    def test_B(self):
        cid0 = CORD2R()
        Lx = 2.
        Ly = 3.
        Lz = 5.
        Fy = 1.5
        origin = array([-Lx, -Ly, -Lz])
        z_axis = origin + array([0., 0., 1.])
        xz_plane = origin + array([1., 0., 1.])
        rid = 0
        data = [1, rid] + list(origin) + list(z_axis) + list(xz_plane)

        Fxyz = [0., -Fy, 0.]
        Mxyz = [0., 0., 0.]
        cid_new = CORD2R(data=data)
        model = None

        Fxyz_local, Mxyz_local = transform_load(Fxyz, Mxyz, cid0, cid_new,
        r = array([Lx, Ly, Lz])
        F = array([0., -Fy, 0.])
        M = cross(r, F)
            Fxyz_local, F)), "expected=%s actual=%s" % (F, Fxyz_local)
        self.assertTrue(array_equal(Mxyz_local, cross(
            r, F))), "expected=%s actual=%s" % (M, Mxyz_local)
    def sum_forces_moments(
        p0: int,
        loadcase_id: int,
        cid: int = 0,
        include_grav: bool = False,
        xyz_cid0: Union[None, Dict[int, np.ndarray]] = None
    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        Sums applied forces & moments about a reference point p0 for all
        load cases.
          - FORCE, FORCE1, FORCE2
          - MOMENT, MOMENT1, MOMENT2
          - PLOAD, PLOAD2, PLOAD4
          - LOAD

        p0 : NUMPY.NDARRAY shape=(3,) or integer (node ID)
            the reference point
        loadcase_id : int
            the LOAD=ID to analyze
        cid : int; default=0
            the coordinate system for the summation
        include_grav : bool; default=False
            includes gravity in the summation (not supported)
        xyz_cid0 : None / Dict[int] = (3, ) ndarray
            the nodes in the global coordinate system

        forces : NUMPY.NDARRAY shape=(3,)
            the forces
        moments : NUMPY.NDARRAY shape=(3,)
            the moments

        .. warning:: not full validated
        .. todo:: It's super slow for cid != 0.   We can speed this up a lot
                 if we calculate the normal, area, centroid based on
                 precomputed node locations.

        Pressure acts in the normal direction per model/real/loads.bdf and loads.f06

            'forces, moments = model.sum_forces_moments(...)',
            'from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.loads import sum_forces_moments\n'
            'forces, moments = sum_forces_moments(model, ...)', '1.3')
        forces, moments = sum_forces_moments(self,
        if cid == 0:
            return forces, moments
        cid0 = 0
        forces, moments = transform_load(forces, moments, cid0, cid, self)
        return forces, moments
def sum_forces_moments_elements(model: BDF, p0: int, loadcase_id: int,
                                eids: List[int], nids: List[int],
                                cid: int=0,
                                include_grav: bool=False,
                                xyz_cid0: Optional[Dict[int, NDArray3float]]=None,
                                ) -> Tuple[NDArray3float, NDArray3float]:
    Sum the forces/moments based on a list of nodes and elements.

    model : BDF()
        a BDF object
    eids : List[int]
        the list of elements to include (e.g. the loads due to a PLOAD4)
    nids : List[int]
        the list of nodes to include (e.g. the loads due to a FORCE card)
    p0 : int; (3,) ndarray
       the point to sum moments about
       type = int
           sum moments about the specified grid point
       type = (3, ) ndarray/list (e.g. [10., 20., 30]):
           the x, y, z location in the global frame
    loadcase_id : int
        the LOAD=ID to analyze
    include_grav : bool; default=False
        includes gravity in the summation (not supported)
    xyz_cid0 : None / Dict[int] = (3, ) ndarray
        the nodes in the global coordinate system

    forces : NUMPY.NDARRAY shape=(3,)
        the forces
    moments : NUMPY.NDARRAY shape=(3,)
        the moments

    Nodal Types  : FORCE, FORCE1, FORCE2,
                   MOMENT, MOMENT1, MOMENT2,
    Element Types: PLOAD1, PLOAD2, PLOAD4, GRAV

    If you have a CQUAD4 (eid=3) with a PLOAD4 (sid=3) and a FORCE
    card (nid=5) acting on it, you can incldue the PLOAD4, but
    not the FORCE card by using:

    For just pressure:

    .. code-block:: python

       eids = [3]
       nids = []

    For just force:

    .. code-block:: python

       eids = []
       nids = [5]

    or both:

    .. code-block:: python

       eids = [3]
       nids = [5]

    .. note:: If you split the model into sections and sum the loads
              on each section, you may not get the same result as
              if you summed the loads on the total model.  This is
              due to the fact that nodal loads on the boundary are
              double/triple/etc. counted depending on how many breaks
              you have.

    .. todo:: not done...

    if not isinstance(loadcase_id, integer_types):
        raise RuntimeError('loadcase_id must be an integer; loadcase_id=%r' % loadcase_id)
    p = _get_load_summation_point(model, p0, cid=0)

    if eids is None:
        eids = list(model.element_ids)
    if nids is None:
        nids = list(model.node_ids)

    #for (key, load_case) in model.loads.items():
        #if key != loadcase_id:

    loads, scale_factors, unused_is_grav = model.get_reduced_loads(
        loadcase_id, skip_scale_factor0=True)

    F = array([0., 0., 0.])
    M = array([0., 0., 0.])

    xyz = get_xyz_cid0_dict(model, xyz_cid0)

    unsupported_types = set()
    shell_elements = {
        'CTRIA3', 'CQUAD4', 'CTRIAR', 'CQUADR',
        'CTRIA6', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUAD', 'CSHEAR'}
    skip_loads = {'QVOL'}
    for load, scale in zip(loads, scale_factors):
        #if load.type not in ['FORCE1']:
        loadtype = load.type
        if loadtype == 'FORCE':
            if load.node_id not in nids:
            if load.Cid() != 0:
                cp_ref = load.cid_ref
                #from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import CORD2R
                #cp = CORD2R()
                f = load.mag * cp_ref.transform_vector_to_global(load.xyz) * scale
                f = load.mag * load.xyz * scale

            node = model.Node(load.node_id)
            r = xyz[node.nid] - p
            m = cross(r, f)
            F += f
            M += m

        elif load.type == 'FORCE1':
            not_found_nid = False
            for nid in load.node_ids:
                if nid not in nids:
                    not_found_nid = True
            if not_found_nid:

            f = load.mag * load.xyz * scale
            node = model.Node(load.node_id)
            r = xyz[node.nid] - p
            m = cross(r, f)
            F += f
            M += m
        elif load.type == 'FORCE2':
            not_found_nid = False
            for nid in load.node_ids:
                if nid not in nids:
                    not_found_nid = True
            if not_found_nid:

            f = load.mag * load.xyz * scale
            node = model.Node(load.node_id)
            r = xyz[node.nid] - p
            m = cross(r, f)
            F += f
            M += m
        elif load.type == 'MOMENT':
            not_found_nid = False
            for nid in load.node_ids:
                if nid not in nids:
                    not_found_nid = True
            if not_found_nid:

            if load.Cid() != 0:
                cp_ref = load.cid_ref
                m = cp_ref.transform_vector_to_global(load.xyz)
                m = load.xyz
            M += load.mag * m * scale
        elif load.type == 'MOMENT1':
            not_found_nid = False
            for nid in load.node_ids:
                if nid not in nids:
                    not_found_nid = True
            if not_found_nid:
            m = load.mag * load.xyz * scale
            M += m
        elif loadtype == 'MOMENT2':
            not_found_nid = False
            for nid in load.node_ids:
                if nid not in nids:
                    not_found_nid = True
            if not_found_nid:
            m = load.mag * load.xyz * scale
            M += m

        elif loadtype == 'PLOAD':
            nodes = load.node_ids
            nnodes = len(nodes)
            nodesi = 0
            if nnodes == 3:
                n1, n2, n3 = xyz[nodes[0]], xyz[nodes[1]], xyz[nodes[2]]
                axb = cross(n1 - n2, n1 - n3)
                centroid = (n1 + n2 + n3) / 3.

            elif nnodes == 4:
                n1, n2, n3, n4 = xyz[nodes[0]], xyz[nodes[1]], xyz[nodes[2]], xyz[nodes[3]]
                axb = cross(n1 - n3, n2 - n4)
                centroid = (n1 + n2 + n3 + n4) / 4.
                if nodes[3] in nids:
                    nodesi += 1
                raise RuntimeError('invalid number of nodes on PLOAD card; '
                                   'nodes=%s' % str(nodes))
            if nodes[0] in nids:
                nodesi += 1
            if nodes[1] in nids:
                nodesi += 1
            if nodes[2] in nids:
                nodesi += 1

            area, normal = _get_area_normal(axb, nodes, xyz)
            r = centroid - p
            f = load.pressure * area * normal * scale
            m = cross(r, f)

            node_scale = nodesi / float(nnodes)
            F += f * node_scale
            M += m * node_scale

        elif loadtype == 'PLOAD1':
            _pload1_elements(model, loadcase_id, load, scale, eids, xyz, F, M, p)

        elif loadtype == 'PLOAD2':
            pressure = load.pressure * scale
            for eid in load.element_ids:
                if eid not in eids:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                if elem.type in shell_elements:
                    normal = elem.Normal()
                    area = elem.Area()
                    f = pressure * normal * area
                    r = elem.Centroid() - p
                    m = cross(r, f)
                    F += f
                    M += m
                    #model.log.warning('case=%s etype=%r loadtype=%r not supported' % (
                        #loadcase_id, elem.type, loadtype))
                    raise NotImplementedError('case=%s etype=%r loadtype=%r not supported' % (
                        loadcase_id, elem.type, loadtype))
        elif loadtype == 'PLOAD4':
            _pload4_elements(loadcase_id, load, scale, eids, xyz, F, M, p)

        elif loadtype == 'GRAV':
            if include_grav:  # this will be super slow
                g = load.GravityVector() * scale
                for eid, elem in model.elements.items():
                    if eid not in eids:
                    centroid = elem.Centroid()
                    mass = elem.Mass()
                    r = centroid - p
                    f = mass * g
                    m = cross(r, f)
                    F += f
                    M += m
        elif loadtype in skip_loads:
            # we collect them so we only get one print

    for loadtype in unsupported_types:
        model.log.warning('case=%s loadtype=%r not supported' % (loadcase_id, loadtype))
    #model.log.info("case=%s F=%s M=%s\n" % (loadcase_id, F, M))

    if cid == 0:
        return F, M
    cid0 = 0
    F2, M2 = transform_load(F, M, cid0, cid, model)
    return F2, M2
def sum_forces_moments(model: BDF, p0: np.ndarray, loadcase_id: int,
                       cid: int=0,
                       include_grav: bool=False,
                       xyz_cid0: Optional[Dict[int, NDArray3float]]=None,
                       ) -> Tuple[NDArray3float, NDArray3float]:
    Sums applied forces & moments about a reference point p0 for all
    load cases.

      - LOAD

    model : BDF()
        a BDF object
    p0 : NUMPY.NDARRAY shape=(3,) or integer (node ID)
        the reference point
    loadcase_id : int
        the LOAD=ID to analyze
    cid : int; default=0
        the coordinate system for the summation
    include_grav : bool; default=False
        includes gravity in the summation (not supported)
    xyz_cid0 : None / Dict[int] = (3, ) ndarray
        the nodes in the global coordinate system

    forces : NUMPY.NDARRAY shape=(3,)
        the forces
    moments : NUMPY.NDARRAY shape=(3,)
        the moments

    .. warning:: not full validated
    .. todo:: It's super slow for cid != 0.   We can speed this up a lot
             if we calculate the normal, area, centroid based on
             precomputed node locations.

    Pressure acts in the normal direction per model/real/loads.bdf and loads.f06

    if not isinstance(loadcase_id, integer_types):
        raise RuntimeError('loadcase_id must be an integer; loadcase_id=%r' % loadcase_id)

    p = _get_load_summation_point(model, p0, cid=0)
    loads, scale_factors, unused_is_grav = model.get_reduced_loads(
        loadcase_id, skip_scale_factor0=True)

    F = array([0., 0., 0.])
    M = array([0., 0., 0.])
    xyz = get_xyz_cid0_dict(model, xyz_cid0=xyz_cid0)

    unsupported_types = set()
    for load, scale in zip(loads, scale_factors):
        #if load.type not in ['FORCE1']:
        if load.type == 'FORCE':
            if load.Cid() != 0:
                cp_ref = load.cid_ref
                #from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import CORD2R
                #cp_ref = CORD2R()
                f = load.mag * cp_ref.transform_vector_to_global(load.xyz) * scale
                f = load.mag * load.xyz * scale

            node = model.Node(load.node_id)
            r = xyz[node.nid] - p
            m = cross(r, f)
            F += f
            M += m
        elif load.type == 'FORCE1':
            f = load.mag * load.xyz * scale
            node = model.Node(load.node_id)
            r = xyz[node.nid] - p
            m = cross(r, f)
            F += f
            M += m
        elif load.type == 'FORCE2':
            f = load.mag * load.xyz * scale
            node = model.Node(load.node_id)
            r = xyz[node.nid] - p
            m = cross(r, f)
            F += f
            M += m
        elif load.type == 'MOMENT':
            if load.Cid() != 0:
                cp = load.cid_ref
                #from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import CORD2R
                #cp = CORD2R()
                m = load.mag * cp.transform_vector_to_global(load.xyz) * scale
                m = load.mag * load.xyz * scale
            M += m
        elif load.type == 'MOMENT1':
            m = load.mag * load.xyz * scale
            M += m
        elif load.type == 'MOMENT2':
            m = load.mag * load.xyz * scale
            M += m

        elif load.type == 'PLOAD':
            nodes = load.node_ids
            nnodes = len(nodes)
            if nnodes == 3:
                n1, n2, n3 = xyz[nodes[0]], xyz[nodes[1]], xyz[nodes[2]]
                axb = cross(n1 - n2, n1 - n3)
                centroid = (n1 + n2 + n3) / 3.
            elif nnodes == 4:
                n1, n2, n3, n4 = xyz[nodes[0]], xyz[nodes[1]], xyz[nodes[2]], xyz[nodes[3]]
                axb = cross(n1 - n3, n2 - n4)
                centroid = (n1 + n2 + n3 + n4) / 4.
                msg = 'invalid number of nodes on PLOAD card; nodes=%s' % str(nodes)
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            area, normal = _get_area_normal(axb, nodes, xyz)
            r = centroid - p
            f = load.pressure * area * normal * scale
            m = cross(r, f)

