def main(reference_order_ids): wb = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet('final capture') ws.write(0,0,) PG_CODES = {'hdfc-card': 'HDPC', 'hdfc-emi3': 'HDP3', 'hdfc-emi6': 'HDP6', 'hdfc-emi9': 'HDP9', 'cc_avenue': 'CCAV' } approved_payments = [] for reference_order_id in reference_order_ids: orders = Order.objects.filter(reference_order_id=reference_order_id) for order in orders: approved_payments.extend(order.paymentattempt_set.filter(status='approved')) row = 0 # row counter for approved_payment in approved_payments: ws.write(row, ord('A')-ord('A'), approved_payment.order.reference_order_id) ws.write(row, ord('D')-ord('A'), approved_payment.order.reference_order_id) ws.write(row, ord('F')-ord('A'), PG_CODES.get(approved_payment.gateway+approved_payment.emi_plan)) ws.write(row, ord('N')-ord('A'), str(approved_payment.amount)) ws.write(row, ord('O')-ord('A'), approved_payment.transaction_id) row += 1 # Safely create a tempfile and close the file descriptor to save it as # empty file. This makes a persistent file on disk. We need to close the # descriptor, to be on the safer side because pyExcelerator works with # file's name and not file descriptor. fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp('.xls', 'PAYMENT_CAPTURE_', '/tmp/') os.close(fd) # Save Workbook to file print "order infomation is saved at: %s" % path
def write_execl(dict, all_value): # dict 需要写入文件的数据列表 #all_value 所有出网访问总和 # 创建workbook和sheet对象 wb = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet(u'第一页') ws.write(0, 0, u'域名') ws.write(0, 1, u'访问次数') ws.write(0, 2, u'域名占比') item = 0 # 只写入TOP100 while item < 100: # while item<100: row = 0 while row < 2: # print dict[item][row] ws.write(item + 1, row, dict[item][row]) row += 1 ws.write(item + 1, 2, format(dict[item][1] / float(all_value), ".2%")) # j计算百分比占比 item += 1'top100.xls') print "汇总数据写入top100.xls文件完成!" print "stoptime:" + str(time.clock())
def __init__(self, encoding=None): super(XLSformatter, self).__init__() self._encoding = encoding or i18n.get_site_encoding() self._book = xl.Workbook() self._sheet = self._book.add_sheet("Sheet 1") self._row = 0 self._size = 0
def convertToSingleFile(fileDir, targetDir): destDir = genDestDir(targetDir) for _, dirnames, _ in os.walk(fileDir): valuesDirs = [di for di in dirnames if di.startswith("values")] for dirname in valuesDirs: for _, _, filenames in os.walk(fileDir + '/' + dirname): xmlFiles = [fi for fi in filenames if fi.endswith(".xml")] for xmlfile in xmlFiles: fileName = xmlfile.replace(".xml", "") filePath = destDir + "/" + fileName + ".xls" if not os.path.exists(filePath): workbook = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws = workbook.add_sheet(fileName) index = 0 for dirname in dirnames: if index == 0: ws.write(0, 0, 'keyName') countryCode = getCountryCode(dirname) ws.write(0, index + 1, countryCode) path = fileDir + '/' + dirname + '/' + xmlfile (keys, values) = XmlFileUtil.getKeysAndValues(path) for x in range(len(keys)): key = keys[x] value = values[x] if (index == 0): ws.write(x + 1, 0, key) ws.write(x + 1, 1, value) else: ws.write(x + 1, index + 1, value) index += 1 print "Convert %s successfully! you can see xls file in %s" % (fileDir, destDir)
def writeExcel(self, headers, value, path): mydoc = xl.Workbook() #Add a worksheet mysheet = mydoc.add_sheet("anagrafiche") header_font = xl.Font() #make a font object header_font.bold = True header_font.underline = True #font needs to be style actually replies = {} header_style = xl.XFStyle() header_style.font = header_font xl.UnicodeUtils.DEFAULT_ENCODING = 'cp1251' for col, values in enumerate(headers): mysheet.write(0, col, values, header_style) for row in enumerate(value): Id = row[1].data(1).toInt()[0] if not replies.has_key(Id): replies[Id] = "" pv = self.db.getPvById(Id) packet = self.profile.getData(Id) for col in range(0, len(packet)): mysheet.write(row[0] + 1, col, unicode(packet[col])) if str(path) != "": infoString = "%d anagrafiche esportate correttamente" % len( replies) d = QtGui.QMainWindow() QtGui.QMessageBox.information(d, "Info", infoString)
