def __init__(self,
                 pos=Vec3(0, 0, 0),
                 vel=Vec3(0, 0, 0),
                 d=Vec3(0, 0, 0)):

        self._mass = mass
        self._inertia = inertiaMatrix
        self._omegaSqrToDragTorque = omegaSqrToDragTorque
        self._disturbanceTorqueStdDev = disturbanceTorqueStdDev
        self._state_m = State(pos, vel, d, att)
        self._state_p = State(pos, vel, d, att)
        self._Pp = None
        self._Pm = np.eye(9) * 0.01
        self._stateHistP = []
        self._posNoise = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
        self._velNoise = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
        self._dNoise = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
        self._debug = False
    def __init__(self, position, rotAxis, minSpeed, maxSpeed, speedSqrToThrust, 
                 speedSqrToTorque, timeConst, inertia):
        self._rotAxis = rotAxis
        self._thrustAxis = Vec3(rotAxis)
        if self._thrustAxis.z < 0:
            self._thrustAxis = - self._thrustAxis
        self._minSpeed = minSpeed
        self._maxSpeed = maxSpeed
        self._speedSqrToThrust = np.abs(speedSqrToThrust)
        self._speedSqrToTorque = np.abs(speedSqrToTorque)
        self._timeConst = timeConst
        self._inertia = inertia

        self._speed = None #self._minSpeed
        self._position = position
        self._thrust = Vec3(0,0,0)
        self._torque = Vec3(0,0,0)
        self._angularMomentum = Vec3(0,0,0)
        self._powerConsumptionInstantaneous = 0
    def linearizeDynamics(self, accImu, gyroImu, dt):
        #create linearized A matrix

        A = np.zeros((9, 9))

        A_pos = np.eye(3)
        A_d = np.eye(3)

        #position to velocity model
        A_posvel = self._state_m.att.to_rotation_matrix() * dt

        #position to attitude model
        d0 = Vec3(1, 0, 0).to_cross_product_matrix()
        d1 = Vec3(0, 1, 0).to_cross_product_matrix()
        d2 = Vec3(0, 0, 1).to_cross_product_matrix()

        #dynamics are R*(I + |_del_|) * vel
        grad_d0 = self._state_m.att.to_rotation_matrix(
        ) * d0 * self._state_m.vel.to_array() * dt
        grad_d1 = self._state_m.att.to_rotation_matrix(
        ) * d1 * self._state_m.vel.to_array() * dt
        grad_d2 = self._state_m.att.to_rotation_matrix(
        ) * d2 * self._state_m.vel.to_array() * dt

        A_pos_att = np.column_stack((grad_d0, grad_d1, grad_d2))

        #velocity to velocity = Rot(omega)_T
        A_velvel = gyroImu.to_cross_product_matrix().T

        #velocity from attitude error = -g*(-[del x])*R_T * e3
        grad_d0 = 9.81 * d0 * self._state_m.att.to_rotation_matrix().T * Vec3(
            0, 0, 1).to_array() * dt
        grad_d1 = 9.81 * d1 * self._state_m.att.to_rotation_matrix().T * Vec3(
            0, 0, 1).to_array() * dt
        grad_d2 = 9.81 * d2 * self._state_m.att.to_rotation_matrix().T * Vec3(
            0, 0, 1).to_array() * dt
        A_velatt = np.column_stack((grad_d0, grad_d1, grad_d2))

        #att error from att error. this is from the covariance update paper
        gyroCrossRod = gyroImu.to_cross_product_matrix() / 2 * dt
        mat = np.eye(3) + gyroCrossRod.T + gyroCrossRod.T * gyroCrossRod.T / 2

        A_attatt = mat

        #create A matrix
        A = np.block([[A_pos, A_posvel, A_pos_att],
                      [np.zeros((3, 3)), A_velvel, A_velatt],
                      [np.zeros((3, 3)),
                       np.zeros((3, 3)), A_attatt]])

        return A
    def run(self, dt, thrustCmd):
        oldSpeed = self._speed

        #we don't allow negative speeds
        if thrustCmd < 0:
            thrustCmd = 0
        #simulate_2CC as a first order system.
        # we correct for the body's angular velocity

        speedCommand = np.sqrt(thrustCmd/self._speedSqrToThrust)
        if oldSpeed is None:
            oldSpeed = speedCommand
            self._speed = speedCommand


