def getReader( datafile="rv02-00-01.sv02-00-01.mILD_l5_o1_v02.E500-TDR_ws.I106519.Pe2e2h.eL.pR.n001.d_dstm_10263_0.slcio", datadir="/hsm/ilc/grid/storm/prod/ilc/mc-opt-3/ild/dst-merged/500-TDR_ws/higgs_ffh/ILD_l5_o1_v02/v02-00-01/" ): ''' Returns LcioReader of input file. Prepared for interactive use. :params string datafile : input filename. The default is :params string datadir : directory of input file. The default is ''' inputpath = datadir + datafile return LcioReader.LcioReader(datadir + datafile)
def selectEvents(inputFileName, outputFileName, maxread=1000): ''' Function: Select events from inputFileName and write to outputFileName Inputs: inputFileName : outputFileName : maxread : max number of events to read ''' # ======================================================================= MASS_MIN = 81.1876 MASS_MAX = 101.1876 # create a reader if not os.path.exists(inputFileName): print(inputFileName + " does not exist.") exit(0) reader = LcioReader.LcioReader(str(inputFileName)) print("Input file is " + inputFileName) # create a writer print("Selected events are written in " + outputFileName) if os.path.exists(outputFileName): print("Output file, " + outputFileName + ", exists. Remove it first.") exit(0) writer = IOIMPL.LCFactory.getInstance().createLCWriter(), EVENT.LCIO.WRITE_NEW) # Write run header aRunNumber = 1234 runHeader = IMPL.LCRunHeaderImpl() runHeader.setRunNumber(aRunNumber) runpara = runHeader.getParameters() # keyVec = ROOT.vector("string")() runpara.setValue("InputFileName", str(inputFileName)) runpara.setValue("Mass Maximum", float(MASS_MAX)) runpara.setValue("Mass Minimum", float(MASS_MIN)) writer.writeRunHeader(runHeader) nread = 0 nwrite = 0 ## Create a root file to monitor selection. rootfile = outputFileName.replace(".slcio", ".root") rfile = ROOT.TFile(rootfile, "RECREATE") ntev = ROOT.TNtuple("nt", "event selection", "emum:emup:mmumu:mmiss:mrest") print("==== Creating root file " + str(rootfile)) nbevents = reader.getNumberOfEvents() print("There are " + str(nbevents) + " events in this file.") # ======================================================================= # Read events in the file, and fill Ntuple # ======================================================================= nread = 0 for event in reader: if nread >= nbevents: print( "### Completed selection of input file(s) at nread=%d, nwrite=%d" % (nread, nwrite)) break if maxread > 0 and nread >= maxread: print("Reached maxread(%d) at nread=%d" % (maxread, nread)) break nread = nread + 1 if nread % 1000 == 0: print(" reading " + str(nread) + "-th event") psum = ROOT.TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) pmum = ROOT.TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) pmup = ROOT.TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) pini = ROOT.TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0) # for colname in event.getCollectionNames(): # print(" colname="+colname) mcps = event.getCollection(str("MCParticle")) # Loop over all particle in MCParticle collection. # and find mu+ and mu- of the highest energy for mcp in mcps: if mcp.getGeneratorStatus() == 1: # select final state particles p = mcp.getLorentzVec() psum += p pdg = mcp.getPDG() if pdg == 13 and p.E() > pmum.E(): pmum = p if pdg == -13 and p.E() > pmup.E(): pmup = p pmumu = pmum + pmup mumumas = pmumu.M() missmas = (pini - pmumu).M() restmas = (psum - pmum - pmup).M() # Fiil variables in Ntuple ntev.Fill(float(pmum.E()), float(pmup.E()), float(mumumas), float(missmas), float(restmas)) # ################################################# # Select events # ################################################# if float(mumumas) >= MASS_MIN and float(mumumas) <= MASS_MAX: # Passed event selection. Create output collection nwrite = nwrite + 1 if nwrite < 10 or nwrite % 1000 == 1: print("Passed selection: M(mumu)=%f, nwrite/nread=%d/%d" % (float(mumumas), nwrite, nread)) writeEvent = IMPL.LCEventImpl() # Event header writeEvent.setEventNumber(event.getEventNumber()) writeEvent.setRunNumber(aRunNumber) writeEvent.setDetectorName(event.getDetectorName()) writeEvent.setTimeStamp(event.getTimeStamp()) copyObjectParameters(event, writeEvent) # Event parameters writeParams = writeEvent.getParameters() # keyVec = ROOT.vector("string")() writeParams.setValue("nwrite", nwrite) # integer writeParams.setValue("mumu_mass", float(mumumas)) # float # Collections for colname in ["MCParticle"]: col = event.getCollection(colname) colwrite = copy.deepcopy(col) writeEvent.addCollection( colwrite, colwrite.getTypeName()) # Add input correction to output # Write event writer.writeEvent(writeEvent) # close file at the end. writer.flush() writer.close print("### Read %d events. Write %d events" % (nread, nwrite)) rfile.Write() rfile.Close() return
# For development, do # python -i # then, interactive session starts after executing this script import os, pprint from pyLCIO import EVENT, UTIL from import LcioReader, StdHepReader import ROOT ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch() # basepath = os.environ["HOME"] + "/Tutorial/data" # infile = basepath + "/E250-TDR_ws.Pe2e2h.Gwhizard-1_95.eL.pR.I106479.001.stdhep" infile = "sdelphes.E250-TDR_ws.Pe2e2h.eL.pR.I106479.0.slcio" # reader = StdHepReader.StdHepReader() # Create reader reader = LcioReader.LcioReader() # Create reader reader.addFile(infile) reader.skip(5) # Skip 5 records event = # Get event collection fron next event params = event.getParameters() # Get event paraneter mcps = event.getCollection("MCParticles") # Get MCParticle collection mcp = # Get element 0 of MCParticle collection pfos = event.getCollection("PFOs") # Get PFOs collection pfo = # Get PFO
options = { "l5": { "color": 2, "legend": "l5_o1" }, "s5": { "color": 3, "legend": "s5_o1" }, "dbd": { "color": 4, "legend": "dbd" } } plotdata = [] for key, infiles in files.iteritems(): print key rootfile = "anal-" + key + ".root" if do_anal: reader = LcioReader.LcioReader() for infile in infiles: print "Reading " + infile reader.addFile(infile) makeNtuple(reader, rootFile=rootfile, maxRead=maxread) plotdata.append({"rootfile": rootfile, "option": options[key]}) makePlots(plotdata)
def printData(data, maxdump=1): ''' Function: Read maxdump of records defined in data and print it contents. Input arguments: data : Dictionay object describing data data = {"alias": "alias of data file", "files": ["file1","file2",...] } maxdump : Number of events to dump. ''' dataname = data["alias"] print("==== Dump events from " + data["files"][0]) reader = LcioReader.LcioReader() # reader = StdHepReader.StdHepReader() for infile in data["files"]: print("Adding " + infile) reader.addFile(infile) print("There are " + str(reader.getNumberOfEvents()) + " in this file.") for idx, event in enumerate(reader): if maxdump > 0 and idx >= maxdump: break print("\n=== Reading:" + str(idx + 1) + "-th record. ==============") print("### Event header ", ) print(" Run number=%d Event number=%d " % (event.getRunNumber(), event.getEventNumber())) print("### Event parameters ") # Dump event parameters strvec = ROOT.vector("string")() params = event.getParameters() #### List Float parameter values for key in params.getFloatKeys(strvec): print(" Float parameters " + str(key) + " = " + str(params.getFloatVal(key))) #### List Int parameter values strvec.clear() for key in params.getIntKeys(strvec): print(" Int parameters " + str(key) + " = " + str(params.getIntVal(key))) #### List String parameter values strvec.clear() for key in params.getStringKeys(strvec): print(" String parameters " + str(key) + " = " + str(params.getStringVal(key))) # print collections in the event print("### Collections in this event") cols = event.getCollectionNames() for col in cols: print(" " + col) mcps = event.getCollection("MCParticle") print("Number