    def center_of_mass(self):
        """the centroid formuala is way more complicated if you consider the nonstructural mass axis"""
        elem = self
        prop = self.pid_ref
        node1 = self.ga_ref
        node2 = self.gb_ref
        xyz1 = node1.get_position()
        xyz2 = node2.get_position()
        #centroid = ( + self.gb_ref.get_position()) / 2.
        centroid = (xyz1 + xyz2) / 2.
        #length = norm(xyz2 - xyz1)
        #cda = model.nodes[n1].cid_ref
        #cdb = model.nodes[n2].cid_ref

        model = None
        log = None
        is_failed, out = elem.get_axes_by_nodes(model, self.pid_ref, node1, node2, xyz1, xyz2, log)
        if is_failed:
            raise RuntimeError(out)

        wa, wb, _ihat, jhat, khat = out
        p1 = xyz1 + wa
        p2 = xyz2 + wb

        if prop.type == 'PBEAM':
            rho = prop.Rho()

            # we don't call the MassPerLength method so we can put the NSM centroid
            # on a different axis (the PBEAM is weird)
            mass_per_lengths = []
            nsm_per_lengths = []
            for (area, nsm) in zip(prop.A, prop.nsm):
                mass_per_lengths.append(area * rho)
            mass_per_length = integrate_positive_unit_line(prop.xxb, mass_per_lengths)
            nsm_per_length = integrate_positive_unit_line(prop.xxb, nsm_per_lengths)
            nsm_n1 = (p1 + jhat * prop.m1a + khat * prop.m2a)
            nsm_n2 = (p2 + jhat * prop.m1b + khat * prop.m2b)
            #print("nsm_per_length=%s" % nsm_per_length)
            #print("nsm_n1=%s" % nsm_n1)
            #print("nsm_n2=%s" % nsm_n2)
            nsm_centroid = (nsm_n1 + nsm_n2) / 2.
            #if nsm != 0.:
                #p1_nsm = p1 + prop.ma
                #p2_nsm = p2 + prop.mb
        elif prop.type == 'PBEAML':
            mass_per_lengths = prop.get_mass_per_lengths()
            #mass_per_length = prop.MassPerLength() # includes simplified nsm

            # m1a, m1b, m2a, m2b=0.
            nsm_centroid = (p1 + p2) / 2.

            # mass_per_length already includes nsm
            mass_per_length = integrate_positive_unit_line(prop.xxb, mass_per_lengths)
            nsm_per_length = 0.

            #print('mass_per_lengths=%s nsm_per_lengths=%s' % (
                #mass_per_lengths, nsm_per_lengths))
            #print('mass_per_length=%s nsm_per_length=%s' % (
                #mass_per_length, nsm_per_length))

            #nsm_centroid = np.zeros(3) # TODO: what is this...
            #nsm = prop.nsm[0] * length # TODO: simplified
        elif prop.type == 'PBCOMP':
            mass_per_length = prop.MassPerLength()
            nsm_per_length = prop.nsm
            nsm_n1 = (p1 + jhat * prop.m1 + khat * prop.m2)
            nsm_n2 = (p2 + jhat * prop.m1 + khat * prop.m2)
            nsm_centroid = (nsm_n1 + nsm_n2) / 2.
        #elif prop.type == 'PBMSECT':
            #mass_per_length = prop.MassPerLength()
            #m = mass_per_length * length
            #nsm = prop.nsm
            raise NotImplementedError(prop.type)

        total_mass = mass_per_length + nsm_per_length
        if total_mass == 0.0:
            return centroid
        centroid2 = (centroid * mass_per_length + nsm_centroid * nsm_per_length) / total_mass
        return centroid2
def _mass_properties_new(model,
                         xyz_cid0=None):  # pragma: no cover
    half implemented, not tested, should be faster someday...
    don't use this

    Caclulates mass properties in the global system about the
    reference point.

    model : BDF()
        a BDF object
    element_ids : list[int]; (n, ) ndarray, optional
        An array of element ids.
    mass_ids : list[int]; (n, ) ndarray, optional
        An array of mass ids.
    reference_point : ndarray/str/int, optional
        type : ndarray
            An array that defines the origin of the frame.
            default = <0,0,0>.
        type : str
            'cg' is the only allowed string
        type : int
            the node id
    sym_axis : str, optional
        The axis to which the model is symmetric. If AERO cards are used, this can be left blank
        allowed_values = 'no', x', 'y', 'z', 'xy', 'yz', 'xz', 'xyz'
    scale : float, optional
        The WTMASS scaling value.
        default=None -> PARAM, WTMASS is used
        float > 0.0
    xyz_cid0 : dict[nid] : xyz; default=None -> auto-calculate
        mapping of the node id to the global position

    mass : float
        The mass of the model.
    cg : ndarray
        The cg of the model as an array.
    I : ndarray
        Moment of inertia array([Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz]).

    I = mass * centroid * centroid

    .. math:: I_{xx} = m (dy^2 + dz^2)

    .. math:: I_{yz} = -m * dy * dz


    .. math:: dx = x_{element} - x_{ref}

    .. seealso:: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_of_inertia#Moment_of_inertia_tensor

    .. note::
       This doesn't use the mass matrix formulation like Nastran.
       It assumes m*r^2 is the dominant term.
       If you're trying to get the mass of a single element, it
       will be wrong, but for real models will be correct.

    Example 1
    # mass properties of entire structure
    mass, cg, I = model.mass_properties()
    Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz = I

    Example 2
    # mass properties of model based on Property ID
    pids = list(model.pids.keys())
    pid_eids = model.get_element_ids_dict_with_pids(pids)

    for pid, eids in sorted(iteritems(pid_eids)):
        mass, cg, I = mass_properties(model, element_ids=eids)
    #if reference_point is None:
    reference_point = array([0., 0., 0.])

    if xyz_cid0 is None:
        xyz = {}
        for nid, node in iteritems(model.nodes):
            xyz[nid] = node.get_position()
        xyz = xyz_cid0

    elements, masses = _mass_properties_elements_init(model, element_ids,

    #mass = 0.
    #cg = array([0., 0., 0.])
    #I = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., ])
    #if isinstance(reference_point, string_types):
    #if reference_point == 'cg':
    #mass = 0.
    #for pack in [elements, masses]:
    #for element in pack:
    #p = element.Centroid()
    #m = element.Mass()
    #mass += m
    #cg += m * p
    #if mass == 0.0:
    #return mass, cg, I

    #reference_point = cg / mass
    ## reference_point = [0.,0.,0.] or user-defined array

    mass = 0.
    cg = array([0., 0., 0.])
    I = array([

    no_mass = [
        'CELAS4',  #'CLEAS5',
        'CGAP',  # is this right?
    all_eids = np.array(list(model.elements.keys()), dtype='int32')

    all_mass_ids = np.array(list(model.masses.keys()), dtype='int32')

    #def _increment_inertia0(centroid, reference_point, m, mass, cg, I):
    #"""helper method"""
    #(x, y, z) = centroid - reference_point
    #mass += m
    #cg += m * centroid
    #return mass

    def _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass, cg, I):
        """helper method"""
        (x, y, z) = centroid - reference_point
        x2 = x * x
        y2 = y * y
        z2 = z * z
        I[0] += m * (y2 + z2)  # Ixx
        I[1] += m * (x2 + z2)  # Iyy
        I[2] += m * (x2 + y2)  # Izz
        I[3] += m * x * y  # Ixy
        I[4] += m * x * z  # Ixz
        I[5] += m * y * z  # Iyz
        mass += m
        cg += m * centroid
        return mass

    def get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids):
        """supports limiting the element/mass ids"""
        eids = np.array(eids)
        ieids = np.searchsorted(all_eids, eids)
        eids2 = eids[all_eids[ieids] == eids]
        return eids2

    etypes_skipped = set([])
    for etype, eids in iteritems(model._type_to_id_map):
        if etype in no_mass:
        elif etype in ['CROD', 'CONROD']:
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                n1, n2 = elem.node_ids
                length = norm(xyz[n2] - xyz[n1])
                centroid = (xyz[n1] + xyz[n2]) / 2.
                mpl = elem.MassPerLength()
                m = mpl * length
                mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass,
                                          cg, I)
        elif etype == 'CTUBE':
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                n1, n2 = elem.node_ids
                length = norm(xyz[n2] - xyz[n1])
                centroid = (xyz[n1] + xyz[n2]) / 2.
                mpl = elem.pid_ref.MassPerLength()
                m = mpl * length
                mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass,
                                          cg, I)
        elif etype == 'CBAR':
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                n1, n2 = elem.node_ids
                centroid = (xyz[n1] + xyz[n2]) / 2.
                length = norm(xyz[n2] - xyz[n1])
                mpl = elem.pid_ref.MassPerLength()
                m = mpl * length
                mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass,
                                          cg, I)
        elif etype == 'CBEAM':
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                prop = elem.pid_ref
                n1, n2 = elem.node_ids
                node1 = xyz[n1]
                node2 = xyz[n2]
                centroid = (node1 + node2) / 2.
                length = norm(node2 - node1)
                #cda = model.nodes[n1].cid_ref
                #cdb = model.nodes[n2].cid_ref