def convertToMultipleFiles(stringsDir, targetDir): destDir = targetDir + "/strings-files-to-xls_" + \ time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") if not os.path.exists(destDir): os.makedirs(destDir) for _, dirnames, _ in os.walk(stringsDir): lprojDirs = [di for di in dirnames if di.endswith(".lproj")] for dirname in lprojDirs: workbook = pyExcelerator.Workbook() for _, _, filenames in os.walk(stringsDir + '/' + dirname): stringsFiles = [ fi for fi in filenames if fi.endswith(".strings") ] for stringfile in stringsFiles: ws = workbook.add_sheet(stringfile) path = stringsDir + dirname + '/' + stringfile (keys, values) = StringsFileUtil.getKeysAndValues(path) for keyIndex in range(len(keys)): key = keys[keyIndex] value = values[keyIndex] ws.write(keyIndex, 0, key) ws.write(keyIndex, 1, value) filePath = destDir + "/" + dirname.replace(".lproj", "") + ".xls" print "Convert %s successfully! you can see xls file in %s" % (stringsDir, destDir)
def outExcel(host, user , password ,sql ,table_str ): conn = db.MyDBConnect( host, user , password ) reData = conn.selectData(sql) ##excel操作 w = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws = w.add_sheet('data') table_str2 = table_str.split(',') i = 0 for str in table_str2: ws.write(0,i,str) i = i +1 num = 0 for re in reData: num = num + 1 for k in range(1,len(re)+1): ws.write(num,k-1,re[k-1]) print '\033[1;31;40m' print '*' * 50 print '-----------生成完成( 路径 : 在哪个目录执行 sudo yunyinexcel就在哪个地方取 )---------------' print '*' * 50 print '\033[0m' timenow = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S',time.localtime(time.time())) xslname = user+timenow+'.xls' xslname )
def mac2count(file_path, database_addr): """ mac地址统计 """ xl = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path) mac_list = [] for s in xrange(len(xl.sheets())): sheet = xl.sheet_by_index(s) mac_list, start_time, end_time = get_sheet(sheet) # 用户表 mongo_user = MongoFive(database_addr[0], EXT.BASEUSER_USER, host=database_addr[1]) user_querys = {EXT.KEY_MAC: {EXT.MONGO_IN: mac_list}} user_list = mongo_user.distince_filter(EXT.KEY_MONGO_ID, user_querys) # 需要写入的excel表 file_path = '/'.join(file_path.split("/")[:-1]) file_path = ''.join([file_path, "/mac"]) if not os.path.isdir(file_path): os.mkdir(file_path) w = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws = w.add_sheet("sheet1") ws.write(0, 0, u'uid') ws.write(0, 1, u'角色id') ws.write(0, 2, u'角色名') ws.write(0, 3, u'等级') ws.write(0, 4, u'VIP') ws.write(0, 5, u'登录次数') ws.write(0, 6, u'登录详细') # 通用uid查找出player信息 player_info(user_list, database_addr, start_time, end_time, ws, w, file_path)
def ExportExcel(self, event=None): """ Export Excel """ titre = _(u"Destinataires") # Vérifie qu"il y a des adresses mails saisies if len(self.donnees) == 0 : dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _(u"La liste des destinataires est vide !"), "Erreur", wx.OK| wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return # Demande à l'utilisateur le nom de fichier et le répertoire de destination nomFichier = "ExportExcel_%s.xls" %"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") wildcard = "Fichier Excel (*.xls)|*.xls|" \ "All files (*.*)|*.