 def __init__(self):
     foam_points = FoamFile('points')
     lines = foam_points.read_foam_file()
     self.d = convert_to_dict(self, lines)
    def read_openfoam(self, block_mesh_name='blockMeshDict'):
        """reads the BlockMesh file"""
        self.log.info('block_mesh_name = %r' % block_mesh_name)
        foam_file = FoamFile(block_mesh_name)
        foam_lines = foam_file.read_foam_file()

        foam_file_dict = convert_to_dict(self, foam_lines, debug=True)
        #unused_keys = foam_file_dict.keys()

        vertices = foam_file_dict['vertices']
        blocks = foam_file_dict['blocks']
        boundaries = foam_file_dict['boundary']

        nodes = []
        for unused_ivertex, vertex in vertices.items():
            x, y, z = vertex.strip('() ').split()
            nodes.append([x, y, z])

        hexas = []
        npoints = []
        grading = []
        for key, block in blocks.items():
            hexa, npointsi, gradingi, blank = block.split(')')
            assert blank == '', '%r' % blank

            hexa = hexa.replace('hex (', '').split()
            npointsi = npointsi.strip('( ').split()
            gradingi = gradingi.split('(')[1].split()
            #self.log.info('%s %s' % (npointsi, gradingi))
            hexa = [int(i) for i in hexa]
            #print('hexa', key, hexa)

        bc_map = {
            'wall': 0,
            'patch': 1,
            'symmetry': 2,
        iname_to_quads = defaultdict(list)
        inames = []
        bcs = []
        iname = 1
        iname_to_name = {}
        iname_to_type = {}
        quads = []
        for key, boundary in boundaries.items():
            #print key, boundary.keys()
            Type = boundary['type']
            bc = bc_map[Type]
            faces = boundary['faces']
            iname_to_name[iname] = key
            iname_to_type[iname] = Type
            for unused_iface, face in faces.items():
                quad = face.strip('() ').split()
                quad = [int(i) for i in quad]
            self.log.info('iname=%s -> %s; bc=%s -> %s' %
                          (iname, key, bc, Type))
            iname += 1

        nodes = np.array(nodes, dtype='float32')
        self.nodes = nodes

        hexas = np.array(hexas, dtype='int32')
        npoints = np.array(npoints, dtype='int32')
        grading = np.array(grading, dtype='float32')
        self.hexas = hexas
        self.npoints = npoints
        self.grading = grading

        quads = np.array(quads, dtype='int32')
        inames = np.array(inames, dtype='int32')
        bcs = np.array(bcs, dtype='int32')

        self.quads = quads
        self.iname_to_quads = iname_to_quads
        self.inames = inames
        self.bcs = bcs
        self.iname_to_name = iname_to_name
        self.iname_to_type = iname_to_type

        #bdf_filename = 'blockMesh.bdf'
        #self.write_bdf(bdf_filename, nodes, hexas)
        return nodes, hexas, quads, inames, bcs
 def __init__(self):
     f = FoamFile('faces')
     lines = f.read_foam_file()
     self.d = convert_to_dict(self, lines)
    def read_openfoam(self, point_filename, face_filename, boundary_filename):
        assert os.path.exists(face_filename), print_bad_path(face_filename)
        assert os.path.exists(point_filename), print_bad_path(point_filename)
        assert os.path.exists(boundary_filename), print_bad_path(

        print('face_filename = %r' % face_filename)
        print('point_filename = %r' % point_filename)
        print('boundary_filename = %r' % boundary_filename)

        assert 'faces' in face_filename, face_filename
        assert 'points' in point_filename, point_filename
        assert 'boundary' in boundary_filename, boundary_filename

        print('starting Boundary')
        p = PointFile(log=None, debug=True)
        #from PyFoam.RunDictionary.ParsedBlockMeshDict import ParsedBlockMeshDict

        f = FaceFile(log=None, debug=True)

        b = BoundaryFile(log=None, debug=False)
        boundaries = b.read_boundary_file(boundary_filename)

        if 0:
            b = FoamFile(boundary_filename, log=p.log)

            print('getting lines')
            blines = b.read_foam_file()
            bd = convert_to_dict(b, blines, debug=True)
            del blines

        print('getting npoints')
        #print write_dict(d)