                is_failed, wa, wb, _ihat, jhat, khat = elem.get_axes(model)
                p1 = node1 + wa
                p2 = node2 + wb
                if prop.type == 'PBEAM':
                    rho = prop.Rho()
                    mass_per_lengths = []
                    nsm_per_lengths = []
                    for (area, nsm) in zip(prop.A, prop.nsm):
                        mass_per_lengths.append(area * rho)
                    mass_per_length = integrate_positive_unit_line(
                        prop.xxb, mass_per_lengths)
                    nsm_per_length = integrate_positive_unit_line(
                        prop.xxb, nsm_per_lengths)
                    #nsm = np.mean(prop.nsm)
                    nsm = nsm_per_length * length
                    m = mass_per_length * length
                    nsm_n1 = (p1 + jhat * prop.m1a + khat * prop.m2a)
                    nsm_n2 = (p2 + jhat * prop.m1b + khat * prop.m2b)
                    nsm_centroid = (nsm_n1 + nsm_n2) / 2.
                    #if nsm != 0.:
                    #p1_nsm = p1 + prop.ma
                    #p2_nsm = p2 + prop.mb
                elif prop.type == 'PBEAML':
                    #mass_per_lengths = elem.get_mass_per_lengths()
                    mass_per_length = prop.MassPerLength(
                    )  # includes simplified nsm
                    m = mass_per_length * length
                    nsm_centroid = np.zeros(3)
                    nsm = prop.nsm[0]  # TODO: simplified
                elif prop.type == 'PBCOMP':
                    mass_per_length = prop.MassPerLength()
                    m = mass_per_length * length
                    nsm = prop.nsm
                    nsm_n1 = (p1 + jhat * prop.m1 + khat * prop.m2)
                    nsm_n2 = (p2 + jhat * prop.m1 + khat * prop.m2)
                    nsm_centroid = (nsm_n1 + nsm_n2) / 2.
                    raise NotImplementedError(prop.type)

                #mpl = elem.pid_ref.MassPerLength()
                #m = mpl * length

                (x, y, z) = centroid - reference_point
                (xm, ym, zm) = nsm_centroid - reference_point
                x2 = x * x
                y2 = y * y
                z2 = z * z
                xm2 = xm * xm
                ym2 = ym * ym
                zm2 = zm * zm

                # Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz
                I[0] += m * (y2 + z2) + nsm * (ym2 + zm2)
                I[1] += m * (x2 + z2) + nsm * (xm2 + zm2)
                I[2] += m * (x2 + y2) + nsm * (xm2 + ym2)
                I[3] += m * x * y + nsm * xm * ym
                I[4] += m * x * z + nsm * xm * zm
                I[5] += m * y * z + nsm * ym * zm
                mass += m + nsm
                cg += m * centroid + nsm * nsm_centroid

        elif etype in ['CTRIA3', 'CTRIA6', 'CTRIAR']:
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                n1, n2, n3 = elem.node_ids[:3]
                prop = elem.pid_ref
                centroid = (xyz[n1] + xyz[n2] + xyz[n3]) / 3.
                area = 0.5 * norm(cross(xyz[n1] - xyz[n2], xyz[n1] - xyz[n3]))
                if prop.type == 'PSHELL':
                    tflag = elem.tflag
                    ti = prop.Thickness()
                    if tflag == 0:
                        # absolute
                        t1 = elem.T1 if elem.T1 else ti
                        t2 = elem.T2 if elem.T2 else ti
                        t3 = elem.T3 if elem.T3 else ti
                    elif tflag == 1:
                        # relative
                        t1 = elem.T1 * ti if elem.T1 else ti
                        t2 = elem.T2 * ti if elem.T2 else ti
                        t3 = elem.T3 * ti if elem.T3 else ti
                        raise RuntimeError('tflag=%r' % tflag)
                    assert t1 + t2 + t3 > 0., 't1=%s t2=%s t3=%s' % (t1, t2,
                    t = (t1 + t2 + t3) / 3.

