def Classify(clf, featuresAll, bestParam):
    if clf == 'svm':
        model = aT.trainSVM(featuresAll, bestParam)
    elif clf == 'svm_rbf':
        model = aT.trainSVM_RBF(featuresAll, bestParam)
    elif clf == 'extratrees':
        model = aT.trainExtraTrees(featuresAll, bestParam)
    elif clf == 'randomforest':
        model = aT.trainRandomForest(featuresAll, bestParam)
    elif clf == 'knn':
        model = aT.trainKNN(featuresAll, bestParam)
    elif clf == 'gradientboosting':
        model = aT.trainGradientBoosting(featuresAll, bestParam)

    return model
 def getTrainClassifier(f_train,classifier_name,param):
     if classifier_name == AudioClassifierManager.__svmModelName:
         classifier = aT.trainSVM(f_train, param)
     elif classifier_name == AudioClassifierManager.__svmRbfModelName:
         classifier = aT.trainSVM_RBF(f_train, param)
     elif classifier_name == AudioClassifierManager.__knnModelName:
         classifier = aT.trainKNN(f_train, param)
     elif classifier_name == AudioClassifierManager.__randomforestModelName:
         classifier = aT.trainRandomForest(f_train, param)
     elif classifier_name == AudioClassifierManager.__gradientboostingModelName:
         classifier = aT.trainGradientBoosting(f_train, param)
     elif classifier_name == AudioClassifierManager.__extratreesModelName:
         classifier = aT.trainExtraTrees(f_train, param)
         classifier = None
     return classifier
def evaluateclassifier(features, class_names, n_exp, classifier_name, Params, parameterMode, perTrain=0.90):
        features:     a list ([numOfClasses x 1]) whose elements containt numpy matrices of features.
                each matrix features[i] of class i is [n_samples x numOfDimensions]
        class_names:    list of class names (strings)
        n_exp:        number of cross-validation experiments
        classifier_name: svm or knn or randomforest
        Params:        list of classifier parameters (for parameter tuning during cross-validation)
        parameterMode:    0: choose parameters that lead to maximum overall classification ACCURACY
                1: choose parameters that lead to maximum overall f1 MEASURE
         bestParam:    the value of the input parameter that optimizes the selected performance measure

    # feature normalization:
    (features_norm, MEAN, STD) = normalizeFeatures(features)
    #features_norm = features;
    n_classes = len(features)
    ac_all = []
    f1_all = []
    precision_classes_all = []
    recall_classes_all = []
    f1_classes_all = []
    cms_all = []

    # compute total number of samples:
    n_samples_total = 0
    for f in features:
        n_samples_total += f.shape[0]
    if n_samples_total > 1000 and n_exp > 50:
        n_exp = 50
        print("Number of training experiments changed to 50 due to high number of samples")
    if n_samples_total > 2000 and n_exp > 10:
        n_exp = 10
        print("Number of training experiments changed to 10 due to high number of samples")

    for Ci, C in enumerate(Params):
        # for each param value
        cm = numpy.zeros((n_classes, n_classes))
        for e in range(n_exp):
            # for each cross-validation iteration:
            print("Param = {0:.5f} - classifier Evaluation "
                  "Experiment {1:d} of {2:d}".format(C, e+1, n_exp))
            # split features:
            f_train, f_test = randSplitFeatures(features_norm, perTrain)
            # train multi-class svms:
            if classifier_name == "svm":
                classifier = trainSVM(f_train, C)
            elif classifier_name == "svm_rbf":
                classifier = trainSVM_RBF(f_train, C)
            elif classifier_name == "knn":
                classifier = trainKNN(f_train, C)
            elif classifier_name == "randomforest":
                classifier = trainRandomForest(f_train, C)
            elif classifier_name == "gradientboosting":
                classifier = trainGradientBoosting(f_train, C)
            elif classifier_name == "extratrees":
                classifier = trainExtraTrees(f_train, C)
            elif classifier_name == "logisticregression":
                classifier = trainLogisticRegression(f_train, C)

            cmt = numpy.zeros((n_classes, n_classes))
            for c1 in range(n_classes):
                n_test_samples = len(f_test[c1])
                res = numpy.zeros((n_test_samples, 1))
                for ss in range(n_test_samples):
                    [res[ss], _] = classifierWrapperHead(classifier,
                for c2 in range(n_classes):
                    cmt[c1][c2] = float(len(numpy.nonzero(res == c2)[0]))
            cm = cm + cmt
        cm = cm + 0.0000000010
        rec = numpy.zeros((cm.shape[0], ))
        pre = numpy.zeros((cm.shape[0], ))

        for ci in range(cm.shape[0]):
            rec[ci] = cm[ci, ci] / numpy.sum(cm[ci, :])
            pre[ci] = cm[ci, ci] / numpy.sum(cm[:, ci])
        f1 = 2 * rec * pre / (rec + pre)
        ac_all.append(numpy.sum(numpy.diagonal(cm)) / numpy.sum(cm))


    print("\t\t", end="")
    for i, c in enumerate(class_names):
        if i == len(class_names)-1:
            print("{0:s}\t\t".format(c), end="")
            print("{0:s}\t\t\t".format(c), end="")
    print("\tC", end="")
    for c in class_names:
        print("\tPRE\tREC\tf1", end="")
    print("\t{0:s}\t{1:s}".format("ACC", "f1"))
    best_ac_ind = numpy.argmax(ac_all)
    best_f1_ind = numpy.argmax(f1_all)
    for i in range(len(precision_classes_all)):
        print("\t{0:.3f}".format(Params[i]), end="")
        for c in range(len(precision_classes_all[i])):
            print("\t{0:.1f}\t{1:.1f}\t{2:.1f}".format(100.0 * precision_classes_all[i][c],
                                                       100.0 * recall_classes_all[i][c],
                                                       100.0 * f1_classes_all[i][c]), end="")
        print("\t{0:.1f}\t{1:.1f}".format(100.0 * ac_all[i], 100.0 * f1_all[i]), end="")
        if i == best_f1_ind:
            print("\t best f1", end="")
        if i == best_ac_ind:
            print("\t best Acc", end="")

    if parameterMode == 0:    # keep parameters that maximize overall classification accuracy:
        print("Confusion Matrix:")
        printConfusionMatrix(cms_all[best_ac_ind], class_names)
        return Params[best_ac_ind]
    elif parameterMode == 1:  # keep parameters that maximize overall f1 measure:
        print("Confusion Matrix:")
        printConfusionMatrix(cms_all[best_f1_ind], class_names)
        return Params[best_f1_ind]