def setup_2_layers_4_units_ff_net(): configure_scheduling() pynnn.setup() Tns.p1 = pynnn.Population(4, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.p2 = pynnn.Population(4, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.prj1_2 = pynnn.Projection( Tns.p1, Tns.p2, pynnn.AllToAllConnector(allow_self_connections=False), target='excitatory') Tns.prj1_2.set("weight", 1) Tns.max_weight = 34 Tns.rore1_update_p = 10 Tns.rore1_win_width = 200 Tns.rore2_update_p = 10 Tns.rore2_win_width = 200 Tns.rore1 = RectilinearOutputRateEncoder(Tns.p1, 2, 2, Tns.rore1_update_p, Tns.rore1_win_width) Tns.rore2 = RectilinearOutputRateEncoder(Tns.p2, 2, 2, Tns.rore2_update_p, Tns.rore2_win_width) common.pynn_utils.POP_ADAPT_DICT[(Tns.p1, common.pynn_utils.RectilinearOutputRateEncoder)] = Tns.rore1 common.pynn_utils.POP_ADAPT_DICT[(Tns.p2, common.pynn_utils.RectilinearOutputRateEncoder)] = Tns.rore2 enable_recording(Tns.p1, Tns.p2) schedule_output_rate_calculation(Tns.p1) schedule_output_rate_calculation(Tns.p2)
def setup_2_layers_4_units_ff_net(): configure_scheduling() pynnn.setup() Tns.p1 = pynnn.Population(4, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.p2 = pynnn.Population(4, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.prj1_2 = pynnn.Projection( Tns.p1, Tns.p2, pynnn.AllToAllConnector(allow_self_connections=False), target='excitatory') Tns.prj1_2.set("weight", 1) Tns.max_weight = 34 Tns.rore1_update_p = 10 Tns.rore1_win_width = 200 Tns.rore2_update_p = 10 Tns.rore2_win_width = 200 Tns.rore1 = RectilinearOutputRateEncoder(Tns.p1, 2, 2, Tns.rore1_update_p, Tns.rore1_win_width) Tns.rore2 = RectilinearOutputRateEncoder(Tns.p2, 2, 2, Tns.rore2_update_p, Tns.rore2_win_width) common.pynn_utils.POP_ADAPT_DICT[( Tns.p1, common.pynn_utils.RectilinearOutputRateEncoder)] = Tns.rore1 common.pynn_utils.POP_ADAPT_DICT[( Tns.p2, common.pynn_utils.RectilinearOutputRateEncoder)] = Tns.rore2 enable_recording(Tns.p1, Tns.p2) schedule_output_rate_calculation(Tns.p1) schedule_output_rate_calculation(Tns.p2)
def run_sim(ncell): print "Cells: ", ncell setup0 = time.time() sim.setup(timestep=0.1) hh_cell_type = sim.HH_cond_exp() hh = sim.Population(ncell, hh_cell_type) pulse = sim.DCSource(amplitude=0.5, start=20.0, stop=80.0) pulse.inject_into(hh) hh.record('v') setup1 = time.time() t0 = time.time() v = hh.get_data() sim.end() t1 = time.time() setup_total = setup1 - setup0 run_total = t1 - t0 print "Setup: ", setup_total print "Run: ", run_total print "Total sim time: ", setup_total + run_total return run_total
def configure_scheduling(): global SIMULATION_END_T sim.initialize() pynnn.setup() SIMULATION_END_T = 0 RATE_ENC_RESPAWN_DICT.clear() POP_ADAPT_DICT.clear()
def setup_pynn_populations_with_full_connectivity(): pynnn.setup() Tns.p1 = pynnn.Population(4, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.p2 = pynnn.Population(4, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.prj1_2 = pynnn.Projection( Tns.p1, Tns.p2, pynnn.AllToAllConnector(allow_self_connections=False), target="excitatory" )
def make_network(self, param_dict=default_params): """ Construct the network according to the parameters specified. """ pynn.setup() self.exc = pynn.Population(param_dict['num_e'], pynn.SpikeSourcePoisson, cellparams={'rate':param_dict['re']}) self.inh = pynn.Population(param_dict['num_i'], pynn.SpikeSourcePoisson, cellparams={'rate':param_dict['ri']}) = pynn.Population(param_dict['num_t'], pynn.IF_cond_exp) connector_et = pynn.FixedProbabilityConnector( p_connect=param_dict["p_conn_et"], weights=param_dict["we"]) connector_ei = pynn.FixedProbabilityConnector( p_connect=param_dict["p_conn_it"], weights=param_dict["wi"]) self.prj_et = pynn.Projection(self.exc,, method=connector_et) self.prj_it = pynn.Projection(self.inh,, method=connector_ei, target='inhibitory')
