def collect_data(
    user_handle: str,
    parent: str,
    data_types: List[str],
    filename: str,
    create_json: bool,
) -> None:
    """Collect data of a Dataverse installation.

    Collect data from a data node down the Dataverse
    tree-like data structure.

    Collects the complete data of a Dataverse instance in
    a tree structure (`tree.json`), containing all
    Dataverses, Datasets and Datafiles. The file is
    stored in your instance directory (e. g.


    if user_handle == "public":
        api = NativeApi(config.BASE_URL)
        users = read_json(config.USER_FILENAME)
        api = NativeApi(config.BASE_URL, users[user_handle]["api-token"])
    tree = api.get_children(parent, children_types=data_types)
    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "data")):
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "data"))
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "data", "utils")):
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "data", "utils"))
            if not os.path.isdir(
                    os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "data", "utils", user_handle)):
                    os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "data", "utils", user_handle))
    write_json(os.path.join(UTILS_DATA_DIR, user_handle, filename), tree)
    if create_json:
        generate_data(tree, user_handle, filename)
def remove_testdata(
    user_handle: str,
    parent: str,
    data_types: List[str] = ["dataverses", "datasets"],
    force: bool = False,
    parent_data_type: str = "dataverse",
    remove_parent: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Remove testdata.

    Removes all data created by `create-testdata`.
    It recursively collects all Dataverses and Datasets
    from a passed Dataverse down (by default =
    `science`). If `PRODUCTION` is `true`, this function
    will not execute, as long as you not add `--force`
    to the function call. This is to protect from
    unwanted changes on a production instance.

    if config.PRODUCTION and not force:
            "Delete testdata on a PRODUCTION instance not allowed. Use --force to force it."

    user = read_json(config.USER_FILENAME)[user_handle]
    api = NativeApi(config.BASE_URL, user["api-token"])

    # Clean up
    data = api.get_children(parent, children_types=data_types)
    dataverses, datasets, = dataverse_tree_walker(data)
    if parent_data_type == "dataverse" and remove_parent:
        dataverses.append({"dataverse_alias": parent})
    for ds in datasets:
    for dv in dataverses: