def get_identifier_by_source_id(self, model_object, source_id): """Returns the ori identifier based on the specified source identifier. The ori identifier on a `Hot` node is queried by looking for the source identifier on `Cold` nodes. Should return exactly one int or a QueryResultError exception.""" fmt = AQuoteFormatter() label = self.serializer.label(model_object) params = { 'n1_labels': u':'.join([self.HOT, cypher_escape(label)]), 'n2_labels': u':'.join([self.COLD, cypher_escape(label)]), } params.update(self.default_params) clauses = [ u'MATCH (n2 :«n2_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source})<--(n1 :«n1_labels»)', u'RETURN n1.«ori_identifier» AS ori_identifier', ] result = self.query(fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), had_primary_source=source_id) if not result: raise MissingProperty('Does not exist') if len(result) > 1: raise QueryResultError( 'The number of results is greater than one!') return result[0]['ori_identifier']
def to_cypher_item(self): # First we create nodes and edges using MERGE statements for triple in self.triples: source_id, property_id, target_id = triple cypher = ( u"""MERGE (source:Entity {{name: "{source_id}"}}) WITH source """ """MERGE (target:Entity {{name: "{target_id}"}}) WITH source, target """ """CREATE (source)-[property:{property_id}]->(target) """ """SET = "{property_id}";""").format( source_id=source_id, property_id=property_id, target_id=target_id) self.cypher_statements.append(cypher) non_relational_properties = { property_name: value for property_name, value in self.non_relational_properties.iteritems()} delisted_dictionary = delist_dictionary(non_relational_properties) for non_relational_property, property_value in delisted_dictionary.iteritems(): cypher = ( u"""MERGE (source:Entity {{name: "{source_id}"}}) """ """SET source.{non_relational_property} = "{property_value}"; """).format( source_id=self.wikidata_id, non_relational_property=non_relational_property, property_value=py2neo.cypher_escape(property_value).replace(u'\\', u'\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')) self.cypher_statements.append(cypher) cypher = ( u"""MERGE (source:Entity {{name: "{source_id}"}}) """ """SET source.english_label = "{property_value}"; """).format( source_id=self.wikidata_id, property_value=py2neo.cypher_escape(self.english_label).replace(u'\\', u'\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')) self.cypher_statements.append(cypher)
def copy_relations(self): """Copies the relations from Cold->Cold nodes to Hot->Hot nodes. All relations between these nodes that do not already exist are copied. Only direct relations between `Cold` nodes are matched. """ fmt = AQuoteFormatter() params = { 'labels': self.COLD, 'n1_labels': self.HOT, 'n2_labels': self.COLD, 'n3_labels': self.HOT, } params.update(self.default_params) clauses = [ u'MATCH (n1 :«n1_labels»)-[:«was_derived_from»]->(n2 :«n2_labels»)-[r]->(:«labels»)<-[:«was_derived_from»]-(n3 :«n3_labels»)', u'WHERE NOT (n1)--(n3)', u'RETURN id(n1) AS id1, id(n2) as id2, id(n3) AS id3, type(r) AS rel, id(startNode(r)) AS start', ] for result in self.query(fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params)): clauses = [ u'MATCH (n1), (n3)', u'WHERE id(n1) = $id1', u'AND id(n3) = $id3', u'MERGE (n1)-[:«rel»]->(n3)' ] self.query(fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), rel=cypher_escape(result['rel']), **params), id1=result['id1'], id3=result['id3'])
def escape_fields(payload, raw_values=False): result = [] for field, value in payload.items(): if not raw_values: value = py2neo.cypher_repr(value) result.append((py2neo.cypher_escape(field), value)) return result
def attach(self, this_object, that_object, rel_type): """Attaches this_object to that_object model. The query will match the `Cold` node based on the source_id of the models. If available it will set `r1_props` on the relation between the nodes. """ from .model import Model, Relationship fmt = AQuoteFormatter() r1_props = dict() if isinstance(that_object, Relationship): r1_props = that_object.rel that_object = that_object.model if isinstance(r1_props, Model): r1_props = r1_props.serializer.deflate(props=True, rels=True) this_label = self.serializer.label(this_object) that_label = self.serializer.label(that_object) params = { 'n2_labels': u':'.join([self.COLD, cypher_escape(this_label)]), 'n3_labels': u':'.join([self.COLD, cypher_escape(that_label)]), 'r1_labels': cypher_escape(rel_type), } params.update(self.default_params) clauses = [ u'MATCH (n2 :«n2_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source1})', u'MATCH (n3 :«n3_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source2})', u'MERGE (n2)-[r1 :«r1_labels»]->(n3)', u'SET r1 = $r1_props', ] self.query(fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), had_primary_source1=this_object.had_primary_source, had_primary_source2=that_object.had_primary_source, r1_props=r1_props)
