    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):

          DRESP1         1S1      CSTRAIN PCOMP                  1       1   10000
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        self.oid = integer(card, 1, 'oid')
        self.label = string(card, 2, 'label')
        self.rtype = string(card, 3, 'rtype')

        # elem, pbar, pshell, etc. (ELEM flag or Prop Name)
        self.ptype = integer_string_or_blank(card, 4, 'ptype')
        if 0:
            assert self.ptype in ['ELEM', 'PSHELL', 'PBAR', 'PROD', 'PCOMP',
                                  'PSOLID', 'PELAS', 'PBARL', 'PBEAM',
                                  'PBEAML', 'PSHEAR', 'PTUBE',
                                  'PKNL',   #: .. todo:: is this correct?
                                  None], 'DRESP1 ptype=%s' % self.ptype
        self.region = integer_or_blank(card, 5, 'region')
        self.atta = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, 6, 'atta')
        self.attb = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, 7, 'attb')
        self.atti = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, 8, 'atti')
        self.others = [interpret_value(field) for field in card[9:] ]
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        Table.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.tid = integer(card, 1, 'tid')
            self.Type = integer_or_blank(card, 2, 'Type', 1)
            assert self.Type in [1, 2], 'TABLES1 Type=%s' % self.Type

            nfields = len(card) - 1
            nterms = (nfields - 9) // 2
            if nterms < 0:
                raise SyntaxError('%r card is too short' % self.type)
            xy = []
            for i in range(nterms):
                n = 9 + i * 2
                if card.field(n) == 'ENDT':
                x = double_or_string(card, n, 'x' + str(i + 1))
                y = double_or_string(card, n + 1, 'y' + str(i + 1))
                if x == 'SKIP' or y == 'SKIP':
                xy += [x, y]
            string(card, nfields, 'ENDT')
            isData = False
            self.tid = data[0]
            xy = data[1:]
            isData = True
        self.parse_fields(xy, nrepeated=2, isData=isData)
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        Table.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.tid = integer(card, 1, 'tid')

            nfields = len(card) - 1
            nterms = (nfields - 9) // 2
            if nterms < 0:
                raise SyntaxError('%r card is too short' % self.type)
            xy = []
            for i in range(nterms):
                n = 9 + i * 2
                if card.field(n) == 'ENDT':
                x = double(card, n, 'x' + str(i + 1))
                y = double(card, n + 1, 'y' + str(i + 1))
                xy += [x, y]
            string(card, nfields, 'ENDT')
            isData = False
            self.tid = data[0]
            xy = data[1:]
            isData = True
        self.parse_fields(xy, nrepeated=2, isData=isData)
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.oid = integer(card, 1, 'ID')
            self.label = string(card, 2, 'label')
            self.group = string(card, 3, 'group')
            self.Type = string(card, 4, 'Type')
            self.region = integer(card, 5, 'Type')

            i = 0
            fields = [interpret_value(field) for field in card[9:]]
            key = '$NULL$'  # dummy key
            self.params = {key: []}
            value_list = []
            for (i, field) in enumerate(fields):
                if i % 8 == 0 and field is not None:
                    self.params[key] = value_list
                    key = field
                    value_list = []
                elif field is not None:
                #    pass
            self.params[key] = value_list
            del self.params['$NULL$']
            raise RuntimeError(data)
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        RandomTable.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.tid = integer(card, 1, 'tid')
            self.xaxis = string_or_blank(card, 2, 'xaxis', 'LINEAR')
            self.yaxis = string_or_blank(card, 3, 'yaxis', 'LINEAR')

            nfields = len(card) - 1
            nterms = (nfields - 9) // 2
            if nterms < 0:
                raise SyntaxError('%r card is too short' % self.type)
            xy = []
            for i in range(nterms):
                n = 9 + i * 2
                if card.field(n) == 'ENDT':
                x = double(card, n, 'x' + str(i + 1))
                y = double(card, n + 1, 'y' + str(i + 1))
                xy += [x, y]
            string(card, nfields, 'ENDT')
            isData = False
            self.tid = data[0]
            self.xaxis = self.map_axis(data[1])
            self.yaxis = self.map_axis(data[2])
            xy = data[3:]
            isData = True
        assert self.xaxis in ['LINEAR', 'LOG'], 'xaxis=|%s|' % (self.xaxis)
        assert self.yaxis in ['LINEAR', 'LOG'], 'yaxis=|%s|' % (self.yaxis)
        self.parse_fields(xy, nrepeated=2, isData=isData)
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        | DRESP1 |       1S1 |    CSTRAIN | PCOMP |      |        | 1     | 1   | 10000 |
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.oid = integer(card, 1, 'oid')
            self.label = string(card, 2, 'label')
            self.rtype = string(card, 3, 'rtype')

            # elem, pbar, pshell, etc. (ELEM flag or Prop Name)
            self.ptype = integer_string_or_blank(card, 4, 'ptype')
            #if 1:
                ## incomplete
                #assert self.ptype in ['ELEM', 'PSHELL', 'PBAR', 'PROD', 'PCOMP',
                                      #'PSOLID', 'PELAS', 'PBARL', 'PBEAM',
                                      #'PBEAML', 'PSHEAR', 'PTUBE',
                                      #None], 'DRESP1 ptype=%s' % self.ptype
            self.region = integer_or_blank(card, 5, 'region')
            self.atta = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, 6, 'atta')
            self.attb = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, 7, 'attb')

            self.atti = []
            for i in range(8, len(card)):
                atti = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, i, 'atti_%i' % (i + 1))
            raise RuntimeError(data)
 def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
     if comment:
         self._comment = comment
     if card:
         self.sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid')
         self.eid = integer(card, 2, 'eid')
         self.Type = string(card, 3, 'Type')
         self.scale = string(card, 4, 'scale')
         self.x1 = double(card, 5, 'x1')
         self.p1 = double(card, 6, 'p1')
         self.x2 = double_or_blank(card, 7, 'x2', self.x1)
         self.p2 = double_or_blank(card, 8, 'p2', self.p1)
         assert 0 <= self.x1 <= self.x2
         assert len(card) <= 9, 'len(PLOAD1 card) = %i' % len(card)
         self.sid = data[0]
         self.eid = data[1]
         self.Type = data[2]
         self.scale = data[3]
         self.x1 = data[4]
         self.p1 = data[5]
         self.x2 = data[6]
         self.p2 = data[7]
     if self.Type not in self.validTypes:
         msg = '%s is an invalid type on the PLOAD1 card' % self.Type
         raise RuntimeError(msg)
     assert self.scale in self.validScales, '%s is an invalid scale on the PLOAD1 card' % (self.scale)
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        Table.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.tid = integer(card, 1, 'tid')
            self.x1 = double(card, 2, 'x1')
            self.x2 = double(card, 3, 'x2')
            assert self.x2 != 0.0
            self.x3 = double(card, 4, 'x3')
            self.x4 = double(card, 5, 'x4')
            assert self.x3 < self.x4

