def thumbnailWrapper(inputFile, thumbnailWrapperSize):
    st_window = 0.5
    st_step = 0.5
    if not os.path.isfile(inputFile):
        raise Exception("Input audio file not found!")

    [fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(inputFile)
    if fs == -1:    # could not read file

    [A1, A2, B1, B2, Smatrix] = aS.musicThumbnailing(x, fs, st_window, st_step,

    # write thumbnailWrappers to WAV files:
    if inputFile.endswith(".wav"):
        thumbnailWrapperFileName1 = inputFile.replace(".wav", "_thumb1.wav")
        thumbnailWrapperFileName2 = inputFile.replace(".wav", "_thumb2.wav")
    if inputFile.endswith(".mp3"):
        thumbnailWrapperFileName1 = inputFile.replace(".mp3", "_thumb1.mp3")
        thumbnailWrapperFileName2 = inputFile.replace(".mp3", "_thumb2.mp3")
    wavfile.write(thumbnailWrapperFileName1, fs, x[int(fs * A1):int(fs * A2)])
    wavfile.write(thumbnailWrapperFileName2, fs, x[int(fs * B1):int(fs * B2)])
    print("1st thumbnailWrapper (stored in file {0:s}): {1:4.1f}sec" \
          " -- {2:4.1f}sec".format(thumbnailWrapperFileName1, A1, A2))
    print("2nd thumbnailWrapper (stored in file {0:s}): {1:4.1f}sec" \
          " -- {2:4.1f}sec".format(thumbnailWrapperFileName2, B1, B2))

    # Plot self-similarity matrix:
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect="auto")
    # Plot best-similarity diagonal:
    Xcenter = (A1 / st_step + A2 / st_step) / 2.0
    Ycenter = (B1 / st_step + B2 / st_step) / 2.0

    e1 = matplotlib.patches.Ellipse((Ycenter, Xcenter),
                                    thumbnailWrapperSize * 1.4, 3, angle=45,
                                    linewidth=3, fill=False)

    plt.plot([B1/ st_step, Smatrix.shape[0]], [A1/ st_step, A1/ st_step], color="k",
             linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
    plt.plot([B2/ st_step, Smatrix.shape[0]], [A2/ st_step, A2/ st_step], color="k",
             linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
    plt.plot([B1/ st_step, B1/ st_step], [A1/ st_step, Smatrix.shape[0]], color="k",
             linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
    plt.plot([B2/ st_step, B2/ st_step], [A2/ st_step, Smatrix.shape[0]], color="k",
             linestyle="--", linewidth=2)

    plt.xlim([0, Smatrix.shape[0]])
    plt.ylim([Smatrix.shape[1], 0])


    plt.xlabel("frame no")
    plt.ylabel("frame no")
    plt.title("Self-similarity matrix")

def thumbnailWrapper(inputFile, thumbnailWrapperSize):
    st_window = 0.5
    st_step = 0.5
    if not os.path.isfile(inputFile):
        raise Exception("Input audio file not found!")

    [fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(inputFile)
    if fs == -1:    # could not read file

    [A1, A2, B1, B2, Smatrix] = aS.musicThumbnailing(x, fs, st_window, st_step,

    # write thumbnailWrappers to WAV files:
    if inputFile.endswith(".wav"):
        thumbnailWrapperFileName1 = inputFile.replace(".wav", "_thumb1.wav")
        thumbnailWrapperFileName2 = inputFile.replace(".wav", "_thumb2.wav")
    if inputFile.endswith(".mp3"):
        thumbnailWrapperFileName1 = inputFile.replace(".mp3", "_thumb1.mp3")
        thumbnailWrapperFileName2 = inputFile.replace(".mp3", "_thumb2.mp3")
    wavfile.write(thumbnailWrapperFileName1, fs, x[int(fs * A1):int(fs * A2)])
    wavfile.write(thumbnailWrapperFileName2, fs, x[int(fs * B1):int(fs * B2)])
    print("1st thumbnailWrapper (stored in file {0:s}): {1:4.1f}sec" \
          " -- {2:4.1f}sec".format(thumbnailWrapperFileName1, A1, A2))
    print("2nd thumbnailWrapper (stored in file {0:s}): {1:4.1f}sec" \
          " -- {2:4.1f}sec".format(thumbnailWrapperFileName2, B1, B2))