def get_identifier(self, model_object, **kwargs): """Returns the ori identifier based on the specified keyword-argument. The ori identifier on a `Hot` node is queried by looking for the source identifier on `Cold` nodes. Should return exactly one int or a QueryResultError exception.""" if len(kwargs) != 1: raise TypeError('connect takes exactly 1 keyword-argument') filter_key, filter_value = kwargs.items()[0] label = self.serializer.label(model_object) definition = model_object.definition(filter_key) params = { 'labels': cypher_escape(label), 'filter_key': cypher_escape(definition.absolute_uri()) } params.update(self.default_params) clauses = [ u'MATCH (n :«labels» {«filter_key»: $filter_value})', u'RETURN n.«ori_identifier» AS ori_identifier', ] result = self.query( fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), filter_value=filter_value ) if not result: raise MissingProperty( 'Does not exist: %s with %s=%s' % (model_object.verbose_name(), filter_key, filter_value) ) if len(result) > 1: raise QueryResultError('The number of results is greater than one!') return result[0]['ori_identifier']
def attach(self, this_object, that_object, rel_type): """Attaches this_object to that_object model. The query will match the `Cold` node based on the source_id of the models. If available it will set `r1_props` on the relation between the nodes. """ from .model import Model, Relationship r1_props = dict() if isinstance(that_object, Relationship): r1_props = that_object.rel that_object = that_object.model if isinstance(r1_props, Model): r1_props = r1_props.serializer.deflate(props=True, rels=True) this_label = self.serializer.label(this_object) that_label = self.serializer.label(that_object) params = { 'n2_labels': cypher_escape(this_label), 'n3_labels': cypher_escape(that_label), 'r1_labels': cypher_escape(rel_type), } params.update(self.default_params) clauses = [ u'MATCH (n2 :«n2_labels» {«ori_identifier»: $ori_identifier1})', u'MATCH (n3 :«n3_labels» {«ori_identifier»: $ori_identifier2})', u'MERGE (n2)-[r1 :«r1_labels»]->(n3)', u'SET r1 = $r1_props', ] self.query( fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), ori_identifier1=this_object.ori_identifier, ori_identifier2=that_object.ori_identifier, r1_props=r1_props )
def get_shortest_path_relationship(self, label_a, node_id_a, label_b, node_id_b): """Returns the first shortest path between two nodes identified by label and node_id If there are any results (there could be many shortest paths), it returns the first one (as per spec). The path is returned as a list, from the start node, to the end node including the relationships in between. Keyword arguments: label_a -- The label for node A (e.g. 'Address') node_id_a -- The node_id for entity A (e.g. 5124536) label_b -- The label for node B (e.g. 'Entity') node_id_b -- The node_id for entity B (e.g. 5124537) """ errors = [ '{label} label not in the graph!'.format(label=l) for l in [label_a, label_b] if not l in self.graph.node_labels ] if errors: raise ValueError("\n".join(errors)) query = """MATCH (a:{label_a}{{node_id: \"{node_id_a}\"}}), (b:{label_b}{{node_id: \"{node_id_b}\"}}), p = shortestPath((a)-[*]-(b)) RETURN p""".format( label_a=cypher_escape(label_a), label_b=cypher_escape(label_b), node_id_a=node_id_a, node_id_b=node_id_b) result = self.graph.evaluate(query) return { 'path': [write_relationship(i) for i in result.relationships()], 'path_abbrev': ["{i}".format(i=i) for i in result.relationships()], 'nodes': [{ 'id': i.__name__, 'node': i } for i in result.nodes()] } if result else {}