            nfields = len(card) - 1
            nterms = (nfields - 9) // 2
            xy = []
            for i in range(nterms):
                n = 9 + i * 2
                if card.field(n) == 'ENDT':
                x = double(card, n, 'x' + str(i + 1))
                y = double(card, n + 1, 'y' + str(i + 1))
                xy += [x, y]
            ENDT = string(card, nfields, 'ENDT')
            isData = False
            self.tid = data[0]
            self.x1 = data[1]
            self.x2 = data[2]
            self.x3 = data[3]
            self.x4 = data[4]
            xy = data[3:]
            isData = True
        self.parse_fields(xy, nrepeated=1, isData=isData)
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.name = string(card, 1, 'name')

            #: 4-Lower Triangular; 5=Upper Triangular; 6=Symmetric; 8=Identity (m=nRows, n=m)
            self.ifo = integer(card, 3, 'ifo')
            #: 1-Real, Single Precision; 2=Real,Double Precision; 3=Complex, Single; 4=Complex, Double
            self.tin = integer(card, 4, 'tin')
            #: 0-Set by cell precision
            self.tout = integer_or_blank(card, 5, 'tout', 0)

            #: Input format of Ai, Bi. (Integer=blank or 0 indicates real, imaginary format;
            #: Integer > 0 indicates amplitude, phase format.)
            self.polar = integer_or_blank(card, 6, 'polar', 0)
            if self.ifo in [6, 9]:
                self.ncol = integer(card, 8, 'ncol')
            else:  # technically right, but nulling this will fix bad decks
                self.ncol = None
                #self.ncol = blank(card, 8, 'ncol')
            raise NotImplementedError(data)

        self.GCj = []
        self.GCi = []
        self.Real = []
        if self.is_complex():
            self.Complex = []
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        ThermalLoad.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            #: Load set identification number. (Integer > 0)
            self.sid = integer(card, 1, 'eid')

            self.flag = string(card, 2, 'flag')
            assert self.flag in ['POINT', 'LINE', 'REV', 'AREA3', 'AREA4',
                                 'AREA6', 'AREA8']

            #: Magnitude of thermal flux into face. Q0 is positive for heat
            #: into the surface. (Real)
            self.Q0 = double(card, 3, 'Q0')

            #: Area factor depends on type. (Real > 0.0 or blank)
            self.af = double_or_blank(card, 4, 'af')
            nfields = card.nFields()

            #: grids
            self.grids = fields(integer, card, 'grid', i=5, j=nfields)

            #: Grid point identification of connected grid points.
            #: (Integer > 0 or blank)
            self.grids = expand_thru_by(self.grids)
            self.sid = data[0]
            self.flag = data[1]
            self.Q0 = data[2]
            self.af = data[3]
            self.grids = data[4:]
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        Design Sensitivity Equation Response Quantities
        Defines equation responses that are used in the design, either as
        constraints or as an objective.
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        self.oid = integer(card, 1, 'oid')
        self.label = string(card, 2, 'label')
        self.eqidFunc = integer_or_string(card, 3, 'eqid_Func')
        self.region = integer_or_blank(card, 4, 'region')
        self.method = string_or_blank(card, 5, 'method', 'MIN')
        self.c1 = double_or_blank(card, 6, 'c1', 100.)
        self.c2 = double_or_blank(card, 7, 'c2', 0.005)
        self.c3 = double_or_blank(card, 8, 'c3') #: .. todo:: or blank?

        i = 0
        fields = [interpret_value(field) for field in card[9:] ]
        key = '$NULL$'  # dummy key
        self.params = {key: []}
        valueList = []
        for (i, field) in enumerate(fields):
            if i % 8 == 0 and field is not None:
                self.params[key] = valueList
                key = field
                valueList = []
            elif field is not None:
            #    pass

        self.params[key] = valueList
        del self.params['$NULL$']
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        ThermalElement.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            #: Surface element ID
            self.eid = integer(card, 1, 'eid')

            #: PHBDY property entry identification numbers. (Integer > 0)
            self.pid = integer(card, 2, 'pid')
            assert self.pid > 0

            self.Type = string(card, 3, 'Type')
            #print "self.Type = ",self.Type
            # msg = 'CHBDYP Type=|%s|' (self.Type)
            #assert self.Type in ['POINT','LINE','ELCYL','FTUBE','TUBE'], msg

            #: A VIEW entry identification number for the front face.
            self.iViewFront = integer_or_blank(card, 4, 'iViewFront', 0)

            #: A VIEW entry identification number for the back face.
            self.iViewBack = integer_or_blank(card, 5, 'iViewBack', 0)

            #: Grid point identification numbers of grids bounding the surface.
            #: (Integer > 0)
            self.g1 = integer(card, 6, 'g1')
            #: Grid point identification numbers of grids bounding the surface.
            #: (Integer > 0)
            if self.Type != 'POINT':
                self.g2 = integer(card, 7, 'g2')
                self.g2 = blank(card, 7, 'g2')

            #: Orientation grid point. (Integer > 0; Default = 0)
            self.g0 = integer_or_blank(card, 8, 'g0', 0)

            #: RADM identification number for front face of surface element.
            #: (Integer > 0)
            self.radMidFront = integer_or_blank(card, 9, 'radMidFront', 0)

            #: RADM identification number for back face of surface element.
            #: (Integer > 0)
            self.radMidBack = integer_or_blank(card, 10, 'radMidBack', 0)

            #: Grid point identification number of a midside node if it is used
            #: with the line type surface element.
            self.gmid = integer_or_blank(card, 11, 'gmid')
            #: Coordinate system for defining orientation vector.
            #: (Integer > 0; Default = 0
            self.ce = integer_or_blank(card, 12, 'ce', 0)