        # count number of faces by looking at the boundary info
        # so we can allocate faces2
        nfaces2 = 0
        ifaces_to_read = []
        #f_boundary_faces = open('boundary_faces.py', 'wb')
        for name, boundary in iteritems(boundaries):
            # type            patch;  # 0
            # nFaces          nFaces; # 1
            # startFace       777700; # 2
            print('boundary[%s] = %s' % (name, boundary))
            nfacesi = boundary[1]
            startface = int(boundary[2])
            nfaces2 += nfacesi
            new_faces = list(arange(nfacesi, dtype='int32') + startface)
            #f_boundary_faces.write('boundary_faces[%s, %s] = %s\n' % (name, len(new_faces), new_faces))
            ifaces_to_read += new_faces

        print('nfaces2 = ', nfaces2)
        ifaces_to_read = ravel(ifaces_to_read)
        assert len(
            ifaces_to_read) == nfaces2, 'len(ifaces_to_read)=%s nfaces2=%s' % (
                ifaces_to_read.shape, nfaces2)

        faces = f.read_face_file(face_filename, ifaces_to_read=ifaces_to_read)
        #faces = f.read_face_file(face_filename, ifaces_to_read=None)
        del ifaces_to_read

        if 0:
            # doesn't work for some reason...
            # we want to only plot a subset of faces to reduce the data set
            # that works, but we also need to decrease the number of nodes (they take wayyy too long)

            # so we take our faces, get the unique nodes
            # sort them so they're consistent with the order in the file using the same block of code
            # that works in the face reader, but it still fails for some reason...

            # after this step, we renumber the faces with the adjusted node ids
            ipoints_to_read = unique(faces.ravel())
            print('nnodes = %s' % len(ipoints_to_read))
            print('ipoints_to_read = %s' % ipoints_to_read)
            ipoints_to_read = None
        nodes = p.read_point_file(point_filename,

        if ipoints_to_read is not None:
            nid_to_ipoint = {}
            for i, nid in enumerate(ipoints_to_read):
                nid_to_ipoint[nid] = i

            print(faces, faces.max())
            for i, face in enumerate(faces):
                #print('face      = %s' % face)
                faces[i, 0] = nid_to_ipoint[faces[i, 0]]
                faces[i, 1] = nid_to_ipoint[faces[i, 1]]
                faces[i, 2] = nid_to_ipoint[faces[i, 2]]
                #print('faces[%i] = %s' % (i, faces[i, :]))
            print(faces, faces.max())
            del ipoints_to_read
            del nid_to_ipoint
        # keep only the required faces
        iface = 0
        #faces2 = zeros((nfaces2, 4), dtype='int32')
        names = zeros(nfaces2, dtype='int32')
        iname = 1
        snames = [None] * (len(boundaries) + 1)
        for name, boundary in iteritems(boundaries):
            self.log.info('iname=%s name=%s boundary=%s' %
                          (iname, name, boundary))
            # type            patch;
            # nFaces          nFaces;
            # startFace       777700;
                Type = boundary[0]
                nfacesi = int(boundary[1])
                startface = int(boundary[2])
            #faces2[iface:iface+nfacesi] = faces[startface:startface + nfacesi]
            names[iface:iface + nfacesi] = iname
            snames[iname] = name
            iface += nfacesi
            iname += 1
        #del faces
        quads = faces

        if 0:
            for iface, face in enumerate(faces):
                pid = names[iface]
                name = snames[pid]
                    '%i (%i %i %i %i) pid=%s name=%s\n' %
                    (iface, face[0], face[1], face[2], face[3], pid, name))

            f_boundary_faces.write('\n\n---First Faces----\n')
            pid_save = set([])
            for iface, face in enumerate(faces):
                pid = names[iface]
                if pid not in pid_save:
                    name = snames[pid]
                        '%i (%i %i %i %i) pid=%s name=%s\n' %
                        (iface, face[0], face[1], face[2], face[3], pid, name))