def to_cypher_property(self): cypher = ( u"""MERGE (property:Property {{name: "{property_id}"}}); """) non_relational_properties = { property_name: value for property_name, value in self.non_relational_properties.iteritems()} delisted_dictionary = delist_dictionary(non_relational_properties) for non_relational_property, property_value in delisted_dictionary.iteritems(): cypher = ( u"""MERGE (source_property:Property """ """{{name: "{source_property_id}"}}) """ """SET source_property.{non_relational_property} = """ """ "{non_relational_property_value}"; """).format( source_property_id=self.wikidata_id, non_relational_property=non_relational_property, non_relational_property_value=py2neo.cypher_escape( property_value).replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(u'"', u'\\"')) self.cypher_statements.append(cypher)
def _create_blank_node(self, model_object): if not model_object.values.get('ori_identifier'): model_object.generate_ori_identifier() labels = self.serializer.label(model_object) props = self.serializer.deflate(model_object, props=True, rels=False) params = { 'labels': cypher_escape(labels), } params.update(self.default_params) clauses = [ u'CREATE (n :«labels»)', u'SET n += $props', u'RETURN n', ] cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), props=props, ) cursor.summary()
def _merge(self, model_object): labels = self.serializer.label(model_object) props = self.serializer.deflate(model_object, props=True, rels=False) # todo this quickfix needs to be refactored del props[Uri(Prov, 'hadPrimarySource')] params = { 'labels': cypher_escape(labels), } params.update(self.default_params) clauses = [ u'MERGE (n :«labels» {«ori_identifier»: $ori_identifier})', u'SET n += $props', u'SET(', # Only add had_primary_source to array if doesn't exist u' CASE WHEN NOT $had_primary_source IN n.«had_primary_source» THEN n END', u').«had_primary_source» = n.«had_primary_source» + [$had_primary_source]', u'WITH n', u'OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-->(m)', # Remove all directly related blank nodes u'WHERE NOT EXISTS(m.«had_primary_source»)', u'DETACH DELETE m', u'WITH n', u'OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]->()', # Remove all outgoing relationships u'DELETE r', u'WITH n', u'RETURN n', ] cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), had_primary_source=model_object.had_primary_source, ori_identifier=model_object.ori_identifier, props=props, ) cursor.summary()
class Neo4jDatabase(object): """Database implementation for Neo4j graph database. Provides methods for model operations to process ETL data for new and existing nodes. When the class is initialized, it reuses the driver if it has been used before. """ _driver = None HOT = 'Hot' COLD = 'Cold' ARCHIVE = 'Archive' default_params = { 'was_revision_of': cypher_escape(Uri(Prov, 'wasRevisionOf')), 'was_derived_from': cypher_escape(Uri(Prov, 'wasDerivedFrom')), 'had_primary_source': cypher_escape(Uri(Prov, 'hadPrimarySource')), 'provided_by': cypher_escape(Uri(Pav, 'providedBy')), 'ori_identifier': cypher_escape(Uri(Mapping, 'ori/identifier')), } def __init__(self, serializer): self.serializer = serializer if not self._driver: # Set driver on the class so all instances use the same driver type(self)._driver = GraphDatabase.driver(NEO4J_URL, auth=( NEO4J_USER, NEO4J_PASSWORD, )) self.session = self._driver.session() self.tx = None def query(self, query, **params): """Executes a query and returns the result""" cursor =, **params) result = return result def transaction_query(self, query, **params): """Adds a query to be executed as a transaction. All queries called with this method will be in the same transaction until `transaction_commit` is called. """ if not self.tx: self.tx = self.session.begin_transaction(), **params) def transaction_commit(self): """Commits all queries that are added by `transaction_query`.""" if self.tx: result = self.tx.commit() self.tx = None # Make sure the tx is reset return result def create_constraints(self): """Creates constraints on identifiers in Neo4j"""'CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (x:Hot)' 'ASSERT x.`{}` IS UNIQUE'.format( Uri(Mapping, 'ori/identifier')))'CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (x:Live)' 'ASSERT x.