            #: Components of the orientation vector in coordinate system CE.
            #: The origin of the orientation vector is grid point G1.
            #: (Real or blank)
            self.e1 = double_or_blank(card, 13, 'e3')
            self.e2 = double_or_blank(card, 14, 'e3')
            self.e3 = double_or_blank(card, 15, 'e3')
            assert len(card) <= 16, 'len(CHBDYP card) = %i' % len(card)
            raise NotImplementedError(data)
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        BushingProperty.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment

        if card:
            self.pid = integer(card, 1, 'pid')
            nfields = len(card) - 1
            nrows = nfields // 8
            if nfields % 8 != 0:
                nrows += 1

            self.k_tables = []
            self.b_tables = []
            self.ge_tables = []
            self.kn_tables = []
            for irow in range(nrows):
                ifield = 1 + irow * 8
                param = string(card, ifield + 1, 'param_type')
                table = []
                for j in range(6):
                    table_value = integer_or_blank(card, ifield + j + 2, param + '%i' % (j+1))
                if param == 'K':
                    self.k_tables = table
                elif param == 'B':
                    self.b_tables = table
                elif param == 'GE':
                    self.ge_tables = table
                elif param == 'KN':
                    self.kn_tables = table
                    raise ValueError(param)
            raise NotImplementedError()
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=""):
        ThermalElement.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            #: Surface element ID
            self.eid = integer(card, 1, "eid")

            #: PHBDY property entry identification numbers. (Integer > 0)
            self.pid = integer(card, 2, "pid")
            assert self.pid > 0

            self.Type = string(card, 3, "Type")
            # print("self.Type = %s" % self.Type)
            # msg = 'CHBDYP Type=%r' % self.Type
            # assert self.Type in ['POINT','LINE','ELCYL','FTUBE','TUBE'], msg

            #: A VIEW entry identification number for the front face.
            self.iViewFront = integer_or_blank(card, 4, "iViewFront", 0)

            #: A VIEW entry identification number for the back face.
            self.iViewBack = integer_or_blank(card, 5, "iViewBack", 0)

            #: Grid point identification numbers of grids bounding the surface.
            #: (Integer > 0)
            self.g1 = integer(card, 6, "g1")
            #: Grid point identification numbers of grids bounding the surface.
            #: (Integer > 0)
            if self.Type != "POINT":
                self.g2 = integer(card, 7, "g2")
                self.g2 = blank(card, 7, "g2")

            #: Orientation grid point. (Integer > 0; Default = 0)
            self.g0 = integer_or_blank(card, 8, "g0", 0)

            #: RADM identification number for front face of surface element.
            #: (Integer > 0)
            self.radMidFront = integer_or_blank(card, 9, "radMidFront", 0)

            #: RADM identification number for back face of surface element.
            #: (Integer > 0)
            self.radMidBack = integer_or_blank(card, 10, "radMidBack", 0)

            #: Grid point identification number of a midside node if it is used
            #: with the line type surface element.
            self.gmid = integer_or_blank(card, 11, "gmid")
            #: Coordinate system for defining orientation vector.
            #: (Integer > 0; Default = 0
            self.ce = integer_or_blank(card, 12, "ce", 0)

            #: Components of the orientation vector in coordinate system CE.
            #: The origin of the orientation vector is grid point G1.
            #: (Real or blank)
            self.e1 = double_or_blank(card, 13, "e3")
            self.e2 = double_or_blank(card, 14, "e3")
            self.e3 = double_or_blank(card, 15, "e3")
            assert len(card) <= 16, "len(CHBDYP card) = %i" % len(card)
            raise NotImplementedError(data)
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.name = string(card, 1, 'name')

            #: Form of the matrix:  1=Square (not symmetric); 2=Rectangular;
            #: 3=Diagonal (m=nRows,n=1);  4=Lower Triangular; 5=Upper Triangular;
            #: 6=Symmetric; 8=Identity (m=nRows, n=m)
            self.form = integer(card, 3, 'form')

            #: 1-Real, Single Precision; 2=Real,Double Precision;
            #: 3=Complex, Single; 4=Complex, Double
            self.tin = integer(card, 4, 'tin')

            #: 0-Set by cell precision
            self.tout = integer_or_blank(card, 5, 'tout', 0)

            self.nRows = integer(card, 7, 'nrows')
            self.nCols = integer(card, 8, 'ncols')

            assert len(card) == 9, 'len(DMI card) = %i' % len(card)
            raise NotImplementedError(data)

        self.GCj = []
        self.GCi = []
        self.Real = []

        if self.is_complex():
            self.Complex = []
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.name = string(card, 1, 'name')

            #: 4-Lower Triangular; 5=Upper Triangular; 6=Symmetric; 8=Identity (m=nRows, n=m)
            self.ifo = integer(card, 3, 'ifo')
            #: 1-Real, Single Precision; 2=Real,Double Precision; 3=Complex, Single; 4=Complex, Double
            self.tin = integer(card, 4, 'tin')
            #: 0-Set by cell precision
            self.tout = integer_or_blank(card, 5, 'tout', 0)

            self.polar = integer_or_blank(card, 6, 'polar')
            if self.ifo == 9:
                self.ncol = integer(card, 8, 'ncol')
                self.ncol = blank(card, 8, 'ncol')
            raise NotImplementedError(data)

        self.GCj = []
        self.GCi = []
        self.Real = []
        if self.isComplex():
            self.Complex = []
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        Table.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.tid = integer(card, 1, 'tid')
            self.Type = string_or_blank(card, 2, 'Type', 'G')
            assert self.Type in ['G', 'CRIT', 'Q'], 'Type=%r' % self.Type

            nfields = len(card) - 1
            nterms = (nfields - 9) // 2
            if nterms < 0:
                raise SyntaxError('%r card is too short' % self.type)
            xy = []
            for i in range(nterms):
                n = 9 + i * 2
                if card.field(n) == 'ENDT':
                x = double(card, n, 'x' + str(i + 1))
                y = double(card, n + 1, 'y' + str(i + 1))
                xy += [x, y]
            ENDT = string(card, nfields, 'ENDT')
            isData = False
            self.tid = data[0]
            self.x1 = data[1]
            self.Type = data[2]
            xy = data[5:]
            isData = True
        self.parse_fields(xy, nrepeated=2, isData=isData)
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        ThermalLoad.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            #: Load set identification number. (Integer > 0)
            self.sid = integer(card, 1, 'eid')

            self.flag = string(card, 2, 'flag')
            assert self.flag in ['POINT', 'LINE', 'REV', 'AREA3', 'AREA4',
                                 'AREA6', 'AREA8']

