def create_or_update(self, label: str, data: dict, context: Transaction): self.create_node(label=label, name=data['name']) check_node = self.get_node(self.node()) exits = False if type(check_node) is Node: exits = True self.node(check_node) self.assign_attributes(data) if exits is False: context.create(self.node()) print(f"Created {label}") else: context.push(self.node()) print(f"Updated {label}")
def _create_client_nodes(self, tx: Transaction, skipt_empty: bool): for client in if skipt_empty and not client.connections and not client.probe_reqs: continue client_data = to_dict(client) client_data.pop("mac") client_node = tx.evaluate( "MERGE (_:Client {mac:$mac}) SET _ += $client RETURN _", client=client_data, mac=self._parse_mac(client.mac)) for connection in client.connections: bss_data = to_dict(connection.bss) bss_data.pop("bssid") bss_node = tx.evaluate( "MERGE (_:BSS {bssid:$bssid}) SET _ += $bss RETURN _", bss=bss_data, bssid=self._parse_mac(connection.bss.bssid)) connection_rel = Relationship(client_node, "CONNECTED", bss_node, **to_dict(connection)) tx.create(connection_rel) for probe in client.probe_reqs: ess_data = to_dict(probe.ess) ess_node = tx.evaluate( "MERGE (_:ESS {ssid:$ssid}) SET _ += $ess RETURN _", ess=ess_data, ssid=probe.ess.ssid) announcement = Relationship(client_node, "PROBES", ess_node, **to_dict(probe)) tx.create(announcement)
def _create_bss_nodes(self, tx: Transaction): for bss in bss_data = to_dict(bss) bss_data.pop("bssid") bss_node = tx.evaluate( "MERGE (_:BSS {bssid:$bssid}) SET _ += $bss RETURN _", bss=bss_data, bssid=self._parse_mac(bss.bssid)) if bss.ess is not None: ess_data = to_dict(bss.ess) ess_node = tx.evaluate( "MERGE (_:ESS {ssid:$ssid}) SET _ += $ess RETURN _", ess=ess_data, ssid=bss.ess.ssid) announcement = Relationship(bss_node, "ANNOUNCES", ess_node) tx.create(announcement)
def test_should_fail_on_tx_separate_object(): tx = Transaction(FakeGraph()) with raises(TypeError): tx.separate(object())
def test_should_fail_on_tx_push_object(): tx = Transaction(FakeGraph()) with raises(TypeError): tx.push(object())
def merge_nodes_and_relationships(tx: Transaction, nodes: List[Node], relationships: List[Relationship]): for node in nodes: tx.merge(node) for rel in relationships: tx.merge(rel)
def commit_cypher_query(cypher_query): tr = Transaction(g) tr.commit()
def commit_cypher_query_numpy(cypher_query): tr = Transaction(g) array = return array
def commit_cypher_query_set(cypher_query_set): tr = Transaction(g) for cypher_query in cypher_query_set: tr.commit()
def _create_client_aggregated_nodes(self, tx: Transaction, skipt_empty: bool): agg_nodes = dict() for client in if skipt_empty and not client.connections and not client.probe_reqs: continue if not client.connections: # Only export single clients when they have connections probes = frozenset(probe.ess.ssid for probe in client.probe_reqs) agg_node = agg_nodes.get(probes, list()) agg_node.append(client) agg_nodes[probes] = agg_node continue client_data = to_dict(client) client_data.pop("mac") client_node = tx.evaluate( "MERGE (_:Client {mac:$mac}) SET _ += $client RETURN _", client=client_data, mac=self._parse_mac(client.mac)) for connection in client.connections: bss_data = to_dict(connection.bss) bss_data.pop("bssid") bss_node = tx.evaluate( "MERGE (_:BSS {bssid:$bssid}) SET _ += $bss RETURN _", bss=bss_data, bssid=self._parse_mac(connection.bss.bssid)) connection_rel = Relationship(client_node, "CONNECTED", bss_node, **to_dict(connection)) tx.create(connection_rel) for probe in client.probe_reqs: ess_data = to_dict(probe.ess) ess_node = tx.evaluate( "MERGE (_:ESS {ssid:$ssid}) SET _ += $ess RETURN _", ess=ess_data, ssid=probe.ess.ssid) announcement = Relationship(client_node, "PROBES", ess_node, **to_dict(probe)) tx.create(announcement) for probe_ssids, clients in agg_nodes.items(): group_id = hash(probe_ssids) self.cmd.pfeedback( "[i] Aggregating {} clients probing for: {}".format( len(clients), ", ".join(probe_ssids))) client_data = { self._parse_mac(client.mac): True for client in clients } client_node = tx.evaluate( "MERGE (_:Client {group_id:$group_id}) SET _ += $client RETURN _", client=client_data, group_id=group_id) for probe_ssid in probe_ssids: ess_node = tx.evaluate("MERGE (_:ESS {ssid:$ssid}) RETURN _", ssid=probe_ssid) announcement = Relationship(client_node, "PROBES", ess_node) tx.create(announcement)
def create_or_merge_relationship(self, relation: Relationship, context: Transaction): if self.graph().exists(relation) is True: context.merge(relation) else: context.create(relation)
def _get_latest(self, tx: Transaction, sender_id: str): matcher = NodeMatcher(tx) query = matcher.match(sender_id).order_by( "_.created_at desc").limit(1)._query_and_parameters()[0] latest = tx.evaluate(query) return latest