*" sp = wx.StandardPaths.Get() cheminDefaut = sp.GetDocumentsDir() dlg = wx.FileDialog( None, message = _(u"Veuillez sélectionner le répertoire de destination et le nom du fichier"), defaultDir=cheminDefaut, defaultFile = nomFichier, wildcard = wildcard, style = wx.FD_SAVE ) dlg.SetFilterIndex(0) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: cheminFichier = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return # Le fichier de destination existe déjà : if os.path.isfile(cheminFichier) == True : dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _(u"Un fichier portant ce nom existe déjà. \n\nVoulez-vous le remplacer ?"), "Attention !", wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_NO : return False dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() # Export import pyExcelerator # Création d'un classeur wb = pyExcelerator.Workbook() # Création d'une feuille ws1 = wb.add_sheet(titre) # Remplissage de la feuille x = 0 for track in self.donnees : ws1.write(x, 0, track.adresse) x += 1 # Finalisation du fichier xls # Confirmation de création du fichier et demande d'ouverture directe dans Excel txtMessage = _(u"Le fichier Excel a été créé avec succès. Souhaitez-vous l'ouvrir dès maintenant ?") dlgConfirm = wx.MessageDialog(None, txtMessage, _(u"Confirmation"), wx.YES_NO|wx.NO_DEFAULT|wx.ICON_QUESTION) reponse = dlgConfirm.ShowModal() dlgConfirm.Destroy() if reponse == wx.ID_NO: return else: FonctionsPerso.LanceFichierExterne(cheminFichier)
def output_excel(results): work_book = excel.Workbook() doc_sheet = work_book.add_sheet("sheet1") for rowID, row in enumerate(results): for cellID, cell in enumerate(row): doc_sheet.write(rowID, cellID, cell) doc_sheet.col(0).width = 0x0d00 + 5000'cleaned.xls')
def download_report(self, request, queryset): wb = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws_1 = wb.add_sheet('subscribed') ws_2 = wb.add_sheet('email_unsubscribed') ws_3 = wb.add_sheet('mobile_unsubscribed') row = 0 ws_1.write(row, 0, 'EMAIL') ws_1.write(row, 1, 'PHONE') ws_1.write(row, 2, 'SOURCE') ws_1.write(row, 3, 'EMAIL ALERT') ws_1.write(row, 4, 'SMS ALERT') ws_2.write(row, 0, 'EMAIL') ws_2.write(row, 1, 'SOURCE') ws_2.write(row, 2, 'EMAIL ALERT') ws_3.write(row, 0, 'MOBILE') ws_3.write(row, 1, 'SOURCE') ws_3.write(row, 2, 'SMS ALERT') row += 1 row1, row2, row3 = 1, 1, 1 for qs in queryset: is_subscribed_any = False try: if if qs.is_email_alert: ws_1.write(row1, 0, unicode( ws_1.write(row1, 3, unicode(qs.is_email_alert)) is_subscribed_any = True else: ws_2.write(row2, 0, unicode( ws_2.write(row2, 1, unicode(qs.source)) ws_2.write(row2, 2, unicode(qs.is_email_alert)) row2 += 1 except: pass try: if if qs.is_sms_alert: ws_1.write(row1, 1, unicode( ws_1.write(row1, 4, unicode(qs.is_sms_alert)) is_subscribed_any = True else: ws_3.write(row3, 0, unicode( ws_3.write(row3, 1, unicode(qs.source)) ws_3.write(row3, 2, unicode(qs.is_sms_alert)) row3 += 1 except: pass if is_subscribed_any: ws_1.write(row1, 2, unicode(qs.source)) row1 += 1 filename = '/tmp/emailreport' response = HttpResponse(file(filename).read(), mimetype='text/xls') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=report.xls' return response
def write(self, records): wb = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws0 = wb.add_sheet('0') for x, record in enumerate(records): for y, v in enumerate(record): # write value to a specific coordinate try: ws0.write(x, y, v) except Exception, e: print 'Failed to write', v print e
def save_excel_file(excel_header, excel_data): workBookDocument = pyExcelerator.Workbook() docSheet1 = workBookDocument.add_sheet("sheet1") #Create a font object *j myFont = pyExcelerator.Font() # Change the font = 'Times New Roman' # Make the font bold, underlined and italic myFont.bold = True myFont.underline = True # the font should be transformed to style * myFontStyle = pyExcelerator.XFStyle() myFontStyle.font = myFont # if you wish to apply a specific style to a specific row you can use the following command docSheet1.row(0).set_style(myFontStyle) # docSheet1.write(0,column, key,myFontStyle) for i in range(len(excel_header)): if type(excel_header[i]).__name__ in ["date", "datetime"]: entry = str(excel_header[i].day) + '-' + str( excel_header[i].month) + '-' + str(excel_header[i].year) else: entry = str(excel_header[i]) docSheet1.write(0, i, entry, myFontStyle) row = 0 for list in excel_data: row = row + 1 for i in range(len(list)): if list[i] is not None: if type(list[i]).