`{}` IS UNIQUE'.format( Uri(Mapping, 'ori/sourceLocator'))) def get_identifier_by_source_id(self, model_object, source_id): """Returns the ori identifier based on the specified source identifier. The ori identifier on a `Hot` node is queried by looking for the source identifier on `Cold` nodes. Should return exactly one int or a QueryResultError exception.""" fmt = AQuoteFormatter() label = self.serializer.label(model_object) params = { 'n1_labels': u':'.join([self.HOT, cypher_escape(label)]), 'n2_labels': u':'.join([self.COLD, cypher_escape(label)]), } params.update(self.default_params) clauses = [ u'MATCH (n2 :«n2_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source})<--(n1 :«n1_labels»)', u'RETURN n1.«ori_identifier» AS ori_identifier', ] result = self.query(fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), had_primary_source=source_id) if not result: raise MissingProperty('Does not exist') if len(result) > 1: raise QueryResultError( 'The number of results is greater than one!') return result[0]['ori_identifier'] def replace(self, model_object): """Replaces or creates nodes based on the model object. Existing nodes are replaced by the deflated model object and new ones are created when they do not exist. Three queries are run sequentially until one of them yields a result. The first will add a new version if an older version exists on a node, the second will add a new version when no older version exists, the third will create new nodes if the nodes do not yet exist. If the third query fails, an QueryResultError is raised. The first and second query will match the `Cold` node based on the source_id. """ fmt = AQuoteFormatter() label = self.serializer.label(model_object) n2_props = self.serializer.deflate(model_object, props=True, rels=False) params = { 'n1_labels': u':'.join([self.HOT, cypher_escape(label)]), 'n2_labels': u':'.join([self.COLD, cypher_escape(label)]), 'n3_labels': self.ARCHIVE, 'n4_labels': self.ARCHIVE, 'n5_labels': u':'.join( [self.ARCHIVE, cypher_escape(Uri(Prov, 'SoftwareAgent'))]), } params.update(self.default_params) if hasattr(model_object, '_source'): # Keep it readable # Expand labels # Same name variables # Escaping some variables # Parameters # Add a new version if an older version already exists clauses = [ u'MATCH (n1 :«n1_labels»)--(n2 :«n2_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source})-[r2 :«was_revision_of»]-(n3 :«n3_labels»)', u'MERGE (n2)-[:«was_revision_of»]->(n4 :«n4_labels»)-[:«was_revision_of»]->(n3)', u'MERGE (n2)-[:«provided_by»]->(n5 :«n5_labels» {name: $name})', u'SET n4 = n2', u'SET n2 = $n2_props', u'DELETE r2', ] cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), n2_props=n2_props, had_primary_source=model_object.had_primary_source, name=model_object._source, ) summary = cursor.summary() if summary.counters.relationships_deleted > 0: return # Add a new version if no older version exists clauses = [ u'MATCH (n1 :«n1_labels»)--(n2 :«n2_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source})', u'MERGE (n2)-[:«was_revision_of»]->(n4 :«n4_labels»)', u'MERGE (n2)-[:«provided_by»]->(n5 :«n5_labels» {name: $name})', u'SET n4 = n2', u'SET n2 = $n2_props', ] cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), n2_props=n2_props, had_primary_source=model_object.had_primary_source, name=model_object._source, ) summary = cursor.summary() if summary.counters.nodes_created > 0: return clauses = [ u'MATCH (n1 :«n1_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source})', u'RETURN n1', ] cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), had_primary_source=model_object.had_primary_source) n1_props = copy(n2_props) if len( == 0: # n1_props = n2_props + ori_identifier n1_props[str(Uri(Mapping, 'ori/identifier'))] = \ model_object.generate_ori_identifier() # Create a new entity when no matching node seems to exist clauses = [ u'MERGE (n1 :«n1_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source})-[:«was_derived_from»]->(n2 :«n2_labels»)', ] bound_params = {} if hasattr(model_object, '_source'): clauses.extend([ u'MERGE (n5 :«n5_labels» {name: $name})', u'MERGE (n2)-[:«provided_by»]->(n5)', ]) bound_params['name'] = model_object._source clauses.extend([ u'SET n1 = $n1_props', u'SET n2 = $n2_props', u'RETURN n1.