def eval_on_valid(cfg, lbl_name, args): """Just perform evaluation on validation set, save the outputs into some file.""" # load the validation set vdata = np.load(cfg['valid_path']) if 'valid_x_name' in cfg: x = vdata[cfg['valid_x_name']] else: x = vdata[cfg['x_name']] uid = cfg['uniqueid'] if args.snn: mdlfun = modelLoader(cfg['snn_path']) predy = mdlfun(x)'data/%s/snn_validation_predict.npy' % uid, predy) return # load MoE models from desired directory result = util.get_clus_reg_by_dir('models/%s/%s' % (uid, lbl_name)) keys = result.keys() print('existing keys ', keys) out_dict = {} for key in keys: print('For key ', key) cls, regs = result[key] net = MoMNet(cls, regs) predy = net.getPredY(x) out_dict[str(key)] = predy np.savez('data/%s/%s_validation_predict.npz' % (uid, lbl_name), **out_dict)
def eval_valid_error(cfg, lbl_name, args): """Evaluation of trained models on validation set.""" # load the validation set vdata = np.load(cfg['valid_path']) if 'valid_x_name' in cfg: x = vdata[cfg['valid_x_name']] else: x = vdata[cfg['x_name']] if 'valid_y_name' in cfg: y = vdata[cfg['valid_y_name']] else: y = vdata[cfg['y_name']] if 'flag' in vdata.keys(): mask = np.where(vdata['flag'] == 1) x = x[mask] y = y[mask] print('validation set size ', x.shape, y.shape) uid = cfg['uniqueid'] if args.snn: mdlfun = modelLoader(cfg['snn_path']) predy = mdlfun(x) error = np.mean(l1loss(y, predy), axis=1) # get error for each instance print(np.mean(error)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(error, bins=20) ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') ax.set_ylim(1, ax.get_ylim()[1]) ax.legend() return # load MoE models from desired directory result = util.get_clus_reg_by_dir('models/%s/%s' % (uid, lbl_name)) keys = result.keys() print('existing keys ', keys) v_error = [] for key in keys: print('For key ', key) cls, regs = result[key] net = MoMNet(cls, regs) predy = net.getPredY(x) error = np.mean(l1loss(y, predy), axis=1) # get error for each instance v_error.append(error) v_mean_error = [np.mean(error) for error in v_error] print('mean error is ', v_mean_error) # show histogram fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(v_error, bins=20, label=keys) ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') ax.set_ylim(1, ax.get_ylim()[1]) ax.legend()
def show_picky_states(cfg, lbl_name, args): """Show a few states and their predictions""" # play with initial states use_obs = np.array([0, 4, 4, 3]) use_x0 = np.array([[0, 8, 8], [0, 8, 9]]) n_x0 = use_x0.shape[0] uid = cfg['uniqueid'] lbl_name = 'pca_kmean_label' # load functions snn_fun = modelLoader(cfg['snn_path']) result = util.get_clus_reg_by_dir('models/%s/%s' % (uid, lbl_name)) cls, regs = result[20] # let me try this one net = MoMNet(cls, regs) # load optimal solutions sol = np.load('data/droneone/the_two_sol.npy') # create figure fig, ax = pld.get3dAxis() pld.addSphere(ax, *use_obs) legend_sets = [] for i in range(n_x0): tmp_set = [] x0 = np.concatenate((use_x0[i], use_obs)) y0 = snn_fun(x0) predy = net.getPredY(x0) tX, _, _ = parseX(y0) hi, = ax.plot(tX[:, 0], tX[:, 1], tX[:, 2], ls=':', color='C%d' % i, label='SNN %d' % (i + 1)) tXmoe, _, _ = parseX(predy) hj, = ax.plot(tXmoe[:, 0], tXmoe[:, 1], tXmoe[:, 2], ls='--', color='C%d' % i, label='MoE %d' % (i + 1)) true_sol = sol[i] tXt, _, _ = parseX(true_sol) hk, = ax.plot(tXt[:, 0], tXt[:, 1], tXt[:, 