    # Plot self-similarity matrix:
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect="auto")
    # Plot best-similarity diagonal:
    Xcenter = (A1 / st_step + A2 / st_step) / 2.0
    Ycenter = (B1 / st_step + B2 / st_step) / 2.0

    e1 = matplotlib.patches.Ellipse((Ycenter, Xcenter),
                                    thumbnailWrapperSize * 1.4, 3, angle=45,
                                    linewidth=3, fill=False)

    plt.plot([B1/ st_step, Smatrix.shape[0]], [A1/ st_step, A1/ st_step], color="k",
             linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
    plt.plot([B2/ st_step, Smatrix.shape[0]], [A2/ st_step, A2/ st_step], color="k",
             linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
    plt.plot([B1/ st_step, B1/ st_step], [A1/ st_step, Smatrix.shape[0]], color="k",
             linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
    plt.plot([B2/ st_step, B2/ st_step], [A2/ st_step, Smatrix.shape[0]], color="k",
             linestyle="--", linewidth=2)

    plt.xlim([0, Smatrix.shape[0]])
    plt.ylim([Smatrix.shape[1], 0])


    plt.xlabel("frame no")
    plt.ylabel("frame no")
    plt.title("Self-similarity matrix")

def extractFeatures(filePath,

    music = {}
    music["fileName"] = fileName
    music["filePath"] = filePath
    music["genre"] = music_genre
    [fs, x] = pyab.readAudioFile(filePath + fileName)

    if thumbnailSize is not None:
        [A1, A2, B1, B2, S] = pyas.musicThumbnailing(x, fs, thumbnailSize)
        B = A1
        E = B + playDuration
        audio = AudioSegment.from_file(filePath + fileName)
        music["audio"] = audio[int(1000 * B):int(1000 * E)]
        B = 0
        E = B + playDuration
        audio = AudioSegment.from_file(filePath + fileName)
        music["audio"] = audio[int(1000 * B):int(1000 * E)]

    x = pyab.stereo2mono(x)
    x = x[int(fs * B):int(fs * E)]
    music["thumbNail"] = (B, E)
    music["fileData"] = x
    music["stFeatures"] = pyaf.stFeatureExtraction(x, fs, window * fs,
                                                   step * fs)
    music["FrameRate"] = fs
    #music["classifierResult"] = None
    #music["UserResult"] = None

    return music
@brief Example 30
@details: Music thumbnailing example
@author Theodoros Giannakopoulos {[email protected]}
import os, readchar, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, matplotlib
from pyAudioAnalysis.audioBasicIO import readAudioFile, stereo2mono
from pyAudioAnalysis.audioSegmentation import musicThumbnailing