        # only save the unique nodes
        # ...
        #unodes = unique(quads.ravel())
        #nodes = nodes[unodes, :]

        # renumber the nodes on the faces
        # ...
        self.log.debug('names=%s; max=%s min=%s' %
                       (names, names.max(), names.min()))

        print('done with Boundary')
        #self.nodes = nodes
        return nodes, quads, names
 def __init__(self):
     foam_points = FoamFile('points')
     lines = foam_points.read_foam_file()
     self.d = convert_to_dict(self, lines)
 def __init__(self):
     f = FoamFile('faces')
     lines = f.read_foam_file()
     self.d = convert_to_dict(self, lines)
    def read_openfoam(self, blockMesh_name='blockMeshDict'):
        print('blockMesh_name = %r' % blockMesh_name)
        f = FoamFile(blockMesh_name)
        lines = f.read_foam_file()

        d = convert_to_dict(self, lines, debug=True)
        #print write_dict(d)
        keys = d.keys()

        vertices = d['vertices']
        blocks = d['blocks']
        boundaries = d['boundary']

        nodes = []
        for ivertex, vertex in iteritems(vertices):
            x, y, z = vertex.strip('() ').split()
            nodes.append([x, y, z])

        hexas = []
        npoints = []
        grading = []
        for key, block in iteritems(blocks):
            hexa, npointsi, gradingi, blank = block.split(')')
            assert blank == '', '%r' % blank

            hexa = hexa.replace('hex (', '').split()
            npointsi = npointsi.strip('( ').split()
            gradingi = gradingi.split('(')[1].split()
            #print npointsi, gradingi
            hexa = [int(i) for i in hexa]
            #print('hexa', key, hexa)

        bc_map = {
            'wall' : 0,
            'patch' : 1,
            'symmetry' : 2,
        iname_to_quads = defaultdict(list)
        inames = []
        bcs = []
        iname = 1
        iname_to_name = {}
        iname_to_type = {}
        quads = []
        for key, boundary in iteritems(boundaries):
            #print key, boundary.keys()
            Type = boundary['type']
            bc = bc_map[Type]
            faces = boundary['faces']
            iname_to_name[iname] = key
            iname_to_type[iname] = Type
            for iface, face in iteritems(faces):
                quad = face.strip('() ').split()
                quad = [int(i) for i in quad]
            self.log.info('iname=%s -> %s; bc=%s -> %s' % (iname, key, bc, Type))
            iname += 1

        nodes = array(nodes, dtype='float32')
        self.nodes = nodes

        hexas = array(hexas, dtype='int32')
        npoints = array(npoints, dtype='int32')
        grading = array(grading, dtype='float32')
        self.hexas = hexas
        self.npoints = npoints
        self.grading = grading

        quads = array(quads, dtype='int32')
        inames = array(inames, dtype='int32')
        bcs = array(bcs, dtype='int32')

        self.iname_to_quads = iname_to_quads
        self.inames = inames
        self.bcs = bcs
        self.iname_to_name = iname_to_name
        self.iname_to_type = iname_to_type

        bdf_filename = 'blockMesh.bdf'
        #self.write_bdf(bdf_filename, nodes, hexas)
        return nodes, hexas, quads, inames, bcs
    def read_openfoam(self, point_filename, face_filename, boundary_filename):
        assert os.path.exists(face_filename), print_bad_path(face_filename)
        assert os.path.exists(point_filename), print_bad_path(point_filename)
        assert os.path.exists(boundary_filename), print_bad_path(boundary_filename)

        print('face_filename = %r' % face_filename)
        print('point_filename = %r' % point_filename)
        print('boundary_filename = %r' % boundary_filename)

        assert 'faces' in face_filename, face_filename
        assert 'points' in point_filename, point_filename
        assert 'boundary' in boundary_filename, boundary_filename

        print('starting Boundary')
        p = PointFile(log=None, debug=True)
        #from PyFoam.RunDictionary.ParsedBlockMeshDict import ParsedBlockMeshDict

        f = FaceFile(log=None, debug=True)

        b = BoundaryFile(log=None, debug=False)
        boundaries = b.read_boundary_file(boundary_filename)

        if 0:
            b = FoamFile(boundary_filename, log=p.log)

            print('getting lines')
            blines = b.read_foam_file()
            bd = convert_to_dict(b, blines, debug=True)
            del blines

        print('getting npoints')
        #print write_dict(d)