__name__ in ["date", "datetime"]: entry = str(list[i].day) + '-' + str( list[i].month) + '-' + str(list[i].year) docSheet1.write(row, i, entry) elif type(list[i]).__name__ in ["unicode"]: entry = smart_unicode(list[i], encoding='utf-8', strings_only=False, errors='strict') # entry = unicode(list[i]).encode("iso-8859-1") docSheet1.write(row, i, entry) else: docSheet1.write(row, i, str(list[i])) filename = "report.xls" response = HttpResponse(mimetype="application/") response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % filename return response
def write(cwd, list1, table_title, name): wb = xlwd.Workbook() xlwd.UnicodeUtils.DEFAULT_ENCODING = 'cp932' ws = wb.add_sheet('sheet') for i in range(len(table_title)): ws.write(0, i, table_title[i]) for r in range(len(list1)): temp_item = list1[r] for c in range(len(temp_item)): temp = temp_item[c] ws.write(r + 1, c, temp) + '\\' + name)
def email_excel_file(excel_header, excel_data): workBookDocument = pyExcelerator.Workbook() docSheet1 = workBookDocument.add_sheet("sheet1") #Create a font object *j myFont = pyExcelerator.Font() # Change the font = 'Times New Roman' # Make the font bold, underlined and italic myFont.bold = True myFont.underline = True # the font should be transformed to style * myFontStyle = pyExcelerator.XFStyle() myFontStyle.font = myFont # if you wish to apply a specific style to a specific row you can use the following command docSheet1.row(0).set_style(myFontStyle) # docSheet1.write(0,column, key,myFontStyle) for i in range(len(excel_header)): if type(excel_header[i]).__name__ in ["date", "datetime"]: entry = str(excel_header[i].day) + '-' + str( excel_header[i].month) + '-' + str(excel_header[i].year) else: entry = str(excel_header[i]) docSheet1.write(0, i, entry, myFontStyle) row = 0 for list in excel_data: row = row + 1 for i in range(len(list)): if list[i] is not None: if type(list[i]).__name__ in ["date", "datetime"]: entry = str(list[i].day) + '-' + str( list[i].month) + '-' + str(list[i].year) docSheet1.write(row, i, entry) else: docSheet1.write(row, i, str(list[i])) email_subject = "Future Bazaar Feedbacks" email_body = "Please find attached the list of feedbacks received today." email_from = "Chaupaati Bazaar<*****@*****.**>" email_to = "*****@*****.**" email_bcc = "" mail_obj = EmailMessage(email_subject, email_body, email_from, email_to.split(','), email_bcc.split(','), None) mail_obj.attach('filename.xls', workBookDocument, 'text/xls') mail_obj.send()
def excel_file(self, dados, filename): try: #Open new workbook mydoc = xl.Workbook() for item in dados: #Add a worksheet mysheet = mydoc.add_sheet(item.get('title')) #write headers header_font = xl.Font() #make a font object header_font.bold = True header_font.underline = True #font needs to be style actually header_style = xl.XFStyle() header_style.font = header_font headers = item.get('head') values = item.get('values') for col, value in enumerate(headers): mysheet.write(0, col, value, header_style) #write values and highlight those that match my criteria highlighted_row_font = xl.Font( ) #no real highlighting available? highlighted_row_font.bold = True highlighted_row_font.colour_index = 2 #2 is red, highlighted_row_style = xl.XFStyle() highlighted_row_style.font = highlighted_row_font for row_num, row_values in enumerate(values): row_num += 1 #start at row 1 if row_values[1] == 'Manatee': for col, value in enumerate(row_values): #make Manatee's (sp) red mysheet.write(row_num, col, value, highlighted_row_style) else: for col, value in enumerate(row_values): #normal row mysheet.write(row_num, col, value) #save file return True except: return False