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # read signal and get normalized segment features:
    input_file = "../data/song2.mp3"
    fs, x = readAudioFile(input_file)
    x = stereo2mono(x)
    win = 0.5
    [A1, A2, B1, B2, Smatrix] = musicThumbnailing(x, fs, win, win, 20)
    os.system("avconv -i {} -ss {} -t {} thumb1.wav "
              "-loglevel panic -y".format(input_file, A1, A2 - A1))
    os.system("avconv -i {} -ss {} -t {} thumb2.wav "
              "-loglevel panic -y".format(input_file, B1, B2 - B1))
    print("Playing thumbnail 1")
    os.system("play thumb1.wav -q")
    print("Playing thumbnail 2")
    os.system("play thumb2.wav -q")
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect="auto")
    # Plot best-similarity diagonal:
    Xcenter = (A1 / win + A2 / win) / 2.0
    Ycenter = (B1 / win + B2 / win) / 2.0
def main(argv):
    if argv[1] == "-shortTerm":
        for i in range(nExp):
            [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("snakehit.wav")
            duration = x.shape[0] / float(Fs)
            t1 = time.clock()
            F = audioFeatureExtraction.stFeatureExtraction(
                x, Fs, 0.050 * Fs, 0.050 * Fs)
            t2 = time.clock()
            perTime1 = duration / (t2 - t1)
            print "short-term feature extraction: {0:.1f} x realtime".format(
    elif argv[1] == "-classifyFile":
        for i in range(nExp):
            [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("snakehit.wav")
            duration = x.shape[0] / float(Fs)
            t1 = time.clock()
            aT.fileClassification("snakehit.wav", "svmSM", "svm")
            t2 = time.clock()
            perTime1 = duration / (t2 - t1)
            print "Mid-term feature extraction + classification \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(
    elif argv[1] == "-mtClassify":
        for i in range(nExp):
            [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("snakehit.wav")
            duration = x.shape[0] / float(Fs)
            t1 = time.clock()
            [flagsInd, classesAll,
             acc] = aS.mtFileClassification("snakehit.wav", "svmSM", "svm",
                                            False, '')
            t2 = time.clock()
            perTime1 = duration / (t2 - t1)
            print "Fix-sized classification - segmentation \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(
    elif argv[1] == "-hmmSegmentation":
        for i in range(nExp):
            [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("snakehit.wav")
            duration = x.shape[0] / float(Fs)
            t1 = time.clock()
            aS.hmmSegmentation('snakehit.wav', 'hmmRadioSM', False, '')
            t2 = time.clock()
            perTime1 = duration / (t2 - t1)
            print "HMM-based classification - segmentation \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(
    elif argv[1] == "-silenceRemoval":
        for i in range(nExp):
            [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("snakehit.wav")
            duration = x.shape[0] / float(Fs)
            t1 = time.clock()
            [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("snakehit.wav")
            segments = aS.silenceRemoval(x,
            t2 = time.clock()
            perTime1 = duration / (t2 - t1)
            print "Silence removal \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(perTime1)
    elif argv[1] == "-thumbnailing":
        for i in range(nExp):
            [Fs1, x1] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("scottish.wav")
            duration1 = x1.shape[0] / float(Fs1)
            t1 = time.clock()
            [A1, A2, B1, B2,
             Smatrix] = aS.musicThumbnailing(x1, Fs1, 1.0, 1.0,
                                             15.0)  # find thumbnail endpoints
            t2 = time.clock()
            perTime1 = duration1 / (t2 - t1)
            print "Thumbnail \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(perTime1)
    elif argv[1] == "-diarization-noLDA":
        for i in range(nExp):
            [Fs1, x1] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("snakehit.wav")
            duration1 = x1.shape[0] / float(Fs1)
            t1 = time.clock()
            aS.speakerDiarization("snakehit.wav", 4, LDAdim=0, PLOT=False)
            t2 = time.clock()
            perTime1 = duration1 / (t2 - t1)
            print "Diarization \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(perTime1)
    elif argv[1] == "-diarization-LDA":
        for i in range(nExp):
            [Fs1, x1] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("snakehit.wav")
            duration1 = x1.shape[0] / float(Fs1)
            t1 = time.clock()
            aS.speakerDiarization("snakehit.wav", 4, PLOT=False)
            t2 = time.clock()
            perTime1 = duration1 / (t2 - t1)
            print "Diarization \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(perTime1)
def main(argv):
	if argv[1] == "-shortTerm":
		for i in range(nExp):
			[Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("diarizationExample.wav");
			duration = x.shape[0] / float(Fs)
			t1 = time.clock()
			F = audioFeatureExtraction.stFeatureExtraction(x, Fs, 0.050*Fs, 0.050*Fs);
			t2 = time.clock()
			perTime1 =  duration / (t2-t1); print "short-term feature extraction: {0:.1f} x realtime".format(perTime1)
	elif argv[1] == "-classifyFile":
		for i in range(nExp):
			[Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("diarizationExample.wav");
			duration = x.shape[0] / float(Fs)		
			t1 = time.clock()
			aT.fileClassification("diarizationExample.wav", "svmSM","svm")
			t2 = time.clock()
			perTime1 =  duration / (t2-t1); print "Mid-term feature extraction + classification \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(perTime1)
	elif argv[1] == "-mtClassify":
		for i in range(nExp):
			[Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("diarizationExample.wav");
			duration = x.shape[0] / float(Fs)		
			t1 = time.clock()
			[flagsInd, classesAll, acc] = aS.mtFileClassification("diarizationExample.wav", "svmSM", "svm", False, '')
			t2 = time.clock()
			perTime1 =  duration / (t2-t1); print "Fix-sized classification - segmentation \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(perTime1)
	elif argv[1] == "-hmmSegmentation":
		for i in range(nExp):
			[Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("diarizationExample.wav");
			duration = x.shape[0] / float(Fs)		
			t1 = time.clock()
			aS.hmmSegmentation('diarizationExample.wav', 'hmmRadioSM', False, '')             
			t2 = time.clock()
			perTime1 =  duration / (t2-t1); print "HMM-based classification - segmentation \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(perTime1)
	elif argv[1] == "-silenceRemoval":
		for i in range(nExp):
			[Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("diarizationExample.wav");
			duration = x.shape[0] / float(Fs)				
			t1 = time.clock()
			[Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("diarizationExample.wav");
			segments = aS.silenceRemoval(x, Fs, 0.050, 0.050, smoothWindow = 1.0, Weight = 0.3, plot = False)
			t2 = time.clock()
			perTime1 =  duration / (t2-t1); print "Silence removal \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(perTime1)
	elif argv[1] == "-thumbnailing":
		for i in range(nExp):
			[Fs1, x1] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("scottish.wav")
			duration1 = x1.shape[0] / float(Fs1)		
			t1 = time.clock()
			[A1, A2, B1, B2, Smatrix] = aS.musicThumbnailing(x1, Fs1, 1.0, 1.0, 15.0)	# find thumbnail endpoints			
			t2 = time.clock()
			perTime1 =  duration1 / (t2-t1); print "Thumbnail \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(perTime1)
	elif argv[1] == "-diarization-noLDA":
		for i in range(nExp):
			[Fs1, x1] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("diarizationExample.wav")
			duration1 = x1.shape[0] / float(Fs1)		
			t1 = time.clock()		
			aS.speakerDiarization("diarizationExample.wav", 4, LDAdim = 0, PLOT = False)
			t2 = time.clock()
			perTime1 =  duration1 / (t2-t1); print "Diarization \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(perTime1)
	elif argv[1] == "-diarization-LDA":
		for i in range(nExp):
			[Fs1, x1] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("diarizationExample.wav")
			duration1 = x1.shape[0] / float(Fs1)		
			t1 = time.clock()		
			aS.speakerDiarization("diarizationExample.wav", 4, PLOT = False)
			t2 = time.clock()
			perTime1 =  duration1 / (t2-t1); print "Diarization \t {0:.1f} x realtime".format(perTime1)