            #: Magnitude of thermal flux into face. Q0 is positive for heat
            #: into the surface. (Real)
            self.Q0 = double(card, 3, 'Q0')

            #: Area factor depends on type. (Real > 0.0 or blank)
            self.af = double_or_blank(card, 4, 'af')
            nfields = card.nfields

            nnodes = self.flag_to_nnodes[self.flag]

            #: Grid point identification of connected grid points.
            #: (Integer > 0 or blank)
            self.grids = []
            for i in range(nnodes):
                grid = integer(card, 5 + i, 'grid%i' % (i + 1))
            self.sid = data[0]
            self.flag = data[1]
            self.Q0 = data[2]
            self.af = data[3]
            self.grids = data[4:]
    def __init__(self, card, comment=''):
        self.pid = integer(card, 1, 'property_id')
        self.sets = []
        self.Types = []
        self.gammas = []
        self._cps = []
        #self.set = integer(card, 2, 'set_id')
        #self.Type = string(card, 3, 'Type')
        #if self.Type not in ['NEWTON','PRANDTL-MEYER', 'CP']:
        #    raise RuntimeError('Type=%r' % Type)
        #self.gamma = double_or_blank(card, 4, 'gamma', 1.4)

        i = 2
        while i < len(card):
            self.sets.append(integer(card, i, 'set_id'))
            Type = string(card, i+1, 'Type')
            #if self.Type not in ['NEWTON','PRANDTL-MEYER', 'CP']:
                #raise RuntimeError('Type=%r' % Type)
            self.gammas.append(double_or_blank(card, i+2, 'gamma', 1.4))

            _cp = None
            if Type == 'CP':
                _cp = double(card, i+3, 'Cp')
            elif Type == 'NEWTON':
                _cp = double_or_blank(card, i+3, 'Cp_nominal', 2.0)
            i += 7
 def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
     if comment:
         self._comment = comment
     self.cid = integer(card, 1, 'cid')
     self.entity = string(card, 2, 'entity')
     self.gm_ids = [
         integer(card, 3, 'GM_ID1'),
         integer_or_blank(card, 4, 'GM_ID2'),
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        Design Variable to Material Relation
        Defines the relation between a material property and design variables.::

                  DVID1 COEF1 DVID2 COEF2 DVID3 COEF3 -etc.-
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.oid = integer(card, 1, 'oid')
            self.Type = string(card, 2, 'Type')
            self.mid = integer(card, 3, 'mid')
            self.mpName = string(card, 4, 'mpName')
            #if self.mpName in ['E', 'RHO', 'NU']:  positive values
                #self.mpMin = double_or_blank(card, 5, 'mpMin', 1e-15)
            #else: # negative
                #self.mpMin = double_or_blank(card, 5, 'mpMin', -1e-35)
            self.mpMin = double_or_blank(card, 5, 'mpMin')  #: .. todo:: bad default
            self.mpMax = double_or_blank(card, 6, 'mpMax', 1e20)
            self.c0 = double_or_blank(card, 7, 'c0', 0.0)

            self.dvids = []
            self.coeffs = []
            endFields = [interpret_value(field) for field in card[9:]]
            #print "endFields = ",endFields
            nfields = len(endFields) - 1
            if nfields % 2 == 1:
                nfields += 1

            i = 0
            for i in range(0, nfields, 2):
                self.coeffs.append(endFields[i + 1])
            if nfields % 2 == 1:
                print("dvids = %s" % (self.dvids))
                print("coeffs = %s" % (self.coeffs))
                raise RuntimeError('invalid DVMREL1...')
            raise RuntimeError(data)
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        LineProperty.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            #: Property ID
            self.pid = integer(card, 1, 'pid')
            #: Material ID
            self.mid = integer(card, 2, 'mid')
            self.group = string_or_blank(card, 3, 'group', 'MSCBMLO')
            #: Section Type (e.g. 'ROD', 'TUBE', 'I', 'H')
            self.Type = string(card, 4, 'Type')

            ndim = self.validTypes[self.Type]
            j = 9 + ndim + 1

            dims = []
            #dim_old = None  ## TODO: is there a default?
            for i in range(ndim):
                dim = double_or_blank(card, 9 + i, 'dim%i' % (i + 1))

            #: dimension list
            self.dim = dims
            assert len(dims) == ndim, 'PBARL ndim=%s len(dims)=%s' % (ndim, len(dims))
            assert len(dims) == len(self.dim), 'PBARL ndim=%s len(dims)=%s' % (ndim, len(self.dim))

            #: non-structural mass
            self.nsm = double_or_blank(card, 9 + ndim + 1, 'nsm', 0.0)

            self.pid = data[0]
            self.mid = data[1]
            self.group = data[2].strip()
            self.Type = data[3].strip()
            self.dim = list(data[4:-1])
            self.nsm = data[-1]
            #print("group = %r" % self.group)
            #print("Type  = %r" % self.Type)
            #print("dim = ",self.dim)
            #print("*PBARL = ",data)
            #raise NotImplementedError('not finished...')
        if self.Type not in self.validTypes:
            msg = ('Invalid PBARL Type, Type=%s '
                   'validTypes=%s' % (self.Type, self.validTypes.keys()))
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        if len(self.dim) != self.validTypes[self.Type]:
            msg = 'dim=%s len(dim)=%s Type=%s len(dimType)=%s' % (
                self.dim, len(self.dim), self.Type,
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        assert None not in self.dim
    def add(self, card=None, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        i = self.i
        #: Identification number of a MAT1, MAT2, or MAT9 entry.
        self.material_id[i] = integer(card, 1, 'mid')
        #: Identification number of a TABLES1 or TABLEST entry. If H is
        #: given, then this field must be blank.
        self.table_id[i] = integer_or_blank(card, 2, 'tid', 0)
        #: Type of material nonlinearity. ('NLELAST' for nonlinear elastic
        #: or 'PLASTIC' for elastoplastic.)
        self.Type[i] = string(card, 3, 'Type')

        if self.Type[i] == 'NLELAST':
            self.h[i] = blank(card, 4, 'h')
            self.hr[i] = blank(card, 6, 'hr')
            self.yf[i] = blank(card, 5, 'yf')
            self.limit1[i] = blank(card, 7, 'yf')
            self.limit2[i] = blank(card, 8, 'yf')
            #: Work hardening slope (slope of stress versus plastic strain) in
            #: units of stress. For elastic-perfectly plastic cases, H=0.0.
            #: For more than a single slope in the plastic range, the
            #: stress-strain data must be supplied on a TABLES1 entry
            #: referenced by TID, and this field must be blank
            h = double_or_blank(card, 4, 'H')
            self.h[i] = h
            if h is None:
                self.hflag[i] = False
                self.hflag[i] = True