def setup_pynn_populations(): pynnn.setup() Tns.p1 = pynnn.Population(64, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.p2 = pynnn.Population(64, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.prj1_2 = pynnn.Projection( Tns.p1, Tns.p2, pynnn.AllToAllConnector(allow_self_connections=False), target="excitatory" ) # Weights in nA as IF_curr_alpha uses current-based synapses Tns.prj1_2.set("weight", 1) Tns.max_weight = 33
def setup_pynn_populations_with_1_to_1_connectivity(): pynnn.setup() Tns.p1 = pynnn.Population(64, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.p2 = pynnn.Population(64, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.prj1_2 = pynnn.Projection(Tns.p1, Tns.p2, pynnn.OneToOneConnector(), target='excitatory')
def setUp(self): sim.setup() sim.Population.nPop = 0 sim.Projection.nProj = 0 self.target33 = sim.Population((3, 3), sim.IF_curr_alpha) self.target6 = sim.Population((6, ), sim.IF_curr_alpha) self.target1 = sim.Population((1, ), sim.IF_cond_exp) self.source5 = sim.Population((5, ), sim.SpikeSourcePoisson) self.source22 = sim.Population((2, 2), sim.SpikeSourcePoisson) self.source33 = sim.Population((3, 3), sim.SpikeSourcePoisson) self.expoisson33 = sim.Population((3, 3), sim.SpikeSourcePoisson, {'rate': 100})
def setup_pynn_populations_with_full_connectivity(): pynnn.setup() Tns.p1 = pynnn.Population(4, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.p2 = pynnn.Population(4, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.prj1_2 = pynnn.Projection( Tns.p1, Tns.p2, pynnn.AllToAllConnector(allow_self_connections=False), target='excitatory')
def setup_pynn_populations(): pynnn.setup() Tns.p1 = pynnn.Population(64, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.p2 = pynnn.Population(64, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.prj1_2 = pynnn.Projection( Tns.p1, Tns.p2, pynnn.AllToAllConnector(allow_self_connections=False), target='excitatory') # Weights in nA as IF_curr_alpha uses current-based synapses Tns.prj1_2.set("weight", 1) Tns.max_weight = 33
def generate_data(label): spikesTrain = [] organisedData = {} for i in range(input_class): for j in range(input_len): neuid = (i, j) organisedData[neuid] = [] for i in range(input_len): neuid = (label, i) organisedData[neuid].append(i * v_co) # if neuid not in organisedData: # organisedData[neuid]=[i*v_co] # else: # organisedData[neuid].append(i*v_co) for i in range(input_class): for j in range(input_len): neuid = (i, j) organisedData[neuid].sort() spikesTrain.append(organisedData[neuid]) runTime = int(max(max(spikesTrain))) sim.setup(timestep=1) noise = sim.Population(input_size, sim.SpikeSourcePoisson(), label='noise') noise.record(['spikes']) #noise neonoise = noise.get_data(["spikes"]) spikesnoise = neonoise.segments[0].spiketrains #noise sim.end() for i in range(input_size): for noisespike in spikesnoise[i]: spikesTrain[i].append(noisespike) spikesTrain[i].sort() return spikesTrain
def setup_pynn_populations_with_1_to_1_connectivity(): pynnn.setup() Tns.p1 = pynnn.Population(64, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.p2 = pynnn.Population(64, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, Tns.prj1_2 = pynnn.Projection(Tns.p1, Tns.p2, pynnn.OneToOneConnector(), target="excitatory")
def train(label, untrained_weights=None): organisedStim = {} labelSpikes = [] spikeTimes = generate_data(label) for i in range(output_size): labelSpikes.append([]) labelSpikes[label] = [int(max(max(spikeTimes))) + 1] if untrained_weights == None: untrained_weights = RandomDistribution('uniform', low=wMin, high=wMaxInit).next(input_size * output_size) #untrained_weights = RandomDistribution('normal_clipped', mu=0.1, sigma=0.05, low=wMin, high=wMaxInit).next(input_size*output_size) untrained_weights = np.around(untrained_weights, 3) #saveWeights(untrained_weights, 'untrained_weightssupmodel1traj') print("init!") print "length untrained_weights :", len(untrained_weights) if len(untrained_weights) > input_size: training_weights = [[0 for j in range(output_size)] for i in range(input_size) ] #np array? size 1024x25 k = 0 #for i in untrained_weights: # training_weights[i[0]][i[1]]=i[2] for i in range(input_size): for j in range(output_size): training_weights[i][j] = untrained_weights[k] k += 1 else: training_weights = untrained_weights connections = [] for n_pre in range(input_size): # len(untrained_weights) = input_size for n_post in range( output_size ): # len(untrained_weight[0]) = output_size; 0 or any n_pre connections.append((n_pre, n_post, training_weights[n_pre][n_post], __delay__)) #index runTime = int(max(max(spikeTimes))) + 100 ##################### sim.setup(timestep=1) #def populations layer1 = sim.Population(input_size, sim.SpikeSourceArray, {'spike_times': spikeTimes}, label='inputspikes') layer2 = sim.Population(output_size, sim.IF_curr_exp, cellparams=cell_params_lif, label='outputspikes') supsignal = sim.Population(output_size, sim.SpikeSourceArray, {'spike_times': labelSpikes}, label='supersignal') #def learning rule stdp = sim.STDPMechanism( #weight=untrained_weights, #weight=0.02, # this is the initial value of the weight #delay="0.2 + 0.01*d", timing_dependence=sim.SpikePairRule(tau_plus=tauPlus, tau_minus=tauMinus, A_plus=aPlus, A_minus=aMinus), #weight_dependence=sim.MultiplicativeWeightDependence(w_min=wMin, w_max=wMax), weight_dependence=sim.AdditiveWeightDependence(w_min=wMin, w_max=wMax), dendritic_delay_fraction=0) #def projections stdp_proj = sim.Projection(layer1, layer2, sim.FromListConnector(connections), synapse_type=stdp) inhibitory_connections = sim.Projection( layer2, layer2, sim.AllToAllConnector(allow_self_connections=False), synapse_type=sim.StaticSynapse(weight=inhibWeight, delay=__delay__), receptor_type='inhibitory') stim_proj = sim.Projection(supsignal, layer2, sim.OneToOneConnector(), synapse_type=sim.StaticSynapse( weight=stimWeight, delay=__delay__)) layer1.record(['spikes']) layer2.record(['v', 'spikes']) supsignal.record(['spikes']) print("Weights:{}".format(stdp_proj.get('weight', 'list'))) weight_list = [ stdp_proj.get('weight', 'list'), stdp_proj.get('weight', format='list', with_address=False) ] neo = layer2.get_data(["spikes", "v"]) spikes = neo.segments[0].spiketrains v = neo.segments[0].filter(name='v')[0] neostim = supsignal.get_data(["spikes"]) print(label) spikestim = neostim.segments[0].spiketrains neoinput = layer1.get_data(["spikes"]) spikesinput = neoinput.segments[0].spiketrains plt.close('all') pplt.Figure(pplt.Panel(v, ylabel="Membrane potential (mV)", xticks=True, yticks=True, xlim=(0, runTime)), pplt.Panel(spikesinput, xticks=True, yticks=True, markersize=2, xlim=(0, runTime)), pplt.Panel(spikestim, xticks=True, yticks=True, markersize=2, xlim=(0, runTime)), pplt.Panel(spikes, xticks=True, xlabel="Time (ms)", yticks=True, markersize=2, xlim=(0, runTime)), title="Training" + str(label), annotations="Training" + str(label)).save('plot/' + str(trylabel) + str(label) + '_training.png') #plt.hist(weight_list[1], bins=100) plt.close('all') print(wMax) ''' plt.hist([weight_list[1][0:input_size], weight_list[1][input_size:input_size*2], weight_list[1][input_size*2:]], bins=20, label=['neuron 0', 'neuron 1', 'neuron 2'], range=(0, wMax)) plt.title('weight distribution') plt.xlabel('Weight value') plt.ylabel('Weight count') ''' sim.end() for i in weight_list[0]: #training_weights[int(i[0])][int(i[1])]=float(i[2]) weight_list[1][int(i[0]) * output_size + int(i[1])] = i[2] return weight_list[1]