                    # m/A = rho * A * t + nsm
                    #mass_per_area = elem.nsm + rho * elem.t

                    mpa = prop.nsm + prop.Rho() * t
                    #mpa = elem.pid_ref.MassPerArea()
                    m = mpa * area
                elif prop.type in ['PCOMP', 'PCOMPG']:
                    # PCOMP, PCOMPG
                    #rho_t = prop.get_rho_t()
                    #nsm = prop.nsm
                    #rho_t = [mat.Rho() * t for (mat, t) in zip(prop.mids_ref, prop.ts)]
                    #mpa = sum(rho_t) + nsm

                    # works for PCOMP
                    # F:\Program Files\Siemens\NXNastran\nxn10p1\nxn10p1\nast\tpl\cqr3compbuck.dat
                    mpa = prop.get_mass_per_area()
                elif prop.type == 'PLPLANE':
                    raise NotImplementedError(prop.type)
                m = area * mpa
                mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass,
                                          cg, I)
        elif etype in ['CQUAD4', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUADR']:
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                n1, n2, n3, n4 = elem.node_ids[:4]
                prop = elem.pid_ref
                centroid = (xyz[n1] + xyz[n2] + xyz[n3] + xyz[n4]) / 4.
                area = 0.5 * norm(cross(xyz[n3] - xyz[n1], xyz[n4] - xyz[n2]))

                if prop.type == 'PSHELL':
                    tflag = elem.tflag
                    ti = prop.Thickness()
                    if tflag == 0:
                        # absolute
                        t1 = elem.T1 if elem.T1 else ti
                        t2 = elem.T2 if elem.T2 else ti
                        t3 = elem.T3 if elem.T3 else ti
                        t4 = elem.T4 if elem.T4 else ti
                    elif tflag == 1:
                        # relative
                        t1 = elem.T1 * ti if elem.T1 else ti
                        t2 = elem.T2 * ti if elem.T2 else ti
                        t3 = elem.T3 * ti if elem.T3 else ti
                        t4 = elem.T4 * ti if elem.T4 else ti
                        raise RuntimeError('tflag=%r' % tflag)
                    assert t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 > 0., 't1=%s t2=%s t3=%s t4=%s' % (
                        t1, t2, t3, t4)
                    t = (t1 + t2 + t3 + t4) / 4.

                    # m/A = rho * A * t + nsm
                    #mass_per_area = model.nsm + rho * model.t

                    mpa = prop.nsm + prop.Rho() * t
                    #mpa = elem.pid_ref.MassPerArea()
                    #m = mpa * area
                elif prop.type in ['PCOMP', 'PCOMPG']:
                    # PCOMP, PCOMPG
                    #rho_t = prop.get_rho_t()
                    #nsm = prop.nsm
                    #rho_t = [mat.Rho() * t for (mat, t) in zip(prop.mids_ref, prop.ts)]
                    #mpa = sum(rho_t) + nsm
                    mpa = prop.get_mass_per_area()
                elif prop.type == 'PLPLANE':
                    #raise NotImplementedError(prop.type)
                    raise NotImplementedError(prop.type)
                m = area * mpa
                mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass,
                                          cg, I)
        elif etype == 'CQUAD':
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                n1, n2, n3, n4 = elem.node_ids[:4]
                prop = elem.pid_ref
                centroid = (xyz[n1] + xyz[n2] + xyz[n3] + xyz[n4]) / 4.
                area = 0.5 * norm(cross(xyz[n3] - xyz[n1], xyz[n4] - xyz[n2]))

                if prop.type == 'PSHELL':
                    t = prop.Thickness()
                    mpa = prop.nsm + prop.Rho() * t
                elif prop.type in ['PCOMP', 'PCOMPG']:
                    mpa = prop.get_mass_per_area()
                elif prop.type == 'PLPLANE':
                    #raise NotImplementedError(prop.type)
                    raise NotImplementedError(prop.type)
                m = area * mpa
                mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass,
                                          cg, I)