        # count number of faces by looking at the boundary info
        # so we can allocate faces2
        nfaces2 = 0
        ifaces_to_read = []
        #f_boundary_faces = open('boundary_faces.py', 'wb')
        for name, boundary in iteritems(boundaries):
            # type            patch;  # 0
            # nFaces          nFaces; # 1
            # startFace       777700; # 2
            print('boundary[%s] = %s' % (name, boundary))
            nfacesi = boundary[1]
            startface = int(boundary[2])
            nfaces2 += nfacesi
            new_faces = list(arange(nfacesi, dtype='int32') + startface)
            #f_boundary_faces.write('boundary_faces[%s, %s] = %s\n' % (name, len(new_faces), new_faces))
            ifaces_to_read += new_faces

        print('nfaces2 = ', nfaces2)
        ifaces_to_read = ravel(ifaces_to_read)
        assert len(ifaces_to_read) == nfaces2, 'len(ifaces_to_read)=%s nfaces2=%s' % (ifaces_to_read.shape, nfaces2)

        faces = f.read_face_file(face_filename, ifaces_to_read=ifaces_to_read)
        #faces = f.read_face_file(face_filename, ifaces_to_read=None)
        del ifaces_to_read

        if 0:
            # doesn't work for some reason...
            # we want to only plot a subset of faces to reduce the data set
            # that works, but we also need to decrease the number of nodes (they take wayyy too long)

            # so we take our faces, get the unique nodes
            # sort them so they're consistent with the order in the file using the same block of code
            # that works in the face reader, but it still fails for some reason...

            # after this step, we renumber the faces with the adjusted node ids
            ipoints_to_read = unique(faces.ravel())
            print('nnodes = %s' % len(ipoints_to_read))
            print('ipoints_to_read = %s' % ipoints_to_read)
            ipoints_to_read = None
        nodes = p.read_point_file(point_filename, ipoints_to_read=ipoints_to_read)

        if ipoints_to_read is not None:
            nid_to_ipoint = {}
            for i, nid in enumerate(ipoints_to_read):
                nid_to_ipoint[nid] = i

            print(faces, faces.max())
            for i, face in enumerate(faces):
                #print('face      = %s' % face)
                faces[i, 0] = nid_to_ipoint[faces[i, 0]]
                faces[i, 1] = nid_to_ipoint[faces[i, 1]]
                faces[i, 2] = nid_to_ipoint[faces[i, 2]]
                #print('faces[%i] = %s' % (i, faces[i, :]))
            print(faces, faces.max())
            del ipoints_to_read
            del nid_to_ipoint
        # keep only the required faces
        iface = 0
        #faces2 = zeros((nfaces2, 4), dtype='int32')
        names = zeros(nfaces2, dtype='int32')
        iname = 1
        snames = [None] * (len(boundaries) + 1)
        for name, boundary in iteritems(boundaries):
            self.log.info('iname=%s name=%s boundary=%s' % (iname, name, boundary))
            # type            patch;
            # nFaces          nFaces;
            # startFace       777700;
                Type = boundary[0]
                nfacesi = int(boundary[1])
                startface = int(boundary[2])
            #faces2[iface:iface+nfacesi] = faces[startface:startface + nfacesi]
            names[iface:iface+nfacesi] = iname
            snames[iname] = name
            iface += nfacesi
            iname += 1
        #del faces
        quads = faces

        if 0:
            for iface, face in enumerate(faces):
                pid = names[iface]
                name = snames[pid]
                f_boundary_faces.write('%i (%i %i %i %i) pid=%s name=%s\n' % (iface, face[0], face[1], face[2], face[3], pid, name))

            f_boundary_faces.write('\n\n---First Faces----\n')
            pid_save = set([])
            for iface, face in enumerate(faces):
                pid = names[iface]
                if pid not in pid_save:
                    name = snames[pid]
                    f_boundary_faces.write('%i (%i %i %i %i) pid=%s name=%s\n' % (iface, face[0], face[1], face[2], face[3], pid, name))

        # only save the unique nodes
        # ...
        #unodes = unique(quads.ravel())
        #nodes = nodes[unodes, :]

        # renumber the nodes on the faces
        # ...
        self.log.debug('names=%s; max=%s min=%s' % (names, names.max(), names.min()))

        print('done with Boundary')
        #self.nodes = nodes
        return nodes, quads, names