def test(spikeTimes, trained_weights, label): #spikeTimes = extractSpikes(sample) runTime = int(max(max(spikeTimes))) + 100 ########################################## sim.setup(timestep=1) pre_pop = sim.Population(input_size, sim.SpikeSourceArray, {'spike_times': spikeTimes}, label="pre_pop") post_pop = sim.Population(output_size, sim.IF_curr_exp, cell_params_lif, label="post_pop") ''' if len(untrained_weights)>input_size: training_weights = [[0 for j in range(output_size)] for i in range(input_size)] #np array? size 1024x25 k=0 for i in untrained_weights: training_weights[i[0]][i[1]]=i[2] ''' if len(trained_weights) > input_size: weigths = [[0 for j in range(output_size)] for i in range(input_size)] #np array? size 1024x25 k = 0 for i in range(input_size): for j in range(output_size): weigths[i][j] = trained_weights[k] k += 1 else: weigths = trained_weights connections = [] #k = 0 for n_pre in range(input_size): # len(untrained_weights) = input_size for n_post in range( output_size ): # len(untrained_weight[0]) = output_size; 0 or any n_pre #connections.append((n_pre, n_post, weigths[n_pre][n_post]*(wMax), __delay__)) connections.append((n_pre, n_post, weigths[n_pre][n_post] * (wMax) / max(trained_weights), __delay__)) # #k += 1 prepost_proj = sim.Projection( pre_pop, post_pop, sim.FromListConnector(connections), synapse_type=sim.StaticSynapse(), receptor_type='excitatory') # no more learning !! #inhib_proj = sim.Projection(post_pop, post_pop, sim.AllToAllConnector(), synapse_type=sim.StaticSynapse(weight=inhibWeight, delay=__delay__), receptor_type='inhibitory') # no more lateral inhib post_pop.record(['v', 'spikes']) neo = post_pop.get_data(['v', 'spikes']) spikes = neo.segments[0].spiketrains v = neo.segments[0].filter(name='v')[0] f1 = pplt.Figure( # plot voltage pplt.Panel(v, ylabel="Membrane potential (mV)", xticks=True, yticks=True, xlim=(0, runTime + 100)), # raster plot pplt.Panel(spikes, xlabel="Time (ms)", xticks=True, yticks=True, markersize=2, xlim=(0, runTime + 100)), title='Test with label ' + str(label), annotations='Test with label ' + str(label))'plot/' + str(trylabel) + str(label) + '_test.png') f1.fig.texts = [] print("Weights:{}".format(prepost_proj.get('weight', 'list'))) weight_list = [ prepost_proj.get('weight', 'list'), prepost_proj.get('weight', format='list', with_address=False) ] #predict_label= sim.end() return spikes
import pyNN.brian as sim import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pyNN.utility.plotting import Figure, Panel sim.setup(timestep=0.1, min_delay=2.0) ifcell = sim.create(sim.IF_cond_exp, { 'i_offset': 0.11, 'tau_refrac': 3.0, 'v_thresh': -51.0 }, n=10) ''' pulse = sim.DCSource(amplitude=0.5, start=20.0, stop=80.0) pulse.inject_into(ifcell[3:7]) ifcell.record('v') data = ifcell.get_data() sim.end() ''' ''' vm = data.filter(name="v")[0] Figure( Panel(vm, ylabel="Membrane potential (mV)") ).show ''' ''' sine = sim.ACSource(start=50.0, stop=450.0, amplitude=1.0, offset=1.0, frequency=10.0, phase=180.0)
import pyNN.brian as sim # can of course replace `neuron` with `nest`, `brian`, etc. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np sim.setup(timestep=0.01) p_in = sim.Population(10, sim.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=10.0), label="input") p_out = sim.Population(10, sim.EIF_cond_exp_isfa_ista(), label="AdExp neurons") syn = sim.StaticSynapse(weight=0.05) random = sim.FixedProbabilityConnector(p_connect=0.5) connections = sim.Projection(p_in, p_out, random, syn, receptor_type='excitatory') p_in.record('spikes') p_out.record('spikes') # record spikes from all neurons p_out[0:2].record(['v', 'w', 'gsyn_exc' ]) # record other variables from first two neurons for i in range(2): spikes_in = p_in.get_data() data_out = p_out.get_data() sim.reset() connections.set(weight=0.05) sim.end() print 'finish simulation'