2], color='C%d' % i, label='Opt. %d' % (i + 1)) legend_sets.append([hi, hj, hk]) ax.scatter(*use_x0[i], marker='*', color='C%d' % i) #, label='Start %d' % i) ax.text(use_x0[i][0], use_x0[i][1], use_x0[i][2], 'Start%d' % (i + 1)) ax.scatter(0, 0, 0, marker='o', color='r') # label='Goal' ax.text(0, 0, 0, "Goal") lgd = ax.legend(handles=legend_sets[0], loc=4, bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 0.1)) ax.add_artist(lgd) ax.legend(handles=legend_sets[1], loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(0.15, 0.85)) # ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$(m)') ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$(m)') ax.set_zlabel(r'$z$(m)') ax.view_init(elev=11, azim=10) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('gallery/droneone/moe_vs_snn_example.pdf')
def eval_valid_constr_vio(cfg, lbl_name, args): """Evaluate models by violation of constraints.""" # load violation evaluation function vio_fun = util.get_xy_vio_fun(cfg) # get validation dataset vdata = np.load(cfg['valid_path']) if 'valid_x_name' in cfg: x = vdata[cfg['valid_x_name']] else: x = vdata[cfg['x_name']] if 'valid_y_name' in cfg: y = vdata[cfg['valid_y_name']] else: y = vdata[cfg['y_name']] if 'flag' in vdata.keys(): mask = np.where(vdata['flag'] == 1) x = x[mask] y = y[mask] uid = cfg['uniqueid'] # first we try the snn case if args.snn: mdlfun = modelLoader(cfg['snn_path']) predy = mdlfun(x) n_data = x.shape[0] error = np.zeros(n_data) for i in range(n_data): error[i] = vio_fun(x[i], predy[i]) print('average is %f' % (np.sum(error[error < 0]) / n_data)) print('max error is ', np.amin(error)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(error) return # load MoE models from desired directory result = util.get_clus_reg_by_dir('models/%s/%s' % (uid, lbl_name)) keys = result.keys() print('existing keys ', keys) v_error = [] fig, ax = plt.subplots() for key in keys: print('For key ', key) cls, regs = result[key] net = MoMNet(cls, regs) predy = net.getPredY(x) n_data = x.shape[0] error = np.zeros(n_data) for i in range(n_data): error[i] = vio_fun(x[i], predy[i]) v_error.append(error) merror = get_moving_average(error) ax.plot(merror) v_mean_error = [np.mean(error) for error in v_error] print('mean error is ', v_mean_error) print('mean neg error ', [np.sum(error[error < 0]) / error.shape[0] for error in v_error]) print('max error is ', [np.amin(error) for error in v_error]) # show histogram fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(v_error, bins=20, label=keys) ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') ax.set_ylim(1, ax.get_ylim()[1]) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel('Constraint Violation') ax.set_ylabel('Count') fig.savefig('gallery/%s/%s_valid_constr_vio_hist.pdf' % (uid, lbl_name))
def show_picky_states(cfg, lbl_name, args): """Select a few states and draw predictions.""" uid = cfg['uniqueid'] lbl_name = 'pca_kmean_label' # load all training data and validation data data = npload(cfg['file_path'], uid) xname, yname = cfg['x_name'], cfg['y_name'] datax, datay = data[xname], data[yname] # create a query instance query = Query(datax, scale=True) vdata = np.load(cfg['valid_path']) vx, vy = vdata[xname], vdata[yname] # snn model snn_fun = modelLoader(cfg['snn_path']) # moe model result = util.get_clus_reg_by_dir('models/%s/%s' % (uid, lbl_name)) cls, regs = result[10] # let me try this one net = MoMNet(cls, regs) # load cluster labels lbl_data_dct = np.load('data/%s/%s.npz' % (uid, lbl_name)) label = lbl_data_dct['10'] # eval snn on validation set and extract the one with largest prediction error pred_vy = snn_fun(vx) diff_vy = pred_vy - vy error_y = np.linalg.norm(diff_vy, axis=1) error_order = np.argsort(error_y) for i in range(7, 20): vx_idx = error_order[-1 - i] bad_x0 = vx[vx_idx] bad_sol = vy[vx_idx] snn_pred = pred_vy[vx_idx] moe_pred = net.getPredY(bad_x0) predX, _, _ = parseX(snn_pred) realX, _, _ = parseX(bad_sol) predXMoE, _, _ = parseX(moe_pred) # get neighbors index = query.getIndex(bad_x0) print('index ', index, 'label ', label[index]) # draw them fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2) shown_cluster = [] for ind in index: nnX, _, _ = parseX(datay[ind]) if label[ind] not in shown_cluster: axes[1].plot(nnX[:, 0], nnX[:, 1], color='C%d' % label[ind], label='Cluster %d' % label[ind]) shown_cluster.append(label[ind]) else: axes[1].plot(nnX[:, 0], nnX[:, 1], color='C%d' % label[ind]) axes[0].plot(predX[:, 0], predX[:, 1], color='#ff7f0e', linewidth=2, ls='--', label='SNN') axes[0].plot(predXMoE[:, 0], predXMoE[:, 1], color='g', linewidth=2, ls='--', label='MoE') axes[0].plot(realX[:, 0], realX[:, 1], color='k', linewidth=2, label='Opt.') finalAgl = predX[-1, 2] direc = [1*np.sin(finalAgl), 1*np.cos(finalAgl)] xf = predX[-1] for i in range(2): ax = axes[i] if i == 0: ax.arrow(xf[0], xf[1], direc[0], direc[1], color='#ff7f0e', linewidth=2, width=0.1) finalAgl = predXMoE[-1, 2] direc = [1*np.sin(finalAgl), 1*np.cos(finalAgl)] xf = predXMoE[-1] ax.arrow(xf[0], xf[1], direc[0], direc[1], color='g', linewidth=2, width=0.1) ax.scatter(0, 0, s=50, color='r') ax.annotate('Goal', (0, 0), xytext=(0.2, 0.2), textcoords='data') ax.scatter(bad_x0[0], bad_x0[1], s=50, color='k', marker='*') if i == 0: ax.annotate('Start', (bad_x0[0], bad_x0[1]), xytext=(-1 + bad_x0[0], -0.8 + bad_x0[1]), textcoords='data') else: ax.annotate('Start', (bad_x0[0], bad_x0[1]), xytext=(bad_x0[0], 0.3 + bad_x0[1]), textcoords='data') ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$') ax.axis('equal') if i == 0: xlim = ax.get_xlim() ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$') if i == 0: ax.legend() else: ax.legend(loc=4) if i == 0: ax.set_xlim(-2.5, xlim[1] + 1) else: xlim = ax.get_xlim() ax.set_xlim(xlim[0] - 1, xlim[1] + 1.5) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('gallery/car/car_snn_vs_moe_traj.pdf')
def show_picky_examples(cfg): """I will use manual labels based on final angle""" SIZE = 24 font = pld.getSizeFont(SIZE) N, dimx, dimu = 25, 2, 1 data = np.load(cfg['file_path']) x0 = data['x0'] Sol = data['Sol'] nData = x0.shape[0] # find labels thetaf = (Sol[:, 48] + np.pi) / 2 / np.pi label = thetaf.astype(int) print([np.sum(label == i) for i in range(3)]) # we use state (1.0, 0.6) # first we plot all-black the trajectories # find the data point onex0 = np.array([2.4, 1.6]) diff = np.linalg.norm(Sol[:, :dimx] - onex0, axis=1) thetaf = np.reshape(Sol[:, 48], (61, 21)).T theind = np.argmin(diff) thex0 = Sol[theind, :dimx] print('x0 is {}'.format(thex0)) blackName = 'gallery/pen/blackPendulum.pdf' if True: fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i in range(nData): row, col = np.unravel_index(i, (21, 61), order='F') todo = False if row == 0 or row == 20: todo = True