«ori_identifier» AS ori_identifier', ]) cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), n1_props=n1_props, n2_props=n2_props, had_primary_source=model_object.had_primary_source, **bound_params) result = if len(result) > 0: model_object.ori_identifier = result[0]['ori_identifier'] return raise QueryEmptyResult('No ori_identifier was returned') def attach(self, this_object, that_object, rel_type): """Attaches this_object to that_object model. The query will match the `Cold` node based on the source_id of the models. If available it will set `r1_props` on the relation between the nodes. """ from .model import Model, Relationship fmt = AQuoteFormatter() r1_props = dict() if isinstance(that_object, Relationship): r1_props = that_object.rel that_object = that_object.model if isinstance(r1_props, Model): r1_props = r1_props.serializer.deflate(props=True, rels=True) this_label = self.serializer.label(this_object) that_label = self.serializer.label(that_object) params = { 'n2_labels': u':'.join([self.COLD, cypher_escape(this_label)]), 'n3_labels': u':'.join([self.COLD, cypher_escape(that_label)]), 'r1_labels': cypher_escape(rel_type), } params.update(self.default_params) clauses = [ u'MATCH (n2 :«n2_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source1})', u'MATCH (n3 :«n3_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source2})', u'MERGE (n2)-[r1 :«r1_labels»]->(n3)', u'SET r1 = $r1_props', ] self.query(fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), had_primary_source1=this_object.had_primary_source, had_primary_source2=that_object.had_primary_source, r1_props=r1_props) def copy_relations(self): """Copies the relations from Cold->Cold nodes to Hot->Hot nodes. All relations between these nodes that do not already exist are copied. Only direct relations between `Cold` nodes are matched. """ fmt = AQuoteFormatter() params = { 'labels': self.COLD, 'n1_labels': self.HOT, 'n2_labels': self.COLD, 'n3_labels': self.HOT, } params.update(self.default_params) clauses = [ u'MATCH (n1 :«n1_labels»)-[:«was_derived_from»]->(n2 :«n2_labels»)-[r]->(:«labels»)<-[:«was_derived_from»]-(n3 :«n3_labels»)', u'WHERE NOT (n1)--(n3)', u'RETURN id(n1) AS id1, id(n2) as id2, id(n3) AS id3, type(r) AS rel, id(startNode(r)) AS start', ] for result in self.query(fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params)): clauses = [ u'MATCH (n1), (n3)', u'WHERE id(n1) = $id1', u'AND id(n3) = $id3', u'MERGE (n1)-[:«rel»]->(n3)' ] self.query(fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), rel=cypher_escape(result['rel']), **params), id1=result['id1'], id3=result['id3'])
def replace(self, model_object): """Replaces or creates nodes based on the model object. Existing nodes are replaced by the deflated model object and new ones are created when they do not exist. Three queries are run sequentially until one of them yields a result. The first will add a new version if an older version exists on a node, the second will add a new version when no older version exists, the third will create new nodes if the nodes do not yet exist. If the third query fails, an QueryResultError is raised. The first and second query will match the `Cold` node based on the source_id. """ fmt = AQuoteFormatter() label = self.serializer.label(model_object) n2_props = self.serializer.deflate(model_object, props=True, rels=False) params = { 'n1_labels': u':'.join([self.HOT, cypher_escape(label)]), 'n2_labels': u':'.join([self.COLD, cypher_escape(label)]), 'n3_labels': self.ARCHIVE, 'n4_labels': self.ARCHIVE, 'n5_labels': u':'.join( [self.ARCHIVE, cypher_escape(Uri(Prov, 'SoftwareAgent'))]), } params.update(self.default_params) if hasattr(model_object, '_source'): # Keep it readable # Expand labels # Same name variables # Escaping some variables # Parameters # Add a new version if an older version already exists clauses = [ u'MATCH (n1 :«n1_labels»)--(n2 :«n2_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source})-[r2 :«was_revision_of»]-(n3 :«n3_labels»)', u'MERGE (n2)-[:«was_revision_of»]->(n4 :«n4_labels»)-[:«was_revision_of»]->(n3)', u'MERGE (n2)-[:«provided_by»]->(n5 :«n5_labels» {name: $name})', u'SET n4 = n2', u'SET n2 = $n2_props', u'DELETE r2', ] cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), n2_props=n2_props, had_primary_source=model_object.had_primary_source, name=model_object._source, ) summary = cursor.summary() if summary.counters.relationships_deleted > 0: return # Add a new version if no older version exists clauses = [ u'MATCH (n1 :«n1_labels»)--(n2 :«n2_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source})', u'MERGE (n2)-[:«was_revision_of»]->(n4 :«n4_labels»)', u'MERGE (n2)-[:«provided_by»]->(n5 :«n5_labels» {name: $name})', u'SET n4 = n2', u'SET n2 = $n2_props', ] cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), n2_props=n2_props, had_primary_source=model_object.had_primary_source, name=model_object._source, ) summary = cursor.summary() if summary.counters.nodes_created > 0: return clauses = [ u'MATCH (n1 :«n1_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source})', u'RETURN n1', ] cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), had_primary_source=model_object.had_primary_source) n1_props = copy(n2_props) if len( == 0: # n1_props = n2_props + ori_identifier n1_props[str(Uri(Mapping, 'ori/identifier'))] = \ model_object.generate_ori_identifier() # Create a new entity when no matching node seems to exist clauses = [ u'MERGE (n1 :«n1_labels» {«had_primary_source»: $had_primary_source})-[:«was_derived_from»]->(n2 :«n2_labels»)', ] bound_params = {} if hasattr(model_object, '_source'): clauses.extend([ u'MERGE (n5 :«n5_labels» {name: $name})', u'MERGE (n2)-[:«provided_by»]->(n5)', ]) bound_params['name'] = model_object._source clauses.extend([ u'SET n1 = $n1_props', u'SET n2 = $n2_props', u'RETURN n1.«ori_identifier» AS ori_identifier', ]) cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), n1_props=n1_props, n2_props=n2_props, had_primary_source=model_object.had_primary_source, **bound_params) result = if len(result) > 0: model_object.ori_identifier = result[0]['ori_identifier'] return raise QueryEmptyResult('No ori_identifier was returned')
def replace(self, model_object): """Replaces or creates nodes based on the model object. Existing nodes are replaced by the deflated model object and new ones are created when they do not exist. Three queries are run sequentially until one of them yields a result. The first will add a new version if an older version exists on a node, the second will add a new version when no older version exists, the third will create new nodes if the nodes do not yet exist. If the third query fails, an QueryResultError is raised. The first and second query will match the `Cold` node based on the source_id. """ labels = self.serializer.label(model_object) params = { 'labels': cypher_escape(labels), 'had_primary_source': cypher_escape(Uri(Prov, 'hadPrimarySource')), } params.update(self.default_params) if not model_object.values.get('had_primary_source'): from ocd_backend.models.model import Individual if isinstance(model_object, Individual): clauses = [ u'MATCH (n :«labels»)', u'RETURN n.«ori_identifier» AS ori_identifier', ] cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), ) result = if len(result) > 1: raise QueryResultError('The number of results is greater than one!') elif len(result) < 1: model_object.generate_ori_identifier() props = self.serializer.deflate(model_object, props=True, rels=False) clauses = [ u'MERGE (n :«labels»)', u'SET n += $props', u'RETURN n.«ori_identifier» AS ori_identifier', ] cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), props=props, ) cursor.summary() else: try: model_object.ori_identifier = result[0]['ori_identifier'] except Exception: raise QueryResultError('No ori_identifier was returned') else: self._create_blank_node(model_object) else: # if ori_identifier is already known use that to identify instead if model_object.values.get('ori_identifier'): self._merge(model_object) else: clauses = [ u'MATCH (n :«labels»)', u'WHERE $had_primary_source IN n.«had_primary_source»', u'RETURN n.«ori_identifier» AS ori_identifier', ] cursor = fmt.format(u'\n'.join(clauses), **params), had_primary_source=model_object.had_primary_source, ) result = if len(result) > 1: # Todo don't fail yet until unique constraints are solved # raise QueryResultError('The number of results is greater than one!') pass try: ori_identifier = result[0]['ori_identifier'] except Exception: ori_identifier = None if ori_identifier: model_object.ori_identifier = ori_identifier self._merge(model_object) else: # if ori_identifier do merge otherwise create self._create_node(model_object)
def escape(identifier): return py2neo.cypher_escape(identifier)
def raw_and_cypher(raw): if raw is not None: return raw, py2neo.cypher_escape(raw) else: return None, None