            #: Yield function criterion, selected by one of the following
            #: values (1) Von Mises (2) Tresca (3) Mohr-Coulomb
            #: (4) Drucker-Prager
            self.yf[i] = integer_or_blank(card, 5, 'yf', 1)

            #: Hardening Rule, selected by one of the following values
            #: (Integer): (1) Isotropic (Default) (2) Kinematic
            #: (3) Combined isotropic and kinematic hardening
            self.hr[i] = integer_or_blank(card, 6, 'hr', 1)
            #: Initial yield point
            self.limit1[i] = double(card, 7, 'limit1')

            if self.yf[i] == 3 or self.yf[i] == 4:
                #: Internal friction angle, measured in degrees, for the
                #: Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager yield criteria
                self.limit2[i] = double(card, 8, 'limit2')
                #self.limit2[i] = blank(card, 8, 'limit2')
                #self.limit2[i] = None
        assert len(card) <= 9, 'len(MATS1 card) = %i' % len(card)
        self.i += 1
 def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
     if comment:
         self._comment = comment
     #: Response type for which the screening criteria apply. (Character)
     self.rType = string(card, 1, 'rType')
     #: Truncation threshold. (Real; Default = -0.5)
     self.trs = double_or_blank(card, 2, 'trs', -0.5)
     #: Maximum number of constraints to be retained per region per load
     #: case. (Integer > 0; Default = 20)
     self.nstr = integer(card, 3, 'nstr', 20)
     assert len(card) == 4, 'len(DSCREEN card) = %i' % len(card)
    def build(self):
        #if comment:
            #self._comment = comment
        cards = self._cards
        ncards = len(cards)
        float_fmt = self.model.float
        self.load_id = zeros(ncards, 'int32')
        self.element_id = zeros(ncards, 'int32')
        self.Type = array([''] * ncards, '|S4')
        self.scale = array([''] * ncards, '|S4')
        self.x1 = zeros(ncards, float_fmt)
        self.x2 = zeros(ncards, float_fmt)
        self.p1 = zeros(ncards, float_fmt)
        self.p2 = zeros(ncards, float_fmt)

        self.n = ncards
        for i, card in enumerate(cards):
            self.load_id[i] = integer(card, 1, 'load_id')
            self.element_id[i] = integer(card, 2, 'eid')
            Type = string(card, 3,  'Type ("%s")' % '",  "'.join(self.valid_types) )
            scale = string(card, 4, 'scale ("%s")' % '", "'.join(self.valid_scales) )
            self.x1[i] = double(card, 5, 'x1')
            self.p1[i] = double(card, 6, 'p1')
            self.x2[i] = double_or_blank(card, 7, 'x2', self.x1)
            self.p2[i] = double_or_blank(card, 8, 'p2', self.p1)
            assert len(card) <= 9, 'len(PLOAD1 card) = %i' % len(card)

            if Type not in self.valid_types:
                msg = '%r is an invalid type on the PLOAD1 card' % Type
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            self.Type[i] = Type

            assert 0.0 <= self.x1[i] <= self.x2[i]
            if scale in ['FR', 'FRPR']:
                assert self.x1[i] <= 1.0, 'x1=%r' % self.x1[i]
                assert self.x2[i] <= 1.0, 'x2=%r' % self.x2[i]
            assert scale in self.valid_scales, '%s is an invalid scale on the PLOAD1 card' % scale
            self.scale[i] = scale
            self._cards = []
            self._comments = []
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        Constraint.__init__(self, card, data)

        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.conid = integer(card, 1, 'sid')
            self.components = components(card, 2, 'components')
            self.entity = string(card, 3, 'entity')
            self.entity_id = integer(card, 4, 'entity_id')
            raise NotImplementedError('GMSPC')
文件: bars.py 项目: umvarma/pynastran
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        LineProperty.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            #: Property ID
            self.pid = integer(card, 1, 'pid')
            #: Material ID
            self.mid = integer(card, 2, 'mid')
            self.group = string_or_blank(card, 3, 'group', 'MSCBMLO')
            #: Section Type (e.g. 'ROD', 'TUBE', 'I', 'H')
            self.Type = string(card, 4, 'Type')

            ndim = self.validTypes[self.Type]
            j = 9 + ndim + 1

            #: dimension list
            self.dim = fields(double_or_blank, card, 'dim', i=9, j=j)

            #: non-structural mass
            self.nsm = double_or_blank(card, 9 + ndim + 1, 'nsm', 0.0)

            if ndim > 0:
                self.nsm = set_default_if_blank(self.dim.pop(), 0.0)
                self.nsm = 0.0

            assert isinstance(self.nsm, float), 'nsm=%r' % self.nsm
            self.pid = data[0]
            self.mid = data[1]
            self.group = data[2].strip()
            self.Type = data[3].strip()
            self.dim = list(data[4:-1])
            self.nsm = data[-1]
            #print("group = %r" % self.group)
            #print("Type  = %r" % self.Type)
            #print("dim = ",self.dim)
            #print("*PBARL = ",data)
            #raise NotImplementedError('not finished...')
        if self.Type not in self.validTypes:
            msg = ('Invalid PBARL Type, Type=%s '
                   'validTypes=%s' % (self.Type, self.validTypes.keys()))
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        if len(self.dim) != self.validTypes[self.Type]:
            msg = 'dim=%s len(dim)=%s Type=%s len(dimType)=%s' % (
                self.dim, len(self.dim), self.Type,
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        assert None not in self.dim
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        IntegratedLineProperty.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment

        if card:
            #: Property ID
            self.pid = integer(card, 1, 'pid')
            #: Material ID
            self.mid = integer(card, 2, 'mid')
            self.group = string_or_blank(card, 3, 'group', 'MSCBMLO')
            #: Section Type (e.g. 'ROD', 'TUBE', 'I', 'H')
            self.Type = string(card, 4, 'Type')

            # determine the number of required dimensions on the PBEAM
            ndim = self.validTypes[self.Type]
            #nAll = ndim + 1

            #: dimension list
            self.dim = []
            Dim = []

            #: Section position
            self.xxb = [0.]

