def main(): # Create the domain domain = Domain() # Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) utils.add_standard_command_options(parser) utils.add_edb_command_options(parser) parser.add_argument( '-F', action="store_true", dest='force', help="Force - overwrite target edb" ) parser.add_argument( '--delimiter', default='\t', action="store", dest='delimiter', help='Delimiter used in enviman csv-tables' ) parser.add_argument( '-i', action="store", dest='indir', help=("Directory containing enviman tables in .csv format," + " named the same as Enviman MS Excel sheets, " + "but with space replaced by '_'") ) parser.add_argument( '--substancemap', action=MappingAction, dest='substancemap', help=("File mapping substance indices from enviman to Airviro") ) parser.add_argument( '--source_srs', metavar="EPSG", type=int, action='store', dest='source_srs', help='Coordinate system of enviman data' ) parser.add_argument( '--target_srs', metavar="EPSG", type=int, action='store', dest='target_srs', help='Coordinate system of Airviro data' ) args = parser.parse_args() edb = Edb(domain, args.user, args.edb) PAG_Source_path = path.join(args.indir, 'PAG_Source.csv') AnEm_Table_path = path.join(args.indir, 'AnEm_Table.csv') Mon_Table_path = path.join(args.indir, 'Mon_Table.csv') Hour_Table_path = path.join(args.indir, 'Hour_Table.csv') Comb_Table_path = path.join(args.indir, 'Comb_Table.csv') Comb_Def_path = path.join(args.indir, 'Comb_Def.csv') subgrp_ind = get_max_subgrp_index(edb) + 1 timevar_ind = get_max_timevar_index(edb) + 1 if path.exists(PAG_Source_path): sources = read_sources( PAG_Source_path, args.delimiter ) else: sources = None log.warning('PAG_Source.csv not found') if args.source_srs is not None and args.target_srs is not None: log.debug("Preparing spatial reference transformation") target_srs = osr.SpatialReference() source_srs = osr.SpatialReference() target_srs.ImportFromEPSG(args.target_srs) source_srs.ImportFromEPSG(args.source_srs) srs_transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source_srs, target_srs) for sourceid, source in sources.iteritems(): transform(source, srs_transform) else: log.debug("No spatial reference transformation will be performed") if path.exists(AnEm_Table_path) and sources is not None: read_emissions( sources, AnEm_Table_path, args.delimiter, args.substancemap ) else: log.warning('AnEmi.csv not found') if path.exists(Comb_Table_path): subgrps = read_subgrps( Comb_Table_path, Comb_Def_path, args.delimiter, args.substancemap ) else: log.warning('Comb_Table.csv not found') if path.exists(Hour_Table_path) and path.exists(Mon_Table_path): timevars = read_timevars( sources, Hour_Table_path, Mon_Table_path, args.delimiter ) else: timevars = None for key, subgrp in subgrps.iteritems(): subgrp.INDEX = subgrp_ind subgrp_ind += 1 for key, tvar in timevars.iteritems(): tvar.INDEX = subgrp_ind timevar_ind += 1 for src in sources.values(): if timevars is not None: timevarid = '_'.join([src.ALOB['MonthlyID'], src.ALOB['HourlyID']]) timevarind = timevars[timevarid].INDEX else: timevarind = 1 unwritten_subgroups = False if src.ALOB['Consumption'] != '0': if subgrps is not None: subgrp = subgrps[int(src.ALOB['ProcessID'])] src.add_subgrp( SUBGRP=subgrp.INDEX, ACTIVITY=float(src.ALOB['Consumption']), TIMEVAR=timevarind, UNIT='ton/year' ) elif not unwritten_subgroups: log.warning( "Could not add substance group emissions " + "due to missing Comb Table" ) unwritten_subgroups = True for emis in src.EMISSION: emis.TIMEVAR = timevarind if timevars is not None: with TimevarStream(edb, mode='w', sourcetype='point') as outstream:'Writing timevars...') writer = ModelWriter(outstream) for tvar in timevars.values(): log.debug('Writing timevar %i' % tvar.INDEX) writer.write(tvar) if subgrps is not None: with '/usr/airviro/data/SCAC/prod/industry/enviman_subgrps.txt', mode='w', encoding='HP Roman8') as outstream: # with SubgrpStream(edb, mode='w') as outstream:'Writing subgrps...') writer = ModelWriter(outstream) for subgrp in subgrps.values(): log.debug('Writing subgrps %i' % subgrp.INDEX) writer.write(subgrp) with '/usr/airviro/data/SCAC/prod/industry/enviman_sources.txt', mode='w', encoding='HP Roman8') as outstream: # with SourceStream(edb, mode='w') as outstream:'Writing sources...') writer = ModelWriter(outstream) for src in sources.values(): log.debug('Writing source %s' % src.NAME) writer.write(src)
def main(): #-----------Setting up and unsing option parser----------------------- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) utils.add_standard_command_options(parser) utils.add_edb_command_options(parser) parser.add_argument("-o","--outfile", action="store",dest="filename",default=None, help="Name of output file with sources that fail the verification") args = parser.parse_args() if args.filename is None: parser.error("Need to specify output file for verification errors"),"w","HP Roman8") #Get current domain domainName=os.environ["AVDBNAME"] dmn = domain.Domain(domainName) if args.source_edb ==None: parser.error("Need to specify edb") if args.source_user ==None: parser.error("Need to specify user") #Check if edb exist if not dmn.edbExistForUser(args.source_edb,args.source_user): log.error("Edb "+args.source_edb+" does not exist for user "+args.source_user+" in domain "+domainName) sys.exit() edb=Edb(dmn,args.source_user,args.source_edb) rsrc = edb.rsrc source_stream=SourceStream(edb,mode='r') source_reader = ModelReader(source_stream) nerrors=0 for src in source_reader: log.debug("Looking at src") err=False gc=src.GEOCODE if len(gc) !=len(rsrc.gc): "Wrong number of geocodes, source: %s" %src.NAME) err=True nerrors+=1 else: #Check if each code exists in its corresponding code tree for i,code in enumerate(gc): if not rsrc.gc[i].hasCode(code):"Code: %s in source %s not found in edb.rsrc" %( code,src.NAME)) nerrors+=1 err=True for emis in chain(src.EMISSION,src.SUBGRP,src.ACTIVITY): ac=emis.ACTCODE log.debug("AC: "+str(ac)) if len(ac) !=len( "Wrong number of activity codes, source: %s" %src.NAME) err=True nerrors+=1 else: #Check if each code exists in its corresponding code tree for i,code in enumerate(ac): if code[-1] == '.': code=code[:-1] if not[i].hasCode(code):"Code: %s in source %s not found in rsrc" %( code,src.NAME)) nerrors+=1 err=True if err: outfile.write(src.NAME) outfile.write("\n")"Number of errors found: %i" %nerrors)