Exc_in = 32 # number of excitatory inputs Inh_in = 32 # number of inhibitatory inputs # No_inp = {'exc': 32, 'inh': 32} run_time = 500 # define the simulation time # ==========generate OR read in the input spikes data===================== noSpikes = 20 # number of spikes per chanel per simulation run stimSpikes = RandomDistribution( 'uniform', low=0, high=run_time, rng=NumpyRNG(seed=72386) ).next( [Exc_in + Inh_in, noSpikes] ) # generate a time uniform distributed signal with Exc_in + Inh_in chanels and noSpikes for each chanel # todo: 64 chanel represents different data sim.setup() # start buiding up the network topology # ==========create the input signal neuron population================== # form the Exc_in chanels excitatory inputs as a assembly Inhinp for i in range(Exc_in): if i == 0: Excinp = sim.Population( 1, sim.SpikeSourceArray(spike_times=stimSpikes[i, :])) else: spike_source = sim.Population( 1, sim.SpikeSourceArray(spike_times=stimSpikes[i, :])) Excinp = Excinp + spike_source # form the Inh_in chanels excitatory inputs as a assembly Inhinp for i in range(Inh_in): if i == 0:
def setUp(self): sim.setup() self.syn = sim.StaticSynapse(weight=0.123, delay=0.5)
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with PyCogMo. If not, see <>. """ Utilities and algorithms to integrate PyNN and SimPy """ import pyNN.brian as pynnn import SimPy.Simulation as sim from common.pynn_utils import get_input_layer, get_rate_encoder, \ InputSample, RectilinearInputLayer, InvalidMatrixShapeError, \ POP_ADAPT_DICT from common.utils import LOGGER, optimal_rounding SIMULATION_END_T = 0 pynnn.setup() PYNN_TIME_STEP = pynnn.get_time_step() PYNN_TIME_ROUNDING = optimal_rounding(PYNN_TIME_STEP) RATE_ENC_RESPAWN_DICT = dict() class DummyProcess(sim.Process): def ACTIONS(self): yield sim.hold, self, 0 def get_current_time(): return
def main(): ## Uninteresting setup, start up the visu process,... logfile = make_logfile_name() ensure_dir(logfile) f_h = logging.FileHandler(logfile) f_h.setLevel(SUBDEBUG) d_h = logging.StreamHandler() d_h.setLevel(INFO) utils.configure_loggers(debug_handler=d_h, file_handler=f_h) parent_conn, child_conn = multiprocessing.Pipe() p = multiprocessing.Process( target=visualisation.visualisation_process_f, name="display_process", args=(child_conn, LOGGER)) p.start() pynnn.setup(timestep=SIMU_TIMESTEP) init_logging("logfile", debug=True)"Simulation started with command: %s", sys.argv) ## Network setup # First population p1 = pynnn.Population(100, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, p1.set({'tau_m':20, 'v_rest':-65}) # Second population p2 = pynnn.Population(20, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, cellparams={'tau_m': 15.0, 'cm': 0.9}) # Projection 1 -> 2 prj1_2 = pynnn.Projection( p1, p2, pynnn.AllToAllConnector(allow_self_connections=False), target='excitatory') # I may need to make own PyNN Connector class. Otherwise, this is # neat: exponentially decaying probability of connections depends # on distance. Distance is only calculated using x and y, which # are on a toroidal topo with boundaries at 0 and 500. connector = pynnn.DistanceDependentProbabilityConnector( "exp(-abs(d))", space=pynnn.Space( axes='xy', periodic_boundaries=((0,500), (0,500), None))) # Alternately, the powerful connection set algebra (python CSA # module) can be used. weight_distr = pynnn.RandomDistribution(distribution='gamma', parameters=[1,0.1]) prj1_2.randomizeWeights(weight_distr) # This one is in NEST but not in Brian: # source = pynnn.NoisyCurrentSource( # mean=100, stdev=50, dt=SIMU_TIMESTEP, # start=10.0, stop=SIMU_DURATION, rng=pynnn.NativeRNG(seed=100)) source = pynnn.DCSource( start=10.0, stop=SIMU_DURATION, amplitude=100) source.inject_into(list(p1.sample(50).all())) p1.record(to_file=False) p2.record(to_file=False) ## Build and send the visualizable network structure adapter = pynn_to_visu.PynnToVisuAdapter(LOGGER) adapter.add_pynn_population(p1) adapter.add_pynn_population(p2) adapter.add_pynn_projection(p1, p2, prj1_2.connection_manager) adapter.commit_structure() parent_conn.send(adapter.output_struct) # Number of chunks to run the simulation: n_chunks = SIMU_DURATION // SIMU_TO_VISU_MESSAGE_PERIOD last_chunk_duration = SIMU_DURATION % SIMU_TO_VISU_MESSAGE_PERIOD # Run the simulator for visu_i in xrange(n_chunks): parent_conn.send(adapter.make_activity_update_message()) LOGGER.debug("real current p1 spike counts: %s", p1.get_spike_counts().values()) if last_chunk_duration > 0: parent_conn.send(adapter.make_activity_update_message()) # Cleanup pynnn.end() # Wait for the visualisation process to terminate p.join(VISU_PROCESS_JOIN_TIMEOUT)