            #: Output flag
            self.so = ['YES']

            #: non-structural mass :math:`nsm`
            self.nsm = []

            i = 9
            n = 0
            while i < len(card):
                if n > 0:
                    so = string_or_blank(card, i, 'so_n=%i' % n, 'YES')
                    xxb = double_or_blank(card, i + 1, 'xxb_n=%i' % n, 1.0)
                    i += 2

                Dim = []
                for ii in range(ndim):
                    dim = double(card, i, 'dim_n=%i_ii=%i' % (n, ii))
                    i += 1

                nsm = double_or_blank(card, i, 'nsm_n=%i' % n, 0.0)
                n += 1
                i += 1
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        Table.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            self.tid = integer(card, 1, 'tid')
            self.x1 = double(card, 2, 'x1')
            self.x2 = double(card, 3, 'x2')
            self.x3 = double(card, 4, 'x3')
            self.x4 = double(card, 5, 'x4')

            assert self.x2 != 0.0
            assert self.x3 < self.x4

            nfields = len(card) - 1
            nterms = (nfields - 9) // 2
            if nterms < 0:
                raise SyntaxError('%r card is too short' % self.type)
            xy = []
            for i in range(nterms):
                n = 9 + i * 2
                if card.field(n) == 'ENDT':
                x = double_or_string(card, n, 'x' + str(i + 1))
                y = double_or_string(card, n + 1, 'y' + str(i + 1))
                if x == 'SKIP' or y == 'SKIP':
                xy += [x, y]
            string(card, nfields, 'ENDT')
            isData = False
            self.tid = data[0]
            self.x1 = data[1]
            self.x2 = data[2]
            self.x3 = data[3]
            self.x4 = data[4]
            xy = data[5:]
            isData = True
        self.parse_fields(xy, nrepeated=2, isData=isData)
 def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
     if comment:
         self._comment = comment
     if card:
         self.oid = integer(card, 1, 'oid')
         self.label = string(card, 2, 'label')
         self.xinit = double(card, 3, 'xinit')
         self.xlb = double_or_blank(card, 4, 'xlb', -1e20)
         self.xub = double_or_blank(card, 5, 'xub', 1e20)
         self.delx = double_or_blank(card, 6, 'delx', 1e20)
         self.ddval = integer_or_blank(card, 7, 'ddval')
         assert len(card) <= 8, 'len(DESVAR card) = %i' % len(card)
         raise NotImplementedError(data)
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if card:
            #: Contact set ID. Parameters defined in this command apply to
            #: contact set CSID defined by a BCTSET entry. (Integer > 0)
            self.csid = integer(card, 1, 'csid')
            i = 2
            j = 1
            self.params = {}
            while i < card.nFields():
                param = string(card, i, 'param%s' % j)
                i += 1
                if param == 'TYPE':
                    value = integer(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0)
                    assert value in [0, 1, 2], 'TYPE must be [0, 1, 2]'
                elif param == 'NSIDE':
                    value = integer_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 1)
                    assert value in [1, 2], 'NSIDE must be [1, 2]'
                elif param == 'TBIRTH':
                    value = double_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0.0)
                elif param == 'TDEATH':
                    value = double_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0.0)
                elif param == 'INIPENE':
                    value = integer_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0)
                    assert value in [0, 1, 2], 'INIPENE must be [0, 1, 2]'
                elif param == 'PDEPTH':
                    value = double_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0.0)
                elif param == 'SEGNORM':
                    value = integer_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0)
                    assert value in [-1, 0, 1], 'SEGNORM must be [-1, 0, 1]'
                elif param == 'OFFTYPE':
                    value = integer_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0)
                    assert value in [0, 1, 2], 'SEGNORM must be [0, 1, 2]'
                elif param == 'OFFSET':
                    value = double_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0.0)
                elif param == 'TZPENE':
                    value = double_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0.0)

                elif param == 'CSTIFF':
                    value = integer_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0)
                    assert value in [0, 1], 'CSTIFF must be [0, 1]'
                elif param == 'TIED':
                    value = integer_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0)
                    assert value in [0, 1], 'TIED must be [0, 1]'
                elif param == 'TIEDTOL':
                    value = double_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0.0)
                elif param == 'EXTFAC':
                    value = double_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j, 0.0)
                    assert 1.0E-6 < value < 0.1, 'EXTFAC must be 1.0E-6 < EXTFAC < 0.1'
                    # FRICMOD, FPARA1/2/3/4/5, EPSN, EPST, CFACTOR1, PENETOL
                    # ...
                    value = integer_double_or_blank(card, i, 'value%s' % j)
                    assert value is not None, '%s%i must not be None' % (param, j)

                self.params[param] = value
                i += 2
                j += 1
            msg = '%s has not implemented data parsing' % self.type
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        RigidElement.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment

        self.eid = integer(card, 1, 'eid')
        self.Gni = []
        self.Cni = []

        #fields = card[2:]
        iUm = card.index('UM')
        if iUm > 0:
            assert string(card, iUm, 'UM') == 'UM'

        if isinstance(card[-1], float):
            self.alpha = card.fields[-1].pop(
            )  # the last field is not part of fields
            #nfields = len(card) - 1
            #nfields = len(card)
            self.alpha = 0.

        # loop till UM, no field9,field10
        #print("iUm = %s" % iUm)

        n = 1
        i = 0
        offset = 2
        while offset + i < iUm - 1:
            #print('field(%s) = %s' % (offset + i, card.field(offset + i)))
            gni = integer_or_blank(card, offset + i, 'gn%i' % n)
            cni = components_or_blank(card, offset + i + 1, 'cn%i' % n)

            if gni:
                #print("gni=%s cni=%s" % (gni ,cni))
                n += 1
                assert cni is None
            i += 2

        #print('Gni =', self.Gni)
        #print('Cni =', self.Cni)
        self.Gmi = []
        self.Cmi = []

        # loop till alpha, no field9,field10
        n = 1
        offset = iUm + 1
        i = 0
        while offset + i < len(card):  # dont grab alpha
            gmi = integer_or_blank(card, offset + i, 'gm%i' % n)
            cmi = components_or_blank(card, offset + i + 1, 'cm%i' % n)
            if gmi:
                #print("gmi=%s cmi=%s" % (gmi ,cmi))
                n += 1
                assert cmi is None
            i += 2
    def __init__(self, card, data=None, comment=''):
        Creates a PARAM card.

        :param self: the object
        :param card: BDFCard object
        :param data: list of PARAM entries not including 'PARAM';
                     intended to be used by OP2 Reader (default=None)
        :param comment: optional string (default='')
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        if data:
            card = BDFCard(['PARAM'] + data)

        self.key = string(card, 1, 'key')
        n = 1
        value = None
        if self.key == 'ACOUT':
            value = string_or_blank(card, 2, 'value', 'PEAK')
        elif self.key == 'ACOWEAK':
            value = string_or_blank(card, 2, 'value', 'NO')
        elif self.key == 'ACSYM':
            value = string_or_blank(card, 2, 'value', 'YES')
        elif self.key == 'ADJMETH':
            value = integer_or_blank(card, 2, 'value', 0)
        elif self.key == 'ADPCON':
            value = double_or_blank(card, 2, 'value', 1.0)
        #elif self.key == 'ADMPOST':
            #value = string_or_blank(card, 2, 'value', 0) ## TODO: 0 is not a string
        elif self.key == 'ADSDISC':
            value = double_or_blank(card, 2, 'value', 1e-8)
        elif self.key == 'AESMAXIT':
            value = integer_or_blank(card, 2, 'value', 15)
        elif self.key == 'AESMETH':
            value = string_or_blank(card, 2, 'value', 'SELECT')
            assert value in ['SELECT', 'AUTO', 'DIRECT', 'RITZ', 'ITER'], 'value=%s' % value
        elif self.key == 'AESTOL':
            value = double_or_blank(card, 2, 'value', 1e-10)
        elif self.key == 'ADSTAT':
            value = string_or_blank(card, 2, 'value', 'YES')
        elif self.key in ['ALPHA1', 'ALPHA2', 'ALPHA1FL', 'ALPHA2FL']:  # check alpha1/alpha1FL
            value1 = double_or_blank(card, 2, 'value1', 0.0)
            value2 = double_or_blank(card, 3, 'value2', 0.0)
            n = 2
        elif self.key in ['CB1', 'CB2', 'CK1', 'CK2', 'CK3', 'CM1', 'CM2', 'CP1', 'CP2']:
            value1 = double_or_blank(card, 2, 'value1', 1.0)
            value2 = double_or_blank(card, 3, 'value2', 0.0)
            n = 2
        elif self.key == 'POST':
            value = integer_or_blank(card, 2, 'value', 1)
            value1 = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, 2, 'value1')
            value2 = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, 3, 'value2')
            if value2 is None:
                value = value1

        if value is None:
            if isinstance(value1, string_types):
                assert ' ' not in value1, 'PARAM value1=%r' % value1
            if isinstance(value2, string_types):
                assert ' ' not in value2, 'PARAM value2=%r' % value2
            self.values = [value1, value2]
            if isinstance(value, string_types):
                assert ' ' not in value, 'PARAM value=%r' % value
            self.values = [value]

        if n == 1:
            if len(card) != 3:
                raise RuntimeError('len(PARAM card)=%i card=%r' % (len(card), card))
            if len(card) != 4:
                raise RuntimeError('len(PARAM card)=%i card=%r' % (len(card), card))
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        Method.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        # CLAN
        self.mblkszs = []
        self.iblkszs = []
        self.ksteps = []
        self.NJIs = []

        # HESS
        self.alphaBjs = []
        self.omegaBjs = []
        self.LJs = []
        self.NEJs = []
        self.NDJs = []

        if card:
            #: Set identification number. (Unique Integer > 0)
            self.sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid')
            #: Method of complex eigenvalue extraction
            self.method = string(card, 2, 'method')
            assert self.method in [
                'INV', 'HESS', 'CLAN'
            ], ('method=%s is not INV, HESS, CLAN' % (self.method))
            #: Method for normalizing eigenvectors
            self.norm = string_or_blank(card, 3, 'norm')
            if self.norm == 'POINT':
                #: Grid or scalar point identification number. Required only if
                #: NORM='POINT'. (Integer>0)
                self.G = integer(card, 4, 'G')

                #: Component number. Required only if NORM='POINT' and G is a
                #: geometric grid point. (1<Integer<6)
                self.C = components(card, 5, 'C')
                self.G = blank(card, 4, 'G')
                self.C = blank(card, 5, 'C')

            #: Convergence criterion. (Real > 0.0. Default values are:
            #: 10^-4 for METHOD = "INV",
            #: 10^-15 for METHOD = "HESS",
            #: E is machine dependent for METHOD = "CLAN".)
            self.E = double_or_blank(card, 6, 'E')
            self.ndo = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, 7, 'ND0')

            fields = [interpret_value(field) for field in card[9:]]
            self.alphaAjs = []
            self.omegaAjs = []
            nfields = len(fields)
            nrows = nfields // 8
            if nfields % 8 > 0:
                nrows += 1
            #if nrows == 0:
            #raise RuntimeError('invalid row count=0; nfields=%s \ncard=%s\nfields=%s' % (nfields, card, fields))

            if self.method == 'CLAN':
                self.loadCLAN(nrows, card)
            elif self.method in ['HESS', 'INV']:  # HESS, INV
                self.loadHESS_INV(nrows, card)
                msg = 'invalid EIGC method...method=%r' % self.method
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            #assert card.nFields() < 8, 'card = %s' % card
            raise NotImplementedError('EIGC')
文件: pbeam.py 项目: afcarl/cyNastran
    def add_card(self, card, i):
        #: property ID
        self.property_id[i] = integer(card, 1, 'property_id')

        #: material ID
        self.material_id[i] = integer(card, 2, 'material_id')
        SO = []
        XXB = []
        A = []
        I1 = []
        I2 = []
        I12 = []
        J = []
        NSM = []

