def create_directory_children(dirs, parent):
    '''Create the following relationship: (p:Directory)<-[:PARENT]-(d:Directory)
    where dirs is a list of strings and parent is a py2neo node.'''
    batch = WriteBatch(graph_db)
    for d in dirs:
        dir_node = batch.create({'name': d, '_id': uuid.uuid4().hex})
        batch.add_labels(dir_node, "Directory")
        batch.create(rel(dir_node, "PARENT", parent))
def create_file_children(files, parent, root_path):
    '''Create (p:Directory)<-{:PARENT]-(f:File)
    for all files to the given parent. Also stores the file's contents in
    the content property.'''
    batch = WriteBatch(graph_db)
    for f in files:
        file_content = get_file_content(f, root_path)
        file_node = batch.create({'name': f, '_id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
            'content': file_content})
        batch.add_labels(file_node, 'File')
        batch.create(rel(file_node, "PARENT", parent))