def __create_spreadsheet_file(datos, data_file): """ Crea una hoja de calculo con formato EXCEL, con los datos pasados @param datos: Una lista con las filas de datos que contendra el archivo @type datos: list @param data_file: El archivo donde se guardaran los datos en excel @type data_file: string @rtype: void """ w = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws = w.add_sheet('Datos Monitorizados') for i in range(len(datos)): for j in range(len(datos[i])): ws.write(i, j, datos[i][j]) + ".xls")
def xml2xls_single(self, xls_dir, input_file_path): # type: (str, str) -> object if not xls_dir or not os.path.exists(xls_dir): return Constant.Error(Constant.ERROR_DIR_NOT_EXIST, "excel dir") if not input_file_path or not os.path.exists(input_file_path): return Constant.Error(Constant.ERROR_XML_FILE_NOT_EXIST) xlsPath = os.path.join(xls_dir, Constant.Config.export_excel_name) workbook = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws = workbook.add_sheet('Sheet1') # row col content ws.write(0, 0, Constant.Config.keyTitle) dic = XMLParse.get_value_and_key(input_file_path) writeDict(ws, dic, 1, 0, None, True) return Constant.Error(Constant.SUCCESS)
def convert(response, encoding='utf-8', title_sheet='Sheet 1', content_attr='content', csv_kwargs=None): csv_kwargs = csv_kwargs or {} workbook = pyExcelerator.Workbook() worksheet = workbook.add_sheet(title_sheet) lno = 0 content = get_content(response) reader = csv.reader(content, **csv_kwargs) for line in reader: write_row(worksheet, lno, line, encoding=encoding) lno = lno + 1 setattr(response, 'content_attr', workbook.get_biff_data())
def startConvert(options): directory = options.filesDirectory targetFilePath = options.targetFilePath if directory is not None: index = 0 if targetFilePath is not None: workbook = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws = workbook.add_sheet('Localizable.strings') for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): for dirname in dirnames: # KeyName & CountryCode if index == 0: ws.write(0, 0, 'keyName') conturyCode = 'en' dirSplit = dirname.split('values-') if len(dirSplit) > 1: conturyCode = dirSplit[1] ws.write(0, index + 1, conturyCode) # Key & Value path = directory + '/' + dirname + '/strings.xml' (keys, values) = StringsXmlFileUtil.getKeysAndValues(path) for x in range(len(keys)): key = keys[x] value = values[x] if (index == 0): ws.write(x + 1, 0, key) ws.write(x + 1, 1, value) else: ws.write(x + 1, index + 1, value) index += 1 filePath = targetFilePath + "/Localizable.xls" print "Convert successfully! you can see xls file in %s" % ( filePath) else: print "Target file path can not be empty! try -h for help." else: print "StringsXml files directory can not be empty! try -h for help."
def startConvert(sourceFolder, xlsFolder, apptype): if sourceFolder is not None: if xlsFolder is not None: workbook = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws = workbook.add_sheet('Localizable.strings') # init keyName and standard language value (en) stKeys, stValues = _getStandardKeyValuesListFrom( sourceFolder, apptype) if len(stKeys) <= 0: Log.error('The language files is empty') return ws.write(0, 0, 'keyName') ws.write(0, 1, 'en') for row in range(len(stKeys)): ws.write(row + 1, 0, stKeys[row]) ws.write(row + 1, 1, stValues[row]) # append other language value index = 2 for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(sourceFolder): for dirname in dirnames: conturyCode = _getCountryCode(dirname, apptype) if conturyCode == 'en': continue ws.write(0, index, conturyCode) otherLanguage = _getKeyValuesDictFrom( os.path.join(sourceFolder, dirname), apptype) for row in range(len(stKeys)): if stKeys[row] in otherLanguage: ws.write(row + 1, index, otherLanguage[stKeys[row]]) index += 1 filePath = os.path.join(xlsFolder, "Localizable.xls")"Convert successfully! you can see xls file in %s" % (filePath)) else: Log.error("xls folder path can not be empty! try -h for help.") else: Log.error( "strings or xml files filder can not be empty! try -h for help.")