of MCParticle elements =" + str(len(mcps))) # Loop over all elements of MCParticle collection # for ip in range(0, mcps.getNumberOfElements()): # mcp = for ip, mcp in enumerate(mcps): pv = mcp.getLorentzVec() pdgid = mcp.getPDG() charge = mcp.getCharge() status = mcp.getGeneratorStatus() parents = mcp.getParents() daughters = mcp.getDaughters() nb_daughters = len(daughters) # print data print("#ip=%d: id=%d pdgid=%d status=%d charge=%d #daughters=%d " % (ip,, pdgid, status, charge, nb_daughters), end="") if len(parents) > 0: print(" parents=", end="") for parent in parents: print("%d " %, end="") if nb_daughters > 0: print(" daughters:(id,pdg)=", end="") for dau in daughters: print("(%d,%d)" % (, dau.getPDG()), end="") print("") print(" (E,px,py,pz)=(%g,%g,%g,%g)" % (pv.E(), pv.Px(), pv.Py(), pv.Pz())) del reader # Remove reader
def makeNtuple(data, maxread=1000, genmeta_json=""): ''' Function: Read maxread of events from data and create a root file of ntuple. Inputs: data : Dictionay object describing data data = {"alias": "alias of data file", "files": ["file1","file2",...]} maxread : Number of events to be read from files. genmeta_json : A generator meta information in json format. If not given, read from os.environ["HOME"]+"/Tutorial/data/genmetaByID.json" The standard one is at Output: Returns dictionary consists as follows. ret = {"cm_energy":Center of mass energy, extracted from the first file name , "cross_section":cross section of this process, "nread":Number of events read from an input stream "intlumi":Integrated luminosity of analized events. "rootfile":root_file_name } ''' # ======================================================================= # Preparing to read and analize files # ======================================================================= ## Create a root file. dataname = data["alias"] rootfile = dataname + ".root" rfile = ROOT.TFile(rootfile, "RECREATE") ntev = ROOT.TNtuple("nt", dataname + " analysis", "emum:emup:mmumu:mmiss:mrest") print("==== Creating root file " + str(rootfile)) ## Get enrgy and process id from filename filemeta = decodeFileName(os.path.basename(data["files"][0])) ecm = float(filemeta["E"].split("-")[0]) # Get Energy from file name ## Get cross_section from input data or genmeta file. if "cross_section" in data: cross_section = float(data["cross_section"]) print("Cross section of input file is %f " % (cross_section)) else: ## Getcross section from a genmeta json file. procid = filemeta["I"] genmeta_json = os.environ["HOME"] + "/Tutorial/data/genmetaByID.json" if not os.path.exists(genmeta_json): print("ERROR : " + genmeta_json + " does not exist.") exit(0) genmeta = json.load(open(genmeta_json)) cross_section = float(genmeta[str(procid)]["cross_section_in_fb"]) print("Cross section of procid %s is %f " % (procid, cross_section)) # ======================================================================== # Create reader # ======================================================================== reader = LcioReader.LcioReader() ####### reader = StdHepReader.StdHepReader() # Memory leak ? Not work to read too many files. for infile in data["files"]: print("Adding " + infile) reader.addFile(infile) nbevents = reader.getNumberOfEvents() if maxread == 0 else maxread print("There are " + str(nbevents) + " events in this file.") # ======================================================================= # Read events in the file, and fill Ntuple # ======================================================================= nread = 0 for idx, event in enumerate(reader): if maxread > 0 and nread >= maxread: print("Reached maxread(%d) at nread=%d" % (maxread, nread)) break nread = nread + 1 if nread % 1000 == 0: print(" reading " + str(nread) + "-th event") psum = ROOT.TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) pmum = ROOT.TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) pmup = ROOT.TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) pini = ROOT.TLorentzVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ecm) mcp = event.getCollection("MCParticle") # Loop over all particle in MCParticle collection. # and find mu+ and mu- of the highest energy for mcp in event.getCollection("MCParticle"): if mcp.getGeneratorStatus() == 1: # select final state particles p = mcp.getLorentzVec() psum += p pdg = mcp.getPDG() if pdg == 13 and p.E() > pmum.E(): pmum = p if pdg == -13 and p.E() > pmup.E(): pmup = p pmumu = pmum + pmup mumumas = pmumu.M() missmas = (pini - pmumu).M() # Mass recoil to mu+, mu- restmas = (psum - pmum - pmup).M() # Mass other than mu+, mu- # Fiil variables in Ntuple ntev.Fill(float(pmum.E()), float(pmup.E()), float(mumumas), float(missmas), float(restmas)) if nread >= nbevents: print("### Completed last event. Nread is " + str(nread)) break print("### Read " + str(nread) + " events") intlumi = float(nread) / cross_section if float( cross_section) > 0.0 else 0.0 rfile.Write() rfile.Close() # Close root file ret = { "cm_energy": ecm, "cross_section": cross_section, "nread": nread, "intlumi": intlumi, "rootfile": rootfile } del reader return ret
from import LcioReader infile = "/".join([ "/hsm/ilc/grid/storm/prod/ilc/mc-opt-3/ild/dst-merged/500-TDR_ws/higgs_ffh/ILD_l5_o1_v02/v02-00-01", "rv02-00-01.sv02-00-01.mILD_l5_o1_v02.E500-TDR_ws.I106523.Pnnh.eL.pR.n005.d_dstm_10763_18.slcio" ]) reader = LcioReader.LcioReader(infile) event = reco_mc_links = event.getCollection("RecoMCTruthLink") lnk = reco_mc_links.getElementAt(0) # Get First element # help(lnk) # Get help of link object # lfrom = lnk.getFrom() # lweight = lnk.getWeight() # help(lweight) # lto = lnk.getTo() # help(lto) # Get help of to object for lnk in reco_mc_links: mcp = lnk.getTo() weight = lnk.getWeight() print "Linked to MCParticle, PDG=" + str( mcp.getPDG()) + " weight=" + str(weight)
ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch() import pprint #======================================================# if __name__ == '__main__': # reader = getReader() datadir = "/hsm/ilc/grid/storm/prod/ilc/mc-opt-3/ild/dst-merged/1-calib/single/ILD_l5_o1_v02_nobg/v02-00-01/" # infile = "rv02-00-01.sv02-00-01.mILD_l5_o1_v02_nobg.E1-calib.I110131.Ps_22_p010_t5-14.e0.p0.n001.d_dstm_10752_0.slcio" infile = "rv02-00-01.sv02-00-01.mILD_l5_o1_v02_nobg.E1-calib.I110141.Ps_22_p010.e0.p0.n001.d_dstm_10752_0.slcio" fullpath = datadir + infile if not os.path.exists(fullpath): print "Error: input file, " + fullpath + " does not exist." exit(-1) reader = LcioReader.LcioReader(fullpath) maxevt = reader.getNumberOfEvents() print "There are " + str(maxevt) + " events in the file." tf = ROOT.TFile("ntuple.root", "recreate") nt = ROOT.TNtuple("nt", "sample ntuple", "nevt:chg:ptype:e:px:py:pz") maxread = 1000 nevt = 0 for idx, event in enumerate(reader): ''' print collections in the event ''' if nevt >= maxread: break nevt += 1
def run(): direc='incoherent_pair' infile=direc+'/'+'incoherent_pair.slcio' outfile = direc+'/'+'inco_pair_split.slcio' reader = LcioReader.LcioReader(infile) totalevent = reader.getNumberOfEvents() wrt = IOIMPL.LCFactory.getInstance().createLCWriter( ) outfile , EVENT.LCIO.WRITE_NEW ) newcol = 0 newevt = 0 for iev in range(totalevent): event = run = IMPL.LCRunHeaderImpl() run.setRunNumber( iev ) run.parameters().setValue("Generator","CAIN") wrt.writeRunHeader( run ) try: mcps = event.getCollection('MCParticle') imcp=int(0) isubev=int(0) for mcp in mcps: if imcp%1000==0: if imcp>0: wrt.writeEvent( newevt ) isubev=isubev+1 newevt = IMPL.LCEventImpl() newevt.setEventNumber( isubev ) newcol = IMPL.LCCollectionVec( EVENT.LCIO.MCPARTICLE ) newevt.addCollection( newcol , "MCParticle" ) newcol.addElement( mcp ) imcp=imcp+1 wrt.writeEvent( newevt ) print 'written', isubev, 'subevents' print outfile +' is created' except: print 'error!' wrt.close()