graph.
        def push_all(tx):
            for obj in objects:


    def delete(self, obj):
        """ Delete the object in the remote graph.

    def exists(self, obj):
        """ Check whether the object exists in the remote graph.
        return self.graph.exists(obj)

    def match(self, model, primary_value=None):
        """ Select one or more objects from the remote graph.

        :param model: the :class:`.Model` subclass to match
        :param primary_value: value of the primary property (optional)
        :rtype: :class:`.ModelMatch`
        return ModelMatcher(model, self).match(primary_value)

    def get(self, model, primary_value=None):
        """ Match and return a single object from the remote graph.

        :param model: the :class:`.Model` subclass to match
        :param primary_value: value of the primary property (optional)
        :rtype: :class:`.Model`
        return self.match(model, primary_value).first()

    @deprecated("Repository.create is a compatibility alias, "
                "please use Repository.save instead")
    def create(self, obj):

    @deprecated("Repository.merge is a compatibility alias, "
                "please use Repository.save instead")
    def merge(self, obj):

    @deprecated("Repository.pull is a compatibility alias, "
                "please use Repository.load instead")
    def pull(self, obj):

    @deprecated("Repository.push is a compatibility alias, "
                "please use Repository.save instead")
    def push(self, obj):
class Repository(object):
    """ Storage container for :class:`.GraphObject` instances.
    def wrap(cls, graph):
        """ Wrap an existing :class:`.Graph` object as a
        obj = object.__new__(Repository)
        obj.graph = graph
        return obj

    def __init__(self, profile=None, name=None, **settings):
        self.graph = Graph(profile, name=name, **settings)

    def reload(self, obj):
        """ Reload data from the remote graph into the local object.

    def save(self, *objects):
        """ Save data from the local object into the remote graph.
        def push_all(tx):
            for obj in objects:


    def delete(self, obj):
        """ Delete the object in the remote graph.

    def exists(self, obj):
        """ Check whether the object exists in the remote graph.
        return self.graph.exists(obj)

    def match(self, ogm_class, primary_value=None):
        """ Select one or more objects from the remote graph.

        :param ogm_class: the :class:`.GraphObject` subclass to match
        :param primary_value: value of the primary property (optional)
        :rtype: :class:`.GraphObjectMatch`
        return GraphObjectMatcher(ogm_class, self).match(primary_value)

    def get(self, ogm_class, primary_value=None):
        """ Match and return a single object from the remote graph.

        :param ogm_class: the :class:`.GraphObject` subclass to match
        :param primary_value: value of the primary property (optional)
        :rtype: :class:`.GraphObject`
        return self.match(ogm_class, primary_value).first()

    @deprecated("Repository.create is a compatibility alias, "
                "please use Repository.save instead")
    def create(self, obj):

    @deprecated("Repository.merge is a compatibility alias, "
                "please use Repository.save instead")
    def merge(self, obj):

    @deprecated("Repository.pull is a compatibility alias, "
                "please use Repository.load instead")
    def pull(self, obj):

    @deprecated("Repository.push is a compatibility alias, "
                "please use Repository.save instead")
    def push(self, obj):