def export_csv(self): fileDoc = xl.Workbook() sheet1 = fileDoc.add_sheet("Informe presencias") sheet1 = self.export_profit(sheet1) fname = 'Informe_presencias' + '.xls' file = StringIO.StringIO() fileDocFin = base64.encodestring(file.getvalue()) vals = {'csv_file': fileDocFin, 'csv_fname': fname} wiz = self.env['wiz.export.csv'].create(vals) return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_model': 'wiz.export.csv', 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'form', 'res_id':, 'target': 'new', }
def convertToSingleFile(file_dir, target_dir): dest_dir = genDestDir(target_dir) default_key_values = {} for _, dir_names, _ in os.walk(file_dir): if "values" in dir_names: dir_names.remove("values") dir_names.insert(0, "values") values_dirs = [di for di in dir_names if di.startswith("values")] for dir_name in values_dirs: for _, _, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(file_dir, dir_name)): xml_file = "strings.xml" file_name = xml_file.replace(".xml", "") file_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, file_name + ".xls") if not os.path.exists(file_path): workbook = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws = workbook.add_sheet(file_name) index = 0 for dir_name in dir_names: path = os.path.join(file_dir, dir_name, xml_file) if os.path.exists(path): if index == 0: ws.write(0, 0, 'keyName') country_code = getCountryCode(dir_name) ws.write(0, index + 1, country_code) (keys, values, keyValues) = XmlFileUtil.getKeysAndValues(path) x = 0 if dir_name == "values": default_key_values = keyValues for key, value in default_key_values.items(): rel_value = keyValues[ key] if key in keyValues else "" if index == 0: ws.write(x + 1, 0, key) ws.write(x + 1, 1, rel_value) else: ws.write(x + 1, index + 1, rel_value) x += 1 index += 1 print "Convert %s successfully! you can see xls file in %s" % (file_dir, dest_dir)
def merge(self): '''Merge data Master method to perform Populate, Merge, Export and Import operations across all locales. User updates in the form of locale files should be placed below a subdirectory ``locale-rev``, in directories corresponding to the name of the target locale. Update files may be deleted after merging. User updates in the form of (revised) exported CSV files should be placed below a subdirectory ``locale-csv-in``, in directories corresponding to the name of the target locale. Update files may be deleted after merging. After every merge, updated CSV files for all locales is available for circulation under ``locale-csv-out``. ''' for locale in os.listdir('chrome/locale'): if locale == '.git' or locale == '.svn' or locale == 'en-US': continue print "Normalizing locale files for: %s" % locale for filename in self.files: data = self.processFile(locale, filename) self.output(locale, filename, data) for locale in os.listdir('chrome/locale'): if locale == '.git' or locale == '.svn': continue self.wb = pyExcelerator.Workbook() self.masterData = {} for filename in self.files: # Extract from existing locale self.masterData[filename] = self.extract(locale, filename, template='chrome/locale/%s/zotero/%s') # Overwrite anything contained in update files self.masterData[filename].update(self.extract(locale, filename, template='locale-rev/%s/zotero/%s', cautious=True)) self.masterData[filename].update(self.extract_csv(locale, filename)) self.masterData[filename].update(self.extract_xls(locale, filename)) data = self.processFile(locale, filename, force=True) self.output(locale, filename, data, export=True)'locale-xls-out/%s.xls' % locale)
def convertToSingleFile(stringsDir, targetDir): destDir = targetDir + "/strings-files-to-xls_" + \ time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") if not os.path.exists(destDir): os.makedirs(destDir) # Create xls sheet for _, dirnames, _ in os.walk(stringsDir): lprojDirs = [di for di in dirnames if di.endswith(".lproj")] for dirname in lprojDirs: for _, _, filenames in os.walk(stringsDir + '/' + dirname): stringsFiles = [ fi for fi in filenames if fi.endswith(".strings") ] for stringfile in stringsFiles: fileName = stringfile.replace(".strings", "") filePath = destDir + "/" + fileName + ".xls" if not os.path.exists(filePath): workbook = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws = workbook.add_sheet(fileName) index = 0 for dirname in dirnames: if index == 0: ws.write(0, 0, 'keyName') countryCode = dirname.replace(".lproj", "") ws.write(0, index + 1, countryCode) path = stringsDir + '/' + dirname + '/' + stringfile (keys, values) = StringsFileUtil.getKeysAndValues(path) for x in range(len(keys)): key = keys[x] value = values[x] if (index == 0): ws.write(x + 1, 0, key) ws.write(x + 1, 1, value) else: ws.write(x + 1, index + 1, value) index += 1 print "Convert %s successfully! you can see xls file in %s" % (stringsDir, destDir)
def startConvert(options): directory = options.filesDirectory targetFilePath = options.targetFilePath if directory is not None: if targetFilePath is not None: destinyDir = targetFilePath + "/strings-files-to-xls_" + time.strftime( "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") if not os.path.exists(destinyDir): os.makedirs(destinyDir) for parent, dirnames, unusedfilenames in os.walk(directory): lprogDirs = [di for di in dirnames if di.endswith(".lproj")] for dirname in lprogDirs: workbook = pyExcelerator.Workbook() for parent, dirnames2, filenames in os.walk(directory + '/' + dirname): stringFiles = [ fi for fi in filenames if fi.endswith(".strings") ] for stringfile in stringFiles: ws = workbook.add_sheet(stringfile) # Key & Value path = directory + dirname + '/' + stringfile (keys, values ) = LocalizableStringsFileUtil.getKeysAndValues( path) for keyIndex in range(len(keys)): key = keys[keyIndex] value = values[keyIndex] ws.write(keyIndex, 0, key) ws.write(keyIndex, 1, value) filePath = destinyDir + "/" + dirname.replace( ".lproj", "") + ".xls" print "Convert %s successfully! you can see xls file in %s" % ( directory, filePath) else: print "Target file path can not be empty! try -h for help." else: print "Localizable.strings files directory can not be empty! try -h for help."