elif col == 0 or col == 60: todo = True if not todo: neighborthetaf = [thetaf[row-1,col], thetaf[row+1, col], thetaf[row, col-1], thetaf[row, col+1]] if not np.allclose(neighborthetaf, thetaf[row, col]): todo = True if todo: tX, _, _ = parseX(Sol[i], N, dimx, dimu) ax.plot(tX[:, 0], tX[:, 1], color='k') # draw the target ax.plot(np.pi, 0, color='r', marker='o', markersize=5) ax.plot(-np.pi, 0, color='r', marker='o', markersize=5) ax.plot(3*np.pi, 0, color='r', marker='o', markersize=5) pld.setTickSize(ax, SIZE) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\theta$', fontproperties=font) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\omega$', fontproperties=font) pld.savefig(fig, blackName) colorName = 'gallery/pen/colorPendulum.pdf' if True: ncluster = 3 colors = pld.getColorCycle() fig, ax = plt.subplots() for k in range(ncluster): mask = label == k x0_ = x0[mask] Sol_ = Sol[mask] ndata = len(x0_) for i in range(ndata): # check if it is at boundary todo = False theta, omega = x0_[i] # find with the same theta, if omega is at boundary vind = np.where(np.abs(x0_[:, 0] - theta) < 1e-2)[0] omegas = x0_[vind, 1] if omega < omegas.min() + 1e-4 or omega > omegas.max() - 1e-4: todo = True if not todo: # find same omega, check theta vind = np.where(np.abs(x0_[:, 1] - omega) < 1e-2)[0] thetas = x0_[vind, 0] if theta < thetas.min() + 1e-4 or theta > thetas.max() - 1e-4: todo = True if todo: tX, _, _ = parseX(Sol_[i], N, dimx, dimu) ax.plot(tX[:, 0], tX[:, 1], color=colors[k]) # draw the target ax.plot(np.pi, 0, color='r', marker='o', markersize=5) ax.plot(-np.pi, 0, color='r', marker='o', markersize=5) ax.plot(3*np.pi, 0, color='r', marker='o', markersize=5) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\theta$', fontproperties=font) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\omega$', fontproperties=font) pld.setTickSize(ax, SIZE) pld.savefig(fig, colorName) snnbadName = 'gallery/pen/penSNNbadPred.pdf' if True: mdl = modelLoader(cfg['snn_path']) # find the one closest to one fig, ax = plt.subplots() tX, _, _ = parseX(Sol[theind], N, dimx, dimu) ax.plot(tX[:, 0], tX[:, 1], color='k', label='Optimal') # make prediction predy = mdl(thex0) tX, _, _ = parseX(predy, N, dimx, dimu) ax.plot(tX[:, 0], tX[:, 1], color='k', linestyle='--', label='SNN Pred.') ax.plot(3*np.pi, 0, color='r', marker='o', markersize=5) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\theta$', fontproperties=font) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\omega$', fontproperties=font) ax.legend(fontsize=SIZE) pld.setTickSize(ax, SIZE) pld.savefig(fig, snnbadName) momgoodName = 'gallery/pen/penMoMgoodPred.pdf' lbl_name = 'pca_kmean_label' result = util.get_clus_reg_by_dir('models/pen/pca_kmean_label') cls, regs = result[5] net = MoMNet(cls, regs) if True: fig, ax = plt.subplots() tX, _, _ = parseX(Sol[theind], N, dimx, dimu) ax.plot(tX[:, 0], tX[:, 1], color='k', label='Optimal') # make prediction predy = net.getPredY(thex0) tX, _, _ = parseX(predy, N, dimx, dimu) ax.plot(tX[:, 0], tX[:, 1], color='k', linestyle='--', label='MoE Pred.') ax.plot(3*np.pi, 0, color='r', marker='o', markersize=5) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\theta$', fontproperties=font) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\omega$', fontproperties=font) ax.legend(fontsize=SIZE) pld.setTickSize(ax, SIZE) pld.savefig(fig, momgoodName)