            F += f
            M += m

        elif load.type == 'PLOAD1':
            _pload1_total(model, loadcase_id, load, scale, xyz, F, M, p)

        elif load.type == 'PLOAD2':
            pressure = load.pressure * scale
            for eid in load.element_ids:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                if elem.type in ['CTRIA3', 'CQUAD4', 'CSHEAR', 'CQUADR', 'CTRIAR']:
                    n = elem.Normal()
                    area = elem.Area()
                    f = pressure * n * area
                    r = elem.Centroid() - p
                    m = cross(r, f)
                    F += f
                    M += m
                    model.log.warning('case=%s etype=%r loadtype=%r not supported' % (
                        loadcase_id, elem.type, load.type))
        elif load.type == 'PLOAD4':
            _pload4_total(loadcase_id, load, scale, xyz, F, M, p)

        elif load.type == 'GRAV':
            if include_grav:  # this will be super slow
                gravity = load.GravityVector() * scale
                for eid, elem in model.elements.items():
                    centroid = elem.Centroid()
                    mass = elem.Mass()
                    r = centroid - p
                    f = mass * gravity
                    m = cross(r, f)
                    F += f
                    M += m
            # we collect them so we only get one print

    for load_type in unsupported_types:
        model.log.warning('case=%s loadtype=%r not supported' % (loadcase_id, load_type))

    #forces, moments = sum_forces_moments(self, p0, loadcase_id,
    #include_grav=include_grav, xyz_cid0=xyz_cid0)
    if cid == 0:
        return F, M
    cid0 = 0
    F2, M2 = transform_load(F, M, cid0, cid, model)
    return F2, M2
    def sum_forces_moments_elements(self, p0: int, loadcase_id: int,
                                    eids: List[int], nids: List[int],
                                    cid: int=0,
                                    include_grav: bool=False,
                                    xyz_cid0: Union[None, Dict[int, NDArray3float]]=None,
                                    ) -> Tuple[NDArray3float, NDArray3float]:
        Sum the forces/moments based on a list of nodes and elements.

        p0 : int; (3,) ndarray
           the point to sum moments about
           type = int
               sum moments about the specified grid point
           type = (3, ) ndarray/list (e.g. [10., 20., 30]):
               the x, y, z location in the global frame
        loadcase_id : int
            the LOAD=ID to analyze
        eids : List[int]
            the list of elements to include (e.g. the loads due to a PLOAD4)
        nids : List[int]
            the list of nodes to include (e.g. the loads due to a FORCE card)
        cid : int; default=0
            the coordinate system for the summation
        include_grav : bool; default=False
            includes gravity in the summation (not supported)
        xyz_cid0 : None / Dict[int] = (3, ) ndarray
            the nodes in the global coordinate system

        forces : NUMPY.NDARRAY shape=(3,)
            the forces
        moments : NUMPY.NDARRAY shape=(3,)
            the moments

        Nodal Types  : FORCE, FORCE1, FORCE2,
                       MOMENT, MOMENT1, MOMENT2,
        Element Types: PLOAD1, PLOAD2, PLOAD4, GRAV

        If you have a CQUAD4 (eid=3) with a PLOAD4 (sid=3) and a FORCE
        card (nid=5) acting on it, you can incldue the PLOAD4, but
        not the FORCE card by using:

        For just pressure:

        .. code-block:: python

          eids = [3]
          nids = []

        For just force:

        .. code-block:: python

          eids = []
          nids = [5]

        or both:

        .. code-block:: python

          eids = [3]
          nids = [5]

        If you split the model into sections and sum the loads
        on each section, you may not get the same result as
        if you summed the loads on the total model.  This is
        due to the fact that nodal loads on the boundary are
        double/triple/etc. counted depending on how many breaks
        you have.

        .. todo:: not done...

            'forces, moments = model.sum_forces_moments_elements(...)',
            'from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.loads import sum_forces_moments_elements\n'
            'forces, moments = sum_forces_moments_elements(model, ...)',
        forces, moments = sum_forces_moments_elements(self, p0, loadcase_id, eids, nids,
                                                      include_grav=include_grav, xyz_cid0=xyz_cid0)
        if cid == 0:
            return forces, moments
        cid0 = 0
        forces, moments = transform_load(forces, moments, cid0, cid, self)
        return forces, moments