def startConvert(options): directory = options.filesDirectory targetFilePath = options.targetFilePath if directory is not None: if targetFilePath is not None: workbook = pyExcelerator.Workbook() for dirname in os.listdir(directory): if not dirname.startswith('.'): # print directory + dirname addOneSheet(directory, dirname, workbook) filePath = targetFilePath + "/Localizable_Android.xls" print "Convert successfully! you can see xls file in %s" % ( filePath) else: print "Target file path can not be empty! try -h for help." else: print "StringsXml files directory can not be empty! try -h for help."
def writeToOneExcel(dirName='', toExcelName=''): filelists = dir2list(dirName) # i 局部变量,控制写入的行 i = 0 #创建一个excel工作簿 w = pyExcelerator.Workbook() #为工作簿添加sheet1工作表 ws = w.add_sheet('Sheet1') #控制不读取目录中最后一个文件(具体描述见注意事项) for afile in filelists[0:-1]: lists = readOneExcel(afile) print("%s" % time.ctime()) print("read file %s ..." % afile) #根据单元格坐标写入 for x in range(len(lists)): ws.write(i, x, lists[x]) i = i + 1 print("write file %s to new.xls...\n" % afile) #每写入一行保存一次 time.sleep(2) print("end ...")
def convertToMultipleFiles(fileDir, targetDir): destDir = genDestDir(targetDir) for _, dirnames, _ in os.walk(fileDir): valuesDirs = [di for di in dirnames if di.startswith("values")] for dirname in valuesDirs: workbook = pyExcelerator.Workbook() for _, _, filenames in os.walk(fileDir + '/' + dirname): xmlFiles = [fi for fi in filenames if fi.endswith(".xml")] for xmlfile in xmlFiles: ws = workbook.add_sheet(xmlfile) path = fileDir + '/' + dirname + '/' + xmlfile (keys, values) = XmlFileUtil.getKeysAndValues(path) for keyIndex in range(len(keys)): key = keys[keyIndex] value = values[keyIndex] ws.write(keyIndex, 0, key) ws.write(keyIndex, 1, value) filePath = destDir + "/" + getCountryCode(dirname) + ".xls" print "Convert %s successfully! you can see xls file in %s" % (fileDir, destDir)
def export(options, filename): directory = options.filesDirectory targetDirectory = options.targetDirectory index = 0 workbook = pyExcelerator.Workbook() ws = workbook.add_sheet(filename) # ('*.strings') for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): for dirname in dirnames: # 排除非多语言资源目录 if ".lproj" not in dirname: continue if "Base.lproj" in dirname: continue # KeyName & CountryCode if index == 0: ws.write(0, 0, 'keyName') conturyCode = dirname.split('.')[0] ws.write(0, index + 1, conturyCode) # Key & Value path = directory + '/' + dirname + '/' + filename # '/*.strings' (keys, values) = LocalizableStringsFileUtil.getKeysAndValues(path) for x in range(len(keys)): key = keys[x] value = values[x] if (index == 0): ws.write(x + 1, 0, key) ws.write(x + 1, 1, value) else: ws.write(x + 1, index + 1, value) index += 1 xlsName = filename.replace(".strings", ".xls") filePath = targetDirectory + '/' + xlsName # "/*.xls" print "Convert xls file in %s" % (filePath)