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with PyCogMo. If not, see <>. import itertools import logging from logging import NullHandler from mock import Mock, patch from nose import with_setup from import eq_, raises, timed from ui.graphical.pynn_to_visu import * import pyNN.brian as pynnn DUMMY_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("testLogger") DUMMY_LOGGER.addHandler(NullHandler()) A = None pynnn.setup() def setup_adapter(): global A A = PynnToVisuAdapter(DUMMY_LOGGER) # holder class ("namespace") for the test variables class Tns(object): pass def setup_and_fill_adapter(): setup_adapter() Tns.pop_size = 27
import pyNN.brian as sim sim.setup() cell = sim.Population(1, sim.HH_cond_exp()) cell.record('v') data = cell.get_data() sim.end()
def main(): ## Uninteresting setup, start up the visu process,... logfile = make_logfile_name() ensure_dir(logfile) f_h = logging.FileHandler(logfile) f_h.setLevel(SUBDEBUG) d_h = logging.StreamHandler() d_h.setLevel(INFO) utils.configure_loggers(debug_handler=d_h, file_handler=f_h) parent_conn, child_conn = multiprocessing.Pipe() p = multiprocessing.Process(target=visualisation.visualisation_process_f, name="display_process", args=(child_conn, LOGGER)) p.start() pynnn.setup(timestep=SIMU_TIMESTEP) init_logging("logfile", debug=True)"Simulation started with command: %s", sys.argv) ## Network setup # First population p1 = pynnn.Population(100, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, p1.set({'tau_m': 20, 'v_rest': -65}) # Second population p2 = pynnn.Population(20, pynnn.IF_curr_alpha, cellparams={ 'tau_m': 15.0, 'cm': 0.9 }) # Projection 1 -> 2 prj1_2 = pynnn.Projection( p1, p2, pynnn.AllToAllConnector(allow_self_connections=False), target='excitatory') # I may need to make own PyNN Connector class. Otherwise, this is # neat: exponentially decaying probability of connections depends # on distance. Distance is only calculated using x and y, which # are on a toroidal topo with boundaries at 0 and 500. connector = pynnn.DistanceDependentProbabilityConnector( "exp(-abs(d))", space=pynnn.Space(axes='xy', periodic_boundaries=((0, 500), (0, 500), None))) # Alternately, the powerful connection set algebra (python CSA # module) can be used. weight_distr = pynnn.RandomDistribution(distribution='gamma', parameters=[1, 0.1]) prj1_2.randomizeWeights(weight_distr) # This one is in NEST but not in Brian: # source = pynnn.NoisyCurrentSource( # mean=100, stdev=50, dt=SIMU_TIMESTEP, # start=10.0, stop=SIMU_DURATION, rng=pynnn.NativeRNG(seed=100)) source = pynnn.DCSource(start=10.0, stop=SIMU_DURATION, amplitude=100) source.inject_into(list(p1.sample(50).all())) p1.record(to_file=False) p2.record(to_file=False) ## Build and send the visualizable network structure adapter = pynn_to_visu.PynnToVisuAdapter(LOGGER) adapter.add_pynn_population(p1) adapter.add_pynn_population(p2) adapter.add_pynn_projection(p1, p2, prj1_2.connection_manager) adapter.commit_structure() parent_conn.send(adapter.output_struct) # Number of chunks to run the simulation: n_chunks = SIMU_DURATION // SIMU_TO_VISU_MESSAGE_PERIOD last_chunk_duration = SIMU_DURATION % SIMU_TO_VISU_MESSAGE_PERIOD # Run the simulator for visu_i in xrange(n_chunks): parent_conn.send(adapter.make_activity_update_message()) LOGGER.debug("real current p1 spike counts: %s", p1.get_spike_counts().values()) if last_chunk_duration > 0: parent_conn.send(adapter.make_activity_update_message()) # Cleanup pynnn.end() # Wait for the visualisation process to terminate p.join(VISU_PROCESS_JOIN_TIMEOUT)