        # at least one cross section are required
        # so[0] and xxb[0] aren't used
        #: Output flag
        SO = ['YES']
        #: Section position
        XXB = [0.]
        A.append(double(card, 3, 'A'))
        I1.append(double_or_blank(card, 4, 'I1', 0.0))
        I2.append(double_or_blank(card, 5, 'I2', 0.0))
        I12.append(double_or_blank(card, 6, 'I12', 0.0))
        J.append(double_or_blank(card, 7, 'J', 0.0))
        NSM.append(double_or_blank(card, 8, 'nsm', 0.0))
        assert I1[0] > 0, I1[0]
        assert I2[0] > 0, I2[0]

        isCDEF = False
        field9 = double_string_or_blank(card, 9, 'field9')
        field17 = double_string_or_blank(card, 17, 'field17')
            isinstance(field17, float)
            isCDEF = True
            isFooter = True
        except SyntaxError:
        #print("f9=%s f17=%s" % (field9, field17))

        #nlines = nfields // 8

        if field9 in ['YES', 'YESA', 'NO']:
            isCDEF = False
            isContinue = True
        elif field17 in ['YES', 'YESA', 'NO']:
            isCDEF = True
            isContinue = True
            isContinue = False
            isCDEF = True

        C1 = [double_or_blank(card, 9, 'c1', 0.0)]
        C2 = [double_or_blank(card, 10, 'c2', 0.0)]
        D1 = [double_or_blank(card, 11, 'd1', 0.0)]
        D2 = [double_or_blank(card, 12, 'd2', 0.0)]
        E1 = [double_or_blank(card, 13, 'e1', 0.0)]
        E2 = [double_or_blank(card, 14, 'e2', 0.0)]
        F1 = [double_or_blank(card, 15, 'f1', 0.0)]
        F2 = [double_or_blank(card, 16, 'f2', 0.0)]

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------
        # figure out how many YES/YESA/NO fields there are
        # and if there is a footer

        # counting continuation cards
        nfields = len(card) - 1  # -1 for PBEAM field
        if isCDEF:
            nmajor = nfields // 16
            nleftover = nfields % 16
            if nleftover == 0:
                nmajor -= 1

            if nmajor == 0:
                nmajor = 1

            # jump to the last block of 16
            x = nmajor * 16 + 1

            # If it's an SO field, we don't read the footer
            # remark 6:
            # The fourth and fifth continuation entries, which
            # contain fields K1 through N2(B), are optional
            # and may be omitted if the default values are appropriate.
            val = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, x, 'YES/YESA/NO')
            if val in ['YES', 'YESA', 'NO']:  # there is no footer
                nmajor += 1
                x += 16
                # read the footer
            nmajor = nfields // 8
            nleftover = nfields % 8
            if nleftover == 0:
                nmajor -= 1
            if nmajor == 0:
                nmajor = 1
            x = nmajor * 8 + 1

            val = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, x, 'YES/YESA/NO')
            if val in ['YES', 'YESA', 'NO']:  # there is no footer
                nmajor += 1
                x += 8
                # read the footer

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------
        for nRepeated in xrange(1, nmajor): # start at 1 to drop the header
            # field 17 is the first possible so
            if isCDEF:
                nStart = nRepeated * 16 + 1
                nStart = nRepeated * 8 + 1

            so  = string(card,  nStart, 'SO%i' % nRepeated)
            xxb = double(card,  nStart + 1, 'x/xb%i' % nRepeated)
            a   = double_or_blank(card,  nStart + 2, 'Area%i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
            i1  = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 3, 'I1 %i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
            i2  = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 4, 'I2 %i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
            i12 = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 5, 'I12 %i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
            j   = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 6, 'J%i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
            nsm = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 7, 'nsm%i' % nRepeated, 0.0)


            if isCDEF:
                c1 = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 8, 'c1 %i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
                c2 = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 9, 'c2 %i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
                d1 = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 10, 'd1 %i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
                d2 = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 11, 'd2 %i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
                e1 = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 12, 'e1 %i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
                e2 = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 13, 'e2 %i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
                f1 = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 14, 'f1 %i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
                f2 = double_or_blank(card, nStart + 15, 'f2 %i' % nRepeated, 0.0)
                # YESA or NO, values MUST be omitted; remark 5
        if len(XXB) > 1:
            assert min(XXB) == 0.0, 'min=%s, but should be 0.0\nxxb=%s' % (min(XXB), XXB)
            assert max(XXB) == 1.0, 'max=%s, but should be 1.0\nxxb=%s' % (max(XXB), XXB)

        # footer fields
        #: Shear stiffness factor K in K*A*G for plane 1.
        self.k1[i] = double_or_blank(card, x, 'k1', 1.0)
        #: Shear stiffness factor K in K*A*G for plane 2.
        self.k2[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 1, 'k2', 1.0)

        #: Shear relief coefficient due to taper for plane 1.
        self.s1[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 2, 's1', 0.0)
        #: Shear relief coefficient due to taper for plane 2.
        self.s2[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 3, 's2', 0.0)

        #: non structural mass moment of inertia per unit length
        #: about nsm center of gravity at Point A.
        self.nsia[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 4, 'nsia', 0.0)
        #: non structural mass moment of inertia per unit length
        #: about nsm center of gravity at Point B.
        self.nsib[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 5, 'nsib', self.nsia)

        #: warping coefficient for end A.
        self.cwa[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 6, 'cwa', 0.0)
        #: warping coefficient for end B.
        self.cwb[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 7, 'cwb', self.cwa)

        #: y coordinate of center of gravity of
        #: nonstructural mass for end A.
        self.m1a[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 8, 'm1a', 0.0)
        #: z coordinate of center of gravity of
        #: nonstructural mass for end A.
        self.m2a[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 9, 'm2a', self.m1a)

        #: y coordinate of center of gravity of
        #: nonstructural mass for end B.
        self.m1b[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 10, 'm1b', 0.0)
        #: z coordinate of center of gravity of
        #: nonstructural mass for end B.
        self.m2b[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 11, 'm2b', self.m1b)

        #: y coordinate of neutral axis for end A.
        self.n1a[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 12, 'n1a', 0.0)
        #: z coordinate of neutral axis for end A.
        self.n2a[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 13, 'n2a', self.n1a)

        #: y coordinate of neutral axis for end B.
        self.n1b[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 14, 'n1a', 0.0)
        #: z coordinate of neutral axis for end B.
        self.n2b[i] = double_or_blank(card, x + 15, 'n2b', self.n1b)