        elif etype == 'CSHEAR':
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                n1, n2, n3, n4 = elem.node_ids
                prop = elem.pid_ref
                centroid = (xyz[n1] + xyz[n2] + xyz[n3] + xyz[n4]) / 4.
                area = 0.5 * norm(cross(xyz[n3] - xyz[n1], xyz[n4] - xyz[n2]))
                mpa = prop.MassPerArea()
                m = area * mpa
                mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass,
                                          cg, I)
        elif etype in [
                'CONM1', 'CONM2', 'CMASS1', 'CMASS2', 'CMASS3', 'CMASS4'
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_mass_ids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.masses[eid]
                m = elem.Mass()
                centroid = elem.Centroid()
                mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass,
                                          cg, I)
        elif etype == 'CTETRA':
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                n1, n2, n3, n4 = elem.node_ids[:4]
                centroid = (xyz[n1] + xyz[n2] + xyz[n3] + xyz[n4]) / 4.
                #V = -dot(n1 - n4, cross(n2 - n4, n3 - n4)) / 6.
                volume = -dot(xyz[n1] - xyz[n4],
                              cross(xyz[n2] - xyz[n4], xyz[n3] - xyz[n4])) / 6.
                m = elem.Rho() * volume
                mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass,
                                          cg, I)
        elif etype == 'CPYRAM':
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 = elem.node_ids[:5]
                centroid1 = (xyz[n1] + xyz[n2] + xyz[n3] + xyz[n4]) / 4.
                area1 = 0.5 * norm(cross(xyz[n3] - xyz[n1], xyz[n4] - xyz[n2]))
                centroid5 = xyz[n5]
                centroid = (centroid1 + centroid5) / 2.
                volume = area1 / 3. * norm(centroid1 - centroid5)
                m = elem.Rho() * volume
                mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass,
                                          cg, I)
        elif etype == 'CPENTA':
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6 = elem.node_ids[:6]
                area1 = 0.5 * norm(cross(xyz[n3] - xyz[n1], xyz[n2] - xyz[n1]))
                area2 = 0.5 * norm(cross(xyz[n6] - xyz[n4], xyz[n5] - xyz[n4]))
                centroid1 = (xyz[n1] + xyz[n2] + xyz[n3]) / 3.
                centroid2 = (xyz[n4] + xyz[n5] + xyz[n6]) / 3.
                centroid = (centroid1 + centroid2) / 2.
                volume = (area1 + area2) / 2. * norm(centroid1 - centroid2)
                m = elem.Rho() * volume
                mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass,
                                          cg, I)

        elif etype == 'CHEXA':
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]
                n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8 = elem.node_ids[:8]
                #(A1, c1) = area_centroid(n1, n2, n3, n4)
                centroid1 = (xyz[n1] + xyz[n2] + xyz[n3] + xyz[n4]) / 4.
                area1 = 0.5 * norm(cross(xyz[n3] - xyz[n1], xyz[n4] - xyz[n2]))
                #(A2, c2) = area_centroid(n5, n6, n7, n8)
                centroid2 = (xyz[n5] + xyz[n6] + xyz[n7] + xyz[n8]) / 4.
                area2 = 0.5 * norm(cross(xyz[n7] - xyz[n5], xyz[n8] - xyz[n6]))

                volume = (area1 + area2) / 2. * norm(centroid1 - centroid2)
                m = elem.Rho() * volume
                centroid = (centroid1 + centroid2) / 2.
                mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m, mass,
                                          cg, I)

        elif etype in no_mass:
        elif etype == 'CBEND':
            model.log.info('elem.type=%s doesnt have mass' % etype)
        elif etype.startswith('C'):
            eids2 = get_sub_eids(all_eids, eids)
            for eid in eids2:
                elem = model.elements[eid]

                #if elem.pid_ref.type in ['PPLANE']:
                    m = elem.Mass()
                    model.log.error('etype = %r' % etype)
                centroid = elem.Centroid()
                if m > 0.0:
                    model.log.info('elem.type=%s is not supported in new '
                                   'mass properties method' % elem.type)
                    mass = _increment_inertia(centroid, reference_point, m,
                                              mass, cg, I)
                elif etype not in etypes_skipped:
                    model.log.info('elem.type=%s doesnt have mass' % elem.type)

    if mass:
        cg /= mass
    mass, cg, I = _apply_mass_symmetry(model, sym_axis, scale, mass, cg, I)
    # Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz = I
    return mass, cg, I