            if self._timeConst == 0:
                c = 0
                c = np.exp(-dt/self._timeConst)
            self._speed = c*self._speed + (1-c)*speedCommand
        #saturate _speed:
        if (self._speed) > self._maxSpeed:
            self._speed = self._maxSpeed
        if (self._speed) < self._minSpeed:
            self._speed = self._minSpeed
        #aerodynamic force & moment:
        self._angularMomentum = self._speed*self._inertia*self._rotAxis

        self._thrust = self._speedSqrToThrust*self._speed**2*self._thrustAxis
        self._torque = Vec3(0,0,0)
        #aero torque:
        self._torque += -self._speedSqrToTorque*self._speed*np.abs(self._speed)*self._rotAxis
        #torque from thrust acting at distance from com:
        self._torque += self._position.cross(self._thrust)
        #add moment due to acceleration of propeller:
        angularAcceleration = (self._speed - oldSpeed)/dt
        self._torque -= angularAcceleration*self._inertia*self._rotAxis

        self._powerConsumptionInstantaneous = self._speed*self._torque.norm2()
class IMU:

	#earth's magnetic field vector in earth coordinates, assumed to be pointing in y
	_refMag = Vec3(0,1,0)

	def __init__(self, accStd, gyroStd, magStd,test):

		#assert accStd.shape == (3,1); assert gyroStd.shape == (3,1); assert magStd.shape == (3,1)

		self._accStd = accStd
		self._gyroStd = gyroStd
		self._magStd= magStd
		self._test = test

	def get_imu_measurements(self, acc, att, omega):

		if self._test:
			accNoise = Vec3(0,0,0)
			gyroNoise = Vec3(0,0,0)
			magNoise = Vec3(0,0,0)
			#generate noise based on sensor noise model
			accNoise = Vec3(np.random.normal()*self._accStd[0],np.random.normal()*self._accStd[1],np.random.normal()*self._accStd[2])
			gyroNoise = Vec3(np.random.normal()*self._gyroStd[0],np.random.normal()*self._gyroStd[1],np.random.normal()*self._gyroStd[2])
			magNoise = Vec3(np.random.normal()*self._magStd[0],np.random.normal()*self._magStd[1],np.random.normal()*self._magStd[2])

		#add gravity acceleration, which is measured by IMU, and rotate earth frame acceleration to body frame
		acc = att.inverse()*(acc + Vec3(0,0,9.81))

		#add noise to true state to obtain measurement
		acc += accNoise
		omega += gyroNoise
		mag = att.inverse()*self._refMag + magNoise

		#return measurement tuples
		return acc, omega, mag
	def get_imu_measurements(self, acc, att, omega):

		if self._test:
			accNoise = Vec3(0,0,0)
			gyroNoise = Vec3(0,0,0)
			magNoise = Vec3(0,0,0)
			#generate noise based on sensor noise model
			accNoise = Vec3(np.random.normal()*self._accStd[0],np.random.normal()*self._accStd[1],np.random.normal()*self._accStd[2])
			gyroNoise = Vec3(np.random.normal()*self._gyroStd[0],np.random.normal()*self._gyroStd[1],np.random.normal()*self._gyroStd[2])
			magNoise = Vec3(np.random.normal()*self._magStd[0],np.random.normal()*self._magStd[1],np.random.normal()*self._magStd[2])

		#add gravity acceleration, which is measured by IMU, and rotate earth frame acceleration to body frame
		acc = att.inverse()*(acc + Vec3(0,0,9.81))

		#add noise to true state to obtain measurement
		acc += accNoise
		omega += gyroNoise
		mag = att.inverse()*self._refMag + magNoise

		#return measurement tuples
		return acc, omega, mag
# Define the position controller
disablePositionControl = False
posCtrlNatFreq = 1.5  # rad/s
posCtrlDampingRatio = 0.7  # -

#Create empty dict for storing quadcopter objects
robotDict = {}
nLighthouses = 1
nAnchors = 1
nRobots = 1

#initial locations
lhLocations = [Vec3(0, 0, 0)]
anchorLocations = [Vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0)]
robotLocations = [Vec3(0, 1, 0)]
# initialize all quadcopters:
for i in range(0, nLighthouses + nAnchors + nRobots):

    #determine quadcopter type
    if nLighthouses > 0:
        droneType = DroneType.lighthouse_drone
        nLighthouses -= 1
        initPos = lhLocations[
            nLighthouses]  #traverses the initial pos list backwards

    elif nAnchors > 0: